



international children’s day

the international children’s day of every year is scheduled for june 1。 it is to ensure children in the world the inalienable rights of life the rights of education, custody, in order to improve children’s life, to trial against children and poisoning children and the establishment of the festival。at present, many countries in the world will be june 1 children as the festival。


festival origin:

the establishment of international children’s day, and take place in a world war ii massacre of a famous relevant,in june 1942, the german fascist shot for the czech republic’s village men over the age of 16 more than 140 citizens and all children, and the women and 90 children and to concentration camps. the village houses, buildings were burned, good carry of the village was destroyed by the nazis. the second world war ii ended, all over the world economic depression, hundreds of thousands of workers unemployed, have a very poor life. children’s situation worse, some have infectious diseases, graduating in die; some were forced to as a child, and intermittently tortured, life, and life is not guaranteed. in order to mourn for the village and the world’s all in war of aggression fascist dead children, in november 1949, the international democratic women’s fed eration

directors meeting in moscow. in order to ensure children in the world the inalienable rights of life, the rights of education, in order to improve children’s lives, meeting and for killing village’s decision on june when the first day for international

children’s day. at the time of many countries agreed, especially the socialist countries.





in order to safeguard the rights and interests of the children all over the world, in november 1949, the international association of democratic women held in moscow board decided, june 1, every year as

international children’s day. after new china was founded, the special authorization of the central people’s government on december 23, 1949 regulations, will china’s children’s day and international children’s day together.



first put forward:

in august 1925 in red geneva about children’s welfare international conference, for the first time put forward the concept of “international children’s day”.

this conference have 54 countries take good care of the children’s representative, gather in geneva, switzerland “children’s happiness international congress”, through the geneva ensuring children declaration. in the declaration, the children’s spiritual due to poor children enjoy, the relief, children’s dangerous work to make a living, children

to avoid for, and how to save a problem such as children, all have a heated discussion.

after the assembly since, on the one hand, in order to inspire children, let children’s happiness, happiness, on the other hand also caused the love and attention for society, governments have successively provisions “children’s day”.








儿童节英语怎么说 篇一:儿童节快乐的英文怎么说_ 儿童节快乐的英文怎么说? 儿童节快乐的英文怎么说? 儿童节快乐的英文怎么说? 01.happychildren'sday!儿童节快乐! 02.wish**ahappychildren'sday祝**儿童节快乐! 03.happychildren'sdaytomyself!祝自己六一儿童节快乐 04.heartilywishyouhappychildren'sday!祝你六一儿童节快乐!05.today'schildren'sdayon,heartilywishyouhappychildren& #39;sday!今天是六一儿童节,祝你六一儿童节快乐! 篇二:常见的六一儿童节英文介绍 常见的六一儿童节英文介绍 常见的六一儿童节英文介绍 常见的六一儿童节英文介绍 01.internationalchildren'sday:“六一”国际儿童节 02.children'sday:六一儿童节 03.happychildren'sday!:儿童节快乐 04.childn.儿童,小孩例如:childabuse(虐待儿童),childlabour(童工) children:children是child的复数形式。例如:

children'splayground(儿童乐园) 05.childishadj.①孩子气的,孩子所特有的 eg:thelittlegirlspokeinahighchildishvoice.这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。 ②【贬】幼稚的,傻气的 eg:cryingforthingsyoucan'thaveischildish.想要的东西得不到就哭是孩子气的表现。 06.that'schildren'sday.6月1日,那是儿童节! 07.thepupilswereallstarchedupintheirnewdressesforchildren'sday. 小学生们穿得漂漂亮亮过儿童节。 篇三:英文版儿童节资料 internationalchildren'sday Theinternationalchildren'sdayofeveryyearisscheduledforJune1。itistoensurechildrenintheworldtheinalienablerightsoflifetherightsofeducati on,custody,inordertoimprovechildren'slife,totrialagainstchildrenand poisoningchildrenandtheestablishmentofthefestival。atpresent,manycountriesintheworldwillbeJune1childrenasthefestival。 国际儿童节定于每年的6月1日。它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日。目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日。 Festivalorigin:


英语课本剧表演、英文日记展评、英语角等学生喜闻乐见的英语课外活动,更能丰富英语沙龙活动 开展各种如猜词造句游戏,英文歌曲跟我唱(我来唱),英文短剧表演,英语美文朗诵表演,英语国家文化背景知识介绍,英语话题自由交流,英语书法比赛,英语贺卡、手抄报制作比赛,英文影片欣赏等活动,内容形式多样,不拘一格。主要是根据各时期不同的活动要求安排具体的活动形式。 在每周举行一次日常活动,每月(或每四期)举行一次经典英文原版影片欣赏活动,不定期(主要是每逢节庆佳日)举行一次特色活动,如以抄写平时学过的英语绕口令、对话、歌词为内容的英文书写比赛,以庆祝佳节为主题的贺卡或手抄报制作展示活动等。 每次日常活动都有一个主题,围绕这个主题或情境,我们可以首先安排一个相关词汇的猜词游戏,或者词汇造句比赛。使同学们对这个话题的相关语言知识有个整体的认识和回顾,起到热身和活跃气氛的作用。待气氛调动起来以后,我们将展示一到两句经典英文谚语或名言警句,让他们跟读背诵,这可进一步提高同学们的“士气”,让接下来的活动可开展得有力度,效果好。此小环节可取名为“每周英语”(Ever y Week's English),用时不宜过长。接下来可以安排一个自由交流或者情景对话表演或短剧表演环节(可在每期预告下期的主题,好让同学们回家做些道具等方面的准备)。此环节结束后可以安排一小段相关话题的英语国家文化背景知识介绍,让他们了解刚才自己讨论的话题在国外又是怎样一种原汁原味的生活情景,让他们体会到自己所接触的语言是有实际使用价值的,让他们更加热爱英语。到此我们的英语沙龙日常

活动的一期也就接近尾声。最后可以安排一个有趣的“舌头大挑战”,这可以是一首好听的英文歌,也可以是一句英语绕口令。可让同学们先把歌词或绕口令抄写下来,老师或小主持人教唱或领读几遍,再让他们自行练习几次,看谁能把歌曲尽快学会,谁能把绕口令说得又快又好。这不但可以让同学们看看自己有没有通过今天的活动练溜舌头,检验一下活动效果,也可以在结尾处给予他们一个在今后“炫耀本领”的机会。使他们对学习英语越来越感兴趣。(每期可以留一小部分时间出来专为愿意展示自己学习成果同学们,此小环节可取名为“let me show",活动情况记录表(另附)可记录下各位同学的表现情况,学期末对表现突出的进行表彰-(推荐在专门为沙龙建立的网站版块上登出优秀参与者的名字)。 每月或每四期将为同学们精心挑选出一部近段时间比较流行,同学们喜闻乐见的优秀英文影片或者经典的英文老电影。可取名为“英语沙龙之电影节”。还可让同学们就每次放映的电影写出自己的感受(中英皆可,要求绝对原创)。 特色活动是在诸如在国庆节、圣诞节、万圣节、元旦等中外佳节或者纪念日的时候以英语沙龙名义倡导举办的大型英语趣味竞技或展示 活动。如号召同学们(主要是英语沙龙的成员)以国庆节或者奥运会为主题设计制作一些英语手抄报,贺卡等,我们会对这些作品进行评比和展示,也可以开展一些英文歌曲卡拉OK比赛或者英语朗诵比赛等。这不但能进一步促进英语沙龙在同学们中间的影响力,让更多的同学知道英语沙龙,参与英语沙龙,了解到这个沙龙是一个可以在玩中学英语的


用英文表达的儿童节祝福语 The children`s day is coming . 每片树叶都有开心的回忆,每朵小花都有快乐的留念,在我们小时候嬉戏的花园再次把 童年怀念。我的发小儿们,儿童节快乐! 送你一条儿童节童心未泯祝福,收到者今晚尿床,保存者明晚尿床,删除者后天尿床,转发尿床一周,回短信尿床一个月!不回天天尿床!祝小朋友尿床愉快! 给一点糖果,你就笑;给一点引诱,你就中圈套;给一点捣乱,你气得哇哇叫。在我眼里,你还是那么小。六一节了,愿你乐逍遥! 当初我降临人世的时候,上帝许诺说要把他最美丽的女儿嫁给我。我左右顾盼,上下 求索,等了年了,还没见到仙女的影子。我很郁闷,于是跑去问上帝。上帝说:“你急什么?我都还没女朋友呢!” 六一儿童节,祝福不停歇,愿你身体好,留有童真笑,生活美如意,爱情甜蜜蜜,家 庭更美满,幸福开心伴,永保童真心,美梦都成真,祝你节日快乐。 so I am very happy.I think that day I am going to buy a beautiful gift for me.on that wonderful day, I am going to play in that children's garden whit my mother and father. 日子把风霜刻在脸上,岁月把回忆印在心头。但童心是一种心态,即使岁月蹉跎,时光 荏苒,珍惜它,爱惜它,你将年轻永驻,六一儿童节,记得保持童心! 想吃糖?给你;想玩泥巴?陪你;想戴小红花?送你;想吃奶?想尿床?想大哭?全随你;谁叫 今天是你的节日呢?如果给我玩忧郁,哈哈,想得美!! 不是我想抛弃你,我孩提时的那股天真和愚蠢,纯净憨实的笑容,腼腆傻气的举止, 看着TA们斑白的发梢,TA们的长大,我要学着长大,学做大人,承担自己的责任,做大 人该做的事,送别你了,孩子,我不能陪你笑了,但我可以看着你笑,就像TA们看着我 们笑一样,在这孩子的节日里,请祝自己六一儿童节快乐! 特大惊喜:马上临六一,请戴上童帽穿上童衣,拿本安徒生童话集,出门去吃童子鸡,善财童子在等你,钞票把把属于你。暗语:不管多大年纪,我就过六一!


欢庆六一儿童节英语演讲稿(中英文对照) On behalf of my school holiday to all my classmates congratulations,I wish everyone a happy holiday! I also take this opportunity to all the teachers to express my heartfelt thanks and highest respect. Your teacher is not only respected,it is hard gardener. Love your school such as home,such as sub-LOVE-sheng;diligent,hard working;teaching and selfless dedication. You create a beautiful environment,you create a good quality,for your development and growth of the School to create a good foundation and conditions. Students,61 you are most happy holiday,61 is also our most happy day. Since: You are the baby home,it is the hope of home. Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing. Children are your schools,it is hoped that the School. You can develop a comprehensive school full of vigor and vitality. You are the future of society,it is the communitys aspirations. You can harmonious development of society on the passion and friendship. The flowers are your homeland,it is the hope


儿童节的英文英语儿童节资料 英语儿童节资料: The International Children's Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year. Origin Origin :The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeingof Children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as towhy June 1 was chosen as the ICD:one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate theDragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. Consequently there is sometimes amisperception that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Noheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June. Children's Day in Japan


2018年小学生六一儿童节文艺汇演五年级 小 品 节 目 剧 本 郭东旭

目录 一、不屈的生命 (3) 二、考试疯云 (14) 三、作弊记 (23) 四、如此课堂 (27)

五、傻子上学 (34) 六、课间十分钟 (43) 七、卫生检查 (50) 八、毕业班 (57)

九、我知道我的未来不是梦 (71) 十、老师来了 (78) 《不屈的生命》——7人小品 人物: 主角——艾新 女配A——陈思园女配B——许颜 女配C——瑶瑶女配其他——小月等 男配A——江俊男配B——郭子等 场景:大学画室,美术课下课之后(考虑教室照片背景) 开幕布景:艾新上,坐在画板前静静地作画。 开场:江俊、瑶瑶、小月、郭子(等)上 小月:可算是下课了,画了一整个上午,我的手都快断了! 郭子(伸手、笑):我给你揉揉? 小月:啐!谁稀罕你那鸡爪~!搞笑小品 江俊:嘿嘿,原来郭子你的魔爪,也有蔫了的时候!

郭子(走向瑶瑶):谁说的谁说的,来瑶瑶!给哥哥笑一个! 江俊(扯住郭子的身子,笑):你小子,胆子不小~ 郭子(一摊手,从江俊的臂弯里伸脸过去对着瑶瑶):他不让啊!那要不……哥哥给你笑一个? 瑶瑶(笑):你倒反过来拖我下水了……咦,那不是艾新嘛。 小月:艾新~! 艾新(回头):你们可真热闹,老远就听见你们的声儿啦。 瑶瑶(努嘴):还不是那对欢喜冤家。 小月:我们怎么了!比不得某人和江俊啊,都老夫老妻了~ 瑶瑶(打小月的头):乱说,我们没什么。 小月:哎呀,还杀人灭口! 艾新摇摇头 瑶瑶:艾新,都画了一早上了,你还打算继续啊。 艾新:是啊,还是觉得有些手生。 小月:不愧是艾新啊,就是精益求精,我还记得你那幅不屈的生命,那可真是……哎对了,那幅画一定得了一等奖吧! 艾新:没听说什么消息。 小月:这样…… 郭子:无聊死了无聊死了,哎,我说,昨天我刚刚学了一个游戏,我们五个人一起玩怎么样! 江俊:你又有什么馊主意了。 郭子:哪能啊,我对这些玩意,那可谓是问泉哪的清如许,学无止尽


关于儿童节的英语作文 关于儿童节的英语作文 关于儿童节的英语作文,有关儿童节的英语作文怎么写?必克英语给童鞋们推荐一篇儿童节英语作文范文,希望对大家英语写作有所帮助! 最后祝大家儿童节快乐永远年轻!! 关于儿童节的英语作文(英文) Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of Children - June 1 International Children's Day, I am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations! Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students, teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the community for the meaning of new schools "; so one's own ideas and practice, practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint efforts, "the slogan of the school co-operation of schools, the school environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School School Award is fully endorsed. Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for


小学生六一儿童节英语演讲稿 大家好! 明天是“六一”国际儿童节。55年前,国际民主妇女联合会为保障全世界 儿童的生存权力、保健权力和受教育的权力,于1949年11月在莫斯科召开的 一次大会上决定每年六月一日为国际儿童节。1949年12月23日,中国政府也 规定六月一日为儿童节。于是,全世界的儿童就拥有了一个属于自己的节日——“六一”国际儿童节。 我谨代表学校向全体同学致以节日的祝贺,祝大家节日快乐! 我也借此机会向全体教师表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。你们既是尊敬的 老师,更是辛勤的园丁。你们爱校如家,爱生如子;勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨;教 书育人,无私奉献。你们创造了优美的环境,你们创造了优良的质量,你们为 学校的发展与腾飞创造了良好的基础和条件。 同学们,“六一”是你们最快乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最高兴的日子。因为: 你们是家庭的宝贝,更是家庭的希望。你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满 欢歌与笑语。你们是学校的孩子,更是学校的希望。你们能够全面地发展,学 校就充满生机与活力。你们是社会的未来,更是社会的希望。你们能够和谐地 发展,社会就充满热情与友爱。你们是祖国的花朵,更是祖国的希望。你们能 够茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美好与希望。来自作文范文网https://www.360docs.net/doc/b07457334.html, 希望同学们:文明、好学、自主、合作。学会学习、学会生活、学会做人、学会创造。像大人一样富有责任心、富有使命感,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事,快快乐乐学习,健健康康成长。热爱祖国、热爱党、热爱人民、热爱自然、热爱生活、热爱科学、热爱学习、热爱劳动。珍惜生命、珍惜时间、珍惜友谊、珍惜学习与发展的机会。关心社会、关心环境、关心集体、关心他人。尊敬师长、团结同学、礼貌待人;明辨是非、辨别美丑、为人正直。做一个理想远大、品行端庄、学习优良、身心健康的********事业的接班人。 希望老师们:敬业、爱生、严谨、探究。全面贯彻执行党的教育方针,教 书育人,五育并举。牢固树立服务意识、质量意识和精品意识。面向每一个学生,珍惜每一个教育机会,上好每一堂课,做好每一件事,促进每一个学生的 健康、和谐、全面的发展。为学生的终生发展奠定坚实的基础。 让我们共同努力,为把西塘小学办成人民满意的学校而努力奋斗。 最后,祝同学们节日快乐! Hello everyone!


儿童节英语阅读材料(中英互译) ON Saturday afternoon, the Baguang Silver Leaf Wetland in Dapeng New Area had not only the sounds of the rustling of leaves, sounds of birds and rhythm of waves, but also the chatter and laughter of children exploring and learning in nature. 星期六下午,大鹏新区八光银叶湿地不仅有树叶沙沙声、鸟鸣声和海浪的节奏声,还有孩子们在大自然中探索学习的叽叽喳喳声和笑声。 To celebrate Children’s Day, which is held in China on June 1, Baguang Nature School invited Dr. Liu Yi, a Whitley Awards winner who holds a doctorate in Environmental Sciences, to give children an interpretative tour, passing on knowledge about the plants and animals they found while walking along a route that leads to the sea. 为了庆祝6月1日在中国举行的儿童节,八光自然学校邀请了拥有环境科学博士学位的惠特利奖获得者刘毅博士为孩子们进行一次讲解之旅,传授他们在通往大海的道路上行走时发现的动植物的知识。 The 1.5-kilometer tour started with an ice-breaker game, then Dr. Liu introduced the youngsters to mangroves, common cerbera, coastal heritiera, rocks, crabs, sea anemone, ligiidae (woodlice) and more along the coastline, and ended with a mini workshop in which children shared and reflected on what they had learned through drawings and discussion. 1.5公里的旅程从一场破冰游戏开始,然后刘博士向孩子们介绍了红树林、普通的cerbera、沿海的heritiera、岩石、螃蟹、海葵、ligiidae(林地)等,最后是一个小作坊,孩子们通过绘画和讨论分享和反思所学到的知识。 Dr. Liu thinks of Baguang as a very child-friendly outdoor learning environment as it is safe and offers immense biodiversity. “Baguang is one of the four coastal heritiera clusters in China with 20 or more coastal heritiera and boasts 11 kinds of mangroves as well as 141 species of mollusca,”said Liu. “Events like this are the most direct and effective way to expose children to nature while learning.” 刘博士认为八光是一个非常适合儿童的户外学习环境,因为它是安全的,并且具有巨大的生物多样性。“巴光是中国四个沿海猴头菌群之一,有20多种沿海猴头菌,拥有11种红树林和141种软体动物,”刘说。“这样的事件是让孩子在学习的同时接触大自然最直接、最有效的方式。” This was the reason why Lin Haiting, the mother of a 10-year-old, signed up for her son to participate. “I didn’t hesitate even a bit to get registered for my boy. I grew up in Dapeng so I count myself lucky to be able to enjoy the fun and beauty of nature throughout my childhood. I want the same for my son,”she said. 这就是10岁孩子的母亲林海婷报名让儿子参加的原因。“我毫不犹豫地为我儿子注册了。我在大鹏长大,所以我觉得自己很幸运,能够在整个童年享受大自然的乐趣和美丽。她说:


优质参考文档 英语演讲比赛主持人台词(全) 符正勉:TheFlagisflPinginthewind.WearegoingwiththePartP.GoodmorningboPsan dgirls,ladiesandgentlemen.WelcometoTheFirstOralEnglishContestofWen lanjiangCentralSchool!Atthisrightmoment,whentheChildren’sDaP’sco mingaround,wewishPouaHappP Children’s DaP! 孙晓飞:红旗迎风飘,永远跟党走!尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们,早上好。欢迎大家参加文澜江中心学校首届英语口语大赛。值此“六一”儿童节到来之际,我们祝同学们节日快乐! 符正勉: Firstofall,let’swelcomeourheadmasterMrGutohavetheopeningremarksf orthiscontest. 孙晓飞:首先,让我们用热烈的掌声有请我们的许校长为本次英语口语大赛致开幕词,大家掌声有请! 符正勉:Thanksourheadmaster’swonderfulspeech.Andnow let’s invitetheleader ofBureauofEducationMr/Miss__________tohaveaspeechforthiscontest.Let ’swelcomehim! 孙晓飞:非常感谢许校长的精彩讲话。接下来,让我们盛情邀请县教育局的领导_________为本次大赛致辞,大家掌声有请! 符正勉: We’rereallPgratefultoMr/Miss__________’swonderfulspeech.Thanksagai n! 孙晓飞:十分感谢_________的精彩讲话。让我们以热烈的掌声再次表示感谢!


六一儿童节英语作文带翻译 On June 1st day,all children are very happy.On that day ,we don‘t go to school.Most of the children will go to the park.In the park,some children are flying kites,some are playing football,and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will have this happy festival.I think Children‘s Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day! 六月一日的一天,所有的孩子都很快乐.在那一天,我们不上学.绝 大部分的孩子要去公园.在公园里,一些孩子在放风筝,一些在踢足球, 有的在玩一个游戏.在天空中,有很多风筝.但只有一年一次,我们将这 个快乐的节日.我认为,儿童节是孩子们最重要的节日.因为大家都在那天有乐趣! It was Tuesday and It was Children's day.I had a busy but happy holiday.I got up early because my parents told me to take me to the park.We went there by bus.It only took us about an hour to get there.There were thousands of people that day.We went boating and then climbed the mountain.We had a picnic in the part.We didn't go home until four o'clock.I helped my mother cook supper in the evening.Then I did my homework and read a book named Harry Porter. 它是星期二,这是儿童节.我过了一个忙碌但快乐的节日.我起得很早,因为我父母告诉我要带我去公园.我们乘公共汽车去那里.它只花了一个小时到那里.有成千上万的人的那一天.我们去划船,然后爬上了山.我们的野餐.我们不回家直到四点.我帮我妈妈做晚饭在晚上.然后我做我的功课,阅读一本书叫哈利波特.


儿童节祝福语英语 本文是关于儿童节祝福语英语,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 1、小大人们祝你们节日愉快,智慧与年龄一同增长。 Grownup children I wish you a happy holiday, wisdom with age growth. 2、儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!愿你永远保持一颗童心。 Happy children's day, the innocence you forever! May you always keep a childlike innocence. 3、儿童的生活,是游戏的生活;儿童的世界,是游戏的世界。 The life of children, is the game of life; The world of children, is the world of the game. 4、祝小朋友们节日快乐,好好学习,天天向上,个儿象个模特。 I wish the children happy holidays, good good study, day day up, then as a model. 5、成年人和儿童在一起童心常驻,儿童和成年人在一起容易成熟。 Resident adults and children with childlike innocence, children and adults together to mature. 6、儿童是我们的未来,是我们的希望,是我们国家最宝贵的财富。 Children are our future, it is our hope, is the most valuable wealth of our country. 7、未来的花朵,祝你节日快乐,好好学习,天天向上,快快长大。 The future of flowers, wish your festival happiness, good good study, day day up, to hurry and grow up. 8、我感谢上帝让我拥有你,我的孩子在这个特殊的日子里我祝福你。 I thank god let me have you, my child in this special day I wish you well. 9、儿童是人类最珍贵的天然资源。宏伟理想鼓斗志,幼小心灵开红花。 Children is the most precious natural resource. Dark spirit grand ideal, young soul saffron.


英语演讲稿及翻译(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲稿范文有翻译 英语演讲稿范文有翻译 dearstudents,ourwayoflifeisalwayssunny,blueskies,whichint heendthemostdazzlingrayofsunlight?itwassaidtobeexcellentacade micperformance,itwassaidtobegiventohelpothers......andithinkt hatourwayoflifeofthemostbrilliantsunshineshouldbereportedtobe longtothetemplemap,helpustogrowthankstoeveryone.yes,theinstit uteofthanksgivingisafeeling,theinstituteofthanksgiving,butals oacharacter. asteachersandourstudents,themostimportantgratitudeisascho ol.schoolstogiveusabiggrowthstageoflife:brightandspaciousclas srooms,newdesksandchairs,air-conditionedandwell- being,aswellasmulti- mediafacilities,hasprovideduswithanattractivelearningenvironm ent.readonebookbrightandcleanrooms,providesuswithknowledgeoft hemarinetour;flatbeautifulbigplayground,provideduswithagoodpl acefortheexercise,andpotteryroom,computerroom,danceroom,multi - purposehall,andsoon,noschoolisnotoutofdevotiontoourselflelove!


关于六一儿童节英语作文:“六一”儿童节中英文天天盼望的“六一”儿童节终于来到了。 早上,我五点半就起了床。我先用妈妈的洗面奶认认真真的洗个脸,再用 大红梳子梳个黑亮亮的辫子,在上面扎上一朵花。梳好头,画好妆,我对着镜 子左照照右照照,感觉真靓,就转身往学校跑。我好像高兴得都不会走路了, 也不知道我是怎样从家里跑到学校的。 来到学校,只见亮堂堂的教学楼前挂着庆祝“六一”儿童节的巨大横幅, 横幅下面是让我们展示才艺的广阔舞台。我们就要在这里欢庆“六一”国际儿 童节。 庆“六一”的盛大活动在雷鸣般的掌声中开始了。首先是学校领导给优秀 少先中队和优秀少先队员、“十花少年”、“帮学花”颁发奖状,表彰先进, 接下来就是我们少年儿童展示才艺,表演节目。 第一个节目是一年级的小朋友为“六一”节排练的拍手歌。只见小同学一 个个活泼漂亮,精神饱满,喜气洋洋。他们亮开嗓子使劲唱,伸开双手使劲拍,小手都拍红了。第二个节目是六年级大哥哥大姐姐表演的大合唱。他们排成庞 大的队伍,亮开银铃般的嗓门,用宏亮的歌声来欢庆“六一”。时间在歌声、 笑声、掌声、乐声中飞快的过去了。该我们五年级上场了。我们要用欢乐的舞 蹈来庆祝“六一”。站在台上,我不知道我跳得有多好,但我看见台下的老师 和同学都看着我们欢笑,向着我们鼓掌。我们的舞跳完后,徐甜同学为大家演 唱了《太阳雨》主题歌,她用自己甜美的嗓音响亮的独唱来欢庆“六一”。轮 到器乐表演了,我们走上台去吹竖笛,曲目是《粉刷匠》、《牧童》、《春来了》。几十名同学站在舞台上一齐吹,笛声在校园飞扬,掌声在校园回荡,笑 容在脸上绽放。 时间过得真快啊!不知不觉中节目就表演完了,但我们的心仍然沉浸在节 日的欢乐中久久不能平静。 回到家里,我又打开电视看庆祝“六一”的精彩节目。原来全国、全世界 的小朋友和我们一样兴奋,一样欢乐,一样幸福,因为今天是我们的节日,是“六一”国际儿童节啊! 英文版: Every day looking forward to the "61" Children has finally come. Morning, 5:30 on my . My mother's face cream first serious个true face wash, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braids, in a flower on the top bar.梳好head, draw good makeup, I look at themselves in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they


发给小宝贝儿童节祝福语 发给小宝贝儿童节祝福语 在现实生活或工作学习中,许多人都写过祝福语吧,祝福语是指寄托美好祝福的话语。写祝福语时要注意的事项有很多,你都知道吗?下面是小编为大家整理的发给小宝贝儿童节祝福语,欢迎阅读与收藏。 短信到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐,心情天天好! 曾经年幼无知,曾经莽撞少年;岁月于指间无声滑过,当儿童节走在街头,才意识到过去的日子不回头。开支红酒,为这不属于我们的节日干杯!儿童节快乐! 你的一笑,使我心跳;你的一看,世界震撼;你的`一站,交通瘫痪;你一出汗,海水泛滥;你不打扮,已很好看;你一打扮,宇宙惊叹。六一快乐呦! 树叶因风而动,雏苗因土而长,瀑布因流而成,天空因鸟儿而生动,海洋因珊瑚而神秘,沙漠因绿洲而有生气,生

活因年轻而美丽!祝儿童节快乐!天天开心! 心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐! 在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天,也让我们每一个成年人回到童年,用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐! 圣旨到:奉天承运,皇帝召曰:由于你去年儿童节欠我三毛钱至今未还,罚你三天不准拉屎,拉屎不准带纸,带纸不过三尺,直到憋死为止!钦此,领纸! 谁说回忆不是美好的?虽然不放假,想想也开心:祝你六一快乐!:) 一年一度,在我们祝福天下所有的孩子儿童节快乐的这一天,也让我们每一个成年人回到童年,用最纯真的情怀最纯洁的心灵过一个快乐的儿童节!节日快乐! 阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童节快乐! 儿童节将至,我谨代表领导,向奋战在聊天一线各位小朋友们表示最深切的问候!并希望大家牢记住当年我给你的教导:好好上网,天天在线!儿童节快乐! 别动,抢劫!这是抢劫!懂吗?快拿出你的忧愁,交出


关于儿童节的演讲稿英语 篇一:六一儿童节英语演讲稿1 六一儿童节英语演讲稿1 大家好! 明天是“六一”国际儿童节。55年前,国际民主妇女联合会为保障全世界儿童的生存权力、保健权力和受教育的权力,于1949年11月在莫斯科召开的一次大会上决定每年六月一日为国际儿童节。1949年12月23日,中国政府也规定六月一日为儿童节。于是,全世界的儿童就拥有了一个属于自己的节日——“六一”国际儿童节。 我谨代表学校向全体同学致以节日的祝贺,祝大家节日快乐! 我也借此机会向全体教师表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。你们既是尊敬的老师,更是辛勤的园丁。你们爱校如家,爱生如子;勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨;

教书育人,无私奉献。你们创造了优美的环境,你们创造了优良的质量,你们为学校的发展与腾飞创造了良好的基础和条件。 同学们,“六一”是你们最快乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最高兴的日子。因为: 你们是家庭的宝贝,更是家庭的希望。你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。你们是学校的孩子,更是学校的希望。你们能够全面地发展,学校就充满生机与活力。你们是社会的未来,更是社会的希望。你们能够和谐地发展,社会就充满热情与友爱。你们是祖国的花朵,更是祖国的希望。你们能够茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美好与希望。 希望同学们:文明、好学、自主、合作。学会学习、学会生活、学会做人、学会创造。像大人一样富有责任心、富有使命感,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事,快快乐乐学习,健健康康成长。热爱祖国、热爱党、热爱人民、热爱自然、

热爱生活、热爱科学、热爱学习、热爱劳动。珍惜生命、珍惜时间、珍惜友谊、珍惜学习与发展的机会。关心社会、关心环境、关心集体、关心他人。尊敬师长、团结同学、礼貌待人;明辨是非、辨别美丑、为人正直。做一个理想远大、品行端庄、学习优良、身心健康的********事业的接班人。 希望老师们:敬业、爱生、严谨、探究。全面贯彻执行党的教育方针,教书育人,五育并举。牢固树立服务意识、质量意识和精品意识。面向每一个学生,珍惜每一个教育机会,上好每一堂课,做好每一件事,促进每一个学生的健康、和谐、全面的发展。为学生的终生发展奠定坚实的基础。 让我们共同努力,为把西塘小学办成人民满意的学校而努力奋斗。最后,祝同学们节日快乐! Hello everyone! Tomorrow is t he “61” International Children‘s Day. 55 years ago,Women’
