
Division One

I. 填空:

1. European Culture is composed of _ the Greco-Roman element____ and ____the Judeo-Christian element__ as two major elements.

2. Greek culture reached its high point of development /climax in

__5th__B.C.______ (century.

3. All Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, King of Macedon in


4. In _146 B.C.__, the Romans conquered Greece.

5. Homer wrote _the_Iliad________ and _the_Odyssey____, two famous epics.

6. __Herodotus___ is called “Father of History” in Greek Culture, who wrote the wars between __Greeks___ and __Persians______________________.

7. The famous writer who wrote comedy in Greek culture is named


8. “The great historian that ever lived” is said to praise

____Thucydides_ (name.

9. The Dialectical Method is put forward by_ _Socrates_________.

10. Academy was established by ____Plato_____, whose philosophy is called


11. Lyceum was established by ___Aristotle____________.

12. Leader of the Cynics is ___Di ogenes______, and “cynic” means


13. The most important thing in life to the Stoics is ____duty____.

14. Elements, a textbook of geometry, was written by __Euclid___.

15. The famous temples in ancient Greece are __the Acropolis at Athens__ and _the Parthenon__.

16. The Romans enjoyed two hundred years of peaceful time, known as_Pax Romana___.

17. In the 4th century, the emperor Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, renamed it _Constantinople__ (modern _Istanbul___.

18. After 395, the Roman Empire was divided into __East(the Byzantine Empire__ and _West__.

19. The East Roman Empire fell to the __Turks__in 1453.

20. “I came, I saw, I conquered” was written by __ Caesar___.

21. Two famous representatives of Roman architecture are __The Pantheon__ and _Pont du Gard and The_Colosseum__.

22. _Horace_ said, “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”.

23. Greek Culture has exerted great, positive influence on the later-on literature, such as Shelley’s __Hellas__ and Byron’s __Isles o f Greece___.

24. The languages that were spoken by Greeks and Romans belong to _ Indo-European Languages ___ (哪个语系.

25. The Roman Law, to some extent, protected the rights of _the plebeians__.

26. With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, there came _the Middle Ages __ (什么时代 lasting one thousand years.

27. _Aeschylus___’s (whose “Prometheus Bound” is a parody adapted by

__shelley__ (he wrote “Prometheus Unbound”.

28. Freud put forward _the Oedipus complex_based on the work, “Oedipus the King ” written by __Sophocles__.

29. The _myths _ was one of the similarities shared by Greeks and Romans as far as politics is concerned.

30. _Cicero_’s (whose political speeches and discourses are the model of Latin diction.

31. The largest amphitheatre in ancient Rome is known as __The Colosseum__.

32. _Democritus__ established the atomic theory.

33. _Heracleitus__ believed fire to be the primary element of the universe.

34. _Socrates__ established the dialectical method.

35. _Pythagoras_ was the founder of scientific mathematics.

36. The humanistic ideas can be traced back to _Aristotle__(the name of

a philosopher.

37. “The master of those who know” was written by Dante to praise _ Aristotle _(the name of a philosopher.

38. Zeno的介绍P30

Zeno was the chief Stoic. He was also a materialist, asserting the existence of the real world. He believed that there is no such thing as chance, and that the course of nature is rigidly determined by nature laws.

II. 名词解释

1、democracy of ancient Greece

Democracy of ancient Greece means “exercise of power by the whole people”,but by “the whole people”the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was a set of rights which a man inherited from his father. Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded. They have no rights.

2、Pax Romana

1In the year 27 B.C. Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the tile of Augustus. 2 Two centuries later, the Roman empire reached its greatest extent in the North and East. 3 The emperors mainly relied on a strong army-the famous Roman Legions and an influential bureaucracy to exert their rules. 4 Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting 200 years. This remarkable phenomenon in the history is know as Pax Romana.

3、Doric Style

1 It is one of three ancient Greek architecture styles.

2 It is also called the masculine style.

3 It is sturdy, powerful, severe-looking and

showing a good sense of proportions and numbers. 4 The Doric style is monotonous and unadorned.

4、Ionic Style

The Ionic style is also called the feminine style. (阴柔的

It is graceful (优雅的 and elegant (优美的。

The Ionic style often shows a wealth of ornament. (装饰性

5、the Sophists

6、the Cynics

7、the Sceptics

8、the Epicureans

9、the Stoics



III. 简答与论述题:


What is the limitation of “Democracy” in ancien t Greece?

How do you understand “Democracy” in ancient Greece?

What is the difference between “Democracy” in ancient Greece and modern democracy?

答:① Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”, but in Greece by “the whole people”the Greeks mea nt only the adult male citizens.

② Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded from Democracy.

2. How did the Greek Culture originate and develop?

① Probably around 1200 B.C., a war was fought between Greece and troy. This is the war that Homer refers to in his epics.

② Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century


A. The successful repulse of the Persian invasion (入侵 early in the 5th century.

B. The establishment of democracy.

C. The flourishing (蒸蒸日上的 of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens.

③ The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.

④ In the second half of the 4th century B.C., Greece was conquered by Alexander, king of Macedon. Whenever he went and conquered, whenever Greek culture was found.⑤ Melting between Greek culture and Roman culture in 146 B.C., the Romans conquered Greece.

3. How did the ancient Greek philosophy develop?

答:(1、Three founders


① All things were numbers.

② Scientific mathematics.

③ Theory of proportion.比例的理论


② Fire is the primary(主要的 elements of the universe.火是万物之源② The theory of the mingling of opposites produced harmony.矛盾的对立统一


① the atomic theory.第一个原子理论开拓者

② materialism.唯物主义

(2、Three thinkers


①He hadn…t works. We can know him from Plato?s dialogues.

②The dialectical method was established by Socrates.


①The Academy is the first school in the world, it was established by Plato.

②He has four works. Dialogues, Apology, Symposium and Republic.

3、Aristotle①The Lyceum is the second school in the world, it was established by Aristotle.

②Aristotle is a humanist.

(2、Five contending schools

1、The Sophists诡辩派

①Under the leadership of Protagoras.

②The representative of work is On the God.诸神论

③His doctrine教义is “man is the measure of all things”。人是衡量一切的标准

2、The Cynics犬儒派

①Under the leadership of Diogenes.

②The word “cynic” means “dog” in English.

③He proclaimed宣扬 his brotherhood. And he had no patience with the rich and powerful.权利

3、The Sceptics置疑学派

①Under the leadership of Pyrrhon.

②His thought is not all knowledge was attainable可获得的, and doubting the truth of what others accepted as true.

4、The Epicureans享乐派

①Under the leadersh ip of Epicurus. 选择:根据领导者的名字直接命名

②Pleasure to be the highest good in life but not sensual肉欲enjoyment.享乐

Pleasure could be attained by the practice of virtue.通过实行道德获得

Epicurus was a materialist. He believed that the world consisted of atoms.原子

5、The Stoics斯多哥派

①Under the leadership of Zeno.

②His thought is duty is the most important thing in life.

One should endure忍受 hardship艰难 and misfortune不幸 with courage.勇气

Developed into Stoics‘ duty.

He was also a materialist.

4. How did the ancient Greek science develop?


---- A. theory; B. application; C. experimentation

5. What is the difference between Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical ideas?

Or What is the difference between Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical system?

答:1、 For one thing, Aristotle emphasized(强调 direct observation of nature and insisted that theory should follow fact.(理论联系实际This is different from Plato‘s reliance(依赖 on subjective thinking.(万物依赖主观思维

2、For another, he thought that “form” and matter together made up concrete(具体的 individual(个别的 realities. (物质与意识共同构成的客观事实Here, too, he differed from Plato who held that ideas had

a higher reality than the physical world(意识高于物质

3、Aristotle thought happiness was men‘s aim in life. B ut not happiness in the vulgar庸俗的 sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation.(善良和期待

6. What is the great significance of Greek Culture on the later-on cultural development?

Or What positive influence did the Greek Culture exert on the world civilization?


There has been an enduring excitement兴奋 about classical经典的Greek culture in Europe and elsewhere别处。Rediscovery of Greek culture played a vital有生命力的part in the Renaissance in Italy and other European countries.

1、Spirit of innovation创新精神

The Greek people invented mathematics and science and philosophy; They first wrote history as opposed反对 to mere纯粹的 annals历史记载; They speculated思索freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life生命的轮回, without being bound in the fetters束缚 of any inherited orthodoxy.继承的习俗

2、Supreme Achievement至高无上的成就

The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavour 努力: Philosophy, science, epic poetry, comedy,

historical writing, architecture, etc.

3、Lasting effect持续的影响

①Countless无数的 writers have quoted举例, borrowed from and otherwise used Homer‘s epics, the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides,Aristophanes’s comedies,Plato‘s Dialogues,ect.

②In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics经典之作:Byron‘s Isles of Greece,Shelley’s Hellas and Prometheus Unbound and Keats‘s Ode on a Grecian Urn.

③In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels与…平行 in the Irishman爱尔兰James Joyce‘s modernist masterpiece代表作 Ulysses.

7. What are difference and similarity between Greek culture and Roman culture?


1、similarity① Both peoples had traditions ro oted in the idea of the citizen-assembly.

② Their religions were alike enough for most of their deities(神 to be readily(容易的 identified (一致, and their myths (崇拜的神 to be fused.(融合

③ Their languages worked in similar ways, both being members of the Indo-European language family.

2、difference① The Romans built up a vast (巨大的empire; the Greeks didn‘t, except for the brief (短暂的 moment of Al exander’s conquests, which soon disintegrated.(瓦解

② The Romans were confident(自信的 in their own organizational power, their military and administrative capabilities.(管理国家的能力

8. How did Roman culture originate and develop?

A.罗马历史的分水岭 ---- 27



The year 27 B.C. divided the history of Rome into two periods: * before then , Rome had been a republic;

* in that year, Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of Augustus(国号. *共和国→罗马帝国

B. 全盛时期---- 127 A.D.

Two centuries later, the Roman reached its greatest extent:

*Encircling the Mediterranean, reaching Scotland in the north and spreading into Armenia and Mesopotamia in the east.

C. 27~180A.



*The famous Roman legions (古罗马军团 guaranteed the Romans enjoy

a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable

phenomenon in history known as the Pax Romana. (01,02,03年考

D. Roman Laws 罗马法令

*Another most important contribution made by the Romans to European culture was Roman laws.

* It marked a victory for the plebeians. 平民

* It eventually to became the core of modern civil and commercial law in many western countries.



9. How was Roman Empire disintegrated?

The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century, increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as the Goths.哥


⑴. In the 4th century the emperor Constantine康斯坦丁 moved the

capital from Rome to Byzantium拜占庭(土耳其, renamed it

Constantinople君士坦丁堡(modern Istanbul今天的伊斯坦布尔.

⑵. After 395, the empire was permanently divided into East (the

Byzantium Empire and west仍是罗马帝国.

⑶. In 476 the last emperor of the west was deposed by the Goths

and this marked the end of the West Roman Empire.

The East Roman Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Turks(土耳其穆斯林人

in 1453.

10. What styles can Greek architecture be classified into?

Or How does Greek architecture take different styles?

?*Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles:

? A. The Doric style. 多立客风格(Boy

? a. The Doric style is also called the masculine style;---宏伟的? b. The Doric style is sturdy , powerful , severe-looking and showing

a good sense of proportions and numbers.---庄严肃穆;点线面理论的


? c. While the Doric style is monotonous and unadorned.

? B. The Ionic style 埃尔尼客风格(Girl

? a. The Ionic style is also called feminine style;---阴柔之美比如:巴比伦空中花园。

? b. The Ionic style is graceful and elegant;----落落大方;端庄优雅? c. The Ionic style often shows a wealth of ornament.----极具装饰性。

? C. The Corinthian style is known for its ornamental luxury.----克林斯建筑;奢华

?* the Acropolis at Athens (437~432B.C.

? ----雅典神庙;古希腊城市的卫城, 雅典的卫城

?* the Parthenon (447~432B.C.

? -----帕加农神庙:女神雅典娜的主要神庙,位于雅典卫城上,建于公元前 447年和公元前432年之间,被认为是多立客式建筑的杰出代表

11. What contribution did the Roman make to the rule of law?第八题D

I. special Terms Explanation:

the Hebrews

The ancestors of the Jews. They were travelling merchant, moving from one trading post to the next. Their history was handed down orally from one generation to another in the form of folktales and stories. Though a minor tribe with a small population, the Hebrews made one of the greatest contributions to the world civilization

the Old Testament

one of the two parts of Bible, it is about God and the Laws of God. It consists of 39 books

the New Testament

one of the two parts of Bible, it is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ. it consists of Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Pauline Epistles, Catholic Epistles, Apocalypse of John


the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, namely Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy


A religious account of the origin of the Hebrew people, including the origin of the world and of man, the career of Issac and the life of Jacob and his son Joseph Exodus

A religious history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt, the period when they began to receive God’s law


The spokesmen of god, earlier prophets lived in groups as temple officials. Latter prophets appeared independent. The Major Prophets are Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Daniel. The Minor Prophets are Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah; Nahum; Malachi

the Book of Daniel

it is a story mixed with vision, describing how Daniel and his friends were taken prisoner to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem and how they refused to compromise their faith

the Historical Book

written 800B.C-500B.C, dealing with history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200B.C till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians in 586B.c, It includes Book of Joshua; Book of Judges;Book of Samuel; Book of Kings; Book of Chronicles; Book of Ezra; Book of Nehemiah

1. Judaism and Christianity are closely related because ______ It was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity.

2. The ancestors of the Jews are _the_Hebrews______________, which means

____wanderers_______ in English.

3. The history of the Hebrew people is recorded in ___the Old

__testment_____________ of the Bible.

4. The Hebrew people came to settle down in Palestine, known as

_Canaan___________ at the time.

5. The Old Testament is about__God and the Laws of God______________, and “Testament” means _____agreement__________________________.

6. The New Testament is about _doctrine of Jesus Christ______________________.

7. The oldest and most important part of the Old Testament is called _____The Pentateuch _____ or ___Torah_________.

8. It was __Moses____ who brought Hebrew people safely back to Palestine.

9. It was ____Saul__________who united Hebrews.

10. It was _____David_________who had Jerusalem established as political and religious capital.

11. The former church in 6th century B.C. is called ___Judaism____________.

12. Pentateuch is also called ___Torah_______________.

13. ____Constantine___________ made Christianity legal, as he issued

_________Edict of Milan____________ in 313.

14. In 392, Emperor _Theodosius ______________made Christianity official religion.

15. By 300, each local church is called _____parish_________with its fulltime leader, known as ______priest_______________.

16. Several parishes were grounded together into a large unit called

________diocese_______, which were headed by a ___bishop__________.

17. The Last Supper is recorded in ___ Gospel of John _____________, and was put into painting by ___Vinci_______________.

18. The Cruxifixion is recorded in ______ Gospel of John _______________.

19. The oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament is known as


20. The most extant Latin version of the whole Bible is ____Vulgate

edtion___________________ which became the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.

21. The first English version of the whole Bible was translated by ___John


22. The most important and influential of English Bible is

___Authorized____________ or __King James’


23. ____English Bible_________________ and

___Shakespear____________________ are called two great reservoirs of Modern English.

24. The development of system of landed nobles is recorded in

The__Historical_Books______________ of the Old Testament.

25. _The Historical Books________________ deals with the history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200B.C. till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrians and Chaldeans in 586 B.C.

26. The New Testament contains ___4____ (how many accounts which tell about the beginning of Christianity.



How did Christianity come into being and develop in Europe?

How did Christianity become the official religion of Roman Empire?

How did the relations between Christians and the Roman government


答:The early Christian were subject to persecutions by the Roman government. Jesus Christ was crucified by the Roman government. After Jesus died, his disciplines St. Peter and St. Paul suffered martyrdom under the Roman Emperor Nero about 65 A.D. Nero even burned Christians in his garden in 64 A.D. For 240 years after the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul, persecutions of Christians continued. The chief persecutions were under Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Valerian and Diocletian. Despite these persecutions, Christians continued to spread steadily over the Mediterranean region. It began to draw men and women from all classes and the attitude of the Roman government toward Christianity began to change. By 305 Diocletian gave up his effort to destroy the young religion. When ConstantineⅠwon the throne from his rivals, he believed that God had helped him, and in 313 he issued the Edict of Milan which granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal. Under Constantine Christianity made great contribution of the empire. The emperors who followed ConstantineⅠcontinued pro-Christian policies. In 392 A.D., Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions. Now Christianity had changed from an object of oppression to a weapon in the hands of the ruling class to crush their opponents.

2.What are the different translation editions of the Bible?


1、The oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament is known as the Septuagint. And it is still in use in the Greek Church today. But it only translated the Old Testament.

2、The most ancient extant Latin version of the whole Bible is the Vulgate edition,which was done in 385-405 A.D. By St. Jerome in common people‘s language. It became the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.

3、The first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff.

4、After John Wycliff‘s version,appeared William Tyndale’s version. It was based on the original Hebrew and Greek sources.

5、 The Great Bible ordered by Henry Ⅷ in 1539 to be placed in all the English churches was in part founded on Tyndale‘s work.

6、The most important and influential of English Bible is the “Authorized”or “King James” version, first published in 1611. It was produced by 54 biblical scholars at the command of King James. With its simple,majestic Anglo-Saxon tongue, it is known as the greatest book in the English languages. 3. Why do we say the Bible has shaped western culture more decisively than anything else ever written? 答:Judeo-Christian tradition constitutes one of the two major components of European culture. The Bible which is virtually related to every phase of human life greatly i nfluences people’s daily life, especially in the Middle Ages when almost everyone was a Christian; The Bible has great impact upon western literature. For a long period of time, the Latin Bible was accepted as the authority and Latin was official language of the Roman Catholic Church, so most Europe literature at that time was in Latin. Besides it is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs of Modern English. Furthermore, the use of Biblical themes has been a literary tradition. In fact few great English and American writers of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century can be read and appreciated with satisfaction without a sufficient knowledge of the Bible; The study of the Christian teaching especially the Bible has become an important branch of knowledge—scholasticism which has been prevalent for centuries; The Bible has also influenced western philosophies and science. Thus the Bible has shaped western culture more decisively than anything else ever written. 4. What are the great influences that the English Bible has on the American and British literature? 答: 1、It is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs of Modern English. 2、Milton‘s Paradise Lost ,Bunyan’s Pilgrim‘s Progress,Byron’s Cain,up to the contemporary Hemingway‘s The Sun Also Rises,and Steinbeck’s East of Eden. They are not influenced without the effect of the Bible.
