

历年上海高考英语作文范文(2010 ~ 2014)






Wearing excited and eager expressions, the children in the picture raise their hands as high as they can for the opportunity to answer the question put forward by the teacher. Apparently, all of them, whether boys or girls, sociable or shy are totally fascinated and inspired, and are always full of ingenious (新颖的)ideas.

On seeing the picture, I can’t help recalling my first day in the elementary school. To the best of my recollection(就我记忆所及,如果我没记错的话), we pupils at that time all felt exceedingly motivated to answer the questions asked by our teacher. More often than not(通常), we raised our little hands almost at the same moment as our teacher put forward a question, all desperate to grab the chance to answer questions holding appeal to us. Judging from the excitement on our faces, the teachers all deduced /triggered our authentic yearning for knowledge in various respects(方面) and our substantial (大量的)curiosity. Moreover, savoring (品尝) the pleasure of acquiring knowledge with obvious relish (滋味,风味), we found that the pleasure of gaining knowledge far outweighed(远远大于;比...重要)the embarrassment of the failure to answer the question correctly.

Quite honestly, I interpret my unvarying (不变的)curiosity and yearnings to have played an indispensable role in my ongoing (不间断的)study in the following twelve years. Had I not been blessed with such enormous yearning for knowledge. I couldn’t have been so motivated to delve into(钻研) the realm (领域)of science, literature and culture and let my potentials be exploited to full.




I’m writing this e-mail to apply for the project aimed at helping children in poor areas. My name is Li Ming, a student from Ming Qi middle school. Last year, I was granted an opportunity to visit a school in the depth of a mountain and the experience kept flashing over and over, which had triggered the intention to shoulder the responsibility of helping them overcome the hardships and struggle they would go through.

thus to bring home to the public the urgency of immediate action to be taken to help them out. Whether by donating money or by sending daily necessities from clothes to books, everyone should do his bit. Besides, a video play will be shot to convey the wishes, cheers and encouragement from us

to play and chat with them, which is bound to establish a solid connection between us.

If I were lucky enough to be granted the 2000 yuan fund, a quarter of it would be spared for the traffic and other costs, while the rest would be added to the money collected to be donated contributing to modernizing and improving the teaching devices.

Thanks for taking time to read my e-mail and I’m looking forward to being part of your projec t.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming





My Diary


1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;

2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve read about your poster about selecting the location of an exhibition of famous paintings, and I think that the museum is a nice place.

First of all, compared with those libraries, the museum is an excellent place which inspires our eagerness for knowledge. It is certain that visitors will be more absorbed in the fantastic surroundings. By contrast, I don’t think those normal libraries in communities match well with the paintings with great fame and high prices.

While some of my friends insist that libraries are more convenient, I maintain that since the transportation system in Shanghai is very advanced and the museum is located in the city center, it’s not a bit difficult for us to reach the show.

All in all, I am firmly convinced that the museum is a better place for this grand painting exhibition, and it’ll be a great honor if I could study those wonderful paintings in the best museum in Shanghai. I hope you will accept my suggestion.

Yours faithfully,

Wang Min




Dear Editor,

I’m writing to express some of my opinions towards our school’s English newspaper.

In my point of view, among h ealth, entertainment and culture, I would choose “entertainment” to be the one to be eliminated. Although it’s necessary for students to get some relaxation, I’m worried that the main news that the entertainment column offers will eventually turn into celebrity gossip, which is neither helpful to the growth of students nor to the development of our school. We are already living in a world that is crammed with useless information, and there’s no need to add some more. The main focus of the newspaper is supposed to be placed on the students—not Brad Pitt’s new movie.

As for the column to be added, I highly recommend the “career planning”. I know that right now a large number of students still have absolutely no idea about what they truly want to become in the future, so it’s quite urgent and necessary to give students basic understanding of what different kinds of jobs are like and what kinds of qualities are required for different jobs. This may help students gain a better understanding of their strengths and weakness and thus figure out their goals. To me, it’s much more meaningful than “fashion” or “readers’ feedback”.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Faithfully yours,

Cheng Fei.


上海高考英语试题 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束,将答题卡和答题卷一并交回。 考生注意: 1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 2.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必在答题卡和答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准 考证号和效验码。 3.第Ⅰ卷(1—16小题,25—80小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考试应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。 注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改 时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能涂写在试卷 上,涂写在试卷上一律不给分。第Ⅰ卷中的第17—24小题,第 81—84小题和第Ⅱ卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸 上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上一律不给分。 第Ⅰ卷(共105分) L listening comprehension Section A Directions In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a

question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A.A shop assistant. B.A dentist C.An cloarician D.A bank clerk. 2.A.The exam score. B.The world news. C.A soccer match. D.A basketball team. 3.A.At a post office B.At a flower shop C.At a department store. D.At a bus station 4.A.5 hours B.7 hours C.9 hours D.10 hours 5.A.Tim’s not seriously injured B.Tim will get to the hospital quickly. C.The woman’s heard all about Tim’s illness. D.The woman doesn’t know how Tim is now. 6.A.She isn’t the mood to travel. B.France is too far for family holiday. C.Family holiday no longer interests her D.She has had too many holidays this year.


2010上海高考语文作文范文 【篇一:2010上海高考作文分析】 根据以下材料,选取一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的 文章(不要写成诗歌)。丹麦人去钓鱼会随身带一把尺子,钓到鱼,常常用尺子量一量,将不够尺寸的小鱼放回河里。他们说:“让小鱼 长大不更好吗?”两千多年前,我国孟子曾说过“数罟不入洿池,鱼 鳖不可胜食也。”意思是,不要用细密的渔网在池塘里捕捞小鱼,这 样才会有更多的鱼。实际上,其中的道理也贯穿在我们现实生活中 的许多方面。 立意分析 今年高考作文题材料范围很大,审题的角度也很多。 考生可以从眼前和长远的角度考虑,针对那种目光短浅,缺少长远 考虑,只顾自己不顾别人甚至后代的现象来写;可以从生态平衡角 度考虑,人和自然要和谐共处、实行可持续发展来写,可联系到渤 海湾休渔季、科学捕捞等事件来发挥;也可以从做事心态角度考虑,写学会等待、不要浮躁、要有更宽广的胸襟,才能获取更大的发展 空间来写;还可以从时间的角度去考虑,事物的发展总有一个过程,小鱼变成大鱼也需要一个过程,现在很多人往往违背规律,揠苗助长。 同时,这道题也考验学生的辩证思维,即“取”和“舍”的关系,若要 得到更多的机会,就不要太计较眼前的小利等等;也可以从其他角 度来写,比如万事都要有个“度”,也就是做事不能过度等等。 看得远,才能收获更多 丹麦人去钓鱼常会随身带一把尺子,将钓到的鱼量一量,然后将不 够尺寸的小鱼放回河里。这样一个看似微不足道的小细节背后却蕴 含着丹麦人的智慧,他们明白若是将河中的鱼无论大小全都捕回家,

那么河流将会变成一滩死水;相反地,若让小鱼在水中慢慢长大,那么河流将永远繁衍生息,充满活力。 其实,这种有远见的智慧在两千多年前就已诞生。孟子曰:“数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也。”这句话用捕鱼的道理生动形象地提醒了人们:只有有远见的人,才能收获更多;贪图眼前利益,只会得不偿失。生活中总是会有人汲汲于眼前的名利,以至于“捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜”而懊悔不已;而真正成功的人往往在别人鼠目寸光之时就看到了远方美景,然后向前迈进。比尔盖茨就是这类人中的典范。 想当年,比尔盖茨毅然决然地选择辍学,放弃了无数人梦寐以求的哈佛深造机会独自出来创业之时,遭到了许多人的质疑和不解,但这并没有动摇他,因为他比别人看得更远,他看到了正在崛起的硅谷;看到了一个正朝人类迈进的信息时代;看到了微软立足于世界的可能,于是他坚定地一步跨进了时代革新的洪流。仅这一步,让他成为了行业中的翘楚,然而眼前的利益并没有蒙蔽他眺望的双眼,他深知风险和机遇并存的道理,因此他用一句“微软离破产永远只有十八个月!”时时警醒着微软上上下下的员工不要懈怠。比尔的远见让微软十多年来得以立于不败之地,也让同行们对这位智者充满敬意。 看得远的人,往往有比别人更好的心态,这使他们在急于事功之人的面前显得更加从容淡定。而这两种人的对比在股票市场中显得尤为鲜明。股神巴菲特曾经说过一句话:“在贪婪时恐惧,在恐惧时贪婪。”这便是他成为股神的秘密,同时也告诉我们炒股其实炒的是一种心态。从众者所能赚到的永远只是蝇头小利,因为在股市中能收获更多是那拥有远见的小部分。 无论是丹麦人,还是孟子都用他们钓鱼的智慧在启示着我们:抬起头,把眼光放得更远一些,不要以眼前的得失为生活价值的标准,放生那些在你“渔网”中的“小鱼”,只有这样,来年在你的生命池塘里,你才能收获更多生龙活虎的“大鱼”!


2015年上海高考英语作文解析,及,作文范文 II. Guided Writing (25分) Directions: Write an English composition in 120–150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 学校即将举办“读书节”,目前正广泛征集“读书节”宣传册图片。假设你是该校学生潘阳,你已找到以下三幅图片,决定给读书节组委会写一封信,推荐其中一幅,你的信须包括以下内容: 1. 简单描述你想推荐的那幅图片; 2. 阐述你用这幅图片宣传“读书节”的理由。 作文解析: 今年的英语作文题目同样重点考察了主观理由型作文的写作手法,这篇文章要求学生在三幅学校读书节宣传图片当中选出自己最喜欢的一幅,对图片进行描述并说明原因。这也是继2013年和2014年连续两年考察书信体与主观理由型文章的结合体之后出现的第三篇主观理由型文章。 整体来看,今年的作文题目似乎与往年没有什么区别,但细细分析,我们会发现今年英语作文的难度,不管是在文章内容、还是在形式上面,都有了大幅提升。因为考生需要同时兼顾三个难点:1、书信体正确的的书写格式;2、对图片内容进行细节的描述;3、找出恰当的理由(2-3点)进行论证,说理充分,同时注意论点和论据相结合,以及文章语句之间的逻辑严密性。可以说,近三年来英语作文虽然都在考察主观理由这个大的方向,但是考察的难度确实是在逐年递增。 对于考生来说,要想在短短的20分钟之内写好这篇作文,首先需要拿捏好这篇文章的结构。一般来说,文章第一段用来引出话题,第二段可以对所选择的图片进行描写,描写时要格外注意的地方是对细节的详细描述,基本内容讲清楚就可以开始第三段的理由阐述了。


历年上海高考英语作文及参考范文 1999上海高考作文及范例 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为。。。。。。(观点、理由) Some students think it is very important to master English. They believe “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life”, Others consider English useless. They feel lear ning English is nothing but a burden to them. In my opinion, English is one of the most important subjects we learn at school. Of all subjects I like English best. There are several reasons why English is my favorite subject. First, English is one of the most widely used languages of the world. Nearly all information on the Internet and over half of the world’s technical materials are in English, thus a good command of English will greatly benefit me in my work. Secondly,it is believed that good English also leads to greater chances and opportunities. In the competition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak English has an advantage over those who cannot. For all these reasons we should not only learn English but master it in the shortest time possible. (166words) 2000年上海高考作文及范例 1。我最难忘的一课2。具体说明为何难忘3。感想 An Unforgettable Lesson In my life I have experienced many important things. But perhaps the most unforgettable thing which is really worth mentioning is the lesson given by my Chinese teacher just after she had an accident. One morning just before our Chinese lesson, we were told our Chinese teacher, Miss Liu, had had an accident. One of her legs was badly injured and she couldn’t come t o teach us. While we were planning to visit her after school, we also thought that maybe we would be free to do whatever we wanted during our Chinese lesson, and hoped our homework load would be reduced. But to our surprise, shortly after the bell, Miss Liu, with the help of a stick, came to the door of our classroom. With great respect w all stood up and greeted her. She sat on a chair and began her lesson. She spoke slowly but forcefully. She prepared her lecture quite well and demanded that we do the same. Towards the end of the lesson, we got lots of homework from her. A good teacher is many things to many people. Everyone has definite ideas about what a good teacher is. In my opinion the teachers who demanded the most from the students are perhaps liked best. (210 words)


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷 第 卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. It is satisfactory. B. It is luxurious. C. It is old-fashioned. D. It is disappointing. 2. A. On August 5th. B. On August 6th. C. On August 7th. D. On August 8th. 3. A. A waiter. B. A butcher. C. A porter. D. A farmer. 4. A. In a theatre. B. In a library. C. In a booking office. D. In a furniture store.


2014年上海高考作文分析 【篇一:2014上海高考语文作文分析及范文】 2014上海高考语文作文思路及范文 【作文题目】 根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。你可以选择穿越沙漠的道路和方式,所以你是 自由的;你必须穿越这片沙漠,所以你又是不自由的。 【题目评价】 2014上海高考作文题秉承上海高考“海派”气质,一直延续材料作文 的形式,材料短小,有限制,有空间,灵活、开放。题目与前年“心 灵的微光”、去年的“重要的、不重要的”一致,都注重对学生结合关 键词语与材料整体发挥辩证思维进行审题立意的能力考查,以及对 当下生活的关注。 这个题目总体比较容易,和平时模拟考中的很多文题都很相近,让 学生有话可说,有素材可用,然而想要写出新意却不算简单。 【审题分析】 从审题角度来看,我们首先要求从整体上把握材料,然后再抓关键词。这个材料的整体意思是说我们可以有选择穿过沙漠道路的自由,但是没有不穿过的自由,所以这里的自由与不自由是在选择道路的 情况下出现的,自由与不自由是附属于这个选择的。通读材料不难 提取出关键词“自由”,材料也很容易想到“自由”和“不自由”的关系。“沙漠”又非常容易联想到困难、挫折、人生必须经历的各种无奈与 不快等等。总体来看考生比较容易在看到题目的最开始便想到一些 可以选择的材料。 另一个关键词是“选择”,矛盾在于“选择”和“不能选择”。我们可以 做出很多选择,例如人生该如何度过;但是我们又不能选择生老病死。 综合两组关键词来看,“自由”在于自己能否作出“选择”。 类似的很多话题在孩子们平时的练习中有较多的涉及。只是,“自由”这个关键词比较容易让人联想到哲学和政治,擅长这一学科或对此 感兴趣的学生比较容易写出深刻性。 【写作内容】 从写作内容分析,这个材料依然要求学生由内而外的思考。学生考 察这个材料的思路应该是从自身角度出发,体会这样的感受,然后


2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案 2017年高考已经结束,相信大家都对高试卷感兴趣,下面是小编收集的上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案,供大家参考! 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital.

C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer. B. Passenger and driver. C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing. B. She is complaining. C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s friend. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language


2014静安区高三语文一模作文 【篇一:2016上海各区高三语文一模作文立意解析】 2016各区一模作文立意解析 长宁区 根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。有人说:“痛苦是财富,这话是扯淡;痛苦就是 痛苦,对痛苦的思考才是财富。” ①正视痛苦,思考出路 如材料所述,痛苦就是痛苦,当我们经历痛苦时,最明智的做法是 思考痛苦产生的原因,思考降低痛苦的方法,这样便能从痛苦中收 获一笔宝贵的财富。 ②体验痛苦,收获财富 事实也不尽如材料所言,痛苦本身也可以是财富,它是一种真真切 切的体验,代表着仍然鲜活的、拒绝麻木的心灵。文明的历史就是 一部痛苦的历史。 ③规避痛苦,乐享人生 乐而不淫,哀而不伤,学习规避痛苦,或者不沉湎在痛苦之中,是 一种值得提倡的健康积极的生活态度。 ④直面痛苦,承担人生 生活中的痛苦往往是不可规避的,因为它们是伴随责任而来的,这 就要求我们在最开始就能预见痛苦,并且敢于直面它,承担起生活 的分量。 普陀区 根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。有人说坚持做同一件事,坚持10年就能够成功,坚持20年就能够创造出奇迹。而事实上,绝大部分人同一件事情做 了一辈子,依旧平凡无奇。 ①做好规划,审慎坚持 坚持了多年却没有成功,可能是一开始坚持的方向就有了问题,或 者是没有一定的物质基础,所谓“无物以相之,亦不能至也”,也有 可能是坚持的方式有问题,因为坚持并非是简单的重复,而是要有 变化、有创新。所以在坚持之前应该做好规划,解决掉一些问题: 坚持什么,凭借什么坚持,怎么坚持。 ②谋事在人,成事在天


2019全国8套高考英语作文真题及范文指导 1.全国Ⅰ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1.写信目的:2.个人优势:3.能做的事情。 注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。 【参考范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, 1


你是××中学的××,你校学生会即将组织一次徒步活动,已在校园网发布方案,征求师生的修改意见。你需要写一封邮件,包含以下两点: 1.提出你觉得需要改进的地方; Dear Sir/Madam, I’m really excited to heat that a hiking activity is going to be held near the Bund on the Labor Day holiday. However, there may be further improvement of the scheme you’ve posted on the campus website, as I’d like to point out. are willing to have a clearer picture of security precautions and necessary medical support for the the scheme should be comprehensive and thoughtful enough to ensure the success of the activity. Only by clarifying these details, are you likely to attract more attention from the students. I suggest the hike be more suited to the theme “Discover Shanghai” through additional activities. Upon arrival at the Bund, I propose an introduction of the architecture on both sides of the Huangpu River. By appreciating different artistic styles of the buildings, we can gain a deeper insight into the authentic Shanghai culture mixed with exotic , the experience may well be unforgettable one, because it of organizing the activity. , if the hike is organized in more detail and in a more supportive way, it is sure to succeed. I hope that my voice above can be heard and considered and wish the activity a great success. Yours sincerely Wang Lei


上海高考英语试卷 语法从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选初一个最佳答案。 1.What a pity my new computer doesn’t work. __________ must be something wrong with it. It B. There C. This D. That 2.E-mail, as well as telephones, _________ an important part in daily communication. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 3._________ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever 4._________ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing. Which B. As C.That D. It 5.It was _______ he said _________ disappointed me. what … that B. that … that C. what … what D. that … what 6.It is not rare in _______ that people in ________ fifties are going to university for further education. 90s … the B. the 90s … / C. 90s… their D. the 90s …their 7.The director gave me a better offer than _________. that of Dick’s B. Dick’s C. he gave Dick D. those of Dick 8.—— Let me tell you something about the journalists. Don’t you remember _________ me the story yesterday? told B. telling C. to tell D. to have told 9.______ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided. Having checked B. Check If you check D. To check 10._______ everybody knows about it, I don’t want to talk any more. For B. Even C. Since D. However 11.The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200. This means it has risen _____ 20 percent. by B. at C. to D. with 12.Books of this kind ________ well. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold 13.One more week, ________ we will accomplish the task. or B. so that C. and D. if 14.There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You _______ come, but why didn’t you? must have B. should need have D. ought to have 15.—— It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. My God! ___________. So did I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you 16.He _________ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment. has no sooner got B. no sooner got will no sooner get D. had no sooner got 17.There are five pairs _______, but I’m at a loss which t o buy. to be chosen B. to choose from to choose D. for choosing 18.—— Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? _______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting 19.A computer does only what thinking people ________. have it do B. have it done have done it D. having it done 20.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the __________. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remain remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars


英语考试作文 历年辽宁高考英语作文题目 2018辽宁高考英语将于2018年6月8日下午开考,今年的英语作文,李华又会给谁写信呢?让我们拭目以待吧。考生们一定要放松心态,要充满自信的去面对高考。高考英语作文预祝考生们考得好成绩。 现在高考还未开始,将历年高考试题及答案及历年作文题整理如下,供考生们参考。 2018高考英语作文写作素材汇总 2018高考英语满分作文范文汇总 2018高考英语作文加分必备:常用50种高级句型 2017高考英语作文汇总地区/科目2017高考英语作文题目新课标I卷2017新课标全国卷1高考英语作文新课标II卷2017新课标全国卷2高考英语作文新课标III卷2017新课标全国卷3高考英语作文北京卷2017北京高考英语作文上海卷2017上海高考英语作文题目天津卷2017天津高考英语作文江苏卷2017江苏高考英语作文浙江卷2017浙江高考英语作文说明:

新课标I卷适用地区:河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建 新课标II卷适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、西藏、陕西、重庆 新课标III适用地区:云南、广西、贵州 请以2017高考当天考试试卷地区划分为准! 48道题测出最适合你报考的大学专业估分选大学 点击查看>>2018高考试题及答案解析 2018年全国高考报名考生人数达到975万人,比去年增加35万人。>>查看详情 官方版请点击>>>【官方版】全国各地2017高考试题标准答案出炉 下载word版请点击>>2017高考试题及答案汇总(word版) 高考网还为考生及家长们准备了高考志愿填报入口、高考录取查询入口,祝福同学们考上理想大学!


1999年 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为……(观点、理由) 2000年 1。我最难忘的一课 2。具体说明为何难忘 3。感想 2001年 请你谈谈轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境和经济可能产生的影响。 2002年 你们让我骑好吗? 简述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。 2003年 你的好友因家境一般买不起名牌而闷闷不乐。给他写信,谈谈你的看法和建议。 收信人:徐海青 寄信人:黄平 写信日期:2003年六月八日 2004年 老师要求你负责班级墙报(wall-newspaper)工作并征求你的意见。在日记中表述你的决定并谈谈想法。 2005年 古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent)。 通过描述你生活中一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小都能成为有用的人。 2006年 下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。

南方大学北方大学 学费8000元/年5000元/年 招生人数20人10人 优惠政策无加20分 2007年 以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包括以下内容: 1、你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物; 2、该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来的变化。 2008年 你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing cooipetition),班长希望大家积极参加。对此谈谈你的看法。你的文章必须包括以下内容: ·你是否会参加比赛 ·你做出该决定的具体理由 2009年 某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(self- defence),护理(nursing)。假如你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名),写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。信的内容必须包括: 1、你感兴趣的课程 2、你期望从这门课程中学到什么 3、为什么想学这些内容 2010年 下图是小学新生的课堂一脚,对照你当时的上课情况,作出比较并谈谈你的感受。你的作文必须包括: ●描述图片里学生上课的场景 ●比较你同时期的上课情况 ●简单谈谈你的感受 2011年 假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。


上海英语试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第1卷(第1-12页)和第II卷(第13页), 全卷共13页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上 一律不得分。 3.答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。 第1卷(共105分) I . Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At a library. B. At a hotel. C. At a bank. D. At an airport. 2. A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C. Worried. D. Satisfied 3. A. Doctor and patient. B. Shop owner and customer. C. Secretary and boss. D. Receptionist and guest. 4. A. He would have thrown $300 around. B. $300 is not enough for the concert. C. Sandy shouldn't have given that much. D. Dave must be mad with the money 5. A. She lives close to the man. B. She changes her mind at last. C. She will turn to her manager. D. She declines the man's offer. 6...D.5 7. A. Both of them drink too much coffee. B. The woman doesn't like coffee at all. C. They help each other stop drinking coffee. D. The man is uninterested in the woman's story 8. A. He doesn't mind helping the woman. B. He hesitates whether to help or not. C. He'll help if the woman doesn't mind D. He can't help move the cupboard. 9. A. He's planning to find a new job. B. He prefers to keep his house in a mess. C. He's too busy to clean his house D. He has already cleaned his new house, 10. A. She doesn't agree with the man. B. She is good at finding a place to stay. C. She could hardly find the truth. D. She had no travel experience in Britain. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read
