









(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.)


(You can make IDD call in your room.)


(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.)


(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?)


(It looks something wrong with the telephone.)


(The bath tub in room 2135 isout of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?)


(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..)


(This is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.)


(I would like to have a room service.)


(There is a mini bar in your room.)


(My room hasn’t been made up yet.It’s already 12:00.)


(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.)


(The TV set in my room doesn’t give clear picture)


(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.)


(It’s free of charge to use internet in the room.)


(There is a safe in your room.)


(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view)


(This is your room key. Our bellboy will show you to your room.)


(I’ve come to collect your laundry.)


(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests.)(二)中餐宴会摆台


(How many persons in your dinner party?)


(May I know the time for your dinner reservation?)


(In which name, please?)


(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)


(Where would you like to sit?)


(Will this table be all right for you?)


(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)


(May I take your order now?)


(I’m very sorry. But I’ll go to rush your order right now)


(What wine would you like to have?)


(Here is the menu. The waitress will be with you in a moment.)


(Would you like some more rice?)


(the restaurant is full now. but we might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.)


(The duty manager will come here soon.)


(We will answer you as soon as possible)


(We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.)


(Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?)


(Will you pay by credit card or in cash?)


(Your table is ready, sir. Could you come with me, please?)


(The Italian restaurant is on the second floor of the hotel.)



(Western Restaurant. May I help you?)


(Would you like Club sandwich?)


(Would you like your steak well done or rare?)


(I’d like a cup of whisky on the rock.)


(Would you like to order a dessert?)


(What kinds of pie do you have?)


(Would you like anything else, sir?)


(May I make out the bill for you now?)


(Would you like to put that on yourhotel bill?)


(Sorry, you can’t sign the bill here.)


(What would you like to have for your breakfast?)


(What do you serve for Continental breakfast?)


(I’d prefer the table in the corner. Can you arrange it for me?)


(How would you like to make your payment?)


(Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?)


(Could you recommend some good wine to us?)


(Would you like to see the menu?)


(Can I have the same dish as that?)


(What would you like to start?)


(It will take 30 minutes by taxi from hotel to the airport.)



(I'll return to take your order in a while.)

62、"Bourbon on the rocks"的意思是波本威士忌加冰块。

("Bourbon on the rocks" is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes.)


( Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.)


(We have a bottle of wine that has been preserved for twenty years.)


( Mao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine.)


( Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time.)


( I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you? )


(There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?)


( Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It never goes to the head.)


( The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes? )


( We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself. )


( Would you mind opening the window by the table? )


( If you don't mind, we can take care of your baggage for you. )


( We have got good drinks. )

75、“绿岛”(鸡尾酒名) 的口感相当好。

(“Green Island”tastes very good/excellent. )


( Our special is the local beer. )


( They are rice wines, made from rice. )


(We have got some newly made cocktails, such as “White Beauty”, “Water Cube”, and “Bird’ Nest” )

79、“罗马假日” (鸡尾酒名)看上去不错。

( “Holiday In Rome” looks nice. )


( The taste of “Pink Lady” is sweet.



1.Housekeeping, May I come in?


2.When would you like me to clean your room?


3.Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now?


4.I need one more pillow please.


5.The air-conditioner doesn’t work.


6.We'll dry-clean the dress.


7.When can I have my laundry back?


8.Do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on same-day?


9.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times of the laundry charge.


10.The water tap was dripping all night long.


11.If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


12.Please deposit your money, jewels and other valuables in the hotel safe.


13.Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.


14.I assure you it will never happen again.


15.Please keep your room key with you all the time in case you need it when you

sign your bills.


16.You can make long distance call from your room.


17.Local calls made from the hotel room are free of charge.


18.Here’s a letter for you, Mr. White.


19.The business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


20.Is it possible to rent a bike here?



21.The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.


22.Here is your card and invoice.


23.I want a table with a view of the garden.


24.May I have a print of your credit card?


25.You reserved a table for two by the window.


26.Would you like the table by the window?


27.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.


28.What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant?


29.What’s your recommendation for us?


30.Would you like to try our House Specialty?


31.It looks good, smells good and tastes good.


32.There is a street where the local food is served. (有条街提供当地小吃。)

33.We will change you to non-smoking area.


34.How long does it take from here to the airport?


35.Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food?


36.How long do you think we will have to wait?


37.Beggar’s Chicken is one of the most famous dishes of Hangzhou.


38.Would you care for a drink before you order, sir?


39.We’d like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics.


40.The total amount is one hundred and eighty Yuan.



41.How would you like your steak cooked?


42.Would you like your steak well done or rare?


43.I’d like a cup of whisky on the rock.


44.If you need ice cube, please contact Housekeeping.


45.You can try our new Thai style food.


46.You can book the tickets in the business center.


47.Is there a Muslim restaurant nearby?


48.I would like a cup of tea with a slice of lemon,please.


49.The Reception Desk is straight ahead.(接待处就在前面。)

50.What would you like to go with your steak?


51.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Great Wall?


52.You can go to the railway station by subway.


53.It is about 20 minutes’ drive from Tiananmen Square to the National Stadium.


54.Here is the menu and the wine list. Would you like to order an aperitif?


55.Do you fancy a starter?


56.Could you tell me how to use chopsticks?


57.By the way, what is this thing under the chopsticks?


58.I’ve never had any food as delicious as this.


59.Would you like to see our cake selection?


60.Have you decided on anything, Madam?



61.I’d like a glass of “ Tree Shadow In Coconut Forest” (鸡尾酒名).


62.“Summer Sunshine” (鸡尾酒名) would be nice.


63.People like “Dance Of Bright Sun” (鸡尾酒名) very much.


64.“Star Of Good Fortune”(鸡尾酒名) sells well. (“幸运星”销路很好。)

65.“Setting Sun At Dusk”(鸡尾酒名) sounds very interesting.


66.Would you like a table, near the bar or by the window?


67.Here are some peanuts, and they are free. Please enjoy.


68.I’d like a glass of whiskey, straight up.


69.How about a “night up”?


70.Two ounces scotch on the rocks,please


71.The name of “Bright Stars” (鸡尾酒名) is romantic.

( “星光灿烂”的名字很浪漫。)

72.A glass of whiskey, half and half.

( 一杯威士忌,一半水,一半酒。)

73.How would you like your brandy, up or down?

( 您的威士忌,加冰还是不加冰?)

74.Scotch over,please.


75.“Love Story” (鸡尾酒名) and “Very Warm Kiss” (鸡尾酒名) are different from

each other.

( “爱情故事”和“烫热之吻”互不相同。)

76.Make it two, please.


77.Please bring me a pot of hot coffee.


78.Do you honor this credit card?


79.Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me.


80.There is d ifference between “Burning Sun”(鸡尾酒名) and “Dance of Bright

Sun” (鸡尾酒名).

( “烈日骄阳”和“艳阳之舞”之间有不同点。)



1. If the guest wants to make an international call, how would you tell him?

(Dial 9(or other number) first and then your country code, city code and the number you want.)

2.If the guest comes to you and says he/she can not open the door, what would you


( I would go with him to him room to have a check. And have his key changed if necessary )

3.When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would

you say? (I will pick up your laundry soon and may I have your room number?)

4.When you are going to clean the room for the guest, and the guest tells you it is

not convenient for him now, what would you do?

(I’ll ask the guest when it will be convenient and note it down in the logbook.)

5.When the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and wants an extra pillow,

what would you say?

(We will send one to you immediately, and may I have your room number?)

6.If the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and says he/she is very cold,

how would you do?

(I’ll tell the guest there is a blanket or quilt in the closet, or I’ll send him/her an extra blanket or quilt.)

7.When you are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but the guest is

working, what would you do?

( I would ask the guest if it is ok to do now, if not, when it will be convenient.)

8.If the guest calls the service center and says the bulb in his room is broken, what

would you do?

(I’ll apologize to the guest and tell him/her the electrician will be there soon.)

9.How would you introduce your guestroom to the guest?

(I would tell the guest about the equipment, the views, the service guide, and

security of the guestroom)

10.If the guest comes to tell you that his room is smoky and he wants to change it.

But you do not have another room available. What would you do to solve the problem?

(I would first apologize for it and explain the situation to him and help him

get rid of the smell by opening the window and cleaning the air.)


11.You are the waiter/waitress, and you want the guest to sign the bill, what should

you say? (Would you please sign the bill, sir/madam?)

12.What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation?

(May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam?)

13.What would you say to confirm the guest’s order?

(May I repeat your order now?)

14.What is “Mapo Tofu”?(Mapo Tofu is spicy bean curd, it is a classical Chinese


15.When a guest calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you

have to know?

(I have to know the date and time for the reservation, how many persons, and if

there is any special requirement)

16.If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do?

(I would apologize to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give

him discount according to the situation.)

17.How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest?

(I would tell the guest the business hours of the restaurant, the specialty, the

popular dishes, the taste and so on.)

18.How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest?

(I would tell him about the business hours, the specialties, and the special

programs and so on)

19.When the guest finishes his dinner, and you want to know his suggestion, what

would you say?

(I would ask the guest whether he has enjoyed the dinner or whether there is anything the hotel can do to improve.)

20.If the guest wants to have something which your restaurant doesn’t have, what

would you say to him?

( Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But can I suggest

some ...?)


21.After the guest pays the bill, and you want to express your good wishes, what

would you say?

(Thank you for your having chosen our restaurant and have a good time

staying in our hotel.)

22.If the guest wants to know the business hours for breakfast, what would you say?

( The breakfast is served from 6:00 am to 10:00 am )

23.If you learned that the guest would leave the hotel very early next morning. What

suggestion would you give him?

(I would suggest him to have his bills paid in the night in case there is hurry

in the morning.)

24.What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal?

(Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?)

25.When the guest orders the beefsteak, what do you have to pay attention to?

(How would the guest like it done: well done or rare.)

26.If you find that the guest leaves the restaurant without paying his bill, what

would you do?

(I would go and politely tell him that he has forgotten to pay his bill.)

27.If the guest comes to the Western Restaurant for Chinese food, what would you


(I would say sorry to him and tell him where to go to have Chinese food.)

28.If the restaurant is full when the guest comes, what would you say to the guest?

(I would say “w e are very sorry, but there is no seat available at the moment.

Could you please just wait for a moment?”)

29.If the guest takes out his cigarette and starts smoking in a non-smoking area in

the restaurant, what would you do?

( I would go to him and politely tell him that this is a non-smoking area and

ask him to smoke in the smoking area.)

30.While you are on duty. What would you say if the guest invites you to a drink?

(I would tell him that I am working. So I’m not supposed to accept the

guest’s invitation. But I would thank him all the same.)


31. What drinks do guests usually order after meal?

( After meal, guests usually order Brandy or Liqueur of port wine 波尔图


32. What is champagne?

( Champagne is a sparkling, dry, white wine originally from the region of

Chamagne. )

33. What is cognac?

(Cognac is a brandy distilled in the town of Cognac, France.)

34. What is whiskey?

(Whiskey is distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain, usually containing

from 43 to 50 percent alcohol.)

35. What does “V.S.O.P” mean?

( “V.S.O.P” means V—very S—superior O—old P—pale. )

36. Can you mention four major kinds of Cocktail?

(They are Short Drink(短饮类), Long Drink(长饮类), On the Rock(洛

克类)and Shooter(舒特类)).

37. Can you tell the four basic methods to make cocktail?

(They are shake (摇和法), stir (调和法), build (兑合法) and blend (搅和

法). )

38. What does “on the rocks”mean?

(“on the rocks”means served over ice cubes, that is to say, putting the ice

cubes into the glass, and then pouring the liquor on the ice.)

39. What kind of drink is cocktail?

(The cocktail is a drink made by blending spirits together or adding

condiments to a wine or more.)

40. What does “Dry”mean?

(As for Wine, “Dry”means “not contain any sugar”. As for Jin and Beer, “Dry”means “strong”)


Situational dialogues

1.You are the hotel representative of your hotel, you come to the airport to meet Miss.

White and escort her to your hotel.

2.You are a reservationist. Miss White comes to the front desk to make a reservation.

3.You are a reservationist. Miss White wants to book a room on the phone. She can

book a room in your hotel.

4.You are a reservationist. Miss White wants to book a room, but your hotel is fully


5.You are a reservationist. Miss White wants to cancel her reservation.

6.You are a reservationist. Miss White wants to book rooms for group guests.

7. You are a bellman.Miss White has just arrived at your hotel. Help her with her luggage ,and take her to the front desk.

8. You are a bellman. Miss White has just finished check-in. Take her to her room and introduce some hotel services and facilities.

9. Miss White has been waiting for her luggage for half an hour in the room, so she calls to the bell captain’s desk.

10. You are a bellman.Miss White has just checked out. Help her with her luggage and

call a taxi for her.

11.You are a receptionist. Miss White wants to check-in, she has a reservation.

12.You are a receptionist. Miss White wants to check-in, she has no reservation.

13. You are a receptionist. Miss White wants to check-in for a group who has a


14. You are a receptionist. Miss White wants to extend her stay for two more days.

15. You are a receptionist. Miss White wants to change her room, because the

air-conditioner makes too much noice.

16. You are a clerk at the information desk. Miss White comes to the hotel to visit her

friend. Ask Miss White to wait for her friend in the lobby.

17. You are a clerk at the information desk. Miss White comes to the hotel to visit her

friend, but her friend in not in, so she wants to leave a message .

18. You are a clerk at the information desk. Miss White wants to go for

sightseeing.Recommend her the West Lake and show her the way.

19. You are a clerk at the information desk. Miss White wants to buy some souvenirs in

Hangzhou. Recommend her some local products and show her the way.

20. Miss White wants to try some local dishes.Recommend a famous restaurant and show

her the way.

21. Miss White wants to go to a teahouse. Recommend a famous teahouse and show

the way.

22. Miss White wants to go to the recreation center in the hotel.Tell her something about

the recreation facilities and show her the way.

23. Miss White wants to know where the Chinese restaurant is. Show her the way and

answer some more questions.

24. You are a cashier. Miss White wants to check out. She pays the bill by credit card.

25. You are a cashier.Miss White wants to check out. She pays the bill in cash. The bill is

not correct.

26. You are a cashier. Miss White wants to check out. She pays the bill with Amercian

Express traveller’s check. She asks you to explain the bill.

27. You are a cashier. Miss White wants to exchange some foreign currencies.

28. You are a cashier. Miss White wants to check out for her group guests. She wants to

sign the bill.

29. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to book an air ticket to


30. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to book 3 train tickets to


31. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to go to the theater to see

Shaoxing Opera, she wants to book a ticket.

32. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to see “Impression

Hangzhou”, she wants to book two tickets.

33. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to send a fax to her friend.

34. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to have her documents

copied and also she wants you to tpye some material for her.

35. You are a clerk at the business center. Miss White wants to post some letters and buy

some postcards.

36.You are an operator. Answer the call from outside.

37. You are an operator. Miss White wants to call to her friend in Beijing,, she asks you

how to make it.

38. You are an operator. Miss White wants to make a collect call to New york.

39. You are an operator. Miss White asks you how to make a room to room call.

40. You are an operator. Miss White wants to have a morning call.


Unit 1 Room Reservations

Part One Making Reservation On Telephone

( R= Reservationist, G=Guest)

Reservationist: Jingjiang Hotel, can I help you?

Guest: Yes, I’m calling from Canada.I’d like to reserve a room in your hotel.

R: Certainly, Sir, what kind of room do you prefer? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and

presidential styles.⑴

G: I’ll go with my family,so I’d like to book a triple room, do you have it in your hotel? R: I’m afraid not, but I recommend you connecting rooms, it is also for families.

G: Ok, a connecting room with shower, please. By the way. what’s the room rate for a connecting room?

R: US$200 per night. Will it be ok for you?

G: Yes, I expect so

R: Would you like breakfast?

G: No, thanks.

R: Ok, when for, Sir?

G: From 1st until the 4th of May.

R: Could you hold on for a moment, please? I have to check our record. (Sorry for waiting)That’ll be all

right, sir, could you please give me your name?

G: Jason George.

R: G-e-r-o-g-e, is that right?

G: Yes, that’s right.

R: Ok, that’s a connecting room for Mr. Jason at 200per night from the 1st until the 4th of May; do you have

something to add, Sir?

G:I think so, I’d like a room with a front view because my little daughter like to see the views of the street.

R: That’s no problem, sir. Are you coming by air?

G: Yes.

R: Can you tell me your flight number and arrival time, we have a new airport pick-up service, we can

send a car to meet you.

G: That’s very good.I’ll call you again tomorrow and tell you my flight number and time. One more thing,

can you tell me how to guarantee my reservation?

R: I’ll just need your credit card number and I’ll take care of the rest

G: My credit card No. is 1984.0501.1986.

R: Thank you, Mr. Jason .It was so nice to talk with you. You’ll be expected to be here then.

C: That’s fine, thank you, and bye.

R: Bye bye.

Part Two A Face to Face Reservation

Scene: The receptionist receives a client.

R: White Roses Hotel, can I help you?

C: Yes, I’d like to book a room for my sister.

R: What kind of room do you prefer?

C: I’d like to book a suit e with shower.

R: Ok, when for?

C: She prefers to arrive on 1st of next month

R: And how long will she be staying?

C: Probably for a week.

R: Wait for a moment, please. I’ll check the list to see if it’s available? (Minutes later) yes, we can confirm a

suite from 1st to the 7th next month.

C: That’s great. Excuse me, but could you give me a room with a rear view. My sister likes to enjoy a quiet


R; No problem. May I know who is the reservation for?

C: Sure, Mrs. Bellow. By the way, how much do you charge for a suite of this kind?

R: For one night, the hotel cost would be $300,including three full meals. How will she be paying, sir?

C: She’ll pay with traveler’s check⑸, will that be ok?

R: Yes, sir, thank you. So that’s a suit e with shower and rear view for Mrs. Bellow at $300 per night from 1st

to the 7th next month, is that correct?

C: Yes, thank you. One more thing, can you hold the room until 10:00pm?

R: I’m sorry but I’m afraid not. As a hotel policy we can only hold the room for guest until 9:00pm.

C: No problem, I’ll ask her to co me earlier. Thank you.

R: You are welcome, sir, goodbye.

Unit 2 Doormen

Part One Welcoming a Guest

Scene: A car stops in front of Jingjiang Hotel and a doorman goes forward to meet the guest, opening the door of the car for her.

D: Good evening, Madam, welcome to our hotel.

M: Thanks, good evening.

D: I’m the doorman; let me help you with your baggage.

M: It’s so kind of you.

D: The elevator entrance is over there, after you.

M: Thank you, it’s my first time to your hotel, can you tell me something about the hotel services?

D: Certainly, madam. Our hotel was opened in 2003 and all the facilities here are new

and well equipped.

M: How many kind of rooms have you got in your hotel?

D: We have over 400 rooms including single room, double room and suite.

M: Very good, what about entertainment facilities?

D: We have a KTV hall, a bar, a 24-hour café. Also, a beauty salon, and a barber.

M: What about swimming pools. I like swimming very much.

D: Yes, we have a new indoor swimming pool on the first floor.

M: That’s wonderful.

D: Here we are, please take this elevator to the 5th floor ,the attendant⑴will meet you there and show you to

your room 520.I’ll take your baggage to the elevator and get your baggage up to your room.

M: It’s very kind of you. See you later.

Part Two Seeing A Guest off

Ms Wang (W) has just checked out. A doorman comes to help her.

Doorman (D): Madam, can I help you?

W: Yes, I’ve just checked out

D: Shall I call a taxi for you?

W: That’ll be so nice of you.

D: You are welcome, where to?

W: The airport.

D: Just a moment, I’ll call the taxi company. (Minutes later). It’ll be here within 15 minutes.

W: Thank you, could you help me with my baggage?

D: Certainly, Madam, leave it to me. I’ll take care of them. (Check the baggage) so you have got altogether

three pieces of baggage, is that correct?

W: Three? I’ve got four suitcases, two bigger ones and two smaller ones.

D; But there are only two bigger ones and a smaller one.

W: Oh, I must have left it in my room.

D: Don’t worry;I’ll go to your room to see if it is there. I’ll be back soon.

W: Ok.

(The doorman comes back with a small suitcase in his hands)

D: Is this yours, I found it in your room.

W: Oh, yes it’s mine. Thank you so much.

D: You are welcome. Here comes the taxi, (opens the door of the car) please mind your head.

W: Thank you so much, goodbye.

D: Goodbye, have a nice trip.

Unit 3 At the Reception Desk

Part One Registering a Guest Who Has a Reservation

Scene :A car pulls up in front of West Lake Hotel and a bellman goes forward to meet the guests ,opening the door of the car for them. Then Mr. and Mrs. Bennet check in at the Reception desk.

B: Good morning ,sir and madam. Welcome to our hotel.

Mr. Bennet :Thanks .Good morning.

B: (Opening the trunk ,taking out the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags)

I’m bellman, Mr. Bennet .So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?

Mr. Bennet: Yes.

(The doorman opens the gate.)

B: The Reception Desk is straight ahead. After you, please.

Receptionist(R): Good morning. What can I do for you?

B: I booked a suite for one night 3 weeks ago. I’m Mr. Bennet.

R: Just a moment please, Mr. Bennet. I will check the arrival list…

Could I see your passports, please? Sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir. Yes, we do have a reservation for you, Mr. Bennet. Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your room key card for you?

B: Sure. But is there a vacant single room here? I want to change this suite to a single room if I can.

R: Ok, let me check the room reservation …

Oh, yes, we still have a single room on the 18th floor.

B: Is there a bath in this single room?

R: Yes, there is.

B: And how about the facilities in this room?

R: This room has telephone, color TV set, air-conditioner, background music, radio, coffee maker, mini bar and international newspapers.


小学英语教学经验交流发言稿篇一:小学英语教学经验交流材料 小学英语教学经验交流材料尊敬的各位领导、各位老师: 大家好! 首先,感谢市小学教研室领导给我提供了一个跟在座的各位领导、老师们学习交流的机会。在上学期全市六年级质量抽测中,孟子小学英语成绩取得了较大的进步,成绩的取得与教研室领导的关心指导,学校领导的科学管理和学校英语教研组的精诚合作是分不开的。现就我校英语教学工作给大家汇报一下,不足之处,还请多多指导。 过去的一年,学校召开了教学质量提升年动员大会,制定了一系列措施,引领教师专业成长,提高课堂教学效率,促进教学质量不断提升。我从以下几个方面与大家交流一下我们的具体做法。 一、强化教育教研,精心开展备课。以学校提出的“高度的准确性、明确的目的性、极强的针对性、周密的计划性、准确的预见性”的备课要求为指导,在课前备课中,我们努力做到:1.熟悉标准要求,深入钻研教材。每学期开学前,我都认真学习教学标准,准确理解教材的编写意

图,明确把握教学目标,弄清“双基”的具体内容及能力培养要求,掌握重点,研究各单元、章节在教材中的地位和作用及内在联系,挖掘教材的思想教育内容,认真制定教学计划。 2.面向全体学生,注重学生个别差异,增强教学的针对性。充分了解学生的学习态度、学习基础、知识缺漏,以及学生的接 受能力、学习方法和学习习惯,确定教学内容的取舍(主要是拓宽、加深的程度)、教学方法的选择、教学过程的安排和课堂训练的设计,做到面向全体学生,同时抓好优等生的培养和学困生的学习辅导教学工作。 选择恰当的教学方法,做到“三适应”(适应教材、适应教师、适应学生)、“三有利“(有利于激发学生兴趣、有利于调动学生思维、有利于提高学生素质),使学生不但“学会”而且“会学”,培养能力,发展智力。 3.精心设计教案,注重课堂结构的改革。结合学校开展的“人人一篇优秀教案”的活动,认真撰写教案,体现教改精神,反映新的知识信息。坚持写教后感和教学随笔,不断总结教学经验,学校定期检查教师教案并及时反馈,然后根据学校的反馈意见进行整改,教案的质量逐步提高。


17个英语基本知识点,赶紧收藏吧。 1.That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right. That’s right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如: "I think we must help the old man.""我想我们应该帮助这位老人。" "That's right."或 "You're right.""说得对"。 That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如: "Many thanks." "That's all right." "Sorry. It's broken." "That's all right." All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好” "Please tell me about it." "请把此事告诉我。" "All right.""好吧。" Is your mother all right?你妈身体好吗 2. make/do 这两个词都可以解释为“做”,但含义却不同,不能混用。make指做东西或制东西,do指做一件具体的事。 Can you make a paper boat for me? 你能为我做个纸船吗? He’s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作业。 3. say/speak/talk/tell say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话。如: “I want to go there by bus”, he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去。” Please say it in English .请用英语说。


英语语法大全 初中英语语法学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before .

10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。 如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)


1 小学英语教学经验交流材料 小学英语教学经验交流材料 尊敬的各位领导、老师: 大家上午好! 很感谢学校领导给我这次机会,让我能荣幸地在这与各位如此优秀的老师一起交流。与其说是经验交流,还不如说是我的这两年多来的在英语教学方面的一个总结,我就把我的一些做法说出来同大家一起探讨一下,望得到大家的指正。 我是10年9月到的汇源小学,之前一直都是教的初中英语,刚刚走上小学讲台的时候,我是踌躇满志,信心百倍,认为小学英语教学应该是非常简单的事情,不就是听、说、读、写嘛,又不要学语法,没什么难的,但真正开始教学,开始接触学生之后,我才感觉到,小学英语教学之路真不是想象的那么简单。 教学伊始,我就遇到了种种问题。虽然学校重视英语课程,但是在大部分学生的潜意识里,根本没有把学习英语当一回事儿,有一名同学,在课后告诉我,他根本不想学英语,他说:“反正初中都要学的,现在学不好也没关系”,这样的学生不止他一个;从家庭上看,我们学生的家庭大部分属于农民家庭,家长别说是说英语,就是听得懂英语的都是少之又少,更何况辅导孩子了,所以根本也就谈不上重视了。从环境上看,学生除了在课堂短短的40分钟外,基本就没有应用英语的地方,再加上原来在初中的那一套在小学根本就行不通,等等等等诸多原因,使我的英语教学开展起来非常不顺畅。 于是,我边教边摸索,决定从以下几个方面入手来提高孩子们学英语的积极性: 1. 培养学生对英语的兴趣 兴趣是最好的老师。爱玩是孩子的天性,于是我就想:若是能在玩中学,是不是学生就会对英语感兴趣了呢?为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,我尽量在每 节英语课中都设计一到两个个游戏环节并进行奖励,比如教学单词时让学生做相 第 1 页共12 页


小学英语教学经验交流 尊敬的各位老师: 大家好!今天我能站这里跟大家一起交流英语教学工作经验,真的感到十分的荣幸,但其实心里还是很忐忑不安的。在这个专业的队伍中我是非专业的,所以经验介绍呢就谈不上了,我就想和大家分享一下我的教学生活,一定会有很多不足动地方,真诚的希望各位老师多多指教。 第一,讲究作业布置与批改的方法。作业布置方面,我每天中午都会布置学生练习一下书写,训练一下学生的书写能力,这一个是组长检查的,组长会把不完成作业的同学的名单教给课代表,课代表给相应的组减10分一个人,组长也会给个限定的时间他补作业,到了时间他还没补完作业的,组长会把名单给课代表给我,我再叫他去我办公室补作业。家作的话,一般我是组长检查一次,到我的课的时候,叫学生上课前把作业打开放在课桌的一角,等我巡堂的时候可以检查每一个同学的作业,所以家作孩子们一般都会完成。对于每课的重点句型除了让学生多说,多练习之外,还要求学生把所学习的句型自己编写出来写在作业上,检测他们掌握到什么程度。这样既让学生把最基本的知识都掌握差不多了,并且做到了及时复习巩固。 第二,我觉得英语更最重要的是读背,所以我先说一下我的读书布置和检查。首先说的是午读,大家都知道我们英语早读每个班只有一天,那么点早读时间不要说背单词了,就是课文也读不熟悉,读

不流利。所以我教的五个班从上学期到现在每天都有午读,读书的时候安排有领读的同学,当领读的发现哪一页同学们的不够好,领读的就会喊停,然后叫同学跟自己一句一句的读,平时午读的时候也制定有积分制,每组迟到一个人扣10分,哪组读得大声了,一课加10分,读书期间吃东西玩玩具写作业或不出声的扣10一个人,一个星期的分数到星期五的时候就执行奖惩。现在这学期有广播声,所以靠近每广播喇叭的班级每天早上放学前去我那拿小蜜蜂领读。而家作我也时常布置有读书作业,这一作业我是要求学生回去读给家长听,叫家长在家长群上汇报给我的,家长可以在群上孩子读书的照片,可以发短短的视频,可以写谁谁已读。可能有些家长会说他们不会听,但我跟孩子们说你们的家长不用会听,你们的家长看到你读了,他就会帮你拍照了,不用他们会听的。这样就可以孩子们回去就会完成所布置的读书的家作了。而背单词,我一个星期要求背一个单元的单词,背得的同学可以为自己组的午读加10分,这样学生就会很积极去背了,因为是为一组加分不单单是为自己加分。 对于那些偏科,英语比较差,语文数学成绩不错的同学,我平时会多去问问有没有不懂的,或者他们愿意的话,做操时间可以去找我补习一下,这个五(1)有一个男同学就做得很好,他现在每天早操没什么特殊情况的话,都会去找我补习英语。


学程之旅>>> 我不焦急,也不拖拉,只要一步一步往前走,总会到达。 ——乔伊斯 假如人生是一次长征,水远山长,我们总期许在路上能得一知心人相随。 倘若学习是一段旅程,越好的光景,就越鲜有人能如愿得见。在自考这条并非坦途的旅程中,学程自考人愿做知心同路者伴你结结实实走一遭,看尽沿途的风景,共浴旅途的汗水,收获终点的幸福。 为了更好地了解自考考生的困惑与需求,我们曾通过学习平台对抽样出的3000多名在籍自考考生展开了问卷调查。最终统计结果显示,98%的自考考生属于在职人群,40%的学员每周最多只有10小时的学习时间,而那时仅我们每周的授课时长平均都会超过15小时。 透过这些数据得出的结论是残酷的。的确,对于一名已经开始扮演着各类角色并承担着各种社会家庭责任的自考考生而言,想要在一年之内一次性顺利通过自考13-15门课程的考试,是一个统计学意义上绝对的小概率事件。 那一刻,我们深刻的意识到,现实的逼仄让你无法把教育仅仅定义成一种授业点亮的情怀来传承亦或是一个模仿策划的节目来粉饰。我们必须做一些更务实,更脚踏实地的工作——用科学的方法尽最大的努力帮助更多的自考考生以最快的速度奔向成功之路的终点。这也是我们历经无数个日夜锤炼这样一套教辅直至成稿的初衷。

旅程无法预知,但可以有规划,学习没有捷径,但可以有方法。对每位选择信任学程教育的自考考生来说,最大的诚意莫过于提供最好的师资,以最忘我的态度奉献最精彩的课程和最实用的教辅。师者匠心。在这份执着与笃定下,《自考直通车》系列教辅破茧了。 纸短情长,对于承载着万千自考考生梦想与未来的学程自考人来说,我们所做的一切,都是希望在自考这段孤旅中你能因有那么一群“痴人”愿意随你走到天涯海角而倍感温暖。 你我所需做的只是把这样的温暖铭记于心,朝着自己心中的朝圣路一步一步坚定地走下去。 学程自考人


小学英语教师经验交流 张薇时光飞逝,转眼间,在教育第一线工作已经整整七年了,自从2011年通过了特岗教师的考试,我就走上了英语教学这条路。刚刚走上工作岗位的时候,真的是信心百倍,认为小学英语教学应该是非常简单的事情,不就是听、说、读、写嘛,没什么难的,但真正开始教学,开始接触学生之后,我才感觉到,小学英语教学之路尤其是农村学生的英语教学之路,真是荆棘满路,坎坷难行。其他行业的人可能认为这样说是夸大其词,不就是每天上几节课吗?有那么难吗?其实,上几节很简单,但是要上好每节课就不是那么简单,要让你的学生喜欢你,让家长满意你,让你的课堂教学有自己的特点,就更不是一件容易的事。还记得在刚开始的英语教学中,我遇到了许多问题和困惑。课堂上学生不注意倾听别人的发言;小组内合作学习出现单干现象,对小组评价不公平;由于时间把握不准造成展示的时间不足;教师在指导小组学习还欠艺术等等。回顾一段时间的小学英语教学,一路走来,有过困惑,有过挫折,但更多的是收获和成功。根据新课改的教学要求,我试着用新的教学形势方法去改进自己的教学为使英语课堂成为学生喜爱的课堂,我不断反思自己的课堂教学,不断改进,和小学英语课程共成长。在此期间,通过自己的学习摸索及向他人的借鉴,我总结了自己的一些教学形式,效果不错,主要体现在以下方面: (一)小组合作学习,就是把学生就近原则分成一组,在课堂教学中以小组形势练习对话,做游戏,尤其在单词的检查这一环节中,分小组起了很大的作用,小组组长检查督促小组成员,以小组比赛的形势看谁背的又快又正确,既涉及个体又与集体有关,效果较好。经过多年探索,本人认为在运用中应注意以下的几个问题:一、处理好集体教学与小组合作学习的时间分配。在目前的英语教学实践中,只有把合作学习与集体教学有效结合在一起,才更有助于提高英语课堂学习的效率,人数较多的班级,处理好二者之间的时间分配关系尤为重要。在课堂教学过程中,教师须根据所教的内容,对小组学习和集体教学所需要的时间进行科学有效地合理分配。二、教师应明确合作学习的任务。刚展开小组合作学习时,在课堂上常会出现学生因不清楚要干什么而乱作一团的局面,这会令教师措手不及。因此,每次展开小组合作学习时,教师首先要提出明确的任务和要求,让学生围绕某一主题展开合作。教师所提的要求要有梯度,在学生还没有完全适应小组合作学习这种形式时,不要提太高的要求,要随着学生合作技能的熟练,逐渐增加要求。三、引


《英语语法》串讲讲义 课程介绍 一、课程性质 《现代英语语法》是高等教育自学考试英语专业(本科段)的一门选修课,主要面向具有相当于英语专业本科二年级以上水平并有志参加高等教育自学考试英语专业(本科段)考试的学生。《现代英语语法》理论与实践并重,既是一部语法理论著作,有宏观的理论概述,对英语语言结构作了比较系统的描写。又可作为教学参考书,它根据教学要求精选语法项目、设计篇章结构,有取有舍,自成体系,既有知识性,又有实践性。本教程中例子丰富,在历年试题中直接从教材中选择的例句数量相当多,这就要求学员在学习的过程中能确实看懂例子,能真正理解理论并能把理论应用于实践。 二、教材的选用 《现代英语语法》课程所选用教材是全国高等教育自学考试指定教材,该书由李基安主编,外语教学与研究出版社出版。 三、章节体系 为了便于各位学员复习应考,我们的串讲严格按照教材章节来讲。共十六章,每章主要以哪种形式命题以及哪些是高频考点我在讲解的什么都会提到,以帮助大家在以后的复习中做到有的放矢,迅速抓住重点内容,以取得事半功倍的效果。 考情分析 一、历年真题的分布情况 根据对《现代英语语法》近5年考题(注:全国每年统考:4月,有些省份7月还有一次,浙江省每年10月份也有语法考试)分析,可以看出哪些部分是全书的重点章,具体看下列表格中的黑体。

二、题型分析 《现代英语语法》的考试题型包括五种:单项选择题、填空题、改错题、改写句子、简答题。 根据对近5年的试题进行分析,可以发现题型有变化,但总的题量没变,仍然是74个题目。 09年4月前(含09年4月)共7大题型: 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 二、选择填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) 如:21. were, was, had, animal, animals Small amounts of land ________ used for keeping ________. (该例选自0904) 三、填空题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A. Fill in the blank with assertive, non-assertive or negative words: 29. I think I’ve lost that green scarf of mine; I can’t find it ________. B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given: 34. It is time we ________ (think) about drawing up a detailed plan for the project. 四、改错题(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) 五、改句(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required. 六、名词解释(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分)Define the following terms with examples. 七、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分)Answer the following questions. 10年4月开始(含1004)共五大题型: 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分) Section A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.(共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) Section B. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes where necessary. (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 三、改错题(本大题共l 2小题,每小题1分,共12分) 四、改句题(本大题共1 2小题,每小题2分,共24分) 五、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分) 从以上题型变化分析,我们可以看出1004把09年4月(前)的第二、三题合成了一个大题,并且少了名词解释的题型,因此总的题型少了两个。 学员答题时要注意以下两点:


小学英语教学经验交流 教学开始,我就遇到了种种问题。从学生的角度看,小学阶段英语只不过副科,根本不能和语文数学相比,虽然我们的领导老师非常重视,但是从学生的潜意识里,根本没有每当一回事儿,从家庭上看,我们学生的家庭绝大部分属于农民家庭,家长别说说英语,就是听得懂英语的都是少之又少,更别讨论辅导孩子了,所以根本也就谈不上重视了。从环境上看,学生除了在课堂短短的40分钟外,基本就没有应用英语的地方,等等诸多原因,使我的英语教学展开起来非常不顺畅。 我想尽各种方法解决这些问题。我觉得要解决这些问题,必须从学习兴趣,学习习惯、学习方法和英语学习的延续上去入手解决。 首先是如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在课堂上,我总是用自己的丰富的面部表情、多变的语音语调和恰当的肢体语言感染和带动着学生,我在练习时经常恰当的使用游戏,既激发了学生学习英语的兴趣又对所学知识实行了巩固,只靠机械的游戏来激发兴趣是不能长久的,我还经常利用多媒体课件、动画、歌曲、顺口溜等方式辅助教学,让多种元素充实英语的课堂教学。在作业的布置上,也是以激发兴趣为主要目的的,比如,看一些英语动画片,一个英语小故事等等。 在激发学生学习兴趣的同时,培养学生的学习习惯也非常重要。要培养学生的学习习惯,首先老师要有良好的教学习惯。备课是教学不可或缺的一部分,在备课时我首先就是找准本课的教学重点,在围绕重点实行教学设计。当然对教材的理解和掌握是对每名教师最起码的要求。在备课时,我重点是备学生,几年级,多少名学生,能够说我对每个班级、每名同学了如指掌,谁基础差,谁不注意听讲,谁接受水平慢,都在我心里。只有这样,才能即时解决课堂出现的突发问题。课堂教学是学习的重要过程,我在课堂教学中采用了“聊天式”教学方法,用聊天的语气,与同学们在一种人文、和谐的氛围中学习,当然课堂教学中少不了刚才提到的对同学兴趣激发的一些教学手段。在自己养成了良好的教学习惯之后,我更注重了对学生学习习惯的培养。不可否认,我们农村小学的英语教学资源非常有限,教材、活动用书、听力磁带、泛听泛读练习。我通过各种途径来培养学生课上的良好听课习惯,课后我着重培养学生多听、多读、多练的习惯,每天回家后至少20分钟的英语学习时间,5分钟读、5分钟磁带跟读、5分钟单词记忆、5分钟泛听泛读的指示拓展练习。在作业上面让家长签字,让学生听我还培养学生之间的互助学习习惯,分小组学习,小组成员结成“一帮一”的互助对子,充分发挥学生的作用,这样好学生既巩固了自己的指示,又协助同学共同进步,能够说是一举两得。 用简洁、明快、风趣的言语创造轻松愉快的课堂。课堂上,教师精力充沛,情绪饱满,讲课时面带微笑,对学生热情而有耐心。学生答对时,老师记得常说“Good. Yes.Ok.Well-done.Thank you.You are great.Wonderful”如果学生说错了,老师要说“Try again.Don't worry.”学生觉得很难表达而想放弃时,教师会鼓励说“Try your best.”所以学生回答问题时就无后顾之忧,课堂发言会积极踊跃。 多鼓励学生。成年人在工作和生活中需要领导的鼓励,上司的欣赏,更何况是未成年的小学生,教师对学生的表扬能提升学生学习的积极性,在学生的心里发展过程中将会逐步转化为学习的动力,产生意想不到的学习效果。鼓励和表扬的方式有很多,对单个回答问题好的学生,我会说“very good”,“It is


、一个星期七天 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 二、一年十二个月 January February March April May June July August September October November December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth 第八 2. ninth 第九 3. forty 四十 4. twelfth 第十二 5. twentieth 第二十 四、亲属称呼 1. daughter ( 女儿 ) 2. niece ( 女性晚辈 ) 3. nephew ( 男性晚辈 ) 4. cousin ( 同辈兄弟姐妹 ) 5. aunt (女性长辈 ) 6. uncle (男性长辈 ) 五、 以下动词加-ed 或-ing 要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting) 允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意: quarrel, signal, travel 中的 l 可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、 部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作 “悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是 hung) -lain 躺下 lay-laid- laid 放置 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖 11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉 13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳 16. wear( wore ; worn) 穿/戴 19. keep (kept, kept ) 七、 意思相近的词 1. check (核对)/ examine (检查"test (测试) 2. receive (收到) / accept (接受) 3. destroy (毁坏;毁灭)/ damage (破坏) 4. celebrate (庆祝 ” congratulate (祝贺) 5. wear sth / dress sb 穿衣 八、 注意形容词变名词时的拼写变化 1. long —length 长度 2. wide —width 宽度 3. high —height 高度 4. strong — strength 力量 九、以-ic 结尾的动词,应先把-ic 变为-ick ,再加ing 或ed 1. picnic (picnicked, picnicking) 野餐 十、个别名词的复数拼写 1. German (Germans) 德国人 2. gulf (gulfs) 海湾 3. handkerchief (handkerchiefs) 手帕 roof 7. lie -ied -lied 说谎;lie — lay- 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌 12. spread (spread, spread) 传播 14. tear (tore, torn) 撕碎 17. h old (held, held ) 18. m ake (made, made)


小学英语“跨越式”发展实验教学方法分享和交流 龙王庙希望小学李桂平 尊敬的各位领导、各位同仁: 大家好! 我是来自龙王庙总校龙王庙希望小学的英语实验教师——李桂平。首先我很感谢教研室的领导给了我这个向大家学习的机会。今天我主要想与各位一起分享本人在小学一年级英语“跨越式”试验中教学方面的一些做法和心得。在座的各位都是有着丰富教学经验的同仁,有不妥之处还望老师们批评指正。 我们龙王庙总校的领导就决定抓住孩子们的语觉生长发育的关键期,在小学一年级进行“跨越式”课题的英语学科实验。我担起了一年级英语的教学工作。一直担任高年级英语教学工作的我,茫然了。因为我们没有一年级的英语教材,也没有这方面的经验可以交流与参考,毕竟一年级的孩子和五六年级的孩子各个方面的差别都很大,再有就是对于“跨越式”的理念也是一无所知,无名的压力便在我的心中油然而生。不过,经过专家组的第一次培训,我仿佛明了了许多,我便对能很好的把“跨越式”的理念运用到我的教学中充满了信心。现在,将我在这一年中的做法在这里与大家一起分享: 一、了解学生特点,制定合理学案 根据一年级孩子的年龄特点表明:他们年龄小,表现欲强;有广泛的情感需要;情绪容易兴奋;以自我为中心,全神贯注于他们自己的世界;容易分散注意力,也容易热情;学得更慢,忘得更快;他们是优秀的模仿者;对自己感兴趣的事情会长时间地集中注意力;记得快忘得也快。而且我们学校一年级共有3个平行班,每个班的孩子都表现出不同的学习特点:一班的孩子们活泼、好动;二班的孩子稳重、好强;三班的孩子却腼腆、扎实。

因此,我根据他们显现的不同特点以及新起点一年级英语教材的编写特点,每节课前我都会认真书写教学设计。例如,针对一年级孩子记得快忘得也快的特点,在每节课的前5分钟,我都会设计不同形式的单词复习:一班我会采取“猜一猜少了哪个单词”的游戏形式;二班我会采用“开火车”的游戏形式;而三班我则用“我问你答”的形式进行复习。然而,在针对一年级孩子容易分散注意力这一特点中,我在新知学习的环节中,主要采用动画呈现、动作模仿、歌谣吟唱等形式。 二、营造良好的课堂气氛,讲求方法丰富课堂 小学一年级的英语教学中,从小学生日常生活中接触到的物品的单词学习到日常会话,比较全面具体。内容涉及的范围也比较广泛,有水果、颜色、动物、文具、身体部位、1到10数字等等。但是虽然说具体广泛,使用起来还是有一定的难度。因为一年级的学生大都在六七岁之间。他们感觉的情绪性和无意性很明显,对自己感兴趣的知识能记得很牢,反之,则很快忘却。他们的有意注意的持续时间短,常常对学习过程、学习的外部活动和学习的形式感兴趣。所以,教学方法很重要。 1、创设生活情境。对于一年级的孩子们,教师可以抓住学生刚开始学英语的时机,进行一些“身势语言”的情景教学,让他们从直觉上感到“英语很有趣”。例如,在教低年级学生时,恰当地运用body language,让学生律动起来,会让学生很有兴趣。在讲animal这一单元时,我用大屏幕出示一幅动物园的图画,并且指着那里的兔子说“This is a rabbit。Rabbit、rabbit”然后,用两根手指在头上当作兔子耳朵,一边蹦一边说“Rabbit”。就这样连续做两次,孩子们就在快乐的学习氛围中学会了这个单词。再有就是,在教身体各部分的名称时,教到哪个单词,就让学生手指着自己的身体部位。Head,


1.房地产 房地产又称不动产,是房产和地产的总称。房产总是和地产联结为一体的,具有整体性和不可分割性。 房产:是指房屋经济形态,在法律上有明确的权属关系,在不同的所有者与使用者之间可以进行出租、出售或作其它用途的房屋。 地产:是指土地财产,在法律上有明确的权属关系,地产包括含地面及其上下空间,地产和土地的根本区别在也就是有无权属关系。 2.房地产业 是以土地和建筑物为经营对象,从事房地产开发、建设、经营、管理以及维修、装饰和服务的集多种经济活动为一体的综合性产业。 3.房地产开发 是指在依法取得土地使用权的土地上按照使用性质的要求进行基础设施、房屋建筑的活动。 4.地产开发 是将“生地”开发成可供使用的土地(“熟地”)。 5.房地产产权 是指产权人对房屋的所有权和对该房屋所占用土地的使用权。具体容是指产权人在法律规定的围对其房地产的占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 6.土地类型 ——居住用地70年; ——工业用地50年; ——教育、科技、文化卫生、体育用地50年; ——商业、旅游、娱乐用地40年;

——综合或其它用地50年; ——另外,加油站、加气站用地为20年; 7.三通一平 是指地皮在发展基础上的水通、电通、路通,场地平整。 8.七通一平 是指上下水通、电通、路通、排污通、通讯通、煤气通、热力通,场地平整。 9.土地使用权出让的形式 ·协议出让 ·招标出让 ·拍卖出让 ·行政划拨 使用权有权出让的土地,必须是国有土地;集体所有的土地必须办理征用手续转化为国有土地后,才能转让。有偿出让的地块可以是生地也可以是熟地,还可以是连同地上建筑物及附属设施一并出让的土地。 ·生地:待开发的土地 ·熟地:完成市政设施的土地 10.房地产市场 一级市场、二级市场、三级市场。 一级市场是指国家以土地所有者和管理者的身份,将土地使用权出让给房地产经营者与使用者的交易市场。 二级市场是指土地使用权出让后,由房地产经营者投资开发后,从事房屋出售、出租、土地转让、抵押等房地产交易。 三级市场是指在二级市场的基础上再转让或出租的房地产交易。 11.商品房 是指开发商以市场地价取得土地使用权进行开发建设并经过国土局批准在市场上流通的房地产,它是可领独立房地产证并可转让、出租、继承、抵押、赠与、交换的房地产。 12.福利商品房 是指政府按住房制度改革方案免除房地产的地价,按房屋的成本造价售给企业或符合条件的职工,带有福利性质的房屋。 13.微利商品房 与福利房不同在于不免地价,并有略高于房地产成本的微利,这类房屋由市政府主管单位筹资建设,用来解决企业职工住宅困难户,价格由政府确定,实行优惠价格政策。 14.经济适用房 经济适用房是面向中低收入家庭的普通住宅。 15.自建房(集资房) 是指各单位自筹资金或合资兴建房屋。产权由投资单位所有,一般自用为主,不得在市场上流通(按规定已补交地价的除外)。 16.房地产产权证 是房屋土地权属凭证合二为一,是房地产权属的法律凭证。 17.“五证”


高中英语语法知识表解 一.名词 I. 名词的种类: 1. 规则名词的复数形式: 名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下: 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:

名词在句中表示所有关系的语法形式叫做名词所有格。所有格分两种:一是名词词尾加’s构成,二是由介词of加名词构成。前者多表示有生命的东西,后者多表示无生命的东西。 1. ’s所有格的构成:

用于无生命的东西:the legs of the chair, the cover of the book 用于有生命的东西,尤其是有较长定语时:the classrooms of the first-year students 用于名词化的词:the struggle of the oppressed 二.冠词 冠词分为不定冠词(a, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词。 I. 不定冠词的用法:

三.代词: I. 代词可以分为以下七大类:

1. one, some与any: 1) one可以泛指任何人,也可特指,复数为ones。some多用于肯定句,any多用于疑问句和否定句。One should learn to think of others. Have you any bookmarks? No, I don’t have any bookmarks. I have some questions to ask. 2) some可用于疑问句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等。 Would you like some bananas? Could you give me some money? 3) some 和any修饰可数名词单数时,some表示某个,any表示任何一个。 I have read this article in some magazine. Please correct the mistakes, if any. 4) some和数词连用表示“大约”,any可与比较级连用表示程度。 There are some 3,000 students in this school. Do you feel any better today? 2. each和every: each强调个别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上, 而every强调整体,所指的数必须是三个或三个以上。 Each student has a pocket dictionary. / Each (of us) has a dictionary. / We each have a dictionary. Every student has strong and weak points. / Every one of us has strong and weak points. 3. none和no: no等于not any,作定语。 none作主语或宾语,代替不可数名词,谓语用单数,代替可数名词,谓语单复数皆可以。 There is no water in the bottle. How much water is there in the bottle? None. None of the students are (is) afraid of difficulties. 4. other和another: 1) other泛指“另外的,别的”常与其他词连用,如:the other day, every other week, some other reason, no other way, the other特指两者中的另外一个,复数为the others。如: He held a book in one hand and his notes in the other. Two students in our class failed, but all the others passed the exam. 2) another指“又一个,另一个”无所指,复数形式是others,泛指“别的人或事”如: I don’t like this shirt, please show me another (one). The trousers are too long, please give me another pair / some others. Some like football, while others like basketball. 5. all和both, neither和either


小学英语教学经验交流 张浩然 尊敬的各位领导、老师: 大家好!今天我能在这里跟大家一起交流教学工作经验,感到十分的荣幸,有不足的地方还望各位领导,老师指教。 去年九月份,我所任教的五年级正好赶上我市的“六三”改“五四”,小学毕业,升入初中了。因此我又从头开始,任教三年级的英语。说实在的,在任教之前我是有思想准备的,毕竟英语对于三年级的学生来说是完全陌生的,但真正开始教学,开始接触学生之后我感觉要教好这两个班的英语比想象中的要难很多。从学生的角度看,有部分学生的潜意识里。根本没有把学习英语当一回事儿。从家庭角度看,我们学生的家庭大都是农民家庭,家长别说说英语了,就是听得懂英语的都是少之又少,甚至有些家长都是文盲,从何谈起辅导孩子呢,所以根本也就不太重视英语教育;从环境方面看,学生除了在课堂上短短的40分钟外,基本就没有应用英语的地方,等等诸多原因,使我的英语教学开展起来非常的不顺畅。我使出浑身解数来解决这些问题。我觉得要解决这些问题,应该从学习兴趣,课堂教学、学习习惯,等方面去入手解决。 首先要培养学生的学习兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。只有不断提高学生学习英语的自信心,才能激活英语课堂。只有学生对所要学习的知识感兴趣,才能乐学、善学。 怎么样培养学生的学习兴趣呢?一要建立和谐融洽的师生关系。

教学中,我们都会有这种感觉:如果学生喜欢某个老师,学生自然就会对这位老师所教的这门学科感兴趣。作为教师首先要相信学生,信任是师生和谐的桥梁。以朋友的身份去对待每一位学生,尤其是那些问题学生,不带“有色眼镜”去看待他们,和他们以诚相待,以心换心,久而久之,使学生真心的相信教师,心悦诚服的接受老师的批评和教育。除了相信学生还要进行感情交流。我都会利用课后时间和学生多交流,在玩中了解他们心里的想法;在课堂上给学生讲点他们喜欢的笑话或故事,不会让他们感觉课堂太枯燥,这样学生学的轻松,老师也教的轻松。 第二,创设良好的环境,让语言教学走向生活。英语不象语文,没有那么好的环境氛围,除了在课堂上的40分钟外,学生很少说英语,因此我们必须认真抓住课堂教学,才能保证学生的学习质量。所以我就充分利用这课堂上的40分钟,让这40分钟有效地把英语施展开来,在课堂上尽量使用英语来引导学生学习。没有良好的环境我们就要创造环境。多读、多说、多练习是学习英语的最好方法。所以在课外,我鼓励他们尽量多说英语。如有位同学每次见到我,都会用英语跟我打招呼。在课堂上我把大部分时间也都留在多读、多说、多练习上,利用少量的时间讲解课文知识,安排大量的口语练习:短文对话等,鼓励孩子们大胆张口,而且也不会因为他们说错而批评他们并且还帮助他们纠正错误。我也尽量让每一位学生都有发言的机会。 作业布置方面,尤其是动笔的作业,我比较注重的是“质”,而不是“量”。平时的作业可以说我布置得比较合适。单词是英语学习


英语基础语法知识(一) 第一节词类和句子成分 一、词类 能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词。根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词类(parts of speech)。 英语的词通常分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词和感叹词。现分别叙述如下: (一)名词 名词(noun)是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: foreigner外国人soap 肥皂Newton牛顿 law 法律freedom自由peace和平 英语名词可分为两大类: 1。普通名词(common noun)是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如:teacher教师market市场rice大米 magazine杂志sound声音production生产 2。专有名词(proper noun)是特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须大写。例如: Hemingway海明威Russia 俄罗斯 New York 纽约United Nations联合国 名词又可分为可数名词(countable noun)与不可数名词(uncountable noun)两种。可数名词有单、复数之分。绝大多数名词的复数形式的构成是在单数名词的后面加-s或-es。例如:shop→shops商店bus→buses 公共汽车library→libraries图书馆 toy→toys玩具leaf→leaves树叶 英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如: man→men男人tooth→teeth牙齿datum→data数据 有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参阅有关的英语语法书。 (二)冠词 冠词(article)放在名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。冠词分为不定冠词(indefinite article)和定冠词(definite article)两种。 不定冠词为a/an,用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。a用在以辅音开头的名词之前,an用在以元音开头的名词之前。例如: a hotel 一家旅馆 a chance 一次机会 a double room一个双人间 a useful book一本有用的书 an exhibition一次展览an honest man一个诚实的人 冠词只有一个,既the,表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。可用于单数或复数名词前,也可用于不可数名词前。例如: the TV programs那些电视节目the house那座房子 the Olympic Games奥运会 (三)代词 代词(pronoun)是用来指代人或事物的词。代词包括: 1。人称代词,如:I, you, they, it等; 2。物主代词,如:my, his, their, our, mine, hers等; 3。反身代词,如:myself, yourself, itself, ourselves, oneself等; 4。相互代词,如:each other, one another等; 5。指示代词,如:this, that, these, those, such, same等; 6。疑问代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, what等; 7。关系代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, that等; 8。不定代词,如:some, any, no, all, one, every, many, a little, someone, anything等; (四)数词 数词(numeral)是表示“数量”和“顺序”的词。前者称为基数词,例如:one(一),twenty
