




The Value Of Internal Audit In Corporate Governance

by Sharon Allen

Today, corporate boards must provide close oversight of such vital issues as finance, accounting,risk management, and compliancein often-complex organizations. Yet there is an organization within the company that has been shaping just the controls needed to effectively monitor these governance matters—internal audit. By making internal audit a stronger player in the governance team,smart boards can tap into a highly valuable source of expertise.

Internal auditors are like a lighthouse. Their work provides a point of reference that enables companies to know where they are—and their guidance can help provide the insights they need to navigate withconfidence into the future.

That is why expectations are high that internal auditors will “raise the bar” by continuing to improve operating efficiency as well as effectiveness—not just in controls, risk management, and governance, but cross the enterprise as a whole. There are three messages would like to share on how internal auditors an keep the momentum going by building new valuefor today, and by becoming a source of leadership talent for business organizations tomorrow.

First, internal auditors can help enable the “risk intelligent enterprise.”

While management and the board may “own” risk,internal auditors can play a key role in enabling the“risk intelligent enterprise.” At Deloitte, this is an outcome that we strongly advocate for our clients,for ourselves, and for any corporation that wants to grow and prosper.

Think about it. In all companies, risk abounds—in governance, in strategy and execution, in operations,and in infrastructure. If the magnitude of this challenge were not already enough, other factors can leverage the impact of risk, from the speed at whichevents can unfold to the uncertainty that often accompanies them. It would be

great if those were the only challenges but, of course, there are countless others to consider.

For example, we cannot ignore risks that may have low probability but high impact, such as a computer virus or acts of nature. Separate risks can also emerge and connect with devastating impact, like defaults on sub-prime mortgages and the rapid rise of energy prices that accelerated this summer.

Furthermore, when you consider that risks can be random, multiple, and sometimes connected, it is a wonder that any business leader, board member, or internal auditor can sleep through the night. However,one way to ensure a better night’s sleep is for In ternal auditors to help management and boards become “risk intelligent.” That is a term we use at Deloitte for companies that use a process of thorough risk assessment as a prerequisite for informed decision-making.

Internal auditors occupy a strategic position where the interests of management, boards and stakeholders intersect.

The approach is multifaceted. Along with considering the spectrum of possibilities across and beyond the company, risk intelligent enterprises take action. They build scenarios, they weigh probabilities, they develop specific responses. With a risk assessment process firmly in place, organizations can create better strategies and make better decisions.

Internal auditors can help in many different ways.Occupying a strategic position, they are situated at acrossroads where the interests of management, boards and stakeholders intersect. Internal auditors can see what needs to be done for corporations to become more risk intelligent—and, thus, build new value.

Internal auditors also can serve as a conduit of information for all parties involved and play a key role in breaking down organizational silos. They can drive both operating efficiency and effectiveness across the organization by helping them consider risk in a common language.

Internal audit can help boards by pointing out the different kinds of “risk.” Risk is like cholesterol—it can be good or bad.

So many people, from boards and audit committees to a wide range of stakeholders,

are counting on internal auditors to provide what we at Deloitte call “reassurance.” This is the internal auditor’s stamp of approval that management’s assurance is reliable.Internal auditors help make such reassurance possible by maintaining their objectivity, acting with the highest integrity, and communicating the hard messages about unmitigated risks whenever necessary.

Internal auditors also contribute to better governance by pointing out meaningful connections between various parts of the organization and different kinds of risk. Risk is like cholesterol—it can be good or bad. Far too many people tend to forget that companies grow by taking smart, well-considered risks. Internal auditors can provide valuable guidance by pointing out when there is an imbalance.Most often, such imbalances weigh far too heavily toward risk avoidance.

Companies that focus solely on avoiding risk may survive but will rarely thrive. They are like a beekeeper who keeps no bees for fear of being stung. However, with their intimate knowledge of the enterprise, internal auditors can help determine which risks are intelligent and can create exciting new value. Their guidance as a trusted advisor can help executives make decisions that benefit the whole company. Second, internal auditors can serve as advocatesfor using non-financial metrics to help manage risk holistically.

As silos flatten and business structures become more integrated and holistic, internal auditors can use non-financial metrics to help uncover new value and develop competitive advantage.

That is because virtually every aspect of a business can affect revenue and profit. Many so-called “non-financial” factors of performance carry hidden but not so subtle price tags. Eventually, those price tags can add up and eat away at the top and bottom lines.

Yet many organizations persist in focusing only on traditional financial measurements to assess their condition. Research that Deloitte conducted last year found that 87 percent of the CEOs and senior executives we polled described their ability to track financial performance as excellent or good.

However, almost eight out of every 10 CEOs said that financial indicators alone do

not adequately capture their companies’ strengths and weaknesses.Furthermore, just 29 percent considered their ability to track non-financial performance as excellent or good.

Internal auditors can play a vital role by consulting with management on which nonfinancial metrics may be most useful.

Enterprise risk can and most likely will grow if those who lead the enterprise cannot see the bigger picture. Relying solely upon financial metrics can cloud the bigger picture by masking situations that may need immediate action. The reality is that financial metrics such as cash flow, sales, or earnings are essentially historical in nature and, as such,represent lagging indicators of performance.

Non-financial factors, however, can signal trends as leading indicators of performance. Our survey respondents identified customer satisfaction, operational quality, innovation, and employee commitment as the non-financial drivers most crucial to the success of their companies.

Internal auditors can play a vital role by consulting with management on which non-financial metrics may be most useful. Once those metrics are implemented,internal auditors can determine if management is using those metrics effectively to achieve business objectives.

What a company produces or provides has always been an important management concern. Yet the current business environment is one of intense scrutiny that makes how corporations conduct their operations and how leaders conduct themselves critical business priorities.

Are executives accountable and performing ethically?Are a company’s actions harming or sustaining the environment? Are governance processes strong and independent from management? These are just some of the questions raised by today’s stakeholders.

Perhaps most importantly, internal auditors feed an organization’s ethical conscience. This is a role very much in need. Last December, Gallup announced the results of its U.S. poll on the honesty and ethical standards of different professions. Nurses, grade school teachers, and pharmacists ranked the highest.Business

executives, however, ranked 17th out of the 22 professions included. Clearly, there is either much work to be done, or many perceptions to be changed, or both.

A company’s ethical climate provides a great example of how internal auditors can use non-financial metrics to track when changes begin to occur in an organization’s ethical climate. Subtle changes in the ethical climate do add up. Over time, they can drive outcomes that may lead to inevitable decline—or,sustained success.

Still, how can a board or management know when such ethical changes are beginning to happen, or when they accumulate and harden into a dangerous trend?Such observations usually are not readily discernable from traditional financial measurements—often, not before it is too late.

Non-financial measurements, such as a sudden increase in the number of anonymous calls to a whistleblower hotline or feedback from ethics or workplace culture surveys, can provide valuable cues to indicate when management and boards needto take action. Such measurements can help lead to a better “ROE.” No, this is not “Return on Equity,”but a new measure I like to think of as “Return on Ethics.”Organizations with a superior ethical track record can attract customers and capital far more easily than those whose ethics are in question. Furthermore,if the market’s belief in a company’s integrity is confirmed time and time again, people can become customers and clients for life. Rather than being a drag on the top and bottom lines, intangibles such as confidence and trust often command a premium that customers and clients are willing to pay. Eventually,the non-financial factors of confidence and trust can boost a company’s financial performance.

For example, at Deloitte, our business case for ethics is all about giving clients the confidence to invest their trust in us. However, unlike other programs and initiatives that measure costs to help determine return on investment, we appraise ethics differently. We assess the value of our ethics programs not by what they cost, but by what they are worth as revenues protected, what I call the “price of right.” By my calculation, our ethics programs are worth somewhere in the vicinity of $11 billion, which just happens to be the annual revenues of the Deloitte U.S. firms.

Non-financial metrics address a broad range of issues, from the environmental to


内部审计在公司治理中的地位与作用 | [<<][>>] 摘要:内部审计已成为发达国家上市公司建立健全的治理结构的基石之一,这充分说明了内部审计在公司治理中的地位。本文通过对内部审计在公司治理中所处的不同地位,结合我国企业实际,分析了内部审计在我国企业中的现状,认为内部审计未来将在我国的公司治理中发挥重要作用。 关键词:审计公司治理结构地位 一、公司治理结构的改革将内部审计推向前沿 公司治理结构通常指的是法人治理结构,由股东大会选举产生的董事会,董事会聘任管理层,监事会监督董事会和管理层的制衡机制的组成。一些学者在论述公司治理结构时,也讲到两权分离、三足鼎立的制衡格局。如吴敬琏在1994年提出的观点认为,所谓的公司治理结构是指由所有者、董事会和高级执行者即高级经理人员三者组成的一种组织结构。在这种结构中,上述三者之间形成一定的制衡关系:所有者将自己的资产交由公司董事会托管;公司董事会是公司的最高决策机构,拥有对高级经理人员的聘用、奖惩及解雇权;高级经理人员受雇于董事会,组成在董事会领导下的执行机构,在董事会的授权范围内经营企业。在这样的公司治理结构中,股东及股东大会与董事会之间、董事会与高层执行官之间存在着性质不同的关系,要完善公司治理结构,就要明确划分股东、董事会、经理人员各自的权力、责任和利益,从而形成三者之间的制衡关系。在这个公司治理结构中,把制衡机制简单地归结为股东大会、董事会、监事会、管理层之间的关系,根本没有将审计作为制衡的重要因素。 随着美国安然、世通、施乐等粉饰业绩案件,日本雪印食品公司的舞弊案件及中国上市公司中名目繁多的关联方交易、“掏空”等案件的相继曝光,围绕着“公司的社会责任”、“企业信用”以及“董事会的战略参与”等问题,再一次引发了人们对公司治理问题的反思。安然事件后,管理层财务造假已成为不争的事实。著名的信贷评级机构魏斯公司2002年上半年对美国七千家上市公司进行的一项调查显示,有多达三分之一的美国上市公司可能有篡改其盈利报告之嫌。美国《首席财务官》(《CFO》)杂志于2002年8月1日公布了一份调查报告,发现过去5年中,美国大公司中17%的CFO们受到来自上司的压力,被迫出具虚假财务报告,18%的财务经理在编制预计账目时,


内部审计在企业管理中的作用 作为现代企业制度,它的最明显特征就是建立规范的法人治理结构,从根本上解决经营权与所有权的分离,促使企业把注意力转移到如何加强经营管理,提高效益,促进资产保值增值。国家不再直接干预企业的生产经营,由于企业自我经营、自我发展的需要,因此迫切需要完善自身的内部控制系统,强化内部约束机制。内部审计就是企业内部控制系统中的一个重要组成部分,它通过对企业内部经营活动的监督与评价,帮助企业堵塞漏洞,增收节支,加强管理,提高经济效益。 一、内部审计在风险管理过程中的作用 1、由于内部审计人员长期立足于本企业的具体岗位,比较熟悉公司的业务并能够随时深入到生产经营的全过程去了解掌握具体情况。内部审计人员通过周密详细的审前调查,收集到大量的第一手资料,从中发现存在风险的隐患问题,进行风险分析,提请管理层注意风险管理和控制等的相关建议。 2、内部审计可以通过咨询服务的方式,积极协助公司风险管理过程的建立。风险管理是一个复杂的系统工程,在一个组织内部应当明确职责分工,各司其职。董事会负责制定战略目标,高层领导各负责一个方面的风险管理责任,其他管理人员由管理层分配一部分工作,操作人员负责日常监控,而内部审计人员则负责定期评价和保证工作。内部审计师可以促进、协助风险管理过程的建立,但不负风险管理的责任。

3、内部审计通过将风险管理评价作为审计工作的重点,以检查、评价风险管理过程的充分性和有效性。内部审计主要从两个方面评估风险管理过程的充分性和有效性。 (1)评价风险管理主要目标的完成情况。主要表现在评价公司以及同行业的发展情况和趋势,确定是否可能存在影响企业发展的风险;检查公司的经营战略,了解公司能够接受的风险水平;与相关管理层讨论部门的目标、存在的风险,以及管理层采取的降低风险和加强控制的活动,并评价其有效性;评价风险监控报告制度是否恰当;评价风险管理结果报告的充分性和及时性;评价管理层对风险的分析是否全面,为防止风险而采取的措施是否完善,建议是否有效;对管理层的自我评估进行实地观察、直接测试,检查自我评估所依据的信息是否准确,以及其他审计技术;评估与风险管理有关的管理薄弱环节,并与管理层、董事会、审计委员会讨论。如果他们接受的风险水平与公司风险管理战略不一致,应进行报告。 (2)评价管理层选择的风险管理方式的适当性。由于各个公司的文化氛围、管理理念和工作目标不同,风险管理的实施也有很大差别。每个公司应根据自身活动来设计风险管理过程。一般说来,规模大的、在市场筹资的公司必须用正式的定量风险管理方法;规模小的、业务不太复杂的,则可以设置非正式的风险管理委员会定期开展评价活动。内部审计人员的职责是评价公司风险管理方式与公司活动的性质是否适当。 4、内部审计应积极持续地支持并参与风险管理过程,对风险管理过


外文翻译 原文: T h e V a l u e O f In t e r n a l A u d i t In C or p or a t e G ov e r n a n c e Today, corporate boards must provide close oversight of such vital issues as finance, accounting, risk management, and compliance in often-complex o r g anizati ons. Yet there i s an organization wi t hin the c ompa ny t hat ha s bee n shaping just the controls needed to effectively monitor these governance matters—internal audit. By making internal audit a stronger player in the governance team, smart boards can tap into a highly valuable source of expertise. Internal auditors are like a lighthouse. Their work provides a point of reference that enabl e s compani e s t o know w he re t hey are—and t heir gui dance c a n h elp provide the insights they need to navigate with confidence into the future. That is why expectations are high that internal auditors will “raise the bar”by continuing to improve operating efficiency as well as effectiveness—not just in controls, risk management, and governance, but across the enterprise as a whole. There a re th re e mess a ges I would like to shar e on how i nternal audi t ors ca n ke e p th e momentum going by building new value for today, and by becoming a source of leadership talent for business organizations tomorrow. First,internal auditors can help enable the“risk intelligent enterprise.” While management and the board may “o w n”risk, internal auditors can play a key role in ena b ling the “risk int e llige n t e nt erpri s e.”At D e loitt e, this is an outcome t hat we strongly advocate for our clients, for ourselves, and for any corporation that wants to grow and prosper. Think about it. In all companies, risk abounds—in governance, in strategy and execution, in operations, and in infrastructure. If the magnitude of this challenge were not already enough, other factors can leverage the impact of risk, from the speed at which events can unfold to the uncertainty that often accompanies them. It would be great if those were the only challenges but, of course, there are countless others to consider.

大型企业绩效考核参考文献(doc 102页)

绩效考核制度 一、绩效管理制度 二、高层绩效考核表 三、中层绩效考核表 四、主管绩效考核表 五、基层绩效考核表

目录 第一章总则 第二章考核方法 第三章月度考核 第四章年度考核 第五章考核组织与申诉处理 第六章附则

第一章总则 第一条为提高珠联公司基础管理水平,建立科学的现代管理制度,充分调动员工的积极性和创造性,使员工紧紧围绕公司的发展目标,高效地完成工作任务,根据公司目前的实际情况,特制定本管理办法。 第二条适用范围 本办法适用于珠联公司全体员工。 第三条考核目的 1.通过目标逐级分解和考核,促进公司经营目标的实现; 2.通过考核合理计酬,提高员工的主观能动性; 3.通过绩效考核促进上下级沟通和各部门间的相互协作; 4.通过考核规范工作流程,提高公司的整体管理水平; 5.通过评价员工的工作绩效、态度、能力和素质,帮助员工提升自身工作水平和综合素质水平,从而有效提升公司的整体绩效和整体员工素质。 第四条考核原则 1.以提高员工绩效为导向; 2.定性考核与定量考核相结合; 3.多角度考核; 4.公平、公正、公开原则。 第五条考核用途 考核结果的用途主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、月度绩效奖金的发放; 2、年度绩效奖金的发放;

3、薪酬等级的调整; 4、岗位晋升及调整; 5、员工培训安排; 6、先进评比 具体实施方法参照《珠联公司薪资管理制度》 第二章考核方法 第六条考核周期 考核分为月度考核和年度考核。月度考核于每月的1-10日内完成上月的考核,年度考核于次年元月25日前完成。 第七条月度绩效考核 (一)绩效是指被考核人员所取得的工作成果,考核员工本职工作任务完成的情况,包括每个岗位的岗位职责指标和公司年度任务分解到部门及岗位的指标。 (二)月度考核的考核工具为绩效考核表格,各岗位均有岗位相对应的绩效考核表格。 第八条考核维度(即所占比例) 考核维度是考核对象考核的不同角度和不同方面,包括业绩维度、行为维度。 (一)业绩维度:业绩指被考核人员所取得的工作成果,考核范围包括每个岗位的岗位职责指标、任务目标完成情况、对下属的管理和工作指导的绩效。 (二)行为维度:即品行考核,对被考核人员的品行考核,考核范围为对岗位任职者在工作过程中表现出来的行为情况的考核。


顾客感知价值、顾客满意和行为倾向的 关系研究述评 白琳 (安徽大学工商管理学院,合肥230039) 摘要:本文介绍了顾客感知价值、顾客满意和行为倾向的概念内涵和三者关系研究的4种模 型,并针对这4种模型介绍了国外相应的实证研究成果,最后指出了当前研究的不足和造成差 异性结论的原因。 关键词:顾客感知价值;顾客满意;行为倾向 引言 近些年,顾客感知价值、顾客满意和行为倾向三者的关系研究一直是备受关注的话题,也是西方消费者行为研究中非常活跃的领域。Ostrom和Iacobucci(1995)指出:“把顾客感知价值、顾客满意和行为倾向这些消费者判断同时放在一个研究构架中以比较它们之间的相互作用无疑将是非常有意义的。”关注度的提高和研究范围的不断扩大使得该研究领域出现了百花齐放的景况,但同时也由于信念、理论研究背景和实践背景的不同,学者们在提出架构的时候就己经有先入之见,形成了不同的流派。相应的,构建的模型也就倾向于自己的观点,从而导致研究结论的差异甚至相悖,也产生了很多至今尚未解决的问题(Spiteri&Dion,2004)。Cronin (2000)认为这些现有的研究成果其实并无对错之分,只是各自强调的重点不同,研究不同,结论自然也大相径庭。其实一种结论要提升到理论的层次,要具有普遍意义,必然经过各种不同情况的检验,学者们在各自不同的领域做实证是对一种营销理论发展完善的重要手段,而且也极有可能在各类行业中驱动消费者的动因本来就不同,这也有待于各行各业的实证检验。目前国内学者还较少涉足这一领域的研究,既缺乏理论的探讨,也鲜有实证的验证,因此本文在对其概念内涵简单介绍的基础之上,对其理论系统和实证研究的不同观点和成果进行梳理,供国内学者参考,以其为该领域的进一步研究起到借鉴的作用。 理论背景和概念内涵 1、顾客感知价值 顾客感知价值(Customer Perceived Value,CPV)一直以来都受到学者和企业经营者的高度关注,为顾客创造和提供良好的感知价值已成为企业获得竞争优势的新源泉(Gale,1994;Woodruff,1997;Slater&Narver,2000)。其实早在1985年Porter就在《竞争优势》一书中提出了“买方价值链”的概念,并指出企业为买方创造的价值如果要得到溢价的回报,它必须为买方所觉察,虽然Porter并没有给出顾客感知价值的概念,但已可见最初 收稿日期:2007-05-19 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(79860007);安徽大学人才队伍建设项目(02203104)。 作者简介:白琳,安徽大学工商管理学院副教授,博士。


企业内部审计的作用浅析 一、内部审计的定义 我国审计署《关于内部审计工作的规定》中对内部审计定义为:“内部审 计是独立评判和监控本单位及所属单位财政收支、财务收支、经济活动的真实、合法和效益的行为,以促进加强经济管理和实现经济目标。”也就是说内部审计需独立监管自己企业工作和对自身从属单位的财务、经济等相关业务活动进 行合理、时效、合法、详实的评定,来提高本企业自身的运营管理能力,实现 企业自身经营管理的目标。 从根本上说,企业内部审计工作是带有评判和监督性质的工作,其监管对 象为企业自身,其目的是为了督促企业工作正常进行,在评判企业工作的前提 下给企业未来发展提出可行性建议。 二、企业内部审计的作用 ( 一) 自我监控作用 内部审计对企业自身生产经营中各项活动进行核查,监管企业内部各个部门,对企业上生产经营活动的合理、合法、真实性进行评定,通过对评定搜集 到的信息整合处理,研究制定企业未来发展监控体系,把企业内控的有效、必 要性进行评定,对一些影响到企业正常发展的的制约因素及时进行处理,若存 在一些违法违规的操作,及时制止、实时改正。对于管控业务存在的漏洞和不 足以及信息虚假、不可靠,或是更严重的贪污等问题,及时处理,使企业经营 发展走上正轨,实现内部审计的自我监控作用。 ( 二) 自我促进和完善作用 对于查找和修正资金方面出现的情况只属于内部审计工作中的基础部分, 对于企业来讲,这项基础工作应该被定性为对有效资源的合理配置情况,并通 过做好基础来推动监管部门对企业发展方向的宏观把控。因为企业内部审计部 门的特殊性( 能直接接触企业内部运营基础信息),企业可以合理利用内部审计 部门,发挥其最大作用,对企业的业务活动进行定期的管控,及时发现问题、 实时解决问题,对企业发展提出建设性建议。所以,在内部审计工作进行的时候,不但要善于发现问题,还要善于总结经验,实时有效的补充和完善企业监 管机制。内部审计如果发挥其积极的功效,可以说其是企业不断进步的动力来源。 三、企业内部审计质量的评价标准 对于现在立足于社会的各个企事业单位来说,无论什么职业在对外提供服


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 浅析内部审计风险的成因及解决途径 摘要 内部审计风险成因包括内部审计机构的独立性不够,内部审计人员的业务不精,内部审计方法的科学性不强,内部审计管理的制度不健全。为了降低内部审计风险,应加强内部审计的法制建设,保证内部审计的独立性,提高内部审计人员的素质,执行科学合理的审计工作程序,正确处理降低风险与经济效益的关系,开

展以风险为导向的风险基础审计。 一、内部审计风险形成的原因 1.内部审计机构的独立性不够内部审计机构是单位内设机构,在单位负责人的领导下开展工作,为单位服务。因此,内部审计的独立性不如社会审计,在审计过程中,不可避免地受本单位的利益制约。内审人员面临的是与单位领导层之间的领导与被领导的关系以及与各科室、部门之间的同事关系,所涉及的人不是领导就是同事,非直接有关也是间接相关, 审计过程及结论然涉及到具体的个人利益,因而审计过程难免受到各类人员干扰。 2.内部审计人员的业务不精审计人员素质的高低是决定审计风险大小的主要因素。审计人员的素质包括从事审计需要的政策法规水平、专业知识、经验、技能、审计职业道德和工作责任。 审计经验是审计人员应有的一种重要技能,审计经验需要实践的积累。我国的内部审计人员中不少人仅熟悉财务会计业务,一些审计人员不了解本单位的经营活动和内部控制,审计经验有限。另外,内部审计人员工作责任和职业道德也是影响审计风险的因素。由于我国内审准则工作规范和职业道德标准方面还有一些空白,许多内审机构和人员缺乏应有的职业规范的约束和指导。总之,目前我国内审人员总体素质偏低,直接影响到内审工作开展的深度和广度。面对当今内审对象的复杂和内容的拓展,内审人员势单力簿,这将直接导致审计风险的产生。 3.内部审计方法的科学性不强 我国内审方法是制度基础审计,随着企业内部经营管理环境复杂化,这种审计模式不适应开展内部管理审计的需要,因为它过分依赖于对企业内部管理控制的测试,本身就蕴藏巨大的风险内部审计一般采用统计抽样方法,由于抽样审计本身是以样本的审查结果来推断总体的特征,因此,样本和总体之间必然会形成一定的误差,形成审计的抽样风险。随着信息化程度提高,被审计单位的会计信息资料会越来越多,差错和虚假的会计资料掺杂其中,失察的可能性也随之加大。虽然统计抽样是建立在坚实的数学理论基础之上,但其本身是允许存在一定的审计风险的。同样,大量的分析性审核也会产生相关风险,使审计风险的构成内容更4.内部审计管理的制度不健全


外文文献原稿和译文 原稿 Performance management - how to appraise employee performance Abstract Performance appraisal is an important content of human resource management in modern enterprises. According to the problems existing at the present stage Chinese enterprise performance evaluation, put forward the improvement measures to improve the performance appraisal. Performance management is the responsibility between managers and employees and improve the communication performance of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby supporting the work. Performance evaluation is a part of performance management, do not confuse the two Introduction Challenges of performance management Reasons to avoid performance management: Manager: reports and program has no meaning; no time; afraid of conflict; feedback and observation. (performance management, prevent problems in investment in time, ensure the managers have the time to do the thing you should do staff: bad experience; what was about to happen no bottom; do not understand the significance of performance management; don't like received criticism. Criterion two, performance management, organizational success: 1 Factors: coordination among units means, towards a common goal; problem, find the problems, find problems or prevent problems; obey the law, be protected


英文文献译文: 下面的消费者研究将会说明在一个消费者社会里很多的消费者行为被社会心理学家研究,这包括消费者刺激和消费者行为。因此,消费者环境为社会现象和行为的研究提供了一个丰富的领域。 消费者决策无所不在 不管我们在何时何地,我们都在不停地制定消费者决定。我们在健身馆注册,经常坐飞机去度假,做体检,选一个餐馆,为了一个更健康的生活方式少吃甜食。实际上,我们的很多日常决定没有包括较重要的决定,比如,嫁给谁或是否要小孩,但包含了是否喝茶或咖啡,用卡或付现金,或其他的一些琐碎的决定。而且,我们日常的很多消费者行为甚至是无意的。相反,它们可能是出于习惯,比如打开美国有线电视新闻网络来了解新闻或搜索谷歌来找一些资料。一个人在一天中充满了无尽的琐碎的消费决定或者受以前决定的影响,在早上从选择牙膏的品牌到工作后选择看哪部电影。 消费者的选择影响社会认同感的功能 虽然对大多数人来说是一个消费者可能不会确定他们的身份,但他们的消费决定仍然是高度身份相关的,就它们对应到更大的价值观和信仰,表达自我的重要方面。素食主义者是不忍心看到动物被杀害和一些人抵制买那些被认为是由儿童劳工制成的衣服。一些人买丰田普瑞斯出于是对环境的关注;另一些人抵制日本汽车,比如普瑞斯,是为了帮助当地的汽车工业。在这方面,甚至在可口可乐和百事可乐之间选择是不必要的琐事。人们不能在盲目的测试中区分可口可乐和百事可乐,或他们更喜欢百事可乐,然而可能还是坚持可口可乐作为一种文化标志。尝试改变可口可乐的配方会使反对者生气。显然,消费品和品牌不仅满足实际的需要。在一个世界,供过于求和品牌的区分,很多消费者选则品牌是为了表达他们的个性或使他们自己屈服于他们的欲望。他们不是简单的使用苹果;他们是苹果的使用者并认为换另一个牌子的个人电脑会像是一个背叛者一样。从饮料到电脑,品牌成为一种意识形态。人们可能也会把产品的认知作为自身的延伸;比如,他们可能认同他们的车就像他们对待他们的宠物一样。同样地,品牌可能会定义为社会群。哈利戴维森


集团内部审计的地位和作用 一、内部审计的概念 ?? 内部审计是在集团的领导下,在集团内部设置独立的审计机构和配备专职的审计人员,根据国家法律、法规和政策的规定,采用一定的程序和方法,对集团及其下属单位的经济活动的合法性、合规性、合理性、效益性以及反映经济活动资产的真实性进行审核、监证和评价性活动。内部审计在加强企业的内部控制制度,提高企业经营管理水平和经济效益等方面,发挥着日益显著的作用。特别是近二、三年内部审计有了更迅速的发展,从传统的财务审计转向以经济效益审计为重点扩展到内部控制制度审计的新时期。内部控制制度审计更能充分发挥内部审计在企业管理中的职能作用。 ?? 二、内部审计的地位 ?? 在市场经济条件下,集团企业内部条件和外部环境都发生了很大变化,经营活动日趋复杂。而对经济活动的监督、对经营者经营成果的评价无疑是内部审计应尽的职责。另外,现代企业内部审计除了及时、准确地向企业管理者报告有关查错防弊、资产保护信息之外,更重要的任务是:采用先进的内部控制审计技术,通过内部控制测评,找出针对管理和控制的缺陷,提出建设性的意见和措施,协助管理人员更有效的管理和控制企业的各种活动,合理使用资源,更好地发挥审计职能的作用,以提高经济效益。从内部审计的任务来看,它是帮助企业提高财务管理水平,优化财务结构,提高经济效益,加快企业发展的内在要求;从企业管理现状和存在的问题看,内部审计能及时发现企业在生产经营过程中存在的问题和偏差,了解企业内部控制是否得到了严格执行、是否符合建立内部控制的基本原则和企业自身经营管理特点和要求,为企业决策提供依据,从而提高企业的经济效益,增强企业在市场竞争中的能力。从这个角度看,内部审计在市场经济条件下的集团企业中具有非常重要的地位。 ?? 三、集团内部审计的职能和作用 ?? 随着市场经济的不断发展,企业的竞争日趋激烈,而企业的规模越大,相对而言抵御市场风险的能力就越强,因此大规模的企业间并购已成为一种趋势。从另一个角度讲企业规模越大,管理成本和管理难度就越大,这就为内部审计作用的发挥创造了广阔的空间,那么要充分发挥内部审计的职能和作用就必须对其有充分的理解和认识。 ?? 1、内部审计具有经济评价职能 ?? 经济评价职能是由经济监督职能派生出来的另一种职能,现代企业的内部审计,评价职能已显得越来越重要,内部审计要在履行监督职能的基础上以履行评价职能为主。经济评价就是通过审核检查,评定被审单位的计划、预算、决策、方案是否先进可行,经济活动是否按照既定的决策和目标进行,经济效益的高低优劣,以及内部控制制度是否健全、有效等,从而有针对性地提出意见和建议,以促进企业改善经营管理,提高经济效益。 ?? 2、经济监督职能是内部审计最基本的职能 ?? 经济监督职能是指以财经法规和制度规定为评价依据,对被审对象的财务收支和其他经济活动进行检查和评价,以便衡量和确定其会计资料和其他资料是否正确、真实,其所反映的财务收支和其他经济活动是否合法、合规、合理、有效,检查被审对象是否履行其经济责任。现代企业由于经营规模的扩大,经营业务的日趋复杂,经营方式的多样化,管理层次的多级化及生产经营地点的分散化,使各管理当局面对纵横交错的生产经营系统,不可能事必躬亲地直接控制各生产经营环节及有关的经济活动,这就客观上需要有健全的审计监督机制,从而达到加强企业控制、严肃企业制度、加强企业管理的目的。内部审计的这种监督职能是内部管理科学的需要,来自企业内部的压力。 ?? 3、内部审计具有防范性作用。 ??


内部和外部审计监督的实证比较 理查德?L.拉特利夫、理查德?L.詹森、詹姆斯 C.弗拉格 管理审计杂志,第8 卷,第2章,2006 年,第9-16页 ? MCB 大学出版社,0268-6902 引言 审计监督项目的对象包括所有可以确保审核有效地进行的必要活动。监督一个审计项目与向管理方提出的审计报告息息相关。新西兰社会会计师公会在其审计准则中明确提出正确的审计业务过程中应当包含约定计划和监督。内部审计师协会(IIA)以及其在美国的总部与新西兰的区域分会在其《内部审计专业实践标准》中也提到:“审计工作应妥善计划和监督”。 总体审计项目监督中很重要的一方面就是对那些计划已得到批准的审计工作的监督。 内部审计师协会(IIA)重点要求审计项目应得到“妥善监管”,其中包括: ●指导审计人员的工作分配 ●监督审计方案的批准 ●确保有足够数量的审计底稿 ●保证足够的审计报告 ●确保审计目标的实现 ●监督审计过程中记录并保留证据 新西兰社会会计师公会在审计准则4中明确指出:“审计工作者应当小心地直接监督和审查那些委托助理们完成的工作。”为达到本文研究目的,这里引用准则4中提到的审计监督方面的术语包括“方向”“监督”“审查”。 “方向”包括“告知助理他们的职责和审计程序的目标”,督促他们并且“让他们知道那些可能会影响整个审计程序的性质、时间及进度的事项……”。准则针对正确的审计工作列出了时间计划表、计划备忘和审计书面方案。 “监督”包括监察审计工作的进展、对审计工作计划中要求修改的部分提出警告以及用自己的专业判断来解决问题。准则中同时还指出:对每一项由助理完成的工作必须进行检查。 尽管内部审计师协会(IIA)和新西兰社会会计师公会提供了一些关于审计监督的指导性意见,但除了公会简要的未明确定义出规划的时间表、计划备忘以


摘要:近年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,内部审计在组织治理中所扮演的角色日益受到关注,学术界和实务界都希望通过内部审计职能的优化来解决公司治理、风险管理、内部控制领域出现的问题和面临的挑战,并以此来促进整个组织的改善。在这样的大背景下,加强内部审计质量控制就显得尤为必要和重要。本文阐明了内部审计在经济实体中必要性,同时对强化内部审计质量的重要意义进行了表述,对于有效发挥内部审计在经济主体中的作用,具有很强的建设性、指导性和针对性。 关键词:内部审计;质量控制;工作底稿;重要意义 Abstract:In recent years,along with the market economy unceasing development,the internal audit governed the role in the organization which acted to receive the attention day by day,the academic circles and the practical realm all hoped the challenge which solved the company through the internal audit function optimization to govern which,the risk management,the internal control domain appeared the question and faces,and promoted the entire organization s improvement by this.Under such big background,strengthens interna l audit quality control to appear essential especially and important.This article had expounded internal audit in the economic entity the necessity,simultaneously to strengthened internal audit quality the vital significance to carry on the indication,regarding displayed internal audit effectively in the economic subject function,had the very strong constructive nature,the guidance and pointed. Keywords:Under internal audit;Quality control;Worksheet Vital significance 随着我国市场经济的迅猛发展,经济主体的组织结构发生了显著变化,经济运行格局突破了原有模式,这些都给内部审计带来了新的课题,内部审计发现问题,预防问题发生,为管理服务,这些作用的有效发挥,就必须提高内部审计的质量,因此,改进内部审计管理,加强内部审计质量控制十分必要且意义深远。 1.加强内部审计质量控制的必要性 内部审计是一种独立、客观的保证与咨询活动,它的目的是为机构增加价值并提高机构的运作效率。它采取一种系统化、规范化的方法来对风险管理、控制及监管过程进行评价进而提高他们的效率,帮助机构实现它的目标。内部审计的服务对象包括组织的董事会、审计委员会、高级管理人员以及作为组织成员的被审计单位(业务委托人)。内部审计师通过运用风险管理方法和控制措施,对风险管理过程的充分性和有效性进行检查、分析、评估和报告,提出改进意见,并建立跟踪检查程序,以监督、保证针对审计发现和审计建议所采取的行动是否得到有效落实,为管理层、审计委员会以及被审计单位提供帮助。内部审计质量控制是保证组织目标得以有效实现的管理手段,包括审计执行主管(总审计师、首席审计执行官、首席内审师等)为使审计工作的开展符合国际内部审计师协会制定的《内部审计实务标准》、内部审计部门的章程及其他适用标准的要求,制定并实施的质量保证与改进程序,包括监督、内部评价、外部评价等方面。 1.1内部审计在组织中定位的特殊性和工作性质的重要性有必要加强自身质量控制。内部审计具有独立性和客观性,在组织中处于超脱地位。独立性是指内部审计活动独立于他们所审查的活动之外,


外文文献翻译译文 一、外文原文 Corporate Performance Management Abstract Two of the most important duties of a chief executive officer are (1) to formulate strategy and (2) to manage his company’s performance. In this article we examine the second of these tasks and discuss how corporate performance should be modeled and managed. We begin by considering the environment in which a company operates, which includes, besides outside stakeholders, the industry it belongs and the market it supplies, and then proceed to explain how the functioning of a company can be understood by an examination of its business, operational and performance management models. Next we describe the structure recommended by the authors for a corporate planning, control and evaluation system, the most important part of a corporate performance management system. The core component of the planning system is the corporate performance evaluation model, the structure of which is mapped into the planning system’s database, simulation models and budgeting tools’ structures, and also used to shape information contained in the system’s products, besides being the nucleus of the language used by the system’s agents to talk about corporate performance. The ontology of planning, the guiding principles of corporate planning and the history of ”MADE”, the corporate performance management system discussed in this article, are reviewed next, before we proceed to discuss in detail the structural components of the corporate planning and control system introduced before. We conclude the article by listing the main steps which should be followed when implementing a performance planning, control and evaluation system for a company. 1.Introduction Two of the most important corporate tasks for which a chief executive officer is p rimarily responsible are (1) to formulate strategy and (2) to manage the company’s performance. In this article we examine the second of these tasks and discuss how


顾客感知论文感知价值理论论文: 顾客感知价值理论文献综述 摘要:顾客感知价值起源于20世纪80年代的西方,是伴随着市场经济的飞速发展、市场竞争的加剧,消费者占据消费主权,企业为了使顾客满意、获得更多的消费者、加强自身竞争优势而产生的。通过回顾和整理国内外学者对顾客感知价值的研究,以期望对企业在如何应对顾客感知价值方面有所启发。 关键词:顾客感知价值;特性;驱动因素 1 引言 感知价值是营销中一个非常重要的概念,尤其是在市场竞争越来越白热化的时期,顾客感知价值对企业来说变得越来越重要。很多企业在经营的过程中都运用到了顾客感知价值的思想。目前,国内外学者对顾客感知价值进行了深入的研究。 理论界对顾客感知价值的研究,从总体上来说,分为两个大的方向,一个是从企业的角度出发,分析顾客资源对企业所能产生的价值,另外一个是从顾客的角度出发,研究顾客的需求和感知,分析顾客想从企业获得什么,以此指导企业的生产经营活动。本文是从顾客的角度对顾客感知价值进行分析。 2 顾客感知价值的涵义 目前,学者对顾客感知价值进行了大量的研究,他们分别从不同的视角对顾客感知价值进行了阐述,但直到现在还没有统一的概念。

顾客感知价值的思想最早可追溯到1954年德鲁克的思想,他指出顾客购买和消费的不是产品,而是价值。这一思想是德鲁克在其1954年出版的《管理实践》中提出的,但他并未对其进行深入的研究。 Porter(1985)在《竞争优势》一书中提出了“买方价值链”的概念,并指出企业为买方创造的价值如果要得到溢价的回报,它必须为买方所觉察,虽然Porter并没有明确给出顾客感知价值的概念,但为后人研究顾客感知价值提供了理论基础。 Zeithaml(1988)从顾客心理的角度,展开了他对顾客感知价值理论的研究。Zeithaml认为顾客感知价值是顾客在市场交易中根据所得利益和付出的成本进行比较的感知,对产品进行的总体评价。 Monroe(1991)将顾客感知价值定义为“感知利得与感知利失之间的比例”,认为“购买者的价值感知体现了对产品感知质量或感知利益与因支付而产生的感知利失之间的权衡”。感知利得是与使用特定产品相关的实体特性、服务特性和特定使用条件下可能的技术支持;感知利失包括所有与购买行为相关的获得成本、运输、安装、订货处理、维修以及潜在的失效风险。 Philip Kotler(1994)是从让渡价值角度来剖析顾客价值的。他认为顾客感知价值是预期顾客评估一个供应品和认知值的所有价值与是所有成本之差。总顾客价值就是顾客从某一特定供应品中期望的一组经济、功能和心里利益组成的认知货币价值。总顾客成本是在评


文献信息: 文献标题:A Theoretical Discussion of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs(科威特工业中小企业内部审计有效性的理论探讨)国外作者:Awn Metlib AL-SHBAIL,Turki A.A.TURKI 文献出处:《International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences》, 2017,1(7):107-116 字数统计:英文2221单词,12805字符;中文4184汉字 外文文献: A Theoretical Discussion of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs Abstract This paper aims to scrutinise the association between the internal audit effectiveness and the four factors associated with International Standards for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA): independence of internal auditors, scope of internal auditors, management support, and audited cooperation. The relationship between these factors and Satisfaction of internal auditors is also examined. Further, the moderating effect on the relationship between these factors (if present) and the effectiveness of IA among industrial SMEs in Kuwait are investigated through satisfaction of internal auditors. By ascertaining the effectiveness of IA at the industrial firms via theories as well as variables, this paper broadens the available literature on the effectiveness of IA. Key words:Internal audit effectiveness, satisfaction of internal auditors, Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs 1.Introduction Within the past few decades, internal audit departments have significantly contributed to organizational structure through value added services and thus, it has
