


Design features(定义特征): the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals. Synchronic(共时的): said of an approach that studies language at a theoretical “point” in time. Diachronic(历时的): said of the study of development of language and languages over time. Prescriptive(规定式): to make an authoritarian statement about the correctness of a particular use of language. Descriptive(描写式): to make an objective and systematic account of the patterns and use of a language or variety. Competence(语言能力): unconscious knowledge of the system of grammatical rules in a language. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。Performance(语言运用):

the language actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue(语言): the language system shared by a “speech community”. 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole(言语): the concrete utterances of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Phonology(音系学): the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur. International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标): a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the International Phonetic Association since 1888. It has been revised from time to time to include


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;


现代语言学术语总结 A abbreviation缩写法 acculturation语言文化移入 acoustic phonetics声学语言学 acronym词首字母缩略词 address term称谓语 addresser发话人 addressee受话人 adjacency毗邻 Adjacency Condition毗邻条件 Adjacency Parameter毗邻参数 Affix词缀 Affixation加词缀法 Affricate塞擦音 Afroasiatic非亚语系 agreement rule一致关系规则 allophone音位变体 alveolar齿龈音 alveolus齿龈 angular gyrus角形脑回 antonymy反义现象 antonym反以词 apocope词尾音脱落 aphasia失语症 aphasic失语症患者 applied linguistics应用语言学arbitrariness任意性 argument论元 articulatory phonetics发音语音学articulatory variable发音变项 aspiration送气 assimilation同化 approximation近似化 auditory phonetics听觉语音学Austronesian…语系 B Babbling咿呀学语 back-formation逆向构词法 back vowel后元音 Behaviorism行为主义 Behaviorist learning theory行为主义学习理论Behaviorist Psychology行为主义心理学


名词解释: 1.聚合关系:聚合关系是指在一定条件下,在语言链条的某一环节上,能够互相替换的具有某种相同作用的各个符号 之间形成的纵向关系。 2.语用学:语用学作为语言学的一门新兴的独立学科,它研究在特定情景中的特殊话语,特别是研究在不同语言交际 环境下如何理解和运用语言的过程。 3.菲尔德: 4.索绪尔: 5.音素:音素是从音质的角度划分出来的最小的语音单位。一个音节,往往可以从音质的角度去划分,划分到不能再 分析为止,分析出最小的语音单位,得到的就是音素。 6.音位:音位是某种具体语言或方言里能够区别词、语素的语音形式和意义的最小的语音单位。 7.条件变体:具有互补分布关系的各音素对它们分布的环境总体来说是相互补充的,而对其中某个因素所能出现的特定位置又是相互排斥的。它们彼此间不能区别语素或词的语音形式和意义,所以并归并为一个音位,这些因素就是这个音位的若干变体。这种变体都有各自出现的条件,所以叫做条件变体。 8.超音段音位:在语流中,音高、音强、音长这样的非音质要素也能区别词的语音形式和意义,因此也能归并成音位。由于这些音位不是局限于一个音段音位,而是常常是添加到音段音位的序列(包括音节、词等)上面,它们具有超音段的性质,音位学上把它们叫做超音段音位,也叫非音质音位。超音段音位包括调位、重位、时位。 9.音位的区别特征:一个音位之所以区别于别的音位,是因为它有某种特殊的不同于别的音位的语音特征,这种能区 别音位的语音特征就叫做音位的区别特征。 10.复辅音:一个音节内两个或两个以上辅音的组合叫做复辅音。 11.肌肉紧张度说: 12.语流音变:人们说话时,具体的因素组合在一起,形成长短不一的一段段的语流。在连续的语流中,一个音可能由 于邻近音的影响或自身所处的地位的不同,或说话的快慢、高低、强弱的不同而在发音上产生一些变化, 这种现象教语流音变。 13.理性意义:理性意义是人脑对客观世界的概括反映,也叫概念意义,是词义的核心部分。 14.语义场:在语言学中,凡是具有共同语义特征,在词义上处于相互联系、相互制约、相互作用中的一群词聚合在一 起,在语义上形成一个场,称之为语义场。 15.语义指向:所谓语义指向就是指句子中某一个成分跟句中或句外的一个或几个成分在语义上有直接联系,其中包括 了一般所认为的语义辖域。运用语义指向来说明、解释语法现象,就称为语义指向分析。 16.语素:是语言中最小的音义结合体,是词的构成要素,不能独立运用,但必须有意义。 17.基本词汇:基本词汇是词汇的基础,是语言中词汇的核心部分,它和语言中的语法构造一起构成语言的基础。基本 词汇是由基本词构成的,基本词指语法中产生较早而又稳定、使用频率高的词,它所标记的概念多是与 我们人类生存和人类社会密切相关的事物、现象和行为。 18.形态: 19.语法范畴:把通过一定的语法手段表达出来的同一性质的语法意义进一步综合和概括所形成的意义类别叫语法范畴分析法:即直接成分分析法,又叫“层次分析法”,是对句法结构组合形式层次性进行分析的方法。 21.语法手段:语法意义在不同的语言中有不同的表达方式。把具有共同特点的语法形式概括起来形成的一些类别,称 之为语法方式,也叫“语法手段”。常见的语法方式由综合方式、综合-分析方式、分析方式。 22.文字:文字是用来记录语言的书写符号体系。 23.表意文字:表意文字是用书写符号记录词或语素的意义的文字体系。 24.字母:字母是表音文字的书写符号。 25.地域方言:地域方言也叫“地区方言”,是全民语言在不同地域的变体,是统一的全民语言的分支。 26.亲属语言:凡是从同一种语言分化出来的若干种独立的语言,它们就是亲属语言,亲属语言也是语言分化的结果。 27.隐语:也叫“黑话”,有些社会群体或集团,为了不让外人了解自己谈话的内容,使用自己集团内部约定的特殊词 语进行交际,这种语言变体就是隐语。 28.借词:语言成分的借用,最常见的是借词。借词也叫外来词,是语言形式和语义内容都来自外语的词,即一般所说


语言学概论重点总结 一、名词解释(4*6=24) 1、孤立语:孤立语又称词根语,其特点是缺乏形态变化,语法意义主要靠词序和虚词来表示,汉语就是一种比较典型的孤立语。例如,“我喜欢他”中的“我”是主语,“他”是宾语,主要取决于词序。又如,“买菜”是述宾结构,“买的菜”是偏正结构,主要取决于虚词。汉语缺乏严格意义上的形态变化,一个名词性词语无论是充当句子的主语还是宾语,词性都不曾发生变化。除了汉语外,属孤立语的还有越南语、彝语、苗语、缅甸语等。 2、屈折语:屈折语的特点是通过各种屈折方式来表示语法意义。屈折可以分为内部屈折和外部屈折。内部屈折指通过词的语音交替(改变部分语音)来构成不同的语法形式,表示不同的语法意义;如阿拉伯语以固定的辅音框架表示语汇意义,以元音交替表示不同的语法意义。 外部屈折指通过附加词缀的方式表示不同的语法意义。例如英语的book(书,单数)在后面加上词缀-s,就表示复数意义books(书,复数)。 屈折语的一个构型词缀可以同时表示几种语法意义,例如英语的-s在动词后面表示第三人称、单数、现在时、主动语态,如works. 同样的语法意义,在不同的词里也可以用不同的词缀来表示,如俄语中性名词单数主格的词尾有-o(如neop钢笔),-e(noπe田地)。 屈折语的词根和构型词缀结合得很紧,如果去掉构型词缀,词根往往就不能成词,如俄语nepo去掉词尾-o,nep-就不能独立使用。 印欧语系各语言以及阿拉伯语等,一般都属于屈折语,其中俄语和德语是最典型的屈折语。 3、音位:是某种语言中能区别语素或词的语音形式的最小语音单位,是依据语音的社会属性划分出来的语音类别。 音位本身并不含有任何意义。音位只有在和别的音位组合成高一层级的单位后才能负载意义。如单个的/k/和/ae/或/t/是没有什么意义的,但是他们组合成了[caet](cat)之后就有了“猫”的意义。因此,音位只有区别音形进而区别意义的作用,而没有表达意义的作用。 音位分析的目的是要把语言里数目繁多的语言归纳为数目有限的一套音位系统,分析音位的三基本原则是:对立、互补、语音相似。 音位可以分为音质音位和非音质音位两大类。一般把音素的音质角度分析归并出来的音位叫音质音位,因为它占有一个时段,所以又叫音段音位。除了音质以外,音高、音强、音长这些非音质形式也能区别词的语音形式,由这些韵律(音律)形式构成的音位叫非音质音位。又叫超音段音位。包括调位、重位、时位。 调位:主要由音高特征构成的音位叫调位,又叫声调。调位是汉藏语系诸语言中区别词的语言形式的重要手段之一。 重位:主要由音强特征构成的音位叫重位。重音在英语、俄语中是区别词的语音形式和词义的重要手段。构成重位的非音质特征是综合的。 时位:由音长特征构成的音位叫时位。长短音的区别主要表现在元音上,如广东话和许多少数民族语言里,时位都有区别词的语音形式和意义的作用。 4、语流音变就是指在连续的语流中某些语音成分受前后语音环境的影响而发生变化的现象。有时说话人由于种种原因调整语音的快慢、高低、强弱,也会造成语音的某种变化。


一、组合关系和和聚合关系的提出 组合关系和聚合关系是索绪尔提出来的现代语言学结构主义的一个重要原理。 组合关系就是两个同一性质的结构单位按照线性的顺序组合起来的关系。简单地说,就是符号与符号相互组合起来的关系。例如"学习外语","学习"与"外语"组合,形成述宾关系。 聚合关系就是语言结构某一位置上能够互相替换的具有某种相同作用的单位之间的关系,简单说就是符号与符号之间的替换关系。例如"学习外语",其中"学习"可以用"研究"替换。 语言的组合关系说明了语言结构的规则,语言的聚合关系说明了替换规则。 二、语音的组合与聚合关系 语音中的每一个音素(音位),它总是处在相邻的音素之间。通过音素组合关系的研究,建立起来音位。 例如:北京话有几个与[a]发音比较接近的元音,从音质角度看,它们是不同的音,它们分别为[a]、[ɑ]、[A]、[ε]。[a]只出现在i和n 的前面,如bai 、ai、ban、an等;[ɑ]只出现在u和ng的前面,如gao、yang、ao、gang等;[A]只出现在音节的最后,如jia、hua、ba 等;。根据这些组合规律我们就可以把它们归纳成为一个音位[a]。汉语拼音方案就是按音位设计的。

聚合关系是出现在一定组合中相同位置上的各语言成分所具有的类聚会同的关系。聚合关系是在对立互补原则的基础上建立的,我们把能够出现在一个音节开头的那个辅音归成一类,那就是声母。声母之间是聚合关系。如有的辅音只出现在i和ü前面,像j、q、x,我们把这三个辅音看作是一个小的类聚,它们在发音上有共同的特点称为舌面音。其他如舌尖前音、舌尖中音、舌尖后音、双唇音、舌根音等类聚。现代汉语中的辅音大部分有双向的聚合。我们可以看下面的z c s 、zh ch sh、j q x。 从可以看到,横向的三个辅音也分别是一种聚合,第一行是舌尖前音的聚合,第二行是舌尖后音的聚合,第三行是舌面音的聚合;同样纵向的三个音也是一种聚合,第一列的三个音是不送气塞擦音的聚合,第二列是送气塞擦音的聚合,第三列是擦音的聚合。 三、词(语素)的组合关系和聚合关系 语素是语言中最小的音义结合体,或者说是最小的语言单位。在语言中,语素不可再分,因为切分语素得到的是音素。语素和语素可组合成词语。 语素的组合和聚合不像语音那样有严整的规律。语素的组合有许多制约的因素。语素组合比较有规律的是一些虚语素,即词缀。如现代汉语中的“阿”总是和表人的语素组合在一起,构成“阿公、阿婆阿Q、阿姨”等。与此类似的还有,例如:子——矮子、才子、担子、胆子、桌子。


英语语言学 一、名词解释 第一课 l.Synchronic 共时性:Said of an approach that studies language at a theoretical “poinL in timeA A kind of description which takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, the present), as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind? 2>Langue 语言:The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community? 3>Language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication. ^Arbitrariness 任意性:One design feature of human language, which refers to the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. 第二课 1.Phoneme 音位:Phonology is concerned with the speech sounds which distinguish meaning? The basic unit in phonology is called phoneme; it is a unit that is of distinctive value. 2Deep structure 深层结构:Formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head's subcategorization properties, is called deep structure or D? structure? 4.Surface structure 表层结构:Corresponding to the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropriate transformations, is called Surface structure or S- structure. 第五课 LReference 指称:Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experienee. 2.Homonymy 同音异义:Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, i.e. different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both? 3?Hyponymy 上下义关系:Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word? 第六课 l.Pragmatics 语用学:Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.


一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it


语言学第七章知识点总结 Language is an essential part of a given culture. It is an indispensable carrier of culture. It is regarded as a mirror of society. In primitive culture, the meaning of a word greatly depended on its occurrence in a given context. Firth-Context of Situation -illustrate the close relationship between language use and its co-occurrence factors. 1.The relevant features of the participants, persons, and personalities The verbal action of the participants; the non-verbal action of the participant 2.The relevant objects 3.The effects of the verbal action Speech Community It refers to a group of people share the same rules of speaking and one linguistic variety as well. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Our language helps mould our way of thinking. Different languages may probably express speakers' unique ways of understanding the world. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a24308299.html,nguage may determine our thinking patterns


语义研究历史分期中的语文学时期 专业:英美文学学号:20140601012 姓名:任雪娇 自1897年法国学者Michael Breal(布雷尔,1832-1915)发表的《语义学探索》以来,语义学作为语言学的一门独立学科宣告成立。此后,哲学家、逻辑学家、社会学家、语言学家们就开始注意语义研究。那么,首先,什么是语义学呢?语义学又叫词义学,它是以词的内容为研究对象的学科,它的任务是研究词义的性质,词义的发展、演变以及词语词义之间的种种关系,并揭示词义的一般规律。 而我今天将要对语言学时期中的一个时期——传统语言学时期,也就是语文学时期的发展与演变做一个简要的梳理。 (一)语文学时期的四个阶段 在欧洲大陆,语文学时期指的是整个18世纪以前的语言研究。同时,在这一时期,语言学家及哲学家们对文学作品尤其是古希腊--罗马时代的文学作品也进行学术研究,这包括以文学文献为基础的文化研究。从历史上看,“语文学时期”是一个生机勃勃的历史时期,它包括一下几个阶段:古希腊罗马时期、中世纪、文艺复兴时期、现代时期的前夕。 古希腊罗马时期 首先,我们都知道欧洲语言学始于希腊。而古希腊罗马时期的语文学主要是在哲学框架内进行的,因此对语言的本质问题、词源问题、修辞问题以及语音、语法等问题都进行了认真的探讨和研究。在这一时期出现了多种语言学流派,例如:斯多葛学派、亚历山大学派等等。中世纪时期 语法是中世纪学术语言的基础,也是七艺(语法、雄辩术、修辞学、音乐、几何、算术、天文)之一。对于语言学历史来说,中世纪的后半期,也就是我们称为“经院哲学时期”具有很重要的意义。经院哲学非常重视语言学研究,进行了大量的研究工作。在它兴盛时期的研究成果很多,比如说思辨语法(思辨语法是语言学理论发展的一个明确而特殊的阶段,它受到当时基督信仰的加强,同时又反过来加强了基督信仰,它把人类知识所有的分支和学科都统一在它的体系里,是理性的主张与宗教的信仰可以在这一体系内和谐一致。) 文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴运动可以看作是一场发源于14世纪的意大利,然后向外扩展,特别是在欧洲向北扩展的运动。文艺复兴时期学术方面最重要的部分--从意大利开始的对古拉丁语和古希腊语的研究得到了恢复。文艺复兴时期的语法家中,最著名的是彼得罗·拉穆斯,他被称为现代结构主义的先驱。他积极提倡用人文主义方法教授古典语言,主张通过文学作品,而不是通过经院哲学的亚里士多德学说进行教学。 现代时期前夕 到18世纪,欧洲语言学发生了巨大的变化,语言起源问题在那时已不是“哪种语言最古老”或者“上帝用什么语言跟亚当说话”而是对语言最终发展为现代如此有力和灵活的交际系统所处的条件,以及所经过的发展阶段,进行带有更多人类学性质探讨。这一时期出现的威廉·冯·洪堡特就是至今也很著名的语言学家,他认为语言能力具有普遍性,还认为没种语言都是历史的产物,但作为思维和工具的模式,有些语言则比别的语言发达的多。 经验主义 语言学研究方法的不同源自哲学领域的思想纷争。理性主义和经验主义是哲学领域的量大思潮,多个世纪以来一直深深地影响着语言学研究方法。经验主义认为经验来自感官对外间事物的感觉,其带有唯物主义倾向,同时,经验主义也包含着神学唯心主义的因素。著名语言学家曾说过“面对语言的多样性和复杂性,经验主义学派强调各种语言的特殊变化,根据日


1、How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: linguistics is the scientific study of language. It is a scientific studies because it is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, what the linguist has to do first is to collect and observe language facts, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. But the hypotheses, thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation; that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2、The design/defining features of human language (Charles Hockett) (1) Arbitrariness ----No logical (motivated or intrinsic) connection between sounds and meanings. ----- No natural and inevitable link between the sound and the meaning Exception: Onomatopoeic words and Some compound words. (2) Productivity/creativity We can speak an endless number of sentences with a limited vocabulary and one sentence can expand into endless theoretically possible sentences in the way of recurring Exception: and bee dancing is used only to indicate food sources, which is the only kind of message that can be sent through the dancing. (3) Duality


Desig n features (定义特征): the disti nctive features of huma n Ian guage that esse ntially make huma n Ian guage disti nguishable from Ian guages of ani mals. Synchronic (共时的): said of an approach that studies Ianguage at a theoretical point "in time. Diachro nic (历时的): said of the study of developme nt of Ian guage and Ian guages over time. Prescriptive (规定式): to make an authoritaria n stateme nt about the correct ness of a particular use of Ian guage. Descriptive (描写式): to make an objective and systematic acco unt of the patter ns and use of a Ian guage or variety. Compete nee (语言能力): uncon scious kno wledge of the system of grammatical rules in a Ian guage. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。 Performa nee (语言运用): the Ianguage actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue (语言): the Ianguage system shared by a speech community ” 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole (言语): the con crete uttera nces of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Pho no logy (音系学): the study of the sound patter ns and sound systems of Ian guage. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in Ianguages, and to explain the variati ons that occur. Intern ati onal Phon etic Alphabet (国际音标) a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the Intern ati onal Phon etic Associati on si nee 1888. It has bee n revised from time to time to include new discoveries and changes in phonetic theory and practice. Cardi nal Vowels (基本元音): a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the descriptio n of the actual vowels of exist ing Ian guages.


Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 6.语言运用performance Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。 7.历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period


In chapter seven,I learn about the relationship between language and culture 、London School、Linguists in North Americian、Malinowski Guinea 、SAPIR-WHOF HYPOTHES and sociolinguistics. At the first,I learn the relationshp between language and culture.(1)Language is an essential and importantpart of a given culture ;the impact of culture upon a given language is something intrinsic and indispensable.(2)Culture is a wider syatem that completely includes language as a subsystem.The relation of language to culture is that of part to whole.(3)Language both expresses and embodies cultural reality.(4)Language plays a major role in perpetuating culture in part form.(5)Culture affects language. Secondly,,I understand how language relates culture.At the beginning of the eighteenth century,they think that language is either comparative and historical or structural and formalized in https://www.360docs.net/doc/a24308299.html,ter, at the start of the 20th century ,the study of language was developed in England and North America.In the 1920s ,a school of ANTHROPOLOTICAL STUDY OF LINGUISTICS came into being in England.The meaning of a word greatly depended upon its occurrence in a given context,for example “wood’’.Malinowski created the theory of CONTEXT OF SITUA TION,and J.R.Firth developed the theory of CONTEXT OF SITUATION. M.A.K Halliday further developed this theory,who is the founder of systemic-functional linguistics. Tirdly,I learn a very influential and controversial theory about the relationships between language and culture .Benjamin Lee Whorf is famous in hypothesis concerning language,thought,and culture.His famous theory SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHSES was developed with the help of his experience and his study of Hopi ,an American Indian language.What this hypothesis suggests is this :Our language helps mould our way of thinking and,consequently,different language may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world.Due to the theory SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHSES,two important points came into the world.one is LINGUISTIC DETERMINISM,and the other is LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY.LINGUISTIC DETERMINISM means that language may determine our thinking patterns,and LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY means that similarity between languages is https://www.360docs.net/doc/a24308299.html,ter,,Sapir-Whorf hypothesis have been developed,a strong version and a weak version.The strong version of the theory refers to the claim the original hypothesis makes ,emphasizing the decisive role of language as the shaper of our thinking patterns.The weak
