





发布时间:[2007-8-16 11:11:43] “雅思”是什么?

“雅思”是留学英联邦国的一种考试制度。它是英语International English Language Testing System的缩写,即IELTS——“国际英语测试制度”的简称,是由英国剑桥大学考试委员会、英国文化委员会及澳洲国际开发署联合举办,主要评估考生以英语为工具,学习、培训或移民英语国家生活所具备的语言能力。目前,“雅思”考试的成绩已得到澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、加拿大等国家大专院校和学术机构的广泛认可。在美国,越来越多的院校也正逐渐把“雅思”成绩作为申请学位的语言条件之一。“雅思”考试也为许多重要机构所接受,如新西兰入境移民申请局、澳洲入境移民及文化事务局、澳洲医疗委员会、英国医疗总会等。不过,留学新西兰的学生不在国内考试,要到新西兰作暂短的培训,大约是30周的时间,也就是半年多的时间,培训结束,在新西兰参加“雅思”考试,考上的在新西兰留学,考不上的“打道加国”。一般来说,英语基础较好,又肯于学习的学生也不一定能顺利通过考试。这是因为“雅思”考试的特点所决定的,由于各国文化的差异,使得中国人在国外参加考试时处于一个相对不利的位置,因此也就有了中国考生在国外参加“雅思”考试时,往往要花费不少的精力了解当地文化,所以还是在国内考“雅思”的好。





6月25日托福独立写作预测 大神干货

6月25日托福独立写作预测 | 大神干货 我们的托福写作大神曲凯琨老师又来预测了!下面开始。 针对6月25日的托福考试,我们为童鞋们推荐以下题目进行考前准备: 1价值观 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for. 其他类似题目: 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes. 2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic to a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? An effective leader will make others feel like they are a part of making decisions. 4、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When leading a group and most people talk, best leaders always spend more time listening to others’ideas. 5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A leader should have strong opinions and not change his/her opinions Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising today is less honest than it was in the past. For that reason, it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy. 类似相关题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to read or watch news presented by different people in different views than by similar views. 2教育类 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.


2020年托福阅读模拟试题及答案(卷九) 托福阅读文本: The Native American peoples of the north Pacific Coast created a highly complex maritime culture as they invented modes of production unique to their special environment. In addition to their sophisticated technical culture, they also attained one of the most complex social organizations of any nonagricultural people in the world. In a division of labor similar to that of the hunting peoples in the interior and among foraging peoples throughout the world, the men did most of the fishing, and the women processed the catch. Women also specialized in the gathering of the abundant shellfish that lived closer to shore. They collected oysters, crabs, sea urchins, mussels, abalone, and clams, which they could gather while remaining close to their children. The maritime life harvested by the women not only provided food, but also supplied more of the raw materials for making tools than did fish gathered by the men. Of particular importance for the native tool kit before the introduction of metal was the wide knife made from the larger mussel shells, and a variety of cutting edges that could be made from other marine shells. The women used their tools to process all of the fish and marine mammals brought in by the men. They cleaned the fish, and dried vast quantities of them for the winter. They sun-dried fish when practical, but


2016年1月24日托福考试独立写作预测 本周日,也就是1月24日的托福考试马上就要带来,不知道同学们是否做好准备了呢?在今天的文章中,天道留学小编将与参加此次考试的考生们,分享2016年1月24日的托福独立写作预测(大范围),还请同学们能够注意!预祝大家能够在托福写作考试中取得一个优秀的成绩! 本次天道小编要和大家分享的是2016年1月14日托福考试独立写作部分的大范围预测,希望可以帮助给各位考生的托福写作备考带来一定程度上的帮助! 2016年1月24日托福独立写作大范围预测如下: 1、考题出现时间:2014-10-11NA 题目: Do you agree disagree with the statement that cooperative ability is more important than leadership. 2、考题出现时间:2013-12-20NA 题目: Should government spend money on the construction of public parks or build a sport field for students? 3、考题出现时间:2015-12-12CN 题目: Many companies sell products or services but at the same time cause environmental damage. Someone said it can be stop by ask them to pay penalty, such as a higher Tex when they cause the environmental damage. Others said there are better ways to stop them from harming environment. 4、考题出现时间:2014-1-11NA 题目: Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletes and entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer and why? 5、考题出现时间:2013-12-14NA,2015-11-15CN 题目: Agree or disagree: the more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity. Someone says that money is what makes the world go round. Whether people who have more money ought to give more to charity has become a heated topic. In my opinion, it is not a responsibility for the rich to donate their wealth. 6、考题出现时间: 2013-8-10NA,2014-11-29CN


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it


2005年11月份托福阅读真题及答案 Questions 1-10 As Philadelphia grew from a small town into a city in the first half of the eighteenth century, it became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland. Market days saw the crowded city even more crowded, as line fanners from within a radius of 24 or more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third. By 1745 New Market was opened on Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation. Along with market days, the institution of twice-yearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after similar trading days had been discontinued in other colonial cities. The fairs provided a means of bringing handmade goods from outlying places to would-be buyers in the city. Linens and stockings from Germantown, for example, were popular items. Auctions were another popular form of occasional trade. Because of the competition, retail merchants opposed these as well as the fairs. Although governmental attempts to eradicate fairs and auctions were less than successful, the ordinary course of economic development was on the merchants' side, as increasing business specialization became the order of the day. Export merchants became differentiated from their importing counterparts, and specialty shops began to appear in addition to general stores selling a variety of goods. One of the reasons Philadelphia's merchants generally prospered was because the surrounding area was undergoing tremendous economic and demographic growth. They did their business, after all, in the capital city of the province. Not only did they cater to the governor and his circle, but citizens from all over the colony came to the capital for legislative sessions of the assembly and council and the meetings of the courts of justice. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Philadelphia's agriculture importance

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福考试写作机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试写作真题的答题方法。 1. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently. 2. Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one’s own family 3. A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: 1) Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school. 2) Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. 4. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? 5. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?


2013年5月托福写作机经题目预测 新东方王子睿1.Which one of the following ways do you think is the best for students to make friends? Joining a sport team Attending community activities Travelling 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with a high salary is better than a job with a low salary, even if it is easier to lose it. 3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for people today to keep healthy than those in the past. 4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest to your friends. 6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’social activities than to improve student’meals. 7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Working at home by using telephones and computers is better than working in the office. 8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than in the past. 9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that the person likes. 10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict. 11.Do you agree or disagree with following statement? In the past people depended on their parents for making decisions, but today, young people are much better able to make decisions on their own. 12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different kinds of jobs before they take a career in the long term. 13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers. 14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. 15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made by their own countries, even if things from other countries are more cost-effective.


2020年托福阅读模拟试题及答案(卷七) 托福阅读文本: Aviculturists, people who raise birds for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulate the natural incubation of parrot eggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production and to improve chick survival rates. When parrots incubate their eggs in the wild, the temperature and humidity of the nest are controlled naturally. Heat is transferred from the bird's skin to the top portion of the eggshell, leaving the sides and bottom of the egg at a cooler temperature. This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching. Nest construction can contribute to this temperature gradient. Nests of loosely arranged sticks, rocks, or dirt are cooler in temperature at the bottom where the egg contacts the nesting material. Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact with the water. As the water that collects in the bottom of the nest evaporates, the water vapor rises and is heated by the incubating bird, which adds significant humidity to the incubation environment. In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate them under laboratory conditions. Most commercial incubators heat the eggs fairly evenly from top to bottom,


老托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 11 Plants are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate the potential colonists. These can be divided into preformed or passive defense mechanisms and inducible or active systems. Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae. Other trichomes are sticky and glandular and effectively trap and immobilize insects. If the physical barriers of the plant are breached, then preformed chemicals may inhibit or kill the intruder, and plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of which are highly effective deterrents to insects that feed on plants. The success of the Colorado beetle in infesting potatoes, for example, seems to be correlated with its high tolerance to alkaloids that normally repel potential pests. Other possible chemical defenses, while not directly toxic to the parasite, may inhibit some essential step in the establishment of a parasitic relationship. For example, glycoproteins in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that degrade cell walls. These enzymes are often produced by bacteria and fungi. Active plant defense mechanisms are comparable to the immune system of vertebrate animals, although the cellular and molecular bases are fundamentally different. Both, however, are triggered in reaction to intrusion, implying that the host has some means of recognizing the presence of a foreign organism. The most dramatic example of an inducible plant defense reaction is the hypersensitive response. In the hypersensitive response, cells undergo rapid necrosis — that is, they become diseased and die — after being penetrated by a parasite; the parasite itself subsequently ceases to grow and is therefore restricted to one or a few cells


0308托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that these bodies are constantly (20)being deposited on all objects. Pasteur showed that if a nutrient solution was sealed in a glass flask and heated to boiling to destroy all the living organisms contaminating it, it never putrefied .The proponents of spontaneous generation declared that fresh air was necessary for spontaneous generation and that the air inside the sealed flask was affected in some way (25)by heating so that it would no longer support spontaneous generation. Pasteur constructed a swan-necked flask in which putrefying materials could he heated to boiling, but air could reenter. The bends in the neck prevented microorganisms from getting in the flask.. Material sterilized in such a flask did not putrefy. 1,What does the passage mainly discuss? (a)Pasteur’s influence on the development of the microscope. (b)The origin of the theory of spontaneous generation . (c)The effects of pasteurization on food. (d)Pasteur’s argument agai nst the theory of spontaneous generation . 2,The phrase “teeming with ”in line 2 is closest in meaning to (a)full of (b)developing into (c)resistant to (d)hurt by 3,Which of the following questions did the theory of spontaneous generation attempt to answer? (a)What is the origin of the living organisms are seen on some food? (b)How many types of organisms can be found on food? (c)What is the most effective way to prepare living organisms for microscopic examination? (d)How long can food stand before it putrefies? 4,The word “resemble” in line 9 is closest in meaning to
