

网上学习Study Online


Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lot of things through computers. Some people can work at home because they can manipulate the business by Internet. In the developed countries, a new form of study has been carried out, many young people choose to study online.如今,随着技术的发展,人们可以通过电脑做很多事情。有些人可以在家里工作,因为他们可以通过网络操作业务。在发达国家,一种新的学习方式已经开始实施,许多年轻人选择在网上学习。

On the one hand, studying online can save people a lot of time. For some people, the school is so far away from their home, it takes a long time to go to school. If they study online, they don’t need to spend the time on the road, they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented.一方面,网上学习可以节省人们很多时间。对一些人来说,学校是如此远离家园,走到学校需要很长的时间。如果他们在线学习,不需要花时间在路上,他们只需要点击按钮,然后知识就会呈现在眼前。

On the other hand, studying online also saves a lot of

money. Without the large spend on the education and the fees on other sides, many families struggle to pay for their children’s educational cost. Studying online costs little, even for free. It provides a good way for some people who want to learn knowledge while without enough money.另一方面,网上学习也可以节省很多钱。不用花大把钱在教育和其他方面的费用,很多家庭难以支付孩子的教育费用。在线学习成本小,甚至免费。对于一些想学习知识但是没有足够钱的人,它提供了一种很好的学习方式。

Studying online has certain advantages, it helps some people to improve themselves.在线学习有一定的优势,它可以帮助一些人来提高自己。


我的偶像英语作文3篇 我的偶像英语作文 I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player inChina. when he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. when he performed well, I was really happy for him. when he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and do well in the next game. what’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well. 我很喜欢姚明,他是我最喜欢的偶像。我喜欢打篮球,在我看来他是中国最优秀的篮球运动员。当他开始去NBA打篮球的时候我非常激动,因为我可以每天都可以看到有关他的消息了。当他表现优异的时候我真的为他感到高兴,当他表现得不好的时候我希望他能够调整好自己在下一场比赛中好好表现。另外,他的性格同样吸引着我。他非常热心和幽默,总是面带微笑,对每个人都很友好,甚至对是自己的对手。虽然他不再打篮球了,我仍然很喜欢他。我希望他在其他领域也能做得很好。 我的偶像英语作文 Mo Yan is my idol. I think he is the idol of many people. He is the first Chinese, who won the Nobel Prize for literature. He is so great.

大学生谈恋爱的利与弊The Advantages and Disadvantages of College Students Fall in Love(大学英语作文)

大学生谈恋爱的利与弊The Advantages and Disadvantages of College Students Fall in Love 大学英语作文 Positive and Negative Aspects about College Student's Amativeness Falling in love with in college 大学校园盛行的一句话是:大学不谈恋爱就白读了四年大学。如何看待大学生谈恋爱?大学生谈恋爱是利大于弊还是弊大于利呢?写一篇英语作文谈谈恋爱对大学生的影响。 As it is known, when we are in high school, we all have a constant goal that is to get the entrance to college, and hard work is out of question for the following. So we gain the notice to college finally which we often dream of in the nights, which proves a proverb that the god doesn’t live up to someone who spends time and efforts, please memorize the sentence for good. 总所周知,我们在高中时都有一个不变定的目标,那就是读大学以及为了未来努力工作是毫无疑问的。所以我们最后得到了我们经常

在网上做梦都会梦到的大学录取通知书,这证明了一句谚语:皇天不负有心人,请记住,这是好句子。 Of course one day we went to college in August or September happily and proudly, but at the same time something happened that it made your heart pounding fiercely, by the way, that is love for many college students. And then they miss the directions and themselves as well for their lives. Next I am to express isthat I am neutral for falling in love in college, however I have some ideas to illustratemy own. 当然有一天,我们在八月或九月幸福、自豪的去上大学,但在同时发生了一些事情,让你的心受到猛烈的冲击,顺便说一下,这是很多大学生们的爱。然后他们失去了方向,迷失了自我,迷失了生命。下一个我要表达的观点是对于在大学恋爱我是持中立的态度,但是我有一些例子来说明我自己的想法。 Firstly, if you are passers-by, I think we will find a lot about several couples of boyfriends and girlfriends under the dorms or dim corners or in the classes without anybody for close postures, as youngsters, it is normal without asking cause about that. 首先,如果你是路人,我想我们会发现很多对男女朋友在班宿舍或昏暗的角落或在没有人的教室里做一些亲密的行为。对于年轻人,不用问原因,这是正常的。


初三作文_我的姐姐初中作文 每个人在成长的路上总会有那样一个人永远陪着你。而她就是与我一起看一路风景的人。我们彼此深爱,却又彼此讨厌,但无论何时,她从未放开牵着我的手。我哭泣时,她牵着我的手逗我笑;我成 功时,她牵着我的手陪我喜;我徘徊时,她牵着我的手踏向未来! 五岁时,小小的我被关进了幼儿园,学那无聊的āōē.每天接我 上下学的,起初是妈妈,后来便成了她.她依旧用她那纤细的手牵着我,到幼儿园门口时,轻轻说一句;瑶瑶再见!要好好上课哦!奇怪的 是这一天我就因为她的一句话而变得安分.她的话,让我心安. 七岁时,我上了小学,她也离家上初中.临走时,我任性地哭闹,想留住她.她牵起我的手说;瑶瑶乖,我要去上学了.你不要趁我不在 闯祸哦!我周末回家要检查你的作业的.又是她的一句话,使我在小 学里努力学习.从老师们口中,我知道了她原来是如此优秀的学生. 她也便成了我的目标,我的动力.每逢她回家我总会拿出全优的作业 给她看,加上一句孩子气的我一定比你强!而她总是认真地指出我哪 个字写的难看,哪道题解法不简便.我们渐渐长大,却也渐渐地开始 吵架.她叫我帮她做事,我顶一句你没有手脚吗?我和她一起睡觉, 她总嫌弃地说我不要和你睡!可是,我一直心甘情愿地当她的跑腿, 她也总在被窝里温暖我的小脚丫.毕竟我们彼此相爱啊! 十三岁,我踏入中学的大门,她坐上求学的火车.时光把我们都 变得成熟了.上火车前,她牵起我的手,鼓励我;在中学里要加油啊! 我相信你!我会比你更出色!同样的话不再是争强好胜,不再幼稚, 而是一份承诺,而是坚定的心,让她放心地去上大学.我们之间有一 份默契. 她,便是我的姐姐,长我六岁的姐姐.她有与我相似的眉眼,相 同的心.她见证了我的成长,我欣赏了她的美丽.我们互相依靠,互 相鼓励.她于我,比父母多了一份贴心,少了一份隔阂.我们从小到 大获得的荣誉贴满了整面墙.我们同是父母的骄傲!


我的偶像是陈奕迅的英语作文 【篇一:写一篇关于陈奕迅的文章】 日记写了很多还记得我曾经这么说 每个人都会说没有人懂得做 这样的要求是太平凡还是太过火 我没有想过改变荒芜了的沙漠 我最疯狂的错只是幻想童话的王国 我希望长大以后不犯错 我希望一家几口好好过 我希望爱我的人不寂寞 我希望我爱的人喜欢我 我希望每个人快乐生活我希望每个人享受工作 我希望没有一生有苹果我希望流浪的人有个窝 我希望主义不是个枷锁 我希望世界和平没战火 我希望我的希望不算多 林夕说,十年难出一个陈奕迅,他什么歌都敢试。林夕说,陈奕迅 唱歌不用技巧,而用感情。 我说,谁和我听陈奕迅。 每当夜深听着他的歌,声音总似在极近之处萦绕,耳边的空气都像 是被点燃一般使我颤抖。我却无法从这火焰中逃走,宁愿燃成灰烬。我记得,他说过,我唱出心里话时眼泪会流,要是怕难过抱住我手。所以我开始一首接一首的听着他的歌。他说过,从前共你促膝 把酒倾通宵都不够我有痛快过你有没有。所以我会害怕我的最亲的 某某会相处到有个裂口。他说过,我用尽所有方式找个人给我安慰 度过寂寞的黑夜。所以我戴上了耳机。 可是,又,有谁,和我一起戴着耳机听着陈奕迅呢? 一个人戴上耳机,听着他的浅唱低吟,如同做梦一般想起一些往事,然后慢慢自己开始脆弱,崩溃。可是不小心听到的一些言辞却又治 愈我的伤。 【篇二:一篇关于陈奕迅的文章】 如果以相貌来判断,陈奕迅这个戴了五年“未来一哥”头衔的微胖男人,的确离“优良”的品级,还有不小的距离。一个小有名气的乐评

人在她的blog上说:“在看《雪狼湖》时,我对张学友的充满雕塑 感的肌肉还有那么一点点兴奋,可是陈奕迅?坦白说,我没看他泳 装照的兴趣。” 相信大多数的女人都会赞同以上的评论。陈奕迅不够帅,这是肯定的。许多人第一次看到他走上颁奖台时,反应竟然会是:“怎么长得 那样讨厌的人也可以得奖,甚至被称为新一代天王?”但是,听完他 的歌后,他们又会为他醇厚的声线所震撼。他的脸,也会在突然之 间变得很可爱起来,那种倔强任性、自以为是的样子,会突然让我 们想起校园时代我们那些资质平平却傲气十足的男友。 ——那是让我们心痛和心动的私家珍藏,纵使别人看来觉得平淡无奇,但却值得我们付出最初的纯情,去守候,去期盼。 两个他 大多数人认识陈奕迅,几乎都是因为两首唱到街头巷尾无人不知的歌,《k歌之王》和《十年》。mtv中的他,深情款款,愁绪满身, 歌词里透出的,是三分入骨的凄凉与孤傲,于是,人们理所当然地 认为,陈奕迅是个悲情主义的情歌手。 可突然看到他在电影《冲锋陷阵》中的搞笑表演,几乎叫人笑掉了 下巴:天啦,难道里面那个像憨豆先生一样耍宝,总喜欢露出点下 流笑容的微胖男人,就是以深沉著名的陈奕迅?听到人们的疑问, 他得意地点点头,再说出几句惊世骇俗的粗口。不久之后,他穿着 特制的内裤装在红馆开演唱会,满场乱窜,跳高、下跪、趴地,惹 来政府风化机构的警告,他却得意地吐吐舌头,笑得好生得意。 他用这种方式告诉我们:嗨,我绝不仅仅是你想象中的那个陈奕迅。想知道他前后表现如此极端的原因?答案或许让你难以置信:不是 因为狂放,也不是因为嚣张,他只是太想表达,太想倾诉。 他说,他一生中最难过的事,莫过于在12岁时就被迫离开家人,到伦敦寄宿读书。父亲陈裘大,港府的高级官员,和大多数老派的香 港公务员一样,独断而执拗,是他决定,让小小年纪的eason一个 人远赴英伦,也是他决定,要让儿子攻读最有前途的建筑系。于是 从12岁起,陈奕迅就被强迫和亲情说了再见。一直到21岁,为了 参加歌唱比赛,他才得以返港。但之后紧接着又是默默无闻的六年。在相当看重相貌的香港歌坛,梁洛施、陈慧琳之辈,可以红得很快,但,实力歌手的价值,需要在漫长的时间中,等候伯乐的慧眼识才。这期间,没少了白眼与讽刺,更有家人的责骂。一直要到2001年,27岁的他真正成名,才可以毫无顾忌地表达自己。于是他闹,他笑,


关于偶像的英语作文:MyIdol 关于偶像的英语作文:myIdol Everyonehasanidol,sodoI.Ithinkagoodidolcanmakemelea rnalotfromhim/her.whoaremyidols?Letmetellyou. Emmawatson, sheisanactressintheUk.Sheisbeautiful,kindandhard-wo rking.Shealsoisgoodatstudying. ShegraduatedfromoxfordUniversity.Shelikesreadingand Ilikereading,too.whenIstudy,IalwaysthinkIshouldbeli keher. kudouShinichi,heisadetectiveinjapan.Heishandsome,br aveandveryclever.Heof-tenhelpspolicementosolvecrimesandallofthepolicement hinkheisexcellent.Heisalsomyidol. manypeoplethinkidolsarebadforus.ButIdon’tthinkso.Ialwayslearnfrommyidols.whenIgrowup, Iwanttobeanac-tressjustlikeEmma. whenIfeelscared,Shinichigivesmepower,soIwillbebrave. comeon!Ifyouthinkapersonisexcel-lent, youcanlearnfromhim/her. Idolscanmakeyoubetter.

我的偶像 海伦凯勒 英文版

She is my idol Hello, guys : Today I want to introduce a famous woman to you. She , is Helen Keller ,whom is author of .Helen Keller was born in 1880, but she suffered from a strange sickness when she was only nineteen months old. After that she lost her sense of seeing and hearing before she could learn how to speak, which was destructive [毁灭性的】to her. Every coin has its two sides. The worse the situation was, the harder work she did. She didn’t give in to the difficulties. Her teacher Mrs.Anne Sullivan came to her side when she was seven and started to educate her.With the help of her teacher,she finished college,learned how to type and had a good command of French and German.Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a University degree.She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930..Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups.In 1968, Helen Keller quiet go all her hard and with the glorious life "How do you account for your remarkable accomplishment in life?" Queen Victoria of England asked Helen Keller. Helen


我的偶像高中英语作文 篇1 I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player inChina. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and do well in the next game. What’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well. 我很喜欢姚明,他是我最喜欢的偶像。我喜欢打篮球,在我看来他是中国最优秀的篮球运动员。当他开始去NBA打篮球的时候我非常激动,因为我可以每天都可以看到有关他的消息了。当他表现优异的时候我真的为他感到高兴,当他表现得不好的时候我希望他能够调整好自己在下一场比赛中好好表现。另外,他的性格同样吸引着我。他非常热心和幽默,总是面带微笑,对每个人都很友好,甚至对是自己的对手。虽然他不再打篮球了,我仍然很喜欢他。我希望他在其他领域也能做得很好。 篇2 Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant.His parents named him after a kind of famous beef of Kobe,Japan,which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six,Kobe,his parents and two older sisters,Shaya and Sharia,moved to Italy,where his father began playing professional basketball.He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian.At an early age,he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan. Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy,he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player.In 1991,the Bryants moved back to the United States.A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion,brought national recognition.


The Usefulness of College All in all,the university is a kind of investment,profit and loss depends on yourself.We college students should make use of existing resources to improve ourselves. 上大学的用处 图片显示的是一个坐在石头堆上的农民工对身着西装革履的大学生说的一句话“你花钱上大学,却和我这没上学的收入一样”。这让我想起了网络上一篇引人热议的帖子《回家后,我无颜面对的事情:怎么大学生不如农民工呢》。 这件事情在我看来大学生和农民工是没有可比性的,因为前者是做脑力劳动的,后者是做体力劳动的。我们不能用工资的高低来判断一个人的价值,这是不公平的。对于大学生来说开始工作的工资确实不高,需要积累一定的经验。 其实我们在大学里可以学到很多xx的,不然也不会有那么多的人挤破头也要上大学了。在大学里我们能学到什么呢?第一,建立有效的同学网。在大学里可以交到良师益友,良师益友可以有效地提升学习与职业成长效率,他们将是我们人生中的宝贵财富。第二,实现爱好的平台。大学可以提供给我们足够的资料,做任何想做的研究。大学把各个地方与各个方面的人汇集在一起形成了很有价值的交流中心。在大学里我们对自己的了解逐渐接近真实,我们不再狂妄自大,不再妄自菲薄,逐步走向成熟。第三,促进个人气质的变化。从一个农村孩子到xx职业人士的蜕变,大学充当了很好的培训所与初步养成机构的作用,这会表现在谈吐、衣着与沟通修养上。第四,培养独立思考能力。在大学里我们有了思考自己思考社会的时间和能力,我们不再人云亦云,拥有了独立思考能力,会自己判断对与错。我们xx了社会与人性的复杂性,多面性,更加理性了。 总之,上大学是一种投资,盈亏全在于自己,我们大学生应利用现有资源努力提升自己。 1/ 1


初中生英语作文大全:我的偶像 wei chen (english name: vision) is a chinese pop singer and actor who rose to fame through televised singing competitions. biography wei participated in the XX season of super boy,a famous national televised singing competition in china, and placed third. in the compitition, wei's contagious performances and sunny image had won him so much attention. wei was born on feb.22th in 1986. he was grew up in lanzhou, gansu province, china. in high school, he started having vocal music and piano lessons and later attended the sichuan conservatory of music. as a professional singers, he also good at piano, guitar, hulusi, guxun.there are 3 people in his family: father, mother and grandmother. his mother was a former singer. in XX, after super boy,wei participated in just the two of us with rujjana utaiwan from thailand, and the duo finished in second place. in XX, he co-starred in the movie shi qi (十七), starring joan chen and sam chow. in the film, he acts tian yi(chinese:天翊) who is a sunny boy and the friend of the leading man shi qi of the film. in XX, he filmed the television series let's go watch the meteor shower (tv series) . in the tv series, wei acts as ye shuo, an expert on computer. ye is a staid, introverted and he is clear about that who to love and who to hate. in his university, the university of alistun, a series of romantic

我的偶像 My Idol_英语作文_5

我的偶像My Idol Everybody has an idol in their heart, and some change their idol with the age changing. The public pays more attention to the amusement circle, but for me, I am more favored of the athletes, because I am so admire of their strong will and spirit. For example, the famous tennis player Nadal, who is from Spain. He is my favorite athlete. I remembered the first time I saw him playing tennis match on TV. He was about to lose the game, but he kept his attention and never gave up one point. At last, he won the match. What a great athlete! The spirit he owning inspires me to move on. An excellent idol should have something deserves the public to admire, so the things they present to the public is surely the positive sides. The power of idol is great. 每个人心中都会有一个偶像,有些人会随着年龄的增长而更换偶像。大家都比较关注娱乐明星,但对我来说,我更喜欢运动员,因为我很钦佩他们的坚强意志和精神。例如,著名的网球选手纳达尔,他来自西班牙,是我最喜欢的运动员。我记得我第一次在电视上看见他打网球比赛,在他快要输掉的那场比赛中,他一直保持专注,从不放弃,最后,他赢得了这场比赛。这是多么伟大的运动员啊,他的精神激励


TheUsefulnessofCollege Thepictureshowsthatamigrantworkerssittingonthestonessaidtoacollegestudentswearingi nwesterndressandleathershoes"youspendmoneyonUniversity,butyouhavethesameincomewithme". Thisremindsmeoftheattractivehotpostonnetwork 《afterreturninghome,Ihavenofacetothings:howdocollegestudentsasmigrantworkers.》. Inmyopinion,thisthingofcollegestudentsandmigrantworkersarenotcomparable,becausethe formeristhementallabor,'tusethewagetojudgethevalueofaperson,,oursalaryisnothighatthebe ginningofworkindeed,weneedtoaccumulatesomeexperience. Infact,wecanlearnalotofthingsintheUniversity,otherwisetherewon'?Firstly,上大学的用 处 图片显示的是一个坐在石头堆上的农民工对身着西装革履的大学生说的一句话“你花钱上大学,却和我这没上学的收入一样”。这让我想起了网络上一篇引人热议的帖子《回家后,我无颜面对的事情:怎么大学生不如农民工呢》。 这件事情在我看来大学生和农民工是没有可比性的,因为前者是做脑力劳动的,后者是做体力劳动的。我们不能用工资的高低来判断一个人的价值,这是不公平的。对于大学生来说开始工作的工资确实不高,需要积累一定的经验。 其实我们在大学里可以学到很多东西的,不然也不会有那么多的人挤破头也要上大学了。在大学里我们能学到什么呢?第一,建立有效的同学网。在大学里可以交到良师益友,良师益友可以有效地提升学习与职业成长效率,他们将是我们人生中的宝贵财富。第二,实现爱好的平台。大学可以提供给我们足够的资料,做任何想做的研究。大学把各个地方与各个方面的人汇集在一起形成了很有价值的交流中心。在大学里我们对自己的了解逐渐接近真实,我们不再狂妄自大,不再妄自菲薄,逐步走向成熟。第三,促进个人气质的变化。从一个农村孩子到城市职业人士的蜕变,大学充当了很好的培训所与初步养成机构的作用,这会表现在谈吐、衣着与沟通修养上。第四,培养独立思考能力。在大学里我们有了思考自己思考社会的时间和能力,我们不再人云亦云,拥有了独立思考能力,会自己判断对与错。我们明白了社会与人性的复杂性,多面性,更加理性了。 总之,上大学是一种投资,盈亏全在于自己,我们大学生应利用现有资源努力提升自己。


我的偶像高中英语作文 每个人都有自己的偶像,不同的人的偶像也不尽相同。对你来说,你的偶像是谁?下面,帮你整理了我的偶像高中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 我的偶像高中英语作文篇1 Nelson Mandela is my hero.He is a son born in a wealth family.But he devoted all his life to fighting for the poor.He is not only a lawer but also a fighter.He is helpful,determined and brave enough to win back the equal rights from the goverment.Although he was sent to prison for 27 years, but he became the president of the South Africa at last. 曼德拉是我的英雄。他是出生一个富裕的家庭。但他一生致力于为穷人战斗。他不仅是一位律师也是一个斗士。他乐于助人,决心和勇敢赢得政府的平等权利。虽然他被送进监狱27年,但他最后成为南非总统。 I adore him very much.When I was really young,my father has told me that person and let me listen a song from the band called Beyond, the song is 'The days of glory', my father told me hisstory and after that I began to be his fan.Then I grow, I read a book written by himself

在大城市学习的好处 The Advantages of Studying In Big Cities(大学英语作文)

在大城市学习的好处The Advantages of Studying In Big Cities 大学英语作文 Before students go to college, they need to consider many factors to decide which college they should choose. Many people gave their opinions according to their experience. It has been admitted that studying in the big cities is a good choice and they explained the reasons.在学生上大学之前,他们需要考虑很多因素去决定选择上哪所大学。许多人根据他们自己的经验给予意见。大家都认为,在大城市学习是一个很好的选择,他们也解释了原因。For those people who have been working for some time, they feel the difference between graduates from small cities and big cities. It is obvious that students from big cities have access to advanced information and when they face the new things, they can get used to them quickly. It is the great advantage to keep pace with the time and know what newest information is.对于那些已经工作一段时间的人来说,他们感受到了在小城市和大城市毕业生之间的区别。很明显的,来自大城市的学生了解到比较先进的信息,当他们面对新事物的时候,能很快适应。与


我的偶像英语作文 我的偶像英语作文我的偶像英语作文wei chen (english name: vision) is a chinese pop singer and actor who rose to fame through televised singing competitions. biography wei participated in the XX season of super boy,a famous national televised singing competition in china, and placed third. in the compitition, wei's contagious performances and sunny image had won him so much attention. wei was born on feb.22th in 1986. he was grew up in lanzhou, gansu province, china. in high school, he started having vocal music and piano lessons and later attended the sichuan conservatory of music. as a professional singers, he also good at piano, guitar, hulusi, guxun.there are 3 people in his family: father, mother and grandmother. his mother was a former singer. in XX, after super boy,wei participated in just the two of us with rujjana utaiwan from thailand, and the duo finished in second place. in XX, he co-starred in the movie shi qi (十七), starring

我的偶像 My Idol-高中英语作文

我的偶像 My Idol-高中英语作文 Everybodyhasanidolintheirheart,andsomechangetheiridolwithth eagechanging.Thepublicpaysmoreattentiontotheamusementcircle ,butforme,Iammorefavoredoftheathletes,becauseIamsoadmireoft heirstrongwillandspirit.Forexample,thefamoustennisplayerNad al,whoisfromSpain.Heismyfavoriteathlete.Irememberedthefirst timeIsawhimplayingtennismatchonTV.Hewasabouttolosethegame,b uthekepthisattentionandnevergaveuponepoint.Atlast,hewonthem atch.Whatagreatathlete!Thespiritheowninginspiresmetomoveon. Anexcellentidolshouldhavesomethingdeservesthepublictoadmire ,sothethingstheypresenttothepublicissurelythepositivesides. Thepowerofidolisgreat. 每个人心中都会有一个偶像,有些人会随着年龄的增长而更换偶像。大家都比较关注娱乐明星,但对我来说,我更喜欢运动员,因为我很钦佩他们的坚强意志和精神。例如,著名的网球选手纳达尔,他来自西班牙,是我最喜欢的运动员。我记得我第一次在电视上看见他打网球比赛,在他快要输掉的那场比赛中,他一直保持专注,从不放弃,最后,他赢得了这场比赛。这是多么伟大的运动员啊,他的精神激励着我不断前进。一个优秀的偶像应该拥有值得大家欣赏的东西,所以他们向公众呈现的东西应该是积极的。偶像的力量是伟大的。


大学文凭的重要性英语作文_大学文凭是否必要的英语作文 Is a college degree necessary in today's world? 在今天这社会大学文凭是否必要? Because a 4—year college education requires a large commitment of time,effort,and money。Many high school graduates decide not to go to college。They enter the work force immediately,or decide to go to a vocational or trade school instead of college。Is a college degree really necessary these days?Despite the expense and delay in entering the work force,I strongly believe that a 4—year college education is necessary and desirable in today's world。 因为四年的大学教育需要有时间,努力,和金钱的保证。很多高中毕业生决定不去上大学。他们马上成为劳动大军,或决定去技术的或者贸易学校而不是去上大学。现在大学学位真的是必要的吗?尽管需要花费而且延迟进入劳动力市场,我坚信四年的大学教育在今天这个世界是有必要和值得的。 One major reason to go to college is that college provides necessary academic background for a career。During four or more years in college,students have time and resources to explore many different areas in the humanities人文学科,social sciences,science,and professional fields such as business and engineering,and to take a variety of academic courses that will provide important background for particular careers。 上大学的主要原因之一是因为大学提供了必要的职业学术背景。在大学四年或更长时间里,学生有时间和资源去探讨各种领域的人文学科,社会科学,科学以及各种专业领域如商业和工程专业,并参加提供对特定职业重要背景的各种学术课程。 A second important argument for the value of college is that people with college degrees have better job opportunities and higher income level than people who have only a high school or vocational school education,so college means a better quality of life。Job opportunities and starting salaries are generally excellent for people with college degrees while the employment outlook may not be so cheerful for those with only a high school diploma。 上大学值得的第二个重要的理由是拥有大学学位的人比那些只有高中或职业学校教育的人有更好的就业机会和更高的收入水平,因此大学意味着更好的生活质量。就业机会和起薪一般对拥有大学学位的人更优越,在就业前景中那些只有高中文凭的人可能没那么乐观。 Also,college tends to provide a labor force with a certain knowledge and skill,which is beneficial to the advancement of our society。Students who exercise their minds and develop strategies to deal with hard problems over four years of college are likely to graduate with many skills and strategies that can be transferred to dealing with tasks later in life,both on the job and in their personal life。This will surely contribute to the progress of the world。 同时,大学倾向于提供具有一定知识和技能的劳动,那是有利于社会进步的。经常用自己头脑去发展处理大学四年难题策略的学生,毕业后更有可能获得许多有利于处理工作和个人生活的技巧和策略。这将有助于世界的进步。 In summary,there are many good arguments in support of the value of a 4—year college education。Moreover,the benefits far outweigh the problems and expense。I firmly believe that
