



学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________



从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Pandas are in danger and we should protect ________.

A. it

B. them

C. her

D. him

2.Shenzhen is ________ the south of China.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. to

3.—________is the population of New York, the biggest city of America?

—About 8.5 million.

A. Where

B. When

C. Who

D. What

4.In England, we ________ say Mr. or Mrs. when we meet someone for the first time.

A. can

B. must

C. need

D. might

5.I often watch English movies ________ it can help me improve my English.

A. so

B. but

C. because

D. or

6.Riding a bike is ________ than driving a car and it is good for our health.


B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest

7.Many people enjoy jogging. It is one of ________ sports in the world.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular

8.It ________ me half an hour to go to school by bike every day.

A. takes

B. took

C. is taking

D. will take

9.Lu Xun ________ to help the Chinese people, so he decided to be a doctor in 1904.

A. hopes

B. hoped

C. will hope

D. is hoping

10.—Mum, what's dad doing?

—He ________ a football match on TV now.

A. watches

B. watched

C. is watching

D. will watch

11.China ________ the 24th Winter Olympics in 2022.

A. holds

B. held

C. is holding

D. will hold

12.I ________ to cross the road when the accident happened.

A. wait

B. will wait

C. was waiting

D. are waiting


通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

The power of attitude (态度)!

"Look, it's Baldy (秃头)!" A boy shouted to me on the playground. Although I was often insulted (侮辱) because of the scars (伤疤) on my head, it was ___13___ to hear.

When I was just 20 months old. I had an accident—a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. My parents sent me to hospital at once and I had to ___14___ there for weeks while the doctors tried their best to save my life. "It is very lucky for your daughter to be alive, "they told Mum and Dad. "But she'll be left with scars on her head, and of course her hair won't grow there."

As a child, I ___15___ much about my scars, so I always wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home. If I didn't, people would call me terrible names like Baldy. One day, I took part in a children's bums (烫伤) camp. There I made a friend, a 14-year-old girl, Mary. Her burns are a lot more serious than mine. But she is so strong that she ___16___ shows any sadness. "You shouldn't listen to what people talk about what you look like because we're not ___17___ from anyone else." She told me sincerely (真诚地). "You don't need to wear a scarf because you look great too without it." So later, at my 13th birthday party, I took off my ___18___ and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to ___19___ away behind my scarf.

Now I am ___20___ of what I look like and much happier because I know it is your attitude that tells who you truly are.

13. A. excited B. happy C. sad D. bored

14. A. stay B. play C. practice D. study

15. A. asked B. cared C. prepared D. imagined

16. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never

17. A. far B. different C. free D. safe

18. A. scarf B. shoes C. coat D. sweater

19. A. clear B. drive C. pass D. hide

20. A. surprised B. tired C. confident D. shy


三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。


Help the Animals

Hippos are large animals with small eyes and ears. In

Africa, they live in the rivers. But the rivers are drying up.

There are about 3,000 hippos in the wild now.

Kakapo is the biggest parrot in the world and it looks like

an owl (猫头鹰). This parrot cannot fly. The rats (老鼠) killed

many of this kind of parrots. Now there are only 100 left.

A manatee looks a bit like a hippo and a bit like a seal (海

豹). In order to live, the manatees swim to where there is more

water. Many get stranded (搁浅) and some are killed. Now

there are about 6,600 left.

The aye-aye has ears like a bat (蝙蝠) and a body like a

cat. People killed many of them because they think it brings bad

luck. There are only 32 aye-aye in the zoos.

21. Where do hippos live?

A. In the sea

B. In the zoos.

C. In the rivers

D. In the forests.

22. How many kakapos are left in the world?

A. Only 32.

B. Only 100.

C. About 3,000.

D. About 6,600.

23. What does a manatee look like?

A. It has ears like a bat and a body like a cat.

B. It is a bit like a hippo and a bit like a seal.

C. It is a large animal with small eyes and ears.

D. It is the biggest parrot and looks like an owl.


Have you ever read Alice's Adventures in wonderland? It was written by Lewis Carroll. He was an English writer, poet (诗人), scientist, photographer, priest and a professor in Oxford University. His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and Lewis Carrol was his pen name. he was born in 1832 and died in 1898.

He is most famous for writing two children's fantasy (虚幻的) books about a young girl called Alice. They were Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1872). People of all ages liked the books very much because they were written in an unusual way. Children could find something exciting and interesting in the stories. Besides, Alice's life was quite different from their lives.

He also wrote two famous poems called "The Hunting of the Snark", and "The Jabberwocky". What is more important about these poems is that he made up many new words to use in them. He was good at "word play" and used words in many different ways. Some of these ways were quite new, and this has influenced (影响) members of the literary elite (文学精英). Many people still study his work and his life today.

Although they have been written for children, Lewis Carroll's books and poems have been enjoyed by people of all ages. If you have not read Alice's Adventures in wonderland, you should read it soon. No matter how old you are, you will find it exciting and enjoyable.

24. Lewis Carroll's books are popular because ________.

A. the stories are from the real life

B. they are difficult to understand

C. they are written in an unusual way

D. there are many old words in the books

25. We can learn that Lewis Carroll ________.

A. lived for 69 years

B. was an American poet

C. had a good imagination

D. wrote three famous poems

26. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lewis Carroll's life.

B. The poem of Lewis Carroll.

C. Two children's fantasy books.

D. Lewis Carrol's works and influence.


Traveling helps us learn about different people and different places. People travel for different reasons. But one of the reasons is that a lot of tourists are interested in traditional culture (文化).

Tourism (旅游业) can be very good for traditional cultures. This is because when people travel to another country, they often want to learn more about that country's traditions such as music, food and history. So the local people in that country will wear traditional clothing and sell traditional food. They will also have shows for tourists. These shows can be dances, concerts, plays or something else.

Tourism also helps people respect (尊重) each other. If you understand another culture well, you will probably respect that culture much more. You will probably want to protect that culture as well. However,tourism isn't always good for traditional culture. A lot of people say that tourism causes "fake traditional culture". This means that the local people wear traditional clothing, and do traditional dances only for tourists so that they can make money. But that isn't their real lifestyle. Their real lifestyles are like the tourists' lifestyles.

Another problem is that tourists can interfere (妨碍) with the local people's lives. For example, sometimes tourists come to watch local people praying(祷告) in temples (庙宇). While the local people pray, tourists take photos and make noises. This often makes the local people angry. Sometimes tourists also do harm to local places of interest. If five hundred people entered an old temple every day, they might do harm to that temple.

No matter what, more and more tourists want to learn about traditional cultures. Most local people want more tourism because tourists bring money and help local business. Tourists have to respect local culture and local places. Local governments have to make laws (法律) to protect places and lifestyles. If everyone is responsible, then tourism will be great for traditional cultures.

27. The word "fake"in Paragraph 4 probably means "________".

A. not rich

B. not popular

C. not real

D. not interesting

28. According to the passage, what should tourists do in local places?

A. Keep quiet in some special situations.

B. Pray with the local people in old temples.

C. Make laws to protect places and lifestyles.

D. Wear traditional clothing and sell traditional food.

29. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Tourists don't care about traditional culture.

B. Tourists learn more about country's traditions.

C. Tourism can protect local places and lifestyles.

D. Tourism can be good and bad for traditional culture.

D Do you think you have a good memory (记忆)? It is difficult to say exactly what memory is.Even scientists who

have been studying memory for many years say that they are still trying to find out what it is. We do know that a specific memory is not just one thing stored (存储) somewhere in the brain (大脑). A memory is made up of small pieces of information stored all over the brain.

The human brain is very small and light (only 2% of total body weight). But it needs about 20% of the oxygen (氧气) that our body takes in. We can't think well if our brain isn't getting enough oxygen,so always make sure there is enough oxygen in the air when you need to learn or remember something!

Why do you forget things sometimes? The main reason for forgetting something is that you did not learn it well enough in the beginning. For example, if you meet some new people and right away forget their names, it is because you didn't record (记录) the names when you heard them.

No one can remember everything, but everyone can learn how to improve their memory. Here are some ways:

●When you want to remember something, tell a friend about it. This way the new information becomes more memorable. Later on, think about the conversation with your friend. It will help you remember the information.

●Don't over-train your brain. When you've remembered a list of new vocabulary, stop studying. It's better to study a lot of material (材料) for a short time than a small part of material for a lot of time! But remember: you do have to practise your new vocabulary as soon as possible!

●If you have to remember something big, break it down into smaller parts. It's easier to remember 198756430387 if you break it into four smaller bits: 198-756-430-387.

●If you want to remember a piece of information, and you can't. Don't get angry. Relax when you study! Try to enjoy yourself. You are learning new things every minute. You will remember better if you are happy and relaxed.

In short, none of (没有一个) the ways can make your memory 100% perfect, but all of them are helpful.

30. Where is a memory stored in your brain?

A. In the left brain.

B. Some parts of the brain.

C. In the right brain.

D. All over the brain.

31. Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?

A. We can make our memory 100% perfect.

B. We can break the big information into big parts.

C. We'll forget things if we don't learn them well in the beginning.

D. We should spend a lot of time studying a small part of material.

32. According to the passage, the writer probably agrees with ________.

A. sharing new information with friends

B. remembering long numbers by wring

C. learning at least 100 new words at a time

D. getting angry when can't remember some information

33. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. What the human brain is.

B. Why we forget something.

C. How we improve our memory.

D. Where memories are stored in the brain.


A Chinese Traditional Art — the Shadow Puppet Play

shadow puppet play

The Chinese shadow puppet play is an old art. It is usually played by five people. One moves the puppets, one sings and the other three people play music.

It's said that it appeared in China over 2,000 years ago during the Han Dynasty ( 朝代). After the wife of the Emperor (皇帝) Han Wudi died of illness, the emperor was very sad. One day, a man called Li Shaoweng saw children playing with dolls and the shadows of the dolls were dancing on the wall. So he came up with an idea to help Han Wudi. He went back home and made a puppet of the emperor's wife He put sticks on the puppet's hands and feet to make it easy to move.

When night came, he put up a cloth, lit (点燃) a candle (蜡烛) and invited the emperor to sit before the cloth. Li Shaoweng moved the puppet behind the cloth. The emperor felt like he was seeing his wife again and was very happy. After that the shadow puppet play became the emperor's favorite hobby.

Thousands of years have passed, but the shadow puppet play is still popular. And it is loved by more and more people all over the world.

34. Is the Chinese shadow puppet play an old art?


35. When did the Chinese shadow puppet play appear?


36. Who came up with an idea help Han Wudi?


37. Why did Han Wudi become happy while seeing the puppet?


38. What does the passage mainly talk about?



从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

39.假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Mike 了解到一月份中国人就要过春节了,他想向你了解一些信息。请用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他你们放假的时间,北京一月的天气,并分享中国春节的一些传统。

提示词语: on 17 January, cold, red paper, break, have one's hair cut


When will you winter holiday start?

How's the weather like in January in Beijing?

What are some Chinese traditions during the Spring Festival?

Dear Mike,

I'm happy to hear that you'll come to Beijing

soon.________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _

If you need further information,be free to email me. Yours, Li Hua

40.每年的三月二十六日是全国中小学生安全教育日。寒假即将来临,为了进一步增强中小学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,某英文报将举行以消防安全为主题的征文活动。内容包括:你们学校多久举行一次消防演习(a fire drill) ,在演习中你们应该怎么做,以及你认为消防演习怎么样。

提示词语: once a term, leave, cover, take the lift, useful


How often do you have a fire drill in your school?

What should you do during the fire drill?

What do you think of the fire drill?

I'm glad to talk something about fire drills. Life is valuable. We should take it

seriously._____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________




从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Pandas are in danger and we should protect ________.

A. it

B. them

C. her

D. him





的代词需用复数,故选B。2.Shenzhen is ________ the south of China. A. in B. at C. on D. to 【答案】A




3.—________is the population of New York, the biggest city of America?

—About 8.5 million.

A. Where

B. When

C. Who

D. What




考查特殊疑问句和疑问词辨析。Where在哪里,对地点进行提问;When什么时候,对时间进行提问;Who谁,对人进行提问;What多少。根据回答“About 8.5 million”可知对人口多少进行提问,故选D。

4.In England, we ________ say Mr. or Mrs. when we meet someone for the first time.

A. can

B. must

C. need

D. might





5.I often watch English movies ________ it can help me improve my English.

A. so

B. but

C. because

D. or




考查连词。so 所以,表示结果,并列连词;but但是,表转折,并列连词;because因为,表示原因,从属连词;or或者,表选择,并列连词。根据句意前后两句表示因果关系,后一句表示原因,所以用because引导原因状语从句,故选C。

6.Riding a bike is ________ than driving a car and it is good for our health.

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest





7.Many people enjoy jogging. It is one of ________ sports in the world.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular




考查形容词的最高级。A项为形容词的原级;B项为形容词的比较级;C项为错误选项;D项为形容词的最高级。根据one of可知,应该使用形容词的最高级;形容词的最高级之前要加定冠词the。故选D。

8.It ________ me half an hour to go to school by bike every day.

A takes B. took C. is taking D. will take




考查时态。takes花费,动词三单;took花费,过去式;is taking花费,现在进行时;will take花费,一般将来时;根据句意理解可知,句中的时间标志词是every day,且句子主语是第三人称,所以动词应该用三单形式,故选A。

9.Lu Xun ________ to help the Chinese people, so he decided to be a doctor in 1904.

A. hopes

B. hoped

C. will hope

D. is hoping




考查时态。hopes希望,动词三单;hoped希望,过去式;will hope希望,一般将来时;is hoping希望,现在进行时;根据句意理解及后句的动词可知,后句用的是过去时,所以这里也用过去时,故选B。

10.—Mum, what's dad doing?

—He ________ a football match on TV now.

A. watches

B. watched

C. is watching

D. will watch




考查时态。watches观看,动词三单;watched观看,过去式;is watching观看,现在进行时;will watch观看,一般将来时;根据句意理解可知,问句用的是现在进行时,所以回答也用现在进行时,表达的是正在进行的动作,故选C。

11.China ________ the 24th Winter Olympics in 2022.

A. holds

B. held

C. is holding

D. will hold




考查一般将来时。A:一般现在时;B:一般过去时;C:现在进行时;D:一般将来时。根据句中时间状语in 2022可知,时间表将来,应使用一般将来时。故选D。

12.I ________ to cross the road when the accident happened.

A. wait

B. will wait

C. was waiting

D. are waiting




考查动词时态。wait等待,动词原形;will wait一般将来时;was waiting过去进行时;are waiting现在进行时。根据题干可知,本句是when引导的时间状语从句,表示一个动作进行时,另一个动作也正在进行,所以此处应用进行时态,再由happened为一般过去时,可知这里应用过去进行时态,故答案选C。


通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

The power of attitude (态度)!

"Look, it's Baldy (秃头)!" A boy shouted to me on the playground. Although I was often insulted (侮辱) because of the scars (伤疤) on my head, it was ___13___ to hear.

When I was just 20 months old. I had an accident—a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. My parents sent me to hospital at once and I had to ___14___ there for weeks while the doctors tried their best to save my life. "It is very lucky for your daughter to be alive, "they told Mum and Dad. "But she'll be left with scars on her head, and of course her hair won't grow there."

As a child, I ___15___ much about my scars, so I always wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home. If I didn't, people would call me terrible names like Baldy. One day, I took part in a children's bums (烫伤) camp. There I made a friend, a 14-year-old girl, Mary. Her burns are a lot more serious than mine. But she is so strong that she

___16___ shows any sadness. "You shouldn't listen to what people talk about what you look like because we're not ___17___ from anyone else." She told me sincerely (真诚地). "You don't need to wear a scarf because you look great too without it." So later, at my 13th birthday party, I took off my ___18___ and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to ___19___ away behind my scarf.

Now I am ___20___ of what I look like and much happier because I know it is your attitude that tells who you truly are.

13. A. excited B. happy C. sad D. bored

14. A. stay B. play C. practice D. study

15. A. asked B. cared C. prepared D. imagined

16. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never

17. A. far B. different C. free D. safe

18. A. scarf B. shoes C. coat D. sweater

19. A. clear B. drive C. pass D. hide

20. A. surprised B. tired C. confident D. shy

【答案】13. C 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C





考查形容词辨析。excited兴奋的;happy高兴的;sad难过的;bored无聊的。根据““look, it's Baldy (秃头)!”

A boy shouted to me on the playground.”“喂,秃头!”一个男孩在操场上对我喊叫。可知,作者对于别人这样叫她应该是感到难过的。故选C。



考查动词辨析。stay待;play玩;practice练习;study学习。根据“while the doctors tried their best to save my life.”医生们则尽力挽救我的生命。可知,作者是待在医院接受治疗。故选A。



考查动词辨析。asked问;cared在意;prepared准备;imagined想象。根据“I always wore a scarf to cover them up when I left home.”离家时我总是戴着围巾遮住伤疤。可以推知作者很是在意自己的伤疤。故选B。



考查副词。always总是;usually通常;sometimes有时;never从不。根据““You shouldn't listen to what people talk about what you look like because we're not 5from anyone else.””“你不应该听别人说你长什么样,因为我们和别人没什么不同。”可知,玛丽是很坚强的,从不表现出任何悲伤。故选D。







考查名词辨析。scarf围巾;shoes鞋;coat大衣;sweater毛衣。根据“showed off my scars.”展示我的伤疤。







三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳



Help the Animals

Hippos are large animals with small eyes and ears. In

Africa, they live in the rivers. But the rivers are drying up.

There are about 3,000 hippos in the wild now.

Kakapo is the biggest parrot in the world and it looks like

an owl (猫头鹰). This parrot cannot fly. The rats (老鼠) killed

many of this kind of parrots. Now there are only 100 left.

A manatee looks a bit like a hippo and a bit like a seal (海

豹). In order to live, the manatees swim to where there is more

water. Many get stranded (搁浅) and some are killed. Now

there are about 6,600 left.

The aye-aye has ears like a bat (蝙蝠) and a body like a

cat. People killed many of them because they think it brings bad

luck. There are only 32 aye-aye in the zoos.

21. Where do hippos live?

A. In the sea

B. In the zoos.

C. In the rivers

D. In the forests.

22. How many kakapos are left in the world?

A. Only 32.

B. Only 100.

C. About 3,000.

D. About 6,600.

23. What does a manatee look like?

A. It has ears like a bat and a body like a cat.

B. It is a bit like a hippo and a bit like a seal.

C. It is a large animal with small eyes and ears.

D. It is the biggest parrot and looks like an owl.

【答案】21. C 22. B 23. B




细节理解题。根据Hippos are large animals with small eyes and ears. In Africa, they live in the rivers. 河马是大动物,眼睛和耳朵都很小。在非洲,它们生活在河流里。可知,河马生活在河里,故答案选C。


细节理解题。根据The rats killed many of this kind of parrots. Now there are only 100 left. 老鼠杀死了许多这种鹦鹉。现在只剩下100只了。可知,世界上还剩下100只鸮鹦鹉,故答案选B。


细节理解题。根据A manatee looks a bit like a hippo and a bit like a seal. 海牛看起来有点像河马,又有点像海



Have you ever read Alice's Adventures in wonderland? It was written by Lewis Carroll. He was an English writer, poet (诗人), scientist, photographer, priest and a professor in Oxford University. His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and Lewis Carrol was his pen name. he was born in 1832 and died in 1898.

He is most famous for writing two children's fantasy (虚幻的) books about a young girl called Alice. They were Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1872). People of all ages liked the books very much because they were written in an unusual way. Children could find something exciting and interesting in the stories. Besides, Alice's life was quite different from their lives.

He also wrote two famous poems called "The Hunting of the Snark", and "The Jabberwocky". What is more important about these poems is that he made up many new words to use in them. He was good at "word play" and used words in many different ways. Some of these ways were quite new, and this has influenced (影响) members of the literary elite (文学精英). Many people still study his work and his life today.

Although they have been written for children, Lewis Carroll's books and poems have been enjoyed by people of all ages. If you have not read Alice's Adventures in wonderland, you should read it soon. No matter how old you are, you will find it exciting and enjoyable.

24. Lewis Carroll's books are popular because ________.

A. the stories are from the real life

B. they are difficult to understand

C. they are written in an unusual way

D. there are many old words in the books

25. We can learn that Lewis Carroll ________.

A. lived for 69 years

B. was an American poet

C. had a good imagination

D. wrote three famous poems

26. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lewis Carroll's life.

B. The poem of Lewis Carroll.

C. Two children's fantasy books.

D. Lewis Carrol's works and influence.

【答案】24. C 25. C 26. D


本文介绍了《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的作者Lewis Carroll的两部成名作和两首成名诗,他对英国文学有很大的影响,尽管他的作品看起来是写给孩子们的,但是各个年龄段的人都喜欢看。


细节理解题。根据“People of all ages liked the books very much because they were written in an unusual way.”可知,各年龄段的人都很喜欢这些书,因为它们的写作方式与众不同。故选C。


推理判断题。根据“He is most famous for writing two children's fantasy (虚幻的) books about a young girl called Alice.”他最出名的是写了两本关于一个叫爱丽丝的小女孩的儿童幻想书。可以推出Lewis Carroll有很好的想象力。故选C。


主旨大意题。本文介绍了Lewis Carroll的两部成名作和两首成名诗,以及他对英国文学的影响。故选D。


Traveling helps us learn about different people and different places. People travel for different reasons. But one of the reasons is that a lot of tourists are interested in traditional culture (文化).

Tourism (旅游业) can be very good for traditional cultures. This is because when people travel to another country, they often want to learn more about that country's traditions such as music, food and history. So the local people in that country will wear traditional clothing and sell traditional food. They will also have shows for tourists. These shows can be dances, concerts, plays or something else.

Tourism also helps people respect (尊重) each other. If you understand another culture well, you will probably respect that culture much more. You will probably want to protect that culture as well.

However, tourism isn't always good for traditional culture. A lot of people say that tourism causes "fake traditional culture". This means that the local people wear traditional clothing, and do traditional dances only for tourists so that they can make money. But that isn't their real lifestyle. Their real lifestyles are like the tourists' lifestyles.

Another problem is that tourists can interfere (妨碍) with the local people's lives. For example, sometimes tourists come to watch local people praying(祷告) in temples (庙宇). While the local people pray, tourists take photos and make noises. This often makes the local people angry. Sometimes tourists also do harm to local places of interest. If five hundred people entered an old temple every day, they might do harm to that temple.

No matter what, more and more tourists want to learn about traditional cultures. Most local people want more tourism because tourists bring money and help local business. Tourists have to respect local culture and local places. Local governments have to make laws (法律) to protect places and lifestyles. If everyone is responsible, then tourism will be great for traditional cultures.

27. The word "fake"in Paragraph 4 probably means "________".

A. not rich

B. not popular

C. not real

D. not interesting

28. According to the passage, what should tourists do in local places?

A. Keep quiet in some special situations.

B. Pray with the local people in old temples.

C. Make laws to protect places and lifestyles.

D. Wear traditional clothing and sell traditional food.

29. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Tourists don't care about traditional culture.

B. Tourists learn more about country's traditions.

C. Tourism can protect local places and lifestyles.

D. Tourism can be good and bad for traditional culture.

【答案】27. C 28. A 29. D




词义推测题。根据下文This means that the local people wear traditional clothing, and do traditional dances only for tourists so that they can make money. But that isn't their real lifestyle. 这意味着当地人穿着传统服装,只为游客表演传统舞蹈,这样他们才能赚钱。但那不是他们真正的生活方式。结合A lot of people say that tourism causes "fake traditional culture".可知,很多人说旅游造成了“假传统文化”。所以fake的意思是“假的”,结合选项,可知C选项not real“不真实的、假的”符合题意,故答案选C。


推理判断题。根据Another problem is that tourists can interfere with the local people's lives. For example, sometimes tourists come to watch local people praying in temples. While the local people pray, tourists take photos and make noises. This often makes the local people angry. 另一个问题是游客会干扰当地人的生活。例如,有时游客来观看当地人在寺庙祈祷。当当地人祈祷的时候,游客们在拍照并制造噪音。这常常使当地人感到愤怒。由此可知,游客到当地,在某些特殊情况下应该保持安静,故答案选A。



欢迎共阅人教版八年级英语期末考试题及答案 八年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单项填空(共25小题,每题1分,计25分) 1.What____you______atthistimeyesterday? A.did;do B.are;doing C.were;doing 2.Shedidn’tgohome.Ididn’tgohome,_______. A.too B.also C.either 3.Heaskedme_____areportcard. A.write B.writing C.towrite 4.TheteachersaidIcoulddobetter_____English. A.in B.at C.for 5.Thankyoufor______mewithmyhomework. A.help B.helps C.helping 6.____iseasyforachildtowakeupandknowwheretheyare. A.It B.That C.This 7.I’msurehewill_____passtheexam. A.can B.isableto C.beableto 8.____eyeexercises____good_____youreyes. A.Doing;are;for B.Do;is;for C.Doing;is;for 9.Theriverisverydirty.______peoplewanttoswiminit.

A.Afew B.Little C.Few 10.I’vebeen________forfivehours. A.skate B.skating C.skated 11.Therearemanytreeson______sideofthestreet. A.both B.every C.each 12.Theman_____glassesismyphysicsteacher. A.with B.has C.wears 13.Thereislittlemilkinthebottle,________? A.isit B.isthere C.isn’tthere 14.Howdidyoumakehim______? A.stoptalking B.tostoptalking C.stopstalking 15.Canyoutellus____? A.wheredoeshelive B.wherehelives C.wherehedoeslive 16.—Howdoyouusuallycometoschool? —_____myfather’scar. A.By B.In C.With 17.Theteachertoldthechildrenthattheearth____aroundthesun. A.moves B.moved C.wasmoving 18.---Whichdoyouprefer,orangesorapples? ---_______.I‘dlikebananas. A.Yes,both B.Neither,thankyou C.No,thanks


2019-2020年八年级英语试卷及答案 一、听力测试 (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能应答录音中所听句子的最佳答案。 1.A.I'm staying at home.B.I'm visiting my cousin.C.No,I'm not. 2.A.She is a teacher.B.She is from Australia.C.She is at school. 3.A.Yes,I like it.B.Yes,I'd love to.C.No.I don't think so.4.A.Sorry,I can't.B.I take the bus.C.I like it very much. 5.A.Don't worry.B.That's too bad.C.I have a stomachache. (二)听下面五组对话和五个问题,每组对话和问题听两遍,然后从各小题的 A B C三各选项中能回答问题的正确一项。 6.A.On Saturday。B.On Sunday.C.Twice a week. 7.A.Tara is shorter than Tina.B.Tara is taller than Tina.C.Tina is shorter than Tara. 8.A.He's going to the beach.B.He's looking after his sister.C.He's babysitting his brother. 9.A.30 minutes.B.45 minutes.C.15 minutes. 10.A.By train.B.By bus.C.By air. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从11一15各小题A B C三个选项中选出正确答案 11.Who is Tom? A.He's Kate's father. B.He's Kate's friend. C.He's Kate's teacher. 12.When is Kate's birthday? A.Today.B.Tomorrow.C.The day after tomorrow. 13.What does Tom do?


柴门中学2017-2018学年下学期冀教版八年级英语期末试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) 一. 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. —What’s the of your country, Tim? — More than thirty-five million. A. value B. name C. advantage D. population ( ) 2. —Why not consider the Internet for interesting information? — Good idea! A. search B. searches C. searched D. searching ( ) 3. It was of you to fight against the robber (抢劫者) just now. We’re all proud of you. A. brave B. foolish C. crazy D. pleasant ( ) 4. The writer in translating this book into Chinese last month. A. succeeded B. created C. divided D. appeared ( ) 5. Tina has lived in China for two years, and she knows Chinese. A. a little of B. a little C. a bit of D. both B and C ( ) 6. Mark didn’t wake up his friend called him this morning. A. before B. while C. until D. after ( ) 7. Jack the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into the dustbin. A. opened up B. picked up C. rang up D. moved up ( ) 8. Jenny I believe Tom’s words, because he always tells lies. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also ( ) 9. The boy’s parents since he was three years old. He has to live with his grandparents. A. died B. dead C. were dying D. have been dead ( )10. It’s difficult the poor man that new house. A. for; afford B. of; afford C. for; to afford D. of; to afford ( )11. Judy seldom goes to the history museum, she? A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )12. My friend told me that she for Shanghai on June 5th. A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. would leave ( )13. — Where is your mother, Kim? —She Hangzhou. She’ll come back this weekend. A. goes to B. has gone to C. will go to D. has been to ( )14. If you drive too fast on the road, it an accident. A. cause B. causes C. caused D. will cause ( )15. —Do you know , Li Ming? — Of course! In 2012. A. where were the 30th Olympic Games held B. when London hosted the 30th Olympic Games C. which record was broken at the Olympic Games D. how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games


人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 距离八年级英语期末考试还有不到一个月的时间了,学生们在这段时间内突击做一些试题是非常有帮助的。下面是为大家精心整理的人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷和答案,仅供参考。 人教版八年级上册英语期末试卷题目一. 听力部分(25分) I.听句子, 选择正确答语。(5分) ( )1. A. No, I don t. B. Sorry, I d love to. C. Sure, I d love to. ( )2. A. Twice a month. B. Three times. C. About two weeks. ( )3. A. I went to school. B. I go to the park. C. I m going to visit Australia. ( )4. A. Two spoons. B. Two. C. One cup. ( )5. A. Because they re exciting. B. Because I can t stand them. C. Because they are very boring. II.听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )6. A.Jack. B.Nick. C.Mike. ( )7. A. About twenty-five minutes. B. About twenty minutes. C.About fifteen minutes. ( ) 8. A. A basketball player. B. A famous runner. C. A


楚州区教育教学第三协作片期中统考八年级 英语学科试卷 命题人:潘福平 一、选择题。(20 分) ( )1. It’s UFO. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )2. Is there in today’s newspaper? A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything ( )3. a day do you feed your pet? Twice a day. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How many times ( )4. My dog is animal of all. A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. the cleverest ( )5. --- Is the English book yours? --- No, it Simon’s. A. can B. can be C. maybe D. might is ( )6. –---Why don’t we? ---------- It’s a good idea . A . going fishing B . to go fishing C . go fish D . go fishing ( )7. The woman enjoys . A. sing and dance B. sings and dances C. singing and dancing D. singing and dances ( )8. It took half an hour his homework. A. her, do B. him, do C. him, to do D. him, doing ( )9. interesting story it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an ( )10. A person cannot sneeze and his eyes at the same time. A. lets, open B. keep, open C. lets, close D. keep, close ( )11. Remember to your homework to school tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry ( )12. is important fish fresh water. A. That; to give B. It; to give C. That; giving D. It; to giving ( )13. You be polite to the old man. A. should B. can C. need D. may ( )14. –Must I return the book right now? –No, you . A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. needn’t D.B and C ( )15. Timmy plays with his pet for every day. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. some time ( )16. Don’t read the sun and it’s bad your eyes.


八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案2019 第 I 卷(共90分) I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听 一遍。 1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Have a nice trip. C. You’re so kind. 2. A. Yes, I think so. B. Yes, they do. C. That’s all right. 3. A. I am washing clothes. B. I was calling my friend. C. I help mom clean the house. 4. A. Yes, it is. B. That’s amazing. C. No, it isn’t. 5. A. Since three years ago. B. Only once. C. For three weeks. 6. A. Never mind. B. You’re quite right. C. My pleasure. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。 7. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 8. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 9. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 10. A. Because he did too much homework.


人教版八年级上册英语单词 Unit1 how often 多久一次exercise v.& n.锻炼skateboard v.踩滑板hardly adv.几乎不 ever adv.曾,曾经once adv.一次twice adv.两次time n.次,次数 surf v.在…冲浪Internet n.网络program n.节目,表演high school 高中,完全中学 result n.结果active adj.活跃的,积极的for prep.对于,在…方面as for 至于,关于 about adv.几乎,大约junk n.废弃的旧物junk food 垃圾食品milk n.牛奶coffee n.咖啡 chip n.(食物等的)薄片cola n.可乐chocolate n.巧克力drink v.喝,饮health n.健康,健康状况how many 多少interviewer n.采访者habit n.习惯try v.试图,设法,努力of course 当然 look after 照顾,照看lifestyle n.生活方式grade n.分数,成绩better adj.& adv.更好的(地) same adj.同样的,相同的as prep.像…一样different adj.不同的,有区别的difference n.不同,差异,区别unhealthy adj.不健康的maybe adv.或许,大概although conj.虽然,即使for prep.达,计grandpa n.外公,爷爷 a lot of 大量,许多keep v.保持must modal v.必须less adj.更小的,较少的Unit2 中文 matter n.事情,问题have v.得(病),患(病)cold n.受凉,感冒have a cold 得了感冒stomachache n.胃痛sore adj.疼痛的back n.背,背部arm n.臂,胳膊ear n.耳朵 eye n.眼睛foot n.脚,足hand n.手head n.头,头部leg n.腿,腿部mouth n.嘴neck n.脖子,颈部nose n.鼻子stomach n.胃tooth n.牙齿throat n.喉咙toothache n.牙痛fever n.发烧,发热rest v.休息honey n.蜂蜜dentist n.牙医should modal v.应该headache n.头痛shouldn't=should not ago adv.以前so pron.如此,这样illness n.疾病advice n.劝告thirsty adj.渴的stress v.加压力于,使紧张(be)stressed out 有压力的,紧张的early adv.提早(地)problem n.问题way n.方法,手段,方式traditional adj.传统的believe v.相信,认为balance n.平衡,平衡状态weak adj.虚弱的,无力的herb n.草本植物,药草angry adj.愤怒的,生气的tofu n.豆腐medicine n.药物western adj.西方的everybody pron.每人,人人get v.变得few adj.很少的 a few 有些,几个,少数stay v.继续是,保持important adj.重要的balanced adj.平衡的diet n.饮食,节食moment n.瞬间,片刻at the moment 此时until conj.直到…之时host family 寄宿家庭hear v.听见,听说 Unit3 中文 babysit v.临时照顾(小孩)camp v.宿营plan n.& v.计划,规划Tibet 西藏hike v.徒步旅行,远足Hong Kong 香港how long 多久,多长时间away adv.向远处get back 回来send v.发送,寄postcard n.明信片 San Francisco 旧金山Hawaii 夏威夷bike n.自行车ride v.乘骑n.旅行的路程sightseeing n.观光,游览fishing n.捕鱼rent v.租用,出租Italy 意大利famous adj.著名的,出名的take a vacation 去度假Greece 希腊Spain 西班牙Europe n.欧洲something pron.某物,某事lake n.湖,湖泊the Great Lakes 五大湖leave v.离开,出发countryside n.农村,乡村nature n.大自然,自然界forget v.忘记a lot 很,常常,非常finish v.结束,完成Thailand 泰国tourist n.旅行者 Unit4 中文 subway n.地铁train n.火车forty num.四十fifty num.五十sixty num.六十seventy num.七十eighty num.八十ninety num.九十hundred num.一百minute n.分钟take v.花费(时间)by prep.表示交通方式by bus 乘坐公共汽车far adj.远的,遥远的how far 多远kilometer n.公里,千米shower v.淋浴quick adj.快的bicycle n.自行车early adj.早的,提早的mile n.英里stop n.车站transportation n.公共交通,运输 north adj.北部的,北方的North America 北美洲part n.地区depend v.依赖,依靠 depend on 视…而定river n.河,江boat n.小船by boat 乘小船must modal v.一定more adj.& adv.更多的(地)


精心整理 人教版八年级英语上期末考试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷(100分) ws. 第二节:对话理解。(每小题2分,共10分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。

()6.Howmanypearsdotheyneed? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. ()7.WhatwillDaviddoiftheschoolhasaconcert? A.Playtheguitar. B.Playtheviolin. C.Playthepiano. 提及)intheletter? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. ()12.WhatkindofmilkshakeisAlicesfavorite? A.Bananamikeshake. B.Applemilkshake. C.Carrotmilkshake.

()13.Ifyouwanttomakeacarrotmilkshake,youdontneed_______. A.ice B.honey C.juice ()17.Myfathermustbeangry____me,__________? A.About;mustnthe B.with;mustnthe C.with;neednthe D.with;isnthe ()18.Wehave________studentsthisyearthanlastyear.

A.many B.manymore C.much D.muchmore ()19.Wouldyoulike________now,John? A.sweetanythingeat B.sweetanythingtoeat C.somethingsweeteating D.somethingsweettoeat A.wear B.puton C.with D.in ()25.We_____outgoingand_____swimming. A.areboth,likeboth B.areboth,bothlike C.bothare,bothlike D.bothare,likeboth


2017年暑假新概念培训学校英语测试卷 一、单项填空(10分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 1. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me. B. a little C. a few D. few 2. Everyone ______ here last Monday. C. are D. was 3. Did Julie study _______ exams B. for C. have D. at 4. It was a ___ day yesterday. B. raining C. rainy D. to rain 5. There are also many fast food restaurants in ______ parts of our city. B. others C. another D. the others 6. You needn’t ______ your English. I will help you.

about about 7. —___does you mother go to the supermarket—By bus. B. When C. How 8. It’s time ____class. have B. have C. to have D. to having 9. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ____ his homework yesterday afternoon. A. do C. does D. did 10. —Is that ________ interesting book —Yes, but it is ___________ difficult. , a little B. a, a bit , a little D. an, little 11. —When did you see the film —__________. hours ago. an hour hours D. In two hours ago 12. How about _________ the supermarket


人教版八年级上册英语 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

人教版八年级上册英语1-5单元知识点梳理 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 语法知识 一般过去时 1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化: ⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t) ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were 放到句首。 3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterda y. 一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。 如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句: ⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如: What did Jim do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home y esterday?

动词过去式变化规则: 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 5.不规则动词过去式:参照P142-P143 二.复合不定代词的使用 复合不定代词是由some-,any-,no-,every-加上-one,-body,-thing等所组成的不定代词。复合不定代词包括 something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等十二个。这些复合代词具有名词性质,在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但 不能用作定语。 一、复合不定代词的指代对象 1、含-body和-one的复合代词只用来指人,含-body的复合不定代词与含-one的复合不定代词在功能和意义上完全相同,可以互换。只是用-body时显得较通俗些,多用于口语中,用-one时显得较文雅些,更常见于正式场合及书面语中。如: Someone/Somebody is crying in the next room.有人在隔壁房间哭。


人教版八年级下册英语期末测试卷 ( 满分100分,时间80分钟) Name_____________ Class_________________ Score_______________ Ⅰ、单项选择题(20分)。 ( ) 1.He _____ when the UFO arrived. A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep ( ) 2.I have been skating _______ nine o’clock. A. for B. since C. at D. from ( ) 3.---He’s never been to an aquarium. ---_______. A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I don’t too ( ) 4.It’s really cold today, ______? A. does it B. doesn’t it C. isn’t it D. is it ( ) 5._____ have you been swimming? For five years. A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much ( ) 6.--Could you please _____ in the room? --Oh, I’m sorry. A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. don’t smoke ( ) 7.---Could we buy a piano, Jack? ---I’m afraid there ______ enough room for one in the house. A. aren’t B. are C. isn’t D. is ( ) 8.I got home _____ they were having dinner. A. as soon as B. while C. because D. after ( ) 9. We got mad ______ the team for losing the match. A. at B. in C. on D. about ( ) 10.She _______ a lot of money on clothes. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys ( ) 11.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow. A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain ( ) 12. ______ weather it is today! Let’s go to play soccer! A. How a good B. What a good C. How good D. What good ( ) 13. You may go to the 24-hour shop _____ you want A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever


初二年级英语试题(2012.12) (卷面总分:100分考试时间:100分钟) 一、听力(共15题, 每小题1分,计15分.) A.听小对话,选择最佳图画选项.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 1. What’s Jim going to do next Sunday? A B C 2. Which sign can they see? A B C 3.What does the man want to buy first? A B C 4.What does the man’s father do? A B C 5.What does the woman want to learn? A B C B. 听大对话,回答问题.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 听第一段对话,完成6至7题. 6.What is the woman’s favourite animal? A. Dogs. B.Tigers. C.Camels. 7.What does the man mean? A. Dogs are the best friends. B. Tigers can kill other animals for food if they are hungry. C. Camels don’t need to eat anything. 听第二段对话,完成8至10题. 8.How is the boy going to Beijing Amusement Park tomorrow? A.By taxi. B. By car. C.By underground. 9.When and where are they going to meet? A. At the gate at 9 a.m.. B. At the bus stop at 9 a.m.. C. At the flat at 8 a.m.. 10.What will they eat for lunch? A. Beijing Duck. B. Some bread. C.Hamburgers. C. 听短文,选择最佳选项.(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 11.It would be better to buy some ______ first. A. fresh vegetables B. vegetable salad C. fresh fruit 12. You should cut them up ________. A. before cleaning them B. after cleaning them C. after putting them in a bowl 13. You can buy_________ . A. only cabbages,carrots,potatoes and tomatoes B. any kind of vegetable C. only three or four kinds of vegetables 14. Finally,mix up the vegetables and _____ in a bowl. A. water B. milk or cheese C. candy 15. This passage tells us how to ______. A. buy food B. eat a healthy diet C. make vegetable salad 二、单项选择(共10题,每题1分,计10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案. 16.Study hard, ________ you will pass the English exam. A. and B. but C. or D. so 17.Which symbol has the meaning of “dollar”? A. @ B. % C. & D. $ 18. ______ exciting news it is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 19.Would you please make __________ for this old man? A. a room B. space C. place D. spaces


新版人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 3)_______________ adj.精彩的;极好的 4)_______________f adj.很少的;n.少量 5)________________adj.最多的;绝大部分的; 6)_______________pron.某事物; 7)_______________pron.没有什么n.没有 8)_________________pron.我自己 9)__________________pron.每人;人人 10) _________________pron.你自己;你亲自 11)__________________n.母鸡;雌禽 12)_______________adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13)__________________n.猪 14)____________n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15)__________________vi.似乎;好像 16)__________________pron.某人;有人 17)__________________相当多(后接可数名词) 18)__________________当然 19)__________________n.活动;活跃 20)__________________v.决定;选定 21)___________________v.尝试;设法;努力 22)_________________.鸟;禽 23)__________________n.空中滑翔跳伞 24)__________________n.自行车 25)___________________n.建筑物 26)__________________n.商人;商船 27)__________________v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28)___________________n.差异;不同 29)____________________n.顶部;顶 30)____________________v.等;等待(wait for) 31)____________________n.伞;雨伞 32)_________________adj.湿的;雨天的 33)________________prep.在...下面adv.在下面 34)__________________conj.如同;像...一样 35)__________________adj.充足的adv.充足地 36)___________________n.鸭肉;鸭 37)__________________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38)___________________v.想要 39)________________v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱 40)___________________因为;因为 41)___________________玩得痛快 Unit 2How often do you exercise? 1)________________n.家务劳动 2)____________adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3)______________adv.以前;在任何时候 4)________________adv.一次;以前 5)________________adv.两倍;两次 6)________________n.因特网 7)_______________n.节目;程序;课程;节目单8)________________adj.满的;充满的;完全的 9)________________n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 10)________________adv.或许;也许;可能 11)________________摇摆舞 12)________________adj.最小的;最少的 13)________________至少 14)________________很少;几乎从不;难得 15)________________n.垃圾;废旧杂物 16)________________ n.咖啡;咖啡色 17)____________n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 18)________________结果;后果 19)________________adj.百分之...的 20)________________adj.在线的adv.在线地 21)________________n.电视机;电视节目 22)___________conj.虽然;即使;不过;不过 23)________________prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 24)________________n.身体 25)________________想法;意见;心思 26)________________adj.这样的;如此的 27)________________adv.共同;一起 28)________________v.死;枯竭;消失 29)________________n.作者;作家 30)________________n.牙科医生 31)________________n.杂志 32)___________adv.不过;无论如何;不管多么 33)________________conj.比 34)________________adv.几乎;差不多 35)______________pron.没有人;没有任何东西 36)________________adj.更少的;较少的 37)________________n.看法;重点;分数 38)________________例如;诸如 39)________________n.垃圾食品;无营养食品 40)______________超过;多于;不但仅;非常 41)________________不到;少于 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1)_________________adj.外向的 2)_________________adj.更好的;较好的 3)____________adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 4)____________adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 5)________________adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 6)_________________n.竞争;比赛 7)_________________adj.极好的;了不起的 8)_________________adj.哪一个;哪一些 9)_________________adv.清楚地;显然地 10)_________________v.赢;获胜n.胜利 11)_________________conj.虽然;即使 12)_________________关心 13)_________________adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14)_________________adv.真实地;真诚地
