

高中英语第一节课 摘要:本文旨在探讨如何上好高中英语第一节课。 由初中升入高中,学生是带着新奇和喜悦的心情踏入校园的,周围的一切对于他们来说都充满新鲜感。他们无论从心理上和生理上都渴望着成功,渴望着得到他人的尊重和认可。而英语作为第二外语,虽然在小学就学过,然而他们进入高中的成绩却参差不齐,两级分化非常严重。新教材的改革又突出了英语的重要性与实用性,这一点对于农村的普通中学老师来说尤其感到头疼。 研读新课标,现代课程价值的取向是“以学生的发展为本”,从学生的发展出发,在注重培养学生基础能力的同时,进一步培养学生的创造性学习和发展性学习能力,开发学生的智能,培养创新精神。正如H·G·Windows所说:“教与学不是一个过程对等的两端,不像买与卖,给和取。因此,不能把教的一方看成是施动者,把学的一方看成是受动者。正确的关系是学的一方施动,教的一方助动”。 与新课程同行,要提高课堂效率,就得集中关注学生,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力;提倡语言实践、体验、参与和交流,发展语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等基本素养。因此,作为教师,在高中一年级的第一堂课中就开始引导学生学好英语,便显得特别重要。 一.用好开场白,让学生熟悉老师。适当地用英文开场白能使你的学生相信你有水平教好他们。面对新老师,学生往往有很大的好奇心,通过互动形式的自我介绍,让学生基本认识老师,拉进师生间的距离,便于今后的师生合作。 T: Hello! Ss: Hello! T:Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: I’m your new English teacher. Do you know about me? Ss: No! T: OK. Let me introduce myself.


高一英语开学第一课2015.9.4 1.欢迎词 Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet all of you here! Welcome to Class 9, welcome to Yizheng Middle School! Now, let me introduce myself briefly. My last name is Bu, the new English teacher of this class. If you like you can call me Ms Bu. I graduated from Yangzhou university with a English master’s degree and started to work in 2013, up to now, I have been teaching for two years. I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends. I’ll try my best to be your good teacher. Do you like your new school? This is a place where you will study for 3 years. Is it a long time? As far as I’m concerned, it’s quite short. But it’s one of the most important periods in your life. So seize the day, seize the hour. Our class is like a big and warm family, everyone is friendly here. If you have some problems, you can ask your classmates or your teachers for help. 2.学习英语的重要性 Now, let’s talk about English. Do you like English? I hope all of you like English. There are many reasons for us to learn English well. First, English is an international language and it is the most widely used language in the world. Secondly, English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university. If you want to get good marks and want to enter a good university in three years, you must learn it well. Thirdly, English can help you get a better job in the future. if you can learn English well, you will have more chances to succeed. As you can see, English is very useful. 3.发现之旅 Now, let’s talk about the differences of English between senior middle school and junior middle school. So now please take out your textbook and try to find out the differences between senior middle school textbooks and junior middle school textbooks. You can discuss in groups. 初高中英语教材跨度大。尽管现在从小学到初中、高中都采用了牛津教材,但初中英语是基础英语,比较简单,且要求低;而高中英语容量大,节奏快,要求高,几乎每堂课都有新的内容,需要学生及时地掌握、消化和巩固。举语法为例,在初中阶段我们把基础的语法内容已经学过了,而在高中我们要学习的是更深更高层次的语法,如定语从句、非谓语动词、名词性从句、倒装结构、虚拟语气等等,其中的部分内容我们并不生疏,但是初中我们所接触的还只是皮毛,高中阶段的学习会比之前的所学内容复杂得多。 牛津高中英语教材的总体认识:Module 1---Module 5必修,Module 6---11选修。每个模块三个单元。模块一的话题是teenager’s experiences. 三个单元都是与之相关的内容。每单元由7个板块构成,Welcome to the unit, Reading, Word power, Grammar and usage, Task, Project, Self-assessment. Self-assessment 一般不做要求。一般在一个单元学习之前,都要先学习后面的新单词,大家在学习之前借助凤凰学案提前预习。 高一是学生英语成绩波动最大的一年,因为刚进入高中的学生,无论成绩如何,如果没有超前学习,都会遭遇极强的“陡坡效应”,即发现知识难度和广度都突然增加,完全超出了自己的想象;同学之间的竞争氛围甚至超过了初三。“陡坡效应”会使学生压力倍增,名次迅


Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet all of you here! Welcome to Suning V ocational School! Do you like your new school?Today you are proud of Suning V ocationalSchool. I believe tomorrow School will be proud of you! Have you adapted to the new environment, and Have you make some new friends here? Maybe some of you miss your old friends, miss your former teachers, or maybe some of you are homesick, right? It’s quite normal, but you should adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. 一、This is a place where you will have studied for 3 years. Is it a long time? As far as I’m concerned, it’s quite short. But it’s one of the most important periods in your life. So seize the day, seize the hour. Our class is like a big and warm family, everyone is friendly here. If you have some problems, you can ask your classmates or your teachers for help. 二、Now, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Chen Rong Jun ,your new English teacher of this term. If you like, you can call me Ms Chen. I graduated from the university and started to work in 2000 and up to now, I have been teaching for 14 years. I have some experience in teaching and managing a class. I got along well with the Ss before and I believe that we will also get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends. 三、In my spare time, I have many interests,such as reading, surfing the internet, travelling, etc. Travelling is my favorite hobby, it can make me relax and broaden my horizon. 四、For my work, I’ll try my best to be a good teacher. I always believe nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 五、Now, let’s talk about English. Do you like English? How is your English? I hope all of you are good at English, your English is good, great, excellent, learning English is interesting, easy, just a piece of cake,not a challenge. 六、Learning English is China’s most sad behavior, but we have to learn it. There are many reasons for us to learn English well. Firstly,English is an international langu age and it is the most widely used language in the world, It has been said that over 75% of the word’s TV programs and 80% of the information on the internet use English. With the development of our country, more and more foreigners c ome to China and more and more Chinese are going abroad.The communication of foreigners and us needs the language tool---English. Secondly,English is one of the most important subjects at school or the university. If you want to get good marks and want to enter a good university in three years, you must learn it well. Thirdly,English can help you get a better job in the future, if you can learn English well, you will have more chances to succeed. Fourthly,English has been used everywhere in our daily life. For example,


2020高中英语开学第一课教案 这篇《2020高中英语开学第一课教案》是###为大家整理的,希望对大家有所协助。以下信息仅供参考!!! Lesson 1 一、自我介绍(Introduce myself 3′) Hello everybody, Well,nice talking with you here. I'm your English teacher, next year we will learn together, with the progress. I have worked for 1 years since I graduated from the university . Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for this year, I think I am experienced in teaching field . I have a strong sense of duty and humor.Actually , I always think that English is so wonderful a language that we should not only regard it as a subject,but also look on it with great interest.Hope you can enjoy your way in English.I will be happy to be your company. 二、学习方法介绍( 20′) * 学习英语无捷径。要想学好英语只有大量实践,多听多读多说多写。不要被商业广告所误导。 * 对于高中英语学习者我特别推荐英语简易读物,读的材料要浅易,故事性要强,读的速度尽可能快一些,读的越多越好。这是学好英语屡试不爽的一个好办法。 * 说英语一不要怕犯错误,二不要怕别人笑话。要争取一切机会讲英语,和外国人讲,和同学讲,和同事讲,实在没办法的时候和自己讲。例如,能够把自己想说的话录下来,然后再放出来自己听。


如何上好高中英语开学第一课 由初中升入高中,学生是带着新奇和喜悦的心情踏入校园的,周围的一切对于他们来说都充满新鲜感。他们无论从心理上和生理上都渴望着成功,渴望着得到他人的尊重和认可。而英语作为第二外语,虽然在小学就学过,然而他们进入高中的成绩却参差不齐,两级分化非常严重。新教材的改革又突出了英语的重要性与实用性,这一点对于农村的普通中学老师来说尤其感到头疼。 研读新课标,现代课程价值的取向是“以学生的发展为本”,从学生的发展出发,在注重培养学生基础能力的同时,进一步培养学生的创造性学习和发展性学习能力,开发学生的智能,培养创新精神。正如H·G·Windows所说:“教与学不是一个过程对等的两端,不像买与卖,给和取。因此,不能把教的一方看成是施动者,把学的一方看成是受动者。正确的关系是学的一方施动,教的一方助动”。 与新课程同行,要提高课堂效率,就得集中关注学生,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力;提倡语言实践、体验、参与和交流,发展语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等基本素养。因此,作为教师,在高中一年级的第一堂课中就开始引导学生学好英语,便显得特别重要。 一.用好开场白,让学生熟悉老师。适当地用英文开场白能使你的学生相信你 有水平教好他们。面对新老师,学生往往有很大的好奇心,通过互动形式的自我介绍,让学生基本认识老师,拉进师生间的距离,便于今后的师生合作。 T:Hello! Ss:Hello! T:Nice to meet you! Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T:I’m your new English teacher.Do you know about me? Ss:No! T:OK.Let me introduce myself. My name,my address,telephone number,my like s﹠dislikes,my holiday,even my family. 二.让学生明确师生的责任和要求。让学生明白“教师”是什么,“学生”该


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8c1823935.html, 高中英语第一课 作者:张成杰 来源:《时代英语·高二》2017年第01期 【摘要】英语学习态度就是学生对英语学习的认识、情绪、情感及行为习惯在英语学习上的倾向。英语学习态度与英语学习者的学习价值观有密切联系。英语学习态度与英语学习情绪有关,情绪本身就是态度。英语学习态度与英语学习表现是一致的,态度是内心的倾向,表现是外显的行为。学生的内心态度如何,我们很难知道,唯有通过他们的學习表现去推知,去了解他们的内心世界。 【关键词】态度动机习惯 高中英语课程是基础教育阶段课程的重要组成部分,是义务教育阶段课程的自然延伸。那么,这就需要我们高中英语教师上好高中英语的第一课。我这里所说的“第一课”,并不是单纯意义上的第一堂英语课,它可能是一周、一个学月,甚至是一学期的教学过渡。它不仅仅是指英语知识的过渡,还包括激发学生的英语学习动机、树立正确的学习态度、培养良好的英语学习习惯,等等。所以,要上好高中英语的第一课,并非是一蹴而就的事情,它需要英语教师做好充分的准备,打好英语第一课的持久战。 首先,激发高一学生的英语学习动机。动机(motivation)是激励人去行动的内部动因和力量(包括个人的意图、愿望、心理冲动或企图达到目的等)。一个人的动机,总是同他满足自己的需要密切相关。学习动机还可以称为学习的坚持(perseverance)。动机具有启发性、选择性和目的性。动机可以使我们从厌烦转为感兴趣。它就像机动车上的发动机和方向盘。(Motivation is what moves us from boredom to interest. It is something like the engine and steering wheel of an automobile.)英语学习动机是人类行为动机之一,它表现为渴求英语学习的强烈愿望和求知欲,它是直接推动英语学习的一种内部动因,是英语学习者在英语学习活动中的一种自觉能动性和积极性的心理状态。有动机的英语学习,其效果极好;而无动机的英语学习,往往把英语学习作为一种负担,学习效果不佳。 其次,英语学习的目的在于获取英语知识。学生对英语学习感兴趣,对英语学习活动本身就能获得满足,这可以成为他们学习英语的内在动机。为了激发学生更强烈的学习英语的欲望,在入学的第一堂英语课上,我首先用简单而流利的英语给学生做了自我介绍和学校的介绍,表达了对学生的欢迎和喜爱。简单而流利的英语让学生感受到有信心学好英语。接下来,我为学生播放了电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲My Heart Will Go On。学生们哼着熟悉的旋律,却遗憾地发现自己不会唱英语歌词。借此契机,我告诉学生们:“好好学习英语,你们就可以享受并学会更多美妙的英文歌曲。”部分学生似乎有了学好英语的冲动。趁热打铁,我又给学生播放了电影Sound of Music片段。学生们津津有味地欣赏着电影片段,偶尔脸上显露出不
