


Chapter One

Geography. People and Language

New Words & Phrases.

temperate 温带、和的

precipitation 降雨量

latitude 纬度

immigrant 移民

colony 殖民地

diverse 多样化的

Germanic 日尔曼语系的

evolve 演变,发展

Vikings 北欧海盗

codify 编簨,系统化

undocumented 无文件记载的

subsequently 随后的

barbarian 野蛮人

division 部分,分界线

husbandary 饲养业

missionary 传教士

monastery 修道院


1.full name: the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northen Lreland.

2.Location: the U.K locates to the northwest of mainland Europe,an island country

surrounded by sea,It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean.

3.Area: 242.910 square kilometers

https://www.360docs.net/doc/991847947.html,position: British Isles

5.Political division: England, Scotland, Wales, Northen Island

6.Mountain: Ben Nevis (本尼维斯),1st 1343m

7.River: Seven River (塞文河),1st ,338km (in Wales)

Thames River(in England), 2nd ,336km

https://www.360docs.net/doc/991847947.html,ke: Lough Neagh(内湖),1st ,338km

(in Northern Ireland)

9.climate:a maritime climate

plentiful preciperation

foggy,rainy, instablility

10:Major Cities:

1st :London,capital

2nd :Birmingham(伯明翰)

3rd :Leeds(利兹)


1.Race:the English 81.5%

The Scottish 9.6%

The Irish 1.9%

The North Irish 7%

2.Population: 60 million (a 2005 estimate)

3.Religion: Christianity

https://www.360docs.net/doc/991847947.html,nguage: English is a member of the Indo-European family of language. It is in the Germanic group of this family.


Old English(5th -1150)

The Angles,Saxons and Jutes drove the Celtic-speaking people out of what is now England into Scotland,Wales, and the Ireland in the 5th and 6th century, they used the language

of northeastern regien of the Netherland—that is now called Old English.

Middle English(1150-1550)

In 1066, William, the Conqueror invaded and conquered England, they used French as

the official language,so many French words came into English vocabulary. English day by

day evolved into what is now referred to as Middle English.

Modern English(1550-now)

In 1467, The printing press was introduced by William Caxton,who brought standardization to English, the dialect of London became the standard. Spelling and

grammar became fixed.

2.Standard English

It is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England, adopted as a

broadcasting standard in the British media.It is used as much in printed material and

is normally taught in schools and to non –native speakers learning language. It is called Queen’s English or BBC E nglish. At present, nearly a quarter of the world’s population use English. It has became a universal linguia franca

Chapter Two History

New words and Phrases

pious 虔诚的

coronation 加冕

feudalism 封建制度

charter 宪章

constitution 宪法

provision 条款

parliament 议会

monarchy 君主制度

Puritan 清教徒

dominion 领土,统治权

retake 收回

originate 发源

maritime 海上的,靠海的

norm 准则

dialect 方言,地方话

Christianity 基督教

the British Isles 不列颠群岛

Guildhall 市政厅

St.Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂

Indo-European family of language 印欧语系

Northen Ireland 北爱尔兰

I.The Origin of the Nation (55BC-1066AC)国家的起源


巨石阵:In 2500BC,TheBeaker folk(比克人) invaded the British islands,they built the Stonshenge in 1800BC-1400BC。

In 1000BC,The Celts(凯尔特人) from the west of the Europe invaded the British island 3 times and settled there.

1. 55BC-410AC Roman’s rule罗马统治时代

The recorded history in Britain began in the year 55BC, Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝) and his troops invaded and ruled the island. The Celts became slaves,and many of them were driven to the mountains of Scoltland an Wales.The Britain became a province of Rome.

2. 446AC-871AC The Anglo-Saxons盎格鲁-撒克逊时代

In the mid-5th century the Anglo-Saxons and The Jute from Denmark and Northern Germany,

invaded the Britain and drove all the Roman troops, their language was English, replaced

the Celtic language. the country became known as England, meaning”the land of the Angles.” The Heptarchy(七国时代):to the beginning of 7th century,they built 7 countries.In 596AC St.Augustine(圣奥古斯丁 )was sent to Britain to convert the Anglo-saxons.By the late of

7th century, Roman Christianity become the dominant religion.

1)King Alfred阿尔弗雷得大帝(849AC-899AC)He was a king of Wessex( ),his grandson

became a king of a united England.

His contributions:

He defeated the Danes-Vikings and united 7 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the process of resisting the Vikings;founded a strong fleet;founded noble school;translated the latin works into Old English. Formulated a legal system.

2)Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂 1052AC

It was built by Edward the Confessor(忏悔者爱德华),It still exists now, Since then,

all the nations coronation have been held there.

3)The Norman Conquest(征服者威廉)

(1066-1087)In 1066AC Duke of Normady,(descendents of Vikings) fought king Harold of

England and won the battle of Hasting(黑斯廷斯).On Chrisman day he was crowned king of England in Westminster Abby.The feudal system was estalshed in England

II Shaping of the Nation 1066AC-1381AC国家的形成(中世纪的英国)

1.William’s rule 1066AC-1381AC

The Feudalism was founded.

The king owned all the lands

Giving his barons large estates in for a promise of military services(服兵役).

The king charged the church and the legal system.

1)the Great Charter 大宪章 1215AC

the king John demanded more feudal taxes and army service in order to avenge himself

on France, dissatisfied with John’s leadership,the lords forced him to sign the

Magna Carta,which contained 63 clauses

2)the English Parliament(议会) 1258AC

In 1258,the barons, under Simon de monfort(西门德蒙特福特 ) forced HenryIII

and his son to swear to accept the Provisions of Oxferd< 牛津条款>. He reformed

the Great Council which included nobles and main priests(高等教士)only. The

citizens and the labor .The Great Council was developed into the the House of Lords (上议院)and the House of Commens(下议院)。

3)the Handred Year’s War 1337AC-1453AC百年战争

In 1337-1453,Wars between Britain and France for throne王位),land, trade.In the end,with the leadship of Joan of Arc(圣女贞得).France won.

4)the Black Death 1348AC

in the 14th century, the deadly epidemic disease swept through England.It reduced

the population of England from 4 million to 2 million.

III.Transition to the Modern Age


1.The Wars of the Roses 玫瑰战争(1455AC-1485)

It was a series of civil wars between two great families: the House of York(约克王室),whose badge was a white rose;the House of Lancaster(兰开斯特王室), red rose.

In the end, the red rose won. their leader Henry Tudor became the King Henry VII.

2.Religious Reformation宗教改革


King Henry VIII wanted to reform the religion with 3 reasons:to reform the church,

to divorce ,to enhance king’s right.

3.Queen Elizabeth I (1558AC-1603AC)

She was a daughter of Henry VIII, never married. She was inclined to support the

Protestant(新教徒),but she tried her best to make peace by appeasing the Catholic.

She founded the Church of England(英国国家教会) , which belong to the king and

independed from theRome Pope.

The Spenish fleet was defeated.

She encouraged the oversees risks.

She support literature and art developments.

4.The Civil War (1642AC-1651AC)内战

It broke out in 1642 between the Royalists代表known as the Cavaliers(骑士党)and the Parliamentarians knownas the Roundheads(圆颅党). Oliver Cromwell克伦威尔,a pious Puritan(清教徒),organized New M odel Army(新模范军)fought bravely the King’s troops and won.The Monarchy君主制 was abolished and England was declared a commwealth联邦 and governed as a republic.

5.Restoration (1660AC)复辟

After the death of Cromwell, because of his son’s poor ability, Charles II was i nvited

and crowned in 1661. He tried his best his best to restore the old social order.

6.The Glorious Revolution(1688AC)光荣革命

A political Revolution published (人权法案).It established

Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制)。It created a good political condition for


7.The Industrial Revolution


It refers to the Machanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and

economic organizations in the late 18th– early 19th century.

IV.The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

1.The Whigs & Tories (辉格党,托利党)

The Whigs:opposed Constitutional Monarchy, it support religious freedom of the Protestant(新教徒).It united different people with different opinions.

The Tories: it support Constitutional Monarchy, it wasn’t willingly to abolish

the kings,it was the former part of the Conservative Party保守党。

2.The Chartist Movement(1836-1848)宪章运动

《人民宪章》The People’s charter

To obtain election rights for all people.

3.Colonial Expantion(1583-1900)

1)In 1763, Canada Austrialia New Zealand became dominions of England.

2)In 1876,the Queen of Victoria became the India Queen.

3)In 1882, it conquered Egypt, Niger尼日尔,Kenya肯尼亚 Uganda乌干达 Zambia

赞比亚 by the beginning og 20th century.

4)In 1840, it waged the Opium War ( 鸦片战争 ) against China and forced Qing

government to sign the Treaty of Nanking南京条约in 1842. Hong Kong was

ceded(割让 )to Britain, and 5 ports were opened.

5)Meanwhile, it occupied Burma,缅甸 Sri lanka斯里兰卡, Singapore, Malaya马

来亚, Sarawak沙捞越 and Brunei文莱.

It became the largest colonial Empire in the world. On the Eve og the world war I,It

controlled a territory of 33.5 million square kilometers, about a quarter of the

world’s landmess, about 137 times as large as Britain.It ruled over a population

of 393.5 million ,about 8 times of Britain itself.An empire—the sun never set.

4.Two Worlds Wars(1914-1945)

the 1st World War

In 1914-1918, the 1st World War happened.the Allied Powers(协约国),which were mainly

made up of France,Russia,Britain,Italy,&USA, won .the Central Powers(同盟国),which

included Germany,Austria-Hungary,Ottoman Empire(奥斯曼帝国)&Bulgaria(保加里

亚)failed at last.

Result:1)Britain was drained( ) its power. 1 million men d ied, 2 million were wounded.

2)70% merchant ships were sunk or demaged, it lost the sea supermacy(霸权).

3)a huge national debt,10 times than that of pre-war years

4)Business was slack( ),many factories were closed.

The 2nd World War

In 1939-1945, The 2nd World War happaned,Britain won the war.

Result:1)about 357.000 people were killed,500,000 were wounded.

2)The navy was 30% smaller than before tha war.It lost its sea supremacy to

the USA.

3)It was deeply in debt to the USA.

5.The Fall of the Empire

As a result of 2 World wars, most of its colonies demanded a nd fought for independence.

1) in 1947,India and Pakistan became independence

2) In 1948,followed by Burma and Malaya

3) In 1956,Egypt drove the British army out of the country and the Sues Canal zone(苏


4) In the 1960s, more than 20 countries won their independence

Result:the British Empire were replaced by the British Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦)

Charpter 3


New words:

democracy 民主

legislature 立法

executive 执政

Judiciary 司法

Constituency 选区

cabinet 内阁

minister 部长

emppower 授权

conserative 保守的

labor 劳动工作

eligible 有资格的

successor 继承者

declareation 宣言

liberal 开放的

populous 稠密的

House of Lords 上议院

House of Commons 下议院

Estimates and Budget 概预算

civil servant 公务员

decision-making body 决策者

The Conserative Party保守党

The Labor Party 工党

The Liberal Democrats 自由民主党

ballot-box 投票箱

voting station 投票站

https://www.360docs.net/doc/991847947.html,ernment & Admistration

Britain is both a parliament democracy and a constitutional monarchy

1.the Legislative.(立法机关):

Parliament:The law-making body :consisting of king or queen and 2 Houses.

House of Lords (上议院):consisting of hereditary(世袭的 peers, life peers(贵

族)and the Lords of Spiritual( 上议院神职议员)

House of Commons (下议院):The center of parliament,it is composed o f 646 MPs(议

会议员).The party which holds the majority of “seats”forms the government,its

leaders act as the Prime Minister

2.The Executive.(行政部门)

Cabinet(内阁):The supreme decision-making body.It is made up of the Prime

Minister, the Cabinet members and ministers.

Office room: at 10 Downing Street

3.The judiciary:(司法部门)lll

Statutory Law 成人法

Conventions 习惯法

Commom Law判例法

4.Political Party

The Conserative Party(保守党)

The Labor Party (工党)

The Liberal Democrate(自民党)


II.The Commonwealth(英联邦)

1.Origin of the Commonwealth.

2.Characteristic and Function.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/991847947.html,monwealth Day.

Chapter 4. Education.Media. Holidays

New words & Phrases.

compulaory 强制性的,义务的

certify 证明

boarder 住校生

tabloid 小报

commemorate 记念

Easter 复活节

sector 领域

vocation 职业

tuition 学费,补习

orientation 倾向

secondary 中等的,

elementary 基本的

curriculum 课程


英国历史概况 英国历史是一部征服与合并和的历史。英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成,而整个英国的历史也就是由这四个区域的历史交织组成。1535年威尔士成为英格兰王国的一部分,1707年苏格兰与英格兰正式合并为大不列颠王国,1800年大不列颠王国和爱尔兰合并成为大不列颠与爱尔兰联合王国,1922年爱尔兰共和国独立,爱尔兰北部仍留在联合王国内。 苏格兰历史简介 苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北。苏格兰的历史的正式记载是在古罗马人入侵不列颠之后的一些纪录。公元5世纪,爱尔兰北部的盖尔人(凯尔特人的一支)移居苏格兰,曾在阿盖尔郡和比特郡地区建立达尔里阿达王国。此后向东扩张到阿瑟尔森林和厄恩河谷,向北扩张到埃尔金地区。公元843年达尔里阿达国王麦卡尔平兼任皮克特王国的国王,建立阿尔巴王国,王号为肯尼思一世,一个相对独立完整的苏格兰王国逐渐成形。此后,苏格兰历经邓凯尔德王朝、坎莫尔王朝、巴里奥尔王朝、英格兰占领、布鲁斯王朝以及斯图亚特王朝统治,至1707年与英格兰王国合并成为联合王国。 威尔士历史简介 威尔士位于大不列颠岛西南部,英格兰以西。 距今约29,000年便有人类定居于威尔士。至古罗马人进入了大不列颠岛后,威尔士属于不列颠行省 公元5世纪,随着罗马人的撤离,盎格鲁撒克逊人大举入侵大不列颠,直至到11世纪,威尔士人在盎格鲁撒克逊人的高压统治与入侵中度过,而同时布灵顿人开始称自己威尔士人。公元8世纪,传说中的亚瑟王(King Arthur)领导布灵顿人抗击盎格鲁撒克逊统治。 公元9世纪和10世纪维京入侵使威尔士王国进一步统一,成为一个实体,但同时亦使威尔士落入英国皇室统治之下。 公元927年,威尔士国皇承认盎格鲁撒克逊国王阿瑟斯坦保护威尔士的主人。在随后的11世纪中,威廉一世充分利用了这种先例,在威尔士边境建立的强大而野心的封建领地制度。公元1282年,英格兰王爱德华一世征服最后一个威尔士北部和西部的威尔士公国 (Statute of Rhuddlan)公元1284年,威尔士正式被英格兰合并,爱德华一世以《罗德兰法令》 确立自己在该地区的统治。 公元1535年,《联合法案》完成英格兰和威尔士的统一,划分后者为13个郡,并规定英格兰法律通行全威尔士,英文为其官方语言。大部分威尔士人因此无法担任政府公职,但可以派代表参与英国国会。 北爱尔兰历史简介 北爱尔兰是英国的一个地区,位于爱尔兰岛东北部。公元前6600年前后,人类开始在爱尔兰岛定居。现在的爱尔兰人是古代凯尔特人的后裔,世代居住在爱尔兰岛上。公元5世纪的时候,随着罗马天主教的传入,爱尔兰人逐渐信仰了天主教,并形成了由修道院、传道士和王国组成的文化。公元8世纪末,爱尔兰岛上出现了统一的文明和法律,但政治上还没有出现统一的国家。 公元12世纪末,英王亨利二世利用爱尔兰的分裂局面,率军在爱尔兰岛登陆,征服都柏林和附近地区,建成“爱尔兰领地”,交由其四子约翰统治。但到1609年为止爱尔兰仍然是


英国国家概况及英国文化 、教育简介国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland)国旗: 呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。 为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成。 旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。 此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰的白地红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。 国徽: 即英王徽。 中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金地上半站立的红狮,象征苏格兰;左下角为蓝地上金黄色竖琴,象征爱尔兰。 盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、代表英格兰的狮子和一只代表苏格兰的独角兽支扶着。 盾徽周围用法文写着一句格言,意为“恶有恶报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章,饰带上写着“天有上帝,我有权利”。 盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的金银色头盔、帝国王冠和头戴王冠的狮子。

国歌: 《上帝保佑女王》杜摯猠癡?桴?畱敥屮(如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为杜摯猠癡?桴步湩屧)国花: 1 / 10 玫瑰花国鸟: 红胸鸽国石: 钻石科学节: 1831年开始,一年举办一次科学周: 1994年开始,在每年的3月举办自然地理: 24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7.88万平方公里,威尔士2.08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.41万平方公里。 位于欧洲西部的岛国。 由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和周围一些小岛组成。 隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆相望。 它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接壤。 海岸线总长11450公里。 全境分为四部分: 英格兰东南部平原、中西部山区、苏格兰山区、北爱尔兰高原和山区。主要河流有塞文河(354公里)和泰晤士河(346公里)。


London introduction London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center. The Big Ben, Tower Bridge Big Ben is Elizabeth Tower. London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859. Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London. Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886. The London Eye The London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London. Thames River Thames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名). Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065. Tate Museum of Contemporary Art The Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River. St.Paul's Cathedral St.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Stratford Evan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).


英国国家概况(八)(中英文版) 第八章 Justice and the law 法律与司法机构 There is no single legal system in the United Kingdom. A feature common to all systems of law in the United Kingdom is that there is no complete code. The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amount of "unwritten" or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community. Another common feature is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law. 联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。联合王国所有法律制度的一个共同特点是没有以部完整的法典。法典来源包括:(1)成文法;(2)大量的"不成文法" 或习惯法;(3)衡平法;(4)欧共体法。另一个共同的特点是刑法和民法之间的区别。 I.Criminal Proceedings 刑事诉讼程序 1. In England and Wales, once the police have charged a person with a criminal offence, the crown Prosecution Service assumes control of the case reviews the evidence to decide whether to prosecute. 在英格兰和威尔士,一旦警察指控某人犯有刑事罪,皇家检察总署就要接管此案,并独立地审核证据以决定是否起诉。 2. In Britain all criminal trial are held in open count because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution and the defense get equal treatment. No accused person has to answer the question of the police before trial. He is not compelled to give evidence in count. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his defense. If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense. In criminal trial by jury, the judge passes sentence, but the jury decided the issue of guilt or innocence. The jury composed of 12 or ordinary people. If the verdict of the jury can not be unanimous, it must be a majority. 在英国,所有的刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告有罪之前,他是无辜的。原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察


《英语国家概况》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编码:B170832223 课程类别:专业基础课 课程名称:英语国家概况 课程性质:必修 适用专业:翻译 开课学期:第三学期 总学分:2 总学时:32 先行课程:英语语法、英语口语、英语听力、英汉翻译 课程简介:本课程属于翻译专业教学课程体系中的专业基础课。该课程旨培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 推荐教材:王恩铭. 英语国家概况[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013 参考书目: [1] 来安方. 英美概况[M]. 河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007 [2] 余志远. 英语国家概况主编[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000 [3] 朱永涛. 英国社会与文化[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003 二、课程总目标 以《英语国家概况》(王恩铭著)为蓝本。本课程主要是为了使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他情况。本课程是一门实用性很强的文化知识课。一方面通过英语阅读主要英语国家的背景材料扩大知识面,另一方面通过学习文化知识进行语言基本功的训练,巩固和提高英语水平。 三、教学指南 课程重点:本课程教学的重点使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的 其他情况。 课程难点:在使学生了解英语国家主要的地理、历史、经济和政治等方面的概况同时,还要培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立 工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 教学方法和手段:讲授+讨论+练习


[英国]英国简史(英文) 2006-1-23 页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】History Until 1707, this section deals primarily with English history. England and Wales were formally united in 1536. In 1707, when Great Britain was created by the Act of Union between Scotland and England, English history became part of British history. For the early history of Scotland and Wales, see separate articles. See also Ireland; Ireland, Northern; and the tables entitled Rulers of England and Great Britain and Prime Ministers of Great Britain. Early Period to the Norman Conquest Little is known about the earliest inhabitants of Britain, but the remains of their dolmens and barrows and the great stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury are evidence of the developed culture of the prehistoric Britons. They had developed a Bronze Age culture by the time the first Celtic invaders (early 5th cent. B.C.) brought their energetic Iron Age culture to Britain. It is believed that Julius Caesar's successful military campaign in Britain in 54 B.C. was aimed at preventing incursions into Gaul from the island. In A.D. 43 the emperor Claudius began the Roman conquest of Britain, establishing bases at present-day London and Colchester. By A.D. 85, Rome controlled Britain south of the Clyde River. There were a number of revolts in the early years of the conquest, the most famous being that of Boadicea. In the 2d cent. A.D., Hadrian's Wall was constructed as a northern defense line. Under the Roman occupation towns developed, and roads were built to ensure the success of the military occupation. These roads were the most lasting Roman achievement in Britain (see Watling Street), long serving as the basic arteries of overland transportation in England. Colchester, Lincoln, and Gloucester were founded by the Romans as colonia, settlements of ex-legionaries. Trade contributed to town prosperity; wine, olive oil, plate, and furnishings were imported, and lead, tin, iron, wheat, and wool were exported. This trade declined with the economic dislocation of the late Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops to meet barbarian threats elsewhere. The garrisons had been consumers of the products of local artisans as well as of imports; as they were disbanded, the towns decayed. Barbarian incursions became frequent. In 410 an appeal to Rome for military aid was refused, and Roman officials subsequently were withdrawn.


一种民族语言(包括词汇)的发展与民族的历史密切可关。要了解英语语汇的发展史,不 可避免地跟整个英语的发展史,乃至英国的历史密不可分。 不列颠群岛的最早居民是凯尔特人,又称不列颠人。公元前55年,罗马人在凯萨大帝的 率领下侵入不列颠群岛,凯尔特人被罗马人赶入威尔士和苏格兰的深山之中。直到公元 410年,罗马占领时期才告结束。随后,来自德国北部平原的三个日耳曼部落盎格鲁人, 撒克森人和朱特人开始来到不列颠定居。英语就是盎格鲁—撒克森人的语言。 语言史学家一般把英语的历史分为三个时期:1、古英语时期,2、中古英语时期,3、现 代英语时期。 1、古英语时期(又称盎格鲁-萨克森时期公元450—1100年) 日尔曼部落在不列颠定居后,名自占领一些地区。盎格鲁人占领了泰晤士河以北的英格兰 的大部分地区和苏格兰的低地,朱特人占领了肯特郡一带地区,撒克森人占领了泰晤士河 以南的大部分地区。各个部落建立了一些小王国,出现了英国历史上的七国时代。直到公 元830年,阿尔弗雷德大王才统一了整个英格兰地区。由于全国长期没有统一,所以古英语时期存在着多种方言,主要方言有四种:西萨克森语,肯特语,莫西亚语和北恩布里亚语。这四种方言都曾一度占主导地位。西撒克森语保存下来的手搞最多。其它方言在形成 英语的过程中也起过很重要的作用。 古英语的词汇有着浓厚的日尔曼语族的特点。这主要表现为复合法是重要的构词方法。复 合词在古英语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥武夫》3183行诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复合词中不重读部分,渐渐失去了独立地位,而演变成了词缀,如 for-, in-, -ful 等派生法在古英语中也广泛使用。共有二十四个名词后缀、十五个形容词后缀,-dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -the, -ful,- ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古英语时期的诗歌有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),由此产生的许多短语一直保留到现在,如night and main, friend or foe, a labour of love。 古英语时期有两个重要的历史事件,给英语词汇带来较大的影响。第一件事是基督教传入 英国。公元597年,一个名叫奥古斯丁的牧师从罗马来到英国传教。罗马文化随着基督教传入了英国。与此同时,一批拉丁词进入了英语。 第二件事是北欧人入侵英国。从公元790年开始,大批斯堪的那维亚人在英国定居。丹麦国王卡纽特还一度成为英国的君主。斯堪的那维亚人和英国人频繁交往,所以有许多斯堪 的那维亚各国的词语进入了英语。 2、中古英语时期(公元1100—1500年) 公元1066年,诺曼人在征服王威廉率领下,横渡英吉利海峡,在哈斯丁战役中击溃了盎 格鲁-萨克森军队,英王哈路德战死,英国被征服。这在历史上被称为诺曼征服。从此,英国结束了分裂状态,置于中央集权的封建统治之下。谨曼征服是英国历史上的重要转折点,对英语的发展有巨大的影响。 诺曼征服之后,谨曼人占据了教会和政府的一切重要职务。以后的二、三百年里,谨曼法 语成为英国的官方语言。普通人仍然讲英语,但英语的文字记载却几乎中断。中古英语一 般右以分为两个时期,1204年后,英语逐渐恢复主导地位。1362年英王爱德华三世首次 用英语向议会致词。十五世纪,伦敦标准方言兴起。1476年,卡克斯顿把印刷术传入英国,


英国国家概况(一)(中英文版) 第一章英国的国土与人民 第一章 Land and People 英国的国土与人民 I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分 1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。

2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛-大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。 (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.

英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。 (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。它有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地及南部山陵。首府:爱丁堡。 (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫 (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. 北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。


Chapter 1 The Land and History 英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。面积约24.40万平方公里,人口超过6400万(2013年)。英国属于温带海洋气候,常年温和多雨,气候多变。受高纬度因素的影响,有类似极昼极夜的现象,冬季日短夜长,夏季日长夜短。 公元前3000年左右,伊比亚人最先到达大不列颠岛。随后,比克利人、凯尔特人相继来到不列颠。公元前1世纪到公元5世纪,罗马入侵。罗马人撤离后,欧洲北部的盎格鲁撒克逊人和以丹麦人为主体的斯堪的纳维亚先后入侵。到了1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉征服了英格兰,英国的封建制度正式形成。1215年,国王约翰被迫签订了大宪章。不久,议会制度形成,从此英国的王权被不断削弱和限制。1688年,―光荣革命‖爆发,确立了君主立宪制。18世纪后期到19世纪前期,英国成为世界上第一个开始并完成工业革命的国家。19世纪是英国发展的鼎盛时期,分别建立了第一大英帝国和第二大英帝国。到二战前夕,英国统治了世界约1/4的土地。第一次世界大战以及第二次世界大战的爆发,导致英国的政治、经济势力大为削弱,失去了霸权地位。随着其殖民地的相继独立,20世纪60年代,大英帝国彻底瓦解。 I. General Introduction Map of British Isles 1. Location and the Four Nations The full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It is located to the northwest of continental Europe, separated by the English Channel. Geographically, it is an island country, covering an area of about 244,019 km2, and consists of Great Britain and northeastern part of Ireland, together with many small islands of British Isles. Great Britain accounts for over 90% of the country’s tota l landmass. It is the largest island off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe with England, Scotland and Wales on it. Ireland is the second largest island of British Isles located to the northwest of Great Britain. It is divided into two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country). England is the largest part of the UK and occupies most of the southern two thirds of Great Britain. The total area of England is 130,410 km2 with a population of around 53.9 million (Mid-2013 estimated), which covers more than 84% of the total UK population. It is the most populous and highly urbanized part of the UK. London, the capital of the UK and England, as well as the seat of government, is located in its southeastern part.


Chronology of British Government Monarch Date of Rule Deeds Events Comments Germanic/Scandinavian Rule Alfred the Great 871-899 1Defeated“Da nlaw” expansion & regained land 2established navy and garrison 3introduction of Christanity to Dames, first public schools for noble descendances and magistrates 4Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Anglo-Saxon Wessexline Edward the elder Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Son to Alfred Athelstan Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Son to Edward Edgar the Peaceful 959-975 Anglo-Saxon Wessexline Ethelred the Unready 978`1016 Invaded England Anglo-Saxon Wessexline; Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark Canute 1016-1035 1.chosen as king by Witan;2.United England, Denmark and Norway. Scandinavian Conqueror Edward the Confessor 1042-1066 1.facilitated the Norman Conquer;2.Norman feudal system adopted Son of Ethelred the Unready Harold Godwinson 1066 defeated Norwegians Earl of Wessex

英美国家概况 英国历史重大事件年表

英国历史重大事件年表 约公元前3000年,伊比利亚人进入不列颠,以长坟闻名 约公元前2000年,建立巨石阵;宽口陶器人出现,以钟形容器闻名约公元前700年,三波凯尔特人进入不列颠:盖尔人、布立吞人、贝尔格人 ●公元前55年,Julius Caesar率罗马军团入侵不列颠,开启不列颠 有文字记载的历史 ●公元43年Claudius皇帝时期,罗马正式占领不列颠,不列颠的罗 马时代持续400年 ●597年,教皇格里高利一世派St. Augustine到不列颠传教 ●9世纪,Egbert成为第一位英格兰国王 ●1066年诺曼征服:忏悔者爱德华、哈罗德、征服者威廉;斯坦福 桥、黑斯廷斯战役;封建制度完全建立。 ●1086年威廉一世“末日审判书”完成 ●1170年大主教贝克特被刺,亨利二世宗教改革失败 ●12、13世纪,牛津、剑桥大学建校 ●1215年约翰王被迫签订《大宪章》,限制王权 ●1265年的大议会标志着向现代议会的转变,签署《牛津协定》●1284年爱德华一世征服威尔士,创立“威尔士亲王”封号 ●1337-1453年爱德华三世发动英法百年战争,亨利五世取得大胜●1348年爆发黑死病,劳动力短缺、土地闲置、转耕为牧、农民可 讨价还价

●《劳工法令》Statute of Labours 禁止提高农民工资 ●1381年农民起义,理查二世欺骗起义军、谋杀瓦特·泰勒 ●14、15世纪,圣安德鲁大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学、爱丁 堡大学在苏格兰建校 ●1455-1485玫瑰战争:爱德华四世胜利、爱德华五世失踪、理查三 世被击杀、亨利七世建立都铎王朝 ●1529-1534年亨利八世进行宗教改革Reformation,确立英王为独 立的英格兰教会最高领袖,脱离罗马教皇 ●1558-1603伊丽莎白一世统治 ●1588年击败无敌舰队Armada ●文艺复兴Renaissance (1350-1650)和英国文艺复兴(1485-) ●1605年火药阴谋案,天主教谋杀詹姆士一世失败,处决盖伊·福 克斯,英国人庆祝11月5日“盖伊福克斯之夜” ●1628第三次召集的议会向查理一世提出Petition of Right民权请 愿书 ●1642-1649英国内战(清教革命、英国资产阶级革命) ●1649年查理一世被处决,进入Commonwealth 共和国时期 ●1660年共和国瓦解,查理二世复辟Restoration ●1688年光荣革命,威廉、玛丽共掌英国 ●1689年《权利法案》出台,君主立宪制确立 ●1707年《联合法案》规定英格兰、苏格兰合并,“大不列颠”产 生;也规定苏格兰教会成为联合王国国教之一。

英语国家概况(汉英对照)试题 .docx

英语国家概况 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 第一部分大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 第一章国土与人民Chapter 1 Land and People Ⅰ.英国的不同名称及其区域1. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 人们说到英国时常常使用不同的名称:不列颠、大不列颠、英格兰、不列颠群岛、联合王国等。这些名 称一样吗?还是有所区别? When people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, Great Britain, England, the British Isles, the United Kingdom or the U.K. Do they mean the same thing? Or are they different? 严格地讲,不列颠诸岛、大不列颠和英格兰都是地理名称。它们并不是这个国家的正式名称。不列颠 诸岛是由两个大岛和几百个小岛组成的。两个大岛是不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛,其中不列颠岛较大,它与爱尔 兰岛的北部一北爱尔兰构成联合王国。因此,联合王国的正式国名是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。但一 口气说出这么长的国名太费事,因此,人们就说不列颠,联合王国或简单地说UK。这是不列颠岛上的一 个国家,首都是伦敦。另外还有一个国家,叫爱尔兰共和国或称爱尔兰,也位于不列颠岛上。它占据了爱 尔兰岛的其余部分,在岛的南部。1949 年始爱尔兰独立,首都是都柏林。Strictly speaking, the British Isles, Great Britain and England are all geographical names. They are not the official name of the country. The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain is the larger of these two islands. It forms the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland—the northern part of Ireland. So the official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. This is one country on the British Isles and its capital is London. There is another country called the Republic of Ireland or Eire on the British Isles. It takes up the remainder of Ireland—the southern part of Ireland. It has been an independent republic since 1949 and its capital is Dublin. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。英格兰面积最大、人口最多,一般说来也最富 裕。因此人们常用英格兰指代英国,用英格兰人指代英国人。这有时令苏格兰人和威尔士人不快,他们不 认为自己是"英格兰人",他们有自己的文化,甚至有自己的语言。There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. England is the largest, most populous and generally speaking the richest section. So people tend to use ‘England’ and ‘English’ when they mean ‘Britain’ and ‘British’. This sometimes annoys the Scots or the Welsh who do not regard themselves as English and who have a culture and even a language of their own. 英国一直是世界上最重要的国家之一。约一百年前,由于推行帝国主义扩张政策,英国成为一个帝国, 这个帝国占有世界上四分之一的人口,四分之一的面积。它不仅在北美,而且在亚洲、非洲和澳洲都有殖 民地。但是两次世界大战大大削弱了英国,英国殖民地接二连三独立,大英帝国逐渐消失,1931 年由英 联邦所取代。Britain has been one of the most important countries in the world. About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area. It had colonies not only in North America, but also in Asia, Africa and Australia. However, the two world wars greatly weakened Britain. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931. 英联邦是一个自由联合体,由曾经是英国殖民地变为现已独立的国家构成。成员国之间实行经济合作, 有一定的贸易协议。英联邦没有特别的权力,是否参加英联邦由各成员国自己决定。目前( 1991 年) ,英 联邦有50 个成员国。The commonwealth (of Nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the commonwealth is left to
