






Section 2, Q6--‐9. 短双篇阅读


Passage 1:第一句说一个人的生活很难放进文字里面;第二句是引用MA说的话,必然是支持第一句的观点,因此不读;第三句说更糟的是传记作家似乎下决心来创造可信的描述来解释一切他们的人物没有做过或者说过的事情(就是捏造事实),即便是…(even i f…)后面就不用看了,因为肯定是在说相似的内容。最后一句是总结。


Passage 2:第一句说作家经常被传记作家当成值得关注的人物,第二句说问题在于,绝大多数作家,不同于政治家和探险家,他们一种表面上看起来无趣的生活(基本可以看出来本文要为传记作家说话了)。第三句读了前几个单词,发现实在举例说作家的生活如何无趣,因此跳过不读。第四句话说好的传记作家因此变成了故事写手。第五句说这不是说他们在创造事实,rather后面不用看了,内容无外乎就是他们没有捏造事实,知道是为传记作家说话就好了。第六句说好的传记作家把作家生活中那些无聊的事实变成了吸引人的故事。




这类双篇题的方法就是先看选项中对passage 1的概括排除几个,再看对passage 2的概括选出正确答案。








2--‐7行MA做了件啥事?AM说了话,这话的主题必然和P1首句的那个观点相一致,因此只需要把P1的观点选过来即可。因此答案是C。A可能会成为干扰选项。A是说他暗示现实比fiction 更难以置信,和原文中的“难以放进文字”实际上没有关系。


P2回应P1的最后一句话(总结句),实际上这类题很好做:谁回应谁,就把前者的主题(或者前者提到的内容)选出来就可以了。因为回应的话,必须用原文内容来回应。只有B对应了P2提到的内容,第五句:That d oes n ot m ean t hat t hey i nvent f acts;…


P1会怎么回应P2的good literary biographers? 太简单了,态度负面,捏造事实,因此来一个D。

Section 2, Q10--‐15





本题出得极其高明和狡诈。这是一道审好题就非常简单的题目,但是极其容易做错:如果你直接回到原文看line 5,那只要思想一放松基本上就是做错。题目是这样问的:THE N ARRATOR believes t hat…但是line 5的这句话呢:The 1911 B ritannica i s s aid t o b e…, 这不是作者的观点啊,是Britannica的观点。因此,如果你按照line 5的especially r eliable来判断态度的话,那么就错了。作者的观点要往后看看,在line 7--‐8: T he l iterary a nd h istorical e ntries o ften t urned out t o b e W estern c ultural i mperialism a t i ts w orst… 西方的文化帝国主义,worst,态度必然是负面的。五个选项中唯一没有正面态度单词的选项就是E了。

本题的狡诈之处在于,literary a nd h istorical e ntries并不仅仅是在line 5有出现,在line 7--‐8也有出现,而出题者把行号给到了line 5而不是line 7--‐8,而要是给到line 7--‐8的话,本题是不太可能做错的。唯一的解释是:这是故意的误导。





本段说在我消化Britannica的时候,I r ead a bout h atters…(后面不读)我读到hatter(帽子商)

如何如何,abiogenesis如何如何(line 28,后面不读)如何如何,本句结束。下一句:line 32,from L inotype m achines如何如何,line 34,from w ombats a nd c onveyors如何如何。最后几句(line 37--‐40):it displayed, it cuts, it showed, 读这三个短语就行了。读到这里,基本上什么也没读懂,但是可以明显的知道,本段列举了这本书里的很多东西。因此答案只能选E。



在不止一个选项留下来的情况下,我们需要另一个线索来最终确定正确选项。往前看:from wombats a nd c onveyors t o r oofs a nd c rustaceans,和插图其实无关,往后看:it d isplayed t he secret i nteriors o f t hings. 表现了东西神秘的内部。那么明显B选项在逻辑上更加通顺。





Section 2, Q16--‐24




对TV的态度就在原文那句话:你在小卧房里,因为你习惯了,你不会意识到通过汽车车窗你看到的任何东西都仅仅是more T V,有此可以看出,作者的语气是带着贬义的(从line 5的just 这个单词也可以读出来),那作者必然对TV的态度也是反对的。表示态度上反对的选项就是A 选项了。E选项可能会成为干扰:挑衅的,目中无人的,明显程度太过。


本题也是一道比较高明和狡诈的题目,一样需要提高审题的敏感度。题干中已经提醒了serves to support his preference, 用来支持作者的偏爱,因此我们必须要在原文找到作者的preference. L ine 6的boringly i n a f rame肯定不是偏爱,但是不少同学没有仔细审题就直接根据line 6的这个frame选择了E选项(以为问的是frame指的是什么,但实际上是问frame 指作者的偏爱是什么)。因此我们要往后看(谁说SAT阅读不能跨段找线索?):在line 7--‐9找到了偏爱:frame i s g one; c ompletely i n c ontact; i n t he s cene…因此选一个B。


线索也在line 7--‐9。结合Q17的那些分析(frame i s g one; c ompletely i n c ontact; i n t he s cene…),选一个E:直接的感受。


原文说enjoyable, b ank i nto t urns(倾斜着过弯),在汽车的小卧房里是不会这么摇的之类,因此选一个A


groves, m eadows, o rchards等看不懂问题都不大,后面的很容易看懂:人们看谁在那儿;你停下来问路或者问信息,给了你很长的答案;人们问你你从哪来之类。本题的答案其实不难选(E),但是正确答案我认为不是非常的好,只是其它四个很容易排除:大自然的美丽;公民荣耀;自力更生;方便便利。意气相投,可能是说作者和其他人接触的不错吧。




问的是人的生活,因此从line 45开始看,从hereness和nowness可以选到C。


读这句话。Conned是欺骗的意思,conned i nto t hinking怎样怎样,就是说人们如何被欺骗了。那很显然只能选择C了:批评一个大众的错误想法。



Section 5, Q9--‐10

先过一遍文章:第一句是说在作者的一个essay中,作者提到了黑人女性的资料很少。第二句说the e ssay i s b ased l argely u pon…读到这里就可以知道本句是在说essay的资料来源。第三句说actually如何如何,第四句说当然,说被忽略是最重要的,但是说明这个话题需要进一步研究,这也是一样重要的。最后一句说这些年鼓励了很多人来研究。






Section 5, Q11--‐12






本题纯粹考词汇。在line 4--‐5已经出现了态度词给habits定义:most mundane of my habits,最平凡的。后面的例子根本不用看。能对上平凡这个意思的只有选D。

Section 5, Q13--‐25





读文章。我个人在读的时候只读了以下信息(省略号都是我没读的):what they claimed they saw w as a g iant s quid, a n a nimal t hat h as… I n a f amous s cene i n 20,000 L eagues U nder t he S ea, Jules Verne… More recently… Such fictional accounts have elevated the giant squid into the fabled realm of the fire--‐breathing dragon… The giant squid is no myth, but the organism is so little u nderstood…

我只读了这么一点点,因为原文问的是primarily serves to,根据选项可知是写作的作用。因此只需要看个大概就行了。第一段大概在说他们看到了一个什么巨大的动物,然后在一些小说里有描述,下一段则是说这些小说里的描述把这货弄进了fable中,然后还说organism很少了解…因此选一个A:incident是最早说的看到了一个大动物,后面则扯上了小说、寓言、有机体什么的,这些就是larger context。B没有说一个解决方法;C没有质疑前面说的准确性;D没有加入个人的回应;E没有用权威来确认一个之前的发现。


第一个引号是说描述看到了一个可怕的怪物;第二个引号是说一个大squid怎么杀人。因此都是在从不同的方面描述这动物,只能选B。A的话没说力量;C根本没谈到需要科学研究;D 的actual错了;E没有说是不是被误解。


从into t he f abled r ealm(进入了一个传说的领域)就可以看出选C。本题很简单。

P1的单篇题做完了。因为前面大段内容没看,因此这时候我补看了一下。第一段说一哥们的船突然奇怪的搁浅,第二段说一船员发现了一个东西。知道了前面在说什么,后面的我就看得很快了。第三段我只看了the creature seemed to be, 第四段我只看了the creature has glistening skin…, 然后第五段接上了,然后看结尾,说科学家实际上还是没有发现活的标本。P1无非就是说发现了一个什么巨大的海洋动物,然后后面展开说了一下,没有作者态度。


之所以做是因为虽然是互联题,但是是细节回应细节,所以可以做。P2的第二段读一下,说制片人和小说家经常需要花时间和空间来解释,这动物在攻击之前,它是怎样“运作”的。很显然battle(line 32,P1)对应attack(line 64,P2),因此答案选E:首先要煞费苦心的解释一番,直接对应P2原文。










既然原文中有less than这个对比,那么本题就可以按照SAT填空的思维,找一个翻译重复。原文中说是less fulfilling than the hungry waiting, 那么前面的realization明显要选一个和hungry waiting相反的词。饥渴的等待,相反的词来看看:A:识别,认出,不妥;B:理解,不妥;C:想,思考,不妥;D:达到,完成,可以;E:代表,表现,不妥。


也是细节的互联。81--‐86说:人需要海怪在他们自己的海洋中,这海洋像是我们的low dark levels o f m ind。行了,只能选C,满足我们心理上的需要。













Section 8, Q7--‐18




审题可知,题目问的是作者的childhood s ense,而不是母亲的态度。文中体现作者sense的有:line 4--‐6, n ot o f i nterest, i gnorance w e t urned o ur b acks o n w hat h ad g one b efore. 不感兴趣,不知道。因此选E。

Q9:因为涉及到passage a s a w hole, 因此也是留后面做。




作者的“平和”来自什么?阅读equanimity所在的这句话,是说母亲说道她的奶奶裹脚的这个事实,作者平和的接受。然而,这句话只是一个最简单的陈述,并不能够帮助我们找出“平和”来自哪里。因此我们往后找线索,下一句:her delivery was so matter--‐of--‐fact…,她说话是如此的实事求是…明白了,是来自母亲的说话方式。因此选A。


结合前面所说,I begin to understand必然是他母亲不愿提及过去,而作者开始理解原因:to dwell o n t he p ast i s t o r e--‐experience i t, 停留在过去就是重新体验。因此我们选项也要选一个表示母亲不愿提到过去的选项。选D:母亲的不愿响应的动机。B可能会是干扰选项,不过B的意思是:母亲怎样能够真正的对过去不关心,文章一直没有提及方式。



A:exemption,免去,有点秘密的意思;B:freedom f rom,免于,留着先。CDE的第一个单词都和秘密一点关系没有。



原文是(空格)from t he w orld a round m e,A:从周围的世界撤退;B:从周围的世界消失;C:超然于周围的世界;D:重新装载世界;E:从周围的世界解散。只有C才读的通。


本题需要审题。题干说的是reason before she asked her mother, 也就是说是作者最终问她母亲之前的原因。本题结合文章,文章之前一直在说母亲拒绝说她的过去,那啥也别多想,选个C,C选项说母亲的态度成功的阻止了这个冲动。干扰选项可能是A,说作者没有动机去从母亲那得到更多,很明显说反了。


从line 76的gave m e s omething b efore I l eft这句可以很容易的选出A选项。


从原文中map所在的那句话:map to my mother’s heart就可以选出C选项来。Heart对应essence. 其他选项都是说人和信息啥的,原文中提到了是一串名字,在作者小时候用中文打电话给她母亲的名字,而其他选项都没有重复这个信息,都对信息做了篡改,比如A的cared m ost, D的她母亲之前没有给任何人之类的。








SAT考试真题-新老SAT写作对比写作单项发生巨变 4月16日新SAT官方样题发布,新东方上海学校VIP学习中心的老师们在第一时间窥视其具体改革的真实面貌,准确把握住了备考的方向。新东方VIP学习中心建议广大考生及家长不要过分担忧新SAT,踩准改革方向和考察重点是顺利应对新SAT的关键。 写作一直是许多考生在考试中的障碍,新SAT的改革在写作单项上也有一些变化,新东方VIP学习中心的老师对比了新老SAT考试的写作部分,总结出写作改革的重点,希望对广大考生带了帮助。 SAT Essay 还有一年半的时间我们就要迎接来新的SAT考试了,那么我们先来看一下新的SA T会有些什么改变: ·最早的一次新SAT考试会出现在2016年的春天 ·新的SAT考试会以2种形式出现:纸质版考试和电脑版考试(电脑版考试的考 点会根据的地区来确定) ·考试内容: (1) 询证式阅读和语法 (2) 数学 (3)作文 ·考试长度: (1)3个小时+50分钟的作文 (2) 具体时长会根据进一步的实验再做决定 ·考试分数:1600 (1) 询证式阅读+语法:800分 (2)数学:800分 (3) 作文:单独出分数(可选,但是大部分学校会要求作文分数) SAT写作改革重点: 重新改革的SAT将会更加贴近美国高中教育同时配合美国大学人才的需求。新的SAT作文考试会更加侧重学生能不能够完全适应美国大学里面的学术写作要求,日常的作业,和论文的完成等。所以,新的SAT作文考试要求学生首先具备一些基本的英语写作素养,比如说,遣词造句的能力,表达的能力,构建文章的能力。除此之外,新的考试会更关注于学生整体的读与写的能力,包括逻辑思维能力,辩证性思维能力,独立思考能力,论证能力,辩述能力,分析文章能力等。


新SAT阅读真题四 Exercise 4 This passage is excerpted from Louisa May Alcott, Rose in Bloom, originally published in 1876. Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright October day awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatience which found a vent in lively skirmishes with a small lad, who pervaded the premises like a will-o'-the-wisp and afforded much amusement to the other groups assembled there. "They are the Campbells, waiting for their cousin, who has been abroad several years with her uncle, the doctor," whispered one lady to another as the handsomest of the young men touched his hat to her as he passed, lugging the boy, whom he had just rescued from a little expedition down among the piles."Which is that?" asked the stranger. "Prince Charlie, as he's called a ?ne fellow, the most promising of the seven, but a little fast, people say," answered the ?rst speaker with a shake of the head. "Are the others his brothers?""No, cousins. The elder is Archie, a most exemplary young man. He has just gone into business with the merchant uncle and bids fair to be an honor to his family. The other, with the eyeglasses and no gloves, is Mac, the odd one, just out of college." "And the boy?" "Oh, he is Jamie, the youngest brother of Archibald, and the pet of the whole family. Mercy on us he'll be in if they don't hold on to him!"


2008年10月SAT写作真题及要点解答 95.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) We are frequently told that compromise is the best way for people to work out their differences.When people compromise,with each side losing a little in order to reach a satisfactory agreement,both sides can continue to live in harmony.However,compromise can work only when the issues at stake are not that https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab13962900.html,promise does not work when there is a genuine difference of opinion about strongly held principles or ideas. Assignment:Is compromise always the best way to resolve a conflict? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observation. 96.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:(2008.10) People usually assume that the quality of a decision is directly related to the time and effort that went into making it.We believe that we are always better off gathering as much information as possible and then spending as much time as possible analyzing that information.But there are times when making a quick judgment is the best thing to do.Decisions made quickly can be as good as decisions made slowly and


新SAT阅读真题一 如今同学们参加SAT考试,都是SAT改革之后的新SAT考试。在改革之后,SAT阅读部分也有了相应的变化。同学们要想充分的备考新SAT阅读考试,还是需要更多的来练习真题。 Exercise 1 This passage is excerpted from Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey, originally published in 1803. Mrs. Allen was so long in dressing that they did not enter the ballroom till late. As for Mr. Allen, he repaired directly to the card-room. With more care for the safety of her new gown than for the comfort of her protegee, Mrs. Allen made her way through the throng of men by the door, as swiftly as the necessary caution would allow; Catherine, however, kept close at her side, and linked her arm too ?rmly within her friend's to be torn asunder by any common effort of a struggling assembly. Still they moved on—something better was yet in view; and by a continued exertion of strength and ingenuity they found themselves at last in the passage behind the highest bench. It was a splendid sight, and she began, for the ?rst time that evening, to feel herself at a ball: she longed to dance, but she had not an acquaintance in the room. Catherine began to feel something of disappointment—she was tired of being continually pressed against by people, the generality of whose faces possessed nothing to interest, and with all of whom she was so wholly unacquainted that she could not relieve the irksomeness of

新 SAT 写作题型解读

新SAT写作题型解读 本文以College Board给出的官方练习题“Let There Be Dark”为例,深入了解新SAT写作(Essay)题型的写作要求以及应对方法。让同学们学会解读题干,了解写作评分标准。 接下来是新SAT写作题型解读,以“Let There Be Dark”(原文链接)官方练习题为例,给大家梳理写作需要大家注意的要点。 一.考试性质 虽然新SAT写作的官方定位为「任选」(optional)项,但事实上,这只是针对拥有选择权的大学来说。对于考生本身,就算目前所申请的学校不需要提供新SAT作文成绩,也不能保证之后申请的学校也不需要,所以早点通过可以有备无患,不必额外花钱重新参加一次考试,避免耗时耗力。事实上美国排名靠前的大学(如普林斯顿、耶鲁)都明确提出要求考生提供新SAT写作成绩,这说明新SAT写作虽然名义上是「选考」,但对于那些想进名校的考生来说,实际上是「必考」。退一步讲,而且就算考生申请的学校不要求提供新SAT写作成绩,如果附上,也算作加分项。如此锦上添花的事,何乐而不为呢? 新SAT写作共50分钟,在这段时间里,考生需要阅读一篇文章,并据此写出一篇逻辑严谨、结构清晰的分析性文章。需要注意的是,考生本身不能对文章观点做出评判,只需要立足原文客观分析其论证过程即可,这是新SAT写作和老SAT写作最大的不同之处。 二.题干解读 新SAT写作题目包括两个引导和一篇文章。需要注意的是,两个引导部分的大部分内容是固定的。引导1点明新SAT写作的三个层面,即考生需要从「论据」(evidence)、「逻辑」(reasoning)和「修辞」(stylistic or persuasive elements)三方面展开分析。「论据」是作者用来证明观点成立的依据,包括事实、数据、实验结果、个人经历等;「逻辑」是作者的论证思路,即借助论据证明观点成立的过程。「修辞」侧重作者的语言表达和情感激发对读者的说服作用。引导2一方面会给出作者的结论,提示考生选用文中最有代表性的论证手法进行分析,不必面面俱到;另一方面会提示考生,写作应该立足于分析原作者的论证过程,而不能表露自己个人对原文观点的认同或者反对。 阅读文章是一篇议论文,字数在650到750之间,来源多为已出版发行的报刊杂志,如The Economist,New York Times,Washington Post等。文章题材多元,涵盖文学、艺术、科学、政治、社会等各个层面,但专业性不强,考生即使没有专业背景也可以读懂。


SAT test 5 1.For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________. (A) healthy adj. 健康的 (B) expensive adj. 昂贵的 (C) wasteful adj. 浪费的 (D) toxic adj. 有毒的 (E) inane adj. 愚蠢的 解析:D,在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量食用会----。这里however表示转折与前面的harmless是相反的意思。 2. In Jamaica Kincaid's novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers' world, critically examining its assumptions and values. (A) idealizes v. 理想化 (B) avoids v. 避开 (C) beautifies v. 美化 (D) scrutinizes v. 仔细检查 (E) excludes v. 排除, 解析:E,在牙买加金彩的小说露西,这个西印度群岛英雄----她的雇主的世界,精细的审视他的猜测和价值。这个句子中前后两句意思是一致的,没有转折词,所以空格所需的东西与examining是同义词,所以D。 3.The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history. (A) argue against v. 真钞,辩论 (B) contrast with v. 对比,差异 (C) testify to v. 证明 (D) jeopardize v. 危及




2015年1月新SAT官方新样题第一时间解读:满分写作范文解析 本次官方给出了两道样题,北京新东方张卉老师针对第一篇样题(节选自Paul Bogard 于2012.12.21发表在《洛杉矶时报》的“Let There Be Dark.”)的满分作文进行了官方得分理由的第一时间解读。 满分作文(阅读部分4分,理解部分4分,写作部分4分) 阅读理解部分---4分:这篇作文通过熟练的间接引用--转述技巧(paraphrases)和直接引用技巧(direct quotations)展现出了对材料文章全面充分的理解能力。作者用简洁的语言概括了Bogard’s piece这篇文章的主旨,即(natural darkness should be preserved; we must preserve true, unaffected darkness),并从材料文章中找寻证据来说明作者如何支持主旨:如提及作者用个人轶事来开篇;提及Bogard对Paris’ reputation as “The City of Ligh t”这一历史典故的引用。考生并未直接引用大段的作者原文,而是用自己简洁精确的转述语言来全面解读Bogard 的这篇argument,考生能够清晰有条理的说明Bogard如何使用细节来支持主旨。这篇文章没有对材料文章事实的误读或曲解。总而言之,此文反映出了考生优秀的阅读理解技巧。 分析能力部分—4分:北京新东方张卉老师通过结合官方理由解读,这篇满分文章展现了考生深刻透彻的分析能力并展现出考生对分析技巧这一要求的深刻理解。考生认真全面地解释了Bogard如何通过使用个人轶事,艺术和历史引喻,修辞手段等方法来展开他的议论。例如:考生分析了Bogard为何采用个人轶事这一手段来进行开篇,并描述了作者采用这一方法对读者产生的整体效果,如(In telling this brief anecdote, Bogard challenges the audience to remember a time where they could fully amass themselves in natural darkness void of artificial light. By drawing in his readers with a personal encounter...the author means to establish the potential for beauty, glamour, and awe-inspiring mystery that genuine darkness can possess.... This ane cdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to find credence with the author’s claims. ) 括号 中这一有说服力的逻辑链表明了考生从手段功能性和读者效果性两个方面,全面地理解了Bogard采用个人轶事这一方式开篇的作用。这种深刻的分析在通篇都展现得非常明显,此文反映出了考生优秀的分析技巧。 写作能力部分—4分:这篇文章行文连贯结构紧密,展现出考生极高的语言运用掌握能力。这篇文章有清晰明确的主旨,即:(He effectively builds his argument by using personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions),篇章的主体段紧密围绕着Bogard的原文的三个主要主体部分进行结构展开。每一段的段落内部的观点递进也清晰严谨。考生开头段和结尾段的写作技巧纯熟简明,并很好的概括了Bogard的主旨及其全篇分析结构。考生全篇用词准确和措辞得当,(the natural magnificence of stars in a dark sky is definite, our world consumed by unnatural, vapid lighting, the affecting power of an untainted night sky). 文章句式 变换多样,且使用了很多高级的复杂句(By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming –no longer “the city

SAT og 5阅读真题解析

SAT test 5 1. For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________. (A) healthy adj. 健康的 (B) expensive adj. 昂贵的 (C) wasteful adj. 浪费的 (D) toxic adj. 有毒的 (E) inane adj. 愚蠢的 解析:D,在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量食用会----。这里however表示转折与前面的harmless是相反的意思。 2. In Jamaica Kincaid's novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers' world, critically examining its assumptions and values. (A) idealizes v. 理想化 (B) avoids v. 避开 (C) beautifies v. 美化 (D) scrutinizes v. 仔细检查 (E) excludes v. 排除,

解析:E,在牙买加金彩的小说露西,这个西印度群岛英雄----她的雇主的世界,精细的审视他的猜测和价值。这个句子中前后两句意思是一致的,没有转折词,所以空格所需的东西与examining是同义词,所以D。 frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history. (A) argue against v. 真钞,辩论 (B) contrast with v. 对比,差异 (C) testify to v. 证明 (D) jeopardize v. 危及 (E) sustain v. 支撑 解析:C,这个国家经历了频繁的国名变更---这个国家的近点史上的政治动乱。从句意可以看后句和前句是因果关系,前面证明了后面。 , clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most _________ forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been _________ from fossil records. (A) plentiful adj. 丰富的...subtracted v. 减去 (B) ornate adj. 华丽的...retrieved v. 重新取回 (C) multifarious adj. 多方面的...catalogued v. 登记分类 (D) scarce adj. 缺乏的,罕见的...extracted v. 萃取的 (E) anachronistic adj. 时代错误的...extrapolated v. 推算,推断

SAT essay写作真题官方满分范文精选1

Essay2:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,studies,experience,or observations

In a world where economic prosperity and“getting ahead”in work and technology are highly valued,creativity and the arts are often shunted in favor of more“practical”pursuits.Students abandon dreams of acting or painting in order to major in medicine,computer technology,or engineering:highly profitable and scientific fields.Even with the advances in these fields,however,there is still a need for creativity in our world,because seeing things in a new way can make all the difference. Today,more and more public schools are forced to abandon their arts programs to make time for subjects like science and math:subjects in which all students must have a basic knowledge in order to succeed in higher education.However,by leaving these programs behind, children are deprived of the creative stimulation that the arts provide,and are taught to view the world in“black and white”terms:one right answer to every problem.With a view such as this, how will children perform in the future?It may be assumed that all people will see things the same way,and propose only one solution to a problem,failing to see the bigger picture. Creativity has obviously influenced earlier generations in a positive way,so there is no need to eliminate creativity from our world.What would have happened if Franklin Roosevelt had never proposed his New Deal?The Great Depression might have persisted for some time,robbing even more families of their chance at prosperity and happiness.However,by proposing a new, creative solution for the problem of the U.S.’s depression,FDR pulled the nation out of its slump. Another example of how creativity has positively influenced the world happened just recently, with the introduction of hybrid cars.These new cars do not rely on as much oil as other cars do in


sat作文题目汇总 【篇一:2014年sat写作题目汇总】 2014年sat写作题目汇总 2014.01.25 1. 2. 3. successful than those who do? 4. forward? 2014.03.08 5.assignment: should people who are more fortunate than others have more of a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate? 6. 7. 2014.05.03 8. achievements? 9.assignment: should we express our disagreement with authority figures权威人物, even if there are negative consequences? assignment: should people focus on enjoying the present moment instead of following a plan for future achievement? 2014.06.07 achievement? another? 2014年10月 ice? assignment: is envy necessarily a bad thing? 2014年11月8日 assignment: is quitting ever a good idea? assignment: should we complain to get what we want? 2014年12月6日 assignment: are snap judgments better than decisions to which people give a lot of thought? assignment: is most of what people buy totally unnecessary?


Questions 10-14 are based on the following passage. This passage is from the preface to a 1997 book by a United States journalist detailing a disagreement between doctors and family members about a child's medical treatment at a hospital in California. Under my desk I keep a large carton of cassette tapes. Though they have all been transcribed, I still like to listen to them from time to time, Some are quiet and easily understood. They are filled with the voices of American doctors, interrupted occasionally by the clink of a coffee cup or beep of a pager. The rest—more than half of them—are very noisy. They are filled with the voices of the Lees family, Hmong refugees from Laos who came to the United States in 1980. Against a background of babies crying, children playing, doors slamming, dishes clattering, a television yammering, and an air conditioner wheezing, I can hear the mother's voice, by turns breathy, nasal, gargly, or humlike as it slides up and down the Hmong language's eight tones; the father's voice, louder, slower, more vehement; and my interpreter's voice, mediating in Hmong and English, low and deferential in each. The hubbub summons sense-memories: the coolness of the red metal folding chair, reserved for guests, that was always set up when I arrived in the apartment; the shadows cast by the amulet that hung from the ceiling and swung in the breeze on its length of grocer's twine; the tastes of Hmong food. I sat on the Lees' red chair for the first lime on May 19, 1988. Earlier that spring I had come to Merced, California, because I had heard that there were some misunderstandings at the county hospital between its Hmong patients and medical staff. One doctor called them "collisions," which made it sound as if two different kinds of people had rammed into each other, head on, to the accompaniment of squealing brakes and breaking glass. As it turned out, the encounters were messy but rarely frontal. Both sides were wounded, but neither side seemed to know what had hit it or how to avoid another crash. I have always felt that the action most worth watching occurs not at the center of things but where edges meet. I like shorelines, weather fronts, international borders. These places have interesting frictions and incongruities, and often, if you stand at the point of tangency, you can see both sides better than if you were in the middle of either one. This is especially true when the apposition is cultural. When I first came to Merced, I hoped that the culture of American medicine, about which I knew a little, and the culture of the Hmong, about which I knew nothing, would somehow illuminate each other if I could position myself between the two and manage not to get caught in the crossfire. But after getting to know the Lees family and their daughter's doctors and realizing how hard it was to blame anyone, I stopped analyzing the situation in such linear terms. Now, when I play the tapes late at night, I imagine what they would sound like if I could splice them together, so the voices of the Hmong and those of the American doctors could be heard on a single tape, speaking a common language. 10. In line 17, "summons" most nearly means (A) sends for (B) calls forth (C) requests (D) orders (E) convenes 11. It can be inferred from lines 27-33 that "collisions" was NOT an apt description because the (A) clash between Hmong patients and medical staff was indirect and baffling (B) Hmong patients and the medical staff were not significantly affected by the encounters (C) medical staff was not responsible for the dissatisfaction of the Hmong patients (D) misunderstandings between the Hmong patients and the medical staff were easy to resolve (E) disagreement reached beyond particular individuals to the community at large


2005-2015亚洲考区 SAT 写作真题题库 写作鲍老师出品 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab13962900.html,

去喜马拉雅关注“写作鲍老师” 听斯坦福招生官谈留学申请 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab13962900.html,/#/zhubo/34430883/ Dear SAT 考娃们, 15年的SAT 是16年SAT 改版前最后的考试啦,新版的SAT Essay 可比现行的难,所以大家一定要好好把握15年的考试哟。 为了帮助大家更好的备考,鲍老师跟大家分享2005年至2015年亚洲考区SAT 写作的真题,希望对同学们有用。 更多材料请见 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab13962900.html, : 2015SAT 写作例子参考——按话题分类1 2015SAT 写作例子参考——按话题分类2 2005-2015亚洲考区SAT 写作真题题库 2005-2015北美考区SAT 写作真题题库 SAT 写作例子段如何改写更扣题 北美名校申请文书成功案例(college essay) 关注微信公众账号 eas ywriting01了解最新材料更新情况

去喜马拉雅关注“写作鲍老师” 3 Challenge authority/independent thinking/creativity 1. (2005.5) Does worrying too much about other people’s opinions prevent us from seeing things clearly? 2. (2012.6) Should people care for others' opinions, or take a stand against opinions that they think are wrong? Most people try to be fair to others and respect their opinions. It is sometimes difficult, however, to be open to and accepting of all opinions, especially when the people expressing them are obviously uninformed or mean -spirited. It is more important to point out to others what they are doing and saying wrong than to try to tolerate every opinion. 3. (2008.6) Are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct? When someone has the same ideas or views as most people do, we tend to believe that the person is reasonable and correct. Often, however, views that are considered reasonable or commonsensical are anything but sensible. Many widely held views regarding current events, science, education, arts and literature, and many other topics ultimately prove to be wrong. The fact that an idea or view is widespread —held by many people —does not make it right. 4. (2007.11) Is criticism ---judging or finding fault with the ideas and actions of others --- essential for personal well -being and social progress? All people judge or criticize the ideas and actions of others. At times, these criticisms hurt or embarrass the people receiving them. Other criticisms seem to be intended to make the critics appear superior. And yet criticism is essential to our success as individuals and as a society. 5. (2011. 10) Are people better off if they do not listen to criticisms? Although most of us do not like being criticized, it is said tha t we can always benefit from being told what we are doing wrong. We may lose a valuable learning opportunity if we do not listen to the criticisms expressed by others. Yet criticism, even when honest and well -intended, can be more harmful than helpful. We have more to gain by ignoring or shielding ourselves from the criticisms of others. 6. (2015.5) Should we always think before we speak? From the time we are very young, we are cautioned to think before we speak. That is good advice if it helps us word our thoughts more clearly. But reflecting on what we are going to say before we say it is not a good idea if doing so causes us to censor ou r true feelings because others might not like what we say. In fact, if we always
