
9. Part 4 Fill in the Bianks (with the initial letters provided)

(每小题:i 分)

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each bla nk.

1. In itially, the infant perceives and the infant acts, but

no thi ng suggests that the infant un dersta nds the

perc relati on ship betwee n these

and these acti ons.

2. His parliame ntary in terve nti ons were

con not to property, hous ing and

en viro nmen tal questi ons.

3. What must have disti nguished him as being bey ond no rmal

cons was his unconven ti on ally high state of

4. This is Digital Audio Broadcast ing, which is without

mathematics, and it would be impossible for me to

expla in

mech its in words.

ass The report the blame for the accide nt to in adequate safety regulati ons.

6. Polluta nts like these are now

dis widely

across the cou ntryside. 7.

n ati on alist econo mics

because they coin cided ( 同时发生 )with their most urge nt in terests.

8. In deed the scale of decli ne for such a major party

un paralleled in any other state in

post-war Western Europe.

is little doubt that the scheme fulfils a n eed for those emb Labor moveme nts vir

is Although the n umber of appl

is small, there

great. the family were well provided for, 艰难)that many en others


11. 12. 13.


15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. most deserv ing of assista nee.

tem The to drink alcohol became too great, and the man fin ally broke dow n and dra nk a whole bottle of wine.


From the top of the hill you can


whole city.

~del Can a particular set of genes the

progressi on of the disease to AIDS in those already

in fected?

sh The n ame "William" is ofte n

to "Will". in She could not forgive so terrible an to

her pride. In ter nati onal police were called upon to see


if was used on the pris on ers.

But now schools sometimes use timeout rooms



stude nts rather tha n just let them

cool dow n. English is one compulsory (必修的)foreign language on the



The stude nts all

agree that college pre are

Despite the Depression,

and spared the rigors (

Part 5 Multiple Choice


Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. Our talk was completely ________ o ut by the roar of the

machines. As a result, we had to communicate with gestures.

A. decreased

------ B. reduced


C. smashed

D. drow ned

2. She was arrested for _______ state secrets to a foreig n

reporter in retur n for her son going abroad.

A. getti ng away


- ---- B. giv ing away

C. break ing away

D. putt ing away

3. There _______ new problems in the relati on ship betwee n

the two cou ntries in the rece nt years.

A. rose

------ B. raised


C. lifted

D. arose

4. His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too

hard for mon ths on end.

A. broke up

B. broke through

------ C. broke dow n


D. broke off

5. After the meet ing the workers went back to their ___________


A. respectable

B. respective c

- ---- C. respectful

D. respected f 1

6. The theory of class curre ntly prevail ing in the West is

_______ b ased on what Max Weber, a Germa n sociologist,


A. fairly

-j—B. kindly

C. greatly

D. largely

r i

7. His an swer was so con fused that I could hardly make any

_______ o f it at all.

A. recog niti on c

- ---- B. meaning

C. i ntellige nee

D. sense

8. She ________ the troubles ahead and took steps to avoid


A. assumed

- ---- B. proclaimed

C. foresaw

D. claimed

9. Accord ing to the ________ o f the con tract, tenants (房

客)must give six mon ths' no tice if they intend to leave.

A. laws

------ B. rules


C. terms

D. details

10. He has an excelle nt _______ as a crim in al lawyer.

A. popularity

B. fame

C. regard


D. reputati on

11. The gover nment clearly had not the slightest _______ of

cha nging the legislati on, in spite of the con ti nued


A. desire

------ B. ambiti on

C. willi ngn ess

D. inten ti on

12. Complete the form as ________ in the no tes below.

------ A. i nsisted


B. specified

C. implied

------ D. devised


13. When I got my case back, it had bee n damaged ________


------ A. above


B. beyond

C. over

------ D. further

14. He always _______ this tow n with his cous in.

A. associates

------ B. reminds


C. relates

——D. accou nts

15. The ________ f or the flat is $80 weekly.

A. price

——B. cost

C. hire

D. rent

Part 6 Cloze (with four choices provided)


Directi ons: Read the follow ing passage carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices give n for each bla nk.

Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.

What is Emoti onal In tellige nee or EQ? EQ can broadly be defined as the role emotions play

of the world. It also has to do with how these

percepti ons 2.

decisi ons. EQ can, 3. developed by other thin gs.

to 8. I

— them. Seco ndly, 9. 丨 一in your

min d's eye what you want. What is it that you wish to 10. I — in your life?

Thirdly, try to 11. as many ways of in terpreti ng a situati on as possible. Do

this 12. I —> the ways are

stra nge. It's true that possible in terpretati ons don't in 1.

—I our


our percepti ons they are. If not, you might be trying
