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供应链管理(Supply chain management,SCM)是一种集成的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流的计划和控制等职能。从单一的企业角度来看,是指企业通过改善上、下游供应链关系,整合和优化供应链中的信息流、物流、资金流,以获得企业的竞争优势。




20世纪70年代晚期,Keith Oliver通过和Skf、Heineken、Hoechst、Cadbury-Schweppes、Philips等客户接触的过程中逐渐形成了自己的观点。并在1982年《金融时代》杂志的一篇文章里阐述了供应链管理(SCM)的意义,Keith Oliver曾经认为这个词会很快消失,但“SCM”不仅没有消失,还很快地进入了公众领域,这个概念对管理者的采购、物流、操作、销售和市场活动意义匪浅。演变














Supply Chain Management

Open Category: intelligent transportation, supply chain management

The so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses,

distribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the professional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.

The so-called supply chain management, that is, to meet a certain level of customer service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport, distribution and sales management.

From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain management of rich content.

First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken into account, including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because their supply chain performance is also influential.

Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.

Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem, so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level, tactical and operational level Level, and so on.

Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives. For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of

stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers, although most manufacturers are willing to implement long-term production operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.

Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing. In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example, the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.

Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits, such as HP, IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the remarkable achievements made is proof.

Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.

SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply chain management, including the five basic elements.

Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of high quality for customers and high-value products or services.

Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment

processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes, including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.

Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents, including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the measurement.

Delivery: a lot of "insider" as "logistics", is to adjust the user's orders receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing system, receiving payments.

Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer applications to provide support for the problem.


Supply Chain Management (Supply chain management, SCM) is an integrated management ideas and methods, the implementation of the supply chain from suppliers to end-users of logistics planning and control functions. The enterprise from a single point of view, is an enterprise through improved on the lower reaches of the supply chain, supply chain integration and optimization of information flow, logistics, capital flow, to get their competitive edge.

Supply chain management is the effectiveness of enterprise management, enterprise performance at the strategic and tactical operations of enterprises throughout the process of optimization. Integration and optimization of the suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, business efficiency, so that the number of goods to the right, the right quality, in the right place, right time, the best production and marketing costs.


70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst, Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982, "Financial Times" magazine in an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver was that the word will soon disappear, but "SCM" not only not disappeared, and quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement, logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.


Supply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain management in the development process, many experts and scholars have put forth a lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of

development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:

1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal process

2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms

3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the relationship.


Supply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning, logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance, procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management, distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing, design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.

Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3, identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners

For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:

1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.

2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking

3, partners must Fewer but Better.


As China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN, AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the changes. In the "distribution of services is a" concept, Digital China through the implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations, increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system can provide more value-added services, with more and more "IT services" color.

合作协议中英文版 (2)

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Party A : Party B: 甲方::乙方: According to the Chinese laws and regulations , Party A and B invest in a new project known as “”( socalled " " for short thereinafter), On the basic of the equality and mutual benefits , both parties friendly reached as following agreement: 根据有关法律、法规,本着平等互利的原则,甲、乙双方共同合作投资经营 ( 项目。经双方友好协商一致,特订立本协议. First Cooperative Project 一、合作项目: Party A and B share the investment of , and affiliated to Samvol. Before the is officially registered in China, can use name of ( ) for legal business activities. 双方拟共同投资经营的项目,并挂靠的名义,乙方提供 相关手续及证件。公司在中国正式注册前,可以借用l 的名义进行一切合法商业行为。 Second Ways of Investment 二、出资方式: The investment both parties are RMB, the total amount is RMB.During the partnership , each partner's contribution will be the joint property, not be segmented arbitrarily. All the joint property should be used for the legal business activities and daily expenses of '' . About the shares ,both side can negotiate after the company was founded for 3 months. 甲方:出资额为元整,乙方:出资额为元整,出资共计人民币( ) 整。合伙期 间各合伙人的出资为共有财产,不得随意 请求分割。出资款用丁此项目的合法商业活动以及日常支出,如需


企业供应链管理的有哪几种主要模式 物流管理是企业管理活动中业已存在的主要工作之一,虽然过去还没有明确提出供应链的概念。早期的物流管理仅关注企业内部的物流组织,很少涉及到企业外部物流的问题,才把物流管理扩展为供应链管理,因而其组织结构也经历了不同的发展阶段。等人将企业组织结构变化与物流管理、供应链管理等联系起来,对美国企业物流管理组织的变化总结出了几种典型模式。 1.传统物流管理组织结构 这种组织结构就是常说的按职能专业部门分工的组织形式。这时的部门划分主要表现为按专业分割。虽然有上级主管部门进行协调,但是由于各个部门总是从各自的利益出发,从部门主管开始就很难达成一致,更不用说下面的工作人员。这种现象意味着整个工作缺乏跨职能协调,从而导致重复和浪费,信息常被扭曲或延迟,权力界限和责任常常是模糊的。这时候还没有出现独立的物流管理功能,也没有独立的职能部门。 2.简单功能集合的物流组织形式 当人们初步认识到业务分割和分散化的组织使企业反应迟钝之后,即开始了对组织功能的合并和集合的尝试,这种变化出现在本世纪50年代。但是这时的功能集合只集中在少数核心业务上。在市场营销领域,集中点通常围绕在客户服务周围。在制造领域,集中通常发生在进入原材料或零部件采购阶段,大多数的部门并未改变,组织层次也未做大的改变,因此其功能整合的效果有限。 3.物流功能独立的组织形式 物流管理的重要性受到了进一步重视,出现了物流管理功能独立的组织形式。此时将物资配送和物料管理的功能独立出来,在企业中的地位也提高了。尤其是随

着市场需求量逐渐加大,企业为了更快地、成本更低地作出反应,纷纷建立面向零售业的物流配送中心,这也是造成物流管理部门相对独立和地位提升的原因之一。 4.一体化物流组织形式 物流一体化组织的雏形出现了。这种组织结构试图在一个高层经理的领导下,统一所有的物流功能和运作,目的是对所有原材料和制成品的运输和存储进行战略管理,以使企业产生最大利益。这一时期计算机管理信息系统的发展,促进了物流一体化组织的形成。 在这种组织结构中,负责总体的计划与控制处在组织的最高层次上,这种努力的结果促进了一体化的形成。计划功能关注的是长期的战略定位,并对物流系统质量改进和重组负责。物流控制的注意力集中在成本和客户服务绩效的测量上,并为管理决策制定提供信息。物流控制系统开发是综合物流管理的关键程序之一。这时的物流组织将厂商定位在可以处理采购、制造支持和物资配送之间的利益协调方面,有利于从整体把握全局观念。 这已是供应链管理的基本形态了。一项综合研究显示,在过去的十年里,物流组织完成了从分隔到物流一体化的转化,使功能渐趋整合。物流组织已扩展到包括联盟关系,并在可预见的未来保持优势。比如武汉良中行供应链管理有限公司是国内首家专注于餐饮供应链运营价值提升的现代化高新技术企业,用互联网的技术构筑智慧、敏捷的餐饮食材供应链服务平台。用互联网的的手段支撑冷链物流的发展。 5.从功能一体化向过程重构转移 适应供应链管理的组织结构变化逐渐从过去的注重功能集合转向注重过程的重


X X X XX X X XX X X X Ltd. Date: 1-JAN-2015 To: Embassy of the United States Dear Visa officer: This is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX works in our company as XXXXXXXX since the year of XXXX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXXX. He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from 22 SPE 2015 to 05 OCT 2015. All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerely Company Name: 公司英文名称 Add:地址 Tel: 电话 Name of the leader : 领导姓名 Signature:


附件1:在职证明参考样本 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日). He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX (出国具体日期某年某月某日). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself/XXXX (出资方的公司名称或个人名字). He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to Schengen countries. Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Income XXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX RMB XXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader(领导人姓名) Position of the leader(领导人职位) Signature (领导的签名) Company’s Stamp(公司盖章) Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXX

心得体会 企业供应链管理心得体会

企业供应链管理心得体会 企业供应链管理心得体会 学习供应链环境下的采购管理心得体会 姓名:姜萌学号:xx517021组别:第三组这段时间自己学习了第六章,发现有许多的东西都是自己不知道的,大部分知道的都是传统采购,很少知道这一章里提到的各种采购方法。 在传统管理下,采购重点是放在与供应商如何进行商业交易上,即在重视交易过程中供应商价格的比较,通过供应商的相互竞争选择价格最低的作为合作者为特点。在采购中,交货质量、交货时问是重要考虑的因素,但都是通过事后把关的办法来进行控制的,如到货验收等,交易过程的重点放在价格的谈判上。因此,供应商与采购部门经常要进行报价、问价、还价等来回谈判,最后从多个供应商中选择一个价格最低的供应商签订合同,订单才能决定下来。 所以在学习了这一章后我总结了传统采购的特点以及在供应链下采购的特点,最后还对比分析了他们的区别,因为我认为类比法对于我来说更容易让我记住知识点,所以我就采取了先分类再比较的方法来学习这一章,当然,我们组主要负责的就是JIT准时化采购,我对它的了解也比较深入,在小组里我也负责的是JIT准时化采购的特点,当然我也是从这里知道它和传统采购的比较,到底在哪里是优胜致胜的关键。 以下这些理论就是我总结和借鉴来的对这章的总结。希望老师批评指正,当然还会在老师和各组的带领下深入了解这些内容。

一.传统管理下的采购模式有以下几个特点: 1.传统采购过程是一个信息私有化的过程 选择供应商在传统的采购中是首要任务。在采购活动中,因为给供应商提供的信息越多,供应商的竞争筹码就越大,对采购方不利。因此,采购方为了能从众多竞争性的供应商中选择一个最佳的供应商,往往会保留私有信息。而供应商在与其他供应商竞争时,也会隐瞒自己的信息。这样一来,采购和供应双方都不能有效地进行信息共享互存,导致信息不对称,引发相互的不信任。 2.采购部门对质量和交货期的检查都是事后把关 在传统管理的采购模式下,采购方基本无法参与到供应商的生产过程和相关的质量控制活动中来,双方的工作既不透明也无法做到有效沟通。因此,采购部门难以对采购品进行实时的跟踪查询。 3.供需关系是临时的或短时期的合作关系 在传统管理下的采购模式中,供应与需求之间无法做到长期的战略伙伴关系,而是一种临时或短时的合作。由于缺乏相互合作和沟通协调,在采购过程中就会出现相互推诿和抱怨,双方没有更多的精力来筹谋工作,可想而之,采购的质量和效率势必下降。 4.缺乏快速响应用户需求的能力 由于供应与采购双方在信息沟通方面缺乏及时的信息反馈,导致采购方在生产需求减少时库存增加;生产需求增加时,出现供不应求的 现象。在市场需求骤变时,供需之间对用户的需求无法积极响应,从而缺乏应付市场变化的能力。


Software Configuration Management (SCM) Document Number: [nn] Date: Day, Month Day, Year [Project Name] [Author 1] [Author 2 - if none, leave blank line] [Author 3 - if none, leave blank line] [Author 4 - if none, leave blank line]



美国签证在职证明英文 模版 文件编码(GHTU-UITID-GGBKT-POIU-WUUI-8968)

Certificateofemployment Date:时间(打印日期即可) To:Consulate-GeneralofU.S.A. Thisistocertifythat Mr/Ms姓名拼音(MR.ZhangSan)is职位 inourcompany.He/She hasbeenworkingheresince年月日(2010-01-01). Wehaveapproved his/her leave.He/She intendstovisittravelinU.S.A.from去的日期 (July21,2018)to回国日期(August25th),total天数 (35)days.Pleasegrant him/her thenecessaryvisa,thankyouinadvance. Weguaranteethat he/she willabidebythelawsinyourcountryandregulationsandreturntoChin aontime.Allofthetravelingexpenseswillbepaidby himself/herself.Weagreeandwillkeep hi s/her positionafter he/she comesbacktoChina. Yourk prova lofthisapplicationwillbehighlyappreciated. Yoursincerely! ManagerPosition: 准假人英文职称 ManagerSignature:准假人姓名拼音(不一定要法人,准假人拼音即可。) 中文签名负责人手写签名 公司盖章 Company:公司英文名称 Tel:(区号)公司电话


企业供应链管理存在的问题与对策 专业 姓名 学号: 教师 2015年 4月 10 日 摘要 改革开放以来我国企业的发展速度非常迅速, 体量巨大,供应链管理正处于蓬勃发展时期。本文首先介绍了供应链及供应链管理的含义,通过对我国企业供应链及供应链管理存在的问题进行调查行分析,分析了我国企业供应链及供应链管理存在的问题的原因,并针对愿意提出了解决现在我国企业在供应链管理中存在的具体的对策。 关键词:企业,供应链管理,问题,对策

目录 一、供应链及供应链管理的含义 4 (一)供应链的含义 4 (二)供应链管理的含义5 二、我国企业供应链的现状分析及问题分析 5 (一)我国企业供应链的现状分析 5 (二)我国企业供应链管理中的问题 6 1.产品不规范标准化程度低 6 2.各企业间未形成战略伙伴关系7 3.信息不能及时掌握决策失误增多 7 4.管理模式不科学 7 5.供应链的响应速度慢7 6.供应链的设计不合理7 三、解决我国企业供应链管理存在问题的对策8 (一)树立真正的供应链管理意识 8 (二)寻求建立战略合作伙伴关系 8 (三)加强供应链中成员企业之间的信任和合作,建立、健全中国信用体系 8 (四)重建企业的业务流程和组织结构8 (五)实施绿色供应链管理 9 (六)供应链的风险控制9 结论10


企业供应链管理存在的问题与对策 企业供应链管理是就单个公司所提出的含有多个产品的供应链管理,该公司在整个供应链中处于主导者地位,拥有主导权,如,沃尔玛公司的供应链。在这样的供应链中,必须明晰主导者的主导权是什么,以及它能否成为统一整个供应链理念的关键要素。如果这种主导权模糊不清,不仅无助于计划、设计的指定与实施,而且,也无法维系整个供应链的运转及建立起强有力的管理组织。基于企业供应链的供应链管理,不仅考虑与供应链上其他成员合作,也较多地关注企业多种产品在原料购买、生产、分销、运输等技术的资源优化配置问题。 一、供应链及供应链管理的含义 (一)供应链的含义 供应链最早来源于彼得·德鲁克提出的“经济链”,后经由迈克尔·波特发展成为“价值链”,最终演变为“供应链”。 “供应链”的定义为:“围绕核心企业,通过对信息流,物流,资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中。它是将供应商,制造商,分销商,零售商,直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链模式。”所以,一条完整的供应链应该包括供应商(原材料供应商或零配件供应商),制造商(加工厂或装配厂),分销商(代理商或批发商),零售商(卖场、百货商店、超市、专卖店、便利店和杂货店)以及消费者。


附件1:在职证明英文参考样本 Date:XXXXXXXX To:EmbassyoftheUnitedStates DearSirorMadam: Thisistocertifythat Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)worksinourunit/companyas XXXX(职位)sincetheyearof XXXX(年).His/Her monthlysalaryis RMBXXXX(月薪).He/She willhaveatourtotheUnitedStatesofAmericafromto出国旅游具体日期:某日某月某年) His/Her informationislistedasfollows, Name Sex DateofBirth PassportNo. Allthetravellingexpenses,includingairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhealthins urance,willbecoveredby himself/herself. Weherebyguaranteethat he/she willabidebyallthelawsandregulationsduringhis/herstayingabr oad.Wealsoguaranteethat he/she willbebacktoChinaonscheduleandwillcontinuetoworkforour un it/company. Yourssincerely CompanyName:XXXXXX Add:XXXXXX Tel:XXX-XXXXXX Nameoftheleader(领导人姓名) Positionoftheleader(领导人职位) Signature(领导的签名) CompanyStamp(公司盖章) 附件2:在职证明中文参考样本 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 致:美国大使馆签证官 兹证明XXX先生/女士自XXXX年来我公司任职,职位是XXXX.他/她的月收入是人民币XXXX 元。他/她将于XXXX年X月X日到XXXX年X月X日(出国具体日期某年某月某日)赴美国旅游。他/她的具体信息如下,


OEM Cooperation Agreement OEM合作协议 This contact is entered on ____________________________ by and between: 本协议是由以下双方在_________年_________月_________日签订: Party A: 甲方: Party B: 乙方: _____________________________________________, a company organized and existing under the laws of Peoples’ Republic of China and having it’s principle place of business located at ________________________________________________. _____________________________________________, 一家根据中华人民共和国法律成立,主营业地位于___________________________________的公司。 Whereas, 1. Party A is engaged in the business of marketing of ____________________ in [ ]. 2. Party B is engaged in developing and manufacture of LED Lighting products. Now this contact witness and it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows: 鉴于,甲方从事________________________产品,在_________________地区市场的营销工作;乙方是__________________产品专业的研发、生产企业,双方为共同的发展,达成以下项目: Section 1: Definitions and Interpretation 第一条:总则和定义 1.1Cooperation Manner: Both Parties agree that Party A shall sell the products by OEM; Meanwhile, Party B shall develop, manufacture and provide, by OEM, Products with the brand designated by Party A (the “products”).


企业供应链管理解决方案 概述 今天,供应链治理(SCM)已被视为企业运营成功的关键。实施供应链治理的企业与战略性供应商共同设计、制造及分享市场供求信息,其运作空间已无限延伸至企业运营领域之外;同时,传统企业间的竞争方式也随之转变为企业供应链间的竞争,企业与合作伙伴之间的合作关系日趋紧密,大伙儿关注的重心不再是产业链上利益分配的比例,而是如何扩大可供分配的利益。竞争的加剧要求企业能够更灵敏地响应市场需求,缩短产品上市周期,使产品结构与市场需求结构相匹配;同时,关于那些物流成本高居不下的企业,高效的物流治理和资金周转也成为了提升企业竞争力的核心。 金算盘供应链管明白得决方案萃取了现代企业治理思想的精髓,集销售与分销治理、采购治理、库存治理、市场治理、客户治理、供应商治理于一体,实现从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的全过程物流集成与操纵。关心企业把客户、经销商、供应商以及协作单位纳入到一个紧密联系的生态链中,有效地安排企业的经营活动;满足企业充分利用现有资源快速高效地进行生产经营的需求,进一步提升工作效率和扩大竞争优势。打算、执行、考核与处置功能在整个方案流程中得到实现,使企业整个治理流程更加清晰、预算操纵更加有效、企业决策更加科学。 主体流程 特点 财务业务一体化 金算盘软件实现了真正意义上的财务业务一体化,不仅业务数据能够直截了当传递到财务系统,任何有关联的模块之间都实现了数据的双向或单向传递,是一套全面集成的高度智能化系统。 功能强大、覆盖面广

金算盘的充分考虑到了供应链业务的复杂性和多样性,能够适应供应链的各类业务模式,同时秉承了金算盘软件品质第一的传统,具有优秀的可操作性、稳固性、易用性 充分满足客户个性化需求 如何最好的满足客户需求已成为现代企业的竞争核心,为了适应客户化定制生产模式,金算盘的产品配置功能,能够由客户在一定范畴内自由定义所需的产品,达到定制生产目的。 适应多种行业的特点 作为一个商品化的软件包,金算盘具有丰富的行业特点,例如医药流通业的GSP质量治理、零售业POS治理等。 全面的系统集成 与金算盘的其他软件无缝连接,并提供标准接口,能与银行、税务等有关系统进行集成。 跨数据库、跨平台 金算盘采纳Oracle大型数据库,同时支持Sqlserver、DB2等其他数据库;除支持Windows操作系统之外还支持安全性、稳固性更高的Linux操作系统。 支持数据的集中式和分布式部署 支持Internet应用 要紧功能 供应链治理 采购治理 广泛适用于企业的采购作业治理和考核分析。同时基于生产治理、库存治理和财务监控的意义,它完全能够动态反映物流和资金流状况,并操纵超打算的采购作业,能为企业治理者提供决策参考。 销售治理 强调企业对响应客户需求的及时性、准确性能力的塑造,提供企业在竞争中的灵敏反应能力,适应能力、创新能力和综合的治理能力,能够灵活、轻松地实现正常销售、直运销售、托付代销、托付调拨、分期收款销


Strategic Supply Chain Management 战略供应链管理 The supply chain strategy of Xoceco Electronic 厦华电子的供应链战略 Module No: 336BSS Name: JiZhi Liu Student No: 3356456

Contents Ⅰ. Executive Summary --------------------------------------------------------3 Ⅱ. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------3 Ⅲ. Introduce of Xoceco Company -------------------------------------------3 Ⅳ. Xoceco Electronic Company's sales performance--------------------4 Ⅴ. The difficulties Xoceco Electronic Company faces ------------------4 Ⅵ. External Environment Analysis------------------------------------------5 6.1 Xoceco Electronic Company of the overall resource 6.2 The advantages of Xoceco Electronics Company 6.3 The disadvantage of Xoceco Electronics 6.4 The analysis of the chance Xoceco Electronics face Ⅶ. Xoceco Electronic Company's supply chain strategy----------------9 Ⅷ. Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------10 Ⅸ. Reference---------------------------------------------------------------------11


单位logo “单位名称” 致,尊敬的大使馆 To Embassy, 兹证明(个人姓名),身份证号:11010119xxxxxxxxxx,我们公司允许他在2005-04-xx至2005-04-xx以个人旅行目的前往(前往的国家)。 This is to certify that(姓名全拼),ID number:(身份证号码), is permitted by our company to visit(前往的国家)for a personal trip from (XX)/Apr./2005 to (XX)/Apr./2005. (姓名),自(进入公司时间)进入公司,年薪十万元,职务是财务人员。 (姓名)worked in our company since (进入公司时间). His salary is 100,000(Annual salary), and the title is Finance. 我们保证他将遵守所有当地法律和法规,将回到中国时间。他在我们公司的职位将被保留他回来 We hereby guarantee that he will abide by all local laws and regulations and will come back to China on time. His position in our company will be kept for his coming back. 特此证明 Sincerely yours Signature: 权利人签字 (盖公章) Company:公司英文全称 Add:公司英文地址 Tel:公司电话 公司信纸标记信息


合作框架协议 Cooperation Framework Agreement 甲方:西安旌旗电子有限公司 Party A: Xi’an Flag Electronic Co., Ltd. 乙方:GLOBAL TORONICS FOR ELECTRONICS (EGYPT) Party B: GLOBAL TORONICS FOR ELECTRONICS (EGYPT) 甲乙双方本着互惠互利、资源共享、技术互补和共同发展的原则,经双方友好协商,就甲方向乙方提供电力线载波模块、抄表系统及相关电力线载波技术方案,达成合作意向,为明确双方的权利、义务特制订本协议。 Both parties, for principles of mutual benefit, resource sharing, complementary technology and joint development, through friendly negotiation, the two parties entered into collaboration Party A to provide Party B power line carrier wave module, meter reading system and related power line carrier wave technology program; to clear the rights and obligations thereof this Agreement was therefore made in particular between the two parties herein. 一、合作内容 1. Contents of cooperation 电力线载波抄表系统:包括管理软件;集中器;单、三相(单费率)载波电度表;单、三相复费率载波电度表;单、三相预付费载波电度表;载波模块。 Power line carrier wave reading system: including management software, concentrator, single and three phase (single rate) carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, single and three phase dual rate carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, single and three phase prepaid carrier wave kilowatt-hour meter, carrier wave module. 二、合作方式 2. Ways of cooperation 1、甲方按照乙方需求设计提供符合要求的全套载波电表设计、生产、调试技术方案,乙方按照方案生产整表。集中器、载波模块、MCU芯片、软件由甲方负责提供。 1. Party A, in accordance with the needs of Party B, shall design and provide the whole set of carrier wave ammeter design, production and testing technical solutions meeting the requirements; and the Party B, according to the solutions made above, shall carry out the production of entire meter, while the Party A shall provide concentrator, carrier wave module, MCU chip and software.


在职证明英文填写模板 在职证明是我国公民在日常生产生活经营活动中,所需要的对个在职情况及收入的一种证明,一般在办理主要是出国签证使用。在职证明很多人都会写。但英文版的在职证明又怎么写呢?下面小编为大家收集整理了在职证明英文填写模板,供大家参考。 篇一:在职证明书英文版 CERTIFICATE Date: month day, year Series (97): 001 This is to certify that Name, has been a teacher of Subject at Taipei County Hai-Shan High School since Date, and is still a member of our faculty. Name: National ID No. Date of Birth: Sung-Hsi Wu Principal Taipei County Hai-Shan High School 篇二:在职证明书英文版 CERTIFICATE ______________:

This is to certify that xx-x(姓名) (passport NO. xx-xxx-xxx-x (护照号))is employed by our firm since xx-xxx-x(雇用年月). His/Her current income monthly is RMB xx-xxx(月收入). We hereby confirm he/she is going to (所去国家) on travel. From XX TO XXX(旅游起始日期). We further guarantee xx-x (姓名)will comply with local law and regulation during her or his stay in (所去国家) and will also be back on time, meanwhile, we are willing to retain her or his position until she or he comes back . This certificate is issued to facilitate him/her application for a visa for such a visit . 公司名称 日期 盖章 公司地址: 电话: 联系人: 篇三:在职证明(中英)签证用 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our company from


美国签证在职证明中英 文 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

请使用公司信纸 Date: 1-JAN-2016 To: Embassy of the United States Dear Visa officer: This is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX works in our company as XXXXXXXX since the year of XXXX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXXX. He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from 23 SPE 2016 to 06 OCT 2016. His/Her information is listed as follows, All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerely Company Name: 公司英文名称


1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.一个供应链仅包括直接参与提供所需的元件制造业的组织。Answer: FALSE 2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.Answer: TRUE 供应链由所有各方,直接或间接参与,满足客户要求。 3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web. Answer: TRUE 供应链可以更准确地描述为供应网络。 4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. TRUE 每一个供应链的目的是生成的整体价值最大化。 5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain.Answer: FALSE 每一个供应链的目标是最大化为供应链的制造组件生成价值。 6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages.Answer: FALSE 每个供应链必须包括所有5 个阶段。 7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages.Answer: TRUE 供应链周期认为供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。 8) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: FALSE 供应链周期观点认为,在供应链过程可以分为2 个类别,具体取决于他们是否发起回应或预期客户订单。 9) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in response to or in anticipation of customer orders.Answer: TRUE 供应链推/拉认为,在供应链过程可以分为2 个类别,具体取决于他们是否发起回应或预期客户订单。 10) The push/pull view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. FALSE 供应链推/拉认为在供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。 11) The objective of the customer arrival process is to maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.Answer: TRUE 客户到达过程的目标是最大化客户来港定居人士对客户订单的转换。 12) The objective of the customer arrival process is to ensure that orders are quickly and accurately
