


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every

man’s greed.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should

write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on

Answer Sheet 1.


Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.

At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about

what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only

once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must

read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best

answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a

single line through the centre.


1. A) The man happened to see Anna fall on her back.

B) The serious accident may leave Anna paralyzed.

C) The doctor’s therapy has been very successful.

D) The injury will confine Anna to bed for quite a while.

2. A) Give his contribution some time later.

B) Borrow some money from the woman.

C) Buy an expensive gift for Gemma.

D) Take up a collection next week.

3. A) Add more fruits and vegetables to her diet.

B) Ask Tony to convey thanks to his mother.

C) Tell Tony’s mother that she eats no meat.

D) Decline the invitation as early as possible.

4. A) She phoned Fred about the book.

B) She was late for the appointment.

C) She ran into Fred on her way here.

D) She often keeps other people waiting.

5. A) Simply raise the issue in their presentation.

B) Find more relevant information for their work.

C) Put more effort into preparing for the presentation.

D) Just make use of whatever information is available.

6. A) He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.

B) He has a fairly large collection of quality trucks.

C) He has had his truck adapted for cold temperatures.

D) He does routine truck maintenance for the woman.

7. A) Visit a different store for a silk or cotton shirt.

B) Get a discount on the shirt she is going to buy.

C) Look for a shirt of a more suitable color and size.

D) Replace the shirt with one of some other material.

8. A) Not many people have read his article.

B) He regrets having published the article.

C) Most readers do not share his viewpoints.

D) The woman is only trying to console him.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) To test how responsive dolphins are to various signals.

B) To examine how long it takes dolphins to acquire a skill.

C) To see if dolphins can learn to communicate with each other.

D) To find out if the female dolphin is cleverer than the male one.

10. A) Press the right-hand lever first. C) Raise their heads above the water.

B) Produce the appropriate sound. D) Swim straight into the same tank.

11. A) Both dolphins were put in the same tank.

B) The male dolphin received more rewards.

C) The lever was beyond the dolphins’ reach.

D) Only one dolphin was able to see the light.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) Good or bad, they are there to stay.

B) Believe it or not, they have survived.

C) Like it or not, you have to use them.

D) Gain or lose, they should be modernised.

13. A) The frequent train delays. C) The food sold on the trains.

B) The monopoly of British Railways. D) The high train ticket fares.

14. A) Competition from other modes of transport.

B) The low efficiency of their operation.

C) Constant complaints from passengers.

D) The passing of the new transport act.

15. A) They will be de-nationalised. C) They are fast disappearing.

B) They lose a lot of money. D) They provide worse service.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken

only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from

the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding

letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) Iced coffees sold by some popular chains are contaminated.

B) Some iced coffees have as many calories as a hot dinner.

C) Some brand-name coffees contain harmful substances.

D) Drinking coffee after a meal is more likely to cause obesity.

17. A) Have some fresh fruit. C) Exercise at the gym.

B) Take a hot shower. D) Eat a hot dinner.

18. A) They could enjoy a happier family life.

B) They could greatly improve their work efficiency.

C) Many embarrassing situations could be avoided.

D) Many cancer cases could be prevented.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) It has attracted worldwide attention.

B) It will change the concept of food.

C) It can help solve global food crises.

D) It will become popular gradually.

20. A) It comes regularly from its donors.

B) It has been drastically cut by NASA.

C) It has been increased over the years.

D) It is still far from being sufficient.

21. A) They are less healthy than we expected.

B) They are not as natural as we believed.

C) They are not as expensive as before.

D) They are more nutritious and delicious.

Passage Three

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) Writing articles on family violence.

B) Hunting news for the daily headlines.

C) Reporting criminal offenses in Greenville.

D) Covering major events of the day in the city.

23. A) It has fewer violent crimes than big cities.

B) It is a much safer place than it used to be.

C) Assaults often happen on school campuses.

D) Rapes rarely occur in the downtown areas.

24. A) They are very destructive.

B) There are a wide range of cases.

C) There has been a rise in such crimes.

D) They have aroused fear among the residents.

25. A) Offer help to crime victims.

B) Work as a newspaper editor.

C) Write about something pleasant.

D) Do some research on local politics.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


George Herbert Mead said that humans are talked into humanity. He meant that we gain personal identity as we communicate with others. In the earliest years of our lives, our parents tell us who we are. “You’re 26 .”“You’re so strong.” We first see ourselves through the eyes of others, so their messages form important 27 of our self-concepts. Later we interact with teachers, friends, 28 partners, and co-workers who communicate their views of us. Thus, how we see ourselves reflects the views of us that others communicate.

The 29 connection between identity and communication is dramatically evident in children who 30 human contact. Case studies of children who were isolated from others reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language.

Communication with others not only affects our sense of identity but also directly influences our physical and emotional 31 . Consistently, research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation 32 stress, disease, and early death. People who lack close friends have greater levels of anxiety and depression than people who are close to others. A group of researchers reviewed

33 studies that traced the relationship between health and interaction with others. The conclusion was that social isolation is 34 as dangerous as high blood pressure, smoking and obesity. Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system, making us more 35 to a range of minor and major illnesses.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following

the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.

Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the

corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line

through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than


Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

To understand why we should be concerned about how young people read, it helps to know something about the way the ability to read evolved. Unlike the ability to understand and produce spoken language, the ability to read must be painstakingly

36 by each individual. The “reading circuits” we construct in the brain can be

37 or they can be robust, depending on how often and how 38 we use them. Th

ers are enjoying the experience the most, the pace of their reading 39 slows. The combination of fast, fluent decoding of words and slow, unhurried progress on the page gives deep readers time to enrich their reading with reflection and analysis. It gives them time to establish an 40 relationship with the author, the two of them 41 in a long and warm conversation like people falling in love.

This is not reading as many young people know it. Their reading

difference between what literary critic Frank Kermode calls “carnal (肉体的) reading”

and “spiritual reading.” If we allow our offspring to believe carnal reading is all there is —if we don’t open the door to spiritual reading, through an early 42 on discipline and practice — we will have 43 them of an enjoyable experience

they would not otherwise encounter. Observing young people’s 44 to digital devices, some progressive educators talk about “meeting kids where they are,”molding instruction around their onscreen habits. This is mistaken. We need, 45 , to show them someplace they’ve never been, a place only deep reading can

take them.


第一卷必修部分评析 一、单选题(题数:15道,共:30分,得分:0分) 1、(必修)某同学在谷歌的搜索栏中输入“伦敦奥运”,然后单击“搜索”按钮,他的这种信息资源检索方式是属于()。 A、分类检索 B、全文搜索(关键词查询) C、多媒体信息检索 D、专业垂直搜索 系统答案:B 2、(必修)关于IE浏览器工具栏上的常用按钮,以下说法错误的是()。 A、单击“后退”按钮,可以浏览下一个页面 B、通过“收藏”按钮可以收藏喜欢的站点 C、通过“历史”按钮可以查看最近访问过的站点 D、单击“主页”按钮,可以跳到IE启动时自动打开的页面 系统答案:A 3、(必修)用高级语言编写的程序()。 A、占用内存空间非常少 B、很复杂且难以理解 C、必须由翻译程序将其编译成机器语言,才能在计算机上执行 D、只能在某种计算机上运行 系统答案:C 4、(必修)使用WinRAR将多个文件打包压缩成一个文件,这样做的目的是( )。 A、减小文件的体积 B、防止文件被病毒感染 C、防止文件被黑客窃取 D、防止文件被破坏 系统答案:A 5、(必修)()为人类近代文明奠定了基础,使信息广泛传播到世界的各个角落成为可能。 A、语言的产生 B、电报、电话、广播、电视的发明 C、文字的发明 D、造纸术和印刷术的发明 系统答案:D 6、(必修)在搜索时,如果想让搜索引擎把关键词作为一个固定的词组进行检索,不进行拆分,可以使用下列搜索技巧中的( )。 A、使用逻辑控制符号 B、使用布尔运算符 C、细化搜索条件 D、强制搜索 系统答案:D

7、(必修)下列文件中,不属于音频文件的是 ( )。 A、BMP B、WAV C、MP3 D、WMA 系统答案:A 8、(必修)分析某市近年来全年降水量的变化趋势,下列Excel图表中合适的是()。 A、柱形图 B、圆环图 C、饼图 D、折线图 系统答案:D 9、(必修)在Word中,要将文档中某一段落的格式完全复制到另一段落,可以使用()按钮来实现。 A、 B、 C、 D、 系统答案:B 10、(必修)以下行为构成犯罪的是()。 A、破解他人计算机密码,复制计算机中的数据 B、将自己的作品上传到网络 C、上网文明用语 D、发送广告电子邮件 系统答案:A 11、(必修)DNS服务器的作用是 ( )。 A、用来进行域名解析 B、网上信息浏览服务 C、数据上传下载 D、远程代理 系统答案:A 12、(必修)以下行为中构成犯罪的是()。 A、破解他人计算机密码,但未破坏其数据 B、学习研究黑客技术 C、对自己计算机中的私人信息进行加密 D、向客户发送广告电子邮件 系统答案:A 13、(必修)FrontPage是一款( )软件。 A、文字处理 B、网页制作


高考语文模拟试题 (满分150分,时间150分) 一、二、三题(10个选择题,每小题3分,共30分) 一、知识积累(每小题3分) 1. 下列各组词语中,只有一个错别字的一组是( )(3分) A翔实词不达意冷寞一愁莫展 B痉孪不经之谈偏辟励精图治 C风靡蘖根祸种攀缘始作俑者 D倾轧气冲宵汉弘扬扑溯迷离 2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )A.我国许多城市都建立了食品质量 。 报告制度,定期向社会公布有关部门的检验结果,从而使那些劣质食品在劫难逃 .... B.交易会展览大厅里列的一件件色泽莹润、玲珑剔透 的玉雕工艺品,受到了来自世界各地 .... 客商的青睐。 C.只见演员手中的折扇飞快闪动,一生动传神的戏剧脸谱稍纵即逝 ,川剧的变脸绝技赢 .... 得了观众的一片喝彩。 D.现在,许多家长望子成龙的心情过于急切,往往不切实际地对孩子提出过高的要求,其。 结果常常是弄巧成拙 .... 二、阅读下面短文,完成3—6小题矛盾普遍存在于客观世界中,模糊性亦寓于万物运动之中。 鸡蛋可以孵鸡,当小鸡未啄出蛋壳时,总不能说它仍是蛋,亦不可称之为鸡。突变的事物会呈现短暂的模糊性,而另一些事物放到漫长的时间里考察也会使模糊性突出显现。铅块上放一比重较大的金属球,短时间它们均呈现出刚体的属性,但经过长时间观察,又会发现金属球慢慢陷入铅块之中。若将上述两个过程用快镜头加以重映.则过去被看成是固体的物质就出现了类似液体的属性。这里,固体与液体的界限变得模糊不清了。 处于昼夜之间的黎明或黄昏、门捷列夫周期表中介于金属与非金属之间的过渡元素,中

医的脏腑辨证和脉象的浮沉迟数,却说明了客观世界的模糊性。科学的发展.也许会使这些模糊现象在某个层次上变得清晰起来,而在更深的层次上仍混沌不清。 客观世界的模糊性反映在人脑中,便产生了概念上的模糊性;人又巧妙地利用自己建立的模糊概念来进行判断、推理和控制,完成那些现代先进设备所不能完成的工作:人们几乎可以同样地辨认胖子和瘦子、美丽和丑陋;人们无须测量车速便可明智地躲过川流不息的车队;一行草书虽然大异于整齐的印刷字体,却照样可以被人看懂。 现实生活给模糊理论提出了无数研究课题。模糊理论力图用较为精确的数学语言和概念来描述现实中的模糊现象以及人脑中的模糊概念。如果说前人利用仿生学研究飞鸟而发明了飞机,那么当我们今天研制和应用计算机的时候,却不可忘记最优秀的仿生标本——人。人的思维、判断是那样巧妙,人的经验是那样丰富、人类如何将自己的智慧教给计算机,将自己的思维方法传授给计算机,甚至用自己的艺术修养及审美观念去“冶”计算机,使计算机具有更多的“人性”,这已成为模糊理论工作者肩负的历史使命。 3.画线句子“若将上述两个过程用快镜头加以重映”所强调的意思是() A.铅块和金属球的属性能用快镜头加以重映。 B.模糊性有时表现在较长的运动过程中。 C.铅块和金属球的模糊性不容易被观察到。 D.突变事物的模糊性反映了两个运动过程。 4.在作者看来,下列现象中能说明“客观世界模糊性”的一项是() A.小鸡刚刚啄出蛋壳而出世的时候。 B.中医的脏腑辨证和脉象上的浮沉迟数。 C.金属球由于漫长的量变而显现出短暂的质变。 D.人们可以看懂书法家的草书作品。 5.在作者看来,下列事实中能说明“人巧妙地利用模糊概念”的一项是() A.人们利用仿生学研究飞鸟而发明了飞机。 B.人们发现突变的事物会呈现短暂的模糊性。


新目标版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(一)B卷 一、请听下面8段对话。每段对话后面有一小题。从题中所给的A、B、 (共8题;共8分) 1. (1分)What does the sign say? A . No Feeding. B . No Smoking. C . No Photos. 2. (1分)听对话,选出最佳选项() Why does the woman look pale? A . She is seriously ill. B . She had an accident. C . She saw an accident. 3. (1分)How does Jack improve his spoken English? A . By watching English movies. B . By listening to tapes. C . By reading English books. 4. (1分)What does Jim have to do? A . Do he dishes. B . Do his homework. C . Do some cleaning. 5. (1分)对话和问题根据选出正确答案 A . Some pears. B . Some oranges. C . Some orange. 6. (1分)What is the boy going to do? A . To see a movie. B . To help with the housework. C . To do some sports. 7. (1分)Where are they going on Saturday? A . Shanghai.


2014年高考英语模拟试题(三) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Its a name that needs no addresses. Everyone knows Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. So letters sent to Santa Claus find their way to the small town of North Pole deep in Alaska,including those simply addressed to Santa. Last year,120,000 letters arrived from 26 countries,not including the thousands with no return addresses. Those who have return addresses usually get a reply and a North Pole postmark that has delighted children all over the world for decades. They feel happy to receive Santas reply. Letters arrive all the year round in the town of 1,600,where streets have names such as Santa Claus Lane and Kris Kringle Drive. Around Thanksgiving,they start pouring in by



1、某矿山企业在一次发生的瓦斯爆炸事故中死亡8人,重伤50人,直接经济损失800万元。根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,这次事故属于()。A:特别重大事故 B:重大事故 C:较大事故 D: 一般事故 答案:B 2、危险度可用生产系统中事故发生的()确定。 A:危险物质与危险因素 B:危险条件与危险状态 C:危险场所与危险因素 D:可能性与严重性 答案:D 3、安全管理中的本质化原则,是指从一开始和从本质上实现安全化,从()消除事故发生的可能性。 A:技术上 B:根本上 C:管理上 D:思想上 答案:B

4、风险管理的主要内容包括危险源辨识、风险评价、危险预警与监测、事故预防、风险控制管理及()。 A:环境改善 B:事故调查 C:应急管理 D:持续改进 答案:C 5、人本原理中的激励原则,是指以科学的手段,激发人的(),使其充分发挥积极性、主动性和创造性,从而实现有效的管理。 A:内在潜力 B:创造热情 C:个人兴趣 D:合作精神 答案:A 6、按照预防原理,安全生产管理工作应该做到预防为主,通过有效的管理和技术手段,减少和防止人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态。下列论述不符合预防原理的是()。 A:事故后果以及后果的严重程度都是随机的,难以预测的 B:只要诱发事故的因素存在,发生事故是必然的 C:从根本上消除事故发生的可能性,是本质安全的出发点 D:当生产与安全发生矛盾时,要以安全为主 答案:D

7、在工业生产中,设置防爆墙、防火门等主要是应用()预防伤亡事故。 A:系统安全理论 B:能量意外释放理论 C:事故频发倾向理论 D:海因里希因果连锁理论 答案:B 8、安全生产标准化工作实行自主评定、外部评审的方式,评审等级分为()。A:一、二、三级,一级为最高 B: 一、二、三级,三级为最高 C:一、二、三、四级,一级为最高 D:一、二、三、四级,四级为最高 答案:A 9、根据《安全生产法》,重大危险源是指长期地或临时地生产、搬运、使用或储存危险物品,且危险物品的()等于或超过()的单元。 A:数量临界量 B:种类临界量 C:危险性上限 D:数量上限 答案:A


1、阅读下面这段文字,根据拼音写出汉字。 我由zhōng( )地感谢造物主设计了冬。没有冬的肃杀,或许我们永远感受不到春的温柔wǔ()媚;没有冬的单调,或许我们永远不会知道夏的多姿多cǎi();没有冬的真实,或许我们永远摆脱不了秋的虚无chàng()然。 2、根据句子中的注音写出词语。 (1)重现的远古林木多么cōng lóng__________、幽雅。 (2)花朵从来都稀落,东一穗西一串líng dīng_______地挂在树梢,好像在试探什么。 (3)除非是为了xuàn yào_________ 一下他的新衣服。 (4)你洁白的身影,让qiáocuì的天空返老还童,露出湛蓝的笑容。 3、根据下面的语境,为空格处选择合适的词语,将其序号写在横线上。 人要学会相信别人,也要学会保护自我;学会竞争,也要学会;学会严格,也要学会;学会坚持,也要学会;学会倾听,也要学会表达;学会默默恪守,也要学会分享心灵;学会在挫折中守护理想,在超越中留住平凡。 A.妥协 B.协同C.宽容 4、从上下连贯的要求看,下面句子的横线上应填入的一项是( )?周末,我最喜欢逛热闹的“花鸟市场”,这里简直是动植物的世界:有色彩斑斓的金鱼,________________。?A.有欢快歌唱的小鸟,有鲜花散发着的阵阵清香。?B.有鲜花在散发着阵阵清香,有小鸟在欢快地歌唱。?C.有散发着阵阵清香的鲜花,有小鸟在欢快地歌唱。 D.有欢快歌唱的小鸟,有散发着阵阵清香的鲜花。 5、依次填入括号里的成语,最贴切的一组是( ) (1)他这个人经常( ),想到什么就谈什么。 (2)这样的计划给人以( )的感觉,好像海市蜃楼,可望而不可及。 (3)老张订计划、做决定,很少调查研究,常常( ),还自夸“秀才不出门,能知天下事”。 (4)学习或者做事,如果( ),随心所欲,那么结果是可想而知的。 A 信口开河虚无缥缈无的放矢闭门造车


成都市2014届高三摸底测试模拟试题英语(一) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共90分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.—Micheal was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning. —_____? But he never came late to class. A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for 2._____ friend of my grandfather’s will come tomorrow. I’m wondering how old _____ man he might be. A. The; a B. The; the C. A; a D. A; the 3.The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than that in _____ area of the city. A. the other B. any other C. any of the other D. any of other 4.The meeting has been _____ until next week. A. put forward B. put back C. put aside D. put away 5.The present hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he _____. A. has started B. starts C. started D. will start 6.Please remain _____ until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. to seat B. to be seated C. seating D. seated 7.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _____ in love at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldn’t have fallen B. hadn’t fallen C. should fall D. were to fall 8.We are impressed by the Ya’an Earthquake and the damage _____ has done to people living in Sichuan Province deeply. A. it B. which C. as D. what 9.—Were all the passengers on the bus injured in the accident? —No, _____ only the four who got hurt. A. there was B. there were C. that was D. it was 10._____ you are what you eat, you should eat healthily. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. While 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) I wouldn’t ask for a dressing room. My mom always asked for me. The evening before I had 11risen from my seat and piled on excess noodles. Then I licked my bowl with the buttered garlic bread, 12no evidence of the four servings I had eaten greedily. In the morning I would be forced to lie on my bed and stuck in my 13just to button my jeans. I feared school 14. The sale rack, with its slender size markers, knew my number continued to grow. I learned 15to eat from my dad: fast and without thinking. In our house, the dinner table involved 16, with the children on defense. One 17move and our dinner would be snatched off our plates without warning and eaten up by our father 18than we could blink. We soon learned to keep a hand up while 19our chicken, and if mom decided to cook that


2013年长沙市第一次模拟试题 语文试题 一、语言文字运用(12分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,语音全部正确的一组 A.漫溯(sù)铁砧(zhēn)旱涝(lào)差强人意(qiánɡ) B.骁勇(xiāo)剽悍(biāo)商榷(qua)不屈不挠(náo) C.散步(sǎn)削价(xuē)刷白(shuà)洗洗涮涮(shuàn) D.嶙峋(xín)丰稔(rěn)醇厚(chún)追本溯源(sù) 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.坐镇尺牍趋之若鹜与子偕老 B.犀利褴褛箭步如飞真知卓见 C.蜗居冒然唉声叹气湮没无闻 D.蜜饯熟稔怡笑大方礼尚往来 3.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是 A.莫言在80年代中期以一系列乡土作品崛起,充满着“怀乡”以及“怨乡”的复杂情感,被归类为“寻根文学”作家,也使他当之无愧地获得了诺贝尔文学奖的殊荣。 B.日方非法“购买”钓鱼岛的行径严重侵犯中国领土主权,日方应正视当前中日关系的严峻局面,承认钓鱼岛主权争议,回到谈判解决钓鱼岛问题的轨道上来。 C.京广高铁于2012年12月26日全线开通运营,这条大动脉连接的大都是主要的金融中心和大型城市。 D.自1月1日施行的“闯黄灯扣6分”的新交通规则在民间引发争议,虽然公安部日前下发通知暂时以教育为主,但不少业内外人士都表示朝令夕改伤害法律权威。 4.下面四种不同的表达语,通顺、得体的一项是 A.(申请报告)我校设备简陋,教室处在风雨飘摇之中,望拨款修整。

B.(广播稿)据悉,此次义演所筹之捐款将会在最近转送到黔江地区的希望小学。 C.(班会课)王老师对全班学生说:“同学们,别忘了,我们是学生,我们的主要任务是学习”。 D.(自荐信)虽然我只有本科学历,但绝对名副其实,恳请学校领导唯才是用。 二、文言文阅读(共22分。其中,选择题12分,每小题3分;翻译题10分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5-8题。 古者,名以正体,字以表德,名终则讳之,字乃可以为孙氏。孔子弟子记事者,皆称仲尼。江南至今不讳字也。河北人士全不辨之,名亦呼为字,字固呼为字。 偏傍之书,死有归杀,子孙逃窜,莫肯在家;画瓦书符,作诸厌胜①;丧出之日,门前然火,户外列灰,祓送家鬼,章断注连②。凡如此比,不近有情,乃儒雅之罪人,弹议所当加也。 《礼经》:“父之遗书,母之杯圈,感其手口之泽,不忍读用。”正为常所讲习,讎校缮写,及偏加服用,有迹可思者耳。若寻常坟典③,为生什物,安可悉废之乎?既不读用,无容散逸,惟当缄保,以留后世耳。 江南风俗,儿生一期,为制新衣,盥浴装饰,男则用弓矢纸笔,女则刀尺针缕,并加饮食之物,及珍宝服玩,置之儿前,观其发意所取,以验贪廉愚智,名之为试儿。亲表聚集,致宴享焉。…… 四海之人,结为兄弟,亦何容易,必有志均义敌,令终如始者,方可议之。一尔之后,命子拜伏,呼为丈人,申父交之敬,身事彼亲,亦宜加礼。比见北人甚轻此节,行路相逢,便定昆季,望年观貌,不择是非,至有结父为兄、托子为弟者。 (选自《颜氏家训·风操篇》 【注】①厌(yā)胜:制服,指用巫术制服妖邪等。②章断注连:上章以求断绝死者之殃染及旁人。注连,传染的意思。③坟典:《三坟》《五典》的简称,泛指古籍。 5.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是() A.名终则讳之讳:避讳 B.无容散逸逸:丢失


2017中考语文模拟试题及答案 【2017中考语文模拟试题及答案】一、语文知识积累(本大题含1—6小题,其中1—5小题为选择题,每小题2分,必须使用2B铅笔,将正确答案填涂在答题卡相应位置上。第6小题8分,共18分) 1. 下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一项是( ) A.狡黠(á) 潜力(án) 提防(dī) 恪尽职守(kè) B.纤细(ān) 嗤笑(ī) 勾当(ɡōu) 黎民百姓(mín) C.拮据(é) 藻饰(zǎo) 称职(èn) 气冲斗牛(dǒu) D.抽噎(yē) 发窘(ǒnɡ) 干系(ɡān) 越俎代庖(páo) 2.下列句子中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是( ) A.2014年索契冬奥会开幕式出现失误——五环变四环,真让人叹为观止。 B.春晚舞台上,蔡明那幽默滑稽的语言表达,令人忍俊不禁。 C.正因为具有自命不凡的崇高理想,他才在工作中取得了出色的成绩。 D.纪录片《舌尖上的中国》介绍了各地美食,丰富多彩,让人莫衷一是。 3. 将下列语句依次填入文段中的横线处,排序正确的一项是( ) 有人把人生比喻为一部丰富多彩的作品:幼年像,充满着天真的幻想;少年像,可以尽情地抒情;青年像一出快乐的喜剧,追求生活的情趣;中年像,经历着种种世态炎凉与人情冷暖;老年像,静静地品味那逝去的岁月。 ①一本沉甸甸的回忆录②一首浪漫的诗歌③一篇美丽的童话④一部严肃的小说

A.②③④① B.③②①④ C.②③①④ D.③②④① 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是( ) A.党的十八大报告用24个字概括了中国人民的社会主义核心价值观。 B.我市的灯饰将从“亮起来”变为“美起来”,目前正在实施让灯饰“动起来”的目标。 C.为了防止恶性交通事故不再发生,交警部门对道路交通安全加大了监管力度。 D.湖南卫视《爸爸去哪儿》热播后,林志颖的儿子小小志和李湘的女儿王诗龄立即迅速蹿红网络。 5.下列关于名著内容及相关知识的表述,有错误的一项是( ) A.俄国文学家契诃夫被称为短篇小说巨匠,我们学过的长篇小说《变色龙》就是他的作品。 B.诸葛亮是三国时期蜀汉的政治家、军事家,他的《出师表》历来受到人们的高度评价,被视为“表”中的杰作。 C.《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,又称为“诗三百”,后被儒家尊为经典。 D.“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”,是鲁迅赞誉司马迁历史巨著《史记》的名言。 6. 根据提示填空。(每空1分,共8分) (1)何当共剪西窗烛,。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》) (2) ,甲光向日金鳞开。(李贺《雁门太守行》) (3) ,西北望,射天狼。(苏轼《江城子》) (4)大漠孤烟直,。(王维《使至塞上》) (5)刘禹锡《陋室铭》中描写“陋室”环境清幽、宁静的句子是:,。


人教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(八)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)完形填空 When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time that taught a man everything. I didn't understand and wondered why1had such a big influence2a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult. But now,3I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel4to express my own opinion on this saying. I know that I am just a high school student with very few experiences. There're are still many things waiting for me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice. I once read this sentence, "To make this world a happy place in which to live, you had better5yourself and your heart, instead of the whole world."I was shocked. It made me think about6itself. There are so many things around us that7our will. We can't force life to follow our wishes. The earth won't stop turning no matter whether we8it or not. What we can do is just to make9suit the world. I think we should learn to accept10life gives us, no matter whether it's the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy. The pop song Grandmother by Jay Chou is my favorite. I'm deeply moved by this beautiful song. I always try to11every pleasant thing in my life, but now 1 see that I don't catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more likely that they slip by(流逝) and leave you12regretful. I realize that I'm not just living for myself and that there are others I should13such as my parents, friends, and so on. They all pay attention to my growing up,14it's just a little progress. Everyone has his or her. Own15towards life, positive or negative. It doesn't matter, I think there is one rule that should be obeyed and that's to make this world better. (1) A . man B . time C . thing D . parent (2) A . about B . with C . on D . in (3)


2014年初三英语模拟试题 解留初中宋翠萍 第I卷(选择题75分) 一、听力测试(略) 二、选择填空(15分) 21. Which of the following signs can be seen on the door of a shopping mall? A B C D 22. —I have great _________ in learning math and I’m so worried. Could you help me? —Sure. I’d be glad to. A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun 23. —When shall we meet again next week? — _________ day is possible. It’s no problem with me. A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any 24. In our school library there _________ a number of books on science and the number of them ________ growing larger and larger. A. is; are B. are; is C. has; is D. have; are 25. —Could you tell me_________? —You’d better take No.15. A. Which bus do I need take B. Which bus need I take C. Which bus I need to take D. Which bus I need taking 26. My Father’s office on________ Fifth Avenue is far from my home, so he goes to work____ his car every day. A. the, in B. /, by C. the, by D. /, in 27. While I________ a sunny afternoon in the park yesterday, I suddenly noticed a strange man_________ towards me. A. enjoyed, walked B. was enjoying, walk C. was enjoying, walking D. enjoyed, to walk 28. — Mr. Brown is a hardworking man. — _________.


本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(主观题)和答题卷三部分。请用2B铅笔将第一卷的答案规范地填涂在机读卡上,用蓝黑墨水笔将第二卷答案规范地写在答题卷上。满分150分,考试用时150分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列加点字注音全都正确的一项是() A.煤屑.(xiè)踱.步(duò)霎.时(shà)袅娜.(nuó)梵.婀玲(fán) B.癖.好(pǐ)明眸.(móu)混沌.(dùn)落蕊.(ruǐ)廿.四桥(gān) C.平仄.(zè)譬.如(pì)落.枕(luò)柘.木(zhè)残垣.断壁(yuán) D.蓓.蕾(bèi)蕈.菌(xùn)瞥.见(piē)倜.傥(tì)桀骜不驯.(xùn) 2.下列词语中字形没有错误一项是 A. 闲睱镶嵌攀缘巫筮无与士耽 B. 座落陨落掂量风姿没精打采 C. 颤栗厮打萧萦遐迩游目骋怀 D. 缥渺宣泄斑驳点缀不容置喙 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当 ..的一项是( ) ( 2分) A.这种大肆砍伐森林来发展工业的行为,无异于杀鸡取卵,涸辙之鲋 ....,严重破坏了生态平 衡。B.从下午拿到任务后,研究所全体员工夙兴夜寐 ....,连夜奋战,终于在第二天早上拿出了科学的行动方案。 C.张大爷和他弟弟都九十多岁了,尽管都满头白发,但身子骨都还硬朗,像这样白头偕老 ....的亲弟兄,现在还真不多见。 D.春晚后,刘谦的魔术一跃成为虎年网络的第一问,各种“揭秘”的版本也层出不穷 ....。4.下列各句中.没有语病的一句是( ) ( 2分) A.长期的睡眠不足,会使人体生物钟功能失调,正常的生活节奏发生紊乱,从而促使人 早衰和引发某些不必要的疾病。 B.据《环球时报》报道,中国谈判代表连续两天在哥本哈根对美欧日进行了直接点名式的批评,一向在媒体面前低调的中国此次的直率受到关注。 C.虽然在西方发达国家,中学校长向大学推荐优秀学生的现象很普遍,但在当下中国,把推荐的权力交给校长,谁又能确保他们是否为权钱而动? D.“贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你吃饭”这个帖子可能因为太好玩了,很快网友们转至各大网站,很多不明真相的网友纷纷问“贾君鹏是何许人也”,但没有任何人出来解答。 5.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是 近几十年来,,,,,,。随着中国国力的增强,关于中国的国际地位、作用和责任的讨论方兴未艾。 ①也高于同时期世界的平均水平 ②中国日益成为世界关注的焦点 ③现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就 ④中国的综合实力大幅度提高


辽宁省营口市2018届中考英语模拟试题(一) 考试时间120分钟,满分150分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I卷(客观性试题共55分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(共20分,每小题1分) ( )1..—Who is ____ girl behind the tree ? —Which one ? The one with ______ umbrella ? A. a; the B.an; an C. the; a D. the; an ( )2.About ______ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass. A. three fifths; are B. three fifths ; is C. three fifth; are D. third fifths; is ( )3.Though she often makes her little brother ___ , she was made ___ by him this morning. A. cry ; to cry B. to cry ; cry C. cry ; cry D. cry ; crying ( )4.I don’t knowwhen you ______ to Mary’s party.When you go, ______as well A. go ; I will go B. will go ; I will go C. will go ; I go D. go ; I go ( )5.. ----What do you think of the new bridge? ---- I have never seen ________ before. A. so a long one B.such a long one C. so long one D. a such long one ( )6.Now many people smoke and get ill. So we must do something ____them __smoking. A to stop, to B stop , from C to stop , from D stop, to ( )7.The baby is sleeping . We try ______ him up . A.to wake B. waking C. not to wake D. not waking ( )8.—Is this Mr. Li’s car ?—It ___be his car . His is an American car , but this is a Japanese car. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t ( )9. Let’s go to Kunming for vacation. It’s ______ too hot ______too c old. A. either …or B. neither …nor C. both …and D. not only… but also ( )10.---Could you tell me ___ yesterday ? ---Because my bike was broken on my way here.


(2014)College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education 专科(英语二)模拟 I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points, 1 point for each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center 1. There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But only __ A__ of them are very important. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little 2. I don’t agree to _ C __ he said. A. that B. which C .what D. how 3. Do you think the tall hat __ B __ the little man? A. does some good for B. did any good for C. does some good to D. did any good to 4. It was __B__ __ late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time. A. so B. too C. such D. much 5. He was B when he heard the bad news. A. in high spirits B. depressed C. having a good time D. cheerful 6. It has been D that the food people eat affects their health. A. proving B. prove C. proves D. proved 7. He had to learn to go D drinking while he was in Saudi Arabia. A. out with B. out of C. with D. without 8. You’ll have to work harder to A with the top students in your class. A. catch up B. hold up C. go up D. get up 9. Companies often B mystery shoppers to inspect their service. A. rent B. employ C. hire D. take 10. We always aim to give our A attention to our clients. A. personal B. single C. only D. once 11. You should be out playing __B __ working indoors. A. instead B. instead of C. but D. nothing but 12. When she opened the door, she found a boy ___ A _ in the snow, weeping. A. lying B. laying C. lie D. lay 13. You mustn’t blame me ___B _ that; it wasn't my fault. A. of B. for C. to D. in 14. B his old age, he still went to his office on foot every day. A. Because of B. In spite of C. Though D. Despite of 15. He is very A with his money. A. careless B. worried C. free D. thoughtless 16. You are supposed to A carelessness, for it often leads to errors. A. get rid of B. get the rid of C. get ride over D. get ridden
