




Business models and operational issues in the Chinese 原稿题目:

online game industry

Ian MacInnes,Lili Hu.[J].


Telematics and Informatics. 2007,24(2):130-144.




1. 简介





2. 理论背景



对于网络社区的研究已经改进了。学者已经证明了虚拟社区的使用能改善公民的行为Blanchard and Horan(1998),促进社会抵制运动的发展De(2003)。虚拟社区同样可以用来创造,集结,组织,运用知识([Bruynseels and Vos,2000], [Daniel et al., 2002], [Jansen et al., 2000] and [Schubert and Koch, 2002])。他们也作为一种管理工具被用于组织中。营销部门发现人们对于产品和服务的迷恋能帮助一家公司发展与顾客的关系,使他们产生对其的忠诚度( [Kardaras and Karakostas, 2000] and [Schubert and Koch, 2002]).。然而这些社区常常会招致公司的批评(Lueg, 2001)。

虚拟社区可以根据活动,会籍的不同种类进行分类。例如,Hagel and Armstrong (1996)把网络社区分为四类:交易社区,兴趣社区,幻想社区,关系社区。相似地,Klang and Olsson (1999)把它们分为社区网络,专业协会,个人社团,“第三位置”(人们会见新老朋友的地方)。Klang and Olsson (1999)确定四种社区类型:论坛,


很多使用者都愿意为这些社区付钱,比如互联网国际象棋俱乐部(Ginsburg and Weisband, 2003).。更有甚者在结构化的游戏中,会员们会引进一种叫“chekels”用来当筹码,然后用来换成现金。一些社区的社会方面正在迅速为使用者带来商业上的基于这并不是骇人听闻的。社区的设计假想通常可以决定开发者是否能为使用带来利益。缺少公司控制能造成困难。尽管世上有成千上万的人活跃于这些虚拟世界中,但学者们只是最近才开始认识到这些社区的发展动态。


我们把重点放在这个产业的商业模式方面的其中的一个原因是它所具有的巨大经济潜力。即使在应用率较低的中国,这个产业正在产生巨大的经济收入。我们因此需要去理解这个产业是怎样发展起来的,将来会朝着哪个方面发展。这些商业模式的文献数量已经相当丰富了,甚至有点过头了。在很多方面,学者往往过分单独强调许多模式已经参与了成分的静态分析,而笔者认为这是影响了公司的经济发展的。这些静态商业模式在一定程度是无效的,我们分析一个新兴产业,往往开发商在找到切实可行的商业模式之前他们必然会经历很多困难。MacInnes (2004a)考虑到发展中产业的动态因素提出了一个四阶段动态商业模式框架的理论。这一理论特别是为比如中国网络游戏市场一类的新兴产业所设计的。

2.1. 动态商业模式框架







在虚拟世界产业中,技术因素可以摧毁一家公司因为人们在虚拟世界中创造的财产拥有相当大的价值。如果这些财产因为技术问题或者安全漏洞问题丢失的话,那么开发者将会失去信誉,破产,或者因为不赔偿用户而被起诉。因此,在虚拟世界中人们拥有客观的财产,公司服务器的安全问题必须放在首要位置。Duh et al. (2001)发现市场的安全性和完整性因素是至关重要的,我们必须把他们放在首要位置,因为只有这样会员才会信任虚拟世界的开发者。



商业化的技术如录像机,对等网络等由于法律问题或者对社会,经济有着不良影响,受到了人们的质疑。Vasilopoulou et al. (2002)提出政策和规则对于商业模式的成功

的起着至关重要的作用。相似地,Schroeder et al. (2001)认为缺乏安全保障,组织和法律问题是公司从传统商业模式过渡到电子商务过程中最难克服的问题。在目前对于这一商业的法律机制尚未成熟的情况下这些论文中所提到的法律问题也将起着一定的作用。例如,谁拥有虚拟世界的财产,或者是虚拟货币的兑换是否赋予虚拟银行功能。随着虚拟世界平行于现实世界,当出现违法事件的时候政府可能会出面干预,或遇通货膨胀时会去保护财产。






Business models and operational issues in the Chinese online game


Abstract:The rapid growth of Internet usage has enabled many new online communities to develop. A particularly interesting phenomenon that has arisen through Internet communities is the virtual world (VW) style of online game. This paper identifies the challenges that developers of VWs will face in their efforts to find viable business models. This is a single case study of China as an exploratory project to determine the issues

surrounding business models for virtual world developers and users. The paper discusses the feedback effects between broadband adoption and online games as well as issues such as culture, history, Waigua, private servers, virtual property trade, developer control, governance, and regulation. In spite of the profitability of major Chinese VW operators, close observation of the Chinese case suggests that even the most successful VW operators are still in the early stages of their business model development.

Key words:Virtual world China Business model Online game


As the Internet continues to grow worldwide, Internet-based channels have become increasingly important for communication. As a result, online communities of many forms and for various purposes have developed and have enabled people to work, socialize and entertain themselves. Among the many types examples of online communities, a particularly interesting phenomenon is the virtual world (VW), a persistent synthetic environment where people communicate with each other using a virtual persona, often called an avatar. VWs are a type of online game that can have thousands of people involved and potentially interacting at the same time. The vast majority of popular online games in China are VWs.

MacInnes (2004a) provided an overview and framework for understanding the VW phenomenon. It is now important to supplement this work through case studies. We chose to begin with a single case study of the Chinese online game industry because its market for VWs is growing more quickly than in many other countries due to the rapid adoption of broadband among other factors. Social, legal and other environmental issues are discussed in this paper from the perspective of business models. The challenges and opportunities facing the current Chinese VW industry are not merely country specific. The same issues are likely to play out as less developed VW markets in North America and Europe grow. The lessons from this case can also be compared to other Internet based industries using the dynamic business model framework for emerging technologies (MacInnes, 2004a).

This is a single case study of China as an exploratory project to determine the issues surrounding business models for virtual world developers and users. The paper addresses a number of questions. What alternative strategies are available to Chinese online game operators who are facing an increasingly competitive market? Will Chinese online game companies move upstream in their value chain? What is the role of broadband in the

development of the industry? How is Chinese society reacting to this new form of entertainment? Why has the online game industry achieved greater success in China than stand-alone computer games?

2.Theoretical context

The growth of the Internet has enabled many new virtual communities to be established. One of the key issues facing a commercial virtual community is finding a profitable business model that also fosters the initial growth of the community toward critical mass. Early virtual communities were mainly scientific but more recent developments have motivated people to congregate in a virtual space to share personal interests. Virtual worlds provide a new level of graphical richness to virtual communities while also supporting complex market activities.

The early years of the Internet emphasized bringing together researchers but once many universities were connected, communities based on personal interests developed. These often involved hobbies and entertainment (Rheingold, 1993). In these early days the most common technologies were e-mail and listservs that later evolved into bulletin boards and MUDs where people began to create fantasy worlds (Castronova, 2002). These were forerunners of today’s graphical virtual worlds.

Research about online communities has evolved. Scholars have documented the effectiveness and use of virtual communities in society to foster, for example, civic behavior (Blanchard and Horan, 1998) and social resistance movements (De, 2003). Virtual communities can also be used to create, gather, organize, and manage knowledge ( [Bruynseels and V os, 2000], [Daniel et al., 2002], [Jansen et al., 2000] and [Schubert and Koch, 2002]). They have also been used as a management tool in organizations. Marketing departments have found that people’s fascination with the product or service can help a company develop relationships with customers to generate loyalty ( [Kardaras and Karakostas, 2000] and [Schubert and Koch, 2002]). These communities often result in criticism of companies, however (Lueg, 2001).

Virtual communities can be classified according to types of activities and membership. For example Hagel and Armstrong (1996) identified four categories of online communities: communities of transactions, communities of interest, communities of fantasy, and

communities of relationship. Similarly Klang and Olsson (1999) divide them into community networks, professional societies, personal societies and the “third place,” where people go to meet with new and old friends. Klang and Olsson (1999) identify four types of communities: the forum, the shop, the club, and the bazaar. The bazaar involves activities where the members themselves are buying and selling physical and now virtual products as well. This type of activity is becoming more and more prevalent. These authors have recognized the entertainment as well as the commercial value that communities have. In this paper we focus primarily on the entertainment segment of virtual communities and aim to understand the business model dynamic of this industry.

Many users are willing to pay for communities such as the Internet Chess Club Even in a structured game such as chess, members introduced “chekels,” a monetary unit that could be exchanged for dollars. It is thus not surprising to see that the social aspects of these communities are rapidly transforming into commercial opportunities for users as well. Design assumptions of the community will often determine whether developers want to encourage or discourage the profit motives of users. Lack of company control can cause difficulties. Even though there are millions of people around the world who are active in these virtual worlds, scholars have only recently begun to understand the dynamics of these communities.

Because of the revenue streams that virtual worlds are now able to generate, this study focuses on the business model aspects of those communities. Business model literature has grown rapidly over the past five years and is helpful in understanding the challenges that VW developers and users are likely to face in their attempts to develop profitable businesses based on virtual property. Contributions from scholars in business models can be divided into three areas: studies that focus on single factors to highlight their importance, studies that identify several elements that make a business model successful, and studies that identify business model components.

One of the reasons why we want to focus on the business model aspects of this industry is because of its large economic potential. Even with its relatively low adoption percentage in China, the industry is already generating large revenues. We thus want to understand how the industry has evolved and how it will be able to generate further growth. The business model literature is quite rich and sometimes overwhelming. In many instances scholars

have tended to emphasize some aspects over others and many of their models have involved static analysis of the components that the authors believe affect the economic success of companies. These static models are, to a certain extent ineffective when we are analyzing an emerging industry, as they have to go through many challenges before they have a viable business model. MacInnes (2004a) provides a four stage dynamic business model framework that takes into consideration the dynamic aspects of an evolving industry. The model was designed specifically for emerging industries such as the Chinese online game market.

2.1. The dynamic business model framework

The dynamic business model framework was designed to take into consideration the evolution that businesses experience as they become more knowledgeable about their industry. This is particularly true for business segments that are just emerging as is the case with virtual world game developers/operators. The model is composed of four interrelated stages. Fig. 1 shows the different stages.

Fig1 Dynamic business model framework for emerging technologies.

The factors that affect the success of a company’s business model at its early stages are different from those affecting the business at a more mature stage. In the first stage technical issues are of greatest importance. In the second stage environmental factors such as law and adoption should be considered. In the third stage developers can begin to incorporate traditional revenue model factors. The fourth stage focuses on factors that will sustain the business.

Corporate and user models around virtual communities are beginning to emerge and companies still have many elements to work out. This section addresses the factors that other scholars have identified in each of the four stages that contribute to the success of a

business model. Based on these factors it is possible to specify the challenges that these virtual worlds will face as they move through different stages of development.

2.1.1. First stage: technological factors

In the early stages of technological advance, technical factors are crucial to the success of the business. These technical factors are those that are inherent to the product or service being sold. It should be noted that in the information field many businesses emerge from technical innovations. Thus finding a business model that allows them to commercialize such products is the natural progression to their efforts. Unfortunately sometimes the technology is not entirely ready to be launched commercially and these issues need to be dealt with before the firm can concentrate on revenue models.

2.1.2. Second stage: environmental factors

Many of the technical aspects faced in the first stage of business models have been overcome. VWs are now in the second stage where they have to overcome environmental factors. Environmental factors include legal, societal, and general economic limitations. This is a stage that is generally overlooked because it is not until a technology has been commercialized that people might realize the problems that the technology could pose for society in general. A number of commercialized technologies, such as the VCR and some peer-to-peer networks, have had their survival challenged because of a legal problem or another negative impact on society or the economy. Vasilopoulou et al. (2002) point out that issues of regulation and policy are critical to the success of a business model. Similarly Schroeder et al. (2001) determined that lack of security, organizational, and legal issues are the most difficult to overcome when companies make the transition from a traditional business model to one centered on electronic commerce. The legal issues that both of these papers identify will also play a role in these businesses as it is not yet clear in a legal sense, for example, who owns property in VWs or whether the convertibility of virtual currencies gives VWs banking functions. As VWs appear to parallel the real world, governments may want to intervene when illegal activities occur or to protect assets if there is inflation.


3. Third stage: revenue model concerns

The third stage of business model development focuses on traditional concerns such as revenue sources, customer value, costs, and infrastructure management. From the authors that have looked at single factors Wathne and Heide (2001) emphasize the use of strategies that increase switching costs as a way of maintaining customer loyalty, or look at a way of

creating and maintaining communities within the context of the business as a way of supporting and enhancing the economic activity from a website. VWs have high switching costs as a result of the property and persona that a participant in such a community develops over time. They may find it costly to switch to another VW and have to begin another persona and develop new relationships. Wathne and Heide also suggest developing complementary products. Some companies running online games offer physical products that can be exchanged for their digital versions. Similarly other traditional factors that companies in the online game industry can consider at this stage, according to Amit and Zott (2001), include: (1) efficiency in the form of reduced transaction costs; (2) complementarities between technologies, activities and products; (3) lock-in through network externalities and high switching costs; and (4) novelty through new structures, content and participants. VWs provide novel features for their players and they are virtually limitless as users can add content, improving the richness of the experience. Among the most challenging factors that companies developing virtual worlds face are member development, community development, and asset management (Williams and Cothrel, 2000). With some users developing their own businesses, developers lose some control.


客户关系管理的应用和理论研究述评与展望 摘要:客户关系管理理论在近几年来受到国内外管理界和信息技术界的重点关注,随着全球一体化发展带来的全球化市场竞争和客户竞争,客户关系管理也受到了企业的广泛推崇,因此客户关系管理成为近年来管理界和信息技术界发展最为迅速的领域之一。本文主要从客户关系管理的产生、客户关系管理的概念与内涵、企业客户关系管理的应用研究和理论研究状况展开,并对客户关系管理的研究进行了展望。 关键词:客户关系管理;营销理论;关系营销;数据挖掘 前言 著名的管理大师“现代管理学之父”彼得·德鲁克在其著作中提出,“顾客是企业的基石,是企业存活的命脉,只有顾客才能创造就业机会。企业经营的真谛是获得并留住顾客”。 自客户关系管理概念被提出以来,许多学者从不同视角对CRM展开了研究,并取得了许多有价值的理论贡献,企业和机构也在客户关系管理功能的诱惑下开始实施客户关系管理。 一、客户关系管理的起源 CRM(客户关系管理)起源于20世纪80年代初提出的“接触管理”(Contact Management),即专门收集整理客户与公司联系的所有信息。在 1984 年, Ives 和 Learmonth 提出了客户生命周期(CRLC)的概念,旨在客户生命周期的不同阶段支持并满足客户的所有需求, 被视为CRM 思想的萌芽。到90年代初期演变成为包括电话服务中心支援资料分析的客户关怀(Customer Care)。而作为一个概念来说,客户关系管理最早由美国Gartner Group提出,Gartner Group 最初认为,客户关系管理就是为企业提供全方位的管理视角,赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力,最大化客户的收益率。 客户关系管理的理论基础来源于西方的市场营销理论,通过回顾市场营销理论的发展,我们可以对客户关系管理的发展有整体的把握和了解。营销学家菲利普·科特勒总结了营销观念发展的五个演变阶段,包括生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、营销观念、社会营销观念。 前三个阶段是以“生产者为导向”的传统营销观念,后两个阶段成为现代市场营销观念,从传统营销观念到客户关系管理观念,企业对客户的态度发生了巨变。传统营销观念中企业没


财务分析外文翻译! 财务报表 报表要求 前面主要讨论了向外界提供的财务资料格式和用途,本章着重讨论的内容,浏览一下资产负债表,其项目如下: 现金主要是指在有偿付能力的银行中的活期存款。在会计期终止时补充的办公和工程备用基金也可包括在内。在职能分权的会计制度中,现金可以包括全部自有业务的各种分项工程银行存款,但是联合账户存款中属本公司的份额。如果不属本公司支配,可以不包括在内。现金不应该包括投标保证金或其它保证金以保证履行合同。也不应包括对雇员的预付款或对提款附加有种种限制的存款。在受货币限制的外国银行中的现金,只要它不超出公司对所在国货币的现金需求,也可视为现金。在建立银行现金明细表时,使存款现金与同一银行未清偿的各项贷款、抵押品、银行给予的最大担保信贷以及上年度的平均余额相符倒是个好主意。每份报告应包括现金预测,至少应在交给管理部门的报告中包括现金预侧。 应收款项可分成下列细目 1.核定的和到期的按进度付款的金额。 2.已开出但尚未核定的按进度付款的金额。 3.收益的金额和可即付的但开单当日实际未付的金额。 4.正在执行中的合同押金。 已完成的工程押金。 5. 6(如果把支付给分散经营的业务和合资企业的预付款看作应收款项,这些预付款应单独列表并单列科目放在资产负债表的首页。是否应将工程利润带来的产权当作应收款项还有争议。但一旦运用这种方式,就应该列出该项目。一般来说,最好

的做法是把合资企业的预付款和未分配的收益标明为“合资企业投资”,并加上适当的附注,说明投资的性质和合资企业的简要财务数据。 7(运转中的工程费用。当这些项目被看作应收账款时。只应列入某一特定工程按进度付款的已赚收益中的超额部分。如果按进度付款超过营业收益,这些费用应当作债务,如果资产负债表分为流动负债和非流动负债两类,这些费用应归人流动负债类。 8(各类销售、服务和保险赔偿金等应收款项 9(应付供应商和雇员的款项,明细附表应详细显示这些项目,当这些项目出自某一特定业务或与某一特定业务有关时,应将这些项目与该业务一并在明细表上标明。库存,从技术上讲,仅限于未拨用的材料,物资和备用件。有时把小工具归入物资类,有时单独列出。无论用那种形式,库存都应该在资产负债表的首页或明细附表中标明、购进的库存物资应按成本价或市场价,根据低的一种价格定价。对从工地归还到中心仓库的主要的旧材料(胶合板和金属模具)和小工具(气锤、钻头等)没有严格和固定的规则。标准处理方法是按成本价加10%将新材料“出售"给工程。当归还到中心仓库时,按原售价冲减so,记人工程账户,并在库存账户记人同样的数目。在下次“出售”给另一工程时,在前一工程的归还值上增加10,。归还时,再次重复这一手续,直到该物品不能用为止。丢失或残余价值微不足道可以不计。10,的加价系数用于弥补小修和仓储的费用。这种方法的另一种形式是指定回收估值而不是不断增加百分比,然而,这种方法需要有足够知识的人在每次回收物品时估值,这样做很麻烦,也不值得。但是,当这些物品出售给合资企业或成本加成工程时,肯定这种价格可以公平代表 材料或小型工具的价值是一种好做法。值得注意的是这种交易文件不能写得让国家把这种交易作为要交营业税的买卖。 财务报表的制订


The path-to-profitability of Internet IPO firms ☆ Bharat A.Jain a,1,Narayanan Jayaraman b,2,Omesh Kini c,? a College of Business and Economics,Towson University,Towson,MD 21044,United States b College of Management,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,GA 30332,United States c Robinson College of Business,Georgia State University,Atlanta,GA 30303,Unite d States Received 1October 2006;received in revised form 1December 2006;accepted 1February 2007 Abstract Extant empirical evidence indicates that the proportion of firms going public prior to achieving profitability has been increasing over time.This phenomenon is largely driven by an increase in the proportion of technology firms going public.Since there is considerable uncertainty regarding the long-term economic viability of these firms at the time of going public,identifying factors that influence their ability to attain key post-IPO milestones such as achieving profitability represents an important area of research. We employ a theoretical framework built around agency and signaling considerations to identify factors that influence the probability and timing of post-IPO profitability of Internet IPO firms.We estimate Cox Proportional Hazards models to test whether factors identified by our theoretical framework significantly impact the probability of post-IPO profitability as a function of time.We find that the probability of post- IPO profitability increases with pre-IPO investor demand and change in ownership at the IPO of the top officers and directors.On the other hand,the probability of post-IPO profitability decreases with the venture capital participation,proportion of outsiders on the board,and pre-market valuation uncertainty. ?2007Published by Elsevier Inc. Keywords:Initial public offerings;Internet firms;Path-to-profitability;Hazard models; Survival Journal of Business Venturing xx (2007)xxx –xxx MODEL 1A JBV-05413;No of Pages 30☆ We would like to thank Kalpana Narayanan,Raghavendra Rau,Sankaran Venkataraman (Editor),Phil Phan (Associate Editor),two anonymous referees,and participants at the 2002Financial Management Association Meetings in San Antonio for helpful comments.We thank Paul Gilson and Sandy Lai for excellent research assistance.The usual disclaimer applies.?Corresponding author.Tel.:+14046512656;fax:+14046522630. E-mail addresses:bjain@, (B.A.Jain),narayanan.jayaraman@, (N.Jayaraman), okini@, (O.Kini). 1Tel.:+14107043542;fax:+14107043454. 2Tel.:+14048944389;fax:+14048946030. 0883-9026/$-see front matter ?2007Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2007.02.004 ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article as:Jain, al.The path-to-profitability of Internet IPO firms.Journal of Business Venturing (2007),doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2007.02.004


毕业论文文献综述 市场营销 网络游戏植入式广告研究 (一)国外对这一课题的研究 在对网络游戏植入式广告的直接研究方面,由于网络游戏兴起时间不长,只有M.R.Nelson在2002年的《电脑/电子游戏中植入式广告唤起品牌的回忆度》中提出,通常而言,消费者对植入式广告持肯定态度。他认为,消费者在短期内的品牌回忆度比长期内的品牌回忆度高;而当被植入产品是游戏中的主要道具,或该产品是本地品牌、新品牌的时候,植入式广告更容易唤起消费者对品牌的回忆。在这篇文章中,作者着重研究的是消费者对于这一广告形式的态度,但并没有明确提出“网络游戏植入式广告”这一称谓,也没有对其进行系统的理论梳理,因此,这方面的研究空间还是很大的。在相关研究方面,由于电影电视的植入式广告在国外兴起己有时日,因此相关著述相对较多,主要分为以下两个方面: 1.对影视植入式广告基础理论的研究方面 J.A.Karrh在1998年研究《各种媒介中植入式广告对受众的影响》中提出植入式广告的意义转移模式。尽管Karrh的研究并没有针对网络游戏植入式广告,但是这一模式揭示了网络游戏植入式广告的内在作用机制,也就是网络游戏植入式广告是如何影响消费者的。同年,C.A.Russell发表了《从学习理论、行为理论建立电影/电视中植入式广告的基本理论框架》。Russell在这边文章中建构了影视植入式广告的研究框架,从而为后续的效果研究提供了理论基础,这也成为本文对网络游戏植入式广告进行理论探索和研究的主要参考之一。 因此,我们可以发现,国外在植入式广告基础理论方面研究比较少,仅有两位学者对这一问题进行研究,而且从这两篇文章的实证和理论研究各自所占的篇幅来看,研究的重点仍然偏向实证。 2.对影视植入式广告效果的研究方面 国外学者对植入式广告研究的重心是效果研究,数量极其可观。比较有影响力的学者有M.R.Nelson、J.A.Karrh、C.A.Russell等。他们从植入形式、消费者、广


XXX学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:计算机与软件工程学院 专业:计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:GoyKakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [J]. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 2017, 1(9): 624-635. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理战略研究 Goy Kakus 摘要 客户关系管理解决方案,通过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要的服务或产品,提供更好的客户服务、交叉销售和更有效的销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并更好地理解你的客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在获得、保持与发展策略方面的优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些困惑。本文通过考察关系营销和其他学科方面的相关文献,解释了客户关系管理的概念基础,从而对客户关系管理的知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理的博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理的简称。它的特征在于公司与客户的沟通,无论是销售还是服务相关的。客户关系管理这一术语经常用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也以同样的方式被用来处理商业联系, 赢得客户,达成合同和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *通过更好的客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成合同 *提高盈利 *减少客户管理成本 *通过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不同类型的企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化的在线体验。 设计精良的客户关系管理包括以下特征: 1.客户关系管理是一种以顾客为中心并以客户投入为基础的服务响应,一对一的解决客户的必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户解决他


Developing student competencies_ An integrated approach to a financial statement analysis project This paper presents an instructional resource for an integrated fi-nancial statement analysis project. The project requires a quantitative analysis of a company's financial statements and a written re-search report. The project is designed to develop students' critical thinking and analytical capabilities through the application of course concepts to a real company, while also providing opportunities to develop professional competencies. Following Anson's Instruc-tional Design Model (2007), the integrated project includes supporting activities, which are designed to aid students in achiev-ing the project's learning goals. The supporting activities include in-class instruction on financial ratios, a computer lab session on Excel, draft papers, peer reviews of writing, and paper revisions. The in-tegrated project also serves as an example of an assignment that is consistent with two recent education frameworks, the Inte-grated Competency-Based Framework (Lawson et al., 2014) and the AICPA Core Competency Framework (2015), which both advocate for increased integration of professional competencies within the ac-counting curriculum. Our instructional resource provides project instructions, supporting activities, as well as implementation guid-ance and a grading rubric. The paper discusses adaptations to tailor the project to various courses and audiences. The resources in this article are useful for instructors implementing a financial state-ment analysis project into accounting, finance, financial statement analysis and investment courses targeted at either the undergrad-uate or graduate levels.


客户盈利能力分析中英文对照外文翻译文献 客户盈利能力分析中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)

客户盈利能力分析的实施:案例研究 摘要:通过使用客户盈利能力分析(CPA),企业可以决定客户群和/或个人客户的利润贡献。本文介绍了CPA的实施办法。执行过程中使用的是公司产的案例研究和销售的专业清洁产品说明。这个案例研究突出了工业环境与CPA的具体问题,并把结果提供了实施定期CPA过程中可能带来的好处的例子。 关键词:客户盈利;客户关系管理(CRM);实施;案例分析。 1.介绍: 在任何给定的客户群,将有客户产生的公司,并在公司有承担,以确保这些收入成本收入差异。虽然大多数公司将了解客户的收入,很多企业并不知道与客户关系有关的所有费用。在一般情况下,产品成本将被称为为每一个客户,但销售和市场营销,服务和支持成本大多视为开销。客户盈利能力分析(CPA)是指收入和成本分配到细分客户或个人客户,这样,这些段和/或单个客户的盈利能力可以计算出来。 CPA日益关注的动力是双重的。首先,不同产品作业成本法在上世纪90年代兴起(ABC)导致了不同程度的提高认识到制造业使用公司的资源。当使用ABC,公司首先确定成本库:组织内进行的活动类别。其次,信息技术使得有可能记录和分析更多的客户的数据在类型和量中。随着数据如订单数量,销售访问次数,服务电话号码等存储在各个客户的水平,有可能去实际计算客户盈利。它被认为是良好的行业营销实践建立和培养与客户的利益关系。为了能够做到这一点,企业应该懂得目前的客户关系不同的盈利能力,以及什么客户群提供更高的潜力,未来盈利的客户关系。 2.CPA的潜在效益 CPA的直接好处在于它提供了在成本和收入超过客户分布不均的情况。在成本中的客户传播的信息将是特别有价值的,因为收入分配一般是已知的公司。这种认识在何种程度上特定客户消费公司的资源产生了公司在三个领域的新机遇:成本管理,收入管理和战略营销管理。 首先,CPA揭示了有针对性的成本管理和利润改善计划的机会。公布的数据显示例子,其中20%的客户创造利润225%,其中一半以上的客户是盈利或者对客户的损失可能会高达2.5倍的销售收入。CPA,作为ABC的一个具体应用,揭示活动和资源消耗之间的联


2020年英语六级翻译预测及解析:网络游戏 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 随着电脑和互联网的普及,人们能玩的游戏很多。年轻人尤其喜欢网络游戏。不过,这个现象给很多家长和老师带来了很多的困扰,很多学生沉迷于游戏,导致健康状况和学习成绩的下降。相反地,有些人指出玩网络游戏能够协助玩家练习他们的反应水平,这对形成敏捷的反应和思维很有协助。而且,在玩电脑游戏的时候玩家能够暂时释放在工作和学习上的巨大压力。只要我们不沉迷于网络游戏,就能尽情享受它给我们带来的快乐。 翻译及详解 With the popularity of computers and the Internet,there is a wide range of games that people can choose from.Young people like online games most.However,this phenomenon troubles many parents and teachers.Many students are addicted to games,leading to a decline in their health condition and academic performance.On the contrary,some say that playing online games can train the players,reaction ability,which is of great help in forming quick reaction and fast thinking.Moreover,when playing computer games,players can temporarily release great pressure from their work and study.As long as we are not addicted to online games,we can enjoy the joy it brings us heartily. 翻译讲解 1.随着电脑和互联网的普及:可译为With the popularity of computers and the Internet.Popularity意为“普及,流行”。 2.带来了很多的困扰:能够使用动词trouble来翻译,意为“使烦恼,使苦恼”。作名词时意为“困难,麻烦”。


CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT As. univ. drd. Mihaela Cornelia Prejmerean Lect. univ. dr. Alina Mihaela Dima Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Abstract: After 17 years of economical and market development, Romanian companies face a new challenge: the tough competition from the European Union and the battle for the customers. The Romanian enterprises will have to learn not only how to attract customers, but also how to keep them. Marketing programs include now aspects regarding customer orientation, relationship management, loyalty and quality. In this paper, we will follow the main aspects, characteristics, dimensions and processes of Customer Relationship Management, and we will analyze the challenges that the local companies will have to face. Examples from the financial service sector will round the actual situation of the implementation of the CRM rules and principles in Romania. Keywords: marketing information system; customer relationship management; business asset, customer acquisition; customer retention. 1. Introduction In the last decade, the majority of the companies were preoccupied with production, recession, mergers, new technologies and business regulation. Romania’s accession in the European Union will bring many advantages for further development, together with membership in a Common Market with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement for all the four factors of production (goods, services, capital and labor). This means that Romanian companies will compete with other companies from the EU directly in their home market. European companies are more flexible and mobile and will put a high pressure on the local companies in order to produce better products, launch better offers and services and orientate more towards their customers. High revenue equals important customer is a classic rule when the company organises its customer policy. “An imp ortant customer brings a gross amount of money for our enterprise” has become a reflex for many compa nies abroad and perhaps in Romania, too. But is this always true, or do we need more information than a simple figure reported at the end of the year? 2. Marketing information system A winning company is more productive in acquiring and retaining customers, to


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:通过开发Android平台上的社交应 用和游戏应用来比较学习软件体系结构 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

通过开发Android平台上的社交应用和游戏应用来比较学习软件体系结构 1.引言 电脑游戏和视频游戏非常受儿童和青少年的欢迎,在年轻人的文化发挥了突出的作用[1]。现在游戏可以在技术丰富的配备了笔记本电脑,智能手机,游戏机(移动和固定),机顶盒,和其他数字设备的环境中运行。从这一现象,人们相信将年轻人对游戏的内在动机与教育内容和目标结合就会变成Prensky称之为“以数字游戏为基础的学习”的学习方法[2]。 青年学生生活的游戏中除了丰富的外观,游戏开发技术已经成熟,并且越来越先进[3]。基于现有的各种游戏开发环境,游戏开发过程中的全部责任可以分为几个的专家领域和角色,如游戏程序员,3D模型的创造者,游戏设计师,音乐家,漫画家,剧作家,等等。游戏内容与技术相结合的过程可以通过游戏引擎和使用网络上的各种用户和专家社区的可用信息得到简化。例如,微软的XNA 游戏开发工具包提供的游戏循环函数绘制及更新游戏内容,而且还提供了方便的游戏开发组件来加载不同格式的图形,音频和视频。这使得游戏迷们如无论有没有编程背景的学生修改现有的游戏或开发新游戏。他们可以用这些游戏创作工具实现自己的游戏概念设计,学习发展技能和相关知识,积累相关的实际经验。 在这种情况下,不但游戏可以用于学习而且通过激发任务机制,游戏开发工具可以用来研究计算机科学(CS),软件工程(SE),和游戏编程相关主题。一般来说,游戏可以用三种方式集成在教育中[4,5]。首先,游戏可以用来代替传统的练习,鼓励学生把额外的努力用来做练习,给老师或助教一个实时地监控学生是如何练习的机会[6,7]。第二,游戏可以作为一个讲座的一部分来促进学生的参与,增加学生的动力[8,9]。第三,将要求学生们修改或开发游戏作为使用游戏开发框架(GDF)学习CS和SE方面技能的课程的一部分。我们把后者的学习方法为以游戏开发为基础的学习(GDBL)。GDF表示可以用来开发或修改游戏,例如,该工具包的游戏引擎,游戏编辑器,或游戏(模拟)平台,甚至任何集成开发环境(IDE),如Visual C + +,Eclipse和Android SDK,J2ME,因为所有的人都可以用来开发游戏。 本文重点研究学生通过在Android平台开发游戏应用学习软件体系结构和在Android平台开发社交应用(例如,天气预报,聊天软件)学习软件体系结构的相似点和不同点。将游戏开发放到CS或者SE课程中的动机是利用学生对游戏及游戏开发的迷恋来激发他们通过该项目更多更好的学习课程材料。


客户关系管理研究文献综述 摘要:客户关系管理(CRM)是最近几年管理界热烈讨论的话题,经济的发展与人民生活水平的提高,使得原来以产品为到现在为导向的企业经营模式已日益不能满足消费者多样化、个性化的需求,客户关系管理就成为企业界关注的领域,本文拟从信息的角度对当前客户关系管理研究进行总结,为今后的研究奠定基础。 关键词:客户关系管理(CRM)、信息技术(IT)、功能 近年来,“顾客满意”似乎已成为企业界人士最常挂在嘴边的用语,因为他们认识到顾客是最终评定产品及服务品质优劣,并能决定是否继续与该公司交易的人,也就是说顾客是公司利润的源泉。随着竞争日趋白热化,全球各公司获取顾客光顾的成本不断增高,加上顾客多样化选择的机会等因素,让人感觉生意越来越难做。面对越来越挑剔的顾客和激烈的同行竞争,吸引新顾客和保留现有顾客已成为企业必须面对的重要课题,因此研究客户关系管理(CRM 或Customer Relationship Management)对于满足客户个性化需求,提高客户忠诚度和保有率,实现缩短销售周期、降低销售成本、增加收入、扩展市场,从而全面提升企业的赢利能力和竞争力有着重要的作用。因此,本文旨在对客户关系管理的研究现状进行总结,以便在此基础上做更深入的研究。 1 客户关系管理的概念 所谓客户关系管理是一种以客户为中心的经营策略,它以信息技术为手段,并对工作流程进行重组,以赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力、最大化客户的收益率①。 客户关系管理是一个IT业术语,它涵盖了方法学、软件技术和网络技术,通过一种组织化的方式来帮助企业管理客户关系。 客户关系管理是一概念,它把管理理念和业务实践融合在一起,它继承了销售、定单管理、客户服务以及协调和统一在客户生命周期内与客户交互的所有信息。CRM帮助企业管理单个客户,通过快速响应和高效的服务建立同客户之间的牢固关系。 客户关系管理应用是一个前端应用工具,通过它能够很方便地捕捉、融合、分析和共享企业已有的和潜在客户的信息。此过程主要贯穿市场、销售和服务阶段,目的是为了更好地了解客户,精确地定位客户对企业的产品和服务提出的需求。CRM软件的实施主要有两个目标:第一,使得企业能更有效地定位、联系和赢得新客户;第二,使得企业与现有客户之间的关系更牢固。 CRM不是一个产品或服务,而是一种商业策略,通过它来有效管理企业客户关系,它为企业的每一个客户提供了一个完整的集成视图。 综合以上对客户关系管理的定义和有关文献可以看出:CRM是在信息技术支持下,依据一定的商业规则形成的软件工具,目的是为了更好地服务于客户和留住客户,增强企业竞争力最终达到赢利的目标②。 2 客户关系管理的研究现状 近年来,国内外的学者对客户关系管理理论、方法和实施做了多方面的研究。主要是针对客户关系管理的重要性、客户关系管理的基本功能和技术要求以及如何实现客户关系管理等。从信息的角度,客户关系管理的代表性的研究有:Hurwitz Group提出的CRM的六个主要的功能和技术要求;余军合,吴昭同(2000)提出的客户关系管理的三大基本功能;江波(2002)提出的客户关系管理的技术架构和典型功能以及技术实现;AMT网站客户关系管理研究小组提出的CRM系统具有的五大功能模块;以


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:财务管理和财务分析 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:财务管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

外文翻译原文 Financial Management and Analysis is an introduction to the concepts,tools, and applications of finance. The purpose of this textbook is to communicate the fundamentals of financial management and financial analysis.This textbook is written in a way that will enable students who are just beginning their study of finance to understand financial decision-making and its role in the decision-making process of the entire firm. Throughout the textbook, you’ll see how we view finance.We see financial decision-making as an integral part of the firm’s decision-making, not as a separate function. Financial decision-making involves coordination among personnel specializing in accounting, marketing, and production aspects of the firm. The principles and tools of finance are applicable to all forms and sizes of business enterprises, not only to large corporations. Just as there are special problems and opportunities for small family-owned businesses(such as where to obtain financing), there are special problems and opportunities for large corporations (such as agency problems that arise when management of the firm is separated from the firm’s owners). But the fundamentals of financial management are the same regardless of the size or form of the business. For example, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar one year from today, whether you are making


盈利能力分析文献综述 文献综述摘要:随着经济的快速发展,人民对于物质的需求越来越高,然而物质的通货膨胀,全球的经济危机,越来越多的企业难以在复杂多变的社会下生存下去。特别对于奶制品而言,在经历08 年三聚氰胺事件过后,人民将购买的目光转向了国外奶制品,对于国产奶制品持相当怀疑的态度,从而导致中国很多奶制品企业都处于倒闭的边缘。盈利能力与质量的分析作为利润表分析的一个非常重要的环节,是企业获得利润最直观的表现。在中国奶制品企业发展日新月异的今天,企业不仅对自己的产品越来越重视,同时对于企业盈利能力的重视也逐渐加大。怎么降低企业的生产成本,提高企业获利的能力是各大企业所研究的重点。而盈利能力提高的一条重要途径无疑是提高净利润。本文通过结合伊利股份有限公司的实际情况,充分考虑其面临的内部与外部环境,采取正确的盈利能力模式,对于伊利股份有限公司而言具有重要的理论意义和迫切的现实意义。关键词:伊利公司、盈利能力、盈利质量前言:随着社会经济的高速发展,现代的企业无不把利润、竞争、创新与盈利能力放在首要位置上,并且给予极大的重视,都希望在对市场发展和竞争对手预测的基础上拟定自己相应的对策,力图使自己在盈利能力上高人一等,并且使企业更加的强大,获得成长和胜利,而这些问都可以归结为企业的盈利能力。一、盈利能力与盈利质量概述彭新亮(2008)在《北方经贸》的上市公司财务报表分析指标浅析中说道:上市公司的财务报表是公司的财务状况、经营业绩和发展趋势的综合反映,是投资者了解公司、决定投资行为的最全面、往往也是最可靠的第一首资料,而企业的盈利能力和偿债能力是财务分析的核心指标。刘淑蓉(2007)在《上市公司盈利能力分析研究》


文献信息: 文献标题:Interpersonal influence on online game choices(人际关系对网络游戏选择的影响) 国外作者:Sang Yup Lee 文献出处:《Computers in Human Behavior》,2015,45:129–136 字数统计:英文2580单词,12686字符;中文4087汉字 外文文献: Interpersonal influence on online game choices Abstract Several theories stress the importance of interpersonal influence on an individual’s adoption of a product or service. However, there has been little research that empirically examined how online friends infl uence an individual’s online product choices. This study examines the effect of a game player’s online friends who adopted a game earlier than the player on the likelihood that the player adopts the game. Two main factors considered in this study are: (1) the number of online friends who adopted a game earlier and (2) t he strength of ties between the player and the player’s online friends who adopted the game earlier. Using a hazard model with data on 1,668 game players’ gaming activities and relational connections, we find (1) the likelihood that a player adopts a particular game increases the more her online friends adopted the game earlier, and (2) the influence of the prior adopter friends on the likelihood that a player adopts the game varies with the strength of ties between the player and her prior adopter friends. Key words: Interpersonal influence; Online product choices; Online casual games; Hazard model 1.Introduction There is no established definition of an online causal game, yet online casual games usually refer to online video games developed for mass consumption even for
