



(英汉)Good afternoon! Respectable fellow leaders, honorable judges, my dear students.(尊敬的各位领导, 各位评委,全体同学大家


(英汉)On such a good winter’s afternoon, having such joyful feelings, we are welcoming the fourth oral English Speech Contest and sitcoms of No. 9 Middle School. Of Ping Liang. (在这个阳光灿烂的初夏下午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了平凉九中第四届“英语演讲及情景剧比赛”)

(英汉)Today, our contestants will not only express their own energy, but also show the fruits of quality education in our school. (今天,同学们不但将在这里展示自己的风采,更将展示我校新课改教育的成果。)

一.奏国歌:( 英汉) please stand up , play the national sing(请全体起立奏国歌)…. Please sit down (请坐)


(英汉)First , please allow me to introduce our leaders and judges, All the English teachers in our school will hold today’s judges. They are our excellent teachers Mrs. Li! Mr. Lan ! Mrs. Chen! Mrs. Guo! Mrs.Xi ! Mrs. Xie ! Miss Zhao! Mrs. Zhang! Mr.Zhu! Now, let’s welcome them with ou r warm applause! (首先,请允许我来介绍我们的领导和评委,今天出席的领导是:平凉九

中。评委是来自我校英语组的全体老师,她们有我们优秀的老师李文静老师,兰会学老师,陈亚宁老师,郭静老师,席瑾老师,谢春阳老师,赵芬芬老师,张会老师,朱志辉! )


(英)Then,I will declare the competition rules and Grading (汉)下面我来宣布这次比赛的比赛规则和评分标准:

比赛规则:1.每班选送一个节目参加演讲比赛 2. 参赛时间不超过五分钟,包括自我介绍。评分标准:

1.内容方面:主题鲜明,内容生动结构清晰,具有创意 2分

2. 语言方面:发音准确,语调标准表达完整,逻辑性强 2分

3. 表演方面:感情充沛,富有表现力用词恰当,表达流利 2分

4.着装方面:着装整洁,仪表大方道具使用恰当 2分

5.情景剧演员配合默契,人物进出场安排合理 2分


(英汉)During the contest, I hope every student can enjoy it carefully and keep quiet. At the same time, every contestant should obey the rules and respect the judges. Show your good manners and show your great merits! (在比赛期间,希望同学们认真欣赏,保持安静。也希望各位选手遵守规则,尊重评委,赛出风格,赛出水平)。

( and 合英)1、Now. let's warmly welcome contestant No.1 Class2 Grade7 . Her topic is “Little Red Riding Hood” and contestant No.2 Class 5 Grade 7 , please get ready .(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎1号选手七年级二班上台表演,他们表演的题目是小红帽, 2号选手七年级五班请做好准备)

2、L et's warmly welcome contestant No.2 Class 5 Grade7,. Her topic is “Peter and the wolf”and contestant No.3 Class5 Grade 8, please get ready ..(现在有请2号选手七年级五班上台表演,他们表演的题目是彼得和狼3号选手八年级五班请做好准备)

(注)2号选手节目结束后主持人通报1号选手的得分:(英)The highest score is… the lowest score is … (S 英) the last score of contestant No.1 is …(去掉一个最高分…,去掉一个最低分… 1号选手最后得分… )

3、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.3 Class 5 Grade 8,. Her topic is “Three pigs”and contestant No.4 Class 1 Grade 8, please get ready .(现在有请3号选手八年级五班上台表演,他们表演的题目是三只小猪,4号选手八年级一班请做好准备)

(注)3号选手节目结束后主持人通报2号选手的得分:(英)The highest score is… the lowest score is …

(英)the last score of contestant No.2 is …(去掉一个最高分…,去掉一个最低分… 2号选手最后得分… )

4、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.4 Class 1 Grade 8,. Her t opic is “My money”and contestant No.5 Class 6 Grade 8 , please get ready .(现在有请4号选手八年级一班上台表演,他们表演的题目是三只小猪,五号选手八年级六班请做好准备。)

5、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.5 Class 6 Grade 8,. Her topic is “The Race Between Hare and Tortoise”and contestant No.6 Class4 Grade 7 , please get ready . (现在有请5号选手八年级六班上台表演,他们表演的题目是龟兔赛跑,六号选手七年级四班请做好准备。)

6、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.6 Class 4 Grade 7 ,Her topic is

“What’s wrong with Tom?“ and contestant No.7 Class 2 Grade 8 , please get ready . (现在有请六号选手七年级四班上台表演,他们表演的题目是汤姆怎么了,六号选手八年级二班请做好准备。)

7、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.7 Class 2 Grade 8 . Their topic is “ Wait

for windfalls” and contestant No.8, Class 7 Grade 7 get ready ,please.(现在有请七号选手八年级二班上台表演,他们表演的题目是守株待兔,八号选手七年级七班请做好准备。)

8、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.8 Class7 Grade 7 Their topic is “Three little pigs

” and contestant No.9 Class 1 Grade7, get ready please.(现在有请八号选手七年级七班上台表演,他们表演的题目是三只小猪,九号选手七年级一班请做好准备。)

9、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.9 Class 1 Grade 7 ,Their topic is The little match girl and contestant No.10 Class4 Grade 8 , please get ready. (现在有请九号选手七年级一班上台表演,他们表演的题目是卖火柴的小女孩,十号选手八年级四班请做好准备。)

10、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.10 and Class1 Grade7 to get onto the stage and give us a performance. Their topic is Resolutions, and contestant No.11 Class

3 Grade 7 , please get ready. (现在有请十号选手八年级四班上台表演,十一号选手七年级三班请做好准备。)

11、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.11 Class3 Grade 7 ,. Their topic is “The pan“ and contestant No.12 Class 6 Grade 7 , please get ready . 现在有请十一号选手七年级三班上台表演,他们表演的题目是平底锅,十二号选手七年级六班请做好准备。)12、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.12 Class6 Grade 7. Their topic is “The Snow White Princess“ and contestant No.13 Class3 Grade 8 , please get ready . (现在有请十二号选手七年级六班上台表演,他们表演的题目是白雪公主,十三号选手八年级三班请做好准备。)

13、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is the last contestant of Middle school

Class3 Grade 8 ,Their topic is “If people have problems, they should talk to other people” and contestant No.14 the primary school Grade 6 , please get ready . (现在有请十三号选手八年级三班上台表演,他们表演的题目是如果有问题,需与人交流。十四号选手小学部六年级请做好准备。)

14、Let's warmly welcome contestant No.14 Grade 6 . Her topic is “My dream weekend” and contestant No.15, Grade 5 get ready ,please.(现在有请十四号选手六年级上台表演,他们的题目是我梦想的周末。十五号选手小学部五年级请做好准备。)

15、let's warmly welcome contestant No.15 Grade 5 . Her topic is “ My family”and contestant No.16 Grade 4 ,get ready ,please.(现在有请十五号选手五年级上台表演,他们的题目是我的家人。十六号选手小学部四年级请做好准备。)

16、Ladies and gentlemen,the following No.16 Grade 4 ,Her to pic is “About me ” and contestant No.17 Grade three , please get ready .(现在有请十六号选手四年级上台表演,他们的题目是我。十七号选手小学部三年级请做好准备。)

17、 let's warmly welcome the last contestant Grade 3 to get onto the stage and give us the last performance. Her topic is “Let’s go to the zoo”(现在有请十七号选手三年级上台表演,他们的题目是让我们去动物园。)


Now ,let's have a rest before we know the results. 现在各位老师在为大家计算最后



After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out. let's warmly welcome Mrs Li announce:

(英汉)1、 First, I would like to announce The Middle school: the third winners:

(英汉)2、And then, the second winners:

(英汉)3、Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? How exciting the moment is!

Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:

(英汉)4. The Primary school: And then, the second winners: the first winners:


1、now,let’s welcome the third winners to come o nto the stage.XXX XXX XXX And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.

2、And then second winners please. XXX XXX XXX

3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm

of applause.


Finally,let's welcome Mr Li give us a summary.


