










固定搭配题中有一部分试题主要考察习语的用法,出题者往往针对这些短语的意思设置一些符合汉语思维习惯的干扰项,以增加试题的难度,如2006年的第68题,主要考查on sb’s heels 的用法,而干扰项则设置了back,toes等单词,从汉语思维习惯上看,这些单词与on组成的固定短语似乎都可表达同类的意思,但实际上,在英语中,几个短语的意思却完全不同,考生在平时学习的过程中就要注意区分这些短语的意思。




例1 According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ____ of 59 percent.[真题2007]

A. ratio

B. percentage

C. proportion

D. rate


考点是名词词义和用法辨析题。rate比率通常用于 at the rate of(按......的比率)。Ratio 比、比率,多以具体数据体现两个关系平行的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较项必须同时出现;percentage 百分比,因后面已经出现百分数,可排除此项;proportion 比例,通常用于 in proportion to(依照比例;和.....相比)和 in the proportion of(以......的比例)。


例2 The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the _____ cause of the tides.[真题2008]



考点是形容词词义辨析题。Principal 主要的;basic 基本的;initial 最初的;elementary 初步的,基本的。


例3 The reception was attended by_____ members of the local community. [真题2006] A.excellent B. conspicuous C. prominent D. noticeable


考点是形容词词义辨析题。Excellent 出色的,优秀的,指非常好或质量很高的;conspicuous 用以形容明显的或值得注意的事物;prominent 突出的,著名的,表示高于众人,而受人注意;noticeable 形容能被注意或察觉的事物。本题是要说明 local community 中的一些人,因此prominent 更符合语境,为答案。


例4 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but_____ slightly in the afternoon.[真题2006]






例1. I must leave , if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.[真题2007]


Accidentally 偶然地,意外地; incidentally 附带地,顺便提及; eventually 最后,终于;

Naturally 自然地。前文提到要走了,后文说到下次可以带书来,将答案一一代入,可以



例2 we met Mary and her husband at a party two months ago. _____ we’ve had no further communication.[真题2004]



Thereafter 其后,其后,可用于句首连接句子,如:Thereafter we heard no more of this suggestion.(以后这个建议不再有人提起了。) thereof 其,其中,如:an evil and the remedy thereof(一项弊端及其补救办法);thereby 借此,由此;thereabouts 在那附近,大约。


例3 We have been hearing ______ accounts of your work.[真题2003]

A.favoured D. favouring


Favourable 赞成的,有利的,起促进作用的,根据句意,符合题意。Favoured受优惠的,有特权的和favourite 偏爱的,特别喜爱的,均不符题意。尽管favouring与favouable 有类似含义,但在英语里动词的-ing形式与形容词形式相比,更强调动作性,具有瞬时性,因此远不如形容词常用。


例4 The book gives a brief ____ of the course of his research up till now.[真题2004]


Give an outline of 概要说明,如:The professor gave an outline of American history.(教授简短概要地谈了谈美国历史。) D项outlook与outline 同根,但意为前景,观点,不符合题意;reference作提及讲时,用于结构make reference to;frame 框架,结构。




例1 After a long delay, she ____ replying to my e-mail.[真题2007]

A.got away with back at by round to


Got away with 逃避惩罚;got back at 实行报复; got by 通过,混过;got round to 腾出时间来做。显然,只有D符合题意。


例2 The director tried to get the actors to _____to the next scene by hand signals.[真题2005]

A.move on off out along


Move on 后接to,表示继续前进到,转入,如:Can we move on to the second question(我们可以转入讨论第二个问题吗)该词组符合题意,是正确答案。Move off 离开,出发; move out 搬出去; move along 朝某一个方向走动,走开。




例1 The customer expressed her____ for that broad hat.[真题2001]



Distaste后与for搭配,表示不喜欢、厌恶,故为答案。Disapproval后与of 搭配,表示不赞成、不同意;dissatisfaction后与with搭配,表示不满;dismay用作名词时前面常与介词in或which搭配,表示沮丧地,气馁地。


例2 At three thousand feet, wide plains begin to appear, and there is never a moment when some distant mountain is not_____.[真题2003]

A.on view a glance the scene sight


四个短语都可表达看的意思:on view 展览着,陈列着;at a glance撇下;on the scene 出场,出现;in sight 被看见。根据 distant mountain(远处的山)可以知道D项最符合题意。


例3 Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and____ her lips.[真题2007]



Smack one’s lips为固定搭配,意为(馋得)舔嘴唇。



Tip 1 根据上下文的补充说明关系


例 1 Obviously,the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were____ and not planned.[真题1998]



本题空后的and not planned 没有经过准备是对前面空白处的补充说明,因此空白处应填spontaneous 自发的,即席的。


例2. His ideas are invariably condemned as____ by his colleagues.[真题2005]



本句中的condemn 谴责,反对表明其后的形容词是贬义。四个选项中只有impractical 不切实际的,不实用的带贬义,因此是正确答案。Ingenious 聪明的,精巧的是褒义;imaginative 富有想象的和 theoretical 理论上的都是中性词。


例3. First, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act_____.[真题2008] A.sensitively


此题要注意句子前后的关系,不能只考虑用哪个词来修饰动词act。根据First,and then 可知,知道了他的计划才能采取相应的行动,accordingly 意为相应地,故选D。Sensitively 易感知地,神经过敏地;imaginatively 想象地;efficiently 有效地。


Tip 2 根据上下文因果关系

如果题干中出现表示因果关系的信号词,如as,for,hence,because,as a result,consequently,thus,so,therefore,for this reason, so that,so...that...,such...that...,thereby,result in等,往往可以利用句意之间存在的因果关系推测答题。

例1. She was so fat that she could only just____through the door.[真题2006]



题目中的so...that表明了胖的结果是挤不进门,C项squeeze意为挤,故为答案。Assemble 集合,聚合;appear 出现,呈现;gather聚合,集合。


例 2. We realized that he was under great___, so we took no notice of his bad temper.[真题2005]



题目两个分句用so连接,根据之间的因果关系可知,引起坏脾气的原因应该是stress 压力,而不可能是crisis 危机,excitement 激动,nervousness 神经过敏。


Tip 3 根据上下文转折关系


例 1. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a______.[真题2005]





例 2. Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her_____seemed to change.[真题1998]



前后两个分句用but连接,前文提到things went well,后文说到change,故可知答案为luck 运气。But 后的分句中luck seemed to change 相对things went well。


Tip 4 根据构词法推测单词含义


例1. Thousands of ______at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.[真题2007]



Audience的词根为audi 听,原指听众,后来因为电影电视的出现,也可指这些节目的观众;participants的词根为participate 参与,指加入其中的人,如参加比赛或活动的人;spectators的词根为 spect 看,指观众,尤其观看体育比赛的观众;observers 的词根为serve,原指待在一旁伺机服务的人,他们经常需要察言观色,因此后来指观察者。通过构词法分析这些词,可知spectators符合语境,为答案。


例 2. There has been a____ lack of communication between the union and the management.[真题2002]



-ful表示充满......的,regretful意为后悔的,惋惜的,感到遗憾的,一般用来形容人,如She was deeply regretful for what had happened.(她对所发生的事情深表惋惜。);-able表示能......的,可......的,regrettable意为令人遗憾的,可惜的,一般用来描述某件事。Regretting 和regretted 都是分词形式,一般不用作形容词。而题目说明工会和管理层之间缺乏交流是可惜的,故答案为regrettable。


Tip 5 根据固定搭配选择


例1. The thieves fled with the local police close on their_____.[真题2006]



On one’s heels 是一个固定搭配,意思是紧随其后,紧追不舍。


例2. She’s always been kind to me ---I can’t just turn_____on her now that she needs my help.[真题2007]

A.my back head eye shoulder


Turn one’s back on sb. 是习惯用语,意思是不理睬,拒绝帮助。


Tip 6 区分动词的及物与不及物


例 1. Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but_____slightly in the afternoon.[真题2006]



本句句意为股票交易市场的股票价格在早上时暴跌,但是在下午时有些回升。分析此空应填一个不及物动词,regain 和restore均为及物动词,故排除A和C。Recover为不及物动词时,表示(健康)回复到正常状态,(股价)回升,符合句意,选B。Recover指人苏醒或经济复苏。


例2. The local police are authorized to____anyone’s movements as they think fit.[真题1998]



空格后有宾语 anyone’s movements, 因此需填入及物动词。Pause为不及物动词,可先排除。Halt作及物动词时,表示使停止,使立定;repel 表示击退,抵制,使厌恶,使不愉快;keep 表示保持,保存,遵守。根据句意,B正确


Tip 7 区分施动者与动作对象


例1. I couldn’t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was ___.[真题2004]



根据句意可排除spill 倒。而drain和drop都含有(液体)流的意思,如何进行排除呢这就要其动作的施行者一般是哪些人或物,drain虽可表示流走,流干,滴干,且用作不及物动词时,主语应该是流走的物体本身,如血、雪等;drop 表示滴落,且用作不及物动词时,主语应该是滴下的水等物体本身。而本题中主语是the tap,是流出液体的载体,不是液体本身,故可排除drain和drop。Drip一词可以表示(某物)往下滴水,故D正确。


例2. Professor Johnson’s retirement_____from next January.[真题2005]

A.carries into effect effect effect into effect


虽然carry into effect, take effect和put into effect都有实施,生效的意思,但用法却大不一样。Carry/put/bring into effect 一类的词组是使......生效的意思,要带宾语或用被动语态;而take/come/go into effect一类的词组可以独立使用,可以直接说:sth. takes/comes into/goes into effect。题目中retirement是主语,因此只能选B。C 项has effect表示有效果或影响,与句意不合。


Tip 8 利用动词词组中的介词或副词


例 director tried to get the actors to______to the next scene by hand signals.[真


A.move on off out along


句子的大意是导演想用手势让演员____到下一个场景,结合句中的next可推测,需填入的词应该有转换或继续之义。四个词组中的介词on有继续之义,故可判断A正确。Off表示离开,远离,out表示外,向外,along 沿着。


例2. He will have to____his indecent behaviour one day.[真题2003]

A.answer to for back about


动词宾语indecent behaviour,不体面的行为表明需填入的词组应有承担,为......负责之义。For表为了......,由于,由此可判断B正确。To 表方向或达到,导致, back 回,about表关于、将来或附近。



英语专四词汇表(A) abdomen n. 腹,腹部 abolish vt. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj. 土著的,原来的n. 土著居民 aborigine n. (澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi. 多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v. 删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj. 突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v. 宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于

abuse n. 滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n. 附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj. 附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的accommodate vt. 供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi. 适应accompaniment n. 陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj. 完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n. 一致,符合,调和,协定vt. 一致,给与vi. 符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv. 因此,从而 accordion n. 手风琴adj. 可折叠的 ace n. (纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt. 承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt. 使熟知,通知

acquaintance n. 相识,熟人 acrobat n. (走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n. 首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n. 针刺疗法 acute adj. 敏锐的,激烈的,严重的[医]急性的,剧烈 adapter n. 适配器,改编者 addict n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人 adhere vi. 粘附,胶着,坚持v. 坚持◆adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于adherence n. 粘着,忠诚,坚持 adjacent adj. 邻近的,接近的◆be adjacent to接近 admiral n. 海军上将,舰队司令,旗舰


1. My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?" A. must be B. must have been C. had been D. had to be 2. It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him. A. do you become B. then you become C. that you become D. have you become 3. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ___ the atmosphere. A. as it is B. so is C. the same as D. and so is 4. While driving along the treacherous road, ___ . A. my right rear tire blew out B. my right rear tire had a blowout C. I had a blowout on my right rear tire D. I had my right rear tire blowout 5. Jean Wagner's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American Poetry is his insistence that ___________ it in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. A. is to be analyzed B. has been analyzed C. be analyzed D. should have been analyzed 6. __ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect. A. Since B. When C. While D. Unless 7. This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community _____ any of them could inpidually and to promote Western art by women. A. rather than B. rather C. than D. other than 8. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ___ suffering and poverty. A. anything but B. nothing but C. none other than D. no more than 9. After ___ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor's office. A. it B. that C. what D. which 10. The board deemed it's urgent that these files ___ right away. A. had to be printed B. should have been printed C. must be printed D. should be printed 11. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___ on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated 12. __ in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at 13. Nobody came to see me while I was out, ___ ? A. did they B. didn't they C. did she D. didn't she 14. You will see this product ___ wherever you go. A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising 15. Suddenly ___ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on ___ fire. A. /, a B. The, / C. a, / D. /, the 16. If you ___ Jerry Brown until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange. A. shouldn't contact B. weren't to contact C. didn't contact D. hadn't contacted 17. Scientists think __ helps some trees to conserve water in the winter. A. when losing leaves B. leaves are lost C. that losing leaves D. the leaves losing


2020届英语专四专八语法与词汇练习题 (后附详细答案) 1. There is no ___ in the world for her children. A. love greater than a mother B. love greater than that of a mother C. love greater as a mother D. great love as that of a mother 2. I didn't see her in the meeting-room this afternoon. She ___ at the meeting. A. mustn't have spoken B. shouldn't have spoken C. needn't have spoken D. couldn't have spoken 3. Pop music is such an important part of society ___ it has even influenced our language. A. as B. that C. which D. where 4. Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ___ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words. A. as B. so C. thus D. like 5. __ it may be, there is no place like home. A. As humble B. Though humble C. Humble as D. If humble 6. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years __ they are fully accepted. A. when B. before C. after D. where 7. Which of the following is INCORRECT? A. Many a boy and many a girl have seen the film before. B. He said he would go to Shanghai on business the next day. C. I forgot to bring your umbrella with me. D. His father has left his homeland for fifty years. 8. He must have lived a happy life a few years ago, ___ he? A. didn't B. hasn't C. mustn't D. can't 9. What does "You cannot give him too much money" mean? A. You shouldn't give him too much money. B. The more money you give him, the better. C. You can't give him a lot of money. D. You ought to give him less money.


pacific a.和平的n.太平洋pack vt.捆扎;挤满n.包package n.包裹,包,捆packet n.小包(裹),小捆 pad n.垫;本子vt.填塞 page n.页 pail n.桶,提桶 pain n.痛,痛苦悲伤;辛劳painful a.使痛的;费力的paint vt.画;油漆vi.绘画painter n.漆工,画家,绘画者painting n.油画;绘画;着色pair n.一对vi.成对,配对palace n.宫,宫殿 pale a.苍白的;浅的 palm n.手掌,手心;掌状物pan n.平底锅,盘子 panda n.小猫熊;猫熊 pane n.窗格玻璃 panel n.专门小组;面,板pant n.气喘;心跳 paper n.纸;官方文件;文章

parade n.游行;检阅vi.游行paradise n.伊甸乐园;天堂paragraph n.(文章的)段,节parallel a.平行的;相同的parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包pardon n.原谅;赦免vt.原谅parent n.父亲,母亲,双亲 park n.公园;停车场 parliament n.议会,国会 part n.一部分;零件;本份partial a.部分的;不公平的partially ad.部分地 participate vi.参与,参加;分享particle n.粒子,微粒 particular a.特殊的;特定的particularly ad.特别,尤其,格外partly ad.部分地,不完全地partner n.伙伴;搭挡;配偶party n.党,党派;聚会 pass vt.经过;通过;度过passage n.通过;通路,通道passenger n.乘客,旅客,过路人


英语专四词汇表 英语专业四级词汇(新大纲) academic / AkE demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accommodate / E kRmEdeit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation / E,kRmE deiFE n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accumulate / E kju:mjulei t/ vt.积累 vi.堆积 accuracy / AkjurEsi/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate / Akjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse / E kju:z/ v t.指责;归咎于 acid / Asid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的 acquaintance / E kweintE ns/ n.认识;了解;熟人acquire / E kwaiE/ vt.取得;获得;学到=get acre / eikE/ n.英亩(=6.07亩) adequate / Adikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的=enough=abund ance advisable / Ed vaizEbl/ n.明智的;可取的 affection / E fekFEn/ n.慈爱,爱;爱慕=kindess alcohol / AlkEhRl/ n.酒精,乙醇 alloy / AlRi, E lRi/ n.合金;(金属的)成色alternative / R:l tE:nEtiv / n.替换物;取舍,抉择aluminium / Alju minjEm/ n.铝 ancestor / AnsistE/ n.祖宗,祖先 anchor / ANkE/ n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate / An tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望=expect= hope=wish apparatus / ,ApE reitEs/ n.器械,仪器;器官=organ=ma chine appetite / Apitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望 appliance / E plaiEns/ n.用具,器具,器械=instrument applicable / AplikEbl/ a.能应用的;适当的=proper=app rociate approach / E prEutF/ vt.向…靠近 n.靠近 approval / E pru:vEl/ n.赞成,同意;批准 approve / E pru:v/ vt.赞成,称许;批准 arbitrary / a:bitrEri/ a.随心所欲的;专断的


专四词汇 概论:最新《英语专业四级考试大纲》要求考生掌握《大纲》规定的基础阶段认知词汇(5500-6000个),并且能正确、熟练地运用其中3000-4000个单词及其最基本的搭配。 专四词汇题与语法题一起出现在同一部分,均采用多项选择题,每题有四个选项。每年的语法与词汇有30道题,题目中的50%为单词、词组和短语用法题。 考点介绍:在2001年至2013年专业四级真题的190道词汇选择题中,固定搭配题有56道,约占词汇题的19%。固定搭配题主要测试学生对英语中的习语和固定用法的了解程度,还检查学生对名词、动词和形容词与其他词的搭配的掌握程度。 从历年考题看,无论是固定用法还是词语间的搭配,其实都可以归结为动词短语、名词短语、形容词短语和介词短语的用法,如2006年真题的第68题考查的是介词短语的固定用法,2009年的第72题考查的是动词短语,而2005年的第75题考查的是形容词短语。在所有固定搭配中,应特别注意动词、名词或形容词与介词的搭配,这往往是考试的难点。 解题技巧:对于固定搭配题的考查,从根本上说,需要考生对动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配关系或介词短语的意思非常熟悉,这样才可能做对试题。而且,在答题的过程中应注意以下两点: 1)正确判断考点 很多试题的四个选项均为名词、动词或形容词,但实际考查的是这些词与介词的搭配关系。因此在做这类题的时候,如果句中空格前或者空格后有介词,就要首先考虑考点是否为搭配关系。考点明确了,就会有判断的依据,避免片面根据词义进行猜测而导致答题错误。 2)不要受汉语思维习惯的干扰 固定搭配题中有一部分试题主要考察习语的用法,出题者往往针对这些短语的意思设置一些符合汉语思维习惯的干扰项,以增加试题的难度,如2006年的第68题,主要考查on sb’s heels 的用法,而干扰项则设置了back,toes等单词,从汉语思维习惯上看,这些单词与on 组成的固定短语似乎都可表达同类的意思,但实际上,在英语中,几个短语的意思却完全不同,考生在平时学习的过程中就要注意区分这些短语的意思。 四大考点:近义词辨析;形近异义词;短语动词;固定搭配 一.近义词辨析: 解析:这类题型的特点是在四个选项中有两个或两个以上的选项在意思上相同或很接近,但在具体的语境中会出现差别。解答此类题需利用题目各部分之间的语义关系和单词用法上的细微区别来选择正确答案。 例1 According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ____ of 59 percent.[真题2007] A. ratio B. percentage C. proportion D. rate D 考点是名词词义和用法辨析题。rate比率通常用于at the rate of(按......的比率)。 Ratio 比、比率,多以具体数据体现两个关系平行的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较项必须同时出现;percentage 百分比,因后面已经出现百分数,可排除此项;proportion 比例,通常用于in proportion to(依照比例;和.....相比)和in the proportion of(以......的比例)。 译文:按照新的税收法,凡是收入超过那个标准的都要按59%的税率征税。 例2 The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the _____ cause of the tides.[真题


英语专八词汇表(A) abdomen n.腹,腹部 abolish vt.废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj.土著的,原来的n.土著居民 aborigine n.(澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi.多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v.删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj.突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v.宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪 abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于 abuse n.滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v.滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n.附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj.附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的 accommodate vt.供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi.适应 accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj.完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n.一致,符合,调和,协定vt.一致,给与vi.符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv.因此,从而 accordion n.手风琴adj.可折叠的 ace n.(纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt.承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt.使熟知,通知 acquaintance n.相识,熟人 acrobat n.(走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n.首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n.针刺疗法 1 / 25


accomplish vt. 完成,实现(计划、诺言等) frustrate vt. 使沮丧;挫败 disrupt vt. 使中断,扰乱 discourage vt. 使泄气;阻止 entail vt. 使承担,需要 bewilder vt. 使迷惑 assure vt. 使确信;确保 timid a. 羞怯的,胆小的 confidence n. 信任;信心 confidential a. 秘密的;表示信任的;担任机密工作的resist vt.抵抗;抗(病等);忍住vi. 抵抗 resistant a.(to)抵抗的,耐…的 restrain vt.阻止;抑制 refrain vi.(from)抑制,戒除n.(诗歌的)叠句setback n. 挫折,倒退 limitation n. 限制;(常pl.)局限

confine vt.限制;使不外出n.(pl.)界限 restrict vt. 限制 expand v. 扩张;膨胀 expansion n. 扩展;膨胀 stretch v. 伸展,延伸;使倾注全力n. 一段时间;伸展,延伸finance n. 财政;(常pl.)资金vt. 为…提供资金 bonus n. 奖金;额外给予的东西 enlarge v. 扩大;放大 budget n. 预算v.(for)做安排a. 低廉的 disclose vt. 透露 expose vt. 暴露;(to)使处于…作用之下;揭露 uncover vt. 揭露;揭开…的盖子 abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃 quit v. 停止,放弃;离开 resign vi. 辞职vt. 放弃;(to)使顺从 surrender v. 投降,放弃;(to)屈服(于) n. 投降,放弃


二级词汇:Absence Accelerate Accordingly Accountant Accuse Ache Adapt Admire Adventure Affection Aggressive Album Alcohol Alert Alongside Aluminium Ambulance Amuse Amusement Amusing Ancient Anger Anniversary Apartment Appliance Approximate Approximately Arrest Arrow Artificial Ashamed Aside Astonish Atmosphere Author Avenue Badge Ban Bare Barely Bargain Bark Barn

Barrier Basement Bat Beam Behave Belief Bench Bible Blade Blanket Bold Bolt Bond Boom Boost Border Bounce Bow Brake Brand Brass Breast Breath Breed Bucket Bug Bulk Bull Bump Bunch Burden Burst Bury Bush Butcher Cable Calender Canal Cancer Capture Cart Cassette Castle

Catalogue Cement Certificate Chamber Champion Charm Chart Cheek Chemist Chew Chimney Choke Circuit Civilization Civilize Clash Classic Classical Click Cliff Climate Clinic Clip Cloth Cock Collapse Collar Column Comedy Compact Comprehensive Compromise Concrete Condense Confess Congratulate Congratulation Consequently Contest Contrast Convenience Convenient Convention


1. The atmosphere ________of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. a. composes b. comprises c. consists d. constitutes he was in the office he ________doing something to doing nothing. a. preferred b. liked c. favored d. approved when cooled and expand when heated. a. decrease b. reduce c. condense d. contract your raincoat with you_________ it rains. a. by chance b. in case c. at large d. on occasion 5. He was afraid he would have to _________her invitation to the party. a. refute b. refuse c. reject d. decline the Committee last Saturday the following proposal was agreed ________ by those present. a. to b. with c. over d. at went to see the exhibition ________ the storm. a. but for b. in spite of c. for the sake of d. instead of my surprise, at yesterday's meeting he again brought ________ the plan that had been . disapproved a week before. a .about b out c. back d. up doctor took X-rays to ________ the chance of broken bones. a. make sure b. rule out c. break down d. knock out felt it rather difficult to take a stand _________ the opinion of the majority. a. for b. against c. to d. by has behaved in the most extraordinary way recently; I can't ______his behaving like that at all. a. look into b. break through c. account for d. get over did it come ________ that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework a. about b. along c. around d. by could produce no evidence _____ his argument. a. in respect of b. in view of c. in support of d. on account of government should ________ with the irrational regulations restricting drinking hours. a. break away b. come up c. get away d. do away.. 15. I know him well enough to accept his explanation ____________. a. without question b. by all means c. at any cost d. in any case 16. It was a small country house, but it was large ______ urban standards. a. at b. for c. by d. from 17. The travelers sought shelter __________the rain and happened to find a road-side inn. a. from b. against c. for d. with our attempts to __________the child from drowning were in vain. a. regain b. recover c. reserve d. rescue is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to __________ it. a. deal with b. comment on c. cope with d. dwell on was always taught that it was _________ to interrupt . a. rude b. coarse c .rough d. crude on official _____such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality. a. cases b. situations c. events d. occasions final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage ________upon the world by the war.


1. dental She is a dental doctor. 她是位牙科医生。 dental floss 牙线 dental surgeon 牙医 dental hygienist[医] 牙科保健员(... dental nurse 牙科护士 dentist 牙科医生 dental bulb[医] 牙胚, 牙蕾... dental caries 龋齿 2. depict Her novel depicts life in modern London. 她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。 The fellow depicted the beggar ordinary as a dog. 这家伙把那乞丐描述成一只狗。 The artist depicted him strolling through a garden. 画家描绘了他在花园漫步的情景。 3. deploy The commander deployed his men along the railway. 指挥官把兵力部署在铁路沿线上。 It is a job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed. 这是一项需要施展很多专业技能的工作。 联邦当局因他非法入境而将他驱逐。 They have deported some dissidents from the party.他们已将一些持不同政见者驱除出党。 5. deposition He makes a deposition that he have witness the accident. 他宣誓作证自己目睹了那起事故。 The deposition of fat may be general or local. 脂肪的沉积可以是全身性的,或者是局部性。 6. depress He depressed the keys of the piano with all of his feeling. 他带着所有的情感按下琴键 When the business is depressed, there is usually an increase in unemployment. 当商业萧条时,通常失业就会增加 depress business 商业萧条景气depress one's defeat 使人感到沮丧的失败 depress economically 经济上不景气depress drastically 〔dreadfully 极其忧愁 7. deputy John will act as a deputy for me during my absence. 我离开期间,约翰将代理我的职务。 I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence. 我必须找一个人在我离开期间代理我的职务。 [辨析] deputy, delegate, representative 这三个词都可作“代表”解。delegate 指政府、党派等正式任命的代表; deputy 指被委派正式代表他人具体办事或行使权力的人; representative 则指推选出来的或权力机关正式任命的代表。 8. derivative Derivative works are far more complicated. 派生作品更加复杂。 I found the novel thin and derivative. 我发现这部小说内容单薄庸俗。 9. desolate War has desolated that city. 战争毁坏了那个城市。


701. She _____ fainted when she heard the bad news. a. all but b. anything but c. nothing but d. would rather 702. He wasn?t very_____ on buying a car, but we talked him into it. a. anxious b. eager c. keen d. crazy 703. Mr. Smith is very jealous _____ his colleague's success. a. in b. to c. with d. of 704. Without a passport, leaving the country is ________. a. beyond question b. without question c. out of the question d. in question 705. Small boys usually _______ little girls and refuse to play with them. a. look down on b. look up to c. look forward to d. look back on 706. We all _______ the achievements he has made in his experiments. a. advertise b. confess c. admire d. realize 707. Wherever there is matter, there is energy; all changes of matter _______ changes in the form of the energy. a. retain b. include c. contain d. involve 708. You can't leave the city: all the roads are _____ by snow. a. covered b. blocked c. filled d. burdened 709. We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. a. held up b. held down c. kept beck d. put back 710. She has fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may come _______. a. over b. back c. round d. about 711. It took you two years to realize he was dishonest. She _____ from the start. a. saw him through b. looked him through c. brought him through d. saw through him 712. Because she hates dishonesty she is ________ yon her son when he tells lies. a. hard b. strict c. heavy d. tight 713. A good newspaper story must come right to the _____ and save the details for later. a. aim b. summit c. point d. purpose 714. When my sister was in hospital, she was _____on by a well-known surgeon. a. worked b. handed c. passed d. operated 715. He was _____ for work, for he could not imagine life without it. a. worried b. proud c. eager d. keen 716. You do not benefit if you do your homework in _______. a. hurry b. haste c. quickness d. speed 717. I didn't realize you wanted to keep the letter. I've _______ it up. a. torn b. pulled c. broken d. smashed 718. I must ______ on your giving me a straightforward answer. a. persist b. insist c. appreciate d. stick 719. He sets ______ a sum of money every week for his old age. a. about b. off c. aside d. apart 720. In _____, I agree with your proposal, but I?m not sure if it will acturally work. a. fact b. practice c. reality d. theory 721. He is all right _____ he is left to do the job in his own way.740. a. so long as b. so far as c. as far as d. even if 722. I can ______ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker. a. advise b. prompt c. recommend d. support 723. The case against Robert Jones was ____ for lack of evidence. a. refused b. dismissed c. eliminated d. discarded 24. I?m sorry to ____ you while you are working, but I must ask you a question about English. a. interfere b. intervene c. intrude d. bother… 725. The National Safety Council urges drivers and passengers to wear seat belts as a _______ against injury. a. caution b. precaution c. safety d. security 726. The fuel gas, if _____ some air, burns rapidly. a. mixed with b. involved in c. connected with d. joined with
