


引发激烈讨论,热门话题,激烈争论,广泛关注heated, hot, long-running, controversial, hotly-debated a matter of (global )concern, (burning, pressing, thorny)issue, controversy, subject, focus, topic. be put on the agenda trigger, spark, arouse intense, fierce, contentious/ debate, discussion, argument arouse people 's wide conc/ ewrind/e public concern/curiosity/attention, make people worried become public focus/ the focus of the society

more and more people---an increasing number of people more and more useful---increasingly useful 人---事物

More and more people waste ---The growing rate of waste have people calling it an epidemic a lot of ---a considerable number of/ massive/ different people have different ideas towards it people 'idseas towards it differ from one to another. ., views on this issue vary greatly.

try to—attempt to, intend to

think -argue, claim , deem , insist

if -provided that, assuming that, supposing that


1.认为,断言:t h i n k , believe, argue, hold, contend, state, claim, suppose, advocate, assume, point out, point to, allege, assert

personally, as for me, as far as I am concerned, for my part

2.许多:a large number of, a large amount of, a considerable number of, a host of, dozens of, scores of, the bulk of, a majority of 大部分的,a minority of 小部分的

3. 如今、目前:in con temporary society, no wadays, at prese nt, rece ntly, curre ntly, in rece nt decades 4.越来越:increasing, growing

5. 重要,必要,肯定主导,关键,根本,意义重大:important, necessary, essential, vital, crucial,

influential, overwhelming, primary, overriding, principal,fundamental, elementary, cardinal, sig nifica nt, in dispe nsable, dominant, key, leadi ng, prominent, decisive, major, gist, cru>关键,症结所在

6. 关注、重视、强调、优先考虑、把…放首要位置:highlight, pay attention to, attract …,

raise …concernarouse … concern, call for …concernattach importanee to, give priority to, lay

emphasis/stress on

7. 不予重视、忽视、低估、次要:downplay, overlook, ignore, neglect, underestimate,

secondary in importance

8.赞成、支持:applaud, favor, advocate, in favor of, be side with, in agreement with, go for, vote, prop onent支持者

9. 反对:oppose, protest, frow n 皱眉,object to, go aga in st, disagree with, opp onen反对者

10. —致意见:consen sus, it is uni versally ack no wledged that …,it is gen erally accepted

11. 有争议的问题、热点问题、棘手的问题、关注的问题:a controversial issue, a heated topic,

a burning problem, a thorny issue, a matter of concern, a subject of fierce debate

12. 归因于,源自于:ascribe to, attribute to, result from, is associated with, arise from, derive

from, stem from, originate from (in), grow form, a source of

13. 因为,由于:by virtue of, in light of, due to, thanks to, owing to, because of, be responsible for

14. 导致、造成:contribute to, lead to, result in, bring about, create, give rise to, trigger, ignite, cause,

generate, promote, breed, induce

15. 往往,表趋势:tend to, be prone to, be inclined to, have a tendency to

16. 可能:may, perhaps, be likely to, possibly, it is very likely that …it is predicted that??预测

17. 发生,出现,产生:take place, occur, arise, bring about, create, cause, emerge, turn out,

work out

18. 常常:often, frequently, more often than not

19. 偶尔:occasionally, sometimes, once in a while, on some occasions

20. 有…影响:exert … effectosn, have an effect/ impact/ influence on

21. 不管,尽管:no matter … , regardless of, despite, in spite of

22. 塑造、培养:cultivate, develop, foster, mould, shape, build

23. 增强:promote, strengthen, enhance, intensify, magnify, amplify

24. 接触到:expose … to, have/ get access to

25. 能给,能使,能让:give, let, make, offer, promise, bring, provide, allow, render, ensure,

equip … with, furnish … with, encourage, enable sb. to do slitbhe.rate/ free/ release sb. from..

26. 优点、优势:pro, merit, strength, advantage, benefit, positive

27. 缺点、弱势:con, fault, flaw, weakness, downside, drawback, disadvantage, negative

28. 如果、假设:imagine that, provided that, suppose that, on condition that

29. 破坏、损害、有害:destroy, damage, spoil, ruin, undermine, endanger, jeopardize, impair, temper,

do harm to , be detrimental to, be hazardous,

30. 阻碍,妨碍:hin der, hamper, block,keep ???from, obstacle to, barrier to,

31. 构成潜在威胁/ 危害:pose pote ntial threat/ dan ger/ risk to

32. 有益,有助于:be beneficial/ instrumental/ helpful/ conducive/ favorable/ optimal, facilitate

33. 伴随:along with, together with, be accompanied by

34. 关于:in terms of, with regards to, as to

35. 呈现,展现,描述:show, display, illustrate, exhibit, describe, depict, dem on strate, un fold,

point to the fact that…

36. 不可否认:there is no denying that …,it is an undeni able fact that …

37. 毫无疑问:it is no doubt that …,admittedly

38. 普遍,流行,受欢迎:prevale nt, prevail, enjoy/ ga in popularity

39. 当谈到,谈及:whe n it comes to …,

40. 让我/ 我们想到:it occurs to me/ us that …


41. 目睹、见证:The 20 century witnessed/ saw that …

42. 明显,突出的(adj): conspicuous/ striking /prominent /eminent/ noticeable/remarkable/ obvious/

appare nt/ evide nt/ sig nifica nt

43. 很大地,非常地(表示程度):significantly, considerably, surprisingly, greatly, highly, hugely, largely,

tremendously, enormously, overwhelmingly, remarkably, strikingly, substantially, esse ntially, vastly, en tirely, badly,

44. 合理的,可行的,恰当的:reas on able, ratio nal, sen sible, appropriate, proper, sound,


45. 证明,证实:con firm, prove, justify, verify,

46. 反驳:protest, refute

47. 怀疑,质疑:doubt, doubtful, suspect, be suspicious of, skeptic, be skeptical of


二Sentence and words

1. rich -大部分是复合句,有分词结构.

2. high-level -定语从句,强调句润装句,虚拟语气

3. 词语可换说法,即便是名词也可换说法。这样可使得文章的词语rich,多变化


The university aims to cultivate talents for the future.

The university, as a school of higher education作插入语来解释),aims to cultivate build/ foster/ shape)talents (elites 精英/ the minds 思想指代有头脑的人/ )(who are furnished with professional

skills)for the future.


Such (ofen se/ misc on duct/ deli nquency/ deli nquent behavior/crim inal behavior) (damages/ un derm in es/ endan gers/ is detrime ntal to) social com mun ity.


It will adversely/ severely affect our academic performa nee.



The government should take measures to solve the complicated problem.

The government (Our country / n ati on / The departme nt concerned / The adm ini strati on / The authorities) should take(adopt/ optimize) related (releva nt / pert inent 相关的/ corresp onding 相应的/ effective / feasible / applicable/ timely) measures(campaig n/ coun termeasures / steps / actio ns) to solve (resolve/ address/ render/ adjust/ regulate/ ) the complicated (complex / thorny / perplexing / vexing) problem (issue / matter).

4. 思维换说法


Mental health is very important to college students.


(While it may be true that education for knowledge and skills is the key of college education), mental health education is (should be/ can be / deserves/ requires) also very (greatly/ hugely/ sig nifica ntly/ strik in gly) important// (not be dow nplayed/ overlooked/ ig no red/ un derestimated/ not less importa nt/ sec on dary in importa nee) to college studentg the young people/ those who are in pursuit of higher educati on).


(Once upon a time, tech no logy, we thought, would make our lives easier b ut instead of freeing us, inventions eats further into our time.

5. 增加句子字数

(There is no denying fact that / It is an undeni able fact that / it is widely accepted that) the (only / sole / major / primary / com mon) task of (uni versity / young / our) students is to acquirg fully / as abundant as possiblej the (useful / professional / helpful / practical) knowledge and skills(that are esse ntial to their future career).


With the developme nt of tech no logy, digital products have bee n using widely. For example 合并句子,名词替代动词,形容词或副词。

Developmen ts/ Adva nc eme nt/ Breakthroughs/ Inno vati ons in tech no logy (With the developme nt of tech no logy) greatly promote( help/ facilitate/ contribute to/ give rise to/ magnify/ amplify/ intensify) the use of digital products in almost all areas in our social community, with (for example) a wide range of products (objects/ devices/ gauges) like cell phones, digital cameras, and telecconference


6. 以事物开头句子互联网使我们很容易接触到全世界最新的资讯. The Internet enables us to have easy access to the latest information worldwide. 比较:我们可以上网获取信息。

We can use the Internet to get information.

练习:人们可以坐车自由出行。We can go out to travel freely. 比较:汽车,在很大程度上,使人们可以自由出行。The automobile, to a great extent, promises people high level of personal mobility/ free travel.


How to improve student's mental health


2、因此,学校可以 ...

3、我们自己应当 ...

Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention. What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opport un ities to save us tha n other学校)

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.


There is no denying the fact that mental health is of great importance to college students. Nowadays , many students in college suffer from mental illness, which severely affects their life and study. Tak ing a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. Reports are often heard that some stu dents committed suicide or murdered their roommates. Typical examples include the case of Ma Jiaj ue and that of a girl stabbing her schoolmates.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures must be taken before things get worse .On the one hand, due atte nti on has to be paid by colleges fcbude nts men tal health. First, lectures on psychological health should be freque ntly give n to stude nts to preve nt problems from happe ning. Secondly, psychological clinics should be set up to provide troubled students with timely help.

As to stude nts, we should keep the cha nnel of com muni cati on ope n among ourselves and betwee n u

s and our teachers and pare nts. Besides, in case of men tal ill ness, we should not hesitate to go to psy chological coun selors for help. Only with these measures take n can we expect sound growth of coll ege stude nts.





不要with the development of …

不要nowadays, more and more people-






With the developme nt of tech no logy, digital products have bee n using widely. For example 合并句子,名词替代动词,形容词或副词。

Developmen ts/ Adva nceme nt/ Breakthroughs/ Inno vati ons in tech no logy (With the developme nt of tech no logy) greatly promote( help/ facilitate/ contribute to/ give rise to/ magnify/ amplify/ intensify) the use of digital products in almost all areas in our social community, with (for example) a wide range of products (objects/ devices/ gauges) like cell phones, digital cameras, and telecconference facilities.


句:主谓宾结构n (事物/不用人)+ v.+ n.

第二句:However, ???(反说)+例子(分词句/定语从句/伴随的with+名词) 第三句:点题/小总结


Educati on is supposed to be associated with the teach ing and lear ning of professi onal kno wledge and skills. However, men tal health educati on should not be take n as sec on dary in importa nce for the sound developme nt of a young man, whe n we read n ews reports on some surpris in gly extreme cases of suicide, and eve n murder on campus. The young lear ners, while committi ng to study, are faced with a fragile men tal health problem.


China boasts its long history of festival culture and harbors a significantly distinctive customs.Less happily, young people no wadays tend to shift their focus from the traditi onal festivals to wester n on es, like Christmas and Vale nti ne'Day in particular, which have gained in crease popularity year after year. The preservation of Chinese traditional festivals, thus, is becoming a national concern.


Words to help:

盗版:piracy (n.)

盗版产品:pirated products

知识产权:in tellectual property rights

侵犯版权:infringe sb 'copyright; copyright infrin geme nt

Intellectual property rights is legally protected to the owners, but few people seems quite sure to be dedicated to the idea of buying copyright products. This misc on duct leads to a surpris in gly outbreak/ explosi on/ epidemic of pirated products, ra nging from hi-tech devices, such as cell pho ne and computer software, to creative cultural products, CDs of movies and paper books and the like. Copyright infrin geme nt thus greatly damages the order of market, making people worried.


Classic books preserve a window' into the esse nce of history, culture and philosophy./ preserved platform' for people to talk with the great minds of history, culture and philosophy. Unhappily, most young people tend to welcome/ harbor a flood of in formati on/ in formati on explosi on pouri ng in from every corner of the world, rather than dedicating themselves to read a book of classicsjn the excuse of time-stressed. Some schools of higher education seem to have put the classics reading out of academic requireme nts.



(While it may be true that education for knowledge and skills is the key of college education), mental health education is (should be/ can be / deserves/ requires) also very (greatly/ hugely/ sig nifica ntly/ strik in gly) important// (not be dow nplayed/ overlooked/ ig no red/ un derestimated/ not less importa nt/ sec on dary in importa nce) to college studentg the young people/ those who are in pursuit of higher educati on).








套词:admittedly , un doubtedly , unq uesti on ably , doubtlessly , to be frank / hon est / fair



Two factors have been instrumental in lifting the veil of misunderstanding.

owe to, acco unt for, be con ducive to, be associated with, be resp on sible for, be attributed to, a (root )source of, the root of

explain , explore , unveil(揭开),analyze , discuss , probe into , identify , figure out

?t he contributing / causative / underlying factors


第一讲 引发激烈讨论,热门话题,激烈争论,广泛关注 heated, hot, long-running, controversial, hotly-debated a matter of (global )concern, (burning, pressing, thorny)issue, controversy, subject, focus, topic. be put on the agenda trigger, spark, arouse intense, fierce, contentious/ debate, discussion, argument arouse people’s wide concern/ / wide public concern/curiosity/attention, make people worried become public focus/ the focus of the society more and more people---an increasing number of people more and more useful---increasingly useful 人---事物 More and more people waste ---The growing rate of waste have people calling it an epidemic a lot of ---a considerable number of/ massive/ different people have different ideas towards it----people’s ideas towards it differ from one to another. ., views on this issue vary greatly. try to—attempt to, intend to think – argue, claim , deem , insist if – provided that, assuming that, supposing that 一写作常用关键词句: 1.认为,断言:think, believe, argue, hold, contend, state, claim, suppose, advocate, assume, point out, point to, allege, assert personally, as for me, as far as I am concerned, for my part 2.许多:a large number of, a large amount of, a considerable number of, a host of, dozens of, scores of, the bulk of, a majority of 大部分的,a minority of小部分的 3.如今、目前:in contemporary society, nowadays, at present, recently, currently, in recent decades 4.越来越:increasing, growing 5.重要,必要,肯定主导,关键,根本, 意义重大:important, necessary, essential, vital, crucial, influential, overwhelming, primary, overriding, principal,fundamental, elementary, cardinal, significant, indispensable, dominant, key, leading, prominent, decisive, major, gist, crux关键,症结所在 6.关注、重视、强调、优先考虑、把…放首要位置:highlight, pay attention to, attract…, raise…concern, arouse… concern, call for…concern, attach importance to, give p riority to, lay emphasis/stress on


写作中常用同义替换词 1. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 2.有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 3.流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 4.提高, 加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 5. 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens 6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being 7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers 8. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing 9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents 10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue 11. 责任:responsibility = obligation = duty = liability 12. 能力:ability = capacity = power = skill 13. 职业:job = career = employment = profession 14. 娱乐:enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment 15. 孩子:children = offspring = descendant= kid 16. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 17. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 18. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 19. 积极的, 好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 20. 消极的, 不良的:bad = undesirable=unfavorable 21. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 22. 健康的: healthy = sound = wholesome 23. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 24. 影响:influence= impact= effect, 25. 危险:danger =hazard 26. 污染:pollution = contamination 27. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race 28. 引起:cause = result in=lead to =trigger 29. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 30. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 31. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 32. 激发, 鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 33. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue 34. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 35. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 36. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 37. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 38. 可能:presumably, probably, perhaps, supposedly 39. 承认:without doubt=there is no denying that=admittedly 40. 表明:illustrate= demonstrate= suggest= reflect= indicate 41. 好:favorable=positive=promising=pleasurable=excellent=outstanding 42. 不好:negative=dreadful=unfavorable=adverse


新托福词汇同义词替换表(写作,阅读,口语,写作)系列之(A,B,C) 同义词的积累对于阅读最大的好处就是让你真正明白正确答案的标准和特征,同样的道理,对于听力,也是听力原文和让你答题的选项之间常常不会是原封不动的说法,考官给考生制造难度的最常见方法就是换表达形式,但是不改变意思,同义词替换或者正话反说或者反话正说等等出题人常用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同学们列出所有新托福词汇的同义词归纳。 背完的单词如何能够灵活的输出,我在课堂以及讲座总是说要进行意群的划分,或者具体说就是同 义词的积累或者同类词的积累,因为这样储备之后我们在口语以及写作中就能够多样的表达,让语言的变 化性和生动性能够提高,比如很多同学说到“重要”,总是只能输出一个“important”,但其实写作中和口语 还有类似essential,influential,crucial等等多样的表达。好了,说过了同义词对于“口语”和“写作”这两大输出 环节的作用之后,再说同义词对于“听力”和“阅读”这两大输入环境的作用,阅读理解的精髓就是原文的信息 和选项信息的同义转化,因此例如原文中说一个方法非常的apparent,选项里的常常同义改写原说法,比 如变成“se lf-evident”或者“obvious”,因此同义词的积累对于阅读最大的好处就是让你真正明白正确答案的 标准和特征,同样的道理,对于听力,也是听力原文和让你答题的选项之间常常不会是原封不动的说法, 考官给考生制造难度的最常见方法就是换表达形式,但是不改变意思,同义词替换或者正话反说或者反话 正说等等出题人常用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同学们列出所有新托福词汇的同义词归纳。


雅思写作常用同义词替换100个 1. people=individuals 人们 (Those who) 2. many people=a majority of people = most of people大多数人 3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词) 4. a great number of=a large amount/quantity of=considerable amount o f= a large variety of很多(可数名词) 5. plentiful=abundant 丰富的,大量的 6. expensive=pricy 贵的 7. thing=item=goods 东西,物品 8. humans=human beings=human race=mankind 人类 9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to=aid to 有助于(动词) 10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词) 11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding)=do good to/be good for 有好处的(形容词) 12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词)

13. education=schooling 教育 14. think=believe=hold=maintain=consider=take for=agree认为 15. oppose=object to=be against=disagree 反对 16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持 17. as for me=as far as I am concerned=in the eyes of 对我来说 18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=in my point of view=personally 我的观点是 19. as …develop(s)=with the development of...=with the progress of…=as…advances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词) 20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副词) 21. in addition=besides=furthermore=moreover=apart from=in spite of= Despite=what’s more 此外(提出新信息) 22. because=as=for=since 因为(加句子) 23. because of=due to=owing to=thanks to =attribute to 因为(加名词)


Part 1 A A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体 Aim.n=objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也 Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地Automatically ensure=guarantee确保 B Be similar to=closely resembled =have something in common 相似 Be used to=be devoted to专门用于 Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于 Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊 Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地 C Calculate=measure 衡量 Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐 Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的 Chronic=long term 慢性病的 Complain=illness 病症 Concern n. =focus关心的问题


英语写作常用同义词替换100个 1. people=individuals人们(Those who) 2. many people=a majority of people 大多数人 3. a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 很多(修饰不可数名词) 4. a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of很多(可数名词) 5. plentiful=abundant 丰富的,大量的 6. expensive=pricy 贵的 7. thing=item 东西,物品 8. humans=human beings=human race 人类 9. benefit=conduce to=help=contribute to 有助于(动词) 10. harm=damage=endanger=undermine 危害(动词) 11. beneficial=helpful=conducive(rewarding) 有好处的(形容词) 12. harmful=detrimental=damaging有害的(形容词) 13. education=schooling 教育 14. think=believe=hold 认为 15. oppose=object to=be against 反对 16. support=be in favor of=be for 支持 17. as for me=as far as I am concerned 对我来说 18. in my opinion=from my perspective=in my viewpoint=personally 我的观点是 19. as …develops=with the development of...=with the progress of…=a s…advances随着…的发展(注意什么时候用动词,什么时候用名词) 20. quickly=rapidly=at an amazing rate=at an staggering rate 很快(副词)


同义词替换词 国内考生常用的表达更得分的表达方式 名词 1things that one tries hard to do one's undertakings/ one's commitments 2The fact is that?The reality is that? 3joy happiness/delight/ enjoyment 4sadness sorrow/ grief 5danger hazard/ peril ( 后面这个词语气很强,危险程度 非同一般 ) [派生 ] dangerous; hazardous ≈schooling (指学校教育,家庭教育则用 6education upbringing/ parenting)[ 区分 ]家庭教育的两个词 upbringing 是从孩子的角度说的,比如children's upbringing;而 parenting 是从家长的角度来说,比如 sensible parenting. 如果你写过关于广告的题目,就一定体会过 不停轮换使用 advertisement/ advertising有多郁闷。其实主体段论证中完全可以把广告类 7advertisement/ advertising 细化,比如 commercials(电视或者互联网上的广告), flyers(传单广告,北京最常见的形式就是“ 135****,办证”), billboards (大幅的广告牌)或者 non-profit advertisements=public-interest advertisements (公益广告) 8car Automobile 9economic crisis economic meltdown(很接近) /recession(这个一般仅仅还是衰退) /the Great Depression (这个则是特指 1929 年开始的那次了) 10famous people celebrities (单数为 celebrity) 11human beings(备考生使humanity(注意这个词的单数指人类,复数用过多)指人文学科) /the human race 12wealth fortune(s)( fortune 作财富的意思时可以加复数) 13[ 相关 ] rich wealthy/ affluent (adj.) 14skill≈注意这个词的正确解释是技能 technique( 或者方法,而不是 technology 科技 ) 15[ 派生 ] skilled adept/ adroit (adj.)


问题Problem: issue, dilemma 会议Meeting: conference, discussion 学习Study: application, consideration 好处Advantage: benefit, dominance , profit 坏处Disadvantage: inconvenience, drawback ,harm , bad side 男子 male ,man, guy 女子 female , woman , lady 注意力 eyes ,attention, fame 目的 purpose , intention , goal , aim 规则 principle,rule, 形容词/副词 重要的Important: essential, significant, play a pushing role, fundamental 大的Big: massive, enormous 许多many: numerous, infinite 永远forever (adv): everlasting, undying 小的Small: minimum, diminutive 好的Good: marvelous, gorgeous, awesome 坏的Bad: awful, terrible, imperfect 聪明的Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable 开心地Happy: delightful, delectable 漂亮的Beautiful: charming, attractive, engaging 快的Fast:swift, rapid, speedy 容易的Easy: simple, effortless 清楚的Clear: obvious, apparent 困难的Difficult: complicated, complex 生气的Angry: annoyed, displeased 危险的Dangerous: perilous, breakneck 特别的 special , particularly , stand out, 基本的 basic , essential 昂贵的 expensive ,not cheap , costly 特别的 special , unique , main feature , particular, stand out 尴尬的 awkward, embarassing 逐渐地 slowly , gradually , not rapidly , not sharply , not quickly 满意的 content ,satisfied 支持的 supportive, positive , approving , backing , in favor of , stand by 不确定的 uncertain , unclear 怀疑的 doubtful, puzzled 反对的 disapproving , negative , disappointed , unfavorable , opposed to 焦虑的 worried , anxious , trembling 连词篇:(介词,副词) 首先Firstly: previously, beforehand, fundamentally, to begin with 其次Then: afterward, what is more, furthermore


在ETS 规定的托福独立写作评分标准中,有一项是针对词汇和表达的,同样托福写作想要拿高分,在词汇的应用上也要有一定的技巧,今天整理了一些托福写作重点词汇的高分替换,看看ETS 考官更喜欢什么样的表达~希望对大家的写作有帮助~ 高分重点托福写作同义词替换 国内考生常用的表达 更得分的表达方式 名词 1 things that one tries hard to do one's undertakings/ one's commitments 2The fact is that…The reality is that… 3joy happiness/ delight/ enjoyment 4sadness sorrow/ grief 5danger hazard/ peril (后面这个词语气很强,危险程度非同一般) [派生] dangerous;hazardous 6education ≈schooling (指学校教育, 家庭教育则用upbringing/ parenting)[区分]家庭教育的两个词 upbringing是从孩子的角度说的, 比如children's upbringing; 而parenting是从家长的角度来说, 比如sensible parenting.

7advertisement/ advertising 如果你写过关于广告的题目, 就一定体会过不停轮换使用advertisement/ advertising 有多郁闷。其实主体段论证中 完全可以把广告类细化,比如commercials(电视或者互联 网上的广告),flyers (传单广告,北京最常见的 形式就是“135****,办证”),billboards(大幅的广告牌)或者non-profit advertisements= public-interest advertisements (公益广告) 8car automobile 9economic crisis economic meltdown (很接近)/recession (这个一般仅仅还是衰退) /the Great Depression (这个则是特指1929年开始的那次了) 10famous people celebrities (单数为celebrity) 11 human beings(备考生使用过 多)humanity(注意这个词的单数指人类,复数指人文学科)/the human race 12wealth fortune(s) (fortune 作财富的意思时可以加复数)


四六级考前冲刺必读:英语写作中高级同义词替 换 英语写作中高级同义词替换 连词篇:(介词,副词) Firstly: previously, beforehand,foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly,essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole,fundamentally, to begin with, to start wit h, first of all, at the outset… Then: subsequently, afterward,thereafter, after that, secondarily, what ismore, furthermore (further more)… Lastly:ultimately, eventually, inconclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but notleast, finally… Too: as well (句末)也, inaddition, besides, moreover, additionally, to boot, excessively, also… And: plus, as wellas, along with, in addition, bonus, with… Or: otherwise, if not,before, or else… So (adv):therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, for that reason,hence, that’s why Because: as, due to,since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that… But:however,moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the otherhand, 让步although, eventhought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that… Only: just, merely, barely,singly, solely, rarely… Without: excluding, Very: extremely, acutely,decidedly, deeply, exceedingly, greatly, highly, uncommonly, profoundly,unusually… Actually: as a matter offact, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, literally,truly … 形容词/副词


同义词替换 一、名词/名词短语 1.author= writer 作家 2.century=a hundred years 世纪、百年chance= opportunity 机会 decision = resolution 决定 dishes = food 食物 family = home 家 firm = company 公司 first name = give name 名字 last name = family name gift = present 礼物 litter = rubbish/trash 垃圾 match = contest比赛 message = information信息 note = message 短信 part=area地区 pen pal = pen friend 笔友 photo = picture 照片 question= problem 问题 shop = store 商店 sight= places of interest 名胜、风景some day = one day 来日、将来有一天sportsman = athlete 运动员 spot = place 地点、场所 stop = station 车站suggestion = advice忠告 table=desk 桌子 talk = conversation谈话 test= exam 考试 the Smiths = the Smith family 史密斯一家theme = topic 主题 tonight = this evening 今晚 top dog=winner赢家 two times = twice 两次、两倍 two and a half hour = two hours and a half 两个半小时 vacation = holiday 假期 way = method 方法 work = job 工作 二、动词/动词短语 ask for help= turn to 寻求帮助 come again = pardon 再一次 act = perform 表演 add---to---=put ---on---把---加到---上 afford = buy 买;承担得起 allow= permit 允许;准许 do---by oneself= alone 单独地;独自地 be hungry for becoming = be looking forward to becoming 渴望成为argue = quarrel 争论


动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publicity has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 Reinforce: reinforce the interference of the autority and its ability of macroeconomic control 加强政府的干预和宏观调控能力 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. highlight/emphase the significance/magnitude of… 强调…的重要性 Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. Address: address the ponderance of manipulating the inosculation between… and… in the right perspective 强调正确处理…关系的重要性 (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life.


托福写作——100个替换词汇 important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) common=universal, ubiquitous (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) abundant=ample(enough and usually extra),plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) stick=adhere, cling (hold on something tightly) neglect=ignore。(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention。) near=adjacent(two things next to each other),adjoin(the same as adjacent) pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned),seek(if you seek sty, you try to obtain it FORMAL) accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details),exact(correct in every detail) vague=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people) top=peak, summit competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics) blame=condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) opinion=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way) fame=prestige(describe those who are admired),reputation build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL),establish insult=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid) complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way) primary=radical (very important and great in degree),fundamental relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe) force=coerces into (coerce means you make someone do something she does not want to),compel enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something


英语写作中高级同义词替换 Firstly : previously , beforeha nd, foremost, i nitially, origi nally, formerly, prin cipally, mai nly, esse ntially, basically, gen erally, com monly, uni versally, on the whole, fun dame ntally, to begi n with, to start with, first of all, at the outset … Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj.), sec on darily, what is more, furthermore (further more) … Lastly: ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but not least, fina lly … Too: as well (句末),in additi on, besides, moreover, additi on ally, to boot, excessively, also … And: plus, as well as, along with, in additi on, bonus, with ?… Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else … So (adv): therefore, thus, con seque ntly, accord in gly, as a result, for that reason, hence, that ' s why Because: as, due to, sin ce, as to, in that, for the reas on that, for, now that … But: however, moreover, nevertheless , nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, 让步although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that … Only: just, merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely Without: exclud ing.
