




(A、B、 C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处选项的最佳选项。

It's not easy for me to forget the guy, whom I call Bean. For the past year and a half, I 1

Bean almost every workday morning. In the beginning I 2 Bean. After all, he's just

a beggar on the freeway off-ramp (匝道) who 3 people at a stoplight that seems

to always be red.

Over time a few things dawned on me. The first was that it was always the 4 guy

at this off-ramp. The next was that he never actually 5 anything. He just danced

and waved at everyone. Then 6 , and perhaps the most important, was that he was ALWAYS 7 .

Some days he was dancing and playing a guitar. Most days he'd wave a cardboard at

cars, smiling.

Bean slowly became part of my 8 routine(常规). I noticed this one day, only because he

wasn't there and 9 danced and waved at me. I 10 him. I worried something had happened to him. I 11 to look for him every morning as I came down the ramp to

that red


One morning, after one of these 12 , I was so relieved to see him that it was

like the sun had come out after a week-long storm. I sat at the red light, watching

his morning 13 . I

realized that I, too, was smiling and 14 myself waving back. Wow, something as 15

as a wave brought 16 to my whole day. I finished the drive to work that

morning, feeling

lighter and happier.

I 17 you now. Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings, and 18


your grocery store with eyes that truly see. What 19 lies in front of you. Do you

have a Bean in your life you haven't noticed yet? Watch for them. They will 20 your

life in ways

you can't even dream.

1.A. joined B. knew

2.A. inspected B. ignored

3.A. stops B. bites

4.A. same B. poor

5.A. gave away B. held up

6.A. really

7.A. happy

8.A. walking

9.A. somebody B. presently C.


B. helpful

C. careful

B. morning

C. working

B. everybody


C. contacted

D. saw

C. avoided



C. traps

D. greets

C. mean

D. special

C. picked up

D. asked




10.A. missed B. affected

11.A. continued B. thought

12.A. preparations B. absences

13.A. moving B. working C. searched D. dreamed C. started D. stopped

C. signals


14.A. kept B. suggested C. found D. imagined

15.A. small B. strange C. obvious D. common

blessings 【答案】 ( 1) D ;( 2) B ;( 3) C ;( 4)A ;(5)D ;(6)C ;(7)A ;(8)

B ;(9)

D ;( 10 )A ;( 11) C ;( 12) B ;( 13)D ;( 14)C ;( 15)A ;(16)D ;

(17)A ;

(18)A ;( 19)C ;( 20) D ;

【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一个快乐的乞丐 Bean 。 Bean 从不直接要东


是一个常以跳舞的形式向人打招呼来乞讨的乞丐。有几天 Bea 不见了,这让作者很担


一周之后, Bean 终于出现,作者又可看见他的晨舞,心情非常高兴。作者由此可悟出

了生 活中有很多的这种人,他们对于我们的生活有很大的影响。

( 1)考查动词。句意:在过去的一年半里,我几乎每个工作日的早晨都能看到 B ean 。


joined 加“入 ”;B. knew 知“道 ”;C. contacted 联系“ ”; D. saw “看到”。

根据下文可知 Bean 是作 者几乎每个工作日的早上都能看到的,故选 D 。

( 2)考查动词。句意:一开始我忽略了比恩。 A . inspected 检“查 ”; B. ignored

忽“略 ”; C.

avoided 避“免 ”; D. supported 支“持 ”。根据下文 “ After all, he's just a

beggar 毕竟,他只?是 高” 速公路出口匝道上的一个乞丐,可知,作者起初是忽略

他的。故选 B 。


讨) 的一个乞丐。 A. stops 停“止”;B. bites 咬“”; C. traps 绊“住,缠

住 ”;D. greets 欢“迎”。由设空 处前的 a beggar 和常识可知,作者起初对乞讨者

的看法就是缠着他人来乞讨的,故选 C 。


出 口匝道上总是同一个人。 A. same “相同的 ”;B. poor “贫穷的 ”;C. mean “小

气的 ”; D. special “特殊的 ”。根据上文 “ For the past year and a half, I

___1___Bean almost every workday morning ”可知, Bean 每天出现在这个地方,所以此

处是说总是同一个人。故选 A 。

( 5)考查动词短语。句意:第二件事是他从来没有真正向别人要求过什么。他只是跳 舞,向大家挥手。 A. gave away “泄露、捐赠 ”;B. held up “支撑、阻碍 ”; C.

picked up “拾 起”;D. asked for 索“要”。根据常识,乞丐都要要索要东西的。根

据下文 “He just danced and waved at everyone. 可知”,此处是指他不像其他的乞丐要东西,故选 D 。

( 6)考查副词。句意:最后,也许是最重要的, 。 A. really 真“正地 ”;B.

17. A. remind B. challenge C. broadcastD. accept

18. A. even

B. still

C. ever

D. nearly 19. A. motto

B. secret

C. magic

D. beauty 20. A. change

B. enrich

C. protect

D. touch


presently 目“

前,现在”;C. finally 最“后”; D. frequently 经“常地”。按照一般思维,最重要的往往最后提到,符合语境。故选C。

(7)考查形容词。句意:最后,也许最重要的是,他总是很快乐。 A. happy “快乐的”;B.

helpful 有“帮助的”;C. careful 小“心的”; D. painful 痛“苦的”。根据上文的“ dancing,p laying, smiling ,”可知他是很快乐的,故选A。

(8)考查名词。句意:Bean 慢慢地成了我早晨日常的一部分。 A. walking “散步”; B. morning “早晨”; C. working 工“作”; D. testing 测“试”。根据上文“I ___1___Beana lmost every workday morning. 可”知是每个工作日早晨的一部分。故选B。

(9 )考查代词。句意:有一天我注意到:因为他不在,没有人向我跳舞和挥

A. 手。

somebody “某人”;B. everybody 每“个人”;C. anybody “任何人”; D. nobody “没有人”。根据

“he wasn't there可知,”他没有在那个匝道,所以没有人跳舞向作者打招呼了,故选D。(10)考查动词。句意:我想念他。 A. missed “想念”;B. affected 影“响”; C. searched 搜“ 索”;D. dreamed“梦想”。根据下文中的“look for him every morning 每天”早晨都在找他,可知,作者想念他。故选A。

(11)考查动词。句意:每天早上我从下坡道上一直到红灯前就开始找。A. continued 继“续”;B. thought “思考”; C. started “开始”; D. stopped“停下来”。根据下文中的“lookf or him every morning ‘as I came down the ramp to that red light和上句中的

wo'rri”ed 可知,作者从下坡开始一直到红灯前一直在寻找他。故选C。

(12)考查名词。句意:在消失了一周之后。一天早上,我看到他,这让我如释重负。 A. preparations 准“备”; B. absences 缺“席”; C. signals 信“号”;D. failures 失“败,故障”。根据下文“like the sun had come out after a week -long storm ”就像经历了一周的暴风雨之后太阳出来了,可知,这一周作者都没有看到他在那里,即他缺席,故选B。

(13 )考查动词。句意:我坐在红灯前,看着他早晨的舞蹈。A. moving “移动”;B. working “工作”; C. exercising 练“习”;D. dancing 舞“蹈”。根据上文“hew as dancing and playing the guitar 可知,”作者又看到他在早上跳舞了,故选D。


手。 A. kept 保“持”; B. suggested 建“议”;C. found “发现”; D. imagined “想象”。根据本句中的

“ was smiling和myself waving back 可知”,作者发现自己在回应Bean。故选C。


乐。 A. small 小“的”;B. strange 奇“怪的”;C. obvious 显“然的”;D. common“常见的”。根据常识可知,挥手打招呼是件小事。故选A。

(16)考查名词。句意:像挥手打招呼这样的小事给我带来了一整天的福气。 A. victories 胜利“”; B. successes成功“”; C. devotions 奉献“”; D. blessings 祝福“,福气”。根据下文中的“feelingl ighter and happier ”可知,作者感觉到更加轻松和快乐,认为打招呼带来了一整天的福气。故选D。

(17)考查动词。句意:我现在提醒你。A. remind “提醒”; B. challenge 挑“战”;C. broadcast 广“播”;D. accept 接“受”。根据下文中的“ Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings ?可”知,作者在提醒读者要关注一下身边的人和事物。故选A。(18)考查副词。句意:看看你的生活,你周围的环境,甚至你的杂货店,你的眼睛都能

看到。 A. even“甚至”;B. still 仍“旧”;C. ever “曾经”;D. nearly “将近”。根据下文“ just your grocery store 和上文” “ your life, your surroundings 可知,作者”提醒读者去观察生活中的人和事物,甚至是杂货店。空后的内容与空前的应是递进关系。故选


(19)考查名词。句意:你面前有很多神奇的事物。 A. motto 座“右铭”;B. secret 秘密“ ”; C.

magic “魅力,神奇,魔法,神奇”;D. beauty 美“丽”。根据下文可知,Bean 给作者的生活带来积极影响。可知,生活中很多你未知的东西,有很多神奇的事物,故选C。

(20)考查动词。句意:注意他们。他们会以你做梦都想不到的方式影响你的生活。 A. change “改变”;B. enrich 丰“富”;C. protect 保“护”;D. touch “打动,触动”。根据下文“you can't even dream 以及” Bean 给作者的生活带来的快乐可知,有些你没有注意到的人和事会



2.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


My mother died at the age of thirty-six, leaving me aged seven. I was 1 mainly by relatives when my father remarried. By my early twenties, I had learned that my mother, who had polio (小儿麻痹症) as a young child, had not been 2 to live past her early twenties.

After the tough upbringing I've had, I began to 3 why she chose to have children when

she knew she would die 4 . Finally, from my aunt, I got a simple answer: My mother had always 5 the doctors' prediction. She had done so well with her 6 issues that she thought she would live long enough to raise me.

I got a little relieved. 7 I still felt deeply 8 that my mother had left me in such a

9 situation. And then the 10 came.

There were no words spoken and no thoughts 11 but only feelings. I recall no background to the dream ― on l y t h e12 of my mother walking toward me. She was 13

of the serious scoliosis (脊柱侧弯) that had troubled her. She walked straight and came toward me with her arms open, her kind eyes shining even more brightly than I 14 , a beautiful

smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around me and I returned her a warm hug. We 15 stood, holding each other as a strong feeling of deep love 16 over me. At that dream moment I knew my mother had never 17 to bring me into the world and then leave. She

loved me then and she had kept loving me.

Thirty-five years ago I awoke from that dream with a great peace. My sadness 18 . I have never had a single moment of doubt about my mother's love 19 . I continue my life, in the 20 that my mother's unconditional love is always there.

1. A. raised up

2. A. suggested

3. A. wonder

4. A. alone

5. A. suited

6. A. emotion

7. A. However

8. A. delighted B. made up

B. expected



B. fast


C. brought

up C.

promised C.


C. poor

B. management

C. academy B. Moreover

B. worried

B. special

B. problem

11. A. exchanged B. provided

12. A. imagination B. voice

13. A. aware B. free C.


C. excited

C. strange

C. dream

C. gained

C. smile

C. full

D. picked


D. proved



D. young

D. failed

D. health



D. hurt



D. decision

D. offered
