家乡的变化 英语作文3篇

家乡的变化 英语作文3篇
家乡的变化 英语作文3篇

great changes in my hometown

Great Changes in My Hometown

I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town,there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life.

Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.

Changes in My Hometown

I am very happy for my hometown.Because my hometown are becoming more and more beautiful.

In the past,many people were poor.Even through,they couldn't get enough food.People have lived in a low house.They had no money to buy farm machines,so they plant crops with the help of farm animals.Children study in an old school.

But now,with the development of China,the living conditions have improved a lot.People live in a tall building and they plant crops with the help of farm machines.And children in a modern school.

I believe my hometown will become more beautiful.

My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a drastic change. Take my family for instance. Previously, we do not have a computer at home. Dad was the engineer. Before Dad hands painting drawing, painting with the rulers, not used correctly attached. Black will be careful not to rub the drawing, painting slowly, and had to keep cutting pencil. The lines do not paint beautiful. Spend one or two days drawings drawings. Also drawings, and printing of plans to eventually create engineering drawings. A total needs three days. Now, I bought a home computer. He can use a computer drawing, no trace; Just one little click of the mouse to point, Instead of doing everything we can. A picture works better if some time. An unfinished print of a direct, clear and beautiful. With computer. I have an article on a computer to help their mother. I also used folders, saved a cartoon, diaries, essays and other. I also use it as literature. I also use it to learn English, the software installed, use it to fight game : : Mama system testing, fighting words. I brought a lot of convenience to the home computer. This summer, Tim, we also have a refrigerator. Before, during the summer, often a bad thing, a bad throw on the more unfortunate. Now refrigerators can be frozen foods, no bad foods freezer. I can give it to produce ice. I makeup back, I let my thirst ice on a frozen. DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me. Last year, we also have to buy an air conditioner. Previously, in the winter without air conditioning, get up clothes, I always behind the blanket. Now, with air-conditioning, and the cold would not dressed up. No

air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the doldrums, not activities. Now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, and water wind, he feels very cool. in a cool place like the same forest. Recently, our county appeared to the Internet, most of the computers on the home network Inter. Previously, no Internet, or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can vote on upswing the letter sent out. We have to bring the convenience of the Internet. ! We really big changes in home!


家乡的变化 我的家乡在上虞以北的地区,那是一个既偏僻又贫困的农村. 小时侯,我经常跟着爸爸一起去市区买菜,因为在那里根本就没有市场,家家户户都是去市区买菜的.因为在那里是没有公交车的,我和爸爸只好靠着双脚,走啊,走啊,那路是坑坑洼洼的黄泥路,而且七高八低的,走起来十分费劲.大约要走一个小时左右吧,才能到市区的农贸市场.在农贸市场买完了菜,我和爸爸每人都拎着两大袋蔬菜,费劲地走在黄泥路上,我不解地问爸爸:“为什么要买这么多蔬菜啊?”爸爸说:“到市区多不方便啊,如果不买多一点,那就得三天两头地去买菜,这没有交通工具,哪吃得消啊!”我又问爸爸:“你为什么不买辆自行车或小型轿车呢?有了它,那就轻松多了!”爸爸苦笑着说: “傻孩子,你以为我不想买啊,你要知道我们家的经济情况不是很好,现在还买不起呢,再说了,即使买了,这路弯弯曲曲的,高低不平,汽车能开得稳吗?不费劲吗?”我点了点头.“那为什么不自己种菜呢?”我问爸爸.爸爸说:“那农村啊,土壤不好,种不了菜,所以只好多买点菜,省得再去买.”我自言自语道:“家乡真是太落后了!”爸爸也说:“是呀,希望过几年后,能发展地很好!”好不容易到了家,我准备洗把脸,可家里没有自来水啊,我只好去河边了.一来到河边,这哪是可以洗脸的水啊,简直就是污水嘛!真想不到,家乡经济这么落后,就连水也这么“落后”了. 为了让我读上好的学校,爸爸决定让我们住在城里,这样,家里只剩下了爷爷奶奶. 几年后,我和爸爸妈妈来看望爷爷奶奶了.这次回家,爸爸开了一辆奥迪轿车回来,沿着家乡早已修好的水泥大马路,顺顺利利地把车开到了爷爷奶奶家.下车后,我在家乡转了几圈,发现了家乡的河水不在是那么浑浊了,是那么地清澈,还能看见水底里的小


小学生作文:家乡的变化300字 篇一: 我的家乡在*。爸爸常说家乡的变化很大。妈妈说以前老家的路很难走,都是一些泥巴沙子路,有句话说:“山道弯弯到农家。”改革开放以后,家乡就逐渐走向富裕了。1981年,小山村就通了电。 黑白电视机就进入了平民家庭了。又在20XX年时,我们家乡的高速公路也开通了。前几年家乡铺了一条水泥路到家门口,进出的交通比以前方便多了,小山村也与外界的联系多了。这是一个多么令人振奋精神的事情呀。 近几年来,我也感觉到家乡在变化。以前的平房大多都变成了高楼大厦,人口增长太快了,许多外出的人开着豪华的车子衣锦还乡。以前农家的砖瓦房如今剩下不多了,家家户户都盖上了两三层的楼房,还装修得豪华气派。回想20年前时,有些人还吃不饱,如今要啥有啥。我还听老家的叔叔说:“以前这里人多地少,山上能开荒的都开来种花生、黄豆等旱地作物,如今大家响应党的号召,退耕还林了。以前农家的菜盘子是见不着肉的,一日三顿吃咸菜萝卜。如今每天都能吃上新鲜的肉。衣服也不像从前一样一年一

套,现在衣服多得很。旧的还没烂,新的又买了。” 我的家乡在变化,我的祖国也在变化。希望家乡会变得更加富裕,祖国能变得更加富强! 篇二: 我的家乡位于黑龙江省绥化市,原来那里比较落后,可是现在有了翻天覆地的变化。 过去道路坑坑洼洼,下过雨后特别泥泞,低矮的平房成片,有几个楼房不是商店就是单位,最高也就二.三层,可是现在就不一样走进城区看见的就是一条条笔直的大路,道路两边绿树成荫,整洁干净的马路,宽阔平坦,道两旁全是高楼大厦,每个楼最少有六.七层,高层楼最高都有二十层,到了晚上你站在楼上往下看,路灯把街道照的十分明亮,车辆川流不息,真是一个繁荣的景象。每个小区都有超市,超市里的人们争先恐后地采购自己需要的商品。购物中心是集购物.休闲.餐饮.娱乐于一体的商业中心,走进商店就给人一种清松,愉快的感觉,你可以边听音乐边购物。 现在家家都有数字电视能看100多个频道,家家有液晶电脑,可以上网聊天,玩游戏.网上购物.每人手里都有手机,通讯特别发达,有的家庭有私家车,可以开车上班,送孩子上学,学校学习环境也很好,每天可以在宽敞.明亮的教室里学习,我现在上学免费



great changes in my hometown Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful. Changes in My Hometown I am very happy for my hometown.Because my hometown are becoming more and more beautiful. In the past,many people were poor.Even through,they couldn't get enough food.People have lived in a low house.They had no money to buy farm machines,so they plant crops with the help of farm animals.Children study in an old school.


《读书的好处英语作文》 读书的好处英语作文(一): Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment。 By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history。 But for some people,reading is not their priority。 They will choose to watch movies to have fun。 However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading。 说起读书,很多人都很兴奋,读书不仅仅能带给他们知识,而且也能带给他们娱乐。透过读书,我们能得到很多信息,了解我们的历史。但是对于一部分人来说,阅读并不是他们的首选。他们会选取看电影来找乐子。但是,我认为,读书能让我们获益。 First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history。 Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age。 第一,读书能让我们明白历史。历史都被记录在数中,如果我们读书的话,我们不仅仅能了解历史,而且我们也能更加了解时代伟人。 Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge。 By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening。 Books record a wide range of things about life。 Through reading, we can know various aspects of life。 第二,读书能让我们丰富我们的知识。透过读书,我们能了解很多事物,了解到事件是怎样发生的,怎样避免不利事件的发生。书本记录着社会的方方面面。透过读书,我们能了解生活的方方面面的知识。 Thirdly, reading teaches us skills。 There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to bee popular in your circle, how to cook and so on。 Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing。 第三,我们能透过读书来学习一些技能。很多书都是写关于怎样学会一门语言,怎样找到一份好工作,怎样让自我在圈子中更受欢迎以及怎样烹饪等之类的东西。透过这些书,我们能在做事的时候更加熟练。 All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading。 总之,我们能够透过读书收获很多。 读书的好处英语作文(二): if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longly


家乡的变化 祖国是一个伟大的母亲,我们生活在祖国妈妈的怀抱里,过着衣食无忧的生活。 我们周围的一切每天都在变化。听爸爸说,以前我的家乡非常非常穷,穷得连饭都没得吃。那时,没有什么交通工具,马路上看到最多的是拖拉机,爸爸上学、放学都要靠步行,走上半个多小时才能到爷爷家。通往学校的那条路面凹凸不平,到处都是泥坑,一到下雨天,坑里到处都积满水,爸爸只能深一脚浅一脚地去上学,往往是到了学校,整只裤脚全部溅湿了。那时,家里面非常简陋,住的还是木制结构的房子,被柴火熏得黑黑的墙壁,踩上去“咯吱”作响的地板。一到台风天,整个房子像在摇晃,一家人害怕得不得了。家里没有什么像样的电器,只有一些木头家具,烧饭也是用柴灶,还要砍柴,十分麻烦…… 如今我们的生活与以前相比已经大变样了。繁华的大城市高楼林立,大街上各种小轿车川流不息,一碰上红灯,那车辆停得像条长龙。宽阔平坦的大街上有五花八门的小商店,各种大型超市里人山人海。现在爷爷的家也是大变样了,以前那矮小的木房子,现在变成了又高又气派的四层小洋房。那脏兮兮的墙壁现在也已经变得又白又亮了。客厅里还有很多崭新的电器和家具:柔软的大沙发,透明坚固的玻璃桌,超大屏幕的电视机正在播放着精彩的电视节目呢!


家乡的变化500字 改革春风吹拂着大地,祖国有了翻天覆地的变化,我的家乡也发生了巨大的变化。在家乡的变化中,我最熟悉的是我家的变化。 以前,我家住的是土房,一下雨,就像开了天窗似的,雨水从房顶往下漏。一遇到这种情况,爷爷奶奶就将家里的盆盆罐罐都拿出来接雨水。家里就像打仗一样,布了各种阵,同时又像在举行一场大型的音乐会,可热闹了。有一年,阴雨天持续了半个月,结果我家墙倒了,屋塌了,真是惨不忍睹。 现在,我家可漂亮了。前年我家建起了三层小洋楼,爷爷奶奶在温馨的卧室里安度晚年,爸爸妈妈在宽敞的客厅里接待亲朋好友,我和姐姐在冬暖夏凉的书房中学习。我们上网查资料,在知识的海洋中遨游。我家不管是客厅还是厨房都配备了”现代化设备“,和城里几乎没有差别。 不单单是我家变了,街道也变了。以前狭窄的土路,一下雨就积水,坑洼不平,人们出行很不方便,甚至影响了村民的经济发展。现在,政府出资修成了宽阔的水泥路,还修了排水沟。以前一到晚上,街道就黑漆漆的,特别阴森恐怖,所以人们都早早回家,街道静得像睡死了一样。现在,村里出资,安装了路灯,把街道照得如同白昼。晚上老人们在街道说说东家媳妇孝顺,聊聊西家孩子上大学;男人们在街道下下棋,女人们跳跳舞;谈谈我


Life is always exciting winter vacation in the winter vacation, I've learned a lot, seen a lot, also felt a great deal. However, the most so I was surprised that the home change is so fast. From black and white TV to color TV, from phone to phone, from the small, inadequate housing to the tall, luxurious villas ... ... home has undergone an enormous list goes on! Changes in home really fast. Previously, the family house is very old, broken everywhere, and even some corner of the moss has grown, made a mold. Under heavy rain, the housing estate, take the ride for the next subtitle of the rain, so the house really good live. Now, the family room is very strong, and they have complete sets of equipment, these devices are advanced, and some do not even have manual.Moreover, high-rise buildings springing up along the road going up.人人听力网 Changes in home really fast. Previously, hearing his mother say, when there is Shiji Li far from home and school to school are to go on foot a long time. There is a bike ride to school has been a very bad condition, but also a long time so in the past. If to a rainy day, the ground bumps and hollows, and go to school, the water was splashing mud all clothes, dirty. If the summer, a big back to school bags, clothing and certainly all wet, can squeeze water from it. And now, home has a new high-tech - car, this way, even if the long way again, it does not charge leg muscles, but also not worry about anything happening. Changes in home really fast. Previously, clothes are always broken supplement and complement the Zaichuan. Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu. Changes in home really fast. Previously, hard to eat things that are their own species, and so mature and re-hired to eat. Now, people eat on the feast at the table. Changes in home really fast, I believe that in the near future, we will use our hands to create a better, more advanced equipment, allow people to truly live a comfortable life. Let us for future efforts,hard bar! 寒假生活总是多采多姿的,在寒假中,我学会了许多,看到了许多,也感受到了很多。但是,最让我感到惊讶的是,家乡的变化是如此之快。从黑白电视机到彩色电视机,从电话机到手机,从矮小、简陋的房屋到高大、豪华的别墅……家乡的变化真是举不胜举呀! 家乡的变化真快。以前,家里的房子很破旧,到处都有破损,甚至有的墙角还长出了青苔,发了霉。下大雨时,屋内也滴滴搭搭的下着小雨,这样的房子真不好住。而现在,家里的屋子很牢固,并且都有成套的设备,这些设备都很先进,有的甚至不用手动。而且,路两旁的高楼大厦如雨后春笋拔地而起。本文来自作文地带。 家乡的变化真快。以前,听妈妈说,那时候学校离家有十几里远,上学都是靠步行得走很长时间。有自行车骑车上学已经条件很不错了,不过,这样过去也对很长时间。要是到了下雨天,地上坑坑洼洼的,到了学校,水溅得衣服全是泥水,很脏。要是夏天,背个大书包去学校,衣服肯定全都湿了,还能拧出水来。而现在,家乡有了新的高科技——汽车,这样一来,即使再远的路,也丝毫不费脚力,也不用担心任何事情的发生。 家乡的变化真快。以前,穿的衣服总是破了补,补了再穿。而现在,每隔三差五的就买一套衣服。 家乡的变化真快。以前,吃的东西都是自己辛辛苦苦种的,等成熟了再挖来吃。而现在,人们都吃上了大鱼大肉。 家乡的变化真快,我相信不久的将来,我们将用我们的双手去创造出更好、更先进的设备,让人们真正地过上小康生活。让我们为了将来努力、奋斗吧


关于的英语作文3篇 购物的英语作文篇一 in the united states,the lonely have reddit and cats. in china,they have singles' day,which falls on nov. 11 -- ,the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," chinese slang for bachelors. thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses,singles' day was once an occasion for confessing one's feelings to that special someone. but since 2010,online retailers have transformed the holiday,also known as "double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to america's cyber monday. china has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of china's 591 million internet users buy products online. e-commerce sites taobao and tmall, which saw a combined 1 trillion in sales in 2012,will both be running promotional campaigns during china's singles' day. among the


家乡的变化作文300字(3篇) 家乡的变化作文300字(3篇) 1.家乡的变化 作者:李芹 我的家乡变了模样,看到线面的那幅图片了吗?那就是我现在的家乡,高楼大厦,花草飘香,你们一定想象不出这个社区原来的模样。 原来的时候,这的村庄,全是平房,而且,从远处看还是破破烂烂的。村子里还有一个垃圾场,时不时还能闻到很恶心的味道,但现在那已经成了一个人人都爱去的地方。 那里被改建成了一座大公园,一进门,就闻到了那月季的清香“啊,好香啊!”,再往里走就是人们的休闲场所了,有棋盘,有锻炼身体的器具。当然我们的最爱就是秋千了,有五六个秋千,我们比谁荡得高,谁当得远,可好玩了! 对了,里面还有一个大池塘,里面有金鱼,有蝌蚪,有青蛙。夜晚时,那青蛙的叫声真是沁人肺腑!对于我们这些小孩来说,却像是一首摇篮曲,真好听啊,听着听着就进入了那甜美的梦乡! 这是我的家乡,你的呢? 2.家乡的变化 四年级二班王文慧 我的家乡是一个小山村,村里的房子都是草房子,屋里的地面也是泥土的。夏天,潮湿的时候墙角都会有很多的虫子。屋面因为是麦草的,防水效果不好,有时下大雨的时候屋里就下小雨。 村里的路也是泥巴路,路面上坑坑洼洼的,又窄又不平整,非常不好走。下雨的时候总是踩两脚泥巴。如果有一辆车一过,都会溅到一身的泥点子。即使是天好的时候,也会有漫天的尘土,让人睁不开眼睛。 村中因为没有垃圾箱也没有专门打扫卫生的人员,村中的路边,房前房后,总是有很多各种各样的生活垃圾。 后来,中央实行“村村通工程”,我们村的泥巴路变成了又宽又平坦的柏油路。再后来政府又实行“旧村改造”和“美化卫生新农村工程”,村里的泥草房变成了明亮宽敞


介绍家乡的英语作文:家乡的变化 My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life. 我的家乡过去是一个落后的地方,因为它在深山里面,那里没有 漂亮的建筑物,公路也是又小又脏的。人们的生活都很贫苦。 While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. What's more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now. 近年来,随着社会的发展,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。现在的 路是越来越大了。有很多不同的汽车和公交车在道路上运行。道路两 边种满了树木和鲜花。他们能够为我们提供氧气,与污染物抗争。现 在天空变得更清洁、更明亮。更重要的是,你随处可见到很多现代和 美丽的建筑,人们的生活条件也得到了改善。现在人们在享受舒适的 生活。


英语作文三篇 2017-05- 07myfavoritesporttherearemanykindsofsportsthatienjoy,suchasswimming, running,anddancing.however,thesportthatilikemostisbasketball.wheniwasi njuniorhigh,istartedtoplaybasketballinschool.atthattime,ifoundihadlovedd eeplythissport.now,iwouldliketowatchbasketballgamesasmuchasican.theba sketballgameshavegivenmethemostwonderfultimeinmylife.ahappydaylasts unday,iwenttothetowntovisitmyuncle.iwasveryexcited,becauseicouldseem ycousin--- mingmingthere.hewasmybestfriend.andtheylivedinthecenteroftown,soit’s agreatplacet ohavefun,too.wearrivedateighto’clock;theywerealsohappytose eusandgaveusawarmwelcome.aftergreetingmyuncleandaunt,mingmingsho wedmearoundhishouse,andthenweplayedoutside.isawmanydifferentthings .atnoon,uncleboughtfryingchickenforus,itwassogood!iateupminequickly,so mingminggavemesomehis.intheafternoon,heandiwenttothelibrarytoreadb ooks.therewerealotofnicebooksthere,andtheywerefreetoread!wereadfort wohours,thendadtoldmetogohome.itwasshorttime;ihopedtogotheresoon! dearlinda,iama13-year- oldgirl.mynameissunbingqian.myholidaylifeishappy.ilikethesummerholiday everyyear.thissummeriwenttobeijingformyholiday,beijingisourcapitalcity.iw enttothesummerpalace,climbedthegreatwallandwenttomanyplacesofinter


小学生家乡的变化作文300字【三篇】 我小时候出生在漂亮的城市—大连开发区,我家在开发区西山小区。听妈妈说,西山小区是开发区最早建成的小区,所以过了十多年,等我出生的时候已经很破旧了,虽然有一排排高楼,但是街道很窄很乱,楼房也很旧很破,我去的西山幼儿园还算挺好的,院子很大,有 许多玩具,屋子里也很宽敞。幼儿园后面有个小花园,花园里有许多 大树、小草和小花,我和小朋友经常去那儿玩。 三年前,我因为转到红梅小学读书而离开了西山,西山小区也因 为环境改造而拆迁重建了,我家的那个楼房拆了,西山幼儿园也拆了,还有那个小花园也不见了…… 两年过去了,现在来到西山小区,首先映入眼帘的是一幢幢崭新 的高层大楼,这儿的绿化环境很漂亮,花儿、小草全是新的,小区是 封闭小区,一切管理都非常先进。现在这里的面貌变得焕然一新,和 以前比较,真是发生了翻天覆地的变化。 西山小区现在还没有完全建好,我相信,在不久的将来等西山小 区完全建好了,还会有更大更好的变化,会变得更加漂亮。 【篇二】 我的家乡一个偏僻而窄小的小山村,那里以前地面很肮脏,树木 也只剩一条树干,农民们也从不植树,所以整个山村看起来从不漂亮。如今,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 现在,家乡由肮脏变得洁净了。以前,农民们把装食物的袋子到 处乱扔,更把喝完了水的塑料瓶到处乱扔,把满条山路弄得到处都是 垃圾。现在,农民们把塑料袋扫起来,把地面扫得干洁净净的,也把 塑料袋回收起来,所以地面变得干洁净净的。人们也爱植树了,有的

种柳树,有的种香蕉树,也有的种苹果树。从远处看,乡村就变得像 一幅连绵持续的画卷。 农民们变得富裕了。公路两旁都耸立着一栋栋崭新的转房子,走 进房子里面,家具都摆布得整整齐齐的,液晶电视、电灯、电脑…… 可漂亮了! 家乡的变化真大呀!那蔚蓝的天空下面,衬着那一副连绵持续的 画卷,活像一座别有风格的大城市。 我爱这漂亮的家乡! 【篇三】 今年就是20xx年了,看着那陪伴了我十四年的家乡,我倍感亲切。看啊,如今我的家乡是多么繁华!回首间,我不禁赞叹,这些年来家 乡的变化真是大呀! 瞧,现在的马路上,人行道上是多么洁净,路上一尘不染,垃圾 们乖乖的被清洁工扫进了垃圾车,水泥地又平又亮,简直像精致的装 饰品一样,再也没有车一开过塑料袋和灰尘就满天飞舞的“漂亮”景 象了。道旁的绿化带更是让人赞叹不已。翠绿的树木既装点了公路, 也清新了空气,走在路上,我们的心都仿佛随着绿化带的那份宁静, 而变得安静了……但是听爸爸说,原来的这可是另一番景象。原来这 儿是一片田地,几条小路胡乱的互相交错,黄土铺的羊肠小道很不好走。 只要你任意走进一个家庭,家用电器一应俱全,如电视机、电冰箱、空调、电话等也得到了普及,许多人家还有私家轿车呢,许多家 庭还购置了电脑,用以浏览、查询资料和从事文化娱乐活动,给人们 的生活带来了极大的方便和无穷的乐趣。商场、农贸市场的商品琳琅 满目,无奇不有。真是一天一个新面貌,一天一个新气象啊!

英语作文 家乡的变化 中英翻译

Changes in My Hometown My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautiful city. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many old houses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years. Now there are many new squares, new roads and a lot of tall buildings. 我的家乡高淳是一个古老而美丽的城市。以前它是一个很安静的地方。有绿色的山,新鲜的空气和许多老房子。然而,这几年这里发生了很大的变化。如今有很多新广场,新道路和高楼大厦。 In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many buses pass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light rail to Gaochun, and it is faster and easier to get there. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, the tree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautiful city. 过去人们只能去骑自行车或者走路去那里。现在有很多公共汽车都到那,人们可以乘坐出租车,小车,公共汽车,地铁或轻轨到高淳。和以前相比现在去那儿更快更容易了。环境也发生了变化。水更清了,树更绿了,空气更清新了。住在这座美丽的城市我们都很高兴。


家乡的变化作文(9篇) (1)家乡的变化作者:王依婷家乡的变化真大啊! 有一次,我要回家乡。我穿好了运动鞋,以准备走小路;在车上又选了一个靠前的位置,以免在坑坑洼洼的路上受颠簸的折磨。可是到了原来是机耕道的路上,却变成柏油马路,而且两旁还有绿化带。可让我大吃一惊,便问售票员阿姨:为了修这条柏油路,每家每户交了多少钱呀?售票员阿姨和蔼的说:小朋友,这你就不懂了。国家和党的政策好,老百姓分钱没出却享福了。我想:这大路修得漂亮点是应该的,可是有谁去管那些小路呢?记得以前,我们回老家还要看天气。有一次,下雨回老家,我结果摔成了泥娃娃。但当我走在回老家的小路上才发现,它不是以前的泥泞小道,而是由一张张一尺多的青石板铺成的石板小路。回到老家,原来的泥巴瓦房已经变成了两层楼的小别墅了。进了屋,原来的15寸黑白电视已经变成了25寸大彩电,还是数字的,和我家的信号一样好,令我高兴万分,激动不已。是啊!党的政策好,家乡大变化,老百姓都幸福,我们真开 家乡的变化作文(2)家乡的变化 我坐在窗前,皱着眉头,思索着:有变化吗?想着想着,我豁然开朗了,我的家乡有变化,真的有变化...... 我的家乡在西航,听妈妈说,过去很多人住在底矮的平房里,房前屋后杂草丛生,夏天还要忍受垃圾的臭味。尤其到了阴雨天,屋

外下大雨,屋里下小雨,房间不仅阴暗潮湿,而且布满了盆盆罐罐,在叮叮当当的交响曲中,大人们都忙着把沙袋堵在门口,防止路面的积水流进屋里。屋外的土路更是泥泞不堪,走路一脚深一脚浅,踩得稍微重一点,脚都会陷进去,拔都拔不出来,真是令人苦不堪言。 现在我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化。一座座高楼拔地而起,一间间房屋宽敞明亮,一个个花坛错落有致地点缀在宽阔平坦的马路两边,就连花坛周围也铺上了五颜六色的地板砖,看了都令人心情舒畅。 我的家乡真的变了。琳琅满目的超市取代了原来的小卖部,随处可见的运动广场取代了原来空旷的土地,人们上班的交通工具也改为电动车、摩托车,有的还开上了小汽车,就连我们学校的操场也铺上了人工草坪......家乡的变化真是举不胜举啊! 家乡的变化是巨大的,是令人欣喜的,是让人愉快的,它在人们的共同努力下悄悄地发生着,但是我期待着家乡发生更大的变化。 家乡的变化作文(3)家乡的变化 祖国大地发生了惊人的变化,我的家乡--资阳,也在变化。 在爷爷的相集里,我看到了60年代末期的资阳。只见一排排低矮的瓦房下是破烂不塂的泥墙,经过风吹雨打、严寒酪暑,显得那么的苍老,就像一个生命垂危的老人,那凹凸不平的沙地上到处是碎石子,显得又脏又乱,听爷爷说一到下雨天,就会让人寸步难行。照片里爷爷手抱着大爸,背上背着我爸爸,神气地站在资阳的老城--上西街的教委旁边,远处是一个老人抱着一个小孩正羡慕地瞧着爷爷


【篇一】家乡的变化英语作文 In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town. People live a happy life. 【篇二】家乡的变化英语作文 In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town. People live a happy life. 【篇三】家乡的变化英语作文 My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life. 我的家乡过去是一个落后的地方,因为它在深山里面,那里没有漂亮的建筑物,公路也是又小又脏的。人们的生活都很贫苦。 While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. What's more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now.


出国留学之我见My View on Study Abroad Nowadays, study abroad has increasingly become a hot topic in campus with the improvement of the people’s life standard and the fast development of student exchange programs. However, there are some different views about going abroad to study. 现在,随着生活水平的提高以及交换生项目的快速发展,出国留学已经不断成为校园的热题。然而,有的人对出国留学持有不同观点。 Some people are in favor of the idea of going abroad to study. They point out the fact that it is a great opportunity for those who study abroad to be exposed to more new ideas and trends and broaden their horizons in a great degree. They also argue that those who study abroad can get more in touch with the foreign cultures and have a better surrounding to learn language well. In addition, they also consider that it is a better choice for those who depend on their parents too much to be independent. 有的人赞成出国留学的想法。他们指出,事实上,这对那些出国留学的人来说是个很好的机会。他们可以接触到更多新的思想潮流,这在很大程度上能够拓展他们的视野。他们还认为,那些出国留学的人可以更好的接触外国文化,有更好的环境学好语言。另外,他们认为这对那些过于依赖父母而不能独立的人来说是更好的选择。 On the contrary, other people stand on a different ground. They consider that it is harmful for the students who study abroad. They firmly point out that learning a foreign language and communicating smoothly with the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most students. What’s worse, it also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a new diet, custom, set of ideas and even the climate. 相反,其他人对此持有不同的观点。他们认为这对出国留学的学生是有害的。他们坚定地指出,学习一门外语,与当地人进行流利的沟通对大部分学生来说一开始就不是件容易的事。更糟的是,学生也需要花时间去适应新的饮食,风俗,思维模式甚至是气候。 There are some truths in their arguments. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of studying abroad overweight the disadvantages, while it’s essential to take the condition of family as an important premise when deciding to go abroad to study. 他们说的都有道理。就我而言,我觉得出国留学的利大于弊,而且决定出国留学的时候有必要把家庭条件作为一个重要的前提。 诚实Honesty Recently, I have seen an impressive film—“Meet the Parents”, which is about a wo man Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to her parents’ home to spend holiday. In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm’s parents that Palm’s father is suspicious of his behavior and quality. As a result, Greg is obnoxious to all and has to leave. As far as I am concerned,
