


I’m not sure which is more frightened, me 1 the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. I’m walking on 2 path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, I’m face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins 3 at the top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the loudest of all. The noise 4 (shake) the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower 5 (I), ducking my head to avoid looking 6 (direct) into his eyes so he doesn’t feel challenged.

My name is Mireya Mayor. I’m a scientist 7 studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching 8 these three western lowland gorillas I’d been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried.

When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad 9 (find) them alive. True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal meant me no real harm. He was just saying: “I’m king of this forest, and here is your reminder!” Once his message 10 (deliver), he allowed me to stay and watch.

Every animal sleeps, but the reason for this has remained foggy. When lab rats are not allowed to sleep, they die within a month. 11

One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen new memories. 12 We know that, while awake, fresh memories are recorded by reinforcing (加强) connections between brain cells, but the memory processes that take place while we sleep have been unclear.

Support is growing for a theory that sleep evolves(逐步形成) so that connections between neurons(神经元) in the brain can be weakened overnight, making room for fresh memories to form the next day. 13

Now we have the most direct evidence yet that he is right. 14 The synapses in the mice taken at the end of a period of sleep were 18 per cent smaller than those taken before sleep, showing that the connections between neurons weaken while sleeping.

If Tononi’s theory is right, it would explain why, when we miss a night’s sleep, we find it harder the next day to concentrate and learn new information — our brains may have smaller room for new experiences.

Their research also suggests how we may build lasting memories over time even though the synapses become thinner. The team discovered that some synapses seem to be protected and stayed the same size. 15 “You keep what matters,” Tononi says.

A. We should also try to sleep well the night before.

B. It’s as if the brain is preserving its most important memories.

C. Similarly, when people go for a few days without sleeping, they get sick.

D. The processes take place to stop our brains becoming loaded with memories.

E. That’s why students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.

F. “Sleep is the price we pay for learning,” says Giulio Tononi, who developed the idea.

G. Tononi’s team measured the size of these connections, or synapses, in the brains of 12 mice.

Why Do We Get Angry?

Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are various. Knowing these causes can make us examine our behavior, and correct bad habits. The main reasons we get angry are triggering(触发)events, personality traits(特征), and our assessment of situations. 16 Triggering events for anger are so many that to describe them all would take hundreds of pages. However, here are some examples: being cut off in traffic, a deadline approaching, experiencing physical pain, and much more. 17 The reason why someone is triggered by something and others are not is often due to one’s personal history and psychological traits.

Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological imbalances. People who have personality traits that connect with competitiveness and low upset tolerance are much more likely to get angry. 18 Also, sometimes pre-anger does not have to do with a lasting condition, but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred.

19 Sometimes even routine occurrences become sources of pre-anger, or anger itself. Sometimes ignorance and negative (消极的) outlooks on situations can create anger.

20 However, anger can easily turn violent, and it is best to know the reasons for anger to appear in order to prevent its presence. With these main reasons in mind, we can evaluate our level of anger throughout the day and prevent cases of outbursts by comprehending the reasons for our feelings.

A. Our attitude and viewpoint on situations can create anger within us as well.

B. But some types of situations can help us to get rid of the occurrence of anger.

C. Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.

D. Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.

E. Having these personality traits implies the pre-anger state, where anger is in the background of your mind.

F. Understanding these reasons will control our own anger if we are willing to evaluate ourselves with a critical eye.

G. Not everyone acts the same in response to events, and that is why what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.


Dear Terry,


Li Hua

1. or

2. a

3. screaming/to scream

4. shakes

5. myself

6. directly

7. who/that

8. for

9. to find 10. was delivered

11-15 CEFGB 16-20 FGEAD


Dear Terry,

Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese friend and confused about the Chinese customs, I am extremely delighted to put forward some advice.

To begin with, I would like to suggest that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes earlier, which is common in Chinese traditional culture. Additionally, if I were you, I would bring some appropriate gifts with me, such as souvenirs from my own country. Furthermore, table manners are also what you should pay attention to. For example, when you are enjoying the meal, be sure to avoid making noises while chewing food.

If you have any other problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Li Hua


初三英语阅读理解与完型填空竞赛2 完形填空A) Do you know the history of bowling(保龄球)? Scientists think that a game like bowling was ___ 1 in Egypt thousands of years ago. Things look like the balls and bowling pins were found buried(埋葬) with a child who __2 around 5,200 B. C. People who study history know that the game was popular in Germany around 200-300 A.D. It was played in some churches in order to __3__ that they were very good Christians. When people bowled poorly, they had to go to church more ___4__ than the others. The first bowling place was built inside a very big building and __5__ in England in 1455. Then the game was taken to the United States where most people played it outside just for fun. During the 1800s, many people in the United States began to bowl for ___6__, so several cities made the game illegal(违法的. And later, a group ____7__ the American Bowling Congress (ABC) began around 1900. The job of this group was to clean up bowling and make it a gentleman’s game again. At t hat time, the game was mostly played by men. If women played, they ____8__a curtain up so that the men were not able to see them. Then, in 1916, a woman’s ___9___ named the Women’s International Bowling Congress (WIBC) made a point of showing that the game was fine for ___10___ men and women. 1. A. done B. played C. seen D. watched 2. A. died B. was dying C. dead D. death 3. A. tell B. show C. look D. say 4. A. possible B. often C. time D. chance 5. A. closed B. built C. opened D. stopped 6. A. fun B. pleasure C. money D. health 7. A. calling B. calls C. naming D. named 8. A. hanged B. hang C. hung D. hunged 9. A. party B. group C. class D. kind 10. A. between B. both C. all D. whole B)How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups. And old people wishing they were 1 again. Each age has its pleasure and its pains, and the happiest person always enjoys what each age 2 him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are 3 responsibilities(责任)to make life better. If a child has good parents, he is raised, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is 4 that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. But a child has his 5 . He is not so free to do what he wishes to do. He is 6 being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has wrongly done. When a young man starts to earn his own living(谋生), he can no longer expect others to 7 his food, his clothes, and his room, but he has to work if he wants to live 8 . If he spends most of his time 9 in the ways that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. 10 , if he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society. 1. A. children B. young C. active D. strong 2. A. leaves B. hopes C. makes D. gives


2014中考英语阅读理解与完形填空 中考英语阅读理解与完形填空 一 . 阅读理解 阅读理解:在中考中占的比重很大。阅读理解能力属于语言的领会技能。包括对书面语言的识别、理解、推理、判断和快速记忆等几个方面。不仅仅涉及到语音、语法、词汇这些语言因素、还涉及到非语言因素, 即:阅读者对所学语言国家的社会和文化背景知识的掌握、对所读材料内容的熟悉、个人经历、生活常识、逻辑知识和语言修养等各方面。阅读技巧之一是阅读时要扩大视距。二是不要心读或朗读; 三是要理解段落或文章的细节。四是要学会猜测词义,五要理解中心思想。六要具备合理推理和判断的能力。 初中阶段阅读题重点考查的内容是事实认定、词语理解、数量计算,主要思想归纳等。而从考查方式来看, 则以直接型、转换型和归纳型的试题为主, 需要依据文章事实和作者思路进行推理的题次之。 文章主旨和大意的考查。这类试题主要是考查对文章的理解程度,考查内容包括作者的写作目的,文章的中心思想等内容。考生只有读懂全文,才能选出正确答案。 细节和事实的考查。做此类试题一定要抓住事件发生的时间、地点、人物、发展过程和结局等环节,所选答案一定要符合原文,切不可望文生义。 词义或句义的考查。这些词句往往具有深层意义,要透过表层意义来理解深层意义,或根据句子的语法关系分析其含义,要反复琢磨,仔细推敲,弄清作者的真正意图, 从而选择正确答案。遇到生词,要根据上下文和一定的构词法知识,如前缀、后缀来分析、判断、猜测其词形和含义。 结论或推论性考查。这类考题答案的选择往往无所谓正确与错误之别,而是最佳与非最佳之别。因此,须读懂通篇文章,弄懂作者的写作要旨,按照文章的内容和逻辑关系,做出符合原文逻辑或主旨的结论或推论,才能选出最佳答案。 拟选题目考查。一篇文章究竟应加一个什么样的题目为最佳,主要取决于文章的内容, 英语文章标题的特点一般多以短语或简单句为主。选择标题的一般标准是:一要切题, 即能够概括出全文的主旨;二要简洁,即文字要简单明了。 阅读理解题型介绍: 1. 选择答案型阅读理解 2. 判断正误型阅读理解


短文填词 A Father and I left early.These shopping trips used to be.Mother’s business,so it was (不寻常的)for us to go into town 1.together.We waited for over an hour before the bus d up 2 finally.Father was polite and stood (旁边)while others 3. all climbed ohto it,so the time we got on,there were no 4.seats.We had to all the way into town.At last we arrived,5. cold and (疲惫).“I’m hungry,”I said.Father took me to 6. a r for lunch.We were preparing to visit my grandmother,7. who lived in a cold (北方的)province.So we decided 8 . to get some clothes.We’went from shop to shop,b shoes.9. It was very late we visited the last shop for my coat.10. B With the social development and progress, TV has become a necessity for people at home Nowadays,almost every family has a TV set,and a______ 1. ____________ everyone likes watching TV.TV has become ________ of our life. 2 ____________ TV has many _______,for example,it informs us of the 3. ____________ _____(最新的) news that is happening in the world;it can open our 4. ____________ eyes,e _____ our knowledge and also help us to see more 5. ____________ about the world.____ (然而) ,it also has some disadvantages.People 6. ____________ waste too much time _______ watching TV and their normal life 7. ____________ and work are _______(影响).To the children who spend too 8. ____________ much time in watching TV,it can do ______ to their sight 9 ____________ and health.So we should ______ (控制) the time of watching TV.10.______________ C. At 3:00 this afternoon, the teachers and students in Senior Three as well as our parents a_______ the grown-up ceremony 56. ___ __ held in the school hall, ____ theme is “Growth and responsibility”. 57. ___ ___ ____, we made an oath(宣誓), and then a student, representing all of us, 58. ___ made a speech, ____(表达)our thanks to not only our parents but also 59. ____ __ our teachers and talking about our g____ ideals. After that, 60. ___ some teachers and parents offered us their_______(祝贺) and 61. ______ expressed their expectations for our f_____. Finally, we watched 62. _____ wonderful performances p__ on by students from different classes. 63. _______ The ceremony was over, but it has made me _____ that I 64. __ __ have ______(成长)up and I am supposed to shoulder the responsibility 65. ___ ___ D With the development of agriculture and industry, more and more people are pouring into big cities, ________ causes so much 56.___________ trouble.__________the growth of the population, city problems 57.___________


完形填空和阅读理解 Look at the picture. There is a family in this__1_ .This man is the father .He is a _2__in a factory. That woman is the_3___ .She is a teacher. She teaches in a__4_ .The girl is the daughter. She is very pretty. She is a__5__ in a school .She studies hard .They are happy. B. house C. room D. photo ( )2.A. doctor B. student C. teacher D. worker ( )3.A. mother B. daughter C. niece D. student ( )4.A. hospital B. home C. school D. house ( )5.A. teacher B. doctor C. worker D. student There are many things on the desk. There is a pen, a pencil, a schoolbag and an umbrella. This pen is Tom`s .That pencil is Xiao Hong`s .The schoolbag is beautiful but it is not my schoolbag. It is Mary`s schoolbag. That umbrella is mine .It is very useful on a rainy day. 根据短文内容回答问题 1.What is on the desk 2.Whose schoolbag is it 3.Whose pen is it 4.Whose pencil is it 5.Whose umbrella is that I am Jun Li. I am Chinese. I am in Grade Three. This is Ming Zhang. And this is Nan Li .They are students, too. They are my classmates. We are all good students. That is Mr.Wang. He is an old Chinese teachers. That is Miss. Ann. She is an English teacher. Miss.Ann is young. They are both our good teachers. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” ( )1.Jun Li ,Ming Zhang and Nan Li are all in the same class. ( )2.Jun Li, Ming Zhang are good students. Nan .Li is not. ( )3.Mr. Wang is a teacher of English. ( )4.Miss. Ann teaches us Chinese. ( )5.Mr. Wang is old, but Miss. Ann is young. Come and look at the picture .It is a picture of an American family. The man in the hat is Mr. Smith .He is a teacher. He teaches English in a middle school in China. You can see Mrs. Smith, too. She is Mary Smith. She is from Canada. She is also a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three children. Peter, Helen and Dan. Peter is fifteen. Helen is thirteen and Dan is ten. They are at Mr.and Mrs.Smith`s school. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” ( )1.Peter`s father in the picture ( )2. Mary`s father is Canadian and her mother is American. ( )3. Mrs. Smith is a teacher ,too. ( )4.Peter, Helen and Dan and their father and mother are in the same school. ( )5Their school is in Canada. Hello, I am Tom. I study in a junior school. I have three men teachers. They are Mr. Carter. Mr. Green and Mr Black .Mr. Carter is a new teacher. He comes from the UK and teaches us math. His class is so funny that we all like him very much. Mr. Green is our art teacher. He is strict but he is so smart. He is our English teacher. He speaks well. They are all nice. We all like them.


七年级阅读理解与完型填空训练 训练I. A. What’s a White lie Mary did not understand such sentences as “She is blue today,” “ He has a green thumb,” “He has told a little white lie” and so on. And she went to her teacher for help. Mary: Mrs Smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. What do they mean? Mrs Smith: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad. Yellow… afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants well. And a white lie is not a bad one. Mary: Would you give me an example for “a white lie? Mrs Smith: Certainly, now I give you some cakes. In fact you don’t like it, but you won’t say it. Instead, you say, “No, thanks, I’m not hungry.” That’s a white lie. 1. Blue sometimes means sad in ____English. A. good B. spoken C. usual D. poor 2. I don’t have a green thumb, so all my plants____. A. die off B. grow well C. look nice D. are good 3. Tom is ____to climb the tree. He is yellow. A. happy B. clever C. glad D. afraid 4. He didn’t like me to know the ____of the accident. He told me a white lie. A. reason B. true story C. meaning D. answer 5. He is ____today because his father is ill. A. blue B. yellow C. green D. white

完 形 填 空& 阅 读 理 解 练习(一)

完形填空& 阅读理解练习(一) 一. 完形填空 Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___26___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___27___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___28___ is.” The song made her ___29___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___30___. As a young ___31___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___32___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___33___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___34___to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___35___time for anything but music in your life.” Dorothy was ___36___ at that time and she was ___37___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___38___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___39___ of nothing else. Then she ___40___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___41___. David asked her to be his ___42___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___43___,too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___44___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return. Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___45___. 26.A. sorry B. successful C. first D. wonderful 27.A. dance B. moment C. show D. party 28.A. voice B. face C. dress D. life 29.A. think of B. bring back C. go back D. come back 30.A. age B. friend C. mother D. teacher 31.A. musician B. pop star C. lady D. girl 32.A. French B. music C. piano D. dance 33.A. actress B. student C. singer D. dancer 34.A. prepared B. learning C. driven D. waiting 35.A. some B. any C. no D. enough 36.A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty D. eighty-eight 37.A. lucky B. sure C. afraid D. fond 38.A. fill B. live C. lead D. take 39.A. heard B. knew C. talked D. thought 40.A. saw off B. learned from C. heard of D. met with 41.A. love B. feeling C. music D. touch 42.A. assistant B. teacher C. wife D. student 43.A. him B. engineering C. herself D. music 44.A. certainly B. possibly C. only D. mainly 45.A. thought B. hope C. purpose D. will 二.阅读理解 A Forgiveness is not a way of forgetting the past. Indeed, if we have been harmed, we should not forget it. We can learn from the past about how to avoid being harmed in the future. Nor is forgiveness a way of exonerating (免除责任) the one who has hurt us. We recognize that the harm did happen and the person must be responsible for this and must come to terms with their own guilt. When we forgive, we are not sacrificing anything or giving up our sense of self-worth. Indeed, we are doing just the opposite by taking a stand which says that we are strong and finally free of playing the role of victim. Forgiveness is a way of declaring our honesty. Forgiveness is a way of saying that the pain of the past should now be put behind me. Thus, forgiving is a reflection of positive self-esteem. It means that we have better things to do in life than continuing to live under the influence of the one who has caused us pain. Forgiveness signifies breaking the cycle of pain and abuse (辱骂), giving up the belief that the other person should hurt as much as we do. It means abandoning the myth that if we hurt the other person, it will make us feel better. Forgiveness implies giving up the unrealistic hope that an apology will


高考英语短文填词练习篇 Each morning, I get up early. When I wake up, I give thanks, __16__ my achievements and the person I have become. My reflection __17__(remind) me to be grateful for the unique characteristics that make me who I am. At times, I may not feel pleased __18__ the characteristics that I struggle to improve on. But that feeling doesn't remain with me for long __19__ I tell myself that there is so much more I can celebrate about me and my life. When I am not __20__ (please) with my body weight, for example, I avoid always thinking about that feeling. Instead, I ask __21__ why at I plan to do about it. I am also learning to be happy with what I already have. My life and environment are really extensions of me —__22__ (result) from doing the best I can with the gifts and challenges of my life’s journey. Today, I look in the mirror and see __23__ divine(神圣的) creation, I commit to loving the person __ 24__ looks back at me because I am __25__ (true) blessed. 【参考答案】 16. for 17. reminds 18. with 19. because 20. pleased 21. myself 22. resulting 23. a 24. who 25. truly 语法填空 16. for。考查介词。后接表示感谢的内容。 17. reminds。考查谓语动词。此处需要用动词的第三人称形式。 18. with。考查介词。feel pleased with意为“对……感到满意”。 19. because。考查连词。此处句意为,但是那种感觉不会伴随我很长时间,因为我告诉自己我和我的生活还有很多可以庆祝。 20. pleased。考查词类转换。根据句意,此处应该用形容词作表语。 21. myself。考查反身代词。根据主语I可知,应是我问“我自己”。 22. resulting。考查非谓语动词。result与主语之间为主动关系,因此用V-ing作状语。 23. a。考查冠词。此处泛指一件神圣的作品。 24. who。考查定语从句。先行词是人,从句缺主语,因此用who。 25. truly。考查词类转换。此处修饰表语blessed,因此用副词truly修饰。 高中英语短文填空练习篇 “Get up!” my mother would shout. “Help me iron my shirt. I have 30 minutes to get to work. ” My sisters and I would rise,__1__(peek)at the dark outside that little white house on the black side of town. I would plug in the iron,then press Mom's jeans and white shirt—the uniform she__2__(wear)to the aircraft factory. __3__(puzzle),I wondered why Mom could not prepare her clothes herself. I grew up,and Mom came to visit: “Where's your iron?” “Back of the linen closet”,I told her. “I don't use it at all. I hate__4__(iron).I never understood why you couldn't iron your own clothes when we were growing up. ” “Neenie,” she said,“you have no idea__5__ we went through in those factories. But I knew I could not quit because I had four girls to take care of. ” She explained she needed our help to arm her with the faith__6__(return)for shift work. Dull labor for__7__ brilliant woman. “One day my supervisor got much__8__(crazy)at me,” she recalled,“and made me go outside and pick up trash. ” He ruled over her__9__ absolute power. Then I understood. It was women like my mother—and many women today—who did the hard jobs,so their children can sit at computers and watch programmes__10__(glad). 1.解析:作前面sit的伴随状语,因此用现在分词的形式。


英语阅读理解及完型填空答题技巧 一.教学大纲对阅读理解的要求 (一)初中英语教学大纲对学生阅读上的基本要求: 1.能阅读难度相当于课文的材料,理解其大意。 2.能独立阅读所学语言知识范围内的材料,生词率不超过3%。 3.阅读速度要求每分钟50-70词。 (二)中考阅读理解的考点 1.文章的话题—略读文章,领会文章大意的题。 2.文章的中心题—归纳,概括的能力。 3.文章的细节—扫读或细读文章,以获得某些特地信息或准确的寻找所需细节的能力。 4.文章的寓意,结论-领会作者的言外之意或推断出文章的结论。 5.生词词意,猜词—对生词词意的判断能力。 (三)中考阅读理解考察的文体 1.记叙文—抓住人物,地点,时间,情节发展线索。 2.说明文—要以事物为中心进行思考。抓住事物的特征,用途,相互关系等。

(四)解题思路与技巧 1.快速浏览全文,掌握大意。 2.仔细审题,分析比较选项。 3.带着问题复读,捕捉关键信息,解答问题。 4.再读全文,核对答案。 二.阅读理解题型及解题技巧 从近几年的中考阅读理解情况看,短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面,充分体现其时代性、实用性。短文难度逐年加大。常见题型有主旨题、细节题、推断题、猜测词义题和正误判断题。 做阅读理解练习应先看问题,弄清考点。在阅读短文之前,快速浏览问题,以便在阅读短文时做到心中有数,快速、准确地捕捉所要信息。先易后难。做题时不必拘泥于书中所呈现的语篇顺序,应遵循先易后难的原则。如可先做细节题再做推断题,因为细节题大多能直接从文中找到答案,而推断题则需对短文进行深层理解,再作判断。 (一)主旨题 主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。


专项练习四 一.完形填空,请将正确答案的编号填到括号内。 ①One morning, Mr and Mrs Green went shopping in their 1 . In the shop they saw many clothes. Mrs Green liked them very much. She 2 a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter and a sweater for Mr Green. She bought herself a blouse, too. At about one o’clock, they went home. But they lost(迷失) their way. Mr Green 3 over to an old woman and asked, “ 4 am I? Please tell me.” The old woman looked at him and the car. “You’re in your car, sir.” She 5 . ( ) 1. A. plane B. car C. bus ( ) 2. A. made B. bought C. borrowed ( ) 3. A. swam B. drove C. flew ( ) 4. A. Where B. How C. Who ( ) 5. A. sang B. listened C. said ② My name is Jim. My father, Mr Read, works 1 a farm and my moth er, Mrs Read, is in a factory. My father and my mother work five 2 a week and I am at school 3 Monday to Friday. 4 Saturday we all stay 5 home. We ofter go out in a car on Sunday. We often go to th e rivers or lakes. My father likes 6 and I like swimming. My mothe r sits there and watch 7 . My father is good 8 fishing. He often ca tches 9 fish. Then we take them 10 supper. 11 we go to see my u ncle. He has a son, Ben. Ben's 12 is playing football. And I like pla ying football too. We often play football in the playground near Ben's house. ( ) 1.A.in B.on C.at ( ) 2.A.day B.hours C.days ( ) 3.A.on B.from C.in ( ) 4.A.In B.On C.All ( ) 5.A.in B.at C./ ( ) 6.A.fish B.fishing C.fishes ( ) 7.A.we B.them https://www.360docs.net/doc/7a16687878.html, ( ) 8.A.at B.in C.of ( ) 9.A.lot of B.a lot C.a lot of ( ) 10.A.for B.to C.have
