

罗伊诉韦德案(Roe V.Wade,410 U.S.113,1973)

Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade - Then and Now

By Janet Benshoof

On January 22,1973,the United States Supreme Court struck down the State of Texas's criminal abortion laws,finding that the right to decide whether to have a child is a fundamental right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The 7-2 decision in Roe v. Wade would have an immediate and profound effect on the lives of American women. Before Roe,it is estimated that "between 200,000 and 1.2 million illegally induced abortions occur[red] annually in the United States."1 As many as 5,000 to 10,000 women died per year following illegal abortions and many others suffered severe physical and psychological injury.2

To prevent women from dying or injuring themselves from unsafe,illegal or self-induced abortions,women's advocates spearheaded campaigns to reverse century-old criminal abortion laws in the decades preceding Roe. During the 1960s and 1970s,a movement of medical,public health,legal,religious and women's organizations successfully urged one-third of state legislatures to liberalize their abortion statutes.

Roe v. Wade is a landmark decision that recognized that the right to make childbearing choices is central to women's lives and their ability to participate fully and equally in society. Yet,the Supreme Court's decision in Roe was far

from radical —— it was the logical extension of High Court decisions on the right to privacy dating back to the turn of the century. The decision is grounded in the same reasoning that guarantees our right to refuse medical treatment and the freedom to resist government search and seizure. In finding that the constitutional right to privacy encompasses a woman's right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy,the High Court continued a long line of decisions recognizing a right of privacy that protects intimate and personal decisions —— including those affecting child-rearing,marriage,procreation and the use of contraception —— from governmental interference.

The Decision

In its 1973 decision in Roe,the Supreme Court recognized that a woman's right to decide whether to continue her pregnancy was protected under the constitutional provisions of individual autonomy and privacy. For the first time,Roe placed women's reproductive choice alongside other fundamental rights,such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion,by conferring the highest degree of constitutional protection —— "strict scrutiny"—— to choice.

Finding a need to balance a woman's right to privacy with the state's interest in protecting potential life,the Supreme Court established a trimester framework for evaluating restrictions on abortion. The Court required the state to justify any interference with the abortion decision by showing that it had a "compelling interest" in doing so. Restrictions on abortions performed before fetal viability,that is the period before a fetus can live outside a woman's

body,were limited to those that narrowly and precisely promoted real maternal health concerns. After the point of viability,the state was free to ban abortion or take other steps to promote its interest in protecting fetal life. Even after that point,however,the state's interest in the viable fetus must yield to the woman's right to have an abortion to protect her health and life.

Immediately following the Roe decision,those who did not want to see women participate equally in society were galvanized. The far right initiated a political onslaught that has resulted in numerous state and federal abortion restrictions and contributed to a changed Supreme Court,ideologically bent on eviscerating Roe. The right to choose became the target of not only the religious right,but also right-wing politicians and judges who used the Roe decision to attack the "judicial activism" of the Supreme Court and its purported failure to adhere to the text of the Constitution and the "ori

ginal intent" of its framers. This backlash reached its peak during the three terms of Presidents Reagan and Bush. Beginning in 1983,the U.S. solicitor general routinely urged the Supreme Court,on behalf of the federal government,to overturn Roe. In addition,when appointing Supreme Court justices,Reagan and Bush used opposition to Roe as a litmus test. During this twelve-year period,five justices - O'Connor,Scalia,Kennedy,Souter,and Thomas - were appointed. Not one of these five,who still constitute a majority on the Court today,supports the "strict scrutiny" standard of review established by Roe.

The Dismantling of Roe

Shortly after the Roe decision,state legislatures began passing laws in hopes of creating exceptions to it or opening up areas of law that Roe did not directly address. No other right has been frontally attacked and so successfully undermined,and all in the course of two decades —— the same two decades that sustained advances in other areas of women's rights,including education and employment.

Teenagers were the first successful target. In 1979 the Court endorsed state laws that required parental consent,as long as they were accompanied by a complicated system whereby minors could assert their privacy rights by requesting a hearing before a state judge on whether they were "mature" or an abortion was in their best interests (Bellotti v. Baird)。

The next assault on Roe was directed at low-income women. In 1980 the Hyde Amendment,which prohibited Medicaid from covering most abortions,was upheld by the Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin (Harris v. McRae)。The Court abandoned the neutrality required in Roe,finding that,for poor women,government could promote childbearing over abortion,so long as it did so by manipulating women through public funding schemes,not criminal laws.

Dissenting in City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health (1983),Justice O'Connor called for a radical erosion of Roe and proposed that a lesser standard of constitutional protection for choice be established,

called the "undue burden" standard,in place of the "strict scrutiny" test. By 1989,after the arrival of Justices Kennedy and Scalia and the elevation of William Rehnquist to chief justice,there were no longer five votes to preserve reproductive choice as a fundamental constitutional right. The Court's ruling in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989)demonstrated this new reality when five justices expressed hostility toward Roe in differing degrees and essentially called for states to pass legislation banning abortion in order to test the law.

Three years later,in Casey,the strict judicial scrutiny established in Roe was finally abandoned in a plurality opinion of Justices O'Connor,Kennedy and Souter. Although the Court said it was not overturning Roe's central premise that abortion is a fundamental right,the Casey decision replaced the original "strict scrutiny" standard governing other fundamental rights for the weak and confusing undue burden standard. This opened the door to a host of state and federal criminal restrictions designed to steer women away from abortion and to promote the rights of the fetus throughout pregnancy. Over 300 criminal abortion restrictions have been enacted by legislatures in the past six years alone,none of which would have been constitutional under the original Roe decision.

The Four Pillars of Roe

The Roe opinion was grounded on four constitutional pillars:(1)the decision to have an abortion was accorded the highest level of constitutional

protection like any other fundamental constitutional right;(2)the government had to stay neutral;legislatures could not enact laws that pushed women to make one decision or another;(3)in the period before the fetus is viable,the government may restrict abortion only to protect a woman's health;(4)after viability,the government may prohi

bit abortion,but laws must make exceptions that permit abortion when necessary to protect a woman's health or life.

Only two of the four Roe pillars remain today as a result of the Supreme Court's 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. This decision is the culmination of a steady decline in constitutional protection for the right to privacy. A woman's right to choose is still constitutionally protected,however,the "strict scrutiny" standard was jettisoned in favor of a lesser standard of protection for reproductive choice called "undue burden." Under Casey,state and local laws that favor fetal rights and burden a woman's choice to have abortion are permitted,so long as the burden is not "undue." No longer does the state have to be neutral in the choice of abortion or childbearing. Now the government is free to pass laws restricting abortion based on "morality," a code word for religious

anti-abortion views. States are now permitted to disfavor abortion and punish women seeking abortions,even those who are young and sick,with harassing laws.

Roe in the 21st Century

In 2000,eight years after the Casey decision,the Court agreed to hear another case that opened up Roe for reexamination. During that period,President Clinton had appointed two justices,Ginsburg and Breyer. The first challenge to Roe in the 21st century came in the form of a Nebraska ban on so-called "partial-birth abortion" brought by the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy. The language of the Nebraska ban —— and the cookie-cutter versions passed in 30 states —— was sweeping and broad,and could have included virtually all abortion procedures,even those used in the early weeks of pregnancy. Publicly,however,supporters of these bans camouflaged this fact by using a term made up by the National Right-to-Life

Committee ——"partial-birth abortion"—— and pretending that the bans were designed to prevent doctors from using one particular procedure.

In a 5-4 vote in the case Stenberg v. Carhart (2000),the Court struck down the ban,finding it an unconstitutional violation of Roe and Casey by failing to include an exception to preserve the health of the woman and by imposing an undue burden on a woman's ability to choose an abortion.

In addition,the Court determined that the effect of the ban went well beyond prohibitions against so-called "late term" abortion,finding the ban to be so broad and vague that constitutionally protected abortion procedures performed before viability could be prohibited. The majority decision was joined by four justices,with four separate dissenting opinions filed by Chief

Justice Rehnquist and Justices Scalia,Thomas and Kennedy. Kennedy previously had supported the right to choose abortion in the Casey decision.

The 5-4 vote in Stenberg is an ominous sign for Roe's future. The Supreme Court is only one vote away from overturning Roe,which would be one of the most radical actions taken in the history of the Court. Without Roe,life for American women would be thrown more than 30 years in reverse,returning them to the days when women could not fully control the number and spacing of their children. Without the ability to make this key decision,women will be denied opportunities to realize their future and take advantage of educational and career opportunities.

The world is looking to the U.S. to establish a vision of justice for the 21st century. It is not a time for our political leaders to divide this nation by turning the clock back on women's human rights.

1 Willard Cates,Jr.,and Robert W. Rochat,Illegal Abortions in the United States:1972-74,8 Fam. Plan. Persp. 86,9

2 (1976)(footnote omitted)。

2 See Lawrence Lader,Abortion

3 (1966);Cates & Rochat,supra,at 86-92;see also Nancy Binkin,Julian Gold and Willard Cates,Jr.,Illegal Abortion Deaths in the United States:Why Are They Sti

ll Occuring?14 Fam. Plan. Persp. 163,166 (1982)(Roe resulted in a dramatic decline in deaths due to illegal abortion)。

Janet Benshoof is one of the nation's foremost experts on reproductive rights and privacy law,and has been advocating for women's health and

equality for over twenty years. Benshoof is the founder and president of the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy,a legal advocacy organization dedicated to advancing and protecting women's reproductive rights worldwide.

In 2000,The National Law Journal listed Benshoof as one of the "100 Most Influential Lawyers in America",an honor she has received several times. In 1998,that same publication recognized Benshoof as one of the "50 Most Influential Women Lawyers" in the United States. In 1992,Benshoof received the prestigious MacArthur Foundation fellowship in recognition of her contribution to women's reproductive freedom. Benshoof received her juris doctor from Harvard Law School in 1972.

Roe v. Wade案的过去和现在

1973年1月22日美国最高法院否决了德克萨斯州刑事堕胎法,判定决定是否生育的权利是一项由美国宪法保证的基本权利。Roe v. Wade案件7:2的判决对美国妇女的生活产生了直接和深远的影响。



Roe v. Wade案件的判决具有里程碑的意义,它确认了妇女选择生育的权利对妇女生活的重要意义以及妇女在社会中完全平等的参与能力。然而,最高法院对Roe案件的判决远非根本性的,-它是对19世纪末20世纪初高级法院隐私权判例的合理延伸。这项判决与保证人们绝医疗的权利和抵制政府调查和扣押的自由具有同样的推理基础。为了判定宪法上的隐私权包括妇女选择是否继续怀孕的权利,高级法院延续了一系列判决确定保护私人隐私权免于政府的干扰,包括那些影响儿童抚养、婚姻、生殖和避孕品的使用的判决。








在Roe 案件判决作出不久,州立法机关开始颁布新的法律以期望创建Roe案件判决的例外情况,或者开辟Roe案件未直接管辖的新的法律领域。在整整20年的时间里,没有一种其他的权利被如此正面攻击过,并如此成功的被破坏掉。恰恰在这20年间,妇女权利的其他领域保持蓬勃的发展,包括教育权和工作权。

未成年人成为最初成功被破坏的目标。1979年最高法院批准了州有关于未成年人堕胎需要征求父母同意的法律,只要这种法律规定了一个比较复杂的制度,未成年人可以借此主自己的隐私权,他们可以要求法院召开听证会以讨论他们是否是足够“成熟的”或者堕胎符合他们的最大利益。(Bellotti v. Baird)

对Roe案件判决的第二个攻击目标是低收入妇女。1980年最高法院在Harris v. McRae案中以5:4的比例支持了海德修正案关于禁止医疗补助覆盖大多数堕胎的规定。最高法院放弃了Roe案件所必需的中立性,判决到,对贫穷的妇女来讲,只要政府通过公共财政计划而不是刑法来帮助妇女,政府就能够促进妇女分娩而非堕胎。

因在1983年的City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health案中持不同意见,法官O'Connor号召了一次对Roe案件判决的根本性的冲击,并提议建立一个对宪法保护的选择权的次级标准,即“不适当的负担”标准,以代替“严格审查”标准。到1989年,随着法官Kennedy和Scalia的到来以及法官Rehnquist被提升为

首席法官,最高法院不再有五名法官认为生育权是一种基本的宪法权利。最高法院在1989年Webster v. Reproductive Health Services案件中的裁决证明了这个新的事







根据1992年最高法院在Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey案件中的判决,上述支柱中仅有两个被保留到了今天。这个判决可以作为隐私权的宪法保护持续削弱的顶点。妇女选择堕胎的权利仍然可以根据宪法受到保护,但是“严






在2000年的Stenberg v. Carhart案中,最高法院以5:4的比例否决了布拉斯加州的这个禁令,法院判决道,这个禁令是违反宪法的,也是对Roe和Casey案件判决的违背,因为禁令没有规定保护妇女健康的例外情况,并对妇女选择堕胎的权利施加了不适当的负担。





中文姓氏对应英文拼写 A 艾——Ai 安——Ann/An 敖——Ao B 巴——Pa 白——Pai 包/鲍——Paul/Pao 班——Pan 贝——Pei 毕——Pih 卞——Bein 卜/薄——Po/Pu 步——Poo 百里——Pai-li C 蔡/柴——Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢——Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑——Cheng 崔——Tsui 查——Cha 常——Chiong 车——Che 陈——Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程——Cheng 池——Chi 褚/楚——Chu 淳于——Chwen-yu D 戴/代——Day/Tai 邓——Teng/Tang/Tung 狄——Ti 刁——Tiao 丁——Ting/T 董/东——Tung/Tong

杜——To/Du/Too 段——Tuan 端木——Duan-mu 东郭——Tung-kuo 东方——Tung-fang F 范/樊——Fan/V an 房/方——Fang 费——Fei 冯/凤/封——Fung/Fong 符/傅——Fu/Foo G 盖——Kai 甘——Kan 高/郜——Gao/Kao 葛——Keh 耿——Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭——Kung 勾——Kou 古/谷/顾——Ku/Koo 桂——Kwei 管/关——Kuan/Kwan 郭/国——Kwok/Kuo 公孙——Kung-sun 公羊——Kung-yang 公冶——Kung-yeh 谷梁——Ku-liang H 海——Hay 韩——Hon/Han 杭——Hang 郝——Hoa/Howe 何/贺——Ho 桓——Won 侯——Hou 洪——Hung 胡/扈——Hu/Hoo


中文名字最标准的英文写法就是直接翻译成汉语拼音: Li Leyang或 Lee Yeyang 西方人的习惯是名字在前,姓在后,二者间如果有中间名(Middle name),Middle name一般用简写,中国人如果有英文名字,在正式的场合可以参照这种格式。比如,搜狐创始人、董事局主席张朝阳的英文名字就写成:Charles CY. Zhang. 搜狐所有英文正式文件中张朝阳的名字都是这样写的。 如果没有英文名字,那么应该按照中国人的习惯(姓在前名字在后)直接把中文名字翻译成汉语拼音作为英文写法!很典型的例子,奥运会上,所有中国运动员的名字在运动衣上都是这样翻译的(以前不是,后来国家颁布了《汉语拼音方案》,并解释到《汉语拼音方案》是拼写中文人名地名唯一标准后,统一改过来了),所以,中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写! 两个字的是:比如:张三就应该写:Zhang San 三个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李小言就应该写:Li Xiaoyan 2.复姓,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang 四个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李雨中生就应该写:Li Yuzhongsheng 2.复姓,比如:司马相如就应该写:Sima Xiangru 1. Last Name就是姓,First Name就是名,請勿混淆。 2. "國語羅馬拼音對照表" 乃外交部護照科所採用的中英文姓名翻譯原則,為了保持所有文 件的統一,建議同學根據此表來翻譯姓名及地址。 3. 同學的英文姓名,應由中文姓名音譯,並與大學英文畢業證書、英文成績單、TOEFL / GRE / GMAT考試及申請學校、辦理護照及簽證時所用的英文姓名完全一致,如姓名不 一致,將造成申請學校、辦護照、簽證時身份的困擾,徒增麻煩。 4. 如果有英文別名(如John、Mary...等),可以將別名當做Middle Name。 [例] 王甫平有一個英文別名STEVE,其英文姓名可以下列方式列出: WANG FUPING S Last Name First Name . 5. 如果沒有英文別名,. 處不要填。 6. 如非必要,英文別名最好不要用,只用中文姓名的英譯最為單純。 7. 在國外使用英文姓名的建議:外國人習慣將名放在前面,姓放在後;而中國人的姓名, 則是姓在前名在後,有時在國外填寫資料時常會搞錯,建議在打履歷表、印名片或處理 資料時,如果填寫姓名的地方沒有註明Last Name時,英文姓名正確表達方法可以如: Fuping Wang 或Wang, Fuping


中国百家姓中英文对照And香港拼音 首先应该明确一下,中文姓氏是不存在标准的英文拼写的,因为中文汉字名不论有没有内在含义,一旦转入英文就完全变作拼音名了。也就是说完全根据中文名的读音来进行拼写。那么,之所以外界的拼写和我们不同,很大程度上是受到了汉字方言的影响,即:这种情况普遍出现在没有确立“中国汉语普通话”概念的区域里。 由于我们中国大陆已经确立“普通话”概念,所以大陆范围内无论什么方言,都统统以普通话读音为汉语规范读音,于是拼音体系也自然以普通话为标准。而相比之下,香港地区的官方语言是粤语,于是香港地区的拼音体系也自然是粤语音的描述。 例如:姓氏“陈” 普通话读音为:“Chen” 香港粤语读音为:“残”,于是根据这个读音,再结合英文字母的搭配发音习惯便拼写为“Chan”。 再比如:姓氏“刘” 普通话读音为:“Liu” 香港粤语读音贴近于“劳”,于是香港的“刘”姓便拼写为“Lau”。 所以,由此可以得知英文对于中文汉字的语音翻译非常直白,并没有深层追究的成分。 另外,目前各非英文地区都有一套自定的拼音体系,确保本地区公民姓名翻译成英文后依然有法律认证功能,我们中国大陆自然以汉语拼音为默认准绳。而香港;台湾;乃至朝鲜韩国也都有一套自定的拼音体系,只是他们都是以本地区语音为拼读发音基础。所以同一个汉字在不同区域拼写也不同。 比如:姓氏“金” 中国普通话汉语拼音:“Jin” 中国香港粤语拼音:“Kam” 中国台湾所谓国语通用拼写:“Chin” 中国汉字朝鲜语音拼写:“Kim”

此外还存在拼写为“King”的情况。 由此可见,同一个字的拼写如此多样,而之间不能相互取代,所以并不存在标准的拼写。 虽然各地区似乎都有完善的文字转换英文拼写的体系,但似乎都不能完全符合传统英文发音习惯。这也是东西方习惯的不可调和的矛盾,相比之下东方这些汉字根源地区更注重的是“体系”,而纯粹的英文国家则更倾向于“习惯”,所以双方并不能做到彼此完全吻合。比如:姓氏“宋” 中国大陆汉语拼音拼写为“Song” 中国台湾拼写以及香港拼写均为“Sung” 虽然“宋”字在以上三地的读音基本相同,而且各地区都以自身提起确立了对它的拼写,但如果依照英文的传统发音频度习惯,“Song”和“Sung”均不会正确发出“宋”的音来。中国百家姓(Hundres of Surnames in China)中英文对照 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li


Labor Contract Name of company: Beijing Jiguang Shengda Technology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) According to the laws and regulations of Labor Law of P.R.C., the contract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employment Period The contract duration is 2 years. The contract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1, 2003. 2. Job Content Party A appoints Party B as Manager in Printer Business Department. 3. Labor Protection and Working Conditions Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to relevant regulations of the state and government. 4. Working Time According to the relevant regulations of the state and government, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the working time by negotiating with Party B in case of business need, but the extended time is not permitted to be more than the longest extended working time regulated by the state.


中文名字最标准的英文写法就是直接翻译成汉语拼音:Li Leyang或Lee Yeyang 西方人的习惯是名字在前,姓在后,二者间如果有中间名(Middle name),Middle name一般用简写,中国人如果有英文名字,在正式的场合可以参照这种格式。比如,搜狐创始人、董事局主席张朝阳的英文名字就写成:Charles CY. Zhang. 搜狐所有英文正式文件中张朝阳的名字都是这样写的。 如果没有英文名字,那么应该按照中国人的习惯(姓在前名字在后)直接把中文名字翻译成汉语拼音作为英文写法!很典型的例子,奥运会上,所有中国运动员的名字在运动衣上都是这样翻译的(以前不是,后来国家颁布了《汉语拼音方案》,并解释到《汉语拼音方案》是拼写中文人名地名唯一标准后,统一改过来了),所以,中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写! 两个字的是:比如:张三就应该写:Zhang San 三个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李小言就应该写:Li Xiaoyan 2.复姓,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang 四个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李雨中生就应该写:Li Yuzhongsheng 2.复姓,比如:司马相如就应该写:Sima Xiangru 1. Last Name就是姓,First Name就是名,請勿混淆。 2. "國語羅馬拼音對照表" 乃外交部護照科所採用的中英文姓名翻譯原則,為了保持所有文 件的統一,建議同學根據此表來翻譯姓名及地址。 3. 同學的英文姓名,應由中文姓名音譯,並與大學英文畢業證書、英文成績單、TOEFL / GRE / GMAT考試及申請學校、辦理護照及簽證時所用的英文姓名完全一致,如姓名不 一致,將造成申請學校、辦護照、簽證時身份的困擾,徒增麻煩。 4. 如果有英文別名 (如John、Mary...等),可以將別名當做Middle Name。 [例] 王甫平有一個英文別名STEVE,其英文姓名可以下列方式列出: WANG FUPING S Last Name First Name M.I. 5. 如果沒有英文別名,M.I. 處不要填。 6. 如非必要,英文別名最好不要用,只用中文姓名的英譯最為單純。 7. 在國外使用英文姓名的建議:外國人習慣將名放在前面,姓放在後;而中國人的姓名, 則是姓在前名在後,有時在國外填寫資料時常會搞錯,建議在打履歷表、印名片或處理 資料時,如果填寫姓名的地方沒有註明Last Name時,英文姓名正確表達方法可以如: Fuping Wang 或 Wang, Fuping


中文名字的英文写法精 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

中文名字最标准的英文写法就是直接翻译成汉语拼音: Li Leyang或 Lee Yeyang 西方人的习惯是名字在前,姓在后,二者间如果有中间名(Middle name),Middle name一般用简写,中国人如果有英文名字,在正式的场合可以参照这种格式。比如,搜狐创始人、董事局主席张朝阳的英文名字就写成:Charles CY. Zhang. 搜狐所有英文正式文件中张朝阳的名字都是这样写的。 如果没有英文名字,那么应该按照中国人的习惯(姓在前名字在后)直接把中文名字翻译成汉语拼音作为英文写法!很典型的例子,奥运会上,所有中国运动员的名字在运动衣上都是这样翻译的(以前不是,后来国家颁布了《汉语拼音方案》,并解释到《汉语拼音方案》是拼写中文人名地名唯一标准后,统一改过来了),所以,中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写! 两个字的是:比如:张三就应该写:Zhang San 三个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李小言就应该写:Li Xiaoyan 2.复姓,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang 四个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李雨中生就应该写:Li Yuzhongsheng 2.复姓,比如:司马相如就应该写:Sima Xiangru 1.?Last?Name就是姓,First?Name就是名,请勿混淆。 2.?"国语罗马拼音对照表"?乃外交部护照科所采用的中英文姓名翻译原则,为了保持所有文 ?件的统一,建议同学根据此表来翻译姓名及地址。 3.?同学的英文姓名,应由中文姓名音译,并与大学英文毕业证书、英文成绩单、TOEFL?/ ?GRE?/?GMAT考试及申请学校、办理护照及签证时所用的英文姓名完全一致,如姓名不 ?一致,将造成申请学校、办护照、签证时身份的困扰,徒增麻烦。 4.?如果有英文别名?(如John、Mary...等),可以将别名当做Middle?Name。 ?[例]?王甫平有一个英文别名STEVE,其英文姓名可以下列方式列出: ?WANG FUPING S ?Last?Name First?Name . 5.?如果没有英文别名,M.I.?处不要填。 6.?如非必要,英文别名最好不要用,只用中文姓名的英译最为单纯。 7.?在国外使用英文姓名的建议:外国人习惯将名放在前面,姓放在後;而中国人的姓名, ?则是姓在前名在後,有时在国外填写资料时常会搞错,建议在打履历表、印名片或处理


中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表 中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表.txt我们用一只眼睛看见现实的灰墙,却用另一只眼睛勇敢飞翔,接近梦想。男人喜欢听话的女人,但男人若是喜欢一个女人,就会不知不觉听她的话。在互联网上混的都时兴起个英文名字,一是方便注册用户名,二是有个好英文名容易显得自己比较Cool。但是起英文名时,中文姓氏还是要保留的,并且姓氏一般都有专门的英文翻译,比如“刘德华”的英文名是Andy,刘姓对应的英文翻译是Lau,所以全称便是“Andy Lau”。当然了,我们一般人直接用汉语拼音作为姓氏的英文翻译也可以,但在比较正式的场合下,最好还是用相应的英文翻译。 姓氏的英文翻译跟汉语拼音是有一些细微差别的,这主要由中西方人发音的不同特点来决定的。比如,从声母上来看,D开头的姓,英文翻译对应的是T,G对应的是K,X对应的是HS,Z、J 一般对应的是C,韵母也会有一些细微差别。详细的,请参考如下中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表,正在起英文名的朋友可以看看。 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei


英文翻译中文在线翻译:促进经济平稳较快 发展 英文翻译中文在线翻译:促进经济平稳较快发展 (一)促进经济平稳较快发展 1. Promoting steady and robust economic development 扩大内需特别是消费需求是我国经济长期平稳较快发展的根本立足点,是今年工作的重点。 Expanding domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, which is essential to ensuring China’s long-term, steady, and robust economic development, is the focus of our economic work this year. 着力扩大消费需求。加快构建扩大消费的长效机制。大力调整收入分配格局,增加中低收入者收入,提高居民消费能力。完善鼓励居民消费政策。大力发展社会化养老、家政、物业、医疗保健等服务业。鼓励文化、旅游、健身等消费,落实好带薪休假制度。积极发展网络购物等新型消费业态。支持引导环保建材、节水洁具、节能汽车等绿色消费。

扩大消费信贷。加强城乡流通体系和道路、停车场等基础设施建设。加强产品质量安全监管。改善消费环境,维护消费者合法权益。 We will work hard to expand consumer demand. We will move faster to set up a permanent mechanism for boosting consumption. We will vigorously adjust income distribution, increase the incomes of low-and middle-income groups, and enhance people’s ability to consume. We will improve policies that encourage consumption. We will vigorously develop elderly care, domestic, property management, medical and healthcare services. We will encourage consumer spending on cultural activities, tourism, and fitness; and implement the system of paid vacations. We will actively develop new forms of consumption such as online shopping; support and guide the consumption of green goods such as environmentally friendly building materials, water-saving sanitation products, and energy-efficient vehicles; and expand consumer credit. We will improve the urban-rural logistics system and infrastructural facilities, such as roads and parking lots, strengthen supervision over product quality and


Labor Con tract Name of pany: Beiji ng Jigua ng She ngda Tech nology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) Accord ing to the laws and regulatio ns of Labor Law of P .R.C. , the con tract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employme nt Period The con tract durati on is 2 years. The con tract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1,2003. 2. Job Co ntent Party A appo ints Party B as Manager in Prin ter Bus in ess Departme nt. 3. Labor Protecti on and Work ing Con diti ons Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to releva nt regulatio ns of the state and gover nment. 4. Worki ng Time Accord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the state and gover nment, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the work ing time by n egotiati ng with Party B in case of bus in ess n eed, but the exte nded time is not permitted to be more than the Iongest extended working time regulated by the state. 5. Labor rem un erati on and Welfare Treatme nt (1) Party A should pay the salary in form of curre ncy RMB 3,000 on time and positi on allowa nee RMB 1,000 per month without deducti on and default. (2) In addition to the salary, Party B can get bonus of certain amount. The standard of delivering bonus is: depending on the operation status of the department and individual performance, and offered at the beginning of the ing year. ⑶ If Party A exte nds the work time, Party A should pe nsate Party B 150% salary for the overtime. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng rest days, Party A should pe nsate Party B 200% salary. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng legal holidays, Party A should pen sate Party B 300% salary.


姓名中英文翻译大全 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F:

范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H:

韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang 霍--Huo 皇甫--Hwang-fu 呼延--Hu-yen I: J: 纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬--Chi 居--Chu 贾--Chia 翦/简--Jen/Jane/Chieh 蒋/姜/江/--Chiang/Kwong


艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha 常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H: 海--Hay 韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang 霍--Huo 皇甫--Hwang-fu 呼延--Hu-yen I: J: 纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬--Chi 居--Chu 贾--Chia 翦/简--Jen/Jane/Chieh 蒋/姜/江/--Chiang/Kwong 焦--Chiao 金/靳--Jin/King 景/荆--King/Ching 讦--Gan K: 阚--Kan 康--Kang 柯--Kor/Ko 孔--Kong/Kung 寇--Ker 蒯--Kuai 匡--Kuang L: 赖--Lai 蓝--Lan 郎--Long 劳--Lao 乐--Loh 雷--Rae/Ray/Lei 冷--Leng 黎/郦/利/李--Lee/Li/Lai/Li 连--Lien 廖--Liu/Liao 梁--Leung/Liang 林/蔺--Lim/Lin 凌--Lin 柳/刘--Liu/Lau 龙--Long 楼/娄--Lou 卢/路/陆鲁--Lu/Loo 伦--Lun 罗/骆--Loh/Lo/Law/Lam/Rowe 吕--Lui/Lu 令狐--Lin-hoo


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


中文名字翻译成英文 一般就是把中文名字用拼音方式写出即可,注意大小写规定和前后顺序要求。 例如:张三 Zhang San 或者 San Zhang 根据英文习惯,名在前,姓在后,所以第二种更符合外国人习惯,但是第一种现在也很常见,也算对。 张三四 Zhang Sansi 或者 Sansi Zhang 如果遇到三个字的,第三个字的拼音不用大写,但是要和第二个字的拼音连着写不能有空格。 此外,如果有必要,您能够自己起个有意义的或者发音相似的外国名字来用,一般像香港人都会有两个名字,一个中文名,一个外文名。 中文翻译英文其它实用方法 首先不要翻译姓,不要翻译姓,不要翻译姓!把姓放在名字的最后面用拼音写就好了。 按照音译的方式来取名字的话也能够不过有两个问题需要注意一下,第一很多人都会有一样的名字(因为英文里Y等字母开头的名字很有限)第二有些音英语几乎没有所以选出的名字会也许会有点古怪/ 非主流。 我举个例子吧: 黄晓明如果音译的话= 晓明 +Huang/ Wong = Seamus, Shane, Sean, Shayne, Sheldon, Sherman,(sigmund, simon) 这些名字当中 Seamus 是苏格兰名比较粗,Sheldon,Sherman, Sigmund 比较过时。所以要

么 Simon Huang, Sean Huang, Shane Huang.(或者Wong- 对于英国人来说粤语拼音更熟悉)按照名字的意义来翻译不错,不过有的名字不 好翻译,尤其是男人的名字,为什么?因为在英国像‘阳/晓/春/月/ 夏/天’等词更多是用在女孩子的名字,男人用得少。之外觉得我得提 醒大家千万不要直接翻译,千万不要直接翻译,千万不要直接翻译而 且千万不要自己乱起, Sun, Star, Red, Spring, King, Morning,Moon, Green 等词不能够做名字的,几乎所有名词/形容词不能够当 作名字的,需要查‘Name Dictionary' 才能找出名字来。比如晓明:与日出/日光相关,搜一下于相关的名字,名字的意思和来源即可。 中文翻译英文起名注意事项 问题1:所起英文名太常见 第一种问题是起的英文名太常见,如:Henry, Jane, John, Mary. 这就像外国人起名叫赵志伟、王小刚、陈*一样,给人牵强附会的感觉。虽然起名字并无一定之规,但给人的感觉很重要。 问题2:不懂文化差异而犯忌 此外,因为文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅,如:Cat, Kitty,在英 语俚语中,它们指的是女性的阴部。Cat 宜改为Cathy,Kitty 宜改为Kate。 问题3:改名又改姓 一般来说,非英语国家的人到了美国,都可能改名,但没有改姓的。 这关系到家族荣誉,将来还会关系到遗传基因。所以,无论自己的姓 多么难读,都要坚持。常见有人起英文名时连姓也改了,如司徒健Ken Stone,肖燕Yan Shaw。下列英文姓尚可接受,但也不用,如:Young 杨,Lee李。 问题4:英文名与姓谐音


A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha 常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu

东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei 管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun 公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh 谷梁--Ku-liang H: 海--Hay 韩--Hon/Han 杭--Hang 郝--Hoa/Howe 何/贺--Ho 桓--Won 侯--Hou 洪--Hung 胡/扈--Hu/Hoo 花/华--Hua 宦--Huan 黄--Wong/Hwang


翻译练习一(英译汉)小组讨论情况记录 小组成员:赵一,钱二,孙三,李四 本次讨论记录、执笔人:赵一 1.本次翻译文本的目标读者是? 2.本次翻译任务需要达成的目的是? 3.请用注释的形式写出“翻译根据”。翻译根据包括(但不限于)根据翻译目的 对翻译方法(策略)的选择;术语的出处或论证过程;译文选词、造句、结构、篇章等方面的考虑; 原文:在国内众多的历史课本或辅导爱国读本中,讲到北宋的社会经济,往往说这时期出现了中国第一个商标。这枚传说中的白兔商标现存于中国历史博物馆,中间一个白兔图,寓“玉兔捣药”之意. 译文:In various Chinese history textbooks and patriotic readings[i], one thing is always covered in the economic development[ii] of the Northern Song Dynasty—the emergence[iii] of China’s first trademark, which is now kept in the National Museum of Chinese History[iv]. This legendary trademark was designed with a white rabbit image in the middle, implying the message of the Jade Rabbit pounding medicine[v] [i]辅导爱国读本 第一步,理解中文。 所谓“辅导爱国读本”一般指供学生课下阅读的旨在培养爱国情操的材料(当然也可以面向社会读者),内容可以涵盖从古至今国家经济政治文化等各方面情况:讲成就可以培养人们的民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感等等;也可以讲失败、讲教训,激励人们奋发图强,建设祖国。…这些在中国都属于“爱国主义教育”的内容。文中要讲的是北宋出现了中国历史上第一枚商标,这是经济发展的标志之一,算是“成就”,同时此商标设计上又体现了浓郁的中国传统文化特色(玉兔捣药),因此自然会被写入爱国读本让大家了解。 第二步,理解基础上做出一个译文。


正确的中文名翻译英文名【香港粤语拼音】名字如果进行英文拼写则大体会有以下情况中国普通话汉语拼 中国台湾所谓国语通用拼音 中国香港粤语拼音 中国普通话英文接近拼写 AH 亚 AH 雅 AU 区 AU 欧 BIK 碧 BIK 璧 BING 丙 BING 冰 BING 秉 BING 炳 BIT 必 BONG 邦 BUN 斌 CHAI 仔 CHAI 齐






Spacecraft Docking System Based on Computer Vision (居中,三号,Times New Roman,加粗,占4倍行距)Rendezvous and docking are two of the key techniques to implement an Space in-orbit infrastrueture.In this dissertation,an automatic spacecraft docking system based on computer vision is investigated in detail .First,a number of conventional methods of attitude representation are discussed and their complications in dealing with the problem of attitude representation are……(小四号,Times New Roman,行距固定值20磅)

基于计算机视觉的空间飞行器对接系统 (居中,三号,宋体,加粗,占4倍行距) 交会对接技术是发展空间在轨基本设施的关键技术。本文对基于计算机视觉的空间飞行器自动对接系统进行了详细的研究。首先,讨论了许多常规姿态表示方法,并指出姿态表示的复杂性。然后给出李代数法姿态表示和可能的定义。在各种姿态表示下,给出了空间飞行器姿态运动学和动力学方程。为后面建立对接系统数学模型打下了基础……(小四号,宋体,行距固定值20磅)
