


TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称。TED 诞生於1984年,其发起人是里查德·沃曼。

【TED01】Chris Anderson:谈科技的长尾理论2013-09-10

【TED02】Frederick Balagadde:谈微芯片上的生物实验室2013-09-11

【TED03】Jimmy Wales:关于维基百科诞生的演讲2013-09-12

【TED04】Gary Wolf:数据化的自我2013-09-13

【TED05】Peter Gabrie:用视频与不公平作斗争2013-09-14

【TED06】Derek Sivers:下定的目標可別告訴別人2013-09-15

【TED07】Seth Priebatsch:世界第一的遊戲社交圈2013-09-18

【TED08】Julian Treasure:保持聽力的八個步驟2013-09-19

【TED09】Mechai Viravaidya:保險套先生如何讓泰國變得更好2013-09-20

【TED10】Steven Johnson:偉大創新的誕生2013-09-21

【TED11】Ze Frank's:傑·法蘭克大玩網路2013-09-22

【TED12】Craig Vente:克萊格-溫特爾揭開合成生命的面紗2013-09-23 【TED13】Eric Mead:安慰劑魔法2013-09-24

【TED14】Lee Hotz:帶你走入南極的時光機中2013-09-25


【TED16】Seth.Berkley:愛滋病病毒與流感.—.疫苗的策略2013-09-27 【TED17】Jessa Gamble:我们的自然睡眠周期2013-09-28


【TED19】Graham Hill:我為什麼要在上班日吃素2013-09-30

【TED20】Ken Robinson:推動學習革命2013-10-01

【TED21】Fabian Hemmert:未來手機的形狀變化2013-10-02


【TED23】布莱恩·高德曼:我们能否谈论医生所犯的错误2013-10-04 【TED24】Sheryl WuDunn:本世紀最大的不公平2013-10-05

【TED25】Dan Cobley:物理教我有關行銷的事2013-10-08

【TED26】Carne Ross:獨立外交組織2013-10-09

【TED27】Kevin Stone:生物性關節置換的未來2013-10-10

【TED28】Matt Ridley:當腦中的概念交配起來2013-10-11

【TED29】Caroline Phillips:绞弦琴入门2013-10-14

【TED30】Dimitar Sasselov:發現數百顆類似地球的行星2013-10-15 【TED31】Jason Clay:知名品牌如何幫助拯救生物多樣性2013-10-16

【TED32】Chris Anderson:線上影片如何驅動創新2013-10-17 【TED33】Ellen Gustafson:肥胖.颻餓=全球糧食議題2013-10-18 【TED34】Tan Le:解讀腦電波的頭戴式耳機2013-10-19

【TED35】Rory Sutherland:思考角度决定一切2013-10-25 【TED36】Andy Puddicombe:只需专注10分钟2013-10-26 【TED37】Lisa Bu:书籍如何成为心灵解药2013-10-27

【TED38】Ramsey激发学习兴趣的3条黄金法则2013-10-28 【TED39】Marcel Dicke:我们为什么不食用昆虫呢?2013-10-29 【TED40】薛晓岚:轻松学习阅读汉字!2013-10-30





【TED45】Stefan Sagmeister:休假的力量2013-11-04


【TED47】Diana Laufenberg:怎样从错误中学习2013-11-06 【TED48】罗恩·古特曼:微笑背后隐藏的力量2013-11-07 【TED49】阿曼达·帕尔默:请求的艺术2013-11-08

【TED50】德雷克·西弗斯:如何发起一场运动2013-11-09 【TED51】坎迪·张:在死之前,我想......2013-11-10

【TED52】Kiran Bir Sethi:让小孩学会承担2013-11-11



【TED55】Alexander Tsiaras :可视化记录婴儿受孕到出生2013-11-14 【TED56】Larry Smith:你为何不会成就伟业2013-11-15

【TED57】Keith Chen:你存钱的能力跟你用的语言有关?2013-11-16 【TED58】Cesar Kuriyama:每天一秒钟2013-11-17

【TED59】Michael Norton:如何买到幸福2013-11-18



【TED62】Jay Walker:世界英语热2013-11-21



【TED65】Charmian Gooch:认识世界级贪腐的幕后黑手2013-11-24 【TED66】Richard St. John:8个成功秘笈2013-11-25

【TED67】Judy MacDonald Johnston:为生命的终结做好准备2013-11-26 【TED68】Sherry Turkle:保持联系却仍旧孤单2013-11-27


【TED70】David Pogue:十条黄金省时技巧小贴士2013-11-29

【TED71】Philip Zimbardo:男性的衰落?2013-12-01

【TED72】Rives 的凌晨4点2013-12-02

【TED73】Reggie Watts:用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向2013-12-03 【TED74】丹·丹尼特:我们的意识2013-12-04



【TED77】Hadyn Parry:通过基因重组用蚊子抗击疾病2013-12-07 【TED78】Hannah Brencher:给陌生人的情信2013-12-08

【TED79】Ivan Krastev:没有信任,民主能继续存在么?2013-12-09 【TED80】Arianna Huffington:睡眠促进成功2013-12-10


【TED82】Dan Barber:我如何爱上一条鱼2013-12-12

【TED83】Miguel Nicolelis:一只猴子用意念控制一个机器人2013-12-13 【TED84】Kakenya Ntaiya:一位要求学校教育的女孩2013-12-14

【TED85】Kevin Breel:一个抑郁喜剧演员的自白2013-12-15




【TED89】Jacqueline Novogratz:过一种沉浸的人生2013-12-19

【TED90】Ben Dunlap:谈对人生的热情2013-12-20



【TED93】Christien Meindertsma:一头猪的全球化旅程2013-12-23 【TED94】大卫·布莱恩:我如何做到水下屏气17分钟2013-12-24 【TED95】包拉托:错觉中的视觉真相2013-12-25

【TED96】Read Montague:我们从5000个大脑中学到了什么2013-12-26 【TED97】邹奇奇:大人能从小孩身上学到什么2013-12-27


【TED99】Vicki Arroyo:好准备去面对新的气候情形2013-12-29



杨澜ted演讲稿中文 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 杨澜ted演讲稿中文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guewho was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


TED英语演讲稿 When you are a kid, you get asked this one particular question a lot, it really gets kind of annoying. What do you want to be when you grow up? Now, adults are hoping for answers like, I want to be an astronaut or I want to be a neurosurgeon, youre adults in your imaginations. Kids, theyre most likely to answer with pro-skateboarder, surfer or minecraft player. I asked my little brother, and he said, seriously dude, Im 10, I have no idea, probably a pro-skier, lets go get some ice cream. See, us kids are going to answer something were stoked on, what we think is cool, what we have experience with, and thats typically the opposite of what adults want to hear. But if you ask a little kid, sometimes youll get the best answer, something so simple, so obvious and really profound. When I grow up, I want to be happy. For me, when I grow up, I want to continue to be happy like I am now. Im stoked to be here at TedEx, I mean, Ive been watching Ted videos for as long as I can remember, but I never thought Id make it on the stage here so soon. I mean, I just became a teenager, and like most teenage boys, I spend most of my time wondering,


师德师风演讲比赛校长总结讲话稿 百年大计教育为本,教育成功系于教师,教师素质师德为先。为大家整理了师德师风演讲比赛校长总结讲话稿,欢迎大家阅读。 师德师风演讲比赛校长总结讲话稿篇1 老师们,同学们: 大家好! 今天下午,学校举办"学雷锋做一个有道德的人"为主题的讲故事比赛,目的是号召全校师生以雷锋为榜样,进一步弘扬雷锋精神,立足自身,从我做起,讲爱心,讲纪律,讲学习,讲团结,讲朴素,共同创造一个温馨、和谐的校园环境,将学雷锋活动进一步推向深入。刚才,同学们进行了十分精彩的演讲讲故事,展示了个人风采,抒发了师生情怀,令人鼓舞,催人奋进。 老师们,同学们,雷锋虽然离开了我们,但雷锋精神将永驻校园。因此,希望在座的全体师生以此次演讲讲故事为契机,进一步深化认识,以更加积极的态度投身学习和工作中。一是进一步提高思想道德素质。通过学雷锋活动,净化我们的心灵,锤炼我们的品质,对雷锋精神的实质和内涵要有一个更准确、更深刻的把握,精神面貌和思想境界要有明显提高。二是在学习上,学习目标要更加明确,态度更加刻苦,热情更加高涨,学习效果有较大提高。三是在日常生活上,自觉抵制不良风气影响,大力弘扬文明新风,学会礼貌待人,远离污言秽语,学会艰苦朴素,远离铺张浪费,学会宽容理解,远离自私狭隘,逐步建立起一种健康的人际关系,形成良好的行为习惯。

老师们,同学们,演讲讲故事比赛虽然已经结束,但学雷锋活动不能停,雷锋精神不能丢。希望广大师生要把在本次活动中焕发出来的热情长久保持下去,让雷锋精神在我们学校永远闪耀时代的光芒。谢谢大家! 师德师风演讲比赛校长总结讲话稿篇2 各位老师: 在今天这个充满着激情和感动的气氛里,我校举办的"讲师德、正师风、强素质、树形象"师德演讲比赛圆满结束了。今天的演讲比赛,进一步弘扬了正气,促进了师德建设,极大地提升了教师的整体素质,充分展示了我校教师的靓丽风采。在此,我代表学校对参赛选手的精心准备和辛苦付出表示衷心的感谢!对各位选手的精彩表现表示热烈的祝贺! 刚才,我们共同聆听了10位教师的演讲,参赛教师紧紧围绕"讲师德、正师风、强素质、树形象"的主题,结合自己的工作感想和个人体会,以及身边感人的故事,以充实的内容、饱满的激情、生动的语言,讲述了自己对师德的感悟。参赛教师从不同角度、各个方面,演绎者我校教师——把爱与责任贯穿教育始终的师德风貌;把爱的阳光播撒给每个学生的奉献精神。他们用自己的热情和思考,诠释了作为一名教师的自豪和发自内心的快乐,他们借演讲比赛这个平台,用感人至深的事例和发人深思的哲理,让我们感悟着教育的魅力。 今天,台上演讲的选手展现了个性风采,台下听讲的教师也是激情满怀,充分反映了我校教师高尚的道德情操和良好的精神风貌。


杨澜ted英文演讲稿 篇一:杨澜TED演讲稿中英文 Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guestSusan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese]So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.


ted精彩演讲:坠机让我学到的三件事 imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. imagine a plane full of smoke. imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. it sounds scary. 想像 一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀 啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。 well i had a unique seat that day. i was sitting in 1d. i was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants. so i looked at them right away, and they said, no problem. we probably hit some birds. the pilot had already turned the plane around, and we werent that far. you could see manhattan. 那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1d,我是唯一可以和空服员说话的人,于是我 立刻看着他们,他们说,"没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。" 机长已经把机头转向, 我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。 two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time. the pilot lines up the plane with the hudson river. thats usually not the route. he turns off the engines. now imagine being in a plane with no sound. and then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words ive ever heard. he says, brace for impact. 两分钟以后,三件事情同时发生:机长把飞机对齐哈德逊河,一般的航道可 不是这样。他关上引擎。想像坐在一架没有声音的飞机上。然后他说了几个字, 我听过最不带情绪的几个字,他说,"即将迫降,小心冲击。" i didnt have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. i could see in her eyes, it was terror. life was over. 我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。 now i want to share with you 3 things i learned about myself that day. 现在我想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。 i leant that it all changes in an instant. we have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and i thought about all the people i wanted to reach out to that i didnt, all the fences i wanted to mend, all the experiences i wanted to have and i never did. as i thought about that later on, i came up with a saying, which is, collect bad wines. because if the wine is ready and the person is there, im opening it. i no longer want to postpone anything in life. and that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life. 在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事, 所有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想 经历却没有经历的事。之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,"我收藏的酒 都很差。" 因为如果酒已成熟,分享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再 把生命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性改变了我的生命。 the second thing i learnt that day - and this is as we clear the george washington bridge, which was by not a lot - i thought about, wow, i really feel one real regret, ive lived a good life. in my own humanity and mistaked, ive tired to get better at everything i tried. but in my humanity, i also allow my ego to get in. and i regretted the time i wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter. and i thought about my relationship


小学演讲比赛活动总结 导读:小学演讲比赛活动总结1 本次活动分报名、初赛、决赛三个阶段。首先由教师自愿报名,然后在各个办公室经行初赛,最后一共有范高雅、吕倩、叶晓华、刘丽丽、韩大阳、王伟、曲姗姗七位老师参加决赛。我们共同聆听了7位教师的演讲,从整体上来看,本次演讲,比预想的要好,参赛的青年教师都能积极配合学校的工作,把本次演讲当成一项工作去完成,能从不同的方面,以不同人的先进事迹,用她们充满激情的丰富语言和神情给我们大家作了一场精彩生动的演讲,他们从不同的角度诠释了良好的师德师风。总的来说,老师们个个精神饱满,神情激扬,用朴实的语言表达了自己在工作中的想法和做法,通过演讲活动,老师们明确了自己肩上的责任。正如老师们演讲稿中所说的“师者为师亦为范,学高为师,德高为范。走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表。教师是社会主义精神文明的建设者和传播者。”因此师德不是简单的说教,而是一种精神体现,一种深厚的知识内涵和文化品位体现。通过演讲实现自我教育、自我查摆、自我反思、自我改进、自我纠正、自我提高的目的。 教师要为人师表,就是要求我们时时处处要为学生做出榜样,包括我们言传身教的一切行为,即使在细微处也应表现出为人师表的风范。因此我们作为教师应该具备比常人更高尚的道德情操。我们既要把科学文化知识传授给学生,更要用自身完美的行为感染学生,影响

学生。所以,既然我们选择了教育事业,就应该自觉加强个人修养,不断完善自我。 让我们以这次师德演讲会为契机,深入自觉地开展一场师德师风的自律建设活动,为把我校师德师风建设推向更高层次和境地而共同努力。 小学演讲比赛活动总结2 20xx年5月8日,我校第一届英语演讲比赛在我校多媒体教室隆重举行。 三至六年级的19名选手在比赛中展示了各自的亮丽风采,展开激烈的角逐。在学校领导关心支持和师生们的共同努力下,选手们不负众望,表现出色,发挥了最佳的水平。大家都觉得这是一个锻炼学生综合能力的一个好舞台,也是对教师听说教学的一次检验。同时,我们也从这次英语演讲比赛中发现了学生学习英语所存在的一些问题。如:学生的英语底子薄弱;学生学习英语的积极性不够高。有些学生的胆量不够大,上台有些胆怯;学生缺乏参赛经验等等。 这次英语演讲比赛为学生创造了学习和使用英语的机会,丰富了学生的`课余生活通过比赛,展示了外高学生风采,提高了英语应用能力。希望同学们在今后的英语学习中,继续把握提高英语口语表达能力的各种机会,锻炼自我,提高英语口语水平。 小学演讲比赛活动总结3 为了热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年,进一步加强学生社


杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 杨澜在ted演讲上演讲的内容是《重塑中国的年轻一代》,演讲中讲述了自己的奋斗岁月,也讲述了当今青少年的世界观,下面由管理资料网整理杨澜ted 演讲稿中英文 杨澜ted演讲稿中英文 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “China’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a

few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle —a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要


杨澜TED演讲:重塑中国的年轻一代(中英文对照) The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “China’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “green onion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a li ne from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle — a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in C hinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”(Song Ni Cong)。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“Song Ni Cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽(hilarious)。 So I guess both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai belonged to otherness. They were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through. And a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams. Well, being different is not that difficult. We are all different from different perspectives. But I think being different is good, because you present a different point of view. You may have the chance to make a difference. 我想Susan Boyle和这位上海的买菜农妇的确属于人群中的少数。她们是最不可能在演艺界成功的,而她们的勇气和才华让她们成功了,这个节目和舞台给予了她们一个实现个人梦想的机会。这样看来,与众不同好像没有那么难。从不同的方面审视,我们每个人都是不同的。但是我想,与众不同是一件好事,因为你代表了不一样的观点,你拥有了做改变的机会。 My generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate in the historic transformation of China that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years. I remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing, Great


ted演讲稿范文4篇 i was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the p.o. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in facebook, in texting or cell phones in general. and so while other kids were bbm-ing their parents, i was literally waiting by the mailbox to get a letter from home to see how the weekend had gone, which was a little frustrating when grandma was in the hospital, but i was just looking for some sort of scribble, some unkempt cursive from my mother. and so when i moved to new york city after college and got completely sucker-punched in the face by depression, i did the only thing i could think of at the time. i wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers, and tucked them all throughout the city, dozens and dozens of them. i left them everywhere, in cafes and in libraries, at the u.n., everywhere. i blogged about those letters and the days when they were necessary, and i posed a kind of crazy promise to the internet: that if you asked me for a hand-written letter, i would write you one, no questions asked. overnight, my inbox 1 / 42


教师演讲比赛活动总结 教师演讲比赛活动总结(1) 为进一步加强师德建设,提高广大青年教师的职业道德素质,丰富教师的文化生活,进一步落实《大安市幼儿园教师师德演讲比赛活动的通知》总体要求,安一幼儿园于近日开展“用爱心托起明天的太阳”为主题的幼儿教师师德演讲比赛。 此次活动教师们积极参与,进行了精心的准备。她们结合自身的工作经历,从幼儿教师的师德、关爱幼儿等方面进行了精彩生动的演说。老师们的演讲主题鲜明,洋溢着青春气息,展现了教师的新风采,突出了热爱教育、献身教育的责任意识和进取精神。 正如老师们演讲时所说:“师德--不是简单的说教,而是一种精神体现,一种深厚的知识内涵和文化品位的体现!在我的人生中,不需要轰轰烈烈,只要将作为教师的美德继续下去,让自己在不断自我剖析、自我发展、自我完善、自我超越中实现我的人生价值!” 活动结束后,园长为本次活动做了精彩总结,开展此次活动比赛结果并不是安一幼儿园追求的唯一目标,重要的是让教师在参与的过程中得到了锻炼和提高,责任感和使命感得到了增强。同时通过活动不仅展示教师们了在语言方面的技能技巧,也提高了教师规范用

语的意识,对教师自觉地提高个人业务素质起了非常积极地促进作用。 教师演讲比赛活动总结(2) 我们都知道,普通话作为一种交流手段,其作用在现代社会中越来越重要,一个国家语言文字的普及程度和社会应用的规范水平是一个国家社会文明程度的重要标志之一。特别是我们做教师的,你的普通话水平的高低更具有特殊意义。它不仅仅是个人交流的问题,而且会在你讲课过程中潜移默化地影响学生普通话水平。所以说,教师用好普通话责任重大。 为此,本学期学校在第十二届推普周期间以“快乐教育”为理念开展了“快乐教育”教师普通话演讲比赛活动,在全校范围内进行普通话知识测试等。这个活动,一是为了贯彻落实第十二届推普周活动,丰富我校教职工的生活;二是为了提高我校教师的普通话水平及语言表达能力,展示我校教职工的精神风貌。 本次活动由教科室主办,工会、信息办公室等部门对此项活动给予了有力支持。同时,此项活动也受到了广大教师的大力支持。自活动通知下发后,各年级教师踊跃报名参赛,他们认真准备、精心撰写演讲稿,各位演讲都很精彩,普通话水平也都比较高,达到了比赛的预期目的。

杨澜 TED 演讲稿

杨澜TED 演讲稿——The generation that's The generation that's remaking China 重塑中国年轻的一代(一) 杨澜——苏格兰TED演讲稿 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 里面有许多话还是值得深思的,前段时间在北外的校庆杨澜也有去,可惜没有机会一睹风采。一个很有思想的女性。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese] So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做“中国达人秀”决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。”她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的“你好”或者“谢谢”,她说的是——“送你葱”(Song Ni Cong)。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“Song Ni Cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽(hilarious)。

杨澜演讲TEDThe.generation 字幕

The generation that is remaking China https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f5675629.html,/talks/yang_lan 0:11 The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's Got Talent" show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese: 送你葱So it's not like "hello" or "thank you," that ordinary stuff. It means "green onion for free." // Why did she say that? Because [∵] it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn't understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was "green onion for free." So [as] Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 [80k] live audience sang together. That was hilarious.// 1:32 So I guess both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai [Sh]belonged to otherness. They were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through. And a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams. Well, being different is not that difficult. We are all different from different perspectives. But I think being different is good, because you present a different point of view. You may have the chance to make a difference.// 2:12 My generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate in the historic transformation of China that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years [y]. I remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing [Bj], Great Wall Sheraton -- it's still there. So after being interrogated by this Japanese [jp] manager for a half an hour, he finally said, "So, Miss Yang, do you have any questions to ask me?" I summoned my courage and poise and said, "Yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell?" I didn't have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel. That was the first day I set my foot in a five-star hotel. // 3:05 Around the same time, I was going through an audition -- the first ever open audition by national television in China -- with another thousand college girls. The producer told us they were looking for some sweet, innocent and beautiful fresh face. So when it was my turn, I stood up and said, "Why [do] women's personalities on television always have to be beautiful, sweet, innocent and, you know, supportive? Why can't they have their own ideas and their own voice?" // I thought I kind of offended them. But actually, they were impressed by my words. And so I was in the second round of competition, and then the third and the fourth. After seven rounds of competition, I was the last one to survive it. So I was on a national television prime-time show. And believe it or not, that was the first show on Chinese television that allowed its hosts to speak out of their own minds without reading an approved script. (Applause) And my weekly audience at that time was between 200 to 300 million people. 4:22 Well after a few years, I decided to go to the U.S. and Columbia University to pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my own media company, which was unthought of during the years that I started my career. So we do a lot of things. I've interviewed more than a thousand people in the past. And sometimes I have young people approaching me say, "Lan, you changed my life," and I feel proud of that. // But then we are also so fortunate to witness the transformation of the whole country. I was in Beijing's bidding for the Olympic Games. I was representing the Shanghai Expo. I saw China embracing the world and vice versa. But then sometimes I'm thinking, what are today's young generation up to? How are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of China, or at large, the world? //
