


1.说一位令你尊敬的长辈, like your grand parents.说明为什么他让你admire及对你的影响。

2. Some people think children join team sports may encourage the sense of competition, others think this would help they develop the sense of cooperation, what's your opinion

3.阅读:学校计划取消school bus to downtown。

听力:女生说是对的,因为她有一次去internship的时候,发现车上很空,确实很浪费资源。男生反对,说你看见车上很空,肯定是白天吧,晚上就不是这样了,周末也不是这样。平时大家课业很重,都没有时间去downtown,但是到周末,都会去shopping, cultural events, entertainment;如果取消了,虽然还有public bus to downtown,但是这些是要收费的,学生的负担已经很重了,要买books, computers,如果有学校的free charge bus肯定对学生有利。

4.阅读:解释outcome bias:当一个事情的结果出来以后,才对事前一个决定的评价,事后诸葛亮。

听力:教授举例,朋友夫妇假期两种选择: 1.在家里待着,省钱买家具,2去佛州沙滩晒太阳度假,最后想了想还是去佛州了。但是结果 飞机delay了,宾馆不舒服,又下雨出不去。总之不顺心,回来就说当时的决定不好。其实呢 决定不存在好坏,是因为知道了结果才这么认为的。

5.男生是学校摄影协会的,要办个big sale。他想做个cake拿到现场去让大家吃,因为据说他做蛋糕很拿手。但是宿舍的Kitchen坏了。girl 建议:去其他家用不就好了吗。boy说:是啊,我能去别家做,可是时间不多了,并且在开始时人数最多,那样会耽误事儿,还是去买一个好了,尽管不如自己做的fresh。 问题:说明男生的问题、解决方法以及你的建议。

6.讲少雨地区灌溉的两种方式:一种是central irrigation,把水从中间distribute to plants,但是这个方法一般是在靠近有水的地方,这种方法不贵,但是不efficient waste water;另一种是local irrigation是把水分别送到一个个plant,并且能保证每个植物都喝饱,这种方法很高效不需要那么多水,但是当植物多的时候花费比较贵 




1. In 10 years one thing you think will make your life



2. It is important to learn about other cultures.(is it important to learn a new culture) agree or disagree.


3.阅读:学校新的director决定明年将让合唱团(choir)增加off-campus的演出(more competition)到他们的schedule里面。


1)如果大家知道go against other choir group会唱的更好,会去多练习,可以对于他们自己stimulate,rehears的更勤快(want to improve themself)。

2)吸引别人来看,可以增加program的知名度,招收更多学生,觉得好的人就可能参加他们团。校内唱诗班和外校开展竞争可以激发队员激情,提高水平,增加吸引力,以及增加学校的名气方面。现在是个small program,但是其实还有很多really talent people的,这样能提高reputation,然后attract那些人来提高choir的水平。

4.阅读:关于动物的relict behavior(是一个no longer serve the function as former.)(Relict habit),这种behavior是多余的,condition变了,但是以前的习惯还保留。动物为了生存会做出一些改变。当初进化时有需要,可是因为环境的改变,这种行为或能力已经变成多余的了。

听力:举了一个例子,北美有一种动物叫prohourn(prohoung),在tens of thousands of years之前他们和狮子生活在一起,他跑超快(super fast)是因为从前草原上有他的天敌(predator)lion狮子会吃他,所以他要跑更快,为了躲避狮子的捕杀他们就越跑越快,可是现在狮子不见了(extinct),所以跑很快就变成relic behavior,虽然现在已经没有狮子了,他们还是跑得很快,这技能还是保留了。

5.听力:男生说,他把paper忘在家里了,他可以回家拿,可是怕来不及,如果rush回家拿,就会miss半节课,而且学校strict to late performance,因为教授很严格,不接受迟到的作业。




man got the paper done but forgot to bring it to class. Solution: 1. drive back but miss class 2.talk to the Prof.

after class, email to him.

6.听力:市场战略针对目标客户,公司会因为顾客的性质改变marketing策略(market strategy中的 target customer),做广告的时候要考虑两个因素,最重要的要素是广告物件的年龄和位置,重视时间和地点(very influential to company)。举了两个特质(characteristics),一个是看年龄age,举小孩子(kids)买玩具汽车(tool car)的例子,如果推销toy,就应该在孩子看电视的时间播广告,放在children television program的卡通节目(TV show)空挡里面,这样孩子才能看了去跟父母要;第二个是location(geographic location), 举了船公司的例子,如果推销boat就该选择靠近ocean lake的地区,要在有靠海或靠湖的地方才有用,因为这些人最有可能买boat,生产船的company就要把广告打到有海边和湖的区域。




What suggestion you will give the child who first start to go to school?Why?


Someone likes to live where the climate(seasons) not changes, while others prefer to live where the climates changes with the season. Which one do you prefer?


阅读:男生写信(letter)给学校(在学校报纸上),建议把新生训练orientation从Fall semester开始的时间提前到夏天(summer)或是周末,这样可以让新生提早认识新室友(roommates)或是做买书之类的杂事。听力:女生否定男生的建议,原因为:1.很多学生暑假时间都安排好了,有些人还需要工作,不一定有时间参与。而且很多人住的离学校很远,如果改时间的话这些学生可能都不会来参加orientation了。

2.提早认识朋友可以透过很多方式,例如交换mail(email address)或电话等,不一定要面对面(meet)(face to face)。学生要买书搬新宿舍等事是很麻烦,但这些都manageable,参加活动总比不来参加好。


阅读:关于一个实验(competitive rivalry),做对照实验时,两组被实验人员不能互相认识,否则会影响实验结果以致不准。(research enviry affect)听力:教授举例说明,有个生产energy bar食品的公司,做了个产品对跑步力影响的实验(to test if a kind of energy

bar can make athletes run faster.),有实验组和对照组,一组有吃一组不吃,但是他们两组之间有人互相认识,所以没吃的一边发现另外一边(competitor)有吃那个产品,这导致没吃的一边加倍努力,所以最后(as a result)两组的跑步速度都进步很多,实验结果就无法证明食品有效。


男生说:他没有科学背景,所以觉得物理课很难。女生说:建议他请professional tutor。男生说:费用太贵,这样他要加倍打工会减少自由时间。对了,他的室友(roommate)JACK可以帮忙,物理是他的专业。女生说:那请他帮忙啊。男生说:但是他太忙了,他加入篮球队(basketball team)还修了其他两门专业课(double major),等室友忙完他的事都已经是深夜了。题目:问你觉得哪种方法好


教授说:关于earthworms蚯蚓的好处是可以帮助increase the productivity of earth(对植物生长有好处)。他们会吃一些地上的落叶,消化之后排泄出来后就成了natural fertilizer(make soil more fertile)(the cast they produce can provide nutrition for the plant)。earthworms喜欢在土里上下钻动,这样能松动土壤,使water、air都进到土里(deepen the water in the soil),而且还make a path to deep soil,所以在干旱时期也不怕土壤贫瘠(make the soil more loose to absorb the air, water, etc)(they can make tunnels in the soil by move through so that the water and nutrition can go through the soil quickly. the tunnels also provide air for the soil.)。



09.01.17 (北美)

1. 志工工作的选择:


2. 音乐家和艺术家的重要性:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artist and musician are important to society?

3. 学校计划取消戏剧课:



4. 一种记忆方法:


5. 学生选课问题:

一个女的选4门课,课程太多了,但她很想选其中那门课 economic。

两个建议 1. 只order,就只上课,不交作业的,no test、no paper,但是她担心那样她没压力,学不好;2. 推到暑假上一门课,但她暑假还要实习什么的。

6. 鱼类放电的两种原因:

深海生物发光,发出electric current来存货,第一个是eel,发出电流来shock小鱼,来吃小鱼为生;另一个是knife,刀鱼,它发出电流来explore环境,遇到障碍物就能绕开,因为深海很黑暗,看不见。

09.01.23 (北美)

1. 学习新事物的步骤:


2. 是否需要常看新闻:

Some prefer read news paper regularly, which do you prefer? 3. 借书政策改变建议:


听力:女生极为不满。理由1、自己选了5,6门课,所有课都要写paper,写paper需要做research,自己借的书都有看完;2、现在学生都是成年人了,有责任为自己借的书负责,自己从没丢过书或不还。4. vertical migration:





5. 学生对作业内容选择的困难:

女生想选一堂教如何写故事的课,可是教授规定每个每个学生在第一堂课 都要讲自己写的一个故事。女生说,她就是因为想要学,所以才想上课。她自己给两个建议:1.可以现在就写,可是只有四天,故事一定不会多好;2.她最近看了很多有关诗的书,想写一篇诗代替故事,但她自己觉得这样不好。


6. 早期人类如何保持火种:


1. knowledge of fire。开始人类不知道,偶然把木头靠在一起摩擦擦出火,于是了解了木头是能维持火的材料;

2. social work。早期人类要注重合作 work together来保护火种,不然如果大家都睡着了,等醒来后就会发现火灭了。

09.02.27 (北美)

1. 国家在近二十年内最大的变化:


2. 父母是否是我们最重要的老师:


3. 学校聘请导演的争议:

阅读:大学校报通知,学校计划将为学生聘请一位知名director,辅导学生spring musical的举办,好处有二:






4. 尝试新事物后的反应:

阅读:当人尝试到新事物时,如果不喜欢就会改变他对这产品的印象。听力:Professor却举了一个例子:他们在提供coffee 的sample 给愿意接受市调的人,但是在里面加了盐巴,喝起来味道会怪怪的。但是喝完coffee的人,因为看过广告,还是会跟广告里面的人一样,认为这coffee 很棒。

5. 要参观博物馆但向导生病:

女生计划下周要带一帮孩子去参观博物馆,但tour guy生病了。于是女生没办法带他们去。

两个解决方案:1)女生说,女生自己带他们去参观博物馆,但她担心自己没向导懂得多,解说得没有他好。2)男生提议,换个时间再去参观,reschedule her time。但女生说换时间的话又要和博物馆重新预约,又要从家长那拿permission,还要arrange tickets。


6. 动物为了生存会有两种演变:


两个adaptation,分别举了两个例子,第一个我忘记是什么adaptation,例子是什么heaxxxxx->因为不知道是什么动物;第二个是behavior adaptation,例子texxxx->对不起,也想不起来,不过就是装死来骗过掠食者。


1. 自己国家的有趣服装:

Describe an interesting cloth of your country and explain why it is interesting.

2. 花时间和家人朋友在一起还是独处:

Some people prefer to spend time with their family or friends. Others prefer spend time alone. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your reasons.

3. 公开对教授的评价:


4. 树之间的隔空化学讯息传递airborne chemicals:

阅读:trees can communicate by some airborne chemicals。

听力:教授举willow tree为例,把willow tree分成两组,一组让caterpillar咬,另一组则没有,后来发现被咬的树分泌出毒液防止虫咬,而另一组没有被咬的也产生了毒液,这是因为第一组的树通过一些airborne chemicals传递了警告给第二组的树。

5. 参加画展的画不合尺寸:

听力:女学生说,她被选中参加students center的画展,但是她的画太大,她需要换个合适的尺寸。the first solution是用一张她以前的画,该画尺寸合适但无法展现出她的最高水平,second solution 是尽


6. 选择职业的态度:

psychology lecture,讲两种不同学生在选择职业上的差异,satisfier和另一种人对于择业不同的态度。

09.03.27 (北美)

1. 从小到大的一个性格转变:

Describe one way your character changed since you are a child.

2. 家长是否应该让小孩学习实用的东西:

Should the parents let their children learn practical course like cook or personal finance.

3. 改让旧生担任校园巡礼导游:

阅读:一个announcement 说campus tour guide,从老师换成学生了,因为老师太忙。

听力:女的很支持,说她曾去过老师办公室,发现他们都running around忙于answering phone call, interview,还有paper work,确实太忙了。第二点是她觉得确实学生更了解,有些问题老师不知道怎么答,eg. 她的tour guide是一个很nice的人,但是当她问which dorm noisy,which cafeteria好的时候,那人就不知道了。

4. Irrational commitment不理性的坚持行为:

阅读:Irrational commitment,当人对做一件事情很有信心觉得会成功时,即使之后显示出缺点,他也不会放弃,而是投入更多,明知道会失败,心思还是钻牛角尖。(concept of irrational commitment)

听力:教授举他自己的例子,他跟他老婆一起去买房子,他看上一间房子(fell in love),但那间房子的状况不太好,in poor condition,而且need repair,他老婆看到房子有点小毛病,所以她说房子不好、很犹豫要不要买,但他坚持买了,然后雇工人修理。刚开始是roof 有问题,后来是墙有问题,之后工人说墙后面的电线electric wire也有问题,如果修就得花巨款。教授说他当时明知道做了错误的决定,没听老婆的话买了房子,但还是得死撑到底,他不肯罢休反而更加精神抖擞,下决心一定要弄好,他觉得要是放弃了老婆就会埋怨他一开始不应该买的,后来就把电线重新安装、大规模整修一番,后果是把墙壁弄坏了,工人说墙也得拆了重新弄才行,虽然教授很郁闷,但还是要坚持到底!

5. 论文弄脏了:







6. 地底动物的特化结构:



(1)土里难走要钻洞啊,就说田鼠,他们的feet长的strong了,claw 很厉害,先挠一下,土就松了,然后他们就把土扔到身后,就过去了。(2)身上有sensitive的地方得保护啊,比如眼睛啊,田鼠的眼睛长得巨小,上面还有层皮,然后有毛hair,说土块会先碰到毛上,然后就slide到旁边去啦,伤不了眼睛。

09.04.03 (北美)

1. 问你在childhood 所学的一个重要的事情, why important?

2. Prefer to have a busy schedule or a lot of free time? 你喜欢哪一种。

3. 阅读:school will eliminate event report and review on newspaper。因为student can go on school

website to get information,且没有学生自愿写event review。

听力:学生反对。1. paper version is easy and convenient. Students can get newspaper anywhere aroundcampus,放到网上就没人去看了;2. 学校可以pay 给学生写review,那么参与的人一定多了,而且学校也有这个budget。

4. 阅读:priming。人的想法和行为跟以前的experience 有关。


5. 男同学作业还没写完,明早到期,但他朋友已经帮他买演唱会的票是今晚的演唱会。

二个解决办法:1. 看完演唱会回家写,熬夜写完就来得及(但他又说看完演唱会太累,无法专心完成);跟他朋友取消一起看演唱会(但他朋友已经先付钱买票给他了,怕他会不高兴)。

6. Mammal 变成妈妈后会变得很勇敢很有自信。


老教授讲了,妈妈rats 跟non 妈妈rats 的表现不一样,妈妈会很勇敢出去寻食,两通道都敢走因为要feed 她的baby,同时呢也更有机会找到更safe 的地方。可是non 妈妈很fearful,比较想待在safe 的地方,只走像下水道那个。


1. 好邻居该有什么特点。

2. 喜欢娱乐节目还是教育节目。

3. 阅读:学校要demolish old auditorium。说新楼会更modern,更大。

听力:男的说不好,因为1:old 是history,而且很漂亮;2:原来老的根本坐不满,不需要扩建。

4. 阅读:讲baby 一岁后就会根据parents 的行为做出自己的行为了。听力:教授举了一组对照实验:放toy 在两组children 面前,实验组是大人对着玩具笑,而对照

组是大人没有表情(或者是表情难看,很凶)。实验结果为: 6 months baby 不论是甚么情况下都

没反应:played a toy regardless of whether his mom smiled or fawn it;而1 year baby 都有反应。他

们根据父母的表情做出了回应:played it if mom smiled to it or refused it if mom fawn it.

5. The problem for the man is that he cannot focus on studying since his roommate invites lots of

friends to play.因此女生建议:

1)跟室友商量一个quiet 时段让他学习。


6. 讲动物群体防卫(defend)的优越性(相对于个体而言)举了两个例子:第一种circling、某种


09.06.20 (北美)

. An activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Why?

2. 有的人喜欢用日记、照相来记录过去的事,有的人不喜欢。which do you prefer and why?

3. 阅读:一封信,建议延长退课的时间。2学生讨论,同意这封信的内容。

听力:1) 新的大学生以为大学课程和以前学的一样简单,所以选很多课,但其实不是那么简单,多点时间更好让他们考虑;2) 很多课开始都只是讲背景等等,不涉及实质内容,应该让新的学生多听几节课,来决定老师的风格是否适合和这个课自己是否感兴趣。

4. 说一个营销策略,做低价的广告,吸引你去,然后商店的工作人员再要你买高价的。

5. 说个画展本来在A地点办,但A地点太小。2个方案:1) 从50副画抽20副出来,但不好的是,没被抽到的人会不高与,但可以保证画展的质量;2) 换大的地方,但那地方平时没什么人去。

6. 不同物种之间的沟通。教授举了一个鸟(Honeyguide)和一种动物合作的例子。鸟喜欢吃蜂蜡而动物喜欢honey,所以两个动物就会联合起来。鸟发现蜂巢后会发出噪音通知对方,当动物破坏蜂巢后,两个动物就可以开心的吃了。



1. 描述一件发生在你和你家人or朋友之间难忘的事event,并解释为什么难忘

2. 是去一个新地方旅游好还是重复去一个老地方好

3. 学校机房的公告:免费位元学生打印材料的情况将改变,今后凡超过10页的材料超过部分每页5分,10页及10页以内免费staff解释说这样可以让学生节约用纸,赚的钱 将用于买新的打印机。女生说这个计划不错能让学生们仔细考虑他们要打印什么(她看多过一些学生在一张纸上就打印一个标题blablabla)还说她喜欢机房对钱的用法,买新打印机能节省等待时间,特别是高峰期

关于信息超载 passage说信息超载发生在一个人接受了太多信息,以至




5. 女生申请到一个summer job,特好,特喜欢,但是工作地离她住的地方远,也不想换窝。男生说找个人只在在暑假租你现在的窝,女生说好主意,但担心那人把房子弄乱;男生又说;那要不然你就租两套房子吧,妳应该租得起吧,女生回答说行是行,但她想买个新计算机,要是这样的话下学期才能买计算机。

6. 讲的是关于植物适应恶劣环境的段子,讲A的植物生活在山上,那里缺水、风大,然后教师问为什么它能adapt这环境,首先这植物长大很low,离地面几厘米远,这样可以避免风对它的影响。然后它的叶子表面有一层蜡状的东西,防止水分蒸发。

09.08.01 (北美)

1. What would be your future activity?

2. Would you like to write notes in the class when learning new materials, or just listening?

3. 阅读:letter建议大学宿舍应该加厨房。


4. 阅读:animals communicate by sending signals。

听力:教授举例,他的的狗一天在路上看到大truck,它就竖着耳朵跟着truck跑,直到truck pass了为止,它很快calm down了,耳朵也恢复原状了。随后,看见邻居家的狗,耳朵又竖起来了,但是同时开始摆尾巴-这是友好的表现,并且想跟你一起玩。

5. Man write a article about sculptures, also took pictures for the sculpture, but相机不好,使照得照片都不能用。woman提了两个建议:submit article without picture; Borrow a camera and back to sculptures to take pictures.

6. 让学生follow rule 的strategies。

(1) 把making rule的purpose跟学生讲明白;

(2) 让学生do commitment for the rule, such as让每个学生在新的rule上签字。

.08.07 (北美)

1. 你最想多了解哪个历史事件

2. 穿着能否反映人的personality

3. 阅读:说学校有新规定,逃课4次以上要给很低的分。


4. 阅读:当学生没有能力完成任务时,老师要给出clue 和hint 帮助学生,叫facilities。

听力:教授举了一个例子,说一个女学生在图书馆找书,给了order list…5mins后女生找到了书。

5. 男的说,完了,学校不让我毕业,我选错课了。有一门必修课选掉了,都是该死的朋友说这两门课差不多,我就换了这一门,我现在只好把现在的课退掉,然后去选必修课,但是只剩三周了,我得要多努力啊。女的说,你直接申请个什么东西就好了,不过要花很长时间,因为很少有人试过这样。男的就郁闷了。

6. 眼泪有保护眼睛的功效,分几种眼泪,有一种是经常产生的,可以保湿,还可以杀菌;还有一种不经常产生,眼睛进沙子了就会产生。09.08.22 (北美)

1. spending time in 外国的优势。

2. 空闲时间的活动喜欢一个人看书,写作...还是喜欢share with other people

3. 阅读:校报的editor要把one-page international section 取消换成关于校园消息的版面。

听力:女的很赞同,因为国际信息大家哪都能看着,而学校内部信息只能从类似学生会一类的地方得到并且时间久了就忘了,如果校报能多写些学校内部信息,我们就能cut up 报纸然后保存以便日后查找。

4. 阅读:给我们一个概念叫“reference groups”。说人们的行为会被自己所admire的人影响。

听力:professor 给我们一个他自己的例子,他说他刚上学的时候跟一群比自己大的学艺术的师兄师姐厮混在一起,他们喜欢穿的普通,像T-shirt, 牛仔什么的,他也就跟着这么穿。结果到了公司他发现和他一起的人都喜欢dress up,男的西装女的也是漂亮衣服鞋子,时间长了他也改变了习惯。

5. 公交车时刻表改变,让男生的计划有些改变。如果下课后搭公交车上班会迟到;要提早去又不可能,因为他之前有化学课。1. 跟老板讨论后老板建议他可以改到晚班,傍晚做到midnight,可是男生说太累;

2. 自己骑脚踏车,女生说骑脚踏车不错,不过碰到坏天气就很麻烦。

6. 植物获得nutrition的方法,除了从土壤取得外,还有carnivorous plant 吃insect得到,分为active、passive两种。active 是Venus flytrap﹙捕蝇草﹚,分泌sweat的东西吸引昆虫,使其飞进mouth,关起来并消化;passive 是sundew plant﹙毛毡苔﹚,special leaves有

很多little hair分泌sticky glue黏住虫,并消化。

09.09.11 (北美)

1. Describe one changed way of people's lives in your country. Explain why this change is important.

2. Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day. Other students prefer to prepare their project much earlier before their projects will be due. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

3. 阅读:大学校报的通知说学校计划把新生生物课改成学习小组讨论。好处1、帮助学生掌握学习技巧。好处2、让学生结交新的朋友。


4. 阅读:动物会改变group size。他们寻找食物的时候不会大群出动。


5. 男生因为搬家背受伤。现在在书店工作,要搬重物到书架,想换个工作。

女生建议:1、继续留在书店,和老板说,给他换工作,做收银员cashier,但是会合他的study meeting时间上有冲突。2、quit the job去食堂cafeteria做洗盘子。但男生不愿意,因为钱少。说在书店他可以免费看书,但在食堂工作要花钱买。


6. 教授讲 社会的稳定性有两种形式形成,一是人们从事同一个种类的工作,这样大家有共同的作息时间,共同的关注点等;另一个是从事不同种类的工作,做出不同的贡献,人们相互依赖,从而形成稳定性。09.09.12

1. airplane, computer, television哪一个改变了国人的生活最多?

2. 你觉得children should grow up in the small town or the big city?

3. 阅读:学校关闭student theater 要在downtown建一个更好的,原因 (1) 能容纳更多的audience;(2) facility好,performance的效果好。


(1) 不能save audience,因为audience大多来自学生,学生出去很不方便,所以即便是空间大了也没有用;(2) 虽然New theater 有很好的technology equipment,students are not professional,使用那些设备需要training,但是学生都不是profession,所以那些好设备没有用。

4. 阅读:介绍 adaptive reuse,就是老楼没有用,但具有时代特色,不能拆, 所以被闲置了起来, 不过可以内部翻修再利用。

听力:professor举例说他曾经在建筑公司工作过,翻修过chocolate factory,新用途是concert hall这个建筑的特点是,1. 内部结构对于enhance声音很好;2. 有大大的窗户可以让观众在欣赏音乐会的同时可以看看这个城市的景色;3. 中间有一个**结构,正好可以当舞台;4.有很大的地方可以容纳很多观众。

5. 一个女生她三年了,终于选上basketball team,但是这学期她选了六门课。她原本以为她能平衡。但是事实上不能。她想放弃basketball team。

建议:①to quit the team,但是这个team很有名,女孩也一直希望加入;②不要选这么多课,但是女生想申请graduate,这么多classes可以为她加分。

6. 教授讲 children behavior 对social development有很大的影响。第一种associative behavior在孩子3,4岁的时候,他们在一起玩,但是各自独立,一个小男孩堆了汽车,一个小女孩堆了飞机。

第二种是social behavior.在孩子5,6岁的时候,他们依然喜欢在一起玩,但是这个时候他们就懂得合作了,每个人做不同的事情更好的完成一个任务。

09.09.19 (北美)

1. Describe an object you rely on in your daily life

2. When you have challenges, do you like to solve it by yourself or find somebody else helps you?

3. 阅读:学校要弄一个electrical board 把所有的information, coming up events 都放那,这样学生就不用四周看海报,而且学校也会更整洁,因为墙上没海报了。


4. 阅读:Negative ideation. Is a method used by people to resist desires by adding something negative.

听力:In the lecture, the professor gives his personal example of chocolate and mud, he loves chocolate because it is tasty. But chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. Whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water. He stopped buying.

5. 两个合唱团的学生,发现错过了在报纸上发布广告的deadline,担心没人去看这weekend的合唱团表演。女生建议延期一礼拜,男生回有可能没地点举办;女生又提到处贴海报,这不用延期又可以让多点人来看乐队演出,结果男的说考虑一下。

6. Two ways of animals use wetlands temporarily.

a. NURSERY: for nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

b. FEEDING PLACE: for rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, … paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before.


1. An important day in your life.

2. Agree or disagree: watching TV is a good use of time

3. 阅读:一人写信建议在学校里开个a snack shop,原因2个,一可以提供学生就业机会,二可以方便学生。

听力:男生同意,说在此工作的学生可以积累之后open business的经验,学会supplement, building maintain等等。关于第二点,女生说学校已经有个nice cafeteria了,但是男生不同意,他说这个食堂人很多,每次要等很久,即使只为了coffee or a sandwich。另外提到downtown的coffee,但是需要开车去,而大多数学生没有车。

4. 阅读:experience goods,人们对不熟悉的东西不会买除非真的用了以后觉得好才会买。

听力:教授给了个例子,说他的friend promotes education DVD,teachers in elementary schools信不过,然后他就送了第一部video 给好多个学校,it pays off,大家用了觉得good quality就都来买了。

5. 一个女生要写建筑的论文,老师推荐了一本书,但是此书在学校图书馆没有,在附近的一个图书馆有,可以申请从那个图书馆运过来,但

是需要a few days,at the end of this week才能到,但是她的paper due to next week,如果等就没时间看书写了。男生建议她开车过去pick up。但是女生说要开2小时,会耽误她的课。然后问你的opinion。

6. spruce tree可以在harsh north climate survive?两个原因,一个是因树形是sharp triangular,这样大雪就会slide off,而不会break down/damage branches。

另一个原因是color,它们是black green,这样就可以weak sunlight 中absorb更多能量。



申明:本机经资料整理者Daisy。资料来源于互联网。不做任何盈利性用途。 Activities: 1.If your high school has after-school activities, which activity would you like to choose? 2.Describe an organization you would like to join. 3.Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Explain why you enjoy doing this activity in your school. Include specific reasons and details to support your response. Experiences: 1.Which period of your life do you think the most difficult:Childhood, juvenile or adult? 2.What will you suggest your friend if he comes to your country to study aboard?


2.job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Objects/things/situations: 1.Describe an important letter or poem or story or essay you have written. 2.Your university is planning to prevent students from bring their own computers into classroom. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? 3.Is it beneficial for students to have computer? Describe both advantages & disadvantages. 4.Talk about a book you have not read but you want to read because it is important. 5.College students should not be allowed to keep


2006年8月12日 口语部分 第一个问题 如何当好父母,好的父母应该具有什么品质 第二个问题 你认为集体工作好还是单独工作好 第三个问题 先读一个ANNOUNCEMENT,关于食堂要取消热食而只售冷食,这样的话,1,因为冷食比热食更有营养,2 ,学生可以因此省钱。然后听一段学生间的对话,一个女生对学校的这种改变极为不满,并表达了相反的 意见。总结女生的意见但要与所读的ANNOUNCEMEN相结合。 第四个问题 关于一篇教授的讲座,他指出人们应该对自己所要做的事情有一个安排,并举列说如果你将来用不到化学 ,那么现在也没有必要学习化学。总结其意 第五个问题 关于广告策略的,有两种方法,第一种就是不停的重复,说的你不得不信,举例是用一辆小车不停的接人 放人,大家都说车够宽敞,天天说,结果大家就真觉得车宽敞了。第二种就是找名人代言,里面举了用一 位赛车手代言一部小车,并说这小车好,快,说的大家都认为这个小车其实也快。听完这段对话,将这两 点总结出来并复述。写作部分 2006年10月18日 口语:口语里听的部分挺简单的,感觉比delta简单,delta我都记不下来,这次考试都记下来了

1. What is a important opportunity in your life. Describe why it is important. (跑题了,光 顾地说怎么利用这个机会了。哭。。。) 2. do you agree or disagree with the following statement: student should not be allowed to bring cellphone into the class. 3. 图书馆把大桌子换成小隔间,一个大兄弟不同意,说没法做group project了,应该增加meeting room ,说overcrowd了,现在大桌子正合适,换什么换阿 4. 动物之间是怎么知道别人要干什么的,有一个专门的词,忘了,有定义。教授主要就是举例,说狗狗 以害怕,就龇牙。因为在很久很久以前,狗狗受到威胁就龇牙要咬,龇牙是为了不咬到自己。后来别的动 物就知道狗狗龇牙就是要咬了,就害怕。后来狗狗自己也知道自己龇牙,别的动物就害怕了,于是以后就 只龇牙了 5. 教授给改回来的draft,给这个倒霉蛋给晚了,结果只有1天时间修改上交了。mm说要么你跟教授说延 长deadline,要么你自己尽最大努力改。两个solution你支持哪个? 6. 文化之间的difussion。主要定义difussion,就是文化从一个地方传到另各一地方。举例说newspaper ,字来自很多别的国家(听得不清楚),造纸法来自中国。然后说difussion不是那么简单地,举例说针 灸,老美知道针灸有用,但是不懂其中的哲学,只是拿过来就用。 2006年10月22日 口语 1. 你最admire的一个人是谁?说出理由 2. 大学教育是否应该像所有人开放,还是只让一部分人有机会受到大学教育。此题极似TWE185中的第


As the economy and technology develop at an incredible speed in today’s society, there are an increasing number of people believing that the most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. In my view, however, this is out of the question and the three most significant problems affecting the society, namely war, environmental destruction and disease, will still influence us and may not be entirely resolved forever. War is a problem afflicting humans since they took into being in the first place. Wars take place when different countries have conflicting benefits, which is unlikely to be eliminated as long as the boundaries between countries still exist. For instance, in the Middle East where water is extremely scarce, many countries are in conflict in contention for water resources. Since every country acts for the sake of its own benefit, it seems that people in the region are incapable of living together in harmony. Eternal world peace, therefore, is unlikely to be achieved in our lifetime. Environmental destruction emerged not long before but it is becoming increasingly severe and can not be ignored. With the large-scale utilization of fossil fuels and rapid development of industry, huge amounts of pollutants are being produced, contaminating the environment to a large degree. The disposal of these pollutants being a tough task, it is hardly possible that we can completely get rid of them within a short period of time. Furthermore, even if we can come up with optimal methods for dealing with these substances, there remains the problem that these methods may cost too much and obstruct the development of economy. Last but not least, the well-being of people around the world is threatened by a variety of diseases, ranging from AIDS to cancer, the cures for which have not been discovered yet. Diseases set off panics among humans, affect their normal life and leave people badly off with the high medical expenses. There are thousands of scientists devoting themselves to finding cure for diseases, but new types of diseases keep emerging and there is no eliminating all of them. In summary, the problems with the most significance today are going to be passed on to our offspring. To eliminate these problems thoroughly, there is still a long way to go.


1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before. 2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom? 3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree 4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago. 5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not? 6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why. 7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background? 8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money. 9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. 10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not? 11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours. 12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards? 13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation. 14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam? 15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding for

托福口语机经第四批 答案

1.Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial 2.Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date? Well, for me , I prefer to finish my work as quickly as possible for several reasons. First of all, I don’t like to be rushed. Starting as soon as possible allow me to make a schedule to follow. With my own plan, I can manage the task step by step, which won’t make me feel tense. Furthermore, it allows me to prepare enough to finish the task. With good preparation, I can just finished the work efficiently. Thus,I can save a lot of time to do other things. In some cases, a flood of works may overwhelm you at the same time, it is wise to cope with them as soon as you can. 3.One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? I think I will give three reasons to my friend if he is going to study math as his major. First, he need to be patient. Math is a basic subject of many fields. However, it is also very difficult. To be a good learner in math , he should calm down and concentrate on the math problem. Second, cooperation is also very important. He can found a math team. During the learning process, they can help each other to get better results. Third, he may learn some other subject as well if he get free time. Math is basic subject and it can be applied to many other areas. Put it into practice and he will learn much more. 4.Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why? For me, I think premature consumption, which means people can borrow money from other people or banks to buy things, is very fashionable and reasonable. As long as I have a steady job, I would choose to borrow money to buy things like a car ,a house and so on. It may be too expensive for me right now, for example, a house. But I really need it. It may take a long time for me to save money to buy it. If I buy it in advance, I can enjoy a comfortable life for a long time. And another reason is thatI will be pushed to work harder if I borrow money from others. Driven by some pressure, I may try my best to achieve myself. 5.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different


2013年北美地区托福考试写作真题及解析汇总完整版 前言 由于2012年ML大部分考题为2011年NA,故2013年ML只重考了1题2011年的NA题,结合往年经验和2013年中国大陆的考试情况,不难得出,2014年ML还将以重复2013年NA题为主。这份资料对于明年考托福的同学们含金量十分高。 2013年中国大陆地区(后称ML)的作文题目当中,北美考题(后称NA)比例: 2008-2010的NA题:共15题,占35.7% 2011年的NA题:共1题,占2.4% 2012年的NA题共19题,占45.2 1月12日 Parents learn more from their children than their children do from them nowadays. 此题disagree较容易 按照分类理由,从parents生活经验丰富,技能多,人脉广等角度展开,强调孩子可以从父母身上学到的东西即可。 如选择Agree,更挑战,更适合文笔发挥,拿到满分 1.Wide availability of internet—abundant resource on education—access for children to improve their ability and skills on their own—more capable in terms of life and work—close to parents—be the portal for parents to catch up with the fast-changing world 2.Fiercer competition—demand for advanced and latest technology and skills—relatively easier for children to embrace for their intellectual level and stage of life—also a missing part in parents’ education—parents learn from children to fit into the society 3.让步 2月2日 在经济危机时期(times of economy crisis),你认为政府应该减少下面哪一方面少花钱?-Education -Health Care -Support for unemployed


2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经下载地址: https://www.360docs.net/doc/815372153.html,/tuofuzixun/20150515/tfjj-lhy-66bmky.html?seo=wenku6.021 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经!小马老师已经在第一时间内更新出了2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。 2015年6月6日北美托福口语机经部分内容: 1.★★★★★ 教授布置了 a special assignment, 是让学生们去 museum 看 ancient Egyptian sculpture, 然后写paper。【好处】(1)make more sense than the textbook;(2)教授可以拿到团体票的折扣,半价。 女生的觉得这主意好, 原因(1)这样做,可以给学?生提供?一个近距离亲眼鉴赏课本?里讲到的雕塑。有助于帮助学生加深印象。(2)博物馆门票正好有discount,而且不用学生出钱,这个女生本来就打算去,就是因为门票太贵,所以没去成。 2.★★★★★ 学生要等候个星期在新学期开始地时候才能move到新的 apartment。 男生是支持的观点。一是因为这样可以确保足够的房间并且合理进行安排。二是因为每次新学期一开学,很多人因为要和朋友搬的近一点之类的原因,刚开学那一阵子总是很吵。这样有助于维持环境稳定等等。 3.Task1: Describe the most important day of your life. Explain why it was important to you.或者另一个版本::数学,画画,科学这三个学科你会选哪一个来学 4.Task2: In terms of success, which one is more important, take risk or make a safe decision? 或者另一版本::Some people argue people born with natural abilities are more likely to succeed. Other people believe success can be achieved through hard work. 5.★★★★★ What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit is import. Include reasons and details to support your response. 6.★★★★★ Describe the most important decision you’ve ever made in your life. Explain why it’s important.


TOEFL Speaking 2017 March & April 1.Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful. 2.If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience. 3.Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read? 1. Politics; 2. Sports; 3. Arts and films. 4.Some students prefer to study for exam in the night other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer and why? 5.The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to graduate. Which of the following will you choose? A. Soccer; B. Dancing 6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic progr am, but it’s expensive, while the other is less well-known but has offered you with scholarship. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 7.The university international office is going to hold a social events. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best? 1. International food fair; 2. International music festival; 3. International film festival 8.Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer? 9.Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have done that you never imagined you would do. 10.You live in a crowded city with only one green space, the city park. The government recently proposed to build a housing complex on it. Do you think it is a good idea? 11.Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. 12.If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why? January & February 13.If you are asked to write a final project about a famous historical city. Which of the following activity do you prefer? 1. Visit the famous building; 2. Visit the old people; 3. Research and write paper 14.Some students think that they should be graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they should be graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and why? 15.Your friend will move to a school but worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why?


2015年6月27日北美托福预测 2015年6月27日北美托福预测下载地址: https://www.360docs.net/doc/815372153.html,/tuofujijing/20150513/tfjj-lhy-627bmtf.html?seo=wenku6.408 2015年6月27日北美托福预测是考生在此次考前充分的重要资料,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载2015年6月27日北美托福预测参考使用。 2015年6月27日北美托福预测部分内容: 1.★★★★ 一个学生写信给学校说应高增加 theater 的座位,因为现有的座位满足不了同学们看play 的需求。女的反对说 1. 你装啥啊,一年才去看几回 play,而且每回去人也不多啊,所以根本没必要。2. 太费钱,学校又要欠债了,拿啥还。 2.★★★★ Some people consider going to the gym a priority in their life, while others go to the gym only when they have time. Which do you think is better and why? 3.★★★★ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a school largely depends on the resources it has such as textbooks and journals. 4.★★★★ 【主题】 野牛数量的下降 Reading: 1.人将它作为了source of food 2.Migrators 带来的competing for grassland 3.新科技的发展,如枪的发展 Listening: 1.人是从东部迁徙过去的,但是野牛数量下降时从西边开始的,东部也吃野牛,但是数量没有下降。


机经中的单词(红色的是听力部分的) Fangzheng050324修改美化版sulfured 硫的helium 氦methane 甲烷amino acid 氨基酸periodical 期刊frontier 边疆individualism 个人主义 continental(plate)drift 大陆漂移granite 花岗岩 social contract 社会契约sentimental style 情感方式(本善,本恶) goodness nature & evil nature 善与恶恶性是受influence 和lure 造成的pottery 陶土poetry 诗basketry 竹篮 part time 兼职Doldrums 赤道无风带horizontal 水平的 imitation 赝品weather aging 风化年代 候鸟迁徙的原因,一个是为了食物,一个是躲避恶劣天气,北冰洋往南飞,单程1100miles. 越冷的地方,迁徙的越多,北美北,欧洲北等,都是80%,越往南越少,20%,到雨林就不迁徙了。继而讨论决定鸟儿迁徙路线的因素。白天鸟儿看太阳的高度,height, latitude,决定飞,晚上看northern star,也可以确定。磁场很关键。有实验,在密封条件下,给鸟儿看sky的图,winter sky,它们就聚在南边,summer sky,他们就聚在北边,屡试不爽。还用mirror来改变太阳的位置试验鸟儿。在有干扰情况下,鸟儿就confuse了。有时它们需要在停下来休息时,重新调整路线,所以休息很重要。 Weaver织布机Navajo 纳瓦获人loom 织布机innovation 革新 subdue color温色 barter易货rug,blanket(毛毯)提到chief blanket,早期是这些祭司用的,后来通过交易,开始变化。


2020年1月托福口语机经预测 Task 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. When handling with difficult situations in life, do you think it’s better to use humorous attitude or serious attitude? School shouldn‘t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree ? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets. Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves, which one do you think is more reasonable and why? Do you agree or disagree: students should watch teacher‘s lectures in video version instead of attending classes?


2008年新托福独立写作北美考题 2008.1.12 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus on environmental problems instead of on economic development. 利弊型—拆分法 Agree—环境问题 Water pollution Resources deficiency Air pollution Disagree—经济发展 2008.1.18 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are happier when they finish a challenging or difficult job than when they complete an essay task. 事实型,比较类—拆场景 Agree Disagree 2008.1.27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well. 成功类 2008.2.1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being creative is more important in finding the best solution to a problem than planning carefully. 2008.2.8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned. 2008. 2.15 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s important for families to have meals together regularly. 2008.2.23 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology makes people’s lives simpler rather than makes people’s lives more complicated. 2008.3.1


托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internetoracademicbooks 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books 托福独立口语高频话题解读:internet or academic books Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why. 高频话题语料补充 有害健康 pose a threat to your health, hurt your eyesight, get dizzy, backache, neck problems, obesity 出版商审查并且批准一些信息 publisher checks and approves the information 作者都是权威

authors are authorities in a certain field 因特网的信息不准确 source might be unreliable 托福独立口语高频话题范文分享 Well, personally I would like to use paper books to do research. Sitting in front of the computer poses a threat to your health, like staring at the screening for a long time hurt your eyesight, you get dizzy, and there are other problems like backache, neck problems, and even obesity. Also, the information in books is reliable, the publisher checks and approves the information and the authors are authorities in a certain field. However, the information on the internet is not reliable since everyone can post information. 托福口语备考的七大技巧 扩充词汇 托福口语考试,讲究的不是词汇的多少,掌握2500个左右常用词就足够了。托福口语考试的关键,是要熟练掌握和运用一些转折连词、动词,以及美国口语的惯用方法。这样可以让你在口语考试中,表现的更加精彩。 题海战术
