




“我看一看你的信”,关于“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用read,不能用watch, see, look, have a look at, look at等。





Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers through the Internet?

Of (1)________, yes.(2)________ the development of society, the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers show

great (3)________ in the Internet.If we teenagers are crazy about (4)________ games or chatting online, it will definitely have (5)________ influence on our study and health. Things

is getting even (6)________;it may make us get tired of everything (7)________ surfing the net.We should (8)________ more time reading good books, novels or news reports on the Internet.In (9)________ word, the Internet makes our life convenient and colorful,

(10)________ we should still learn the way to make full use of it properly.

答案:1.course 2.With 3.interest 4.playing 5.bad




True friends are hard to find.Often you thought you could believe in someone, but later he or

she may let you (1)________.

A true friend is sometimes a person who will always be there for you.Through good times or

(2)________ times, they will stand by your side.They will not (3)________ you alone when things get difficult.They will accept you (4)________ trying to change you.A friend will bring new and exciting things into your life and make it richer.

True friends will keep your worst secrets as you will keep theirs.They will (5)________ honest and you can always believe in them.If you talk to someone who you believe in, you don't have

to worry about what you may say.We can enjoy this freedom only with (6)________.Friendship

is a two?way street.To find a true friend and keep the friendship between you, you must do the

(7)________ thing as well.Be there for your friends when (8)________ are in need and share the good times with them.Offer them the same things they give to you.Friendship will break quickly if only one person is giving and putting effort into it.

You will find that there is nothing more valuable (有价值的) than having (9)________ true friend by your side to share life with, just (10)________ someone says, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized (珍惜) than true friendship”.

答案:1.down 2.bad 3.make/let 4.without 5.be




When you're busy or stressed, don't forget your hobbies, such as listening to (1)________, reading and playing ball games.If eating makes you (2)________ better, you can go to your favorite restaurant to (3)________ a delicious meal.

Parents may not think that it is (4)________ to watch TV.(5)________,if you are worried (6)________ your English and don't know how to improve (7)________, why not watch some English TV programs

If you're feeling bad about your weight and don't know (8)________ to do, why not go walking or jogging?

Finally, trying to keep your worries to y ourselves can make them worse.I like to share my problems with my friends.They always give me useful (9)________.If you don't know who to talk to, you can always write (10)________ me.You're never alone.

答案:1.music 2.feel/be 3.eat/have/enjoy https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac16669783.html,eful/helpful 5.However



8.what 9.advice/suggestions10.to



Every day when Kathy came home from school, her cat Mimi would run to greet her.Then Kathy would pick up Mimi and gave her (1)_ _______ hug (拥抱).One day, Kathy came home (2)________ her cat wasn't there.Her mom told her that Mimi had died.Kathy felt so sad.

Most of people all over the world have (3)________. Maybe you have a pet, and maybe some of your friends do, too.A pet can be a special friend, and you might think of him or her (4)________ a member of the family.A pet can (5)________ with you or just be with you when you don't feel like talking.You are (6)________ when a pet dies.You may not feel anything at all.That's OK.Or you may feel like crying and that's OK, too.

Kathy decided to talk with (7)________ parents about how she was feeling.She wanted to (8)________ about some things she didn't understand, like where Mimi went (9)________ death.Kathy's parents answered her questions in the best way the y could.They told her

(10)________ was OK to be sad when animals died and it was not silly at all.They told her to keep a new animal when she wanted to.

答案:1.a 2.but 3.pets 4.as 5.play 6.sad7.her 8.ask9.after10.it



If you think of after?school activities as a waste of time, you are wrong! After?school activities help us grow up in many (1)________.Above all, they offer us chances to practice (2)________ we learn in class.(3)________ various activities, we can also learn more about today's society (社会) and a lot of new things that we can't learn from our books.What's more, they help to develop our abilities that we need (4)________ for our studies now and for our work and life in the future.

We are busy with our studies in school, so after school we all need to (5)________ ourselves.After?school activities just make it possible (6)________ us to breathe (7)________ air and remove tiredness.Then, we can pay (8)________ to our studies and achieve good results. Some after?school activities will make us useful (9)________ helpful to others.Some can keep us strong and healthy, some may even change our life.So, all the students, get out and take (10)________ active part in various after?school activities!

答案:1.ways 2.what 3.Through 4.both 5.relax




Our cities are crowded.Now cities are (1)________ of cars.Something will have to be done to change (2)________.What will the cars of tomorrow be (3)________?

Little cars may some day (4)________ the place of today's big cars.If everyone drives little cars in the future there will be less (5)________ in the air.We can breathe clean and fresh air.There will also be more space (6)________ parking cars in cities, and (7)________ streets will be less crowded.The space for a usual car (8)________ we use today is enough for three little cars. The little cars will cost much less to own and be safer to (9)________.What is (10)________, these little cars can go about 65 kilometers per hour.

答案:1.full 2.it 3.like 4.take 5.pollution

6.for 7.the8.that/which9.drive10.more



How much do you know about American schools? They are quite different from (1)________ in China.In America, (2)________ the beginning of the term, students must (3)________ their courses and teachers first.While in China, students usually have no chances to select their courses and teachers.

Selecting is very important for your grades in America.So at (4)________ first term, don't select

too many courses, (5)________ you'll feel very nervous and it may influence your study.Then you have to (6)________ for help from teaching plans.There is some information about subjects, time arranging, marks and textbooks.At the same (7)________, you must choose the teachers.Different teacher s have (8)________ teaching methods.If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give (9)________ choosing him.(10)________ this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.

答案:1.those 2.at 3.select/choose 4.the 5.or




TV is one of the most important things of the day.Many people like to (1)________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac16669783.html, brings (2)________ outside world closer to people's homes.Some people say the world is smaller (3)________ before because of TV.

What's going on in (4)________ countries? How do people live in places far away? Is

(5)________ a good sports game somewhere? What's living in the deepest part of the sea?

If you want to answer these and other kinds of (6)________, just turn (7)________ the TV.You can see a lot and learn a lot.Of course, people can also learn if they read or (8)________ to the radio.But with TV they can learn better and more easily.Why? Because people can listen and watch (9)________ the same time.

TV helps to open our https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac16669783.html, also helps (10)________ to open our https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac16669783.html, often gives us new ideas.We learn newer and better ways of doing something on TV.

答案:1.watch 2.the 3.than 4.other 5.there




Baby animals have lots of stories.These baby animals (1)________ up in different ways. Some animals are born helpless but (2)________ mothers protect them.(3)________ newborn kangaroo stays in its mother's pouch.She closes her eyes (4)________ at least five months.A newborn monkey is (5)________ weak to walk.He is carried (6)________ his mother.

Other baby animals walk soon after they're born.They learn to run with their mother

(7)________ danger is near.

Some baby animals are born in a (8)________ that is safe, while other baby animals may be born in (9)________ places.Baby wolves are born in large holes.A baby elephant is born on open, grassy land.

Animals that (10)________ their mothers' milk are called mammals (哺乳动物).They are interesting to study.


1.grow 2.their 3.A 4.for 5.too 6.by 7.when8.place9.dangerous10.drink



Mr.Ellis is very old.He has seen many changes in his hometown.

He knows that things are (1)________ now.But he never forgets (2)________ old days.He likes to talk about (3)________.He often talks about his favorite birds, the robins (知更

鸟).“When I was a b oy, these houses were not here.There were wide fields and tall trees.Every spring robins would come.Thousands of them would fly up to the north (4)________ the south.They (5)________ the winter in the south.Some would build their nests (巢)

(6)________ the trees near our houses.(7)________ people started to cut down trees, and they (8)________ more houses.The robins stopped coming.They couldn't build their nests near our houses because there were no (9)________.”

“Now (10)________ are too many houses and t oo many roads.There are no places for the robins.They don't come any more.”

答案:1.different 2.the 3.them 4.from 5.spent




Last Sunday my father and I went fishing.We got up very (1)________ that day.When we (2)________ home, the moon could still be seen in the sky.The morning air was cool and I felt wind (3)________ my face.This made us very comfortable.We laughed and talked all the way while we were riding our (4)________.By about six we were already sitting (5)________ the river.Fishing is not (6)________.If you want to be successful, you must be very careful.That day we had another good catch.We caught a lot of fish and enjoyed (7)________ very much.It was late when we (8)________ home.We felt a little tired (9) ________ happy.Fishing is (10)________ very good sport.I like it very much.

答案:1.early 2.left 3.on 4.bike(s) 5.by

6.easy 7.ourselves8.got/arrived/reached9.but10.a



Hi, everyone, I've been in Xuzhou for over a week now.I'm having a (1)________

time.(2)________ the first five days I visited some tourist attractions—... Lake, ...Hill, ... Han Tomb (汉墓), etc.Most (3)________ were crowded with tourists, so yesterday I went shopping and (4)________ some souvenirs.Today I went to (5)________ interesting art gallery.I got lost on my way back to the hotel, but it didn't matter—I found a really good market (6)________ lots of small shops.I ate in the hotel the first night, but usually I went out and had dinner in a restaurant (7)________ the food was fantastic.I've (8)________ a lot of money, but it's certainly


初中英语填空题专练 1 Yesterday morning, Li Hua got up early and____1____breakfast he went to school._____2_____his way to school he saw some____3____ coming from the ____4___ of a house. “There must be something on ____5_____,”he thought. Then he ___6____ as fast as he could to get some water, after a short time, he carried a bucket of ___7____. Quickly he poured the water into the fire. The smoke was put___8_____. To his surprise, he saw an old ____9____out of the window, with a smoke in his hand. He shouted at Li Hua___10______,“See what you are doing! You bad boy!” 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 2 More and more people are___1_____the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail ____2___ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone___3____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____4_____seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it_____5___time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____6____.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers____7_____computures? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____8___. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at on line libraries and _____9____lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more_____10_____indeed. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 3 It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to _____1____ into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones. Bad habits don’t come ___2_____. They come little by little(逐渐的)____3___people do not notice(注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little____4_____habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons, they copy(抄袭) from their ___5______. If they see bigger boys____6___, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so ___7_____that they can no longer get ride of___8___. From copying, they fall behind, then they learn to steal, and smoking is bad for their _______9___. At last, they become worse and worse. How necessary (必要) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the ___10_____. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 4 Here’s a part of an e-mail _____1______from Joe, giving some ___2______to his son in college.”when I was young, I often met ___3____”about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to ____4____about those things because I only did them once a year or once a lifetime. ____5_______, I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to ____6____. I need to talk____7_____ ,


外研版九年级英语上册选词填空题专练 grow spend, worry , wait, she, see, have , much , when , arm , Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. __71__you are still a baby, 72. mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 73 . When you are 74 up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 75 clothes . She always stands in the wind 76 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 77 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 78 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 79 on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she 80 to her children, not to receive . What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever. good, what, come, dress, important, parent, hold, nothing, how, necessary Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won't know the money 76 from hard work. Some parents like to 77 birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it 78 for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their 79 birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits. Many parents don't let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do 80 in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be 81 every day. When the children grow up, they will be able to do 82 , and they won't even find a job. Parents should teach the children 83 to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working by themselves. stay, hope, rainy, change, outside, snow, with, go, place, much It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather in


初中英语短文填空20篇解读 1、第一遍通读全文,对文章有一个整体认识,了解故事的时间、地点、人物等之间的关系,为下一步填空打下坚实的基础,切忌看一空填一空。 2、第二遍逐句阅读并填空,根据句子的语法以及上下文的整体逻辑关系用恰当的词填入空白,特别是有时根据意思可能有多种用法时,应填入恰当的单词并符合英美人的习惯表达,不要受汉语的影响。例如:“我看一看你的信”,关于“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用read ,不能用watch, see, look, have a look at, look at 等。 3、第三遍复查答案。将填空的短文再完整地阅读一次,以检查全文是否通顺,所填答案是否最为合理 (一)难度:★★★☆☆ Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers through the Internet? Of (1________, yes、(2________ the development of society, the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers show great (3________ in the Internet、If we teenagers are crazy about (4________ games or chatting online, it will definitely have (5________ influence on our study and health、 Things is


初中英语完形填空答题技巧与方法 完型填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目。有些考生的听力基础知识部分做的还比较好,但是完型填空却只能做对一两道,有的甚至对完型填空产生了恐惧心理,导致全军覆没。其实只要我们有信心,有良好的心理素质,再加上一定的技巧,完型填空并不是不可逾越的鸿沟。 平心静气不急不躁 对完形填空心存恐惧,是导致失误的根本原因,有些考生满脑子的畏难思想,殊不知这种情绪只会使得自己的全部思想游离题外,根本无法进入思维,还谈何理解文章的内容呢?所以,集中思想、树立信心、平心静气、去除杂念才是做好完型填空题的保证。 一.浏览全文把握大意 浏览全文能获得更多的上下文提供的信息,并根据文章的内在逻辑意义、贯穿文章始终的主线以及作者行文的走向,把握文脉,调整并定位自己的解题思路,从而做出最终的判断。 二.把握全文的时态 不同的时态动词用不同的形式

三.识别短语注意搭配 一类短语是由动词+介词,或动词+副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练、使用灵活、表达生动,如look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one's eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to, at the age of等。如果平时能注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它们的搭配规律,在做完型填空时就能得心应手,减少失误,提高完型填空的命中率。 运用语法理顺关系 语法知识是指导完型填空的法宝,词汇是根据语法规则确定各自的位置,有了语法规则文章才能有条不紊、顺理成章。完型填空题实际上是“形断意不断,貌离神不离”,正如藕断而丝连,语法规则起到“牵动荷花带出藕”的功效。如介词后的代词必然是宾格;物质名词一般不用复数;形容词必须放在不定代词后;行为动词的否定和疑问句应由助动词do构成;情态动词只能与不带to的动词连用等。如黄浦区20XX年中考模拟试卷中的完型填空题第 3小题:I was the happiest boy in the world,填入的词逻辑根据为happy,语法根据为最高级,因为前一个词是the,后面是in the world短语,即在一个范围内进行比较,应用形容词的最高级,因而推断出该词为happiest;再如该项的第6小题,挖空处为don't,因为行为动词的否定式应由助动词构成,而且主语是I,因此得出该词为don't。 遇到难词反复默念 有时会遇到这样的情况,大部分词都填出来了,只有一、两个难词


短文填空解题技巧 一、解题基本步骤 (一)判断所给词性,进行归类。 (二)复读短文,判断此空所填词性。 (三)确定所填词位置的句子语义,选择最恰当的即可 内容:上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章。 语法:语法结构是否正确无误。 二、句子的类型 1、句子按其结构可分为以下几种类型。 (一)简单句,由一个主语(并列主语)和一个谓语(并列谓语)构成的句子。 (一)并列句,由并列连词(and,so,but,or等)把两个以上的简单句连一起而构成的句子。 (一)复合句,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子。 2、简单句的五种基本类型。 (一)主语+谓语(S+V),eg:We exercise(不及物动词)。 (二)主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O),eg:I like bananas。 (三)主语+系动词+表语(S+V+P),eg:They are students。 (四)主语+谓语+双宾(S+V+IO+DO),eg:She give me a pen。 (五)主语+谓语+宾+宾补(S+V+O+OC),eg:He made the boy laugh。 3、判断一个句子的成分 (一)主干先行,废话后置(比较复杂的定语和状语)。 (二)主语为从句子开头的第一个名词或者代词,谓语为主句中的动词,宾语为动词后的名词或者代词。 三、考察知识点 (一)形容词:考察比较级,形容词和副词相互转化。

1.比较从句 than, as 形容词、副词比较级的规则变化如下: (1)一般直接+er。如:tall - taller, fast - faster 单音节词如果以-e结尾,只加-r。如:late - later (2)重读闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er。如:big - bigger, fat - fatter (3)以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-er。如:heavy - heavier, early - earlier (4)双音节和多音节词的比较级应在原级前加more构成。如:beautiful - more beautiful, careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting (5)有些不规则变化的,须逐一加以记忆。如:good/well –better, bad/ill – worse, many/much – more, far – farther/further, old –older/elder… 2.形容词和副词相互转化 (1).普通的+ly:


初中英语选词填空练习 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

外研版九年级英语上册选词填空题专练 Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. __71__you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her 72. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 73 . When you are 74 up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 75 clothes . She always stands in the wind 76 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 77 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 78 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 79 on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she 80 to her children, not to receive . What true love that is in the world! We will remember Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won’t know the money 76 from hard work. Some parents like to 77 birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it 78 for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their 79 birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits. Many parents don’t let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do 80 in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be 81 every day. When the children grow up, they will be able to do 82 , and they won’t even find a job. Parents should teach the children 83 to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working by themselves. It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why Because the weather in Britain often 96 quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to


英语中考(福建专用)短文填空练习百篇精选 福建中考短文填空专练一至二十篇: 一、A recent U.S.1. [s??ve?] of 5,6 00 people five countries showed that Chinese people are the 2.(two )worst tourists. The worst are American tourists.Chinese always talk 3. (loud) in places like cafes and museums. They also spit and 4. [?l?t?] whenever they want and jump queues(插队). Some Chinese tourists also like to write or 5. pictures on famous buildings. In Singapore, Chinese tourists are 6. (fine) because they were smoking in Non- smoking areas.Some people may say that they can do 7. [??v ri?θ??]that they want because they spend money in the country. As a 8. of fact, this is not true. Besides enjoying 9. _(we), we should respect local customs and take 10 of the environment. 1.survey 2.second 3. loudly 4. litter 5.draw 6. fined 7. everything 8. matter 9. ourselves 10.care 二、In some countries, dogs and cats are commonly regarded 1. pets, while chickens ducks and 2. (pig) are food. However, in some other countries, dogs and cats are food, and the food animals are pets.People divide animals 3. several kinds to their own needs. For example, you may have friends who keep rabbits as pets. Some people cook rabbits as dishes. People treat a rabbit as a pet because it 4. (bring)them pleasure. They eat it, for they think it is a kind of meat. They kill it because they believe it is 5. (harm) to plants or people.People also treat animals 6. [?d?f?r?ntl?] based on their own cultures. Most of us have dogs as pets. Dogs live in our house, like 7. member of the family. However, in some cultures, dogs are 8. [k?n?s?d?] unclean. People 9. (hard) ever keep them as pets. In some parts of Southeast Asia, dogs are on the menu.10. [?m?lj?nz] of dogs are killed every year. 1.as 2.pigs 3.into 4.brings 5.harmful 6.differently 7.a 8.considered 9.hardly https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac16669783.html,lions 三When you are in Hong Kong, you must 1. careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is 2. from that in other areas of China. If you are the3. _(one) time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street. If the traffic lights are 4. , the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.


七年级英语选词填空专题练习 Class: Name: 1、选择单词并用其正确形式填空 Li Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six every morning. He and his friend, Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn’t like to it. They often to a movie on . But they don’t like documentaries. They science is boring, they think English is very . They very well at school. 2、选择单词并用其正确形式填空 Your attention, please. We will _________ a show at 6:00pm _________ Sunday. We _________two good musicians for the show. If you _________ dance or sing, please_________ us. If you can play the piano, the ________ or the guitar, please send an ___________ to GiGi182@ 163. com. Also, we want three people to _________us paint some pictures. So if you can __________, please ___________ to the school office before Thursday. 3、选择单词并用其正确形式填空 Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing their kids. This is their first time to China. Mr. Cooper is a . He sings very well. Mrs Cooper is a . Her and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera. her daughter doesn’t think so. She likes , and her favorite movie is Mr. Bean. Mr. Cooper doesn’t like movies. He thinks they are. He likes sports. His favorite sport is . He likes Yao Ming very much. The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an and nice place. They want to take photos there. They can also to speak Chinese. They can have a good time in China. It’s the time of year again. to Jenny’s Clothes Store. Have a at our new clothes. We them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for $15 each. Skirts are sale for only$15. Do you to have one? We have great pants. How are they? Only 20. Anybody can afford prices. Come and for yourself at Jenny’s Store! 5、选择单词并用其正确形式填空 1


短文填空1 阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。(注意:①每个单词只能用一次。②其中有两个多余项。) we,take,fast, help,come, difficult , also , get, it, make, they, work, Robots have a long history, The first one was made by a Greek inventor.(希腊发明家)You may see robots in some movies. The robots in these movies are stronger, __1__and cleverer than people .In real life, most robots are used in factories. They do many dangerous, __2__or boring jobs. Some people can’t look after __3__and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see, so they use a dog __4__themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog, Scientists are __5__a robot to help them. In the future, robots might take the place of (代替) these dogs. Robots are __6__used in hospitals, In one hospital ,a robot __7__meals from kitchen to the sick people’s rooms, It never loses __8__way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer systems(系统). In the future, robots __9__in space, But robots will never take the place of human, they can, however, help __10__ in a lot of different ways. 短文填空2 for ,I ,always, different , read, same , clever ,much , well , quiet, not, like My family __1__ spend the summer vacation by the we go to Qingdao, but this year we’re going somewhere __2__ ,We’re going to Hainan. My dad says Hainan is __3__ than Qingdao, and he says the beaches are __4__ beautiful. My friend Zhao Fei went to Hainan last year, and he said it was a great place Fei is really __6__ at swimming, but I`m __7__ . I`m __8__ than him. I __9__sitting on the beach and ___10__a book 短文填空3 show, at ,read,English, invite,think, answer,in ,ask, sure, for, begin


One “I don’t want to get up early,” the Junior 1 middle school student in Shanghai said, “I want more(1)_____ ” But,like it or not,Luo has breakfast at 6:15 am, (2)_____ home at 6:30 am and, after a 30-minute bus ride, he (3)_____at school at 7 am. Like most of his 40 classmates, Luo arrives at school a full hour before lessons starts(4)_____8:00 am. A study of 2,500 schoolchildren in six cities, showed that about 66% of primary school students and 77% of middle school students were (5)_____of sleep. Some parents also say, In China, young mothers and fathers have little time to play with their children.Parents are(6)_____ with their work and kids are busy with their study. That is not(7)_____ for kids is growth. Kids need more time to have (8)_____ with their parents, not just to study. To solve this problem, some cities cut their school hours to give childen more time to play. Some middle school students now go to school 30 minutes(9)_____ than they did before. “The best way for childen to learn is to play. When pupils get more playtime, the y can be relaxed and learn (10)_____to get along with other people,” said a school head. Two My favorite festival is Spring Festival. It is celebrated(1)_____ the first day of the first lunar month. Before it comes, people(2)_____ the house and make the house beautiful. It means to wash (3)_____ the bad things. On the first two days of Spring Festival, people(4)_____ their friends and relatives and send wishes to each other. (5)_____ this festival, people also gather together to have big meals. It’s my favorite festival (6)_____ I can wear new clothes and(7)_____ the gift money. What’s more, I can see the dragon dance. It makes me(8)_____ happy and excited. The true(9)_____ of the Spring Festival is the reunion of the family and the wish of a better(10)_____ in the coming year. Three October 5th, 2015 was a big day for Chinese. Tu Youyou won the 2015 Noble Prize in physiology or medicine. She was the(1)_____ Chinese scientist who won this prize. Chinese people are (2)_____ of her. She was born(3)_____ December 30th, 1930. She became(4)_____ in medicine when she was still a little girl. So she studied medicine when she was in university. She started her lifelong career after she(5)_____ her study in the university. (6)_____ her working conditions were very simple, and she got sick, she didn’t give(7)_____ her study. She tried to connect Chinese medicine(8)_____ Western medicine to make a new medicine. She believed that failure is the road to success. She failed quite a lot of times, but she (9)_____ at last. She is more than 80 years old now, but she still goes on working on her study. (10)_____ a great scientist she is! I hope more and more Chinese scientists will win Noble Prize.
