


H o w t o l e a r n E n g l i s h


How to learn English

Before you first start reading, you should know this:Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning tips, but if you do not start doing things, you wil l achieve nothing.

Therefore our method is not just for reading; it is for reading and doing.

You need two things to learn English well--passion and effective learning methods--and passion is the more important one. Why! Because passion makes you want to learn English ; thelearning methods only tell you how to do it faster. If you love learning English, You will do it regularly and spend more time on it.

If you do these Learning English will be easier for you. It will be easy for you to remembers information on a subject that you like.(For exremember new words and grammar structures. It is because the brain easily ample, some people like

history and know everyting about World II.if you told a"normal person"to memorize all these facts,they would nerver do it.)

We konw you may not love learning English.and even if you love it,you will sometimes not want to do it.This is how human

psychology works-sometimes we are so

lazy.bored,and tired that

we do not want to do even the things that we like.

Imageine you can talk to native speakers just like you talk your first language.Imageine other people wanting to speaking

English as well as you do.Imageine the possibility of writing

e-mail to people from all over the world.You should konw that

it is possible to learn English really well.Just look at other people who have done it.

Remember that you are already good You already konw some English(you are reading an article in English right now).That is a big

success!Now it is time for more success.Time to start using powerful method of effective learning.Time to gain an impressive konwledge of English.

Remember there is a lot you do not know You are good ,but your English probably is not perfect, You probably can not understand English-language TV.read books in English ,talk to native speakers easily.write letters without mistakes. Use your English whenever you can

This is very,very important,.The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it Because English is so popular ,you can use it everywhere.You can use Yahoo to find English-langueage websites with intertesting infortion,you can watch American cartoons,you can play adventure game on your

computer,you can read intertesting English books in English,or you do other things that we write about.

things thing,you will not only have fun and learn English.If you see that a new English word lets you understand your favourite TV show(or communicate with people,or beat a computer game),you will want to learn more words.So you will learn English

more,use it more.learn it more....If you also use effective learning methods. you English will grow

faster than you can imageine.

