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Higher order features and recurrent neural networks based on Long-Short Term Memory nodes in supervised biomedical word sense disambiguation Antonio Jimeno Yepes a,b a IBM Research Australia,Melbourne,VIC,Australia b Dept.of Computing and Information Systems,University of Melbourne,Australia

Preprint submitted to Journal of Biomedical Semantics April 12,2016


The amount of biomedical text published is growing exponentially and researchers are?nding it increasingly di?cult to?nd relevant information. The automatic processing of biomedical articles can help with this problem by identifying biomedical entities(such as genes,diseases,drugs),and the relations between them.This information can be extracted from text and used for applications such as summarization,data mining and intelligent search.However,identifying biomedical entities and relations in text is a complex and challenging task.

One di?culty,addressed by this research,is the problem of lexical am-biguity.Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings within a single term or phrase.For example,determining whether the term bass is referring to a?sh or instrument given the context in which the term is used.Disambiguation is useful in concept mapping algorithms and tools relying in dictionary look up,such as MetaMap Aronson and Lang(2010).

The goal of Word sense disambiguation(WSD)is to automatically predict the most likely sense of an ambiguous word.There are several approaches being used for WSD which range from supervised approaches(which rely on examples of use of each ambiguous word in context to train a learning algo-rithm)to knowledge-engineering approaches(which rely on a sense catalogue such a dictionary).

In this work,we explore the use of word embeddings as candidate rep-resentations for the WSD problem.We show that unigram representation is a strong baseline using Support Vector Machines as the machine learning algorithm,but that word embeddings improve theses baseline results.We explore as well the di?erent parameters used in the generation of word embed-dings.Results are signi?cantly improved when using word embeddings with recurrent neural networks.Furthermore,a combination of word embeddings and unigam features with SVM set a new state of the art disambiguation in accuracy of95.97in the MSH WSD data set.


2.Related Work

WSD algorithms utilize the context in which a term is used to iden-

tify the appropriate sense of an lexical ambiguity.Existing disambiguation algorithms to resolve ambiguity can be divided into three groups:unsu-

pervised Pedersen(2010);Brody and Lapata(2009);Chasin et al.(2014), supervised Zhong and Ng(2010);Stevenson et al.(2008),and knowledge-

based Navigli et al.(2011);Agirre et al.(2010);McInnes et al.(2011);Jimeno-Yepes et al. (2011a)algorithms.Unsupervised algorithms typically use clustering tech-

niques to divide occurrences of an ambiguous word into groups that are later associated with their possible sense and might help identify new senses Lau et al. (2012).Supervised algorithms use machine learning techniques to assign

concepts to instances containing the ambiguous word,thus these methods

require examples of use of the di?erent senses of the ambiguous words for

model training.Knowledge-based algorithms do not require a corpus contain-

ing examples of the ambiguity but rather use information from an external knowledge source such as a taxonomy or dictionary.In this work,we focus

on supervised learning algorithms with the intention of exploring higher or-

der features.Even though developing data sets for supervised methods is expensive,we believe that the insights learned by exploring features with supervised methods can be bene?cial for other kind of methods.

As in many supervised learning tasks,representation of the problem is

relevant to the performance of the task Jimeno Yepes et al.(2015),i.e.trans-

forming text into features to be used by machine learning algorithms.There

are several feature sets used in previous work.Stevenson et al.Stevenson et al.

(2008)have shown that using linguistic features in combination with meta-

data of the published articles(e.g.MeSH R headings)improve disambiguation performance,even though manually annotated meta-data features cannot be

assumed to be always available.McInnes McInnes et al.(2007)used the annotation provided by MetaMap to automatically assign UMLS R concept

identi?ers.Overall,using additional features to unigrams improve the WSD



The features engineered in previous work on biomedical WSD has focused on local features derived from the context of the ambiguous word or meta-data of the citation.We would like to take a step further and consider higher order features with supervised learning algorithms.These features can be seen as a more global representation,compared to locally derived features.

In Natural Language Processing,there are new algorithms developed based on neural networks that are capable of learning a representation of the bag-of-word features into a continuous bag-of-words representation Bengio et al. (2003).This continuous bag-of-words representation can place terms with similar meaning closer and typically tend to work with lower dimensional-ity Mikolov et al.(2013),e.g.100dimensions.Furthermore,this representa-tion is more compact compared to the sparse bag-of-words.


We have compared several feature types,which are explained in more detail in this section.These feature types range from standard unigram and bigram features to more sophisticated ones based on word embeddings.

3.1.Text based features

Citations text was extracted from the title and abstract?elds.Further processing was done to the text that included lower casing,tokenization using a custom regular expression and stemming using Porter stemmer.Unigrams and bigrams were extracted from the text and experiments with bigrams were run in combination with unigrams.

Text was processed as well to add semantic annotations.UMLS concept identi?ers(CUIs)McInnes et al.(2007)were extracted from the MEDLINE R Baseline(,/MMBaseline/index.shtml),which is avail-able with a version annotated with the MetaMap tool Aronson and Lang (2010).In this case,the context of the ambiguous word is represented by


a bag-of-concepts instead of a bag-of-words.Another representation derived

from the conceptual representation is based on UMLS Semantic Types,which

is obtained from the concept annotation since UMLS concepts are assigned

one or more semantic type from the UMLS Semantic Network.We have not considered meta-data since no assumption about its availability can be made.

3.2.Word embeddings

Word embedding approaches transform the bag-of-words representation typically used in Natural Language Processing to a continuous bag-of-words representation.There are some advantages to this continuous space since the dimensionality is largely reduced and words closer in meaning are close in this

new continuous space.Existing applications to generate these embeddings

based on neural networks include word2vec(https://,/p/word2vec) and glove(,/projects/glove).

We have considered word2vec in this work and have experimented with vectors of several dimensions(100to500)and the window from which the

terms are used to build the embeddings(5to150).

3.2.1.Generation of word embeddings

2014MEDLINE is the corpus used to generate the word embeddings,

which contains over22M citations.From this corpus,we removed the cita-

tions that appear in the disambiguation data set used in the experiments, presented later in this section.

3.2.2.Aggregation of word embeddings

After the word embeddings are generated,for each word in the dictionary

a vector in an n-dimensional space is available using a look up function.

Prior using the vectors in a machine learning method,the vectors from each individual word need to be combined.We have evaluated the following two methods,described as well in?gure1.


?Sum the vectors of the words in the context of the ambiguous word.

The dimensionality of this sum is the same as the vectors generated

by word2vec.

?Average the vectors of the words in the context of the ambiguous word.

The dimensionality of the average is the same as the vectors generated

by word2vec.

Figure1:Aggregation of continuous bag-of-words representation vectors

3.3.Supervised Learning Algorithms

The supervised learning algorithms considered in this work are linear Sup-

port Vector Machines(SVM)Platt et al.(1998)and Na¨?ve Bayes(NB)John and Langley (1995),which are typically considered for this task.We have used the imple-mentation provided by WEKA Hall et al.(2009)of these algorithms for our experiments.

For each ambiguous word,a classi?er is trained to recognize each one of

the possible senses of that word.

3.4.Long Short Term Memory

In addition to shallow learning algorithms,we have used the word em-beddings to train a neural network based on a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)unit Hochreiter and Schmidhuber(1997).As in the case of shal-

low methods,one LSTM based classi?er is trained per ambiguous word.


LSTM is a recurrent network that does not su?er from the vanishing gradi-

ent Bengio et al.(1994)problem and has been used in Natural Language Pro-

cessing tasks Zhang and LeCun(2015);Sutskever et al.(2014).The schema

of the network is shown in?gure2and o?ers a di?erent approach to combine

the word embeddings that take into account the document structure.The

size of the LSTM has been set as the size of the input vector.The output

of the LSTM for each word in the context of the ambiguous word is average

and a linear layer is trained to make a decision on the averaged vector,the

size of the output layer is the same as the number of senses of the ambiguous

word.In the?nal layer,a multi-class classi?cation Hinge loss has been used.

LSTM has been implemented using Torch Collobert et al.(2011)and it

has been trained using AdaGrad Duchi et al.(2011).Learning rate has been

set to0.01and learning rate decay to0.01.

Figure2:LSTM layout

3.5.Evaluation Data Set

We evaluate the di?erent feature sets using the MSH WSD dataset Jimeno-Yepes et al. (2011b).MSH WSD contains203ambiguous terms and acronyms from the


2010MEDLINE baseline.Each instance of a term was automatically as-signed a CUI from the2009AB version of the UMLS by exploiting the fact that each instance in MEDLINE is manually indexed with Medical Subject Headings in which each heading has an associated CUI.Each target word contains approximately187instances,has2.08possible concepts and has a 54.5%majority sense.


The features presented in the methods section have been evaluated using the MSH WSD,generating di?erent feature sets.Based on these feature sets, Na¨?ve Bayes and Support Vector Machines have been the machine learning al-gorithms selected to be trained for WSD.Performance results for each feature sets are presented and compared.This section is divided in three sections:in the?rst one bag-of-word features are evaluated,then the word embeddings and?nally the recurrent network based on LSTM.Selected features from each section have been combined to evaluate feature combination.

All experiments have been done using10fold cross-validation.Statistical signi?cance has been determined using a randomization version of the two sample t-test Cohen(1996),which avoids making assumptions on the distri-bution of the data and allows for a better estimation of signi?cance between the di?erence of the methods performance.

4.1.Text based features

Table1shows the results of training shallow machine learning methods on features extracted from processing the citation text for WSD.Unigrams performance is quite competitive and only in the case of Na¨?ve Bayes,bi-grams signi?cantly improve the performance of unigrams.Features such as concepts or semantic types have lower performance compared to unigrams and,bining the di?erent features improves the performance of unigrams and bigrams.


In previous work,just NB has been the only machine learning method used Jimeno-Yepes et al.(2011b).Results with SVM show that the machine learning method used a?ects as well the accuracy with the same feature set.




Semantic Types85.8984.82


4.2.Word embeddings

In the Methods section,generation of word embedding vectors was pre-sented.The parameters used to generate these vectors and their aggregation are used to decide the experiments to be done and are enumerated below. Each parameter con?guration has been used to train a Na¨?ve Bayes and SVM classi?er.

?Size of vectors generated by word2vec:100,150,300and500.

?Window de?ning how many context words are being used values are: 5,50and150.

?Aggregation method:either sum of the vectors or their average is used.

Results for the di?erent aggregations are presented in tables2and3. Averaging seems to provide better performance,with SVM obtaining better performance compared to previously published results on the MSH WSD set. Large vector size and large window seem to boost accuracy.










NB W5W50W150

SVM W5W50W150

Table3:Average of vectors for word embeddings.S indicates the vector size and W the context window used when generating the word embeddings.

4.3.Recurrent network

The LSTM network has been evaluated using vector size100and500with window50in the word embedding generation.10-fold cross validation has been used to obtain the results for each one of the terms.Table4shows the result for the two set of vectors.The500vector size has the best performance.


SVM Unigrams93.90 SVM Bigrams93.94 SVM WE S10094.50 LSTM S10094.64 SVM WE S50094.52 LSTM S50094.92

spect to other methods(p<0.005),even though the performance of the two LSTM con?gurations is not statistically signi?cant(p<0.17).

We have observed that LSTM performed worst compared to other meth-ods when a signi?cantly smaller number of examples are provided.For in-stance,PAC has only46and16examples of each one of the two senses and in the case of hemlock,the number of examples is57and20respectively. LSTM needs to learn a larger number of parameters,around81,002with word embedding vector size100and2,005,002with vector size500.If enough examples are provided,LSTM could potentially improve other methods.

Word embedding based methods seem to improve state of the art methods when word embedding allow a better distinction of senses,as in nursing (profession versus breast feeding)and labor(childbirth versus work).On the other hand,words like Ca and digestive,in which the meanings are close, word embedding performs below state of the art methods.In these cases,a word seems to be the discriminative clue to a proper disambiguation.

Since unigrams and word embeddings features have their own strengths depending on the ambiguous word,we have combined them with the expecta-tion that the learning algorithm identi?es the more relevant features for each ambiguous word during training Gabrilovich and Markovitch(2007).The se-lected word embeddings used in this combination has been generated window size50and vector size500and average aggregation.The accuracy obtained using SVM using this combination is95.97.This result is statistically sig-ni?cant(p<0.0001)when compared to any other evaluated method.The combination of local features derived from the context of the ambiguous word and global features,provides a signi?cant boost and sets a new performance on the MSH WSD set.

Figure3shows the di?erence in accuracy per ambiguous term considered in this work.In most cases,the outcome of the combination improves the results obtained by either using unigrams and SVM(blue line),average word embeddings with vectors size500and window50(red line)and LSTM500


with vector size500and window50(yellow line).The di?erences in favour of the combination are more prominent when compared to unigram results with terms like nursing and yellow fever with the largest di?,pared to word embeddings,the combination performs better in most cases.Despite the combination performing better compared to LSTM,LSTM outperforms largely the combination in ambiguous words such as borrelia,cement or WT1.

Figure3:Di?erence in accuracy per ambiguous word between the combination of word embeddings with unigrams versus just using unigrams(blue line),average word embed-dings with vectors size500and window50(red line)and SVM and LSTM with vector size 500and window50(yellow line).

6.Conclusions and Future Work

The combination of unigrams(local features)and word embeddings(global features)sets a new state of the art performance with the MSH WSD data set with an accuracy of95.97.


Using representations based on word embeddings reduce the dimensional-ity of the bag-of-word vectors and could be used in functions for probability estimation,which could be used in unsupervised methods based on proba-bilistic graphical models Jimeno Yepes and Berlanga(2014).

Recent work has studied the use of not only generation of vectors at the word level but at the document level,for instance for text categoriza-tion Le and Mikolov(2014);Kosmopoulos et al.(2015)and it would be in-teresting to see the performance of their methods on the WSD problem pre-sented in this work.

LSTM has been trained using a reduced number of examples and could bene?t from using a larger set.Training has been done on examples from the MSH WSD data set.Following the procedure used to generate this data set,it would be possible to extend the training set.In addition,it would be interesting to perform a pretraining of the LSTM network could be pre-trained either using the training set or MEDLINE.


The author would like to thank Dr.Bridget McInnes for motivating this work and providing ideas and semantic annotation for the examples.


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CTB 词性标注中文版翻译

CTB词性标注指南 第一章 引言 中文几乎没有屈折语素。譬如,词语不随时态、格、人称和数量而曲折变化。因此,对特定文本中的词进行词性标注往往都很困难。 这个文件是专为宾州中文树库项目[XPS+00]所设计的。这个项目的目标是构建一个十万词的有语法托架的中文官话文本语料库。标注包括两个步骤:第一阶段是中文分词和词性标注,第二阶段是句法托架。每个步骤包括至少两个经过,即数据库由一个标注者标注,结果文件由另一个标注者检查。 词性标注指南,就如分词指南和托架指南,在项目进行过程中已经修订了多次。到目前为止,我们已经在我们的网站上发行了三个版本:第一部草作完成于1998年12月,在第一个中文分词和词性标注文件发行后;第二部草作完成于1999年3月,在第二个中文分词和词性标注文件发行后;这个文件,是第三部草作,修订于第二个托架文件发行后。在这个第三部草作中,与前两部草作相比,主要改变在于:(1)我们增加了一章引言来解释指南中存在的一些基本原理;(2)我们增加了对中文词语的注释;(3)我们把这个指南写成了一个技术性报告,报告被发表于宾夕法尼亚大学认知科学研究机构(IRCS)。 1.1 标注标准 词性标注(POS)的核心问题是词性标注是否应该基于意义或者句法分布来标注。这个问题自1950年以来就被热烈争论到现在,并且始终存在两种不同的观点。譬如,中文词“毁灭”可以被翻译为英文中的destroy或destroys或destroyed或destroying或destruction,并且如它英文所对应的词一样使用。根据第一种观点,词性标注应该只基于意义。因为词的意义在它所有的用法中基本都是一样的,它就应该总是被标注为一个动词。第二种观点是词性标注应该由词的句法分布来决定。当“毁灭”是一个名词短语的首词,它在那个文本中就应该被标注为一个名词;当“毁灭”是一个动词短语的首词,它就应该被标注为一个动词。 我们选择了句法分布作为我们词性标注的主要标准,因为这与当代语言学理论所采纳的原则一致,譬如X-bar理论和GB理论中的首字投射概念。 由于很多中文动词也出现在名词位置,因此需要两个词性标注标记,这就导致使用句法分布方法将会扩大词典的规模,因此这个原因常被用来反对句法分布方法。我们认为这个观点不足以让人信服,主要有如下两个理由。首先,两个词性标注标记可以让我们区别可以出现在名词位置的动词和不可以出现名词位置的动词(譬如单音词动词和重叠词形式的动词如AABB,A不A)。如果存在动词可以出现在名词位置或者不能出现在名词位置的实词虚化现象,这些实词虚化可以被看做构形规则,这会使得词典自动被扩大。另一方面,如果不存在这样的实词虚化现象并且名词化过程大部分都很特殊,这就验证了一个观点:这是一个词汇现象并且那些可以被名词化的动词在词典中应该有两个词性标注标记。其次,很多动词可以出现在名词位置的现象并不只存在于中文,在其他语言中设立的标准也是给予这些词两个标记。 1.2 词性标注标记集 我们的词性标注标记集有33种标记: 动词,形容词(4):V A,VC,VE,VV。


973当代汉语文本语料库分词、词性标注加工规范 (草案) 山西大学从1988年开始进行汉语语料库的深加工研究,首先是对原始语料进行切分和词性标注,1992年制定了《信息处理用现代汉语文本分词规范》。经过多年研究和修改,2000年又制定出《现代汉语语料库文本分词规范》和《现代汉语语料库文本词性体系》。这次承担973任务后制定出本规范。本规范主要吸收了语言学家的研究成果,并兼顾各家的词性分类体系,是一套从信息处理的实际要求出发的当代汉语文本加工规范。本加工规范适用于汉语信息处理领域,具有开放性和灵活性,以便适用于不同的中文信息处理系统。 《973当代汉语文本语料库分词、词性标注加工规范》是根据以下资料提出的。 1.《信息处理用现代汉语分词规范》,中国国家标准GB13715,1992年 2.《信息处理用现代汉语词类标记规范》,中华人民共和国教育部、国家语言文字工作委员会2003年发布 3.《现代汉语语料库文本分词规范》(Ver 3.0),1998年 北京语言文化大学语言信息处理研究所清华大学计算机科学与技术系4.《现代汉语语料库加工规范——词语切分与词性标注》,1999年 北京大学计算语言学研究所 5.《信息处理用现代汉语词类标记规范》,2002年, 教育部语言文字应用研究所计算语言学研究室 6.《现代汉语语料库文本分词规范说明》,2000年 山西大学计算机科学系山西大学计算机应用研究所 7.《資讯处理用中文分词标准》,1996年,台湾计算语言学学会 一、分词总则 1.词语的切分规范尽可能同中国国家标准GB13715《信息处理用现代汉语分词规范》(以下简称为“分词规范”)保持一致。本规范规定了对现代汉语真实文本(语料库)进行分词的原则及规则。追求分词后语料的一致性(consistency)是本规范的目标之一。 2.本规范中的“分词单位”主要是词,也包括了一部分结合紧密、使用稳定的词组以及在某些特殊情况下可能出现在切分序列中的孤立的语素或非语素字。本文中仍用“词”来称谓“分词单位”。 3.分词中充分考虑形式与意义的统一。形式上要看一个结构体的组成成分能否单用,结构体能否扩展,组成成分的结构关系,以及结构体的音节结构;意义上要看结构体的整体意义是否具有组合性。 4. 本规范规定的分词原则及规则,既要适应语言信息处理与语料库语言学研究的需要,又力求与传统的语言学研究成果保持一致;既要适合计算机自动处理,又要便于人工校对。 5.分词时遵循从大到小的原则逐层顺序切分。一时难以判定是否切分的结构体,暂不切分。 二、词性标注总则 信息处理用现代汉语词性标注主要原则有三个: (1)语法功能原则。语法功能是词类划分的主要依据。词的意义不作为划分词类的主要依据,但有时也起着某些参考作用。


摘要:当前已有很多种方法用于词性标注,词性标注的本质是序列标注问题。它是信息抽取、信息检索、句法分析、语义角色标注等众多中文自然语言处理任务的基础。本文将基于svm 的svmtool应用到越南语词性标注上。标注集按照越南语的词性和符号共分为28种标注,训练语料包含25万词,实现了的越南语词性注,取得了较好的效果,准确率达到96.01%。 关键词:词性标注;越南语;自然语言处理;svmtool 中图分类号:tp391.1 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-4311(2016)20-0159-03 0 引言 词性标注就是在给定句子中判定每个词的语法范畴,确定其词性并加以标注的过程。词性标注是自然语言处理中一项非常重要的基础性工作[1]。词性标注工作作为老挝语命名实体识别、依存句法分析、词义消歧、语义角色标注等研究工作的重要基础,并且应用于如文本索引、文本分类、语料库加工等众多领域。越南语是一门重要的东方语言,由于其书写形式及本身的词汇构成与英语及汉语呈现相似的一面又具有自己的特点,它采用的是扩展的拉丁符号;在组成上,越南语单音节词居多;在形态上,语法意义是通过语法词等词来实现。以上特点使得越南语与西方语言与东方语言既有相似之处,又有区别。越南语是一种孤立语,动词无变化,词既没有文法上的性别跟数的形式,也没有文法上格的变化,形容词也不需要跟被修饰的名词保持文法上的性、数、格上的一致。它以不变的根词的词序和虚词来表示语法关系。句子的主语在谓语之前,宾语和补语在动词之后,名词修饰语一般在名词之后,但数词、量词修饰语在名词之前。词序或虚词改变后,语义也随之而变。 目前,国内外对中文文本词性标注、欧美国家多种语言的词性标注技术的研究比较成熟[2][3],而对东南亚国家语言,只有越南河内国家大学khong phtrong博士进行过越南语文本处理相关研究,他们使用的方法是最大熵,准确率为95%左右,还有越南国内vlsp课题组进行了相关研究,其词性标注准确率为93%。越南语词性标注面临的难点主要是它属于意合型语言,缺乏词形态变化,词的类别不能像印欧语那样,直接从词的形态变化上来判别。 当前,很多基于统计的方法用于词性标注,如隐马尔科夫模型(hmm)[4],最大熵(me),条件随机场(crf)[5]和支持向量机[6]。其中基于svm的svmtool[7]符合自然语言处理技术的要求,具有简单、灵活、高效等特点。词性标注可以看作是多分类问题。 本文将简单介绍svm原理、如何将二分类器应用于多分类问题中及如何将svmtool应用于越南语词性标注问题。 4 实验结果 在实验中,采用了本文定义的30种词类组成的标注集,语料是从越南语相关网站上获取的包含约30万词,内容涉及政治、经济、文化、地理等题材。在词典数量不变的条件下,分别对5万、10万…30万词的语料进行开放和封闭测试。 4.1 不同规模训练语料实验 在进行封闭测试时,首先分别以5万、10万…25万词的语料进行训练,建立模型,然后从用来训练的语料中取5万词的语料重新进行词性标注,求出每一个句子的最佳词性标注序列,即完成了封闭测试。 在进行开放测试时,先从30万的语料库中抽出含5万词的句子,这些句子不参与训练,用于后面的测试。同样的也是分别以5万、10万…25万词的语料进行训练,并对测试集进行词性标注,从而完成了开放测试。 封闭测试和开放测试准确率与训练语料规模的关系如表2所示。 4.2 不同词性标注方法的比较 本文进行了与最大熵模型的比较。采用的语料是是含25万词的越南语词性标注语料作为训练语料,对含5万词的越南语文本进行标注,实验结果如表3所示。


人民日报标注语料库(PFR)使用说明书 本文是PFR标注语料库的使用说明书,帮助用户了解它,更好地使用它。 PFR语料库是对人民日报1998年上半年的纯文本语料进行了词语切分和词性标注制作而成的,严格按照人民日报的日期、版序、文章顺序编排的。文章中的每个词语都带有词性标记。目前的标记集里有26个基本词类标记(名词n、时间词t、处所词s、方位词f、数词m、量词q、区别词b、代词r、动词v、形容词a、状态词z、副词d、介词p、连词c、助词u、语气词y、叹词e、拟声词o、成语i、习惯用语l、简称j、前接成分h、后接成分k、语素g、非语素字x、标点符号w)外,从语料库应用的角度,增加了专有名词(人名nr、地名ns、机构名称nt、其他专有名词nz);从语言学角度也增加了一些标记,总共使用了40多个个标记。

二.格式说明 1.语料是纯文本文件,文件中每一行代表一自然段或者一个标题,一篇文章有若干个自然段,因此在语料中一篇文章是由多行组成的。 2.文件名格式为“月-日-版号-篇章号”。 3.一篇文章里面的段落之间是不空行的,在两篇文章之间,会有一个空行,表示文章的分界线,同时,下一篇文章的“篇章号-段号”都会有所改变。 4.标号之后,是2个单字节空格,然后开始正文。 5.正文部分按照规范已经切分成词,并且加上标注,标注的格式为“词语/词性”,即词语后面加单斜线,再紧跟词性标记。词与词之间用2个单字节空格隔开。每段最 后的词,在标记之后也有2个单字节空格,保持格式一致。 6.语料中除了词性标记以外,还有“短语标记”,这种情况一般出现在机构团体名称、成语等情况中。如“通过/p [中央/n 人民/n 广播/vn 电台/n]nt 、/w”中,用 “[ ]”合起来的部分是一个完整的机构团体名称,方括号后面紧跟标注nt,nt之后 空两个单字节空格,保持了格式的一致。 三.例子 迈向/v 充满/v 希望/n 的/u 新/a 世纪/n ——/w 一九九八年/t 新年/t 讲话/n (/w 附/v 图片/n 1/m 张/q )/w …… 在/p 1998年/t 来临/v 之际/f ,/w 我/r 十分/m 高兴/a 地/u 通过/p [中央/n 人民/n 广播/vn 电台/n]nt 、/w [中国/ns 国际/n 广播/vn 电台/n]nt 和/c [中央/n


湖南文理学院课程设计报告 课程名称:计算机软件技术基础 系部:电信系 专业班级:通信工程T09103班 学生姓名:刘程程 指导教师: 完成时间:2011.12.28 报告成绩:

目录 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................ II 第一章引言 (1) 1.1背景和意义 (1) 1.2词性标注定义及其困难 (1) 1.2.1词性的定义 (2) 1.2.2词性标注的难点 (2) 第二章基础理论介绍 (3) 2.1隐马尔科夫模型(H1DDEN M ARKOV M ODEL,HM) (3) 2.2HMM用于词性标注 (4) 第三章改进HMM标注模型与参数估计 (4) 3.1改进HMM模型词性标注 (4) 3.2参数估计 (5) 3.2.1训练语料库 (5) 3.2.2当用数据库 (5) 第四章改进VITERBI算法标注 (7) 4.1标注过程 (7) 4.2改进后的V ITERBI算法的具体描述 (7) 第五章实验结果与分析 (8) 5.1评价标准 (8) 5.2实验结果 (9) 5.3错误分析 (10) 参考文献 (11)


POS_MAP = { 'n': ('名词', 'noun', { 'nr': ('人名', 'personal name', { 'nr1': ('汉语姓氏', 'Chinese surname'), 'nr2': ('汉语名字', 'Chinese given name'), 'nrj': ('日语人名', 'Japanese personal name'), 'nrf': ('音译人名', 'transcribed personal name') }), 'ns': ('地名', 'toponym', { 'nsf': ('音译地名', 'transcribed toponym'), }), 'nt': ('机构团体名', 'organization/group name'), 'nz': ('其它专名', 'other proper noun'), 'nl': ('名词性惯用语', 'noun phrase'), 'ng': ('名词性语素', 'noun morpheme'), }), 't': ('时间词', 'time word', { 'tg': ('时间词性语素', 'time morpheme'), }), 's': ('处所词', 'locative word'), 'f': ('方位词', 'noun of locality'), 'v': ('动词', 'verb', {

'vd': ('副动词', 'auxiliary verb'), 'vn': ('名动词', 'noun-verb'), 'vshi': ('动词"是"', 'verb 是'), 'vyou': ('动词"有"', 'verb 有'), 'vf': ('趋向动词', 'directional verb'), 'vx': ('行事动词', 'performative verb'), 'vi': ('不及物动词', 'intransitive verb'), 'vl': ('动词性惯用语', 'verb phrase'), 'vg': ('动词性语素', 'verb morpheme'), }), 'a': ('形容词', 'adjective', { 'ad': ('副形词', 'auxiliary adjective'), 'an': ('名形词', 'noun-adjective'), 'ag': ('形容词性语素', 'adjective morpheme'), 'al': ('形容词性惯用语', 'adjective phrase'), }), 'b': ('区别词', 'distinguishing word', { 'bl': ('区别词性惯用语', 'distinguishing phrase'), }), 'z': ('状态词', 'status word'), 'r': ('代词', 'pronoun', { 'rr': ('人称代词', 'personal pronoun'),


机器学习翻译姓名:陈伟 学号:20124227003 班级:01

机器学习的词性标注 摘要 我们应用统计决策树学习和自然语言处理解决形态语句的消歧问题。这个学习的过程是为了获得一个语言模型,来解决词性标注模糊的问题,在一些相关的文章中,词性标注组成了统计决策树的标签和一些单词。得到的决策树已经直接应用在标签中,这个标签相对简单而且效率较高,在华尔街语料库的精确测量中它得到了检测,价值得到了肯定。但是如果把决策树翻译成支持灵活标签的规则会得到更好的结果。在这个领域,我们描述一个标签是指它能够应用任何信息,特别是机器学习决策树。同时,在解决标签问题时,我们只有有限的培训材料,任何从无到有的建设过程中,标注语料库是至关重要的。我们发现,在这个学习体系中我们的系统可以获得更高的精度,并且可以在开发550万字的西班牙语料库中获得一些结果。 关键词:词性标注基于语料库的统计语言模型决策树归纳满意度约束松弛标签

1.简介 词性标注是一个非常基本的、众所周知的自由自然语言处理问题,这个问题是如何为文章中每个单词在文章的语境中分配正确的形态句法。它对许多自然语言处理问题都非常有用,例如:作为句法分析的前处理工具,信息检索和提取,从文本到语音系统,语料库语言学等。 习性标注的基础是很多单词相对于它们的标签是模糊的,而且在大多数情况下,这些单词可以通过考虑上下文消除歧义。例如表一中出现的句子,单词shot 通过前文将它理解成过去分词,这样就可以消除歧义了。虽然在这种情况下,单词的歧义可以简单的通过前面的标记来消除,但是前面的单词不明确的情况必须考虑,或者说上下文相对于前字的复杂程度是必须考虑的。此外,在一些例子中,仅仅通过上下文是不能够解决模糊性的,这就需要语义或是语法知识。表1如下: 1.1 现有的词性标注方法 使用标注的先驱是TAGGIT,布朗大学最早使用原始的标注,为了提高准确性和效率,人们做了许多的努力。现有的标注使用者可以根据他们所使用的知识分为三个主要群体:语言、统计和机器学习。当然,有些标注者很难进行分类,使用混合方法的人我们也要考虑。 在使用语言的方法中,编译系统所使用的规则是由语言学家来写的。这些语言模型的范围从几百到几千,他们需要付出数年的劳动。在这个领域,TOSCA 的工作和最近赫尔辛基大学对于约束语法的发展是最重要的。 现在大多数扩展的方法是统计的人做的(显然是因为有限的人的工作量)。基本上,它包括建立一个语言的统计模型并利用该模型消除单词的歧义。这个语言模型对不用的语言现象进行同频率的编码。


在词性标记集已确定,并且词典中每个词都有确定词性的基础上,对一个输入词串转换成相应词性标记串的过程叫做词性标注。 词性标注需要解决的问题 如何判定兼类词在具体语境中的词性。 对未登录词需要猜测其词 兼类词对句法分析的影响:尽管兼类词在词汇中所占比例并不很高,但由于它们出现的比例较高,因而对于句法分析会造成直接影响。 词性标注方法: 概率方法 基于隐马尔可夫模型的词性标注方法 机器学习规则的方法 基于转换的错误驱动词性标注方法 从统计模型角度考虑词性标注问题 1给定一个词串W=w1w2...wn,如果T=t1t2...tn是W对应的词性标记串。所谓对W进行词性标注就是在给定W和带有词性标注信息的词表条件下,求T的过程。 2假设W存在多个可能的词性标记串T1,T2,...Ti,对W进行词性标注就是在已知W的条件下求使P(T|W)最大的词性标注串T',即求: 3T'=argmax P(T|W) 例如词串“把/ 这/ 篇/ 报道/ 编辑/ 一/ 下/”中有些词有多个词性标记(兼类词),因此该词串对应的词性标注串有多个。全部标记结果等于各个词的词性标注数目的乘积,即4×1×1×2×2×2×3=96。 词性标注的任务就是从多个可能性中找出可能性最高的词性标注串T’ 上例中对应的词性标注串是“prvnvmq” 对于一个词性标注系统来说,它所“认为”的可能性最高的词性标注串T'可能是正确的,也有可能是错误的。 为了表示方便,做如下约定: Wi:表示一个词串; wi:表示一个具体词语; Ti:表示一个词性标注串; ti:表示一个具体词性标记; 隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是描述连续符号序列的条件概率统计模型,可定义为五元组λ=(S,V,A,B,π),其中 S代表一个状态集合S={1,2,...,N} V代表一个可观察符号的集合V={v1,v2,...,vM} A代表状态转移矩阵(N行×N列)A=[aij],其中 aij=P(qt+1=j | qt=i), 1≤i,j≤N,即从状态i转移到下一个状态j的概率 B是可观察符号的概率分布B={bj(k)},其中bj(k)是在状态j是输出观察符号vk的概率,即bj(k)=P(vk | j),1≤j≤N, 1≤k≤M. π代表初始状态的概率分布π={πi},表示在时刻1选择状态i的概率,即πi=P(q1=i) 一个确定的HMM,其状态数是确定的,每个状态可能输出的观察值数目也是确定的,参数A,B,π可通过统计样本得到。 词性标注和HMM之间的关系 1词性序列相当于HMM的状态序列


分词及词性标注 在英文中,计算机能够利用词语之间的空格来辨别每一个单词词语,但是由连续中文文本组成的汉语序列,因为其词和词之间没有任何标识来进行划分,所以计算机无法方便的直接进行分词处理。然而计算机在对语句进行处理分析的时,由于对其的处理全部是以词语作为基本语言单位的,所以对语句进行分词处理从而成为离散的词语序列便是专利设计目标提取首先要完成的内容。 面向中文语句的分词的研究在目前已经提出了十余种中文分词方法,并成功研发了若干个相关的系统组件,目前基本可以将这些方法分为以词典为基础的方法和以知识规则为基础的方法这两个类别,以词典为基础的学习方法的代表有基于最大熵的方法、基于隐马尔科夫模型的方法等,以知识规则为基础的学习方法的代表有N-最短路径方法、最少切分法和最大匹配算法等。 上述这些算法都有自己的不足之处,其中现阶段面临的问题大致有两个,其一是对未登录词识别的问题,这些词没有被中文分词词典收录,所以当这些专业词汇在词法分析时,它们的识别率通常较低,往往不会被切分出来,从而造成错误的出现;其二是歧义切分的问题,是指如果依照不同的切分方法,那么即使是切分同一个语句,最后切分出的结果也会不同。 在对专利进行文本挖掘之前,需要对专利的标题和摘要数据进行切分成词序列,这是做文本挖掘工作的开始。目前,开源中文分词工具有很多,如张华平博士团队开发的NLPIR系统(C、Python、Java),哈王大的LTP语言平台(C++、Python),还有R语言的分词包等,送些分词工具都各具特色,本文在此受篇幅所限不做巧细介绍。本文采用结巴分词算法,其主要原因是它处理速度快,分词准确,并带有新词发现、词性标注功能。同时该算法功能可以通过加载包的形式,加载进Python中,便于统一编程实现。该分词算法分词流程如下: 专利标题和摘要分句最大逆向匹配切 分 后处理 输出自定义词典停用词 以下程序实现了对评论句子进行的分词过程,同时进行了词性标注。


词性标注方法 分词系统词性标注模块的基本需求即为对给定的一个分好词的句子,每一个词附上一些相应的词性。 e.g. 晚上喝水 WORD POS LIST 晚上t 喝Vg | e | v 水Ng | j | n 词性标注一个可能的结果为: 晚上/t 喝/v 水/n 注:词性标注体系请参考附录部分,北大词性标注体系 以上功能的核心思想通过算法抽象一下即可转变为一个HMM(Hidden Markov Model)。HMM这名字起得比较直观形象。还以上面的例子来解释一下该模型的思想。 i)MM (Markov Model) MM 说的通俗一点就是一个条件概率问题,譬如说“晚上喝水”这句话,如果需要计算其概率,假设用S代表整个句子,则有如下公式: P (S) = P(晚上喝水) 如果采用二元MM,同时结合链乘原理,有如下公式:(公式1) P(S) = P(晚上|) × P(喝|晚上) × P(水|喝) × P( | 水) 注: —代表句子开始位置 —代表句子结束位置 因此二元MM即等价于一个当前词仅依赖于紧邻历史词的条件概率。 ii)HMM (Hidden Markov Model) HMM其实源自于MM,不过这里引入了两个新的概念:Hidden、Emission。 Hidden我们可以直接从术语上看到,而Emission是由Hidden引出的一个概念。首先解释一下Hidden:我们看到对于一个分好词的句子“晚上喝水”,这里“晚上” 等这些单元都是我们看到的,因此是一些Explicit单元,而POS(词性)是我们看不到的,因此是一些Implicit (Hidden)单元。因此这儿的Hidden在词性标注这个应用领域指的是POS。更抽象一层,Hidden其实是外表背后的本质,所谓外表就是我们看到的现象,所谓本质即为导致该现象发生的原因。 那么“导致该现象发生的原因”这句话指的又是这么呢?通过这句话我们可以引入“Emission”这个概念。在词性标注领域即为某个具体句子中的某个位置的词性导致这个词出现概率,举个例子: e.g. 晚上喝水 WORD POS LIST 晚上t


a r X i v :16 4 . 2 5 6 v 1 [ c s . C L ] 9 A p r 2 1 6 Higher order features and recurrent neural networks based on Long-Short Term Memory nodes in supervised biomedical word sense disambiguation Antonio Jimeno Yepes a,b a IBM Research Australia,Melbourne,VIC,Australia b Dept.of Computing and Information Systems,University of Melbourne,Australia Preprint submitted to Journal of Biomedical Semantics April 12,2016

1.Introduction The amount of biomedical text published is growing exponentially and researchers are?nding it increasingly di?cult to?nd relevant information. The automatic processing of biomedical articles can help with this problem by identifying biomedical entities(such as genes,diseases,drugs),and the relations between them.This information can be extracted from text and used for applications such as summarization,data mining and intelligent search.However,identifying biomedical entities and relations in text is a complex and challenging task. One di?culty,addressed by this research,is the problem of lexical am-biguity.Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings within a single term or phrase.For example,determining whether the term bass is referring to a?sh or instrument given the context in which the term is used.Disambiguation is useful in concept mapping algorithms and tools relying in dictionary look up,such as MetaMap Aronson and Lang(2010). The goal of Word sense disambiguation(WSD)is to automatically predict the most likely sense of an ambiguous word.There are several approaches being used for WSD which range from supervised approaches(which rely on examples of use of each ambiguous word in context to train a learning algo-rithm)to knowledge-engineering approaches(which rely on a sense catalogue such a dictionary). In this work,we explore the use of word embeddings as candidate rep-resentations for the WSD problem.We show that unigram representation is a strong baseline using Support Vector Machines as the machine learning algorithm,but that word embeddings improve theses baseline results.We explore as well the di?erent parameters used in the generation of word embed-dings.Results are signi?cantly improved when using word embeddings with recurrent neural networks.Furthermore,a combination of word embeddings and unigam features with SVM set a new state of the art disambiguation in accuracy of95.97in the MSH WSD data set. 2


NLTK词性标注的缩写解释, Coordinating conjunction 连接词 2.CD Cardinal number 基数词 3.DT Determiner 限定词(如this,that,these,those,such,不定限定词:no,s ome,any,each,every,enough,either,neither,all,both,half,several,many,much,(a) fe w,(a) little,other,another. 4.EX Existential there 存在句 5.FW Foreign word 外来词 6.IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction 介词或从属连词 7.JJ Adjective 形容词或序数词 8.JJR Adjective, comparative 形容词比较级 9.JJS Adjective, superlative 形容词最高级 10.LS List item marker 列表标示 11.MD Modal 情态助动词 12.NN Noun, singular or mass 常用名词单数形式 13.NNS Noun, plural 常用名词复数形式 14.NNP Proper noun, singular 专有名词,单数形式 15.NNPS Proper noun, plural 专有名词,复数形式 16.PDT Predeterminer 前位限定词 17.POS Possessive ending 所有格结束词 18.PRP Personal pronoun 人称代词 19.PRP$ Possessive pronoun 所有格代名词
