

Trojan War

After four weeks’ study about Greek mythology, I’m very confused about the relationship between characters some time. You tell us many philosophical and interesting stories. But because I’m stupid, I can only remember one or two of them clearly. And here I want to review the story of Trojan War which has impressed me most. If there are any errors, please forgive me for being stupid.

In the ancient Greek legend, Paris was the Prince of Troy. One day, Paris came to the Greek Sparta king Menelaus’s palace and Menelaus treated him with the utmost cordiality. However, Paris spirited away Menelaus’s wife Helen, who is the most beautiful women in Sparta. So Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon decided against Troy. But the Troy City was easy to hold and hard to attack, they failed for 10 years. Among the 10 years, the First Warrior of Sparta Achilles and the First Warrior of Troy Hector were both died.

At last, a Greek hero called Odysseus came up with a good idea. He let soldiers burn the camps, board the warship, and deliberately leave a huge wooden horse. Seeing this scene, the Trojan soldiers thought the Sparta soldiers all left. So they put the horse as a drag over goods within the city. At the night, while the Darden were celebrating victory, the Sparta soldiers who had hidden in the big wooden horse began to slip out and open the gate. At this time, more and more Sparta soldiers came to the Troy City. Finally, the Troy turned into ruins overnight.

Among this story, I admire the Sparta Warrior Achilles most. In my mind, he cherished friendship and was full of honor. He was so confident and brave man. It seemed that he wouldn’t be afraid of anything.

The Greek mythology and culture is so different with Chinese legend story. I hope I can learn more in the future, because it’s so novel for me.


常见英语词汇背后的希腊神话故事 1.The Heel of Achilles 亦作The Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害 The Heel of Achilles直译是“阿基里斯的脚踵”,是个在欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语。它源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。阿基里斯是希腊联军里最英勇善战的骁将,也是荷马史诗Iliad里的主要人物之一。传说他是希腊密耳弥多涅斯人的国王珀琉斯和海神的女儿西蒂斯所生的儿子。阿基里斯瓜瓜坠地以后,母亲想使儿子健壮永生,把他放在火里锻炼,又捏着他的脚踵倒浸在冥河(Styx)圣水里浸泡。因此阿基里斯浑身象钢筋铁骨,刀枪不入,只有脚踵部位被母亲的手捏住,没有沾到冥河圣水,成为他的唯一要害。在特洛伊战争中,阿基里斯骁勇无敌,所向披靡,杀死了特洛伊主将,著名英雄赫克托耳(Hector),而特洛伊的任何武器都无法伤害他的身躯。后来,太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)把阿基里斯的弱点告诉了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿基里斯终于被帕里斯诱到城门口,用暗箭射中他的脚踵,负伤而死。因此,the heel of Achilles,也称the Achilles' heel,常用以表示a weak point in something that is otherwise without fault;the weakest spot等意思。 2.Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",源自源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。 Helen是希腊的绝世佳人,美艳无比,嫁给希腊南部邦城斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯(Menelaus)为妻。后来,特洛伊王子帕里斯奉命出事希腊,在斯巴达国王那里做客,他在爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂的帮助下,趁着墨涅俄斯外出之际,诱走海伦,还带走了很多财宝。此事激起了希腊各部族的公愤,墨涅俄斯发誓说,宁死也要夺回海轮,报仇雪恨。为此,在希腊各城邦英雄的赞助下,调集十万大军和1180条战船,组成了希腊联军,公推墨涅俄斯的哥哥阿枷门农(Agamemnon)为联军统帅,浩浩荡荡,跨海东征,攻打特洛伊城,企图用武力夺回海轮。双方大战10年,死伤无数,许多英雄战死在沙场。甚至连奥林匹斯山的众神也分成2个阵营,有些支持希腊人,有些帮助特洛伊人,,彼此展开了一场持久的恶斗。最后希腊联军采用足智多谋的奥德修斯(Odusseus)的“木马计”,里应外合才攻陷了特洛伊。希腊人进城后,大肆杀戮,帕里斯王子也被杀死,特洛伊的妇女、儿童全部沦为奴隶。特洛伊城被掠夺一空,烧成了一片灰烬。战争结实后,希腊将士带着大量战利品回到希腊,墨涅俄斯抢回了美貌的海伦重返故土。这就是特洛伊战争的起因和结局。正是由于海轮,使特洛伊遭到毁灭的悲剧,真所谓“倾国倾城”,由此产生了Helen of Troy这个成语。 3.The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细 The Trojan Horse直译"特洛伊木马",是个国际性成语,在世界各主要语言中都有。来自拉丁语equns Trojanus.这个成语甚至还进入到汉语词汇中,**同志在《矛盾论》中,谈到《水浒传》中宋江三打祝家庄时,就用了“木马计”这个典故。这个成语出自荷马史诗《奥德赛》。希腊人和特洛伊人交战10年之久,胜负未决。最后,希腊著名的英雄奥德修斯(Odusseus)想出了一个木马计,用木头做了一匹巨马,放在特洛伊城外。全体希腊将士伪装撤退,乘船隐藏在附近的海湾里,而

西方文明史 古希腊神话论文

西方近代文化精神的重要源头古希腊神话 摘要:神话是一种文化积淀,也是一种民族意识的积淀,直至今天,它仍以无穷的魅 力影响着现代人的生活。在漫长的西方文明发展史中,希腊文明曾放出璀璨的光芒。 古希腊的戏剧、建筑、绘画、雕塑等都从古希腊神话中汲取养料。所以可以说,古希 腊神话是西方文化的重要源头。古希腊神话是西方文化百用而不厌其烦的素材,这已 是人所共知的。本文重在试图探索西方文化从古希腊神话中汲取的两钟重要的精神血 液即人本和理性,这两种精神恰是整个西方近代文化的两个主要精神。 关键词:西方近代文化精神源头古希腊神话 古希腊神话故事的形成时期很早,是远古一代代人集体创作的结晶。神话起初口传,后来见之于书面文字。它的最早的传世书面文献当推荷马史诗。史诗中除了主体 故事外,还提及了许多其他的神话故事,那些故事显然在当时已是广为流传、普遍知 晓的。在荷马之后不久有古希腊诗人赫西奥德的长诗《神谱》,扼要地记述了许多神 话故事,并立力图把那些故事谱系化。古希腊悲剧的题材基本都是取材于神话,是作 家对那些神话故事的现实理解的戏剧体现。希腊神话在人类思想文化艺术史上始终光 彩夺目,经久不衰。 希腊文化源于古老的爱琴文明,和中国商周文明略有相像之处。他们是西洋文明 的始祖,具有卓越的天性和不凡的想像力。在那原始时代,他们对自然现象,对人的 生死,都感到神秘和难解,于是他们不断地幻想、不断地沉思。在他们想像中,宇宙 万物都拥有生命。然而在多利亚人入侵爱琴文明后,因为所生活的希腊半岛人口过剩,他们不得不向外寻拓生活空间。这时候他们崇拜英雄豪杰,因而产生了许多人神交织 的民族英雄故事。这些众人所创造的人、神、物的故事,经由时间的淬链,就被史家 统称为「希腊神话」,西元前十一二世纪到七、八世纪间则被称为「神话时代」。神 话故事最初都是口耳相传,直至西元前七世纪才由大诗人荷马统整记录于「史诗」中。 我们现在所知的所有古希腊神话的故事都来自《荷马史诗》和赫西俄德的《神谱》和《工作与时日》。《荷马史诗》包括《伊利亚特》和两部。《伊利亚特》记述的是 古代希腊人与特洛伊人交战攻打伊利亚特的经过。《奥塞德》描写了希腊军返航途中 的种种遭遇,荷马之后的赫西俄德写了《神谱》和《工作与时日》希腊诸神的渊源, 历史的发端。公元前六世纪到公元前三世纪间,希腊三为悲剧大师埃斯库罗斯、索福 克勒斯、欧里匹得斯的经典著作也极大的丰富了希腊神话的内容。古希腊神话主要包 括神的故事、英雄传说。前者包括关于天地的开辟、神的产生、神的谱系、人的起源 和神的活动等故事。古希腊神话里希腊有十二主神,他们住在希腊北部的奥斯匹斯山上。他们是管雷电的天神宙斯、天后家空之神赫拉、海神波塞东、太阳神阿波罗、月 亮神阿尔忒弥斯、智慧女神雅典娜、爱与美女神阿弗洛狄特、战神阿瑞斯、火与工匠 神赫尔斯托斯、众神使者赫尔墨斯、农神得墨忒耳、灶神赫斯提亚。此外还有小神仙 爱神厄洛斯、学问和艺术女神缪斯、大力神赫拉克勒斯。古希腊神话除诸神外还有英 雄传说,主要反映的是遥远的古代社会生活及人类心智、物质发展之后与自然的斗争,还有许多是反映人们生产斗争知识的。对与中国神话零散、片段化、孤立、情节简单 不同,希腊神话自成体系、完整、情节丰富曲折,具有非常大的魅力。 古希腊神话中也有人兽同体的遗迹,他们是诸神的祖先。希腊神话包括神的故事 和英雄传说两个部分。神的故事涉及宇宙和人类的起源、神的产生及其谱系等内容。 相传古希腊有奥林匹斯十二大神。但古希腊神话的主要人物希腊十二主神都是与人同形、与人同性的,既有人的体态美,也有人的七情六欲,懂得喜怒哀乐,参与人的活


精心整理西方文化有两个源头:一为希腊(Hellenic)文化,一为希伯莱(Hebrew)文化,而希腊文化中的希腊神话(Greekmythology)对英语影响非常广泛。表现在词汇方面就是英语吸收了部分词汇并将之沿用,而这些词又或是可分解词或是可溯源词。这些词源包含的信息不仅可帮助读者准确理解每个词的词义,增添记忆单词的乐趣,还能特别记录、描述英语与古希腊文化的差异和交流,具有很高的历史性和趣味性。由于罗马神话深受希腊神话的影响,故事情节与希腊神话大同小异,只不过人名不同,所以希腊神话时常和罗马神话联系在一起。希腊罗马神话就像神话故事中的灵泉,滋养着英语的词汇,产生了 还是Cupid,成天无所事事,在天上飞来飞去练习射箭,搞得大家人心惶惶。 所以他们衍生出的单词都含贬义:erotic色情的;cupidity贪心,贪婪。 中国是matchmaker媒婆 10、Hygeia:希腊健康女神,其形象为年轻女子,身着白色长衣(白大褂),头戴祭司冠,用饭碗喂着一条蛇。衍生词:hygiene(n卫生学)。 11、Morpheus:希腊神话中的梦神。梦神是睡神Hypnos的儿子,掌管人们的梦境。衍生词:morphine(吗啡),marijuana(大麻),两者都是opium(鸦片)的提取物。morphine有麻醉镇 定的作用。 12.Chaos:开天辟地的混沌之神<反>cosmos:宇宙,有序的整体

13.Zeus主神宙斯 14.Pluto冥界之神,阴间之神;因为具有“冥河之宝藏”而似的“-pluto”作为词根表示”财富”;eg:plutocracy财阀统治;plutolatry拜金主义pluto冥王星 15.Styx环绕冥土四周的冥河,阴河;styxstygian冥河的,阴间的;黑洞洞的;幽暗的16.Lethe忘川,冥府河流名,饮其水则会忘记过去;忘却,遗忘 lethargic昏昏欲睡的<>stimulate 冥界三河:Styx冥河/Lethe忘川河/Meader河 abyss地狱深渊 abysmal深的。深渊的 17.Poseidon海洋之神,海王 eristic争 )siren , ) Chimerical空想的,幻想中的;异想天开的,不可能的 31.Iris(为诸神报信的)彩虹女神 iridescent彩虹色的,灿烂光辉的 32.Zephyr西风之神;西风的拟人化用语;和风,轻风,微风;轻罗,细纱 33.Academy柏拉图学派;某个科学领域内的权威定论机构 34.Stoic斯多葛学派哲学(公元前4世纪由哲学家Zeno创立于雅典);禁欲主义35.Peripateticism逍遥学派(由古希腊哲学家亚里士多德在学园内漫步讲学而得此名) peripatetic逍遥学派的,走来走去的 二源于希腊神话的英语习语 1、Pandora’sbox(潘朵拉的盒子):普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus 决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人Pandora,


古希腊文化简介 古希腊是指从希腊历史上公元前8世纪的古风时期开始到前146年被罗马征服之前的这段时间的希腊文明。在雅典的领导下,成功抗击了波斯的侵略,并在前5世纪到前4世纪之间达到鼎盛,被称作“黄金时期”。在被亚历山大大帝征服后希腊化文明在地中海西岸到中亚的大片地区继续繁荣发展。 古希腊人在文学、戏剧、雕塑、建筑、哲学等诸多方面有很深的造诣。由于古希腊文明对罗马帝国有过重大影响,后者将前者的文明吸收并带到环地中海和欧洲的许多地区。因此一般认为古希腊文明为西方文明打下了基础。 由于古希腊海湾、海岛众多,航海业发达,因此同其他地区,特别是同埃及和西亚各国有着广泛的商业、文化联系。早在古希腊文明诞生之前,在西亚的两河流域的峡谷里就连绵不断的产生了苏美尔文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。那里已经具备了较先进的书写、冶金、纺织等手工艺术,数学、天文学、建筑学也达到相当高的水平。地处北非的埃及,在工业、农业、科学、文学艺术方面也出现了古代罕见的奇迹。这一切都对希腊文化产生了深刻影响。希腊人从古老的东方文化中吸收了丰富的营养以滋润自己,希腊文学也具有显著的东方色彩。 在政治制度方面,古希腊是一个城邦林立的地区,因此许多不同的政治制度都有在此地区获得实践和发展,有些古希腊城邦如斯巴达一样奉行君主制,将统治权集中在国王手中;有些城邦则如雅典一样实行民主政治;还有一些城邦则是由贵族统治或由少数人控制的议会(councils)进行统治。虽然古希腊所处地域狭小,但其政治制度在广泛的时间上获得了丰富多彩的发展。仅就政体来分古希腊就经历了贵族制、民主制、寡头制和僭主制的演变。尤其突出的是古希腊的民主政治制度是古代人类对直接民主制度最早的尝试之一,对后世产生了深远的影响[23]。 在教育方面,古希腊教育起源于荷马时代的贵族化传统,在公元前5 世纪受到诡辩家、柏拉图和伊索克拉底的影响,大大地民主化。在希腊化时期,体育馆的教育被认为是分享希腊文化的先决条件。古希腊普通教育制度的最著名的例外,是一个一直持续到罗马时期的城邦——斯巴达,男孩和女孩同样要接受严格的军事化的斯巴达教育训练制度(始于公元前6世纪)。 在文化方面,古希腊有着灿烂辉煌的印迹。文学的史诗,如《荷马史诗》是西方文学史上最早的正式的书面文学作品;戏剧这一表现形式中,希腊人认为悲剧是最高级的戏形式,希腊到西元前第五世纪,出现了不少悲剧作家。西方四大悲剧作家中,希腊占有其三,分别为埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯,喜剧作家以阿里斯托芬作为代表,可见希腊戏剧在戏坛的重要性,是其他民族难以企及的。


希腊神话英语小故事:海伦 Helen was the most beautiful woman of the world.She was an infamous lady.She lighted the flames of the Trojan war and brought extreme destruction on the city of Troy.Helen was the daughter of Zeus.Helen's matchless beauty and charms drew towards her many heroes from all parts of Greece. When still small she was carried off by Theseus,who wished to have a divine wife .But she was rescued later by her brother Castor,and brought back to her native land.Her stepfather married her to Menelaus,king of Sparta. Nothing of importance had happened to her married life until Paris came to visit Sparta.Helen was attracted by Paris' lovely face.They stole one another's love in the absence of Menelausand then eloped on board a ship to Troy.Helen left her young daughter behind.To get Helen back,the Greek army sailed across and laid a long siege to the city of Troy . Helen was quietly weaving her story into a web of golden carpet one day when she was called up the city walls of Troy to look at the fighting between Menelaus and Paris.Menelaus was determined to kill Paris in the battle.Sitting by the side of King Priam,she told the chiefs of the Greek side to him.Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.After Paris fled the field she had the feelings of love and scorn.She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector. But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium,she helped them to do so as


《希腊神话》课程论文 专业:************ 学号:******** 姓名:*** 古希腊神话 摘要:古希腊神话是古希腊人民最初意识的成果,智慧的结晶。反映了他们对自然和社会的认识,是他们精神的体现,更是西方文明乃至世界文明的重要组成部分。古希腊文学是欧洲文学的真正开端,是西方文学的最早源头,是整个人类文化的最原始状态,其艺术也是西方艺术的起源,希腊神话在西方发展历史上具有举足轻重的作用。 关键词:希腊神话起源精神影响 一:简介 希腊神话是古希腊人最初的意识活动的成果,是古希腊人关于神的故事英雄传说的总汇,它艺术地概括了他们自然和社会的认识,集中了他们的经验和理想,也表达了他们对社会不平现象的义愤,正如马克思所说:希腊神话是:“通过人民的幻想用一种不自觉的艺术方式加工过的自然和社会形式本身。”它起源于原始社会的口头文学,当时希腊各部落都有自己的神和英雄的故事,这些故事世代相传,以口头的形式在各部落流传了几百年,后来随着各地区之间交往的日渐频繁和紧密,众多的、零星的神话构成了极为复杂的神话系统,并为《荷马史诗》、赫希俄德的《神谱》以及古典时期的文学、历史和哲学著作所吸收,逐渐成为全希腊共同的精神财富。古希腊神话主要由神的故事和英雄传说两大部分组成,神是整个庞大思想体系的支点。神的故事主要包括开天辟地、神的产生、神的谱系、天上的改朝换代、人类的起源和神的日常活动等故事,其中又分前奥林匹斯神系和奥林匹斯神系两大阶段。 二:体现的精神 人文精神:古希腊地处爱琴海独特的自然环境中,这与其后来文化体系的形成和发展密不可分。在爱琴海上,大约有1000个岛屿星罗棋布,水手们永远不会看不到陆地,人们从海上返航大陆不过几个小时,这一特点造就了希腊人的世界主义情怀。古希腊的商业形式和城邦的政治体制促进了希腊公民的能力发挥,个人的作用和价值得到完美体现,使得人性得到高度尊重,也导致人文主义在古希腊文明中有了生长的土壤。另一方面,古代希腊人神共处的泛神主义宗教也是人文精神得以发展的重要因素。希腊人对神灵只有崇敬,没有畏惧,神像在另一个世界与人类共存一样,并非神圣而不可冒犯。因此希腊人觉得自己生活在一个由熟悉的、可以理解的力量统治的世界里,感到无忧无虑,安适自在,这是他们自由的思想


一、必读书目 1.(德)古斯塔夫·施瓦布著:《希腊古典神话》,曹乃云译,译林出版社,1996年版。 推荐理由★★★★★:权威的希腊神话版本。市面上流通的希腊神话都不出其右。 2.陈中梅译:《伊利亚特》,译林出版社,2000年。 推荐理由★★★★:中国社科院研究荷马史诗的专家历时数年翻译。 3.陈中梅译:《奥德赛》,译林出版社,2003年。 推荐理由★★★★:同上。 4.埃斯库罗斯等著:《古希腊戏剧选》,人民文学出版社,2008年。 推荐理由★★★★★:这个选本包括最经典的《美狄亚》与《俄狄浦斯王》。 二、延伸阅读 1.(美)罗伯特·C·雅姆:《西方人文史》(上下),张月、王宪生译,百花文艺出版社,2005 年。 推荐理由★★★★:这部著作向读者展示了完整的人文学科:文学、绘画、音乐、雕塑、摄影、建筑、电影等艺术。各个章节都附有精美图片、经典文学作品选段及其思考题。 2.(美)雅克·巴尔赞:《从黎明到衰落:西方文化生活五百年》, 推荐理由★★★★:史学大师雅克·巴尔赞以三十多部文化史和文化批评论著而闻名,本书是他毕生对1500年以来整个西方文化研究的集大成之作,也是20世纪文化论著中的经典之作。本书论述了从1500年起至今约五百年西方社会文化生活的方方面面,包括:政治制度、宗教、社会思潮、哲学、文学、音乐、美术、科技发明、民俗及社会生活等,包罗万象,涵盖面很广。你可以从中选择你感兴趣的任何一部分内容来读,该书写得极有意思! 3.(美)伊迪丝·汉密尔顿著:《希腊精神》,葛海滨译,辽宁教育出版社,2005年。 推荐理由★★★★:经典!!! 4.(美)戴尔·布朗主编:《希腊:庙宇、陵墓和珍宝》,李旭影译,华夏出版社,2004年。推荐理由★★★:图文并茂,令人赏心悦目。对希腊感兴趣的同学可以找来看看。 5.(美)布朗主编:《爱琴海:沿岸的奇异王国》,李旭影译,华夏出版社,2004年。 推荐理由★★★:同上。 6.(希腊)索菲娅·N.斯菲罗亚著:《希腊诸神传》,张云江译,国际文化出版公司,2007年。推荐理由★★★★:对希腊诸位神灵的谱系做了一个梳理。就是情节不够生动有趣,可以与希腊神话故事对照着看。 7.(德)古斯塔夫·施瓦布著:《希腊神话故事:全彩珍藏本》,陈德中译,陕西师范大学出 版社,2004年。 推荐理由★★★:该书附有与希腊神话相关的180幅世界名画,非常漂亮!


一、为人类盗来天火的普罗米修斯——现在我们常把普罗米修斯比喻成为了他人而宁愿牺牲自己的人。(比如:消防员) 1941年,马克思大学毕业之际,完成了一篇哲学论文。论文中他写了这样的话:你知道得很清楚/我不会用自己的痛苦/去换取奴隶的服役/我宁愿被缚住在岩石上/也不愿作宙斯的忠顺奴仆。这其中“不愿作宙斯的忠顺奴仆“的就是为人类带来天火的普罗米修斯。 在希腊神话中,人类是普罗米修斯创造的。他也充当了人类的老师,凡是对人有用的,能够使人类满意和幸福的,他都教给他们。同样的,人们也用爱和忠诚来感谢他,报答他。但最高的天神宙斯却要求人类敬奉他,让人类必须拿出最好的东西献给他。普罗米修斯作为人类的辩护师触犯了宙斯。

作为对他的惩罚,宙斯拒绝给予人类为了完成他们的文明所需要的最后的物品——火。但普罗米修斯却想到了个办法,用一根长长的茴香枝,在烈焰熊熊的太阳车经过时,偷到了火种并带给了人类。 于是,宙斯大怒,他差人将普罗米修斯带到高加索山,用一条永远也挣不断的铁链把他缚在一个陡峭的悬崖上,让他永远不能入睡,疲惫的双膝也不能弯曲,在他起伏的胸脯上还钉着一颗金刚石的钉子。他忍受着饥饿、风吹和日晒。此外,宙斯还派一只神鹰每天去啄食普罗米修斯的肝脏,但被吃掉的肝脏随即又回长出来。就这样,日复一日,年复一年。直至一位名叫赫剌克勒斯的英雄将他解救出来为止,他一直忍受着这难以描述的痛苦和折磨。

二、潘多拉魔盒——比喻充满诱惑并会带来不幸的礼物。(比如:网络游戏) 宙斯为了惩罚普罗米修斯盗取火种,更想出了一个恶毒的危害由他创造的全人类的办法。他命令以巧妙著称的火神赫淮斯托斯造了一个美丽的少女,神使赫耳墨斯把能够迷惑人心的语言技能馈赠给这妩媚的姑娘;爱情女神则赋予她无限的魅力。她就是潘多拉,是“被赐予一切的女人”。 宙斯给潘多拉一个盒子,里面是每一位天神送的一件对人类有害的礼物。然后,潘多拉来到人间,捧着那个盒子去找普罗米修斯的弟弟、愚笨的后觉者厄庇墨透斯,将盒子送给他。那个蠢笨的后觉者虽然曾得


许多英语的成语来源于希腊神话,并且走入了人们的日常生活。如产生于特洛伊战争(the Trojan War)中的几个成语故事:apple of discord,意思是“不和的根源”。说的是不和女神艾瑞斯(Eris)在某个婚礼中投下一只金苹果,上面写着“送给最美的女神”。结果引起神后赫拉(Hera)、智慧女神雅典娜(Athene)和爱与美的女神阿芙洛狄特(Aphrodite)的争夺。最后她们去找特洛伊城(Troy)的王子帕里斯(Paris)裁决。三位女神向Paris许下了不同的诺言。Aphrodite 许诺说她将把世界上最美的女人送给Paris,于是Paris就把鑫苹果判给了Aphrodite.Hera和Athene非常生气,发誓要报复特洛伊人。后来,Paris出使希腊的斯巴达,在Aphrodite的帮助下,勾引走了斯巴达王后海伦(Helen)——当时世界上最美丽的女人。Paris拐走了Helen,激起了全体希腊人的公愤,于是希腊各国组成联军,远征特洛伊人。战争中,Aphrodite支持特洛伊人,Hera 和Athene支持希腊人。由一只苹果引发了战争,因此apple of discord意思就是“不和的根源,发生纠纷的事端”。这次战争中涌现了许多英雄,阿基里斯(Achilles)就是其中之一。幼年时,他母亲为了使他有不死之身,提着他的脚在冥河中将他全身浸过,使刀枪不能伤害他,唯独脚跟没有浸过冥河水,结果在同Paris作战时,被Paris用毒箭射中脚跟而死,因此Achilles' heel(阿基里斯之踵)就成了“致命的弱点”的同义语。特洛伊战争的最后一年,希腊人采用了“木马计”(the Trojan Horse),在Hera和Athene的帮助下,攻陷了特洛伊城。由于Helen导致了特洛伊城的沦陷,因此Helen of Troy就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。 再如:the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑),Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。一天,国王让他坐在王位上,在Damocles的头上用一根头发悬一把利剑,告诉他王权的危险就象那把剑一样,随时可能降临。因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发;Damon and Pythias:Damon和Pythias 是好朋友。Pythias出事被判了死刑,为了使他能够回家控视亲人,Damon留在牢中作人质,如果Pythias不按时返回,就处死Damon.当期限满,临处刑之际,Pythias及时赶回。国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias 意思就是“生死之交”。 经常说的“潘朵拉的盒子”(Pandora's box)来自这样一个故事:普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus 的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。于是Pandora's box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。 Penelop's web是来自于史诗奥德赛(Odyssey)的一则成语:泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。特洛伊战争打了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。因此Penelop's web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。


Ancient Greek medicine This article is about the science and art of healing. For pharmaceutical drugs, see Medication. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). Statue of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, holding the symbolic Rod of Asclepius with its coiled serpent Medicine is the applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.[1] It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness in human beings. Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints & traction, prostheses, biologics, ionizing radiation and others. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing History Prehistoric medicine incorporated plants (herbalism), animal parts and minerals. In many cases these materials were used ritually as magical substances by priests, shamans, or medicine men. Well-known spiritual systems include animism (the notion of inanimate objects having spirits), spiritualism (an appeal to gods or communion with ancestor spirits); shamanism (the vesting of an individual with mystic powers); and divination (magically obtaining the truth). The field of medical anthropology examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or impacted by issues of health, health care and related issues. An ancient Greek patient gets medical treatment: this aryballos (circa 480–470 BCE, now in Paris's Louvre Museum) probably contained healing oil The Greek physician Hippocrates (ca. 460 BCE – ca. 370 BCE), considered the father of medicine.[4][5] Persian polymath, Avicenna, who, along with Imhotep and Hippocrates, has been called the "father of medicine" Early records on medicine have been discovered from ancient Egyptian medicine, Babylonian medicine, Ayurvedic medicine (in the Indian subcontinent), classical Chinese medicine (predecessor to the modern traditional Chinese Medicine), and ancient Greek medicine and Roman medicine. The Egyptian Imhotep (3rd millennium BC) is the first physician in history known by name. Earliest records of dedicated hospitals come from Mihintale in Sri Lanka where evidence of dedicated medicinal treatment facilities for patients are found.[6][7] The Indian surgeon Sushruta described numerous surgical operations, including the earliest forms of plastic surgery.[8][dubious – discuss][9] The Greek physician Hippocrates, the "father of medicine",[5][10] laid the foundation for a rational approach to medicine. Hippocrates introduced the Hippocratic Oath for physicians, which is still relevant and in use today, and was the first to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic, and use terms such as, "exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence".[11][12] The Greek physician Galen was also one of the greatest surgeons of the ancient world and performed many audacious operations, including brain and eye surgeries. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the onset of the Early Middle Ages, the Greek tradition of medicine


经典英语希腊神话故事 潘多拉 Pandora after the stealing of fire,zeus became increasingly unkind to men.one day he ordered his son hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.he then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.among others ,athena clothed her in an attractive coat and hermes gave her the power of telling lies.a charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.zeus called her pandora.because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.the gift was harmful to men. zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.so hermes them essenger brought her to epimetheus ,brother of prometheus.the greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her ,and epimetheus happily received her into his house.he had quite forgotten pometheus'warning :never to accept anything from zeus.the couple lived a happy life for some time.then trouble came on to the human world. when he was busy with teaching men the art of living,prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of epimetheus.he had warned his brother not to open the lid.pandora was a curious woman.she had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.one day,when epimetheus was out ,she lifted the


Greek Mythology Today I'm very happy to have this opportunity to show you our presentation. Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks. It talks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. Greek Mythology is not just a literary works; it is also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies. After reading the book Greek Mythology, I'm sure everybody is interested in the goddess in this fantastic masterpiece, so I will share with you some of our ideas. Juno was the principal wife of Jupiter, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honors paid to Jupiter. Juno appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict, matronly and virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. She seemed to be hard-hearted to those gods who were sent many blessings by Jupiter. Latona was just a typical example. Juno changed herself into fierce and dreadful forms to frighten Latona and her children - Apollo and Diana to run from the beautiful garden which Jupiter had found for her. Then she followed and tormented Latona in many ways such as sent wild animals to howl horribly behind her when Latona grew tired and to rest. Juno also changed Callisto into a great furry bear when she found that Jupiter was so pleased with Callisto?s charm and goodness. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance. Juno…s character was just like a jealous and manipulative woman in our daily life. Venus was appointed goddess of Love and Marriage.She represented sex, affection and the attraction that binds people together. With the help of her little son,Eros,the god of love,she made many a tale of happiness and sadness in the life of gods and men.Though Venus was regarded as the symbol of extreme beauty, she still showed a human-like emotion. Venus was much vexed by Psyche who was a princess famous of her beauty. Although her little son Eros - - the god of love fell in love with Psyche. Venus tried every method to break them up. Obviously, Venus was jealous of Psyche?s beauty. In another story, Venus made Pygmalion…s (a sculptor) dream come true, only because she was delighted with the loveliness of Pygmalion?s statue which looked much like herself. Venus spent all her life in the pursuit of love, but her enthusiasm for love is temporary. What?s more, she isn?t single-minded in love. Venus created a personality image with strong vanity and beautiful appearance. She stressed the women's instinct to pay more attention to the appearance. And these points made Venus more act like human beings.
