

2017 年01月07日托福写作考题回忆








1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产


2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。问题是,现在海里已经有成千上万的塑料袋了,即使分解成


3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。即使有法律规


Sample Answer:

When it comes to the decrease of sea turtle’s population, the reading puts

forward three solutions to prevent this tendency. However, all these three

solutions are regarded as invalid in the listening.

First, the idea that building a metal fence will work. Not as it puts in the

reading, the listening argues that the mental fence will hinder the development

of magnetic field which exerts influence on the growth of the little sea

turtles. The listening further illustrates that sea turtles rely on magnetic

field to navigate, find food and mates as well as find a suitable place to lay

eggs. Without a fully developed magnetic field, they cannot live and reproduce.

As to the second measure of a ban of the plastic bags, the listening still

refutes it. As a matter of fact, there are already thousands of plastic bags in

the sea, which, although decomposing into small pieces, still pose great threat

to sea turtles. Therefore, the ban of plastic bags is not the point.

Lastly, the reading calls on to transform the traditional fishing nets into

those catching only fish but not sea turtles. Unfortunately, the third solution

is not able to work well. The listening explains that the fishermen will refuse

to use the transformed fishing nets for they will catch fewer fish and thus get

a decreased income. Even though relevant laws are enacted, the fishermen will

apply the traditional fishing nets before replacing them with the transformed

fishing nets on shore. (247 words)

You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do

you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a


Sample Answer:

Regardless of the increasingly complicated relationships among modern people,

honesty is still regarded as the most cherished characteristic when it comes to

evaluating others around us. Therefore, it is not beyond our expectation that

someone gives priority to honesty when selecting a leader for a student

organization. According to my preference and experience, there are other two

factors that are more worth noticing.

To begin with, the ability to plan and organize is the most essential

characteristic for a student leader for the sake of a smooth progress of the

student affairs. In other words, competent leaders are those with detailed

plans and clear goals in their mind. Otherwise, the whole group will easily get

lost on the way and lose the impetus to strive for their common goals. By

making a detailed plan and carrying it out step by step, a group leader is not

only capable of pushing forward and complete the preset projects but also able

to keep the team members away from distrust and anxiety. For example, if a

leader of English Association is going to conduct an English speaking contest,

he is required to figure out the concrete process of a speaking contest, the

cost related to the applied facilities as well as the assignment for each

individual in the group.

Besides, whether the candidate for the student leader masters the art of

communication is also worth noticing. It is no denying that the leader of a

student organization is exposed to various chances to interact with group

members encompassing students of distinct personality traits. Therefore,it is

of paramount importance for the leader to be possessed with the ability to

relate well with others. More importantly, only by well coordinating the

relations among the team members can the student leader be capable of ensuring

the smooth progress of the organization. To illustrate, if conflicts arise

among team members during the process of crucial projects, the leader has the

obligation to properly settle the disagreement by skillfully calming them down

with maybe witty words and then take measures to cope with the problems.

Admittedly, it is indisputable that honesty should not be neglected in terms of

choosing a leader. After all, honesty has a lot to do with obtaining trust and

creating a harmonious atmosphere among the whole group. It is natural that

people usually rely on an honest person without reservation. Nevertheless, it

is still not wise enough to regard it as the most crucial factor in terms of

choosing a leader for student organizations for honesty does not testify to

one’s ability and competence in dealing with group projects.

To sum up, taking the ability of planning and organizing as well as communication skills into consideration, it is too rash to put honesty first when choosing a leader for student organizations. (469words)

2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆


Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible.


The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.

1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.

2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.

3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.


The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.

1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.

2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.

3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will also

kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible.

Sample Answer:

The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.

The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.

Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, they

will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.

As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.

(207 words)


As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)

2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)

Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university Why

Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.

Sample Answer:

There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not a

university students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.

Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfill the ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle, which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends who share the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future career, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.

Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesis before graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics c ourses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.

Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is far away from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice

There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the best

future development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)

2017 年01月14日托福写作考题回忆


Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads from spreading is feasible.


The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.

1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.

2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.

3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.


The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.

1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue. The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.

2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.

3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however, poison will also

kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So, native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible.

Sample Answer:

The reading passage and lecture both talk about how to stop the spread of snakeheads and the professor contradicts all those method mentioned in the passage respectively.

The first solution is to make laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish, according to the passage. However the professor gives opposite viewpoint that even if people do not transport the snakeheads, the spread will still continue, because there are already many snakeheads and they will move to other rivers by moving on land as long as they are moist. In other words, whether people transport them or not, they will still establish their population.

Secondly, the professor fights against to teach fishers to catch snakeheads. Actually, when fishers realized that they can make profit by this way, they

will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise them in order to catch more, which may conversely lead to the increase of snakehead.

As to the virus, professor also shows his strong disapproval. Even though the native fishes can be restocked, the poison will kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. Then there comes to an irreversible consequence that the native fishes, which feed on these insects and micro organisms, cannot grow to their original size.

(207 words)


As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

1、Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)

2、Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)

Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university Why

Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.

Sample Answer:

There is large quantity of students who spend their spare time to do volunteer work mainly as a consequence of the requirement of credit or some working experience. Still, that totally makes no sense. Even though I am not a university students now, given the choice, I would choose to learn some knowledge that different from my own major.

Wide range of social circle is the first benefit when they learn various subjects. All what we do in the society like starting a business and fulfill the ambition in career depend on abundant social resources. The social circle, which provides the greatest help in promoting our work and life, needs to be

set up when we are in the university. Various classes are exactly the way that create chances for us to meet friends in various fields. On the contrary, if restricted in own world, we get along with small range of friends who share the same skills and knowledge. When we meet some trouble in future career, it’s merely impossible to cooperate with them. For the sake of future development, making friends through this way is a great opportunity to expand our pool of companions.

Aside from making friends who are separate from our core social circle, another advantage is that what we learn in other fields may have great contributions to our original major. There is no such subject that can establish without any other field. I am a sociological students, who were asked to learn some statistics that seems irrelevant but actually, help me a lot when I do some social researches. I might not finish my thesis before graduation if the professor had not ask us to take statistics courses. I really don’t see anything wrong with the students taking the courses that have no connection with their major whether they are truly interested in it or just for the sake of annual paper or examinations.

Two years ago, I interviewed some of those students why they took volunteer work in holidays, I found the leading reason was that they wanted to accumulate working experiences. It sounds reasonable but actually, most students apply for the job that is far away from what they did voluntarily before. According to a recent survey conducted by my professor, who is a specialist in research of employment, no more than 7% involved students choose their final job as what their social practice did and most of them have totally different ideas from their original thoughts when they were in campus. Since the working experience from volunteer has no business to their final career, what is the rationale behind this choice

There is nothing wrong with doing volunteer work in holiday. For the best

future development, though, learning different knowledge and skills is the better way to enrich our life. (469 words)

2017 年02月18日托福写作考题回忆


土星的卫星Titan有3个unusual features 难以解释。



1. unusual orbit 普通的卫星运转是circular环形的轨道,但是Titan卫星运转时是elliptical orbit椭圆轨道。

2. massive depression Titan表层周边有很多depression and crater洼地和坑,正


3. sand dunes Titan赤道附近有很多沙丘,沙丘的方向一般是和风向相符的,但是Titan的沙丘斜面朝东,但是一般表层风向确是朝向西的。



1. Titan不是一个单一的卫星,周边的卫星群相互作用,相互影响,就使得它呈现椭圆形轨道。

2. 洼地和坑不是火山和碰撞造成的,而是强降雨导致的。

3. 沙丘方向和风向确实相符,它上面的沙丘确实斜面朝东,那是因为暴风改变风向把沙吹往东边的。

Sample Answer:

The reading raises three unusual features of Titan, which are puzzling. The listening, however, strongly insist that those features are explainable.

The first feature mentioned in the reading is its elliptical orbit which is different from the common satellites whose orbit is circular. This phenomena is explained by the listening which reminds us that there are other satellites which move around Titan. The nearby satellites could exert influence on titan, hence leading to the elliptical phenomena.

As to the second point, it is believed in the reading that the usual feature of massive depression, which should have been caused by volcanic eruption, but there is no volcano on Titan. The listening pushes forward another theory that instead of being caused by volcanic eruption and collision, the massive depression and crater formed as a result of storm. The reading, therefore, is wrong again.

Lastly, the reading is of the view that the sand tunes near the Titan’s equator should be in the same direction with the wind direction but the opposite is true. It is admitted in the listening that the direction of sand tunes is originally in conformity to the wind direction. What’s more, it is true that the top sand tunes point to the east, which is in a reverse direction to the wind. But the truth is that under the influence of the storm, its direction has been changed. As a result, the last phenomena is also explainable.

(240 words)


Topic: Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The group will be helped more by

person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is

different from what the group wants to do.





Sample Answer:

As the core power of a group, the group members are obliged to spare no efforts to push forward the project in progress. However, the members of a group encompass people of different characteristics, divergent way of thinking and working styles, as a result of which, someone may unconditionally follow the group's orders, while someone maybe always critical about them. As far as I am concerned, the former is more favorable when considering benefiting the whole group.

Primarily and undeniably, a higher working efficiency could be achieved if the group members could comply with the whole group’s rules and targets. During

the process of accomplishing a project, team cooperation is of great significance, which could be realized by the wholehearted dedication of all members with their divergence being eliminated. Evidently, team cooperation is

in direct proportion to the working efficiency of the group. By contrast, if a group member, when assigned tasks, always goes against the whole group’s progressing direction and working targets, a bunch of time will be wasted. What’s worse, direct conflict may arise, which brings forth great obstacles standing in the way before the project is started. It is due to such a disagreement within the group that exerts side effects on the working efficiency.

Apart from working efficiency, another important benefit of choosing a

compliant group member is all team members will work with greater impetus. Compared with harmony, disagreement never fail to fuel bias and possibly discrimination, hence creating a negative state of mind. Under such circumstance, almost everyone loses the impetus and motivation to struggle in the group, no matter how ambitious and aggressive they are before. Just imagine, an English association is going to conduct an English speaking contest. Every member of the group is allocated with certain assignment like purchasing required necessities, site layout, selecting the contestants and so on, with

the purpose of guaranteeing the smooth progression of the contest. If someone

of them refuses to accept the assignment by arguing that things should be arranged in another way, it may turn out to be great hazard to the morale of the group especially when others are in agreement with the plans. Needless to say, morale is to a group what soul is to humankind.

I tend to concede that some novel ideas and inspirations may turn out to be new blood for the whole group, but that should not be an excuse for not obeying what the majority of the members insist. Just as an old saying goes: the minority is subject to the majority. Those bearing different considerations should put the collective in the first place.

From what has been discussed above, it is safe to draw the conclusion that a member willing to do what other group members want is more favorable for a group, not only for a higher working efficiency but also for a greater impetus.

(480 words)



阅读:palm oil 的生产有积极的影响,应该要扩大生产。

1. 可以帮助保护森林,需要的土地少。

2. 可以用于生产环境友好的biodiesel 。

3. 可以减少小规模生产的农民们的贫困。

听力:palm oil生产同时也会有消极的影响,不应该扩大生产。

1. 种植虽然可以成为森林且需要的土地少,但是在以砍伐其他森林为目的的,也是破坏了森林。

2. 可以用于生产 biodiesel,但是在砍伐完其他森林以后,需要焚烧peat,这个东西的燃烧会产生更多的二氧化碳,对环境不利

3. 是可以减少小规模生产的农民们的贫困,但是小规模生产的农民们对于palm oil生产的控制时间并不长,随后大的规模的生产机构也对palm oil感兴趣,这样小规模生产的农民们将失去对palm oil生产的控制,增收很少。


Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses is a good indication of his or her personality or character.

2017 年02月26日托福写作考题回忆

阅读:New Guinean Flatworms这种虫子在欧洲不断扩散。需要寻找方法控制它蔓延的趋势。提到如下三种方式:

1. Biological control:引入predator,或者依赖当地的鸟类

2. Chemical control:使用pesticide。

3. Soil fertilization:翻耕土壤,提升肥力,使用肥料,提升土壤温度,杀死虫卵。


1. 引入predator会导致被引入的种群无法控制。当地鸟类都不吃这种虫子,味道酸难吃。

2. 使用pesticide杀死该虫子,目前没有十分有效的针对该虫子的杀虫剂。唯一的一种Lindane 稍微有效果,但不明显。

3. 翻耕土壤的方法不容易达到杀死虫卵所需温度,效果不好。

Sample Answer:

The reading lists three way to prevent the spread of New Guinean Flatworms and the lectu rer gives his prospective to prove that all those methods don’t work.

The first methods is to introduce the predator or other local birds to kill them. However, the lecturer points out that the imported species will

eventually become another kind of biological invasion and the local birds actually don’t like to eat them due to the bad taste. Thus, the biological control seems unlikely to be effective.

Another way is to use pesticide to control the population of flatworms. As to this way, the professor r egards that we don’t have the certain and effective pesticide to kill the New Guinean Flatworms. The only one we can use is Lindane, but actually it is not sufficient. In other words, chemical control is not suitable.

The third method is to add some powerful fertilization so that the heat will

kill the eggs. The professor claims that the temperature are not high enough to kill the small pests and pest eggs. Rather, they may be the great threat of the local crops, which means that we cannot use this way to stop the spread.

(197 words)


Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently.

Sample Answer:

Completing schoolwork on time is actually not easy tasks for most students, especially for those underachievers. In this situation, some parents can’t

bear to see their kids work late till midnight but with little progress, so

they help their children to do the homework. Nevertheless, the parents should realize the importance and meaning of assignments and children will be the

great beneficiaries if they do the work by themselves.

The first benefit is to cultivate their learning ability. With the help of parents or teachers, students hardly develop their own way to think, to

analysis and even to explore the unknown world. Most of them will be frustrated when they find that they cannot be well-informed and learn something new at work. On the contrary, students who are asked to do homework alone have already been equipped with certain ability about how to deal with the difficulties in school time, and because of this, they prepare well for the future challenge, regardless of the unknown and the unexpected. Compared with the future benefit, the current difficulties in learning alone, clearly, doesn’t matter.

Aside from necessary capabilities, mental independence is another factor to ensure their bright future. The kids who get used to working alone surely rely more on themselves in the future. My cousin Lily is such a girl whose father always ask her to solve the school work by herself. She are never afraid of the unknown challenges and always strong enough to be the pillar of her friends when they study abroad and live in a foreign city. I don’t think there is anything wrong with an individual act weakly among his or her close friends and lover, but when they truly need to rely on themselves, they are supposed to be stronger.

When I talk with some parents about this issue, they think that their children are too young to avoid many mistakes in their schoolwork, which may finally destroy their self-confidence. How much do they know about their “baby” They just look down upon them and seldom trust that the children can make up their mistakes and more importantly, learn how to be responsible for their schoolwork. If they have never made mistake and experienced the process of solving problem, that will surely lead to the consequence of “no confidence”.

In conclusion, in the way of educating students, it is significant to encourage them to complete task and learn by themselves. Only through that way can students be really aware of the knowledge and methodology learned in school and can they be well-developed into individuals. (429 words)

2017 年03月04日托福写作考题回忆







?不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。


Sample Answer:

About the function of disks, the reading mentions three hypotheses, which are refuted by the listening one by one with the following arguments.

The first possible function of disks, raised by the reading, is for cooking. The listening, however, is opposite to this point by further explaining that after being heated for a long time, cookers must be blackened or discolored, just like pans and pots at our home. But the fact is that among the 200 unearthed disks, none of them is blackened or discolored.

Regarding to the drum theory, the listening still disagrees with it. For one thing, it could not produce sound that is pleasing to ears for this kind of disk is made of clay, which, even though covered with hides, could not produce sound that is better than that produced by drums made of hides and wood. For another, drums made of clay are too heavy, making it much inconvenient to use. The listening, therefore, casts doubt on what the reading indicates.

Finally, the reading states that disks could serve as mirrors. This opinion is in sharp contrast with the belief in the listening that it is unlikely that disks are used as mirrors. After pouring liquid, disks must be laid horizontally. And people could look in the mirror by bending down. But the problem is that with the mirror being horizontal, the side which is decorated could not be seen. But the Greek mirrors are held by hands so that the decorative pattern is visible. (251 words)


Nowadays, many movies or films are based on books. Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the book. Which one do you prefer

Sample Answer:

The movie industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom during recent years with endless movies coming into view. Among the ample supply of movies, many are based on original books, which provides the general public two choices about the order of reading books and watching movies. Some prefer to watch the movie followed by reading the book. According to my preference, I would like to read the original book first.

The primary reason for my stance is that by reading the original book, I am allowed to let my imagination run wild. To illustrate, the original book shows us the detailed plots without displaying the specific characters on screen or through pictures. Therefore, we are free to imagine without the constraints of movies. Conversely, characters in the movies have already been chosen and designed including their facial expressions, body language and even dressing styles, which leaves us few chances to make full use of our imagination and curiosity to think logically. It is no wonder that giving priority to the original books provides us with more fun, for it is imagination that contributes to happiness.

Another factor tempts me to make such a choice is that I will have a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind the movie after reading the book. As we all know, movies are always adapted, some details of which are unavoidably deleted owing to the limitation of time. Accordingly, it is highly possible

that some plots and lines are too abstract to understand. The original book, on the other hand, clearly explains the background, hence not giving rise to confuse. I always have a glimpse of the original books before reading the adapted movies, with A Dream of Red Mansions a clear case in point. The book A Dream of Red Mansions mainly describes a touching love story between Jia Baoyu and his cousin Lin Daiyu, which begins and ends in a luxurious mansion. Hardly could I understand why Lin Daiyu always quarreled with Jia Baoyu in the movie if I did not take time to read the book.

Frankly speaking, movies are short enough for us to make a quick decision about whether it is to our taste and whether it is worth reading the original book. But as mentioned above, movies are adapted more often than not, which cannot serve as the determining factor of whether the original book is a good one.

To sum up, reading the book before watching the movie is definitely a more preferable choice, for it will beget imagination and curiosity as well as a deeper comprehension. (429 words)



阅读:保护濒危鸟类Hermit Ibis很困难,因为:

1. habitat destruction生存环境的破坏,大多由于人的占用导致。

2. 附近捕食者(比如秃鹰和乌鸦)对幼鸟和蛋的攻击. Eggs and juvenile are vulnerable to the predators, which, however, cannot be killed because they are also important to ecosystem.

3. 保护濒危物种通常科学家会raise them in captivity 然后release into the wild, 但是Hermit Ibis是迁徙类动物,它们是从父母那里学习how and where to migrate,



1. hermit ibis可以在很多地方筑巢,人工搭建的栖息地,比如建筑物的外墙。这个不


2. 虽然eggs and juvenile are vulnerable,但是它们的天敌都比较胆小,只要在eggs and juvenile成年之前人类通过吹哨子赶走天敌,Hermit Ibis成年后生活就没有问题了。

3. 人类也可以教给年幼的hermit ibis如何迁徙,比如pilot带着年幼的hermit ibis


Sample Answer:

Contrary to the belief in the passage that it is difficult to protect hermit ibis, the professor asserts a diverse perception.

To begin with, the professor argues that hermit ibis actually can build nest everywhere. For example, the wall of buildings is perfectly suitable for them to build nest. Habitat destruction won’t be a problem to prevent scientists from protecting hermit ibis. This directly challenges the first idea in the reading that like many other endangered species, it is difficult to protect hermit ibis because of the habitat destruction.

Then, the author of the passage points out eggs and juveniles are vulnerable to the predators, which, however, are not supposed be killed because they are also important to ecosystem. However, their predators actually are coward species. People can easily blow whistles to scare away the predators during the period

in which they are vulnerable. When they grow up to adults, there will be nothing to be worried about anymore. Again, this contradicts what the reading passage says about the same issue.

Finally, the professor points out that human can also teach young hermit ibis how to migrate. For example, pilots can flight along hermit ibis’ migratory route thus young hermit ibis that is raised in captivity will follow this route and become capable of migrating just like their peers living in the wild. Yet,

the reading is of the opposite view that hermit ibis raised in captivity by scientists don’t have the chance to learn how and where to migr ate from their parents.

(253 words)


Do you agree or disagree: it’s better to relax through watching a film and reading a book than doing physical exercises



1. 有趣的电影情节会带来乐趣。

2. 看书会让心情非常平静和愉悦。


Sample Answer:

Everyone in the society is seeking for a way to release his or her pressure derived from continuous study or work, but what is the key factor of getting completely relaxed There are two choices – the first one is to sit themselves

to a comfortable couch, watching movies and reading books while the other is to go out and do physical exercises. Although someone tends to choose the first approach, I definitely agree that doing physical exercise is a better choice

for those who want to relax themselves.

The first and foremost advantage of doing physical exercise is that it helps people stretch themselves and get recovered from anchylosis. People often feel stressed out because they sit still working or studying for 6 or more hours every day. Despite the difficulties caused by some sophisticated problems they need to deal with, sitting still for long is also one of the reasons that cause people’s intense pressure that is harmful to their health. In this case, doing exercise is a superb way to help them get relaxed. Actually, doing some sports that involve the whole body’s movement is the best, such as playing basketball, badminton. Jogging is also a good choice. On the contrary, watching a movie or reading a book still requires people to sit, which might worsen the situation instead.

To better relax ourselves, we must free ourselves from psychology stress. Doing exercise has two benefits in helping us achieve this goal. On the one hand, doing physical exercise facilitates the exudation of dopamine, which is a

natural chemical our body secretes that makes us feel happy and relaxed. On the other hand, doing physical exercise generally brings us into contact with outside world. For example, when we jog in a park, the beautiful scenery there often refreshes our mind and takes us to a stress-free world. Besides, when we do some team sports, we communicate with our partners, sharing feelings and

worries with them. They not only will cheer us up by saying some nice words but also may provide some suggestions for solving the problems we have. Clearly, we will feel much better after playing sports with them.

While some one may claim that we cannot ignore the importance of watching movies and reading books to relaxing ourselves since watching movies or reading books offer us greater chances to get away from the reality. Anyway, I admit that we can sometimes laugh by watching a comedy or enjoy the graceful description about pastoral country life thereby having an immersed sense. However, watching movies or reading books also requires us to stare at the screen or the book for long time, how can we have a good relaxation we still need to overfatigue our eyes So, watching movies or reading books can be taken as good pastime when we want to spend weekends or holidays alone. And we should do physical exercise if we want to relax ourselves.

All in all, doing physical exercise is a superb way if we want to relax ourselves. It provides us with great opportunity to stretch ourselves and feel happy.

(518 words)





1、Dating Error

因为土地沉降问题,所以soil layer对于时间上的证明是不准确的。



3、British Farmers





3、小麦有reproduction process,所以一定会产生pollen,但是只发现了同时期其他植物的花粉,但是没有小麦的花粉,所以也不存在。

Sample Answer:

The reading lists three possible theories about the domesticated wheat in Britain. However, the lecturer contradicts all those claims perspectively.

First, about the dating error, which indicates that the wheat were actually much younger because of ocean wave transportation, the professor argues that the dirt in British is very dense, and there was no space for wheat to be downward and mixed up with older soil. Furthermore, other species in the upper soil have been discovered but they found nothing in the lower layers.

As to the possibility of trade, the professor also claims that it was too hard to be realized. At that time, wheat only occurred in south Europe and the agriculture had not been well-developed in north Europe, which means the boats at that age cannot meet the need of traveling for such a long distance. Thus, the hypothesis of trade in the reading passage cannot stand either.

Finally, the reading promotes an idea that there were a handful of farmers with certain skills to cultivate wheat. On the contrary, the professor starts with the theory that wheat have their own reproduction process, so they should release a characteristic pollen. In fact, no pollen were found in the layer of wheat, thus indicating that the wheat couldn't be cultivate artificially.

(213 words)


Which one of the reason is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities

A、Having access to the university to tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study.

B、Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends.

C、Having an excellent teachers in high-school who can help the students before the university.

Use your OWN words to illustrate you point. Don’t use your memorized examples. Sample Answer:

During the Renaissance, in many European countries, universities were only available to those who were born with silver spoon in their mouth and most of children had to work up to almost 19 hours a day in dingy factories. But now even the children in poverty can get access into universities and all kinds of

support and help are aim to help students perform better in their college life. Given the choice, I would prefer the help and support from my families and friends.

We all believe that family members and friends are always in our position and know us better than tutors and high-school teachers. For those high-school students who are preparing for the university, parents give everything they

have to provide their children with a better learning condition. Especially in Asian countries, the college entrance exam is a totally stiff competition that needs everyone to struggle through, during which the parents and friends act comprehensively as the tutors, the psychologists, the financial patrons even

the servants for their daily life. Even though there is something wrong with those who are too dependent on parents and friends, the encouragement and supports from parents and friends can be adopted to some degree.

In comparison, helping from high-school teachers are not suitable at all. It is undeniable that there are huge difference between high schools and colleges, including learning skills, lifestyle and the way you get along with others. In terms of learning skills, the teacher-oriented schooling is popular in high school class, which means what the students need to do is just to sit in silence, listen carefully to teachers and take the practices in and after class. But this pattern is totally inapplicable in university. The professor leaves large space for class discussion and further team work outside the school,

which is actually a better and flexible way for students to get in touch with new knowledge. I don't think a high-school teacher with rooted habit of class domination can bring the directions that meet the need of college education.

Some may claim that tutors are the better choice than parents and high-school teachers because they are professionals. The individual directions and

pertinent advices are their specialties. Nevertheless, it is just suitable for kids. As an adult, being independent is the most important characteristic, or they will be at a loss in the occasion that no one helps them. The parents and friends also provide help but the difference is, they just provide help in materials, not directions in decision-making and project-planning. Thus, no matter what your age, independence in personality should not be overwhelmed by utilitarian goals.

All in all, there is nothing wrong with the help of high-school teachers and tutors. For the best possible learning, though, families and friends are the biggest help you can have. (470 words)



Topic: the reason of collapse of Akkadine Empire讨论曾经很繁荣的Akkad Kingdom 覆灭原因。


1.建设类:建设类题目共六道题,大都是问你所在社区一建设项目的利与弊。 为了合并题目,最好将自己所在社区定下来,在城市就在城市,在郊区就在郊区,那么简要介绍社区情况的时候就节省了准备时间。按此原则,以下提纲中的红色文字都是重复出现的论点或论据,可重复在不同题目的作文中使用。 5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community. 第一段:陈述自己所在社区处于郊区,并简要介绍情况,说明建立一个新工厂这一提议对自己来说是一个两难的选择(Dillemma):一方面它有好处,比如可以刺激经济,另一方面又对郊区的环境有潜在的威胁; 第二段:陈述好处。如新工厂可以为社区居民提供工作机会(可假设你所在的社区就业率不高),并带动周边附属产业,刺激社区的经济发展; 第三段:陈述坏处(注意转折用词)。如新工厂对郊区的土地、河流都有一定的污染,破坏了郊区的环境;同时也破坏了郊区宁静的生活(因为噪音、交通等); 第四段:虽然有诸多坏处,然而我们去要权衡是利大于弊还是弊大于利;并相信只要通过严格管制,控制环境问题等潜在危害,新工厂可以为社区带来更多的好处(当然也可以有其它看法)。 I I live in a primarily agricultural community,and most of the population lives hand to mouth.Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields.If there is a flood or drought,people starve.A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product,say,corn. Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their future.The local would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt.This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy.People coudd begin to open shops,restaurants dormitories,and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings.Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone.Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their shildren to high school and maybe even college. There would certainly be negetive effects as well.If the area becomes prosperous,immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work.Because of their relative poverty they will work harder fo less money than the locals and drive wages down.There might be more immigrants than


Environmental Protection 环境问题 环境类词汇: 1.Ecosystem 生态系统 2.Ecological balance/equilibrium 生态平衡 3.Biodiversity 生物多样性 4.Sustainable development 可持续发展 5.Conserve, preserve 节约使用,保护 6.Environmentally friendly, environmentalists 对环境无害的,环保主义者 7.Countries must join forces/make concerted efforts/unite to combat/tackle/solve/address environmental problems. 各个国家在应对环境问题上必须协同作战。 8.Raise/elevate public awareness of…增强公众意识 9.Renewable resources, non-renewable resources, fossil energy (petroleum, natural gas, coal) 可再生资源,不可再生资源,化石能源(石油,天然气,煤) 10.Consume, deplete, exhaust 消耗,耗光 11.Shortage/scarcity/lack of 短缺 12.Put a strain on the already stretched resources 是已经短缺的资源更加紧张 13.Deforestation, illegal logging 砍伐森林 14.Discharge/emit green house gases/carbon dioxide 排放温室气体,二氧化碳 15.Car exhaust 汽车尾气 16.Non-biodegradable/non-decomposable garbage 白色垃圾,不可降解垃圾 环境类特别关注话题: 为什么要保护濒危物种(biodiversity, balanced ecosystem) 保护化石能源,开发新能源(solar energy, nuclear power, wind, water) 保护环境和发展经济矛盾吗(sustainable development, financial and technological support) 环境类好句子: The earth’s ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate. In this day and age, the impact man exerts on the environment is massive in scale. 环境类范文: Topic: agree or disagree--the environment issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing about it on their own


2019年新托福写作万能素材:朋友一生一起走 新托福写作万能素材:朋友一生一起走 How to maintain a good friendship? 表示感激: Keeping Your Friendship Rewarding Show appreciation. Sometimes when you have known people for a long time, you can start to take them for granted. This doesn't have to be the case. Always thank your friend when he or she does something for you. Return favors when your friend goes out of his or her way to help you. Do nice things like getting their favorite candy at the grocery store, buying them lunch, or getting them a card and gift for their birthday. Tell your friend how much you appreciate them. This doesn't have to be an awkward or long-winded speech that you have prepared. It can be as simple as, "Hey, thanks for always being there for me. I appreciate it." 展示兴趣: Show interest in your friend's life. A good friendship should be two-sided — and hopefully, you have a friend who shows interest in you as well.


教育 学校教育schooling 家庭教育upbringing; parenting 课程大纲curriculum 教学大纲syllabus 必修课required/compulsory courses, 选修课elective/optional courses 课外活动extra-curricular activities 社团活动club activities 志愿者服务volunteer service 社区工作community work 实习internship 学生会student union 男生/女生联谊会fraternity & sorority 校园生活school/campus life 学校是社会的缩影a school is society in miniature 文科liberal arts/ liberal studies 理科sciences 工科engineering 人文学科humanities 社会学科social science 艺术arts 学科subject/discipline 基础科学basic sciences 应用科学applied sciences 小学教育primary-level education; elementary education 中学教育secondary-level education 大学教育tertiary-level education; higher education 职业教育vocational education/training 接受教育enter/get access to schools/ education 学位degree (bachelor, master, doctor/PhD) 文凭diploma, 证书certificate 青少年teenagers/adolescents/the young generation/the youths 学生students (fresh man, sophomore, junior, senior) 上课attend classes 逃课skip class, be absent from class 老师/学生为中心的课堂teacher-centered/ student-centered/ classroom 有能力的/有资格的/有经验的/良好培训的老师 competent/qualified/experienced/well-trained teachers 无能力的/不够格的/欠经验的老师 incompetent/disqualified/inexperienced/poorly-trained teachers well-equipped/ well-appointed/ well-decorated classrooms 设施良好的/装修良好的教室先进的教学设施up-to-date teaching facilities


托福独立写作模板30句常用句式 【新东方】轻松直达90分!年托福(T O E F L)金牌课程火热开售中>> 一、提出背景的托福独立写作模板句式 1、I t’s g e n e r a l l y a g r e e d t h a t ... ...(人们普遍认为... ...) 2、T h e r e i s a g r o w i n g b o d y o f o p i n i o n t h a t ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...) 3、A n i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h a v e t h e t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...) 4、S o m e p e o p l e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e o l d,b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...) 5、O t h e r p e o p l e,t h e y o u n g i n p a r t i c u l a r,a r g u e t h a t ... ...(别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...) 6、S o m e c u r r e n t a n a l y s e s c o n c l u d e t h a t ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...) 7、... ... i s a h e a t e d t o p i c i n o u r t i m e s. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题) 8、T h e t o p i c a b o u t ... ...h a s b e e n r a g i n g f o r



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2


托福写作热点考题:对比类型 摘要: 托福写作热点考题:对比类型每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。一、对 每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can


新托福独立写作必背分类话题词汇 一、Education教育 二、Technology科技 三、Media媒体 四、Success 成功 五、Work 工作 六、Government 政府七、Friends 朋友 八、Old vs. Y oung 九、Transportation 交通 十、Environment 环境 十一、Money 金钱 十二、Leisure 休闲 十三、Family 家庭 十四、Animals 动物 十五、Food 食物 十六、Safety安全 十七、Health健康 十八、Food 食物 一、Education教育 作业n. assignment(可数)与homework不同选修课n. elective course 学分n. credit 青少年n. ;青春期的adj. adolescent 适应adapt to sth. / become accustomed to sth. 应用v. apply 团队精神team spirit 独立思考think independently 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 学生的反馈students’ feedback 学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist 专才n. specialist 全面发展的adj. well-rounded 多才多艺的adj. versatile 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) 工科n. engineering 学科(通称);纪律n. 管教vt. discipline 互动vt. interact 自制力n. self-discipline 小(中、大)学教育primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education 职业教育vocational education 学校给学生的教育n. schooling 学校提供的课程总称n. curriculum ( pl. curricula) 心理的adj. psychological 参与n. participation 熟练掌握……be proficient in 榜样role model 同龄人n. peer 对孩子/弱者过度保护adj. overprotective 家长给小孩的教育n. parenting 批判眼光看问题能力critical thinking abilities 有创造力的adj. creative/original 表现出色perform well 为…打好基础lay a solid foundation for 评估n. evaluation 对…非常好的掌握n. mastery 好奇心n. curiosity 精英n. elite 应试教育test-oriented education 富于想象力的imaginative 无知的adj. ignorant 误入歧途go astray 文盲(的)n.&adj. illiterate 给人动力的adj. motivating 未成年人n. minors 溺爱vt. spoil 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 欺负(n. “喜欢欺负人的孩子”)vt. bully 植物学n. botany 天文学n. astronomy 培养v. cultivate/ foster/ nurture 促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical/mental (or intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare 给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth/ motivate the students to do sth 传授知识impart/ inculcate knowledge 灌输高尚的道德观instill high moral values 给学生以灵感give the students inspiration 学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’grasp (or command) of what has been taught 就业技能employable skills 填鸭式教法教学生force-feed the students 死记硬背learn things by rote 责任感sense of obligation/ duty/ responsibility 记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws 盲从follow sth. blindly


最常用句型集表示举例的句型: 1. We may example of … 2. with the examples of… 3. a … 4. To the familiar may be added. 5. The is not , it is

6. that… 7. the by 8. According to , it can be … 9. There is (no) … 10. All evidence …

11. leads me to conclude that… 12. the fact that… 13. We the fact that… 表示比较与分析的句型: 1. The advantages of B A. … 2.as A is, …, it For one thing, it … . For another, it…

3. The effect of is heightened by the particular advantage B enjoys. 4. Although A advantage … , it cannot Compete with B in … 5. A ’ s advantage when B ’s advantages are 6. When the advantages and disadvantages of …are carefully compared, the most is 7. Although everyone believes that … I whether the argument bears 8. that … 9. Although the is that …,


二. 知识与教育 (一)知识与智能 knowledge,n.知识,学问;认识;知道 knowledge acquisition 知识获取 knowledge hierarchy 知识体系 structure of knowledge 知识结构 comprehensive knowledge 全面的知识 scope of knowledge 知识面 value of knowledge 知识价值 knowledge industry 知识产业 knowledge management 知识管理 the aging of knowledge 知识老化 spread scientific knowledge 传播科学知识 thirst for knowledge 求知欲 Knowledge is infinite./There is no limit to knowledge.学无止境(学海无涯)。 knowledgeable n.知识渊博的;有见识的 become knowledgable and professional 知识化、专业化 erudition n.博学,博识;学问;知识 erudite a.博学的,有学问的;n.博学之上,有学问的人 learned a.有学问的,博学的;精通某门学科的 a learned man 学者 learning n.知识;学问 book learning 书本知识 a man of great learning 博学之上,学问高深的人 have little learning 学识浅薄 an emergent branch of learning 一门新兴的学问 episteme n.(哲)知识 epistemic n.(哲)(关于)认识的;(关于)知识的 letters n.[用作单或复]文学;学问;文化修养 a man of letters文人 lore n.学问,知识;(有关某一学科的)全部知识 scholarship n.学术成就;学问,学识;奖学金 scholarly a.学者气质的;学者风度的


把教授如何反驳文章中三个分论点挺清楚,例子都是阅读文章里的所以不用记,听力里主要是在讲阅读文章中的例子有哪些缺陷或不严谨的地方,从而无法成为有效的论据,甚至成为别的观点的论据。 有自己的写作模式、写作套路。 先不限时写几篇,写完一篇就立刻打印出来逐字逐句修改(电脑上改容易偷懒),把过于简单的词和句子一一替换,注意别用太难的词和没把握的词,能用到6级词汇就差不多了,心情好了再拽两个托福词汇上去也就足够了。我觉得最好用的就是形容词和副词,可以记几个托福水平的精彩形容词和副词,选择自己看着顺眼的,在平凡的名词前加好看的形容词,在平淡的句子里随处放置抢眼的副词,这样文章一下子就丰富起来了。 插入语,句式变换,每段第一句试着倒装、或用被动语态 多用具体的详细的例子,别停留在就事论事上,可以试着延伸到生活的其他方面 注意线性思维,“总分总” 托福作文写五段,第一段是中心思想段,二三四是支持段落,最后是总结段落 无论是综合写作还是独立写作,考生追求的基本目标是把想说的意思用书面英语表达清楚,让阅卷人读懂和明白。从语言角度来说,有两大标准,即准确性和多样化。能够达到词词准确,又使用到不同的词句来表达相同、相似的意思,从语言角度来说已经符合托福考试的高分要求。 仿写。只看不写,永远不能将输入语言化成输出语言。尽量仿写整句,保持原句结构,替换内容! In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that.........+观点:In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers。用一句话说,简单地认为父母是最好的老师是相当肤浅的。 综合写作部分的评分标准: 1、内容的完整性和准确性。简单地说,就是文章是否有将讲座中的关键信息点完整、准确地提 取出来,并和阅读材料中的相关内容有效地一一对应。如果讲座中的信息点有缺失,那么会有一定程度 的扣分;如果只写了有关阅读材料的观点,得1分。 文章的组织机构,词汇和语法的正确性和准确性。高分的作文需要做到条理清晰,结构连贯,用词 恰当,能够准确地表达讲座中的观点与阅读材料中的观点是如何相互联系的,只要作文中的错误不至于 使内容表述出现误解,一些偶尔出现的语言错误,如单词拼写、单复数问题等,不会对作文成绩产生很 大影响,当然,错误肯定是越少越好的。 独立写作部分的评分标准: 1、有效回应题目,阐明文章主题。一般来说,独立写作完全跑题的情况很少,但是很多考生在 展开讨论时所采用的论据,比较容易出现跟主题关联性不大的情况,即局部答非所问的现象,从而影响 了得分。2、逻辑条理清楚,论证充分展开。这一点的关键在于文章论证的展开,是否提供了大量的细节和例子来支持观点,而非泛泛而谈地说理。3、内容连贯一致,衔接自然流畅。达到内容连贯一致的文章通常全文围绕中心论点展开,而不会论据自相矛盾,也不会重复论证,有时候通过一些表示因果、先后、递进的关系连词可以起到粘合剂的作用。4、遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。托福考试终究是语言考试,最终还是要考查考生的语言运用能力,但是要注意的是,并不是要求考生通篇都用难词偏语长句,而是要会变化着用一些美国人常用的语句把自己的想法表达清楚,所以建议考生尽量多阅读和模仿英文原版材料,这样写出来的文章才能够原汁原味。


托福独立写作八大话题 众所周知,托福独立写作是托福写作的一部分,涉及到的题材也非常多。下面是文都国际教育小编给大家整理的8个常见的写作话题,希望能给大家提供帮助。 教育类话题 教育类话题主要涉及到学生的一些基本情况,包括选课、就业、学校活动以及课下作业等很多方面。此外,学校的一些决策、设备变更、教师选择等也都有涉及。教育类话题在托福写作中的占比很高,在历年托福写作考试中大概占据25%左右的题目。 高分句型:现在,除了学习以外,还应鼓励学生们在其他很多方面培养兴趣,例如体育,绘画和音乐等。 —>Today, in addition to_____, a student is also encouraged to _____ 满分词汇:培养(某种素质) —> cultivate/foster/nurture(vts)心理健康—> psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(nouns) 社会类话题 社会类话题涉及的范围很广,主要是指一些社会话题、事件以及观点类问题。例如:Do you agree or disagree that society benefits more from works of greatartists than from political leaders.是否同意:艺术家比政治家对社会的贡献大。 高分句型:摩天大厦造的环境问题,很多人开始反思摩天大楼是否必要. —>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____. 满分词汇:生活节奏加速—> the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—> create alienation between people 科技类话题 说到“科技”,我们可能会想到现在日益发展的手机、电脑以及各种各样新出现的科技产品等。这些科技产品使得我们的生活变得更加便利,高效。 高分句型:互联网对人们的生活方式产生了深远的影响,它变革了人们生活方式以及思考问题的方式。 —> _____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____. 满分词汇:尖端的技术—> cutting-edged(adj) technology信息爆炸—> information explosion/ information overload


托福写作15个写作模板,100句常用句型 出国留学,托福考试必不可少,以下是15个TOEFL的托福作文模板,100句常用句型按照托福作文结构组合而成。 托福写作作文文套一 Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________ Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________ The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________. In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A. 托福写作作文文套二 A or B 将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________ The second reason can be seen by every person that________. In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________. There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________.



托福写作之对比类型考题 摘要:托福写作之对比类型考题!下面为大家介绍托福写作之对比类型考题。大家是否对对比类型的考题熟悉呢?这种类型的考题在写作中也是经常会遇到的,希望同学们能够重视起来,把能掌握到的考点不要放过。下面就一起来看看。 下面为大家介绍托福写作之对比类型考题。大家是否对对比类型的考题熟悉呢?这种类型的考题在写作中也是经常会遇到的,希望同学们能够重视起来,把能掌握到的考点不要放过。下面就一起来看看。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从 2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can communicate with each other face to face to finish the project better than by sending e-mail. 2015.1.31 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict. 2015.2.1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave. 二、对比类考题的分类 按比较对象分类可以分为以下三类: 1)A or B 这类对比在题目中会有非常明显对两个对比对象,在选择观点时,只选其一(骑墙式写法在托福写作中不受欢


托福写作的分段技巧解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家一些托福写作小技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1.变换句子的开头结构 名词做主语 介词短语作状语 副词作状语 状语从句 分词短语作状语 形容词短语作状语 主语从句 不定式短语做主语或状语

动名词做主语 To begin with, even in such areas as puter science, where it is estimated that much of what a student earns today wi be obsoete in just five years, an advanced degree and the education it represents wi continue to be of benefit. Unike undergraduate education, which is divided into a number of sma educationa units every term, post-baaaureate education is concentrated on deeper earning in fewer areas. Moreover, most graduate education requires extended, critica focus on pex issues or research projects. And even if the technica information reevant to peting a graduate-eve project bees outmoded, the earned critica methods and probem-soving approaches wi not. 2. 使用不同的句型结构 Today’s education system paces too much emphasis on students’ desires rather than their needs. Aordingy, students are searching for the easy way out, and educators are wiingy conspiring with them. As opposed to this trend, I woud argue that students shoud study what is presented to


十三个万能理由 一.成就感(achievement) 关键词句: a sense of achievement virtuous cycle 良性循环grand feat/exploit 辉煌的业绩attainment of goals elevate our self-esteem be conductive to self-actualization 有助于自我实现 万能段落:By doing (something), we can enjoy a sense of achievement. The feat of accomplishing is conductive to self-actualization, which will inevitably elevate our self-esteem. Inflated esteem will proportionally contribute to even more solid achievement. This is virtuous cycle toward a better career. For example, I have a relative who works in a big company. He was once awarded the opportunity to travel abroad that excited him for quite a long time. After that he worked even harder and gained the elevated esteem. 二.被认可感(acknowledgement) 关键词句: A willing ox 任劳任怨的人selfless contribution the stat of being recognized a sense of belonging provide satisfaction motivation for further improvement 万能段落: By acknowledgement, I mean the state of being recognized. When we are recognized by our company (school/college/group/community or society), we can experience a sense of belonging. The feeling of being recognized provides satisfaction and motivation for further improvement. Hence, when a person can be identified by others, the subsequent outcome can be beyond imagination. Bill Gates, through luck, diligence, and team spirit leads Microsoft to splendor. And he distributes his wealth generously, which won him a name: the greatest philanthropist around the world. His success is acknowledged by our society. And his satisfaction index can be higher than that of any other peers. 三.健康(health) 关键词句: ingredients to sound health 健康的要素physical health psychological health well-adjusted to the society sound health as fit as a fiddle 身体好discard health hazard robust strength 体力充沛Health is above wealth. 万能段落:Fresh air, clean water and nutritious food are indispensable ingredients to sound health. So if we live in good environment and enjoy healthful diet, our physical health can be guaranteed. Also if we have positive hobbies like reading and other mental pursuits, our psychological health can be elevated. Anyway, health is above wealth, we should exert our efforts to discard health hazard in order to attain a better life. 四.安全(safety) 关键词句: be protected against failure, damage a sense of security facilitate the harmony of society Safety is the top priority. 万能段落:Safety refers to the condition of being protected against failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, et cetera. Safety is usually our main concern. 五.方便(convenience) 关键词句: perform daily errands 从事日常业务get easy access to 容易接近do not have to exert ourselves too much 不用太费力气Convenience matters.便利至关重要 万能段落:Convenience means being suitable and useful for us to carry out daily tasks. If something is convenient and easy to be made use of, we get easy access it, then the potential can be fully exploited. We do not have to exert ourselves too much to obtain the benefit. As a result, we can devote more time and efforts to accomplishing other business that is urgent and pivotal.
