【精品】2019年春人教版英语必修五课时作业:Unit 5 section 1

【精品】2019年春人教版英语必修五课时作业:Unit 5 section 1
【精品】2019年春人教版英语必修五课时作业:Unit 5 section 1

Unit 5 Section Ⅰ

Ⅰ.单词拼写导学号 49152457

1.His head had struck the sink and was_bleeding__(流血).

2.In this video,we're going to discuss the treatment of_ankle__(踝关节) pain.

3.A small child could_choke__(窒息)on the doll's hair.

4.He tried to kill himself by taking _poison__.

5.The politician found the cries of the starving children_unbearable__(难以忍受的).

6.He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of _scissors__.

7.His _swollen__leg was a result of a knock into the car.

8.The present situation is very _complex__, so I think it will take me some time to figure out its reality.

9.Two minutes ago my little brother walked into my room wearing a _bandage__on his wounded head.

10.Shecomplainedloudlytotheshopkeeper, whoanswered her _mildly__.

Ⅱ.用方框中所给短语的适当形填空导学号 49152458

in place, over and over again, squeeze out, fall ill, a variety of, depend on,be stuck to, take off, be vital to, pick off

1.She felt as if every drop of emotion had been _squeezed_out__of her.

2.The article was about_a_variety_of__Spanish spoken in South America.

3.It_is_vital_to__get medical supplies to the area as soon as possible.

4. If you_take_off__a garment, it means that you remove it.

5.The opportunities available will_depend_on__your previous work experience and qualifications.

6.You should not_pick_off__any of the flowers from the trees.

7.A sticking plaster is a material that can_be_stuck_to__the skin to protect small wounds.

8.More than 100, 000 people could_fall_ill__after drinking polluted water.

9.This is what she has been saying_over_and_over_again__.I don't know how many times.

10.She likes everything to be_in_place__before she starts work.

Ⅲ.单句改错导学号 49152555

1.The old man could walk around in the aid of a walking stick.


解析:with the aid of...=with the help of...,意为“在……的帮助下”,为固定搭配。

2.There are other times when give first aid quickly can save lives.


解析:giving first aid quickly在从句中作主语,所以需用动词-ing短语的形式。

3.Your skin prevents your body from lose too much water.



4.You can get burned by variety of things.


解析:a variety of=various=varieties of,表示“各种各样的”。

5.It's hot,but the electrical fan doesn't work.


解析:electric“电的,电动的”,多指“用电的或产生电的”,多修饰具体的名词;而electrical表示“与电有关的”,但常修饰抽象名词,如electrical equipment“电器设备”。

Ⅳ.根据汉语提示完成下列句子导学号 49152459


He shook off the dust that_had__ _stuck__ _to__his overcoat.


He went to the front to see whether the sail_was__ _properly__ _in__ _place__.


“I don't understand it,”he said, over__ _and__ _over__ _again__.


You can_depend__ _on__him to make a very sound choice.


These matters_are__ _vital__ _to__the national information security.


_When__ _she__ _fell__ _ill__,her daughter took over the business from her.


They were ready to die, if__ _necessary__,for their country.


_A__ _variety__ _of__Russian goods are forwarded through Sweden.


This machine can be of help for you to_squeeze__ _more__ _juice__ _out__.


If your eyes_get__ _infected__,you must immediately go to a doctor.

Ⅴ.阅读理解导学号 49152460

We all know how important human life is—it's priceless.Itdoesn't matter where you are from or what the color of your skins is—all people are human beings.Firstly, we can tell you that the lives of your relatives could depend on your ability to give first aid.If you think highly of human's life,this website is for you! Here you can find information about first aid.

The very first thing that you should do when you see an accident is to evaluate the situation and prevent further dangerous incidents. First of all,you have to recognize what has happened and what the dangers to rescuers and victims are.Think about how to take care of the victims.

Helping usually takes place in very difficult conditions and injuries can be very bad. Therefore,you cannot be too afraid of making mistakes to help.Sometimes you have to face the fact that regardless of your actions and your efforts the victim's condition might not improve—he or she could even die.In some cases even professional medical aid may not succeed.If you have done everything you think you should do, you shouldn't feel guilty.

Do not expose yourself to danger. Giving first aid can be dangerous.While trying to help a victim, do not forget about your own safety.If something happens to you, you won't be able to help anyone.

Call for help after you find out the condition of a victim. But remember if a victim faints due to breathing failure caused by drowning, choking or poisoning, you should first take action that helps to bring back the heartbeat and breathing.While calling, talk shortly but clearly.Always provide the following information:the location of the accident, the kind of accident, the number of the injured and your full name and phone number and so on.


1.The underlined word “evaluate” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_D__”.

A.leave B.protect

C.avoid D.judge

解析:词义猜测题。根据下文“First of all you have to recognize what has happened and what the dangers to rescuers and victims are. Think about how to take care of the victims. ”可知“evaluate”的意思是“评估,判断”,故答案为D。

2.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3?_C__

A.You should learn some professional knowledge about first aid.

B.You shouldn't feel guilty if you don't know about first aid.

C.Try your best to give first aid and don't be afraid of making mistakes.

D.Don't make mistakes when you are giving first aid.

解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段中“Therefore, you cannot be too afraid of making mistakes to help.Sometimes you have to face the fact that regardless of your actions and your efforts the victim's condition might not improve —he or she could even die.In some cases even professional medical aid may not succeed.”可知要尽最大努力实施急救,不要害怕犯错,故选C。

3.The author thinks that helping a victim can be_A__.

A. risky B.shocking

C. exciting D.boring

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“Giving first aid can be dangerous.”可知实施急救有可能是危险的,故选A。

4.It can be inferred from the passage that_D__.

A.everyone must learn how to give first aid

B.you should forget about your own safety while giving first aid

C.when you see an accident you should do nothing but call the police

D.when calling for help you should give all relevant details

解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“While calling, talk shortly but clearly. Always provide the following information:the location of the accident, the kind of accident, thenumber of the injured and your full name and phone number and so on.”可知,打电话求助的时候,你应该给出所有相关的细节,故选D。

Ⅵ.七选五导学号 49152461


Good study habits

_1.C__They'll help you learn the material if you practice over and over again.

Play around with them to fit your own personal needs, and you will make big progress.

Firstly, go to class. You won't do well if you don't have the information. 80% of the grades depend on showing up, so be there. This should be your top choice when it comes to building study habits._2.A__

Secondly, make sure that no matter what happens, you review your notes the day you take them._3.E__If that means re-working difficult problems, getting tutoring, or reading, then do it. The more review work you do at a time, the better your grades will be. Don't be one of those who wait until the last minute to study. It's more fun to get sleep and do well in your exam.

Finally, practicing is very good for you. Classes involving problem-solving require you to work on your problem-solving skills in order to get good grades. So practice working on those physics, maths, chemistry, etc. problems._4.D__Put forward your questions in class, and then you can make progress in a short time.

As you build your habits, get into a groove(成为习惯). _5.G__

A. If you don't go to class, you'll miss need-to-know information and any other important things.

B. Pick up a good habit like exercising or give up an unhealthy one like smoking.

C. I've got a list of practical good study habits that you may want to know.

D. Come up with some questions that you could ask your professor.

E. The goal is to understand what you are taught the same day.

F. Good habits, on the other hand, tend to take more time to make.

G. The more you do it, the more natural it'll feel.

Ⅶ.书面表达导学号 49152462








First Aid


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文:

First Aid

If a person has an accident, he/she needs medical care before a doctor can be found.

When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the back of his/her mouth.Second, if a person can not breathe, do your best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth-to-mouth way.Third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a hospital. If a person loses one third of his/her blood, that means he/she may die.
