选修7Unit3 Under the sea第一课时学案

选修7Unit3 Under the sea第一课时学案
选修7Unit3 Under the sea第一课时学案


my ________ income


________the traffic accident


several ________ to the car accident


________ for breath

Unit 3Under the sea


make a long ________


________ the injured men out of the vehicle


________ him to take care of himself


________ the search for the missing sailor


help those in trouble ________


aim the gun at the ________


reach the ________


________ on his remarks


________ the view of the students


become ________ of man's relationship to the environment 15.把她房间里的东西摆放整齐

keep things ________ in her apartment


be turned ________ down


be ________ of walking home alone


be ________ to death


the ________ Continent


tell us an ________ about Professor Smith


For various reasons,sharks,regarded as a kind of valuable sea animal,are hunted or killed each year.For example,people hunt sharks for sport,food and medicine.In Asia,people think shark meat,especially a special king of soup made from shark fins,is good to eat.In addition,shark liver oil is a popular supplier of vitamin A which can improve people's health.That's why the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased greatly in recent years,making them endangered.

?Task 1

仔细阅读课文“Old Tom the Killer Whale”,根据课文内容选择最佳答案。

1.The author mainly tells us in the text that the killer whales ________.

A.are easily trained

B.can help the whalers catch whales and protect people

C.kill the whales for food

D.are cruel to other whales

2.Why did George beat the water with his oar?

A.To frighten the whales away.

B.To call back Old Tom to lead the way.

C.To attract the attention of huge whales.

D.To send signals to other whales.

3.Why did the whalers go home after the whale died?

A.Because it was too late.

B.Because they didn't need a dead whale.

C.Because they couldn't find the whale's body.

D.Because the dead body would float up the next day.

4.What the main idea of the first anecdote?

A.About a hunting experience of Old Tom.

B.About how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale. C.About how the whales killed Old Tom.

D.About how the killer whales killed the whales.

5.From the second anecdote,we can infer from the text that ________.A.the killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselves B.the killer whales want to eat the whales after killing them

C.the killer whales may be trained by the whalers

D.the killer whales need no training for helping the whalers

答案:1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C

?Task 2

再次阅读课文“Old Tom the Killer Whale”,完成下列表格。

答案:1.Throwing 2.water 3.crashing down

4.by the boat 5.the way 6.teamwork7.on top of8.diving or fleeing9.near10.firmly up

一、请将课文“Old Tom the Killer Whale”翻译成汉语,然后参考译文助读自主勘误























Old Tom the Killer Whale

Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom swimming by the boat,showing us the way.A few minutes later,there was no Tom,so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom,circling back to the boat,leading us to the hunt again.

“Well,it's teamwork-the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whale's blow-hole to stop it breathing.And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea,”George told me,pointing towards the hunt.And just at that moment,the most extraordinary thing happened.The killers started racing between our boat and the whale just like a pack of excited dogs.



根据课文“Old Tom the Killer Whale”,在下文空格中填上适当的词语,使文章连贯完整。

I had heard of the killers that helped whalers catch huge whales.When I worked at a whaling station,I

1.________ it many times.One afternoon,I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.We ran down to the shore

2.________ time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water.George,one of the whalers,told me that it was Old Tom,the killer,who was telling us there's a whale.Another whaler

3.________ out to

4.________ a whale hunt.We immediately headed out into the bay,with Old Tom

5.________ us the https://www.360docs.net/doc/a04091142.html,ing a telescope we saw that several killers

6.________ the whale were throwing themselves on top of the whale's blow-hole to stop it

7.________,while others were stopping it diving or

8.________ out to sea.Then the man in the bow of the boat aimed at the whale and killed it.These killers

9.________ harmed or attacked people.Once when we were in the bay,the sea was 10.________,for which James was carried away by waves.Worse still,there was a shark.Fortunately,Old Tom rescued James.

答案:1.witnessed 2.in 3.yelled 4.announce 5.showing 6.over7.breathing8.fleeing9.never 10.rough


1.I thought, at the time, this was just a story but then I witnessed it in my own eyes many times.

2.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal of opposite us throwing it out of the water and then crashing down again.

3.As we drew close, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

4.Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters, they never harmed or attacked people.

5.From James's face, I could see he terrified of being abandoned by we.

6.When we approaching him, I saw James being firm held up in the water by Old Tom.


1.I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.

2.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal (删除of) opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.

3.As we drew closer,_I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

4.Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters, they never harmed or attacked people.

5.From James's face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.

6.When we approached him, I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom.

选修六 unit4 reading 逐句翻译

Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMIG WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER? 全球在变暖——这会带来什么影响吗? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit. 在20世纪期间,地球温度大约升了华氏1度。That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. 这个数值对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是,跟多数自然变化相比较而言,这却是种快速的增长。So how has this come about and does it matter?这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢,它要紧吗?Earth care’s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions.“关爱地球”组织的索菲·阿姆斯特朗就在探究这些问题。 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer(see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖。但是全球变暖的原因是人为的呢,或者仅仅是一种自然现象呢? All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase i n the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. 所有的科学家认为,人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温过程的副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳。Dr Janice Foster explains: “There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the “greenhouse effect”. .贾尼丝·福斯特博士解释说:“你知道,有一种科学称之为‘温室效应’的自然现象。This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.这种现象发生在大气层中少量的气体(如二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸气等)吸收太阳的热量,因而,使地球变暖。 Without the‘greenhouse effect ,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsciu cooler than it is. 如果没有这种‘温室效应’,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。So, we need those gases. 因此,我们需要这些气体。The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 而当我们因为燃烧化石燃料而使大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.二氧化碳含量的增加意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起了全球温度上升。 We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. 我们知道,在过去100~150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of


Part 1. Warming up Part 2. Pre-reading, reading and comprehending 1.I thought,at the time,that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many time.我当时认为这只是个故事,但是后来我却多次亲眼目睹了这样的事情。 witness vt.目睹;目击;为……作证 句型witness to (doing/having done) sth.证明某事;证实做了某事 Police are appealing to any driver who may have witnessed the accident.警方正呼吁曾目睹这事故的司机出面作证。 The 1980s witnessed increasing unemployment throughout Europe.20世纪80年代是全欧洲失业日益加剧的年代。 Her principal was called to witness to her good character.她的校长被传唤来证明她优良的品质。The driver witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.司机作证说,他看到此人进入那栋建筑物。 n.证据;目击者 He has been a witness to a terrible murder.他目击了一起残忍的凶杀事件。 His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。 2.One afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. 归纳总结 accommodation n.住处;停留处;和解,调解;(pl.)住宿,膳宿 (1)make accommodations for...为……提供膳宿 book accommodation at a hotel向旅馆预订房间 arrange sb.’s accommodation给某人安排住处 (2)accommodate vt.向……提供住宿(或膳宿);容纳;为……提供空间;考虑到;顾及;帮忙;给……提供方便;顺应,适应(新情况) accommodate...to=adapt...to使……适应 accommodate oneself to=adapt (oneself) to适应;顺应 accommodate sb.with sth.=supply sb.with sth. 即学即用 (1)客座艺术家们只好自掏腰包支付食宿费用。 Guest artists have to pay for their own accommodations and meals. (2)旅馆房间不足。The hotel accommodation is scarce. (3)这幢房子可容纳两家人居住。The house can accommodate two families (4)银行将提供一笔贷款给你。The bank will accommodate you with a loan. (5)你必须使自己适应形势。You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation. 3.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. 搭配opposite to…在……的对面;与……相反 I sat opposite to him during the meal. 吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。 The result was opposite to what we expected. 结果与我们所预料的正好相反。see...doing... 看见……正在做……;throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again在句中作宾语补足语,与宾语an enormous animal存在逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式。 I saw the little child crossing the street.我看见那个小孩儿在过马路。 (1)在感官动词see, hear, look at, notice, observe, feel, find等及使役动词have, make, leave, keep, get等后既可以用不定式也可以用动词-ing形式作宾语补足语。不定式(不带to)表示过程或动


选修2-2 知识点及习题答案解析 导数及其应用 一.导数概念的引入 1. 导数的物理意义: 瞬时速率。一般的,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是000 ()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-?, 我们称它为函数 () y f x =在 x x =处的导数,记作 0() f x '或 |x x y =',即 0()f x '=000 ()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-? 2. 导数的几何意义: 曲线的切线.通过图像,我们可以看出当点n P 趋近于P 时,直线PT 与曲线相切。容易知道,割线n PP 的斜率是00()()n n n f x f x k x x -=-,当点n P 趋近于P 时,函数 ()y f x =在0x x =处的导数就是切线PT 的斜率 k ,即00 ()()lim ()n x n f x f x k f x x x ?→-'==- 3. 导函数:当x 变化时, ()f x '便是x 的一个函数,我们称它为()f x 的导函数. ()y f x =的导函数有 时也记作 y ',即 ()()()lim x f x x f x f x x ?→+?-'=? 二.导数的计算 基本初等函数的导数公式: 1若()f x c =(c 为常数),则()0f x '=; 2 若()f x x α=,则1 ()f x x αα-'=; 3 若()sin f x x =,则()cos f x x '= 4 若()cos f x x =,则()sin f x x '=-; 5 若()x f x a =,则()ln x f x a a '= 6 若()x f x e =,则()x f x e '= 7 若 ()log x a f x =,则1()ln f x x a '= 8 若 ()ln f x x =,则1()f x x '= 导数的运算法则 1. [()()]()()f x g x f x g x '''±=± 2. [()()]()()()()f x g x f x g x f x g x '''?=?+? 3. 2 ()()()()()[]()[()] f x f x g x f x g x g x g x ''?-?'= 复合函数求导 ()y f u =和()u g x =,称则y 可以表示成为x 的函数,即(())y f g x =为一个复合函数 (())()y f g x g x '''=? 三.导数在研究函数中的应用 1.函数的单调性与导数: 一般的,函数的单调性与其导数的正负有如下关系: 在某个区间(,)a b 内

高中英语人教版选修六 Unit4 精读课文逐句翻译

选修六Unit4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING W ARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER?全球在变暖——这会带来什么影响吗? During the 20th century the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit.在20世纪期间,地球温度大约升了华氏1度。That probably does not seem much to you or me, but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.这个数值对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。So how has this come about and does it matter?那么,这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢?Earth Care’s Sophie Armstrong explores these questions. “关爱地球”组织的索菲·阿姆斯特朗就在探究这些问题。 There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖(见表一,略),而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。 All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy.所有的科学家赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。Some byproducts of this process are called "greenhouse" gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温的过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中作用重要的就是二氧化碳。Dr Janice Foster explains: "There is a natural phenomenon that scientists call the 'greenhouse effect'.贾尼丝·福斯特博士解释说:“有一种科学家称之为‘温室效应’的自然现象。This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.这种现象发生在大气层中少量的气体(如二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸气等)吸收太阳的热量,因而使地球变暖的时候。Without the 'greenhouse effect', the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有这种‘温室效应’,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。So, we need those gases. The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.因此,我们需要这些气体。当我们在大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up."这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。” We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years. 我们知道,在过去100~150年期间,二氧化碳的含量急剧增加了。It was a scientist called Charles Keeling, who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. 有一位名叫查尔斯·基林的科学家曾经把1957~1997年期间大气层中二氧化碳的含量作了精确的统计。He found that between these years the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million(see Graph 2).他发现,在这些年里,大气层中的二氧化碳含量从315/1000 000上升到370/1000 000。(见表二,略) All scientists accept this data. 所有科学家都接受这个数据。They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. 他们还赞同下述观点,正是由于越来越多燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。So how high will the temperature increase go? 那么气温会升到多高?Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.福斯特博士说,在今后的100年里,全球变暖的量可能低到1~1.5摄氏度,但是也有可能高达5摄氏度。

选修七unit3 课文

高二英语第七模块第三单元课文教学案 制作人:审核人:使用时间:编号: —课前预习案—— Put the events in the reading passage into this timeline. (根据课文内容将下列时间排序) 1. The killer whale guided the team to the hunt. 2. The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. 3. He heard a loud noise coming from the bay. 4. The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt. 5. Clancy arrived at the whaling station. 6.Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers. 7. He saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the killer whale. 8. The men returned for the baleen whale the next day. 正确顺序为____________________________________________ 主旨大意 1. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE? A. The fierce killers would attack people when they were hungry. B. The author didn?t believe the killers helped the whalers catch whales at first. C. One of the whalers, George, liked being kept waiting. D. The killers could race whales as well as excited dogs. 2.What is the main idea of the first anecdote? A. About a hunting experience of old Tom. B. About how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale. C. About how the whalers killed Old Tom. D. About how the killer whales killed the whales. 3. What does the word “it” in the sentence “He let it g o and the harpoon hit the spot” refer to? A. The whale. B. The boat. C. The harpoon. D. The killer. 4. What?s the main idea of the second anecdote? A. Fierce killers, like Old Tom, could protect people. B. James was washed off the boat. C. It was hard to handle the boat in rough sea. D. Old Tom rescued James from other killers. 5. According to the text, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by____. A. whales B. tigers C. enemies D. sharks


高中数学选修2-2知识点汇总 目录 第一章导数及其应用 (2) 常见的函数导数和积分公式 (2) 常见的导数和定积分运算公式 (3) 用导数求函数单调区间的步骤 (3) 求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤 (3) 利用导数求函数的最值的步骤 (4) 求曲边梯形的思想和步骤 (4) 定积分的性质 (4) 定积分的取值情况 (4) 第二章推理与证明 (5) 第三章数系的扩充和复数的概念 (7) 常见的运算规律 (8)

高中数学选修2-2知识点总结 第一章 导数及其应用 1.函数的平均变化率为 = ??=??x f x y x x f x x f x x x f x f ?-?+=--)()()()(111212 注1:其中x ?是自变量的改变量,可正,可负,可零。 注2:函数的平均变化率可以看作是物体运动的平均速度。 2、导函数的概念:函数)(x f y =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000,则称函数)(x f y =在点0x 处可导,并把这个极限叫做)(x f y =在0x 处的导数,记作)(0'x f 或0|'x x y =,即 )(0'x f =x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000. 3.函数的平均变化率的几何意义是割线的斜率;函数的导数的几何意义是切线的斜率。 4导数的背景(1)切线的斜率;(2)瞬时速度;(3)边际成本。 常见的函数导数和积分公式

常见的导数和定积分运算公式 若()f x ,()g x 均可导(可积),则有: 用导数求函数单调区间的步骤 ①求函数f (x )的导数'()f x ②令'()f x >0,解不等式,得x 的范围就是递增区间.③令'()f x <0,解不等式,得x 的范围,就是递减区间;[注]:求单调区间之前一定要先看原函数的定义域。 求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤 (1)确定函数的定义域。(2) 求函数f (x )的导数'()f x (3)求方程'()f x =0的根(4) 用函数的导数为0的 点,顺次将函数的定义区间分成若干小开区间,并列成表格,检查/ ()f x 在方程根左右的值的符号, 如果左正右负,那么f (x )在这个根处取得极大值;如果左负右正,那么f (x )在这个根处取得极小值;如果左右不改变符号,那么f (x )在这个根处无极值


人教版高中数学选修2-1 全册导学案

目录 1.1.1命题及其关系 1.1.2四种命题的关系 1.2.1充分条件 1.2.2充要条件 1.3.1逻辑联结词1 1.3.2简单的逻辑联结词2 1.4全称量词与存在量词 2.1.1曲线与方程(1)学案 2.1.2曲线与方程(2)学案 2.2.1椭圆及其标准方程(1)学案 2.2.1椭圆及其标准方程(2)学案 2.2.2椭圆及其简单几何性质(1)学案 2.2.2椭圆及其简单几何性质(2)学案 2.3.1双曲线及其标准方程学案 2.3.2双曲线的简单几何性质(1)学案 2.3.2双曲线的简单几何性质(2)学案 2.4.2抛物线的简单几何性质(1) 2.4.2抛物线的简单几何性质(2) 2.5曲线与与方程学案 第二章圆锥曲线与方程复习学案 3.1.1 空间向量及其加减运算 3.1.2 空间向量的数乘运算 3.1.3 空间向量的数量积运算 3.1.4 空间向量的正交分解及其坐标表示 3.1.5 空间向量运算的坐标表示 3.1 空间向量及其运算 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法一 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法二--利用向量方法求距离 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法三--利用向量方法求角 3.2 立体几何中的向量方法一--平行与垂直关系的向量证法

§1.1.1 命题及四种命题 一.自主学习 预习课本2—6页完成下列问题 1、命题:; 2、真命题:假命题:。 3、命题的数学形式:。 4、四种命题:。 (1)互逆命题:。(2)互否命题:。 (3)互为逆否命题:。 注意:数学上有些命题表面上虽然不是“若p,则q”的形式,但可以将它的表述作适当的改变,写成“若p,则q”的形式,从而得到该命题的条件和结论。 二、自主探究: 〖例1〗判断下列语句中哪些是命题?是真命题还是假命题? (1)空集是任何集合的子集;(2)若整数a是素数,则a是奇数; (3)2小于或等于2;(4)对数函数是增函数吗? x<;(6)平面内不相交的两条直线一定平行; (5)215 > (7)明天下雨;(8)312 〖例2〗将下列命题改写成“若p,则q”的形式。 (1)两条直线相交有且只有一个交点;(2)对顶角相等;(3)全等的两个三角形面积也相等;(4)负数的立方是负数。 〖例3〗把下列命题改写成“若p则q”的形式,并写出它们的逆命题、否命题与逆否命题: (1)两直线平行,同位角相等;(2)负数的平方是正数;(3)四边相等的四边形是正方形。 课堂小结


高中数学选修2-2知识点总结 第一章、导数 1.函数的平均变化率为 = ??=??x f x y x x f x x f x x x f x f ?-?+=--)()()()(111212 注1:其中x ?是自变量的改变量,平均变化率 可正,可负,可零。 注2:函数的平均变化率可以看作是物体运动的平均速度。 2、导函数的概念:函数)(x f y = 在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000,则称函数)(x f y =在点0x 处可导,并把这个极限叫做)(x f y =在0x 处的导数,记作)(0'x f 或 0|'x x y =,即)(0'x f =x x f x x f x y x x ?-?+=??→?→?)()(lim lim 0000 . 3.函数的平均变化率的几何意义是割线的斜率; 函数的导数的几何意义是切线的斜率。 4导数的背景(1)切线的斜率;(2)瞬时速度;

6、常见的导数和定积分运算公式:若() g x均可导(可积),则有: f x,() .用导数求函数单调区间的步骤: ①求函数f(x)的导数'() f x ②令'() f x>0,解不等式,得x的范围就是递增区间. ③令'() f x<0,解不等式,得x的范围,就是递减区间; [注]:求单调区间之前一定要先看原函数的定义域。 7.求可导函数f(x)的极值的步骤: (1)确定函数的定义域。 (2) 求函数f(x)的导数'() f x (3)求方程'() f x=0的根 (4) 用函数的导数为0的点,顺次将函数的定义区间分成若干小开区间,并列成表格, f x在方程根左右的值的符号,如果左正右负,那么f(x)在这个根处取得极大值;如检查/()


高二数学选修2-1知识点 1、命题:用语言、符号或式子表达的,可以判断真假的陈述句. 真命题:判断为真的语句. 假命题:判断为假的语句. 2、“若p ,则q ”形式的命题中的p 称为命题的条件,q 称为命题的结论. 3、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论分别是另一个命题的结论和条件,则这两个命题称为互逆命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,它的逆命题为“若q ,则p ”. 4、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的条件的否定和结论的否定,则这两个命题称为互否命题.中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的否命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,则它的否命题为“若p ?,则q ?”. 5、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的结论的否定和条件的否定,则这两个命题称为互为逆否命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆否命题. 若原命题为“若p ,则q ”,则它的否命题为“若q ?,则p ?”. 6、四种命题的真假性: 四种命题的真假性之间的关系: ()1两个命题互为逆否命题,它们有相同的真假性; ()2两个命题为互逆命题或互否命题,它们的真假性没有关系. 7、若p q ?,则p 是q 的充分条件,q 是p 的必要条件. 若p q ?,则p 是q 的充要条件(充分必要条件). 8、用联结词“且”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p q ∧. 当p 、q 都是真命题时,p q ∧是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是假命题时,p q ∧是假命题. 用联结词“或”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p q ∨. 当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是真命题时,p q ∨是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题都是假命题时,p q ∨是假命题. 对一个命题p 全盘否定,得到一个新命题,记作p ?. 若p 是真命题,则p ?必是假命题;若p 是假命题,则p ?必是真命题. 9、短语“对所有的”、“对任意一个”在逻辑中通常称为全称量词,用“?”表示. 含有全称量词的命题称为全称命题. 全称命题“对M 中任意一个x ,有()p x 成立”,记作“x ?∈M ,()p x ”. 短语“存在一个”、“至少有一个”在逻辑中通常称为存在量词,用“?”表示. 原命题 逆命题 否命题 逆否命题 真 真 真 真 真 假 假 真 假 真 真 真 假 假 假 假


高中数学选修2-1 知识点 第一章:命题与逻辑结构 1、命题:用语言、符号或式子表达的,可以判断真假的陈述句. 真命题:判断为真的语句.假命题:判断为假的语句. 2、“若p ,则q ”形式的命题中的p 称为命题的条件,q 称为命题的结论. 3、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论分别是另一个命题的结论和条件,则这两个命题称为互逆命题.其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆命题. 若原命题为“若p,则q”,它的逆命题为“若q,则p”. 4、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的条件的否定和结论的否定,则这两个命题称为互否命题.中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的否命题. 若原命题为“若p,则q”,则它的否命题为“若?p ,则?q ”. 5、对于两个命题,如果一个命题的条件和结论恰好是另一个命题的结论的否定和条件的否定,则这两个命题称为互为逆否命题。其中一个命题称为原命题,另一个称为原命题的逆否命题。 若原命题为“若p,则q”,则它的否命题为“若?q ,则?p ”。 6、四种命题的真假性: 原命题逆命题否命题逆否命题 真真真真 真假假真 假真真假 假假假假 四种命题的真假性之间的关系: (1)两个命题互为逆否命题,它们有相同的真假性; (2)两个命题为互逆命题或互否命题,它们的真假性没有关 系.7、若p ?q ,则p 是q 的充分条件,q 是p 的必要条件. 若p?q,则p是q的充要条件(充分必要条件). 8、用联结词“且”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p ∧q . 当p 、q 都是真命题时,p ∧q 是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是假命题时,p ∧q 是假命题. 用联结词“或”把命题p 和命题q 联结起来,得到一个新命题,记作p ∨q . 当p 、q 两个命题中有一个命题是真命题时,p ∨q 是真命题;当p 、q 两个命题都是假命题时,p ∨q 是假命题. 对一个命题p 全盘否定,得到一个新命题,记作?p . 若p 是真命题,则?p 必是假命题;若p 是假命题,则?p 必是真命题.


数学选修2-2知识点总结 导数及其应用 一.导数概念的引入 1. 导数的物理意义:瞬时速率。一般的,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的瞬时变化率是 000()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-?, 我们称它为函数()y f x =在0x x =处的导数,记作0()f x '或0|x x y =',即 0()f x '=000()()lim x f x x f x x ?→+?-? 例1. 在高台跳水运动中,运动员相对于水面的高度h (单位:m )与起跳后的时间t(单位: s)存在函数关系 2() 4.9 6.510h t t t =-++ 运动员在t=2s 时的瞬时速度是多少? 解:根据定义 0(2)(2)(2)lim 13.1x h x h v h x ?→+?-'===-? 即该运动员在t=2s 是13.1m/s,符号说明方向向下 2. 导数的几何意义:曲线的切线.通过图像,我们可以看出当点n P 趋近于 P 时,直线PT 与曲线相切。容易知道,割线n PP 的斜率是00 ()()n n n f x f x k x x -=-,当点n P 趋近于P 时,函数()y f x =在0x x =处的导数就是切线PT 的斜率k ,即 0000 ()()lim ()n x n f x f x k f x x x ?→-'==- 3. 导函数:当x 变化时,()f x '便是x 的一个函数,我们称它为()f x 的导函数. () y f x =的导函数有时也记作y ',即 0()()()lim x f x x f x f x x ?→+?-'=? 二.导数的计算 1.函数()y f x c ==的导数 2.函数()y f x x ==的导数 3.函数2()y f x x ==的导数

【湘教版】2021年高中数学选修2-2(全书)同步练习全集 (史上最全版)

(湘教版)高中数学选修2-2(全册)同步练习汇总 第4章导数及其应用 4.1导数概念 4.1.1问题探索——求自由落体的瞬时速度 一、基础达标 1.设物体的运动方程s=f(t), 在计算从t到t+d这段时间内的平均速度时, 其中时间的增量d

() A.d>0 B.d<0 C.d=0 D.d≠0 答案 D 2.一物体运动的方程是s=2t2, 则从2 s到(2+d) s这段时间内位移的增量爲 () A.8 B.8+2d C.8d+2d2D.4d+2d2 答案 C 解析Δs=2(2+d)2-2×22=8d+2d2. 3.一物体的运动方程爲s=3+t2, 则在时间段[2,2.1]内相应的平均速度爲 () A.4.11 B.4.01 C.4.0 D.4.1 答案 D 解析v=3+2.12-3-22 0.1=4.1. 4.一木块沿某一斜面自由下滑, 测得下滑的水平距离s与时间t之间的方程爲 s=1 8t 2, 则t=2时, 此木块水平方向的瞬时速度爲 () A.2 B.1 C.1 2 D. 1 4 答案 C 解析Δs Δt= 1 8(2+Δt) 2- 1 8×2 2 Δt= 1 2+ 1 8Δt→ 1 2(Δt→0). 5.质点运动规律s=2t2+1, 则从t=1到t=1+d时间段内运动距离对时间的变化率爲________. 答案4+2d 解析v=2(1+d)2+1-2×12-1 1+d-1 =4+2d. 6.已知某个物体走过的路程s(单位: m)是时间t(单位: s)的函数: s=-t2+1. (1)t=2到t=2.1;

(2)t =2到t =2.01; (3)t =2到t =2.001. 则三个时间段内的平均速度分别爲________, ________, ________, 估计该物体在t =2时的瞬时速度爲________. 答案 -4.1 m/s -4.01 m/s -4.001 m/s -4 m/s 7.某汽车的紧急刹车装置在遇到特别情况时, 需在2 s 内完成刹车, 其位移 (单位: m)关于时间(单位: s)的函数爲: s (t )=-3t 3+t 2+20, 求: (1)开始刹车后1 s 内的平均速度; (2)刹车1 s 到2 s 之间的平均速度; (3)刹车1 s 时的瞬时速度. 解 (1)刹车后1 s 内平均速度 v 1=s (1)-s (0)1-0=(-3×13+12+20)-201 =-2(m/s). (2)刹车后1 s 到2 s 内的平均速度爲: v 2=s (2)-s (1) 2-1 =(-3×23+22+20)-(-3×13+12+20)1 =-18(m/s). (3)从t =1 s 到t =(1+d )s 内平均速度爲: v 3=s (1+d )-s (1)d =-3(1+d )3+(1+d )2+20-(-3×13+12+20)d =-7d -8d 2-3d 3 d =-7-8d -3d 2 →-7(m/s)(d →0) 即t =1 s 时的瞬时速度爲-7 m/s. 二、能力提升 8.质点M 的运动方程爲s =2t 2-2, 则在时间段[2,2+Δt ]内的平均速度爲


1.1 变化率与导数 1.1.1 变化率问题 1.1.2 导数的概念 [学习目标] 1.了解导数概念的实际背景. 2.会求函数在某一点附近的平均变化率. 3.会利用导数的定义求函数在某点处的导数. [知识链接] 很多人都吹过气球,回忆一下吹气球的过程,可以发现,随着气球内空气容量的增加,气球的半径增加得越来越慢.从数学的角度,如何描述这种现象呢? 答 气球的半径r (单位:dm)与体积V (单位:L)之间的函数关系是r (V )=33V 4π, (1)当V 从0增加到1 L 时,气球半径增加了r (1)-r (0)≈0.62 (dm), 气球的平均膨胀率为 r 1 -r 0 1-0 ≈0.62(dm/L). (2)当V 从1 L 增加到2 L 时,气球半径增加了r (2)-r (1)≈0.16 (dm), 气球的平均膨胀率为 r 2 -r 1 2-1 ≈0.16(dm/L). 可以看出,随着气球体积逐渐变大,它的平均膨胀率逐渐变小了. [预习导引] 1.函数的变化率 0函数y =f (x )在x =x 0处的瞬时变化率lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 f x 0+Δx -f x 0 Δx 称为函数y =f (x )在x =x 0处的导数,记作f ′(x 0)或y ′|x =x 0,即f ′(x 0)=lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 f x 0+Δx -f x 0 Δx . 要点一 求平均变化率 例1 已知函数h (x )=-4.9x 2+6.5x +10. (1)计算从x =1到x =1+Δx 的平均变化率,其中Δx 的值为①2;②1;③0.1;④0.01. (2)根据(1)中的计算,当|Δx |越来越小时,函数h (x )在区间[1,1+Δx ]上的平均变化率有怎样的变化趋势? 解 (1)∵Δy =h (1+Δx )-h (1)=-4.9 (Δx )2-3.3Δx ,∴ Δy Δx =-4.9Δx -3.3.


新人教版英语选修七第三单元Reading译文 虎鲸老汤姆 1902年6月,我开始在捕鲸站里工作,那时我才16岁。在此之前我曾经听说过虎鲸每年帮助捕鲸人捕捉大鲸鱼。当时我以为只是一个故事罢了,但是后来我亲眼见过多次。 有天下午我来到捕鲸站,正在找住处的时候,听到从海湾那边传来一阵喧闹声。我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面有一个庞大的动物猛力跃出海面,然后又坠落到水里。它黑白相间,样子像鱼,但我知道它并不是鱼。 “那是老汤姆,是虎鲸。”一位叫乔治的捕鲸人高声对我说,“它是在告诉我们那边有一头鲸,叫我们去捕猎。” 另外一位捕鲸人大声喊叫,“快走啊……走啊”,这是宣告猎鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。 “克兰西,快来,上船去。”乔治在我前面边跑边说。我以前就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没有穿上合适的衣服,就跟在他后面跑起来。 一刻不停地,我们和其他捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。我朝水里望去,可以看到老汤姆就在渔船旁边游着,为我们指路。几分钟之后,汤姆不见了,于是乔治开始用浆拍打水面。汤姆出现了,转回到船边,又领着我们前往捕猎处。 通过望远镜,我们可以看到远处有情况发生了。走近一看,原来是一头大鲸受到约六、七条虎鲸的攻击。 我问乔治,“它们在干什么呢?” “啊,它们在协同作战呢——那些虎鲸正在往那头鲸的出气孔上扑去,不让它呼吸,而其他那些虎鲸则阻止它潜水或逃跑。”乔治一边指着捕猎的情景,一边告诉我。就在这时候,最精彩的场面出现了。虎鲸们在我们的渔船和那头鲸之间开始追逐了,就像一群发狂的猎狗一样。 于是,猎鲸叉准备好了。站在船头的那个人把叉瞄准了那头鲸,扔了出去,恰好击中了要害,鲸受了重伤,没过多久就死了。过了片刻,鲸的尸体就被虎
