

会计实务练习题汇总 (2)

基础会计实务题 第一套 1、A公司2006年发生以下业务: 1.从甲公司购入原材料800公斤,单价600元,增值税率17%,价税合计561600元,款项已付,原材料已验收入库。 2.以银行存款偿还长期借款90000元。 3.向B公司销售商品1000件,单价460元,增值税率17%,价税合计538200元,款项尚未收到。 4.购入设备一台,价款120000元,增值税率17%,价税合计140400元,以银行存款支付。 5.结转销售给B公司商品的销售成本320000元。 要求:请编制有关会计分录。 1、借:原材料 480000 应交税费-应交增值税(进项税额)81600 贷:银行存款 561600 2、借:长期借款 900000 贷:银行存款 900000 3、借:应收账款 538200 贷:主营业务收入 460000 应交税费-应交增值税(销项税额)78200 4、借:固定资产 120000 应交税费-应交增值税(进项税额)20400 贷:银行存款 140400 2、某公司某年6月发生经济业务如下: 1.出纳员向银行提取现金30000元,准备发放工资。 2.以现金发放本月工资30000元。

3.购入材料一批,金额3000元,材料已验收入库,货款尚未支付。 4.购买汽车一辆,买价60000元,款项已通过银行存款支付。 5.向银行申请2年借款100000元,借款已划入企业银行存款账户。 要求:编制相关会计分录。 1、借:库存现金 30000 贷:银行存款 30000 2、借:应付职工薪酬 30000 贷:库存现金 30000 3、借:原材料 30000 贷:应付账款 30000 4、借:固定资产60000 贷:银行存款 60000 5、借:银行存款100000 贷:长期借款 100000 第二套 1、某企业12月份发生下列有关存货的经济业务: 1.12月1日,购入A材料50千克,每千克100元,计价款5 000元,增值税进项税额850元,均已用银行存款支付,材料尚未到达。 2.12月5日,购入B材料200千克,每千克400元,计价款80 000元,增值税进项税额13 600元,款项未付,材料已验收入库。 3.12月6日,上月购入的C材料200千克,每千克200元,今日到达并验收入库。 4.12月12日,销售给红光厂甲产品100千克,每千克2 000元,增值税销项税额34 000元,款项尚未收到。 5.12月17日,收到红光厂转来的货款234 000元,存入银行。 要求:根据上述资料,使用借贷记账法编制会计分录。 1、借:在途物资 5000 应交税费-应交增值税(进项税额)850 贷:银行存款 5850


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


成人学位英语考试模拟试题 Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points) Directions:There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 第1题单选Tommy:Mommy,when will we have dinner?I’m starvin9. Mother:__________.We have to wait for Daddy. A.Soon,honey B.Quickly,honey C.OK,honey D.All right,honey 参考答案:A

第2题单选narta:I like the red shirt than the black one. Allen:Really?__________? Malta:The red one is longer and a little looser SO it will be more comfortable. A.How come B.Why not C.How much D.So what 参考答案:A 第3题单选Jiang:Which do you__________,wine or spirits? Green:I’d like to have a little wine first.


北师大版八年级下册生物复习提纲 第21章生命的发生和发展 一.生命起源过程: 原始大气与现代大气的主要区别是原始大气没有氧气。 三.生物进化的最直接证据是化石,越简单、越低等的生物的化石总是出现在越古老的地层里; 越复杂、越高等的生物的化石总是出现在越新近形成的地层里。 六、寒武纪:三叶虫时代,寒武纪出现的海口虫—脊椎动物的祖先;中生代:恐龙时代。在地质年代早期只有最简单的生物,越是地质年代晚期,生物种类越多和现存生物也较接近;这说明现在的各种各样的生物是漫长历史的产物,生物经历了由漫长的演变过程。七.生物进化历程: 原始单细胞藻类→原始多细胞藻类→原始苔藓→原始蕨类→原始种子植物(植物进化系统树) 单细胞动物(原生动物)……→无脊椎动物……→原始脊椎动物……→脊椎动物(动物进化系统树) 八.生物进化趋势:从低等到高等,从简单到复杂,从水生到陆生。 九.达尔文—生物进化的自然选择学说 概念:在生存斗争中,通过激烈的竞争,适者生存,不适者被淘汰的过程。 过程:自然选择是通过生存竞争实现的,生物的多样性和适应性是自然选择的结果。 意义:生物通过遗传、变异、自然选择而不断进化。 人工选择:按照人们的喜爱精心选择和培育形成的,如宠物狗、金鱼、毛质好的绵羊等。 十、四个现代类人猿:猩猩,大猩猩,黑猩猩,长臂猿。类人猿与人类来自共同的祖先(森林古猿),人类祖先与猿分界的重要标志是两足直立行走 直立人有:元谋人、北京猿人智人有:山顶洞人 第22章物种的多样性 第1\2节生物的分类和植物的主要类群 一、藻类植物的主要特征:结构简单,是单细胞或多细胞个体,无根、茎、叶等器官的分化;细胞里有叶绿体,能进行光合作用;大都生活在水中,少数生活在潮湿的陆地上。 藻类植物通过光合作用制造的有机物可以作为鱼的饵料,还为水生动物提供氧气,也是大气中氧气的重要来源。 藻类的经济意义:①海带、紫菜、海白菜等可食用②从藻类植物中提取的碘、褐藻胶、琼脂等可供工业、医药上使用③可作为水域是否被污染的指示植物(赤潮现象) 二、苔藓植物的植物体有两种类型:一种有茎、叶的分化,但茎很细小,叶又小又薄,如葫芦藓、墙藓;另一种没有茎、叶的分化,植物体只是扁平的叶状体,如地钱。 特征:苔藓植物的根是假根,不能吸收水分和无机盐,而苔藓植物的茎和叶中没有输导组织,不能运输水分。所以苔藓植物不能脱离开水的环境,并且植株很矮小。 生活环境:阴湿的地面或背阴的墙壁上。 苔藓植物的应用:①苔藓植物密集生长,植株之间的缝隙能够涵蓄水分,所以,成片的苔藓植物对林地、山野的水土保持具有一定的作用。 ②苔藓植物对二氧化硫等有毒气体十分敏感,在污染严重的城市和工厂附近很难生存。人们利用这个特点,把苔藓植物当作监测空气污染程度的指示植物。


初级会计职称《初级经济法基础》考前训练题 初级会计职称考试是实行全国统一组织、统一考试时间、统一考试大纲、统一考试命题、统一合格标准的考试制度,那么是怎样的呢?以下仅供参考! 多项选择题 1 下列各项中,属于持卡人持贷记卡办理刷卡消费等非现金交易所享受的优惠有( )。 A.免息还款期待遇 B.免年费待遇 C.最低还款额待遇 D.免收账户维护费待遇 参考答案:A,C 参考解析 本题考核银行卡的相关规定。贷记卡持卡人非现金交易享受免息还款期待遇和最低还款额待遇。免年费待遇和免收账户维护费待遇只是部分发卡银行为争夺客户采取的措施,并不是一个普遍性的制度规定。故选AC。 2 按照我国《资源税暂行条例》及其实施细则的规定,下列有关资源税销售数量的表述中,正确的有( )。 A.纳税人开采或者生产应税产品销售的,以实际销售数量为销售数量 B.纳税人开采或者生产应税产品自用的,以移送时的自用数量为销售数量 C.纳税人以自产的液体盐加工固体盐,按固体盐税额征税,以加工的固体盐数量为销售数量 D.原油中的稠油、高凝油与稀油划分不清或不易划分的,-律按原油的数量课税 参考答案:A,B,C,D 参考解析 本题考核资源税的计税依据。 3 根据我国《营业税暂行条例》及其实施细则的规定,下列各项中,属于营业税征收范围的行业有( )。 A.加工服装业务 B.演出业务 C.租赁房屋业务 D.修缮房屋业务 参考答案:A,B,C,D 参考解析 本题考核营业税的征收范围。加工、修理修配业务属于增值税的征税范围。 4 根据我国《营业税暂行条例》及其实施细则的规定,在我国境内提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或者销售不动产,应缴纳营业税。下列各项中,应当缴纳营业税的有( )。 A.在境内组织旅客出境旅游 B.销售的不动产在境内 C.转让企业产权中涉及的土地、房屋转让 D.所转让的无形资产在境内使用 参考答案:A,B,D 参考解析 本题考核对营业税“境内”的理解。“境内”指所提供的劳务发生在境内,包括转让的无形资产在境内使用,转让企业产权不征营业税,涉及的土地、房屋转让也不征营业税。 5 在税款征收过程中,纳税人依法享有-定权利。下列各项中,属于纳税****利的有( )。


一、会话技能(1-15) 1.Eve: ______ Ivy: I am fine, thank you. And you? A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Are you well again? D. What about your health? [答案]B 【精析】选项A用于初次见面或不熟悉的人之间见面时的问候,而选项C和D在英语中不符合表达习惯,只有选项B用于平时的问候。 2.Dale: ______ Would you please tell me the time? Laura: It's ten past nine. A. I am sorry. B. I beg your pardon. C. Excuse me. D. Hello, how do you do? [答案]C 【精析】选项C(对不起,打扰了)是在请求别人帮忙或打扰别人时使用。选项A用于不小心伤害到别人时;选项B用于请求别人原谅或没听清楚对方所说的话时;选项D用于初次见面或不熟悉的人之间见面时。 3.Linda: ______ I haven't seen you for ages. Lucy: I have just come back from the USA. A. Where have you been? B. Where have you gone? C. Oh, how I miss you!

D. Are you back from the USA? [答案]A 【精析】由答语可知是询问某人去了哪里,可排除选项C、D,选项A“你去了哪里?”(去过又回来了);选项B“你去了哪里?”(去了一直还没回来)。从题中对话可知露西已经回来了,因而选择A。 4.Mary: We're having a few people over for a dinner party Friday. We'd love to have you. Tom: ______ A. Oh, I'd love to. But I’m afraid. B. Oh, really! What time should I come? C. No, I have to prepare for the exam. D. Yes, though I have to take the exam. [答案]B 【精析】Mary邀请Tom出席星期五的宴会。选项A(噢,我愿意,但我恐怕)表达不完全;选项B(噢,真的吗?那我几点钟来?)符合交际语境;选项C(不来,我要准备考试)、选项D(好,虽然我要参加考试)表达不够委婉,过于直接,而且一般不用yes跟no应答别人的陈述句。 5.Son: I'm terribly sorry. Mom, I've broken an Italian vase. Mom: ______ A. Oh, what a shame! B. Oh, dear, how awful it is! C. Oh, that doesn't matter. D. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. [答案]C 【精析】儿子告诉母亲说自己打破了一个意大利花瓶,并表示抱歉。这时候母亲应该是原谅他。所以只有选项C(哦,不要紧)符合题意。选项A(真可耻!)、B(太糟糕了!)与D(很遗憾)都不符合语境。 6.Teacher: You're late again!


北师大版八年级生物下册教案(全册) 北师大版八年级生物下册教案全套第七单元生命的演化 生命的发生和发展 生命的起源 一.教学目标 1.比较区别神创论自然发生论生生论宇宙生命论和化学进化论等有关生命起源的几种主要观点 2.简单评述科学家通过实验否定自然发生学说的过程 3.描述多数学者公认的化学进化的大体过程 二.教学重难点 1.雷迪实验和巴斯德实验 2.化学进化过程和米勒实验 3.原始地球条件下的化学进化过程 三.教学过程 提出问题地球上现在存在的生物是形形色色丰富多彩的每一个生物的新个体都是由上一代个体经过生殖过程产生的那么最早的生物是从哪里来的第一个生物是怎样形成的 这些问题是这一章我们要讨论的问题 我们首先要讨论最早的生物是如何形成的

曾有一个学说称为神创论认为地球上的所有生命都是上帝创造的上帝最初创造了多少种生物地球上现在就有多少种生物而且生物之间没有任何亲缘关系我们是否能接受这一观点如果生物是由上帝创造的上帝又是谁创造的 如果生物不是上帝创造的地球上的生物又是从哪里来的 古代的人们认为生物可以从非生命物质直接转变而来如腐肉生蛆腐草化萤白石生羊等 这就是自然发生论讨论这种观点是否正确如果不正确怎样推翻这一观点 17世纪意大利医生雷地第一次用实验证明腐肉不能生蛆蛆是苍蝇在肉上产的卵孵化形成的雷地的实验严谨而 且有说服力说明较大的动物不能自然发生 法国微生物学家巴斯德做了一个最令人信服却十分简单的鹅颈瓶实验他将肉汤装入带有弯曲细管的瓶中弯管是开口的空气可以无阻挡地进入巴斯德将瓶中的液体煮沸使液体中的微生物全部被杀死然后放冷静置结果瓶中没有出现微生物若打断曲颈管一段时间后瓶中就出现微生物了巴斯德的实验彻底推翻了生物可以由非生物直接转变形成 于是生生论产生了 如果生物不能由非生物直接转变形成地球上的生命又是如何产生的天外来客 经过人类不断的研究探索现代科学家认为在今天的地球条件下生命不可能从非生命物质直接转变形成但在 地球形成初期地球的自然条件与现在不同那时的地球具备形成最简单生命的条件


《基础会计》考前训练习题5-6章(1) 一、单项选择题 91、会计核算工作的起点是( C ) A、复式记账 B、登记账簿 C、填制和审核会计凭证 D、编制会计报表 92、( A )是记录经济业发生或完成情况书面证明,也是登记账簿的依据。 A、记账凭证 B、原始凭证 C、专用凭证 D、会计凭证 93、( A )是在经济业务发生或完成时取得或填制的,用以记录或证明经济业务的发生或完成情况的书面证明。 A、原始凭证 B、记账凭证 C、收款凭证 D、付款凭证

94、在一定时期内连续记录若干项同类经济业务的自制原始凭证是( B ) A、一次凭证 B、累计凭证 C、汇总凭证 D、原始凭证汇总表 95、( D )是指根据一定时期内,若干相同的原始凭证汇总编制成的原始凭证。 A、记账凭证汇总 B、累计凭证 C、一次凭证 D、原始凭证汇总表 96、下列各项中不属于原始凭证的有( C ) A、销货发票 B、借据 C、固定资产卡片 D、运费结算凭证 97、下列属于汇总原始凭证的有( C ) A、科目汇总表 B、汇总记账凭证 C、限额领料单 D、工资结算汇总表

98、会计人员在审核购货发票及材料入库单时发现,该批材料采购量过大。则该原始凭证所反映的经济业务是( B ) A、不合法 B、不合理 C、不完整 D、不正确 99、外来原始凭证一般都是( A ) A、一次凭证 B、汇总凭证 C、累计凭证 D、原始凭证汇总表 100、将会计凭证分为原始凭证和记账凭证两大类的依据是( B ) A、凭证填制的时间 B、凭证填制的程序和用途 C、凭证填制的方法 D、凭证所反映的经济内容 101、用大写表示人民币30010.56元的正确写法是( A ) A、人民币叁万零壹拾元零伍角陆分 B、人民币三万零十元五角


(90 minutes) Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points; 15 minutes) Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. In no circumstances __________ a lie. A. you should tell B. shouldn't you tell C. you shouldn't tell D. should you tell 2.__________they managed to take from the tombs, there seemed to be no end to the valuable. A. What B. Which C. How much D. However much 3. The ten-page report may __________ one simple point: it ’s impractical to establish a chemical plant in that region with so many difficulties and oppositions. A. get down to B. come down to C. settle down D. take down 4. Don’ t do that again! You not only endangered yourself, but also put your friend __________. A. as a result B. at length C. at risk D. by mistake 5. “ Perhaps you should go home now. ” “ No, I __________ on staying here for a while longer. ” A. persist B. stick C. sit D. insist 6. __________ a major disaster will get us to realize that we can’ t go on destroying the rain forests of the world. A. Anything but B. Nothing but C. But that D. Everything hut 7. Wewent very often to Hyde Park __________ speakers addressed the passing crowds on different subjects. A. which B. where C. that D. for 8. The matter __________ you were arguing about last night had been settled. A. as B. that


) 一(学位英语模拟试题及答案. 广东省成人高等教育学士学位外语水平考试模拟试题(一) 英语试卷一

Dialogue Completion (15 points)Part I incomplete are 15 Directions: There short dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices to one Choose the best C and marked A, B, D. complete the dialogue and mark

your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Jack: Can I help with your luggage? Linda: ______________ A. No, you'd better not. Thank you anyway. B. No, not necessary. Thank you anyway. C. No, thanks. I can manage it. D. No, please. I can do. 2. Customer: ____________ a you have Receptionist: Certainly, do reservation? is Collins, Mr. the Customer: Yes, name and Mrs. Collins.

A. I'd like to rest here, please. B. I'd like to check in, please. ike to rent a room, please. C. I'd l D. I'd like to stay in, please. opera tickets for an got 3. David: We've some


1、[单选题] 以下经营成果中,不属于企业收入的是( )。 A.施工企业建造合同取得的收入 B.提供劳务取得的收入 C.处置投资性房地产取得的收入 D.出售无形资产取得的净收益 出售无形资产不属于日常活动,所以取得的净收益不属于收入,而是利得。 2、[多选题] 下列各项中,体现实质重于形式要求的有( )。 A.将融资租入固定资产视为自有固定资产入账 B.关联方关系的判断 C.售后租回形成融资租赁业务在会计上不确认收入 D.把企业集团作为会计主体编制合并财务报表 实质重于形式要求企业应当按照交易或事项的经济实质进行核算,而不仅仅按照它们的法律形式作为会计核算的依据。四个选项均体现实质重于形式要求,其中选项D,企业集团一般不是法律主体,但母子公司都是法律主体,编制合并财务报表是从实质上反映集团整体财务信息,所以体现实质重于形式会计信息质量要求。 3、[单选题] 下列各项中,不符合历史成本计量属性的是( )。 A.发出存货计价所使用的先进先出法 B.实质上具有融资性质的分期付款购入的固定资产 C.无形资产摊销 D.长期股权投资权益法核算 选项B,属于现值计量属性,不属于历史成本计量属性。 4、[多选题] 下列说法中,符合可靠性要求的有( )。 A.企业提供的会计信息应当与财务报告使用者的经济决策需要相关 B.如实反映符合确认和计量要求的各项会计要素及其他相关信息 C.保证会计信息真实可靠、内容完整 D.企业提供的会计信息应当清晰明了,便于财务报告使用者理解和使用 E.同一企业对于不同时期发生的相同或者相似的交易或者事项,应当采用一致的会计政策,不得随意变更 选项A,属于相关性会计信息质量要求;选项D,属于可理解性会计信息质量要求;选项E,属于可比性会计信息质量要求。 5、[多选题] 下列各项资产、负债中,应当采用公允价值进行后续计量的有( )。 A.持有以备出售的商品 B.为交易目的持有的5年期债券 C.远期外汇合同形成的衍生金融负债 D.实施以现金结算的股份支付计划形成的应付职工薪酬 确定存货按照成本与可变现净值孰低进行期末计量,不采用公允价值计量,选项A错误;为交易目的而持有的债券属于交易性金融资产核算的范围,后续计量采用公允价值,选项B 正确;远期外汇合同形成的衍生金融负债属于交易性金融负债,后续计量采用公允价值,选


成人本科学士学位英语统一考试题及答案 2011.11.05 PartⅠReading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: The reflective towers of New York City, which is on the Atlantic migrating(迁徙的)route , can be deadly for birds. “We live in an age of glass,”said https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae16191278.html,urel, an architect.(76)“It can be a perfect mirror in certain lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is.” About 90,000 birds are killed by flying into building in the city each year. Often, they strike the lower levels of glass towers after searching for food in nearby parks. Such crashes are the second-leading cause of death for migrating birds, after habitat(栖息地)loss, with an estimated number of death ranging up to a billion a year. (77)As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds. San Francisco adopted bird-safety standard for new building in July. The United States Green Building Council, a nonprofit industry group that encourages the creation of environmentally conscious buildings, will introduce a bird-safety credit this as part of its environmental certification process. There are no easy fixes, however. A few researchers are exploring glass designs that use ultraviolet(紫外线的)signals, but they are still in their infancy. Covers, dot patterns, shades and net are the main options available. Often, only one section of a building needs to be changed. “You don't necessarily have to treat every window,”https://www.360docs.net/doc/ae16191278.html,urel said. “It would be too expensive to do the whole building.”The Jacob Convention Center, which has been undergoing alterations, is the most recent building to voluntarily correct the problem of bird crashes. The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. New York is a city of glass towers. B. Glass tower are dangerous for migrating birds. C. New York adopted new safety standards for buildings. D. Glass towers are a new trend in the United States. 2. What is the number one cause of death for migrating birds? A. Climate change B. Habitat loss C. Lack of food D. Crashing into buildings. 3. What does the word “fixes”in the third paragraph probably mean? A. Choices B. Explanations C. Solutions D. Developments 4. _____are used in the alteration of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. A. Dot patterns B. Shades C. Nets D. Covers 5. Which of the fowling statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. In many cases, the whole building needs to be altered to prevent bird crashes. B. The Jacob K.Javits Convention Center is the first building to deal with the problem of bird crashes. C. About 90,000 birds are killed due to habitat loss in New York City each year. D. Unfortunately, glass designs that use ultraviolet signals are still in their early stages. Passage 2 Question 6 to 10 are based on the fowling passage: Today's students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F.D.R., and they live in a world where amazing innovations(革新)are common. The current 18-year-olds, after all, were 8 when Google was founded by two students at Stanford; Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 while he was Harvard and they were entering high school. Having grown up digital(数字的),they are impatient to get on with life. The easiest way to find kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship(企业家才能)education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them.


2013湖南学位英语仿真模拟试题 试题(一) Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you. You say “I wish I could help you but I’m short of money myself.” In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not paying his debt and y ou don’t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this. Is this rally a lie? Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of Southern California has made a scientific study of lying. (76)According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly w hen telling a “white lie”, such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. However, this is only one side of the story. Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intension of fulfilling. This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way. Research has also be en done into the way people’s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual. T o the trained observer th ey are saying “I wish I were somewhere else now.” They also tend to touch certain parts of the face more often, in particular the nose. One explanation of this may be that lying causes a slight increase in blood pressure. The tip of the nose is very sensitive to such changes and the increased pressures make it itch. Another gesture which gives liars away is what the writer Desmond Morris in his book Manwatching calls “the mouth cover”.(77)He says there are several typical forms of this, such as covering part of the mouth with the fingers, touching the upper-lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side of the mouth. Such a gesture


第七单元生命的演化 第21章生命的发生和发展 一、知识网络 1.生命起源的几种主要观点:神创论、自然发生说、宇宙生命论、化学进化学说等。 2.原始大气的主要成分有氨、氢、甲烷和水蒸气等。 3.形成原始生命的条件是紫外线、闪电、热能和宇宙射线。 4.原始生命诞生的场所是原始海洋。 5.生命起源的过程:无机物→有机小分子→有机大分子→多分子体系→原始生命。 6.生物进化的化石记录:形成越早的古老地层中,化石生物种类少,结构简单,形成越晚的地层中,化石生物种类多结构复杂而高等。 8.化石的概念:化石是指保存在地层中的古代生物的遗体、遗物和遗迹。 9.地球上生物进化的总趋势是:从简单到复杂、从低等到高等、从水生到陆生。 10.地球约有46亿年的历史。地质学家把地球的发展历史划分为若干地质年代,主要包括太古代、元古代、古生代、中生代、新生代等;元古代出现了细菌蓝藻;古生代有蕨类植物、两栖类动物及有翅的昆虫;中生代又叫“爬行动物时代”,哺乳动物开始出现;新生代哺乳动物和被子植物称为优势种。 11.达尔文的自然选择学说:过度繁殖、生存斗争、遗传和变异、适者生存。 12.达尔文与1859年发表巨著《物种起源》提出了以自然学说为核心的生物进化理论。 13.人类起源:森林古猿。人类的进化阶段包括南方古猿、能人、直立人、智人。 14.现在人种包括:蒙古利亚人(黄种人)、高加索人(白种人)、尼格罗人(黑种人)、澳大利亚人(棕色人种)。 二.基础练习 1.“神创论”中关于生命起源的故事,东方人认为人是由制造的,而西方人认为 是由制造的。你认为这些神话有科学依据吗?随着科技的进步,研究的深入,许多科学家提出了一些关于生命起源的假说,比如“自然发生说”认为;“生生论”认为。 2.意大利医生弗朗西斯克·雷迪不相信腐肉能生蛆,做了两个实验: (1)在这两组实验中里,他在四个瓶子里放进新鲜的肉块,有的瓶口密封了,有的瓶口没有密封,这样处理的目的是。 (2)过了几天,那些敞口的、苍蝇能自由出入的瓶中的肉都长出了蛆,而那些密封了的瓶子里,尽管肉也已腐烂、变臭,但却没有生出蛆来。他由此得出结论,蛆是。 (3)由此可以看出,雷迪的实验大大动摇了关于生命起源的假说 3. 巴斯德“__________”实验的结果使人们坚信:“生命只能来源于________,非生命物质绝对不能随时自发的产生________.”这一观点称为“_________”。 4.持化学进化观点的学者认为:原始大气的主要成份有______、_______、_______、___________但没有__________.
