全新主题大学英语精读3 词汇讲解与参考译文

全新主题大学英语精读3 词汇讲解与参考译文
全新主题大学英语精读3 词汇讲解与参考译文

Unit Four

Western Economics 101

Section A

Adam Smith


1) [U] extending or being extended 伸展;延长;被延长

The extension of scientific knowledge has benefited us a lot.


2) [C] extra period of time 宽限的期限

I am going to ask for an extension on this essay.


Local shops have been granted an extension to opening hours.


Will the bank give you an extension on the loan?


by extension: something being naturally connected to or being a natural result of something else 自然地,当然地

She hates all businessmen and, by extension, me.


His report contained serious criticisms of the finance director, and by extension, of the entire management.



vt. bring up and educate (children) 抚养,养育;培养(子女)He put forward many scientific methods of rearing children.


It is far from easy for an eighty-year-old grandma to rear two grandsons all by herself.


n. (the ~) back part of anything 后部,后边,后面;背后

The rear of the house was seriously damaged.


The main entrance is at the rear.



ponder: v. think carefully about something for a long time before reaching

a decision 仔细思索;斟酌

As I pondered over the whole situation, an idea struck me.


Lisa pondered for a while before answering.


Esteban sat pondering the state of his marriage.



The interest is exempt from income tax.


Currently, developing nations are exempt from certain restrictions on carbon emissions.


be a slave of / to: be completely influenced by something so that you cannot make your own decisions 完全受……的控制

be a slave to duty / convention / drink 被职务/习俗/杯中物所左右的人

A lot of kids nowadays are slaves of fashion.


5. come and go (Para. 2): exist or be present in a place for a short time and

then stop or depart 时来时去,时隐时现

6. historic(Para. 2): a. famous or important in history 历史上有名的;具有


areas of special architectural or historic interest 独特的建筑或历史名胜区This is a historic meeting between two great leaders.


7. betterment (Para. 3):n.(sing.) (fml.) improvement, esp. in someone’s

social and economic position 改善;提高(尤指个人的社会和经济地位)

Education is one of the surest ways to achieve betterment.


9. towering (Para. 3): a. extremely impressive, important, or successful 令人


Adam Smith is a towering genius of his time.


Einstein is one of the towering intellects of the age


10. contributor (Para. 3):n. [C] (fml.) somebody or something that helps to

cause something to happen 起作用的人或因素

Order and quiet are important contributors to a good learning environment.


13. erode: v.

1) gradually destroy or reduce something such as someone’s power, rights

or confidence 逐步损害,削弱(权力、权利或信心)

The rights of the individual are being steadily eroded.


She feels that her personal authority has been eroded.


Western support for the leader was slowly eroding.


2) (of acids, rain, wind, etc.) destroy or wear something away gradually(指


Metals are eroded by acids.


14. undermine: vt.

1) injure a person, reputation, health, etc. gradually and secretly 逐渐损害


She tried to undermine his authority at every opportunity.


These economic policies may threaten to undermine the health care system.


Her self-confidence was undermined by repeated failures.


divine: a.

1) of, from or like God or a god 上帝或神的;上帝或神赐予的;如同


divine intervention / inspiration / justice 神的干预/启示/审判

the authority of divine law 神圣的法律权威

He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.


2) (infml.) extremely good or pleasant 绝妙的;极令人愉快的

We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.


Their new house is quite divine!


16. innovate (Para. 5):vi. start to use new ideas, methods, or inventions 革


They prepare to innovate in order to make progress.


The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate.


17.bewildering:a.confusing, esp. because there are too many choices or

things happening at the same time 令人困惑的

There is a bewildering range of skin care products to choose from.


He gave me directions to his house, but I found them so bewildering that I had to ask several people how to get there.


be consistent with: be in agreement 一致,相符

These results are consistent with the findings of the previous study.


all the more…: so much more 更……

We’ll have to work all the harder with two members of staff away ill.


If we get help the work will be finished all the sooner.


The rise in prices is all the more serious because we are not selling enough goods abroad.


self-interest:n. [U] consideration only of what is best for oneself rather than other people 自私自利,利己之心

His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.


The company’s donation was surely motivated by self-interest as it attracted a lot of media attention.


perceive…as…: interpret something in a certain way; view 理解或领悟某事物;认为

I perceived his comment as a challenge.


Computers were often perceived as a threat.


unseemly:a. (fml.) not polite or not suitable for a particular occasion 不体面的,不合礼节的,不得体的

Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public.


inference: n.

1) [C] something that one thinks is true, based on information that one

already knows 推断结果;推论

They hope to draw inferences about how information is organized in a person’s memory.


It is impossible to make inferences from such a small sample.


It is a reasonable inference that he would have told someone about his plans.


If he is guilty, then by inference, so is she.


segment: n. [C] part of something that is in some way different from the whole部分

A large segment of the public is against the new tax.


People over the age of 85 make up the fastest-growing segment of the elderly.


25. sustenance (Para. 7):n.[U] (fml.) food that keeps people strong and

healthy (使人健康强壮的)食物;营养

The children were thin and badly in need of sustenance.


open (sth.) up: create a new opportunity or possibility 创造,开创;展现

A new life was opening up before her.


The trip opened up an opportunity to understand the culture of this small country.


all but: everything or everyone except something or somebody 除……外


the thirty-two delegates (all but four of them women) 32位代表(除四人


The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.


It was clear of all but the faintest trace of smoke.


27. resonate:vi.产生情感共鸣

This issue has resonated with voters more than any other.


Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar

family situation.



28. sentiment(Para. 8): n.

1) [C/U ] opinion or feeling one has about something 感想;观点

It is my sentiment that we should vote against the motion.


I share your sentiments entirely.


2) [U] feeling of pity, love, sadness, etc. that are often considered to be too

strong or not suitable for a particular situation感情用事;多愁善感

There is no place for sentiment in business!


The film is flawed by slight sentiment.


29. delve(Para. 8): vi. look for information by searching through something

thoroughly 探究

This biography delves deep into the artist’s private life.


She delved into the origins of the custom.


30. motivation(Para. 8): n. [U] eagerness and willingness to do something

without needing to be told or forced to do it 动力;积极性

Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.


His problem is that he has no motivation to succeed.


cohesion: n. [U] 团结,凝聚(力)

Religious beliefs can provide cohesion in diverse societies.


32. exhibit:


Moira is exhibiting classic signs of depression.



He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.


n. [C] something that one puts in a public place so that people can go to see it 展品,展出物

Many exhibits were donated by local millionaire John Severi.


Each exhibit was clearly labelled with a name and number.


33. fashion(Para. 8): vt.

1) influence and form someone’s ideas and opinions 影响;形成,塑造 Our attitudes to politics are fashioned by the media.


They are trying to fashion a new approach to teaching English.


initiation: n. [U] act of making something start, esp. an official process (尤指正式的)开始,创始

Youth councils will be set up for the initiation of these projects.


My initiation into skiing was not a success.



a. plain and easy to see显而易见的;明显的

a manifest error of judgment明显的判断错误

Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.


vt. show a feeling, attitude, etc. 显示,表明,表露感情、态度

They have so far manifested a total indifference to our concerns.



v. (fml.) start to fight with an enemy in battle 开始与……交战

Our orders are to engage (the enemy) immediately.


Enemy planes engaged the troops as they advanced into the mountains.


vt. occupy or attract (somebody’s thoughts, attention, etc.) 吸引……的注意力

Nothing engages his attention for long.


a handful of: a very small number of people or things少数;几个

Only a handful of people in the country can do work as complicated as this.


Only a handful of countries have implemented these regulations.


toil:vi. work very hard for a long period of time 苦干,辛勤劳作

I have been toiling away at this essay all weekend.


Farm labourers have to toil in the fields all day.


46.longevity(Para. 10): n.[U] (fml.) long life (正式)长寿

The inhabitants enjoy good health and longevity.


The diet promotes health and longevity.


47. owe sth. to sb. : feel gratitude (to somebody) in return for a service,

favour, etc. (对某人)感激,感恩

I owe my teachers and parents a great deal.


I owe a lot to my wife and children.


gratitude:n. [U] being thankful; readiness to return kindness 感激,感谢;感恩

Tears of gratitude filled her eyes.


I couldn’t adequately express my gratitude to Francis.


I didn’t get a single word of gratitude for all my trouble.


PART V Translation


1 1723年,亚当·斯密出生于柯卡尔迪。当然,这里也成了现代经济学的诞生之地并养育了你们的财政大臣。我不禁在想,这片人才辈出的热土在何种程度上培养了财政大臣闻名于世的财经才能。

2 在人类的历史长河中,思想起着举足轻重的作用。事实上,这个世界几乎不受治于他物。正如约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的名言所


3 在物质上曾经积极促进文明进步的为数不多的知识分子当中,毫无疑问就有亚当· 斯密。他为现代世界的发展做出了杰出的贡献。在他的论著《国富论》中,斯密超越了前辈的认识,全面论述了当时刚刚出现的市场经济的运行机制。在他的著述中,他支持社会体制的各种变革,而这些变革将大大提高世人的生活水准。

4 斯密生活的时代,市场力量正开始侵蚀残存的顽固僵化的封建习俗、中世纪惯例以及随后的重商主义。宗教改革帮助人们逐渐消除神赐王权的观念。在这些改革思想和重大事件的影响下,18世纪初期,出现了一种要摆脱牧师影响与挣脱国家束缚的个人意识。

5 我们现在所理解的法治,也就是对个人权利和个人财产的保护,所涵盖的范围更广,它鼓励人们加倍努力地去生产,去交易,去创新。一个全新的经营体制开始发展起来,虽然其复杂性和影响面让人有些困惑,但它依然表现出一定的稳定性,就像被一只“无形之


6 亚当·斯密总结道:要增加一国的财富,只要合法,每个人都应该能“自由地按自己的方式追求个人利益,自由地凭借自己的企业和资金与别人竞争。”“我们所需的一日三餐不是来自屠夫、酿酒家或面包师的施舍,而是来自他们出于自己利益的打算。”虽说个人会追逐私有财富的增加,但“一只无形之手会引导”他去推动公共利益,“当然这并不是他的本意。”最后这个见解更加不同凡响,因为在人类历史相当长一段时期里,追逐私利——实际上是试图积累财富——已被认为是不当行为,在一些情况下还是违法行为。

7 在几乎没有做什么严格实证分析的情况下,斯密得出了有关商业体制和商业机构之本质的概论。这些概论推导出了一套原理,这些原理在那个时代将深刻影响并改变文明世界的某个重要领域。以此为依据的各个经济制度首先创立足以能养活国民的食物标准,并为以后——乃至更远的将来——创造出延长预期寿命的物质生活条件。这些物质条件的发展使个人为自己设定长期发展目标成为可能,而这种可能性对前几代人来说几乎是微乎其微。

8 今天,亚当·斯密的深刻见解仍能像当初《国富论》出版时一样引起共鸣。在早于《国富论》近20年出版的《道德情操论》中,他试图研究人类积极性和相互合作的根源。他认为只有加强公民文明合作与文明生活的机制,人类的同情心才是增强社会凝聚力的主要因素。人们与生俱来的是非观念会指导他们的生活,这大概应验了自然法则的存在。那些情操确定了每个人的价值取向及这些取向的强度。在斯密看来,似乎只有在那些能够显现人们天性的思维与行动上才会存在理性思考。

9 在过去两个世纪里,学者们已经对这些问题进行了广泛研究,但我们对与生俱来的价值取向根源的认识仍主要形成于和启蒙运动针锋相对的辩论中。今天,大多数的经济决策还符合那些早期多少有点儿以自己的合理私利来行事的个人想法。如果不是那样,经济变量的波动会比我们在市场中大多数情况下看到的还要大。事实上,如果没有合理私利的设想,古典经济学上的供求曲线可能不会相交,也就不会产生市场价格。比如,如果没有斯密“无形之手说”这一国际版本的指导,人们可能很难想象今天那些大得惊人的国际交易量是否还能使经济每天都保持相对稳定。尽管发生在产品市场和金融市场的周期性


10 作为一个主要学科,经济学令人瞩目的地方在于它主要是起源于英国这块土壤。斯密、李嘉图、米尔、马歇尔,还有凯恩斯创立并发展了古典经济学,甚至马克思也是在伦敦撰写了多篇革命论著。在启蒙运动,尤其是苏格兰的启蒙运动中,几位智者其中包括在柯卡尔迪的郊外辛勤创作的斯密和休谟,他们不可思议的远见卓识为人们开创了现代视野,即根据个人利益,进行自由选择,自由行动。因此,今天我们才能享受到斯密那代人难以想象的物质利益,才能长命百岁。我们真的感谢他们,尤其是对亚当·斯密的恩情,我们将无以回报。


第一单元 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其实。 学习英语的几种策略 学习英语决非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种: 1.不要以完全相同的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I’m interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I’m good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或密秘”是“learnthenewsorsecret”,而“获悉某人的成功或到来”却是“learn of someone’s success or arrival”?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后在反复地听。 你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的xx。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们

大学英语精读Book2 词汇复习题

UNIT 8 MONEY 1. Mr. Verder never thought that he would become a member of the board of directors (董事会) because of his __________ origin. A. humble B. previous C. critical D. false 2. __________ he told us __________. A. Until; that we understood B. Not until; did we understand C. It was not until; that did we understand D. Not until; then we understood 3. Now Thomson has obtained __________ from his boss to extend the field of his investigation. A. purchase B. insurance C. determination D. permission 4. __________ I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A. For B. Now that C. Lest D. Despite 5. My mother is anxious to hear any information __________ the results of election. A. concerned B. being concerned C. concerning D. having concerned 6. I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was __________ easy. A. nothing but B. anything but C. something except D. all but 7.They are turned around in a huge machine to get them __________ the forces they will experience in space flight. A. use B. used C. used to D. be used to 8. Barbara __________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. consisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 9. Very few experts __________ with completely new answers to the world's economic problems. A. come to B. come round C. come on D. come up 10. Conservative (保守的) people tend to __________ traditional ideas. A. stick to B. turn out C. set aside D. take over 11. The development of industry __________ the attitudes of men toward art and architecture. A. effected B. spun C. affected D. instructed 12. My __________ to this problem is quite different from his. A. manner B. approach C. behavior D. means 13. John __________ the results of the election with amazing accuracy. A. examined B. predicted C. overlooked D. governed 14. Disabled people should not be __________ the chances to study in university. A. forbidden B. prevented C. rejected D. denied 15. The Prime Minister refused to __________ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position. A. relate B. frown C. comment D. catch UNIT 7 CULTURE 1. He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ________ in the car accident. A. connected B. taken C. seated D. involved 2. As the dictionary says, “graciousness” ________ means being polite, kin d and generous. A. literally B. gracefully C. exactly D. constantly 3. He insisted that she ________ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice. A. could B. would C. might D. should 4. We don't believe that those special kinds of leaves are _______. A. actual B. edible C. ridiculous D. comprehensive 5. She was scared to ________ her father’s wishes. A. go about B. go through C. go against D. go on 6. Many a parent ________ to go through this same painful process. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having 7. ________ the war finally came to an end. A. It was not until 1972 that B. No sooner it was 1972 than C. Hardly it was 1972 that D. Scarcely it was 1972 when 8. He drove to the airport to ________ Mr. Dixon who came to see him from Orillia. A. pick up B. set out C. call for D. tone down 9. It is considerate ________ you to do me a favor at this moment. A. to B. for C. of D. about

大学英语精读3 unit6单词

zombie n.还魂尸 Whiff n. 一吹, 一阵香气, 香烟的一口violation n.违反, 违背, 妨碍 vested adj. 既定的 underworld n. 黑社会 undercut v. 削弱, 廉价出售 ultimately adv.最后, 最终 troop n.群, 组,军队, 大量transportation n.运输, 运输工具, 运输系统symptom n.症状, 征兆 stigma n. 耻辱, 污名n. 柱头 stamp v.镇压,压制 smuggle v. 走私, 偷运, 偷带 sin n.原罪v.犯罪, 违反(教规) sentiment n.情绪, 感情, 观点, 感伤segregate v.分离, 隔离, 分凝adj.分离的segment n.部分, 弓形,瓣, 段, 节vt.分割sane adj.心智健全的, 明智的 sanction n.批准, 约束力,处罚 rum 朗姆酒 reverse v.逆转, 倒退, 互换;改变 repeal n. 废止, 撤消v. 废止, 撤消remove v.消除, 脱掉, 免除, 搬迁relentless adj.冷酷无情的, 不间断的reduce v.减少, 缩小, 使落魄, 简化, 还原recreation n.消遣, 娱乐 rebuttal n. 反驳, 反证 rationale l n.基本原理, 基础理论 pusher n. (毒品等的)非法销售者 pump v.用泵等抽出或压入 proverbial adj. 众所周知的 prosecutor n.公诉人, proponent n.提倡者, 支持者 prohibition n. 禁止, 禁令 premium n.额外费用, 奖金, 保险费 plus prep.加, 加上 persuasion n. 说服, 劝说, 信念 permanent adj.永久的, 持久的 per prep.每, 每一, 经过, 按照paradigm n.模式 outweigh v.比... 重要, 比... 有价值opium n. 鸦片, 麻醉剂 narcotic n. 麻醉药 multifaceted adj. 多层面的mount v.,举行 moralist n. 道德学家, 卫道士 mission n.使命, 代表团, 任务, 布道minimize v.将... 减到最少, 贬低 mild adj.温和的, marijuana n. 大麻 mainliner n. (静脉中注射毒品的)瘾君子logic n.逻辑, 逻辑学, 条理性, 推理 lift vt.解除(法令等) kick v.剔除,戒绝(恶习)intoxicant adj. 醉人的 insight n.洞察力 impoverish vt. 使贫困, 使贫瘠, 使枯竭impose v. 加上, 课征, 强迫, 征收(税款) illusory adj. 虚幻的, 幻觉的 illegal adj.非法的, 不合法的n.非法移民hooked adj.,吸毒成瘾的 heroin n. 海洛因 gaping adj.敞开的 exhortation n.劝告, 训词, 讲道词enforcement n.执行, 强制,实施 dwarf vt.使矮小 dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 divine adj.神圣的, 神的 disprove vt.证明... 是不对的, 提出... 的反证demon n.魔鬼, 恶魔, deglamorize vt.使失去迷惑力criminalization n.(制定法律)宣告为非法criminal adj.犯罪的, 刑事的, 违法的 cop n.警察 antismoking adj. 反对吸烟的 confiscation n. 没收;征用;充公 coke n. 可卡因 cocaine n. 可卡因 citizenry n. (总称)公民, 市民catastrophic adj.灾难的, 灾难性的 cartel n.卡特尔,联合企业, bureaucratic adj. 官僚的, ban v.禁止, 剥夺权利 bail v. 往外舀水, 使摆脱困境 anew adv. 重新, 再 analogy n.类比, 相似, 类似 alcoholic n. 酗酒者 advocacy n. 拥护, 支持, 鼓吹


Unit1 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. Unit3 1) 许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。 Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition. 2) 除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣。 Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students' interest in a subject. 5) 我已经把我的简历(résumé)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。 I have sent off my résumé to several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply. 6) 她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。 Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs. 7) 我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。 We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed. Unit5 1 就能力而言,我肯定他能胜任这件工作。 As far as ability is concerned, I am sure he will qualify for the job. 6) 在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。 In the West, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time. 7) 抱歉, 时间不多了,我建议我们跳到最后一章。 Sorry time is running out; I suggest we skip to the last chapter. 8) 既然你决心尽快完成硕士课程(master's program), 那就别让你的社交生活(social life)妨碍你的学习。 Since you have set your mind to finishing your master's program as soon as possible, don't let your social life stand in the way of your studies. Unit6 1) 装了(fitted with) 假肢(artificial leg),他起初走路走不稳,但经过锻炼他的步子(step) 稳了。 Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily / shakily at first, but with practice his steps became steady. 2) 医生说我得了重感冒,给我开了四种药,三种是药片,饭后服,另一种是药水 (liquid),睡前服。 The doctor said I had caught a severe cold and she prescribed me four different medicines. Three of them are pills to be taken after meals and the other is liquid to be drunk before going to bed. 4) 汽车早已开走看不见了,珍妮 (Jenny) 还站在大门口凝视着路的尽头。 Jenny was still standing at the gate gazing at the end of the road long after the car was out of sight. 6) 一般来说,通过增加供给或减少需求可以降低物价。 In general, prices may be brought down by increasing supply or decreasing demand. Unit7 1) 像平常一样,他在开始洗漱(get washed)前,将收音机调至早晨七点的新闻广播。 As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a.m. news broadcast before he began to get washed. 2) 有许多文件要签,但紧急的只有这份合同。 There are a lot of papers to sign, but the only urgent one is this contract. 3) 在该市,因吸毒(drug abuse)和赌博(gambling)而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。 In that city crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on the rise, and the local government seems unable to figure out a way to cope with it. 5) 我敢肯定那座楼在空袭(air raid)中一定被完全炸毁了。 I bet the building must have been completely destroyed in the air raid. 2) 即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常温习功课才行。 Even if you are one of the best students in class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often. 4) 情况确实是如此,有些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标。 It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals. 5) 他坚持认为这次实验的失败主要由于准备不足(inadequate)。 He maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparation. 6) 如今研究人员提倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。Researchers now recommend that we take time every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds. Unit10 1.事实上,对于这次海难(shipwreck)报纸上的说法不一。 In fact, there are different accounts of the shipwreck in the newspapers. 2.据说这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。 It is said that the area was well advanced in agriculture as early as 2,000 years ago. 3.瞧他是如何操作这机器的,然后就照着做。 6.圣诞节和元旦相隔一周时间。 There is an interval of a week between Christmas and New Year's Day. unit7 the big chance良机 He wasn't the kind to pick a secretary by the color of her hair. Not Bill Hargrave. Both Paula and Nancy had been smart enough to know that. And for some time everyone in the office had known that one of them, Paula or Nancy, was going to get the job. In fact, the decision would probably be made this afternoon. Hargrave was leaving town and wanted to settle the matter before he left. 他不是那种根据头发的颜色来挑选秘书的人。比尔〃哈格雷夫不是那种人。波拉和南希都很聪明,明白这点。一段时间以来,办公室里人人都知道,她俩中的一个,不是波拉就是南希,将要得到这个职务。事实上,决定可能就在今天下午作出。哈格雷夫就要外出,要在动身前安排好这事。 The two girls could see him from their desks outside his office. Maybe it was only some correspondence that he was looking at with cool, keen eyes. But for a moment his finger seemed to pause above those two efficient little pushbuttons. If he pressed the left one, it would be Paula's pulse which would begin to beat faster. 两个姑娘可以从他办公室外面各自的办公桌那儿看到他。他那沉着、热切的目光正在注视着的可能只不过是则信函而已。可是有那么一会儿,他的手指似乎在那两个颇有效率的小按钮上踌躇着。要是他按左边那个,就会使波拉的脉搏加快跳动 Paula couldn't keep her eyes off that light on her desk. She kept making mistakes in her typing and nervously taking the sheets of paper out in order to start all over again. 波拉的目光一直盯着桌上的那个小灯。她打字时老是出错,老是情绪紧张地把纸拉出来,以便重新开始。 She leaned across her typewriter and said to Nancy, "They boss is all dressed up today. He must be going on a special trip." 她靠在打字机上对南希说:?头儿今天穿得上下笔挺。他准是要作一次不同寻常的旅行。?She was just talking to relieve her nervousness. Nancy took her time about answering. She wasn't used to having Paula talk to her in such an intimate tone. (1)Not since they'd learned a month ago that they were both in line for a promotion, for the important job as Bill Hargrave's secretary. 她说话不过是为了消除紧张情绪。南希没有马上回答。她不习惯波拉用如此亲昵的口吻和她说话。一个月前,她们就得知她俩之中将有人获得提升,担任比尔〃哈格雷夫的秘书这一重要职务。从那时起,南希就对波拉用如此亲昵的口吻和她说话觉得别扭。 well, the job was worth going after. There was the salary, for one thing. And there was the prestige. The boss' secretary knew a great deal about the business. And there were the interesting people she got to talk to. The important people. And the boxes of perfume, flowers, and candy they often left on her desk. And there was Bill Hargrave for a boss. Young and clever and attractive. That was a factor, too. 嗨,这工作还是值得去努力的。一方面是薪水的问题。另外还有地位的问题。头儿的秘书了解很多业务情况。还有那些她将能与之交谈的有趣的人。那些重要人物。还有他们常留在她桌上的一包包香水、鲜花和糖果。当然还有比尔〃哈格雷夫这个头儿。年轻聪明又有魅力。那也是一个因素。 (2)Paula didn't need any lessons when it came to office politics. She was the one who was always busy when someone of little importance in the office wanted his material typed. "Sorry, but it's impossible. Jack. Why not ask Nancy?" and they did ask Nancy. It left Paula free to do Bill Hargrave's work in a hurry. She was never too busy for Bill's work. 说到办公室里明争暗斗那一套,波拉可算是无师自通。办公室里无关紧要的人要想把什么材料打出来时,她总是不巧正忙着。“对不起,杰克,可没有办法。为什么不让南希打呢?于是他们果然就让南希打。这样波拉就有时间把比尔·哈格雷夫的东西赶紧打出来。给比尔打东西她从不嫌忙。 When Hargrave finally pressed one of those buttons it was at Paula's desk that the light went on. She started to make a grab for her notebook, but she quickly took out her mirror first. Then she grabbed up her notebook and an envelope that was on the desk. 等到哈格雷夫终于按了那两个按钮中的一个时,亮起来的是波拉桌上的灯。她起身去抓笔记本,可很快先掏出了镜子。随后她一把抓起笔记本,还有桌上的一个信封。 (3)As for Nancy, what else could she do but sit there with her pretty blonde head bent over her typewriter? Nancy was a natural blonde, and that seemed the best way to describe her, she just didn't seem to know any tricks such as Paula did for making herself more popular with the boss. 至于南希,她除了低垂着她那满头漂亮金发的脑袋坐在那儿打字以外,还能干别的什么呢? 南希是个不会做作的金发碧眼女郎,这样描绘她似乎是最恰当不过了。波拉为取悦头儿耍的种种花招,她却好像一窍不通。 The moment Paula got inside Hargrave's office he asked about that stateroom. 波拉一进办公室,哈格雷夫就问高级客舱的事。 She handed him the envelope. It contained the two tickets. "That's your stateroom number on the outside," she said in a businesslike way. 她把那个信封递给他。里面有两张票。?信封上是高级客舱的编号,?她用事务式的口气说 She had on a blue flannel suit, something like Bill's, and it was clear he thought she looked pretty smart in it. 她身穿一套法兰绒蓝套装,跟比尔穿的有点相仿,他显然觉得她穿这套衣服很漂亮。 He looked again at the number of his stateroom and he put the envelope carefully in his inside pocket. 他又看了看高级客舱的编号,把信封小心翼翼地装进里面的口袋。 Then he told her she was going to have a new job. He mentioned the salary, too. He didn't neglect to mention the salary. 接着他就跟她说了。她将有个新工作。他也提到了薪水。他没有忽略薪水的事。 She took it just right - in a very businesslike manner. Just enough of gratitude. And then, the old sportsmanship how sorry she felt about Nancy. She didn't look sorry. 她很得体地接受了这个决定——完全公事公办的态度。恰到好处的感谢。随后展示了她那久已具有的运动家风度。她说为南希感到非常遗憾。她并没有流露出多少遗憾的神情。 (4)And neither did Bill. He told her it was okay, that she shouldn't worry about Nancy, that Nancy wasn't made for the job anyway, and that besides, he and Nancy were leaving on their honeymoon tonight. Tonight at eight-fifteen. 比尔也没有显出遗憾的样子。他对她说,这没什么,她用不着为南希担心,反正南希生来就不适合干这种工作,再说,他和南希今晚就要去共度蜜月了。今晚8点15分。


Unit1 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说我对英语感兴趣是I'm 湩整敲瑳摥椠?湅汧獩屨,而说我精于法语则是???潧摯愠?牆湥档?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说获悉消息或秘密是汜慥湲琠敨渠睥?牯猠捥敲屴,而获悉某人的成功或到来却是汜慥湲漠?潳敭湯?环猠捵散獳漠?牡楲慶屬?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片18 / 1 或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。 5.广泛阅读。广泛阅读很重要,因为在我们的学习环境中,阅读是最重要、最可靠的语言输入来源。在选择阅读材料时,要找你认为有趣的、不需要过多依赖词典就能看懂的东西。开始时每天读一页是个好办法。接下去,你就会发现你每天可以读更多页,而且能对付难度更高的材料。6.经常写。写作是练习你已经学会的东西的好方法。除了老师布置的作文,你还可以找到自己要写的理由。有个笔友可以提供很好的动力;与某个跟你趣味相投但来自不同文化的人进行交流,你会学到很多东西。经常写作的其他方式还有记日记,写小故事或概述每天的新闻。 语言学习是一个积累的过程。从读和听中吸收尽量多的东西,然后再试着把学到的东西通过说和写加以运用,定会大有收益。 Unit2 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在六十五岁时开始了只身环球航行。本文记述的就是这一冒险故事。 Sailing Round the Word 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在独自驾船作环球航行之前,已有好几次让他的朋友们感到吃惊了。他曾试图作环球飞行,但没有成功。那是1931年。 好多年过去了。他放弃了飞行,开始航海。他领略到航海的巨大乐趣。奇切斯特在首届横渡大西洋单人航海比赛中夺魁时,已经五十八岁。他周游世界的宿愿重又被唤起,不过这一次他是要驾船环游。由于他患有肺癌,朋友们和医生们都认为他不该去,但奇切斯特决意实施自己的计划。


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


翻译答案3大学英语精读 Unit1 1.发言人明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取

消这次旅行。The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2.我们相信他所说的,因为他受过良好的教育,出生于受人尊敬的家庭,更重要的是他为人可靠。We trust what he has said,because he is well educated, comes from a respectable family ,and what's more ,he is reliable.

3.随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑是对的。The subsequent events once again confirmed that my suspicions were right. 4.在赛后举行记者招待会上,这位足球教练因该队表现不佳而向球迷们致敬。At the press conference held after the game, the football coach apologized to the s poor performance. 'fans for his team 5.令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是个贪官。To our surprise ,the governor, who had

often been praised for his honesty ,turned out to be a corrupt official. 6.只有少数工人工人得到提升,在这同时却有数百名工人被解雇。A few workers were promoted ,but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7.如果有机会,约翰也许成为一位杰出的画家了。Given the chance, John might


大学英语精读1课文翻译 Unit1 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说 "我对英语感兴趣"是"I'm interested in English",而说"我精于法语"则是"I'm good at French"?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说"获悉消息或秘密"是"learn the news or secret",而"获悉某人的成功或到来"却是"learn of someone's success or arrival"?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。
