


















He had hardly any schooling before liberation.

Not both of them want to go.(=Both of them don’t want to go.)

All that

hope和be afraid的肯定和否定答语分别为:I hope so./I hope not.及I’m afraid so./I’m afraid not.










(3)句子是let’s...时,后面用shall/shan’t we;前面部分是let us...祈使句时,后面用will/won’t you。

(4)前面句子是I’m ...时,后面用aren’t I;句子是I’m not...时,后面用am I。







There used to be a cinema here before the war,use(d)n’t there/didn’t there?

Such things ought not to be allowed,ought they?

He seldom comes late,

You don’t think he can finish the work by himself,

Have a cup of tea,will you?




在“祈使句+and/or/and then+句子”句型中,当祈使句中含有比较级时,可将祈使句中

的谓语部分省略,只留下“比较级或比较级与名词+and/or/and then+句子”。

Get up early tomorrow,or you’ll miss the first bus.




中考英语重点句法考点:感叹句和反意疑问句 一、结构: What/ How +被感叹的部分+ 主语+ 谓语!What beautiful flowers they are ! 二、变法: 一断,二加,三调位。 一断表示在谓语动词的后面断开,二加表示在断开的两部分中间加what 或how ,三调位表示前后两部分对调位置。 They had a good time yesterday . 一断:They had / a good time yesterday . 二加:They had(what)a good time yesterday . 三调位:What a good time they had yesterday. 三、what引导的感叹句: 1.what + a / an +adj + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ a clever boy he is ! 2.what + adj + 复数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ heavy boxes they are ! 3.what + adj + 不可数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ bad weather ! 四、how引导的感叹句: 1.How + adj / adv + 主语+ 谓语! _________ hard they are working ! 2.How + adj + a / an + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! How tall a boy he is ! 3.How + adj / adv + the + 名词+ 谓语! ________ heavily the rain is falling! 五、what 与how引导的感叹句之间的转换: 1.What a beautiful girl she is != ______ beautiful the girl is ! 2.How delicious the food is != ______ delicious food it is ! 六、几个常见的感叹句: 1.______ great fun it is ! 2.______ important information ! 3.______ good news ! 4.______ good advice / music ! 5.______ a heavy rain ! 6.______a strong wind ! 七、感叹句中常见的不可数名词: food , work , weather , fun , music , information , news , advice 2010中考英语重点句法考点:反意疑问句 一、结构: 陈述句+ 附加疑问句?It's hot today ,isn't it ? 二、原则: 1.前肯后否,前否后肯 2.前名后代 3.时态一致


反意疑问句。 1、什么是反意疑问句 英语中,反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。反意疑问句有四种类型:(1)肯定陈述+否定简短问句;(2)否定陈述+肯定简短问句;(3)肯定陈述+肯定简短问句;(4)否定陈述+否定简短问句。其中,前两种运用最为广泛。除此之外,反意疑问句还有“祈使句+简短问句”的形式,这种用法通常用于减弱祈使语气。如: Carry this parcel for me, can you? 给我拿一下包,好吗? 陈述部分含“too...to”时,是否定句 2.反意疑问句的结构:陈述句(主语+谓语……),+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语(代词形式);陈述句部分如果是肯定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分的助动词/情态动词/be动词+n ot (否定提问);如果陈述句部分是否定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分用肯定式提问。 用法说明 1.陈述句中是I am时,简短问句则用aren’t I。 I am an excellent English speaker, aren’t I? I am late, aren’t I ? I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?(我和你姐姐一样高,对吗?) 2. 陈述部分的主语是I , 附加疑问句的部分的主语用you,以表示征询对方的意见,这时等于另外的一个句子,相当于how/what about you ?what do you think ? I like living in the country, don’t you?= I like living in the country, how about you? I found English interesting, don‘t you?= I found English interesting, what do think? 3.陈述句中是非限定人称代词one时,正式文体中,简短问句的主语为one,而非正式文体中用you。 O ne must love one’s country ,mustn’t one/you? One shouldn’t be selfish, shouldn’t one/you? One must be honest, mustn’t one? 4.当陈述部分主语是从句、不定式(短语)、动词-ing形式时,反意疑问句的主语应该用it。 R eading English aloud is very important, isn’t it? W hat he said was true, wasn’t it? What you need is more important, isn't it?你需要的东西更重要,是吧? 5.当陈述句的主语是everyone, everybody, someone, somebody时,简短问句中的主语通常用they。如果陈述句的主语是非人称的复合词,如everything, something, anything, 则简短问句中相应的人称代词是单数的中性词it。例如: Somebody borrowed my coat yesterday, didn’t they? Nobody came, did they? Everyone thinks they’re the center of the universe, don’t they? Nothing can stop us now, can it?


知识点总结 一、感叹句 感叹句是用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的一种句式。尽管感叹句的表现形式多种多样,但主要的表现形式只有两种,即what和how引导的感叹句。what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词、副词或动词。 1、由感叹词what引导的感叹句。what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式: 1)What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或是:What+名词词组+主语+谓语!如:What a fine day it is! 2)What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!如:What kind women they are! What nice music it is! 2、由How引导的感叹句。how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!例如: How hard the workers are working! How clever the girl is! 注意:当how修饰动词时,动词不跟着感叹词提到主语之前。How fast the runner runs! 3、what与how引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。(具体见下)如:What an interesting story it is!==How interesting the story is! what a beautiful building it is!==How beautiful the building is! 在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。如:What a nice present!(省略it is)How disappointed!(省略she is或其它可作本句主、谓的词语) 二、祈使句 用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句通常省略主语,谓语动词用原形,句尾用感叹号或句号。 1、肯定结构: 1)动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走。 2)Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! 3)Let + 宾语+ 动词原形+ 其它成分。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 2、否定结构: 1)don't+动词原形+其他。如:Don't forget me! 不要忘记我! Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到! 2)Let + 宾语+ not + 动词原形+ 其它成分。如: Let him not go. 别让他走。 3)有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟! 常见考法 对于感叹句和祈使句的考查,常会出现在单选和完成句子中,主要考察两种句子的用法和构成。 典型例题:You should not talk in class.(改写同义句) in class. 解析:本题考查祈使句的用法。从题意“你不应该在课堂上说话”可知,这是建议对方不要做某事的,应该用祈使句。


中考英语重点句法考点: ----感叹句和反意疑问句

中考英语重点句法考点:感叹句和反意疑问句 一、结构: What/ How +被感叹的部分+ 主语+ 谓语! What beautiful flowers they are ! 二、变法: 一断,二加,三调位。 一断表示在谓语动词的后面断开,二加表示在断开的两部分中间加what 或how ,三调位表示前后两部分对调位置。 They had a good time yesterday . 一断:They had / a good time yesterday . 二加:They had(what)a good time yesterday . 三调位:What a good time they had yesterday. 三、what引导的感叹句: 1.what + a / an +adj + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ a clever boy he is ! 2.what + adj + 复数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ heavy boxes they are ! 3.what + adj + 不可数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ bad weather ! 四、how引导的感叹句:

1.How + adj / adv + 主语+ 谓语! _________ hard they are working ! 2.How + adj + a / an + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! How tall a boy he is ! 3.How + adj / adv + the + 名词+ 谓语! ________ heavily the rain is falling! 五、what 与how引导的感叹句之间的转换: 1.What a beautiful girl she is != ______ beautiful the girl is ! 2.How delicious the food is != ______ delicious food it is ! 六、几个常见的感叹句: 1.______ great fun it is ! 2.______ important information ! 3.______ good news ! 4.______ good advice / music ! 5.______ a heavy rain ! 6.______a strong wind ! 七、感叹句中常见的不可数名词: food , work , weather , fun , music , information , news , advice


反意疑问句与感叹句 反意疑问句 1)反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。 可记为:前肯后否;前否后肯. 2)陈述部分含have时 ①He has supper at home every day, doesn’t he? (不能用hasn’t he?) ②They have known the matter, haven’t they? (不能用don’t they?) ③She has a nice pen, doesn’t she? 3) 陈述部分含有否定词:few, little, rarely, hardly, never, seldom, no, nothing, nowhere, nobody等,疑问部分要用肯定。 He has never been to Beijing, has he? (不用wasn’t he?) 4) 陈述部分为祈使句(含肯定否定)疑问部分用will you,但陈述部分为 Let’s……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。 Let me have a try, will you? Let us stop to rest, will you? Let’s go home together, sha ll we? 5) 宾语从句

①I think that he has done his best, hasn’t he? ②We don’t believe that the news is true, is it? (不用do we?) ②He didn’t think that the news was true, did he? (不用wasn’t/ was it? ) 6) 陈述部分的主语为不定代词: ① Someone has taken th e seat, hasn’t he? ② Everyone has done their best in the game, haven’t they? ① Something is wrong with the computer, isn’t it? ② Nothing has happened to them, has it? 7) 陈述部分为I am (I’m),疑问部分用aren’t I. I am silly, aren’t I? I’m n ot silly, am I? 8) 陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用动词+there(here)?形式。如: ① There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there? ② Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn’t here?


反意疑问句 知识集结 知识元 反意疑问句 知识讲解 1.概念 反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question 或 Question tags)即附加疑问句.它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方赞同. 2.结构: 反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致. 主要形式:陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式;陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式. 1)陈述部分肯定句+疑问部分否定句(可记为前肯后否). 例:They work hard, don't they? 他们努力工作,不是吗? Let's go to the supermarket ,shall we? 让我们去超市,好吗? 2)陈述部分否定句+疑问部分肯定句(可记为前否后肯). 例:You didn't go, did you? 你没去,是吗?

3.用法: 1)反意疑问句的缩写问题 当反意疑问句的附加部分为否定式时,习惯上只用缩写形式,不能分开来写.如: You love him very much, don't you?你很爱他,对不对? 2)反意疑问句用于there be句式 当陈述部分为there be句型时,附加部分仍用there be句式.如: There is a garden at the back of the house, isn't there?房子背后有一座花园,对吗? 3)当 have 为助动词时,其反意疑问句沿用同样的助动词: He has already left, hasn't he?他已经离开了,是吗? 4)当 have 为实意动词时,要分两种情况: ①若表示"所有",反意疑问句可以用have,也可以用do: He has a lot of friends here, hasn't [doesn't] he?他在这儿有许多朋友,是吗? 但是若陈述部分用的是have的否定式,反意疑问句用have 还是用do,取决于陈述部分的动词形式: He hasn't any money, has he?他没有钱,是吗? He doesn't have any money, does he?他没有钱,是吗? ②若表示"吃"、"玩"等意思,反意疑问句要用do: He has supper at 5, doesn't he?他5点吃晚餐,是吗? He had a good time at the party, didn't he?他在晚会上玩得很开心,是吗? 4)涉及情态动词的反意疑问句 在通常情况下,当陈述部分含有情态动词时,反意疑问句会重复前面同样的情态动词.如:The boy can read and write, can't he?这男孩会读写,是吗? We shouldn't help him, should we?我们不应该帮助他,对吗?


祈使句的作用是要求、请求或命令、劝告、叮嘱、建议别人做或不做一件事。祈使句的句末一般用感叹号,但是有些祈使句的语气较弱,可以用句号结尾。祈使句可以用语气词“吧”作结尾,也可以不用语气词。祈使句可以表示命令、请求、禁止、劝阻等。祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等。谓语动词一律用原形。句子中通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或 者句号,用降调。祈使句中的主语常常被省去。表示命令的祈使句例如: “保持肃静!”、“起立”表示请求的句式表示请求的句式通常是“请……”。例如: “请等我一会。”表示禁止的句式表示禁止的句式有:“不准……”、“不要……”、“别……”等。例如: 此处不准停车! 例如: 此处禁止吸烟! 表示劝阻的句式表示劝阻的句式通常是「请勿……」。例如:请勿在车厢内饮食。 陈述句:就是把问句化成陈述句。 如。他真的是一个好孩子吗? 转陈述句:他真是一个好孩子。 感叹句:有赞叹类似的语句: 如:他真是一个好孩子啊! 反问句:如:难道他真是的是一个好孩子吗?(注意:陈述句转反问句中一般在句子前加难道……吗?) 双重否定句:两个否定变肯定 如:我不得不承认那个本是我的 在双重否定句中,有那么几个个可以用: 不得不不能不难道……不……不可能不不会不怎么会……不不是不等 更加详细的话你去BAIDU搜一 感叹句:加上“啊”及“!”,有时应加上“真”、“很”、“多么”、“太”。 陈述句改反问句:加上“怎么”“怎能”“难道”其中一个反问词,有“不”改没“不”,没“不”改有“不”(看情况,不能一个词、比如“不声不响”你把它改了意思就变了,要看情况),加上“吗”、“呢”以及“?”。 陈述句改双重否定句:加上“不得不”、“不会不”、“不能不”、“无()不”、“没()不”的其中一个(看情况选)。


知识图谱 -疑问句-感叹句一般疑问句和特殊疑问句选择疑问句和反义疑问句What引导的感叹句How引导的感叹句第15讲_疑问句和感叹句 错题回顾 疑问句 知识精讲 疑问句指提出问题,请对方回答的句子。疑问句句末要用问号。按结构可分为四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。 一、一般疑问句 1、一般疑问句概述 一般疑问句,也可称为是否型问句,因为它一般用yes或no回答的,基本的结构为:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),句子要读升调。 对一般疑问句作肯定回答时,通常是Yes, 主语+be/助动词/情态动词;否定回答时,通常是No, 主语+be/助动词/情态动词+not,not通常用省略形式,如: ---Can you swim to the other side?你能游到对岸吗? ---Yes, I can. 是的,我能。 ---No, I can’t. 不,我不能。

注意:回答一般疑问句除了用yes或no外,也可用certainly,probably,perhaps,of course,all right,with pleasure等代替yes,用never,not at all等代替no,使得语气更加客气,委婉,如: ---Can you help me? 你能帮个忙吗? ---Certainly. 当然。 ---Could you please make less noise? 你可以小声一点吗? ---All right, sir. 好的,先生。 ---Have you been there? 你到过那里吗? ---Never. 从来没有。 二、特殊疑问句 1. 特殊疑问句概述 特殊疑问句多以who,where,when,which,whose,why这类词开头,其结构一般为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),通常读降调,如: Who is it on the phone? 谁来的电话? How many oranges can you see in the picture? 你能在图画上看到多少个橘子? 2. 疑问副词

中考英语备考:英语感叹句与祈使句专讲(知识梳理 练习)

中考英语感叹句与祈使句专讲(知识梳理练习) 中考英语感叹句与祈使句专讲(知识梳理+练习) 感叹句和祈使句都是中考考察的重点,在选择题、句型转换、填空和改错等题型中都会出现。这属于语法的基础部分,也是重点部分。需要完全搞懂,驾轻就熟。 一、感叹句 感叹句的概念: 感叹句表示快乐、惊讶、悲哀、厌恶、恐惧等浓厚和强烈的感情。感叹句一般用降调,句末都用叹号。 感叹句构成; How或what(a、an)+感叹部分+陈述句(主谓) 感叹句一般用感叹词How或What引导。How作状语,修饰形容词、副词或动词,What作定语,修饰名词。 (一)由感叹词what引导的感叹句。 注意,What引导的感叹句感叹部分主体是名词。 1、 What+a/an+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主谓+! 例句:What a fine day it is! 2、What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主谓+! 例句:What kind women they are! 3、What+形容词+不可数名词+主谓! 例句:What nice music it is!

(二)由How引导的感叹句。 注意,how引导的感叹句,主体部分是形容词、副词或动词。 1、How+形容词(副词)+主谓+! 例句:How hard the workers are working! 工人工作是多么努力啊! How clever the girl is! 那女孩是多么聪明啊! How quickly the boy is writing! 那男孩写得多快啊! How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快啊! 2、How+主谓+! 例句:How time flies! 时光飞逝! (三)注意: 1、当how修饰副词时,动词不跟着感叹词提到主语之前,保持感叹词+感叹部分+主谓这个结构。 如: How fast the runner runs! 2、what引导的感叹句与how引导的感叹句可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。这种转换在初中英语句型转换题型中经常出现。 如: What an interesting story it is! = How interesting the story is! = How interesting this story is= How interesting that story is What interesting stories they are! = How interesting the stories are! = How interesting these stories are! = How interesting those stories are! What a beautiful building it is! = How beautiful the building is! = How beautiful this building is! = How beautiful that building is!


中考英语感叹句和反意疑问句复习资料感叹句通常由what,how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、怡悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有 1、How+形容词+a/an+名词+主语+谓语Howcleveraboyheis! 2、How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语Howlovelythebabyis! 3、What+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语Whatacleverboyheis! 4、What+形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语Whatwonderfulideas(wehave)! 5、What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语Whatnoisetheyaremaking!How还可以来感叹一个句子。如:HowIloveyou! 一、将下列句子改为感叹句 1.Tom is a clever boy. →_________________! 2.The wind is blowing strongly. →______________________! 3.These cakes are very delicious. →______________________! 4.He is a strange man. →_____________________! 5.It is a pity to miss the play. →_________________________! 6.These flowers are so beautiful.→_________________________! 7.The room is big.→_________________________! 8.It is a very interesting film.→_________________________! 9.We have a good teacher.→_________________________! 10.This question is very easy.→_________________________! 11.The TV play is too long.→_________________________! 12.The building is so tall.→_________________________! 13.Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.→_________________________!


反义疑问句 【反义疑问句】 (一)概念:反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。 (二)要点注意: 1、反意疑问句前后两部分谓语应是:“肯定陈述+否定疑问”或“否定陈述+肯定疑问”。 2、简略问句如果是否定式:not应与be,do,will等系动词、助动词、情态动词缩写。 3、简略问句的主语不用名词,应用人称代词。 4、陈述部分含“too...to”时,是否定句。 (三)用法: 1) 陈述部分I am时,疑问部分要用aren't I. I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?(我和你姐姐一样高,对吗?) 2) 陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, little, seldom, hardly等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The old man made no answer, did he? Jim is never late for school, is he? 3) 陈述部分有情态动词 have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。 We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we? used to,疑问部分用didn't +主语或usedn't +主语。 He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he? had better(最好)+ v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you? You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you? 4) 陈述部分有would rather(宁可、宁愿)+v.,疑问部分多用wouldn't +主语。 He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he? 5 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。 You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you? 6) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。 Everything is ready, isn't it? 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he. Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (doesn’t he?) Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?) 7) think引导的宾语从句: A.主语是第一人称 I don't think he is bright, is he? We believe she can do it better, can't she? B. 如果主语不是第一人称则疑问部分与主句相对应构成反意疑问句 He thought they were wrong, didn't he? (不能说weren't they?) 8) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。 Don't do that again, will you? Go with me, will you / won't you?


英语祈使句和感叹句专项练习题及答案 一、祈使句 祈使句是表示命令、请求的句子。它的主语是you(听话人),通常不说出。【练习导航】Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 这边请! _____ _____, please! 2. 我来帮你吧。 ____ ____ help you. 3. 我们休息一下吧。 _____ _____ a rest. 4. 让她走吧。 _____ _____ leave. 5. 要永远记住那个可怕的日子。 _____ _____ that terrible day. 6. 务必告诉他这个消息! _____ _____ him the news! Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( )7. _____ this kind of peach, and you will like it. A. To try B. Trying C. Try D. Tried ( )8. _____ the radio, please. The baby is sleeping now. A. Not turn on B. Don’t turn on C. Not turn down D. Don’t turn down ( )9. —Please bring your homework to school tomorrow, Steven. —OK, I _____. A. will B. won’t C. do D. don’t ( )10. —Peter, don’t step on the grass. —______. A. It doesn’t matter B. I can’t do it C. Don’t worry D. Sorry, I won’t do it again ( )11. — Remember to ask her to call me b ack. —______. A. Never mind B. That’s right C. Up to you D. All right ( )12. —Let’s go ou t and enjoy the sunshine. —?______. It’s boring to stay at home. A. Sounds great B. Not at all C. Forget it D. No way ( )13. —______ late for school again, Tim! —Sorry, I promise that I ______. A. Don’t;won’t B. Don’t be; won’t C. Don’t be; don’t D. Don’t; will ( )14. Boys and girls, ______ up your hands if you want to go for a picnic this weekend. A. putting B. to put C. put D. puts 【指点迷津】 ◆肯定结构的祈使句常以谓语动词原形开头。 ◆否定结构的祈使句常在谓语动词原形前加上Never或Don’t。◆以let引导的祈使句结构,有以下几种情况: 1.“Let me+动词原形”,意为“请让我……”。 2.“Let’s +动词原形”,意为“让我们……”,表示建议或请求。 3.“Let+第三人称作宾语+动词原形”,意为“让……”,表示愿望、命令或允许。◆在开头的动词原形前加Do(务必)或Always(永远),表示强调。如: Do write to us often! 务必经常给我们写信。 Key: 一、Ⅰ. 1. This way 2. Let me 3. Let’s have 4. Let her 5. Always remember 6. Do tell Ⅱ. 7-10 CBAD 11-14 DA BC 二、感叹句 感叹句是用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子,通常由how或what来引导。【练习导航】Ⅰ. 按要求完成下面的句子,每空一词。 1. These flowers are very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _______ _______ these flowers are! 2. The little boy is very clever. (改为感叹句) _______ _______ the little boy is! 3. It’s a funny story. (改为感叹


中考英语感叹句和反意疑问句复习资料 感叹句通常由what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有 1、How +形容词+ a/an +名词+主语+谓语How clever a boy he is! 2、How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语How lovely the baby is! 3、What+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语What a clever boy he is! 4、What+ 形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语What wonderful ideas (we have)! 5、What+ 形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语What noise they are making! How 还可以来感叹一个句子。如:How I love you! 一、将下列句子改为感叹句 1.Tom is a clever boy. →_________________! 2.The wind is blowing strongly. →______________________! 3.These cakes are very delicious. →______________________! 4.He is a strange man. →_____________________! 5.It is a pity to miss the play. →_________________________! 6.These flowers are so beautiful. →_________________________! 7.The room is big. →_________________________! 8.It is a very interesting film. →_________________________! 9.We have a good teacher. →_________________________! 10.This question is very easy. →_________________________! 11.The TV play is too long. →_________________________! 12.The building is so tall. →_________________________! 13.Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.→_________________________! 14.My dog is very smart. →_________________________! 15.The boys are playing happily. →_________________________! 二.选用what, what a(an), how, how a(an)填空 1. Look! _______fast the boy is running! 2. _______cold day it was yesterday! 3. _______heavy the box is! I can’t carry it. 4. _______interesting story he told us! 5. _______nice the mooncakes are! 6. _______bad weather! 7. _______clever children all of you are!8. _______important news that is! 9. _______he wishes to go to college!10. _______beautiful flowers you bought me!提高型 1. ____ a nice watch it is!(1998山东) A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a 2. ____ bright girls they are!(1998浙江) A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. how a 3. ____ interesting the film is!(1998湖北) A. WhatB. What anC. How 4. ____ sunny day! Let’s go out for a walk.(1999江西) A. How aB. HowC. What aD. What 5. ____ hard work it is!(1999浙江) A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an 6. ____ day it is! It’s rainy again. (1999江西) A. How badB. What a badC. How fineD. What a

小升初英语专项复习讲义与试题-[第25讲] 五大句型—感叹句、反意疑问句 通用版(word版,含答案)

五大句型(三)-感叹句、 反意疑问句 【精品讲义】 Contents 反意疑问句结构 反意疑问句原则 祈使句的反意疑问句 大显身手 感叹句 大显身手

反意疑问句 Xi Xi is clever, isn’t she? Yes, she is. 她聪明 No, she isn’t. 她不聪明 Xiao Qiang isn’t a careless boy, is he? Yes, he is. 他粗心 No, he isn’t. 他不粗心 反意疑问句结构陈述句,简短的一般疑问句 原则前肯后否,前否后肯 疑问句若是否定的,必须用缩略形式如It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 疑问句中用人称代词或there 如The dog is cute, isn’t it? 陈述句中若含有以下词则表否定 no, never, hardly, few, little, nobody, nothing 祈使句的反意疑问句 Do it yourself, will you? Don’t be late next time, will you? Let us sit together, will you? Let’s go shopping, shall we? 大显身手 1.--- The film Kungfu Panda2 is on at the cinema. Let’s go to see it, ? --- OK. Let’s go. A.will you B.shall we C.won’t we D.don’t you 2.There is little we can do about it, ? A.is there B.can’t we C.is n’t there D.can we 3.Kate’s ha rdly late for school, ? A.is she B.isn’t she C.has she D.hasn’t she 4.Don’t forget to wake me up at six tomorrow morning, ? A.shall we B.do you C.will you D.shall not we 5.They had a good time at her birthday party, ? A.haven’t they B.did they
