2017 中职 正式赛卷 职业英语技能 服务类-职场应用题目3

2017 中职 正式赛卷 职业英语技能 服务类-职场应用题目3
2017 中职 正式赛卷 职业英语技能 服务类-职场应用题目3


For Contestant A Only

选手A:某公司想要为员工提供健身房(health club)福利,以强健其体魄。假设你是该公司的总经理助理,手上有对健身房各个方面的要求。你的队友是




1. 阅读公司对健身房的各方面要求,填写任务单中的Section 1;

2. 向队友询问三家健身房的相关信息,填写任务单中的Section 2;

3. 与队友讨论,选出一家你们认为最能符合公司要求的健身房,完成任务单中

的Section 3;


4. 准备第二阶段的汇报内容。


1)What is your group’s task?

2)Which health club have you chosen for the company?

3)Why have you chosen this health club? (Please give detailed reasons why you have

chosen this health club and haven’t chosen the other two.)


For Contestant A Only

Please read the requirements for a health club for staff use.

Dear Mr. Lucas,

To support our staff, I would now like to offer health club membership to all employees. Obviously, we do not have space to build a gym in our offices so can you find a suitable health club in the local area? The health club should meet the following requirements:

?Be located near our offices

? A wide range of facilities including a gym, a swimming pool and classes such as yoga ?Open 24 hours a day

?Have a social programme and a bar or a restaurant

?Less than 350 yuan per month per person

Please look into the available options and get back to me as soon as possible.




For Contestant A Only


Section 1 Read the requirements for a staff health club and complete the following form.

Details Requirements

Location It should be close to _______.

Facilities The health club should have ______, _______ and _______. Opening hours It should be open _______.

Social programme Have a social programme and a _________ or a ________.

Cost Less than ________ per month per person.

Section 2 Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.

Details Information about each health club

Location Health club A: ________________________________ Health club B: ________________________________ Health club C: ________________________________

Facilities Health club A: ________________________________ Health club B: ________________________________ Health club C: ________________________________

Opening hours Health club A: ________________________________ Health club B: ________________________________ Health club C: ________________________________

Social programme Health club A: ________________________________ Health club B: ________________________________ Health club C: ________________________________

Cost Health club A: ________________________________ Health club B: ________________________________ Health club C: ________________________________

Section 3 Discuss the question with Contestant B and make a decision. Which health club do you choose for the company?

□Health club A □Health club B □Health club C


For Contestant B Only

选手B: 某公司想要为员工提供健身房(health club)福利,以强健其体魄。假设你是该公司的办公室负责人,手上有三家健身房的资料。你的队友是公司




1. 认真阅读三家健身房的情况介绍,提取相关信息;

2. 与队友沟通,提供其所需信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 2;

3. 与队友讨论,选出一家你们认为最能满足要求的健身房,协助其完成任务单中的

Section 3;


4. 准备第二阶段的答问内容。


What can companies do to encourage employees to be healthy?


For Contestant B Only

Please read the following information about the three health clubs and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.

Health club A

?Facilities available—gym, pool and classes

?Open 24 hours

? 1 kilometre from the office

?Social programme and bar available

?350 yuan per month per person

Health club B

?Facilities available—gym, pool and classes

?Open 7 to midnight

? 2 kilometres from the office

?Small café and no social programme

?260 yuan per month per person

Health club C

?Facilities available—gym, pool and classes

?Open 24 hours

? 1.5 kilometre from the office

?Social programme and bar and restaurant available

?310 yuan per month per person

Three questions for Task 3

1. Do you think companies should offer more than just a salary to their employees?

2. What can companies do to encourage employees to be healthy?

3. When choosing a company to work in, what is the most important for you besides

salary? Why?

Section 1 Read the requirements for a staff health club and complete the following

Suggested Answers

Question 1

?Yes, I do. I think employees will be much happier if they have things such as a travel card for transport or a canteen at work.

?No, I don’t think so. They should just pay a salary high enough so that employees can get these extra things themselves.

Question 2

?I think they can encourage people to get up from their desk and move. Or they could offer some basic exercise classes at work.

?They could offer activities in the evenings or at weekends, such as playing a team sport together or going on a walk together.

Question 3

?The most important thing for me is to have interesting work. People have to work long days so it is important that they like their job.

?I think the most important thing is the people who work for the company. You need to have good relationships with your boss and your colleagues.
