


Certificate of English Translation and Interpreting



Part 1

Translation from English into Chinese 1

hour 30 minutes

Read the following two passages.

Translate them into Chinese.

Write your answers on this paper.

You may use the additional paper for any rough work but you must copy your

answers onto this paper.

Passage 1

Head injuries

Alice was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the

winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran

off the road and hit a tree. Alice banged her head on the steering wheel but never lost consciousness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a


But, back at her studies, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs

were becoming Cs. She had trouble remembering what she’d read and was irritable

and easily distracted.

Alice was referred to a neuropsychologist for further examination. Although her

IQ hadn’t c hanged and standard neurological tests were normal, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still

process new information, but it took longer than before and she became “overload if she tried to do too much at once.

Head injuries are often fatal, or of sufficient severity to require the hospitalization of

victims. But there is a large group of people who sustain head injuries which can go

undetected through ordinary medical examination. These are the people who

seemingly recover from their injuries but still suffer subtle intellectual and

behavioural effects that may seriously impair their ability to work and interact

normally with other people. They are the victims of what experts call a“silent

epidemic”. Some never lost consciousness and others never even suffered a direct

blow to the head, yet brain damage occurred.

Passage 2

My fight against junk e-mail

Filtering junk e-mail can be a tricky game of cat and mouse, as I learned when I

set out to purge my In Box.

I received an e-mail the other day that gave me a moment’s pause. “Hey cutie, How are you??” It began. “I’m so sorry about last night, click here for a SUPRIXE to

I was suspicious for three reasons:my girlfriend never

make you feel better.” 

misspells like that, we had not had a row the previous night, and I was pretty sure she

had not suddenly acquired an Australian e-mail address. At least one part of the

message was accurate: if she ever pointed me to a website as sexy as that one, I’d be

very surprised indeed.

The cutie incident represented a setback in my war against junk e-mail. I used to

get hundreds of these things a day, and some months ago, I vowed to rid my In Box

permanently of every last one. What I soon learned was that most e-mail software

can’t eradicate the junk without throwing babies with the bath water.

Microsoft Outlook, for example, can trash any mail not sent directly to your

address. But that ends up junking a lot of useful stuff such as discussions on my

journalism, school alumni e-mail list. AOL can turn away mail from anyone not

flagged as a friend, but part of my job is to accept correspondence from strangers –

like you, dear reader.

Part 2

Translation from Chinese into English 1 hour 30 minutes

Read the following two passages.

Translate them into English.

Write your answers on this paper.

You may use the additional paper for any rough work but you must copy your answers onto this paper.

Passage 1










Passage 2











Passage 1 参考译文---牛国崎翻译


Head injuries









Passage 2 参考译文---牛国崎翻译


My fight against junk e-mail









Microsoft Outlook,比如说,就可以把不是直接发给你本人地址的任何邮件





Passage 1---牛国崎翻译

Serve the Customers


One time, at the door of a crowded bus, I heard a gentleman politely asking a lady in front of him: “Are you getting off, please?”The lady ignored him. “Are you getting off?” Asked him again, and he was again ignored. “Getting off?” He lost his patience and shouted. But the lady still

remained where she was. “Are you deaf or dumb?”He became furious and pushed the lady on the back. The lady also got angry at this time. Her eyes staring, she turned back and gave the gentleman a blow.

At the sight of this, I was suddenly reminded of a welfare factory along the route of Bus No. 60. The lady, possibly deaf, had no hearing. I lost no time to explain to the gentleman, and went on to write something on a slip of paper, showing it to the lady: “Excuse me! This gentleman is to get off. He asked you several times. Could you possibly not have heard of it?” Nodding, the lady made way.

Ever since, I have been specially watching the characteristics of the deaf and went on to have learnt some of the commonly used hand gestures from them. With this not only could I serve them better and communicate with them in feelings, but also reduced some of the misunderstandings and disputes between them and other passengers.



Passage 2

Knowledge Renewal


China, a developing country, still lags far behind compared with developed countries, though it has made great progress in mastering and applying science and technology and modern knowledge. It is because of this that China has established the strategy of “National Prosperity through Science and Education”, and is speeding up the steps of technological advances and knowledge renewal, in order to minimize the gap with the developed countries as early as possible.

The vitality of knowledge lies in creation. Only when new knowledge and technology are continuously created, can it spark a new round of industrial revolution and enhance the speedy development of the economy and society. In this new century, such factors as personnel, culture, education, economy and social management, etc. are playing an increasingly important part in the development of the economy and the society. Only when creation and breakthrough are made in theory and technology continuously, can it inject new vitality and dynamics to the development of the economy and society, and effectively excavate, integrate and utilize manpower and natural resources, in order to create more wealth both materially and spiritually and benefit mankind.


北外翻译硕士考研真题信息整理与风格特点 一、英语翻译基础 英汉短语互译: Bogor Goals FTAAP zero-sum game ALS NASA genomic variation ozone depletion sinology bitcoin UNCED paparazzi amino acid digital divide existentialism silver-spoon kids

十八届四中全会 亚太经合组织 互联互通 量化宽松 公使衔参赞 埃博拉病毒 自闭症 防空识别区 负面清单 房产税 专利技术 和而不同 地沟油 真人秀 逆袭 二、篇章翻译 今年篇章翻译由以前的四篇改为了两篇,我也破天荒第一次翻译前打了草稿。英译汉是一篇有关里约环境会议的,说实话我词汇量不行,看着也有点儿晕。

汉译英是刘梦溪写的有关孟子精神和现代社会的文章,很多文言文,比如什么礼义廉耻、国之四端之类。其实明白中文的意思翻译倒也不是特别难。 汉语写作与百科知识: 一、名词解释 尼罗河 战略伙伴关系 四大菩萨 十字军 中亚五国 日心说 元素周期律 丝绸之路经济带 金字塔 APEC 金砖四国 九大行星 三省六部的“六部” 《牡丹亭》 东盟

IS(就是伊斯兰国 南北战争 二十八宿 《俄狄浦斯王》 三一律 “新寓言”派 《菊与刀》 北约 苏辛 《说文解字》 二、应用文写作 应用文是根据自己经历的某件事写一则消息,是新闻体裁的一种 三、大作文 大作文给一段材料,写一个人从火车上丢了一个鞋子,然后马上扔了另一个,说这只鞋留着也没用,有人捡到没准还能穿。然后以“让失去变的可爱”为题写一篇作文。 本文系统介绍北外翻译硕士考研难度,北外翻译硕士就业,北外翻译硕士考研辅导,北外翻译硕士考研参考书,北外翻译硕士专业课五大方面的问题,凯程北外翻译硕士老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北外翻译硕士考研机构!


P103 第十题 (3)SELECT 职工号,姓名 FROM 职工WHERE 职工号IN (SELECT 职工号 FROM 参加WHERE 编号IN (SELECT 编号FROM 社会团体WHERE 名称='唱歌队' OR 名称=‘篮球队’)) (4)SELECT * FROM 职工 WHERE 职工号NOT IN (SELECT 职工号FROM 参加) (5)SELECT * FROM 职工 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM 社团WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM 参加WHERE 职工.职工号=职工号AND 社团.编号=编号)) (6)SELECT * FROM 职工 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM 参加 A Where A.职工号=‘1001’and not exists (select * From 参加B Where 职工.职工号=B.职工号and A.编号=B.编号))

(7)select 编号,count(职工号)as 人数 From 参加 Group by 编号 (8)select 名称from 社团, 参加 Group by 编号having count(*)>=all(select count(职工号) From 参加Group by 编号) select Cno,Cname from Course where Cno in (select Cno from elective Group by https://www.360docs.net/doc/863943691.html,o having count(*)>=all(select count(Sno) From elective Group by Cno )) (9)select 名称,负责人 From 社团 Where 编号in (select 编号 From 参加 Group by 编号having count(职工号)>100)(10) Grant select,insert, delete on table 社团,参加to 李平with grant option 11\ (1)select 姓名,联系电话 From 供应商


词汇和语法 5 Questions 1-15: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 从A,B,C,D选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。 1.We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, __________ who invented the electric light and many other things. A. man B. the man C. a man D. the men 2.It wasn’t such a good dinner __________ she had promised us. A. that B. which C. as D. what 3.When the fire was put out, we saw that the house __________. A. was damaged B. was being damaged C. has been damaged D. had been damaged 4.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become __________. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoiled D. harmed 5.Readers will find that a library’s collection of books usually ________ two categories: fiction and non-fiction. A. runs into B. turns into C. divides into D. falls into 6. A recent __________ in corporate organization is to reduce the number of levels of management. A. trend B. tend C. bend D. blend https://www.360docs.net/doc/863943691.html,cation is a lifelong experience that starts long __________ the start of school. A. after B. before C. past D. since 8.Finding out information on the latest scientific breakthroughs has been becoming easy for anyone with Internet __________. A. path B. entry C. access D. admission 9.His work is so good that I __________ it. A. hardly need to edit B. hardly need edit to C. need hardly to edit D. need to hardly edit


答案仅供参考 第一章数据库系统概述 选择题 B、B、A 简答题 1.请简述数据,数据库,数据库管理系统,数据库系统的概念。 P27 数据是描述事物的记录符号,是指用物理符号记录下来的,可以鉴别的信息。 数据库即存储数据的仓库,严格意义上是指长期存储在计算机中的有组织的、可共享的数据集合。 数据库管理系统是专门用于建立和管理数据库的一套软件,介于应用程序和操作系统之间。数据库系统是指在计算机中引入数据库技术之后的系统,包括数据库、数据库管理系统及相关实用工具、应用程序、数据库管理员和用户。 2.请简述早数据库管理技术中,与人工管理、文件系统相比,数据库系统的优点。 数据共享性高 数据冗余小 易于保证数据一致性 数据独立性高 可以实施统一管理与控制 减少了应用程序开发与维护的工作量 3.请简述数据库系统的三级模式和两层映像的含义。 P31 答: 数据库的三级模式是指数据库系统是由模式、外模式和内模式三级工程的,对应了数据的三级抽象。 两层映像是指三级模式之间的映像关系,即外模式/模式映像和模式/内模式映像。 4.请简述关系模型与网状模型、层次模型的区别。 P35 使用二维表结构表示实体及实体间的联系 建立在严格的数学概念的基础上 概念单一,统一用关系表示实体和实体之间的联系,数据结构简单清晰,用户易懂易用 存取路径对用户透明,具有更高的数据独立性、更好的安全保密性。

第二章关系数据库 选择题 C、C、D 简答题 1.请简述关系数据库的基本特征。P48 答:关系数据库的基本特征是使用关系数据模型组织数据。 2.请简述什么是参照完整性约束。 P55 答:参照完整性约束是指:若属性或属性组F是基本关系R的外码,与基本关系S的主码K 相对应,则对于R中每个元组在F上的取值只允许有两种可能,要么是空值,要么与S中某个元组的主码值对应。 3.请简述关系规范化过程。 答:对于存在数据冗余、插入异常、删除异常问题的关系模式,应采取将一个关系模式分解为多个关系模式的方法进行处理。一个低一级范式的关系模式,通过模式分解可以转换为若干个高一级范式的关系模式,这就是所谓的规范化过程。 第三章数据库设计 选择题 B、C、C 简答题 1. 请简述数据库设计的基本步骤。 P66 需求分析设计;概念结构设计;逻辑结构设计;物理结构设计;数据库设计;数据库的运行和维护。 2. 请分别举例说明实体之间联系的三种表现情形。 P74 一对一联系:对于实体集A中的每个实体,实体集B中最多只有一个实体与之联系,反之亦然。举例:班级与班长,每个班只有一个班长,每个班长也只在一个班内任职。 一对多联系:对于实体集A中的每个实体,实体集B中有N个实体与之联系,反之,对于实体集B中的每个实体,实体集A中最多只有一个实体与之联系。举例:班级与班级成员,每个班级对应多个班级成员,每个班级成员只对应一个班级。 多对多联系:对于实体集A中的每个实体,实体集B中有N个实体与之联系,反之,对于实体集B中的每个实体,实体集A中有M个实体与之联系。举例:授课班级与任课教师,每个


单选题 1. He won't come. He has his mind changed 2. I remember _seeing_ the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive. 3. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _spoiled_. 4. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time Cto get up. 5. What a mess! This room needs to be cleaned up. 6. Even though I was not sleepy, I went to bed early. 7. If I had enough time now, I would writee to my parents. 8. Education is a lifelong experience that starts long before the start of school. 9. John went to town yesterday and had his bike repaired there. 10. When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she had taken a shower with her clothes on. 11. Children are very curious by nature 12. As long as I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. 13. During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, operating out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi, set up shelters for the homeless. temporary 14. In sales, shops may say “1,000 items at half-price” when only a few are available at such a drastic reduction. 15. A recent trend in corporate organization is to reduce the number of levels of management. (C D C C A A B B B A D C D D A ) 完形填空 Children rate their fathers as among their least popular playmates because fathers are too competitive. According to research among more than 1,000 children, fathers always “play to win”, have no imagination or are simply at a loss as to how to play games. Children up to the age of 12 would rather play with their friends, their mother or their brothers and sisters. Only one in 16 chose their fathers as their ideal companion. Tim Gill, director of the Children’s Play Council, said, “Dads have difficu lty not being too competitive. Several fathers said they found it hard to get down to their children’s level. It is not easy for them to let children win, but children will get fed up if they lose all their time.” The competitive dad sometimes puts his children to constant challenges they can never live up to. It’s also partly a power control issue. Fathers want to let their children know they are still “players”. But being competitive was not altogether unhealthy. The thing is not to be obsessive about it. One father of two, who declined to be named {as he didn’t want his children to feel embarrasseD., told The Telegraph: “I don’t think I am overly competitive but it is better my children learn to lose with someone who cares for them.” (C A B D C B D B C A ) 阅读理解 “The public can have this car in any color they like as long as it is black.” Henry Ford, the first of the world’s great car makers, said those famous words back in 1911. Since then everyone has tried to show that he was wrong. The development of the car economy has resulted in a move away from standardization. Marketing professionals often use car ownership as a kind of shorthands for different social or economic groups. The “Sierra man” is a young junior executive. He is sales oriented, very ambitious and likes sports. He drives a large, powerful


2015年北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题词组翻译: 1、Bogor Goals 2、FTAAP 3、zero-sum game 4、ALS 5、NASA 6、genomic variation 7、ozone depletion 8、sinology 9、bitcoin 10、UNCED 11、Paparazzi 12、amino acid 13、Digital divide 14、Existentialism 15、Silver-spoon kids 1)十八届四中全会 2)亚太经合组织 3)互联互通 4)量化宽松政策 5)公使衔参赞 6)埃博拉病毒 资料来源:育明考研考博官网https://www.360docs.net/doc/863943691.html,

7)自闭症 8)防空识别区 9)负面清单 10)房产税 11)专利技术 12)和而不同 13)地沟油 14)真人秀 15)逆袭 英译汉:关于环境立法之类的 汉译英:孟子的“四端”《中庸》,恻隐之心,礼义廉耻之类的,价值观 4.2.2弥合词义差异的需要 为弥合词义差异需要而采用的增词法或减词法一般有如下三种情况: 一、我们在第三章中看到,在很多情况下,英汉词汇的语义范围往往有宽窄之分,并 非一一对应。如果英语词义比汉语宽,英译汉时要采用增词法,使原文中隐含的意思得以充分表达;反之,如果英语词义比汉语窄,英译汉时则要采用减词法。例如,“Party liner”应译为“坚决贯彻党的路线的人”(而不只是“党的路线者”);“worry lines”应译为“因焦虑而深陷的皱纹”(而不只是译为“焦虑线”)。再如: 31)I wanted to be a man,and a man I am.(J.Herford) 我立志做一个真正的人;我现在终于成了一个真正的人。(增词法) 32)The hungry boy devoured his dinner. 那饥饿的孩子狼吞虎咽地吃完了饭。(增词法) 33)Social distance can be difficult to overcome. 资料来源:育明考研考博官网https://www.360docs.net/doc/863943691.html,


实验六 1、查询所有数学系学生的信息。 --select * from s where 系='数学系' 2、查询李老师所教的课程号、课程名 --select 课程号,课程名from c where 教师like '李%' 3、查询年龄大于20岁的女同学的学号和姓名。 --select 学号,姓名from s where year(getdate())-year(出生日期)>20 and 性别='女' 4、查询学号为‘H0301’所选修的全部课程成绩。 --select 成绩from sc where 学号= 'H0301' 5、查询平均成绩都在80分以上的学生学号及平均成绩。 --select 学号,AVG(成绩) from sc group by 学号having AVG(成绩)>80 6、查询至少有6人选修的课程号。 --select 课程号from sc group by 课程号having count(*)>=6 7、查询C02号课程得最高分的学生的学号 --select 学号from sc where 课程号='c02' and 成绩=(select max(成绩) from sc where 课程号='c02') 8、查询学号为’J0101’的学生选修的课程号和课程名 --select 课程号,课程名from c,sc where 学号='j0101' and c.课程号=sc.课程号 9、‘李小波’所选修的全部课程名称。 --select c.课程名from s,c,sc where s.学号=sc.学号and c.课程号=sc.课程号and 姓名='李小波' 10、所有成绩都在70分以上的学生姓名及所在系。 --select 姓名,系from s,sc where s.学号=sc.学号group by 姓名, 系having min(成绩)>=70 11、英语成绩比数学成绩好的学生 select sc2.学号 from c c1,c c2,sc sc1,sc sc2 where c1.课程名='英语' and c2.课程名='数学' and sc1.成绩>sc2.成绩 and sc1.学号=sc2.学号and c1.课程号=sc1.课程号and c2.课程号=sc2.课程号 或: Select sc1.学号from sc sc1, sc sc2 where sc1.学号=sc2.学号 And (sc1.课程号in (select 课程号from c where 课程名= ‘英语’))


北京外国语大学2018年校内推免资格名单公示 序号本科院系本科专业姓名 1英语学院英语祝麦伦2英语学院英语武晓钰3英语学院英语王思琳4英语学院英语丁敏学5英语学院英语许霖川6英语学院英语田逸功7英语学院英语毛翩翩8英语学院英语王嘉 9英语学院英语毛嘉敏10英语学院英语马生晴11英语学院翻译吴昊12英语学院翻译李智镕13英语学院翻译王静怡14英语学院翻译伊人15英语学院翻译宗琬晶16俄语学院俄语语言文学唐国恩17俄语学院俄语语言文学侯若芸18俄语学院俄语语言文学林琳19俄语学院俄语语言文学邱烨20俄语学院俄语语言文学李玲慧21俄语学院俄语语言文学张凯琪22法语系法语语言文学罗婉匀23法语系法语语言文学孙家悦24法语系法语语言文学何润哲25法语系法语语言文学王诗凡26法语系法语语言文学李阳竹27法语系法语语言文学沈逸舟28德语系德语语言文学罗舒云29德语系德语语言文学陈若茵30德语系德语语言文学关宇彤31德语系德语语言文学叶继琳32德语系德语语言文学韩昕彤33德语系德语语言文学商健华34德语系德语语言文学朱佳音



2016年北京大学日语口译、笔译翻译硕士考研真题 日语翻译基础: 共50道选择,题量很小,三个小时考试时间,快的同学一个小时就都能答完。因为回来没及时整理几乎都忘了。请见谅! 大部分都是语法题,难度在N1水平左右,但并不是N1的考试套路,很注重细节。比如:选出与题干语法用法一样的选项 题干:XXXXXXXX A昔が思い出される B休まれる C彼は行かれる D、想不起来了 具体的题干和选项想不起来,总之就是这类,别以为是简单的判断被动、自发还是敬语,我只记得这里面有个选项看似是对的,但是是个圈套。 还有一题是选择お?ご的正确用法 A、00さんのお行いですか B、おメールXXXXX C、お当番XXXXX D、ごXXXX 还有一道选ことわざ和俗語的 A、君の木で鼻をくくった態度は何とかならないのか B、 C、 D、経済回復になると会社の青田刈りが早くなる 翻译硕士日语 一、15个日译汉单词 1、圏外孤独 2、天下り官僚 3、現状有姿 4、ヘビーローテーション 5、クールビズ 6、カリスマ 7、格差社会 8、ほめ殺し 9、ダブル選 10、引ったくり事件 11、負けず嫌い 12、 13、 14、 15、 二、15个汉译日单词 1、外貌协会 2、老虎苍蝇一起打

3、出柜 4、智能城市 5、阅兵 6、独角戏 7、牛市 8、京津冀一体化 9、拖延症 10、高大上 11、创意大赛 12、清醒剂 13、权利清单 14、 15、 三、日译汉 1、是一篇安倍讲话的内容。如果没记错的整篇应该分为三个部分。第一部分是经济方面,要注重国家合作之类的,第二部分是地区安全方面的,尤其围绕日本出兵阿富汗以及帮助阿富汗国家重建,说日本做到了一个亚洲国家应该做的,呼吁其他亚洲国家也要参与进来(实际上就是给自己出兵海外正名罢了)。第三部分说的是环境气候问题,说日本自身完全按照京都议定书上所约定的去做了,希望亚洲地区某大国也要负起责任(赤裸裸的在说中国啊。。。)一点不难,通篇都是熟悉的词汇和语法,需要注意的就是怎么翻译的像外交辞令,当然不能大白话。这就需要平时多看看新闻,多练这方面的翻译。还有就是日译汉比较简单,一定要快,好给后面的汉译日留出充分的时间。 2、一篇小说,。说的是母女两人来了一场冲绳的旅行,刚搬完家,做的最后一般飞机,到了宾馆就昏睡过去了,醒来时一片美好,拉开窗帘是一片蓝色的世界。大概就这个意思的小故事,也不难。 四、汉译日 1、讲中日贸易的,很常规 2、不记得了 3、讲中国出版业的,记不太清了,好象说的是日本的育儿图书进入中国市场,中国的妈妈们读了以后感觉很好,所以决定(呼吁)更多的诸如此类的书能进入中国市场 百科知识与写作 一、25个名词解释(没写字数限制,但是也不能想写什么写什么,最好按照百度百科那么写,抓重点,字数控制在一百字左右) 孟子、春秋、堂吉诃德、两河流域文明、亚马孙河、舟山群岛、垓下之战、破釜沉舟、古事记、担当相、和歌、镰仓幕府、麦积山石窟、王羲之、中学为体西学为用、梁启超、国际原子能机构、中纪委、红楼梦、东罗马帝国、九品中正制、楚辞、北海道、塔里木盆地、四库全书 二、应用文写作 你是北京第二十五中学的李平,你发现很多同学在升旗仪式上没有大声唱国歌,经过你和你同学的调查发现,许多同并不会唱国歌,于是大家决定写一出倡议书,呼吁大家都能把国歌唱出来。大家推举你为执笔人,请你写一份倡议书,注意格式,400字以内。


北京外国语大学俄语翻译硕士考研术语翻译资料 АН:Академиянаук科学院 АО:акционерноеобщество股份公司 АСЕАН:АссоциациягосударствЮго-ВосточнойАзии东南亚国家联盟 АТР:Азиатско-Тихоокеанскийрегион亚太地区 АТЭС:ОрганизацияАзиатско-Тихоокеанскогоэкономическогосотрудничества亚太经合组织 АЭС:атомнаяэлектростанция原子能发电站 ВВП:валовойвнутреннийпродукт国内总产值 ВВС:военно-воздушныесилы空军 ВНП:валовойнациональныйпродукт国民总产值 ВОЗ:Всемирнаяорганизацияздравоохранения(联合国)世界卫生组织 ВСНП:Всекитайскоесобраниенародныхпредставителей(中国)全国人民代表大会 ВТО:Всемирнаяторговаяорганизация世界贸易组织 ВУЗ:военно-учебноезаведение军事学院 Госсекретарь:государственныйсекретарь国务卿,国务秘书 НИИ:научно-исследовательскийинститут研究所,科研所 НОАК:Народно-освободительнаяармияКитая中国人民解放军 НТВ:негосударственное(независимое)телевидение非国营(独立)电视台НЭП:новаяэкономическаяполитика新经济政策 ОБСЕ:ОрганизацияпобезопасностиисотрудничествувЕвропе欧洲安全与合作组织 ОМОН:отрядмилицииособогоназначения特警 ООН:ОрганизацияОбъединённыхНаций联合国 ОРТ:общественноероссийскоетелевидение俄罗斯公共电视台 ПК:персональныйкомпьютер微机(个人用计算机) ПРО:противоракетнаяоборона防火箭,对火箭防御 РТВ:Российскоетелевидение俄罗斯电视台 РТР:Российскоетеле-ирадиовещание俄罗斯广播电台

北外远程教育201303级 市场营销学 习题及答案 (2)

单选题 1 分层抽样法() A. 亦称“等距”抽样法 B. 第一步按自然形成的“群”随机抽样 C. 是 从各群中抽取几个群体,然后再从被抽中的群体中抽取个体作为调查对象 D.是将总体按某指标分成所谓“层”的各个部分,然后在各层中抽取调查对象 解析:本题考察的知识点是…分层抽样法 分层抽样是将总体按某指标分成“层”的各个部分,然后在个层中抽取调查对象,与整体抽样不同的是,分层抽样的第一步是按指标将总体分“层”,第二步是在各层内做简单随机抽样。 2 市场的上限() A. 是没有任何营销支出的情况下出现的购买额 B. 随着业内各家企业 的营销费用的增加而增加 C. 比较容易估算 D. 是经过最大的营销刺激 可能达到的需求最高水平,再多的促销手段和投入也不能使需求得到进一步的提升 解析:本题考察的知识点是市场上限或市场潜量 特定行业内企业对特定产品实施营销刺激有助于提高市场总需求。但营销刺激的作用是有限的,经过最大的营销刺激可能达到的需求最高水平,再多的促销手段和投入也不能使需求得到进一步的提升,此时的需求水平达到了极限,因而被称为“市场上限”或“市场潜量。” 3 有关收集原始(一手)资料的询问法,以下哪一句的描述有误?() A. 询问技术包括电话访谈、商场拦截访谈、邮寄问卷以及个人访谈 B. 设计问卷的质量优劣取决于计算机的功能 C. 邮寄问卷最大的问题是回收率 低 D. 询问法是最常见的收集原始营销资料的手段 解析:本题考察的知识点是原始资料的调研方法 收集原始资料的询问法需要设计高质量的问卷,问卷质量的优劣并不是取决于计算机功能,而是取决问卷设计者对调查目的、内容方法的掌握和问卷设计技巧。 4 关于销售和顾客的信息有助于管理者掌控市场和调整营销计划,这类信息可以从下列哪类信息系统中获得?() A. 营销调研系统 B. 营销情报系统 C. 内部数据库系统 D. 信 息分析和决策支持系统 解析:本题考察的知识点是营销信息子系统的内容。 营销信息子系统之一:内部数据库系统提供订单、装运、货款回收等数据和由销售部门提供的销售系统信息。


北外网院高起专、高起本入学考试英语题目汇编 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 词汇和语法 1 Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 从A, B, C, D选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。 1. —The film “A World Without a Thief” is on in the Theater nearby tonight. —What ______ pity! I haven’t got ______ ticket for it. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a 2. After the earthquake, many people ______ hunger and cold; we must do something to help them. A. bear B. stand C. suffer D. have 3. Scarcely had her husband arrived home ______ his wife started complaining. A. when B. that C. than D. and 4. I advised my daughter that she should not say anything in the presence of the President G.W Bush until ______. A. being asked B. asked C. having been asked D. to be asked 5. I’m not sure ______ attend the meeting or not. A. how to B. when to C. if to D. whether to 6. A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, ______ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant. A. if B. so that C. while D. whenever 7. Be sure to meet him at the airport on time, ______? A. will you B. aren't you C. can you D. don't you 8. —How did you ______ the football match yesterday ? —______. A. think, Very boring B. like, Very bored C. feel, Very bored D. find, Very boring 9. Your task is to clean the floor ______ the windows. A. as well as B. also C. either D. too 10. When I entered the teacher’s office, she ______ at me and then buried her nose to the homework again. A. stared B. looked C. noticed D. glanced 11. The boy required that he ______ treated as a kid. A. would not be B. wasn’t C. not be D. was not going to be 12. —Will you spare me a few minutes now ? —______. But I’ll be free this af ternoon. A. No, I don’t B. Of course, I will C. Yes, with pleasure D. I’m afraid not 13. The lorry driver was badly ______ when his lorry crashed into a wall. A. pained B. hurt C. hit D. damaged 14. You ______ go now. It’s getting late.


实验三内容补充 在“教学管理系统”中设计了许多查询,上述只介绍其中具有代表性的部分,其余查询读者可依例完成。本系统包括的所有查询如下所示: 说明:同学们在进行后面的表单设计时,需要用到没有设计过的查询,则再进行对应的查询设计,没有设计到的可以不做。 1.90 以上学生信息 2.按班查不及格学生 3.按班级编号查看学生基本信息 4.按班级查教师信息 5.按班级查选课 6.按教师编号查 7.按教师姓名查看授课信息 8.按课程类别查 9.按课程名查 10.按上课地点查 11.按所选课程查 12.按系名查 13.按姓名查看学生基本信息 14.按学分查 15.按学号查看学生基本信息 16.按学号查选课 17.按职称查 18.不及格人次 19.不及格学生信息 20.低于所在班平均分学生 21.各班学生人数统计 22.各系教师人数 23.各职称教师人数 24.教师基本信息表查询 25.教师每周学时总数 26.每班不及格人次 27.每班每门课平均成绩 28.每班男女生人数 29.每班平均成绩 30.每班平均分 31.每名学生平均成绩 32.某学年某学期教师每周学时总数 33.某学期某课不及格信息 34.统计各系教师的人数 35.统计各职称教师的人数 36.统计每门课教师的人数 37.统计有课教师的人数 38.学生相关信息查询 39.学生选课情况 40.有课教师的人数

实验四数据登录窗体设计一 4.1数据登录窗体的向导创建 在Access中创建窗体有人工方式创建和使用窗体向导创建两种方法。人工方式创建窗体,需要创建窗体的每一个控件,并建立控件和数据源之间的联系。而使用窗体向导创建窗体,用户只需按照向导的提示输入有关信息,一步一步地完成。创建过程既简单、快捷,又效率高,因此,在设计Access数据库应用系统时,往往是先使用窗体向导建立窗体的基本轮廓,然后再切换到设计视图使用人工方式进行调整。我们在创建“登录教师档案”窗体时采用的就是这种方法。 利用窗体向导创建“登录教师档案”,窗体的步骤如下: ①双击“窗体”对象中“使用向导创建窗体”选项,启动“窗体向导”如图2-1所示。 图2-1“窗体向导”第一个窗口 ②单击“表/查询”下拉列表框右侧的箭头,列出所有有效的表或者查询数据源,从中选择“表:教师档案表”。 ③在“可用字段”列表框中选择需要在新建窗体中显示的字段,此处,单击按钮选择所有字段。 ④单击“下一步”按钮,弹出如图2-2所示的窗口。在此对话框中,选择“纵栏表”项,这时可以在左边看到所建窗体的布局。


English at Work Assignment 1 Sample writing “Essay Writing” is a compulsory course during the second semester in my campus life. The course will be held during the first eighteen weeks of the second semester from 8:15 to 11:00 on Monday mornings. It will be principally conducted through classroom activities. Learners will, at times, be asked to talk in groups, read a topic and analyse it, then we brainstormed to make a list of possible theme and points, like a draft. Previewing lessons is essential for each session. The course will deal specifically with essay-writing. The course aims to get learners master of essay writing. There are four procedures of writing an essay, discovering a thesis-often through prewriting, developing solid support for the thesis-often through more prewriting, organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft, revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective, error-free essay. These activities are all carried out through informal and colloquial English. The best way to learn to use it is to insist on writing, form daily diary to formal essays. Final assessment will be held at the end of the term, which will account for 50 percent of the final mark. There will be four assessed assignments during the course, which will account for 50 percent of the final mark.
