

1.What is important when organizing a meeting?

Agenda creating an agenda helps participants know what they should be talking about and keep the conversation focused. Make sure the copies of the agenda are available before the meeting

The demonstration of the speaker the speaker should demonstrate in a clear, accurate and honest way to grab the audiences’ attention

Facilities. the full preparation of the facilities to ensure the success of the meeting. Such as the microphones and power point

2.What is important when recruiting new staff?

What is important when recruiting staff?

That is the question every employer would ask. And here come three points to this theme:

qualifications. the future staff should have been well educated so that they can acquire those knowledge which they are going to study in the future faster. , experience. experience nowadays is very important and necessary, the experience staff can start their work faster and cause few problems, and this is really serious for some long-term enterprises.

ability the ability which combines not only one's education background but also one's working experience that can really influence a lot.

3.What is important when interviewing for a new job?

Information of the company. you should know more about the company, such as its profile, structure, existing problems, requirements, campaigns and future plans.

Appearance you have to pay attention to your appearance. Though we can never judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is always where we start. T

good manners .they are equally important. For example,,you should knock at the door before employer allowed you to enter the room. In that way To sum up, the job interview is indeed important. There is no need to be nervous, however, if you have made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, your success can be ensured.

4. What is important when designing a product? Designing a product concurrently entails having marketing, legal, and engineering teams all design the product at once, instead of sequentially as in the past.

5 What is important when keeping meeting minutes?

The format of minutes of a meeting is uncomplicated and usually includes four parts: the heading of the meeting, the basic situation of the meeting, the body of minutes and the ending.

The heading of the meeting usually includes: the name of the meeting; the time, date, the place of the meeting and the presiding officer.

The basic situation of the meeting includes: attendance, defaulter, agenda and recorder.

Important information The body of minutes is the main part of minutes, including reports by officers, old and new business, solutions, the date and agenda of next meeting, the names of those who make motions and those who make second motions, the results of all votes, adjournment time, etc.

Of course, you can omit some parts of them according to the character of different meetings

6.What is important when marketing a new product?

Holding a presentation, Distributing questionnaire

,hold a presentation. This is useful for the launching of your new prod uct, because it will give much useful information in an objective manner. distribute questionnaires.Questionnaires can help determine your targ et market, or the target group for your products. This refers to the age group, education group, and income group likely to purchase your produ cts. And through questionnaires, you can also find out about their habits and attitudes,


7What is important when making an advertisement?

a good idea color and picture advertising slogan, ,

A good advertisement must have these factors. Because a good idea

will make people want to buy it. A beautiful picture and color will make people happy and attract people’s attentio n. And a good advertising slogan will make people remember it and know it. Make It become very popular 故障代码




机密★启用前 大连理工大学网络教育学院 大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试 期末考试复习题 ☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the


商务英语口语考试样题 本学期要学习课文的第1、2、6、7、8、9、12单元加上求职面试一共8个单元,每个单元提供一个话题。由于十二单元不确定能否学完,暂时不看。 1. customers: Have you ever experienced a situation that the customer care was very good? What do you think makes good customer care? 2. companies: Do you know any famous company related to your major? Please describe one of them briefly. 6. retailing: Have you ever used the Internet to shop? Compared with the traditional shopping, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping? 7. products: What are the four ways in which advertising can work? If you are given an aerobic workout machine, what do you want to advertise it? 8. people: What are the differences between men and women in the workplace? Whom do you think is easier to work with, men or women? Why? 9. business environment: Many everyday brands used by people can have varying prices throughout the world. What do you think are the possible factors which can influence price? Take a factor as example, and say why it can influence price. 12. competition: What are the three strategies which are very important for a company to become a market leader? If your company wants to launch a new product “Lucky Cola”, what do you want to do to make your product more competitive? Job interview: What would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?) What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan?


__________________________________________________ What's important when…? 1. Monitoring the quality of service provided Feedback from the customers A: Feedback from the customers is very important because feedback can reflect the opinion of the customers on the quality of your service. To get this feedback a.s.a.p. and analyze it carefully is very helpful. From this feedback you can know what your customers think of your service what they are not satisfied with and how they like you to improve the quality of your service. Once you know what your customers want you will have a clear objective to improve or maintain the quality of your service and your monitoring will be more effective. Checking sales figures A: when we monitor the quality of service provided we must first check our sales figures. Sales figures is one of the most important factors in testing if the service you provide has high quality and if the customers are satisfied with your service. If your sales figures continue to grow that means you succeed in maintaining the quality of your service and your customers are confident when choosing your service. If there is a sudden decrease in your sales figure that will probably mean that you are now in trouble and the quality of your service is declining or undermined by some factors of uncertainty, which means you have to check the whole quality-control system to find out where the problem is. 2. Choosing a new sales agent Experience of agent A: we should first consider the experience of the agent we choose. The more experience the agent has the more chance he or she will have in dealing with sales. An experienced agent has profound knowledge on sales and is very professional in promoting sales and selling goods to customers. Furthermore experienced agent may have established his or her sales channels or relations which are the key factors to the success of sales. They can help

商务英语 中级商务英语写作样题

商务英语中级商务英语写作样题 样题 You aret he Managing Director of acompany whose prof its have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this. Write amemo to all staff: Thanking them for their contribution Explaining why profits increased Telling them what their reward wil lbe. Write40~50words 题目解读PartOne的题目背景通常是一事、两人、三要点。本题中,最近公司利润增长,你作为公司的董事总经理(ManagingDirector)将对全体员工(allstaff)进行奖励,备忘录的内容需包括三个要点:感谢员工的贡献,解释利润增长原因,并告之奖励内容。正文词数要求为40~50个词,因为商务英语要求简洁,词数要求有上限,这和 四、六级以及考研写作只规定词数下限有所区别,但实际考试时允许少量超标,比如接近60词。 内容、结构、语言和形式 内容 首先可根据各要点的逻辑关系调整写作顺序,比如在本题中,先解释利润增长的原因,再感谢员工,最后宣布奖励。其次应针对要点简要展开论述,比如利润增长的原因可能是销售量增加(the increase of sales)、成本降低(the reduction of cost)或推出新产品(the launch of the new product);而奖励的内容经常是集体旅行(acompanytrip)、涨工资


2017下半年商务英语考试中级口语素材 Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017下半年商务英语考试中级口语素材,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! part 1 1.Design change 设计更改 A: How do we decide if we need to implement a design change? B: If it relates to safety, we have to implement it. A:我们怎么确认是否要进行设计更改? B:如果关系到安全问题,我们就必须进行更改。 2.Deviation 偏差 A: Do we allow any deviation on the material? B: You need to get customer's approval for any deviation. A:我们允许在材料的使用上有所偏差吗? B:任何偏差都要经过客户的批准。 3.Durability 耐久性 A: Why do we have to do durability test? B: We need to know how long this product will last in the field. A:我们为什么要做耐久性测试? B:我们需要知道产品在使用中可以有多长的寿命。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c13146340.html,yout drawing 总布置图纸 A: What's the importance of layout drawing? B: The layout drawing shows a product in its environment. A:总布置图纸的重要性是怎样的? B:总布置图纸是描述在工作环境中的产品。 5.Part 零件 A: How many parts do you have in this seating system? B: Two hundred fifty seven to be exact. A:你这个座椅系统包含多少个零件? B:精确的讲有257个。 part 2 1.Appointment 约会,约见 A: Do you have an appointment with Mr.Liu? B: I have an appointment with him at one o'clock. A:您和刘先生约时间了吗? B:我和他约在一点钟见面。 2.Fund 成立 A: Our company was founded in 1960. B: That was long time ago. A:我们公司成立于1960年。 B:历史蛮悠久的。 3.Headquarters 总部 A: The headquarters of our company is in New York. B: I see. So this is your branch office. A:我们公司的总部在纽约。


高级商务英语 (BEC)考试历年真题 BEC商务英语高级考试历年真题 (1) The Negotiating Table You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him. The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested. It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer. You do not need to makethem feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you. Dr Cohensuggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to becometheir best friends but being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying---put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.


BEC中级口语考试:基础篇 1.1第一部分考试形式 (Test format of Part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约3 分钟。 这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的Question List上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15个单词,清晰易懂。 1.2应试建议 (Tips on how to cope with Part 1) (1)Greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括: Good morning, sir / miss / madam. Good afternoon, sir / miss / madam. Nice to meet you. (注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。Madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。) (2)Relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。 (3)Familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonation of the interlocutor and the other candidate. 由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。 (4)Be precise in understanding the questions. 考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是,BEC口语考试是“口语”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊(cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对方重述问题的常用句型包括: Pardon, please? I beg your pardon? Sorry, could you please say that again? I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve


商务英语考试写作试题 Describing graphs Ex 4: Sample answer: (132words) The share price of IBM and AOL showed a upward trend from June until the end of 1998.However, while AOL shares then continued to rise steadily over the next three months, the price of IBM shares fell slightly. By March 1999 both shares were worth about $100. AOL shares then shot up, almost doubling in value within four weeks. They reached a high of $180 in mid-April before collapsing to just over $100 per share at the beginning of May. There was a slight recovery during that month however, despite this by June 1999 the price of AOL shares was once again about $100. In contrast, despite minor fluctuations, IBM shares made a steady recovery over the three month period, finishing at just over $100, almost equal to AOL.


《商务英语口语》练习题及评分标准 Mini-Presentation Topic 1: Self introduction for job interview Attention: You must find a job position which you are interested and applying for, then give your self introduction accordingly. Prompts(for your reference): 1.Express your job objective show your interest in the job position. e.g. I’m interested in the position of a salesman. I would like to apply for the position of (like) a salesman. 2.Your self introduction according to the job responsibilities and requirements ( I think/ I’m confident that my educational background and experience qualified for the job) 1) Your present situation (who are you) My name is, and age I will graduate from Neusoft Institute of Information with a bachelor degree. 2) Your past experience (what did you do) A. educational background I was studying in department of the Information Technology and Business Management. My major is E-Commerce. (say some main courses you have learnt)and my minor is Computer Science.), B. honors and rewards you have got C. working experience and internship D. social activities, like love campaign , volunteer campaign and commonweal, etc. 3)Your future expectation (what do you want to ) eg.: To get some experience in business. To learn more about business related knowledge. and skills To realize you own personal value 4)your competitive advantages for the job position (what can you do for the company) A.your understanding about the position you are applying for B.your skills (such as English speaking / Computer) C.Your ability (such as ability of organization, team working, etc.) D. Your characters ( warm-hearted, outgoing, diligence, adaptable, hard-working, etc.) E. your professional certificates: like E-business specialist ,etc. Closing sentence like: I would appreciate your consideration about me. I would looking forward to your good news.



《商务英语》样卷 Part 1 Questions 1-5 Where can you see these notices? For Questions 1-5, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 1 A B C on a hill in a forest at a beach 2 A B C in an office in a hospital in a bank The live test contains another three items in Part 1.

Questions 6-10 Complete the five conversations. For Questions 6-10, mark A , B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Answer: 6 We're from London. A B C Not at all. Yes, please. How interesting. 7 I hate getting up early. A B C You are, too. I do, too. It can, too. The live test contains another three items in Part 2. 0 A B Where do you come from? A New York B School C Home

Questions 11-15 Read the sentences about a university student. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Sarah Packer . . . . . . . . . . to university for the first time on Monday. A arrived B went C was 11 Sarah is doing a four-year . . . . . . . . . . in Business Studies. A class B lesson C course 12 The university secretary was there to . . . . . . . . . . all the new students. A invite B speak C welcome The live test contains another three items in Part 3.


中级口语考试技巧 口试第一部分考生在回答考官问题时,不要简单回答Yes 或No,还要用两三句话来做进一步解释说明。 第二部分: I choose topic A, 然后把题念一遍。 总括I think there are three points/aspects to consider. First, 把题卡上第一点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 Second, 把题卡上第二点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 Third, 把你发挥的第三点说一下,然后用两三句话解释 总结: In conclusion,/In summary, I think 三个要点重复一下are important when doing sth.(重复一下原题的要求) Well, that’s all I want to say. Thank you! 或 Well, I think I have covered the main points. Thank you! 切记: 1. 一定要合理利用1分钟的准备时间,最好写下要点,以防忘记,造成发言不连贯。要点是指能起到提醒作用的单词或词组,不必写完整句子,时间太短,没有时间写完整句子。 2. 一定要尽量发挥第三点,以使你的发言丰满,同时也能使考官看到你语言和话语组织能力。但是如果实在想不出来第三点,就说提示的两点也可以,但是一定要说满一分钟,解释要点可以有详有略。注意采用总-分-总的方法,这样显得条理清楚。 3. 在听搭档发言时,就要努力想自己要提的问题,要根据搭档的发言提问,不要跑题。如果搭档讲的内容没有听明白,就根据你听懂的几个单词提问也可以。 Which do you think is the most important point? Why? (前提是搭档在发言时没有表明态度) 要求搭档进一步解释某个要点。I am very interested in -----Could you further explain ----- , please? 提出自己看法,然后要求搭档评论。I think --- is also important. What do you think of it? 要求搭档说一下自己公司的有关情况?Could you say something about ----- in your


教学 点 (函 授站 ): 专 业: 年级: 学 号 : 姓 名: 密 封 线 内 严 禁 答 题 试卷号: *********学院2015学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业 商务英语 科目 商务英语习作 出卷老师 ***** 商务英语写作 I. Complete the letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10points) popular , inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend, cooperation, responsible, branch (1) Dear Sir Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on 1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Y ours faithfully (2) Dear Sir This letter is to ___6___ Tim Steven as an outstanding salesperson. I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7____ and creative individual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willingly undertook any task___8___ to him, whether it involved direct sales or not, and his enthusiastic manner made him____9___with all our customers. I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside our city . I believe anyone who____10___ him will be truly fortunate. Y ours sincerely II. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points) 11. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number. A. of B. in C. for 12. As soon as we receive the signed form, we will add your name to the list of people _______ snow shoveling. A. requiring B. require C. required 13. The report is to be _______ to the Directors as soon as possible. A. prepared B. promoted C. presented 14. I am glad that I feel quite _______ for the position you advertised.


商务英语口语大全 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

赞成. I agree. *比较生硬的说法. I think it's very important. (我认为这个问题很重要.) I agree. (我同意.) I agree with that. I'm with you. *"对,对"、"很好嘛"、"我赞成"、"OK". I'm for it. I don't agree. (我反对.) 我也这样认为. I think so, too. *更口语的说法. Tokyo is too expensive. (东京的物价太贵.) I think so, too. (我也这样认为.) 好哇! Anything you say! Let's see a movie. (我们去看电影吧.) Anything you say! (好哇!) I'm with you. Okay, let's. You're in charge. You're the boss. I agree with you. 没有异议. No objection! 我不反对. I don't have any objection to it. *objection "异议"、"反对"、"不服从"、"反对理由". What do you think of my proposal (你觉得我的建议怎么样) I don't have any objection to it. (我不反对.) I have no objection to it. I don't object to it. No problem here. Sounds alright to me. 我觉得那样很好. That's fine with me. How's tomorrow (明天怎么样) That's fine with me. (我没问题.) That sounds good. Sounds like a good idea to me. 很好! Fine. *这是种常用的表达方式,表示带有"无可挑剔的"、"不错的"、"好的"等语感. How was the proposal (这个建议怎么样) Fine. (很好!) How's everything (一切都好吗) Fine. (很好呀!) Good. It's acceptable. Okay. 那就行了. That's fair. *用于听到对方给予妥 协性的回答时,就对方的意见或行为作出答复, 含有"这样才公平、公正"的语气. How does that sound (那样行吗) That's fair. (那就行了.) Fair enough. 我也有同样感觉. You can say that again. *表示"我 的看法和你完全一致",带有同情的语感. That meeting was awful. (那个会开 得真糟糕.) You can say that again. (我也有同 样感觉.) I'll say. Definitely. 好像挺有意思. Sounds like fun. *接受别人的邀请 或建议时. Let's go out! (我们出去玩吧.) Sounds like fun. (那一定很有意思.) 当然!/一定! You bet! *完全赞成对方所说的事的 语气. Did you study for the test (快考 试了,你准备了吗) You bet. (当然!/一定!) That is for sure. You know it. I'd bet on it. You can bet on it. Bet on it. Of course. It goes without saying. That goes without saying. You betcha. *俚语. 你是反对还是赞成他的主意 Are you for or against his idea 好! Good. *用来向对方表达愉快、批准、同意、满意等心情. How is it (这个怎么样) Good. (好!) It's good. 太棒了! Great! *比good更要强烈地表示"吃 惊的、终于可以松一口气的心情",还带有"得意 洋洋"、"心满意足"的语感. The boss approved my proposal. (老板同意了我的建议.) Great! (太棒了!) That's great! 好主意. Good idea. Let's do this part first. (我们先做这部分吧!) 我反对. I don't agree. *比I can't agree.的 语气还要强烈,给人一种直接反对的印象.
