


Part I Vocabulary & Structure 词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30小题,满分60分)Direct ions : These are 10 in complete stateme nts here . You are required to complete each stateme nt by choos ing the appropriate an swer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D).此部分共有10个未完成的句子。每个句子中未完成的部分有四个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. There _________ a meet ing tomorrow after noon.

A. will be going to

B. will going to be

C. is going to be

D. will go to be

2. They ________ a n En glish eve ning n ext Sun day.

A. are hav ing

B. are going to have

C. will hav ing

D. is going to have

3. The train _______ at 11.

A. going to arrive

B. will be arrive

C. is going to

D. is arrivi ng

4. The Smiths _______ lunch whe n I got to their house.

A. were hav ing

B. was hav ing

C. are hav ing

D. is hav ing

5. He ______ his homework and now is liste ning to music.

A. fini shed

B. fini shes

C. has fini shed

D. fin ish

6. ______ your penfriend ______ in Beiji ng?

A. Do; live

B. Do; lives

C. Does; live

D. Does; lives

7. Hurry up, or the tickets ______ out by the time we get there.

A. will have sold

C. have sold

D. will have bee n sold

8. Diamond ______ in Brazil in 1971.

A. is found

B. has bee n found

C. was found

D. had bee n found

9. The world is made ______ seve n con ti nents and four ocea ns.

A. up of

B. out of

C. from

D. i n

10. We offered him our congratulations _______ his pass ing the college entrance exams.

A. at

B. of

C. fo

D. on

11. If I were you, I would ___________ f or the job in person rather than mail.

A. apply

B. reply

C. wait

D. search

12. Now more and more people have a popular belief the world is able to run out of oil.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. why

13. Now that the light went out, he _______ have slept.

A. ought to

B. must

C. would

D. should

14. The new law en ables a man ______ money from the state if he has no work.

A. claim

B. to claim

D. claimed

15. He expla ined the in structi ons repeatedly so as to make

himself _______ .

A. un derstood

B. un dersta nd

C. to un dersta nd

D. un dersta nding

16. The athletes from Japa n were dressed in blue _______ t hose from the

South Korea were dressed in white.

A. whe n

B. as

C. while

D. si nee

17. The sentences should be ________ as they are not relative to the whole paragraph.

A. cut out

B. cut dow n

C. cut off

D. cut across

18. _______ the wet day, he drove his car at fastest speed as usual.

A. As fo

B. Although

C. Despite

D. Because of

19. They soon become good frie nds because they have much ______ .

A. i n con trast

B. in detail

C. i n usual

D. i n com mon

20. Sorry, I have no cash with meat the moment, could you accept _____________ ?

A. m oney

B. check

C. capital

D. card

21. He needs to marry a down-to-earth(实际的)person who will _________ his life for him.

A. classify

B. sort

D. orga nize

22. Taking the job invo Ives

A. liv ing at abroad

B. liv ing abroad in the text two years.

C. to live abroad

D. in liv ing abroad

23. --What happe ned to her know, and rm also curious

that cold win ter eve ning? -- 1 don't it.

A. /; of

B. in; about

C. on; about

D. on; fo

24. Whe never we have trouble _______ o ur studies, our teachers help us patie ntly.

A. in

B. at

C. with

D. fo

25. We _____ to paint the whole house but fini shed only the front part that day.

A. set about

B. set up

C. set out

D. set dow n

26. We canno t for long without food and drink.

A. support

B. mai nta in tracked

C. remai n

D. survive

27. _______ E n glish, he has to study a sec ond foreig n Ian guage.

A. In additi on to

B. In additi on

C. except

D. but

28. There is a _______ smell of smoke in my room

A. vivid

B. clea

c. dist inct

29. Foods quickly _______ and break dow n if they are not stored.

A. spoil

B. hurt

C. damage

D. destroy

30. Not un til he had fini shed his _____ did he realize that he was

seriously ill.

A. massive

B. motive

C. missio n

D. moti on

Part II Reading Comprehension (每小题4 分,共10 小题,满分40分) Directions : There are five questions in each passage. You are required to complete each questi on by choos ing the appropriate an swer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) 。此部分共有两篇短文。每篇短文后有5个

问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B C D四个选项中,选出最佳答案选项。

Passage 1

Once there was a king. He liked to write stories. He thought his stories were good, so he liked to show them to people. As people were afraid to criticize the king ' s stories, they all said that his stories were very good.

One day, the king showed some of his best stories to a famous writer.

He wan ted the writer to say good of these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into the fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him to pris on( 监狱).

After some time the king felt sorry for the writer and set him free.

When the writer returned from pris on, the ki ng ordered him to come to his palace. Aga in he showedhim someof his n ewstories and asked what he thought of them. After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldier and said,"Take me back to pris on, please."

31. Why did people say the king ' s stories were good?

A. Because they were afraid to be in trouble.

B. Because they liked the stories very much kn ife

C. Because the ki ng was a famous writer.

D. Because the king ' s stories were interesting.

32. Why did the king like to show people his stories?

A. Because he wan ted people to criticize them.

B. Because he thought his stories were good.

C. Because he knew people enjo yed his stories.

D. Because he liked to play a trick on other people.

33. Which of the follow ing is true?

A. The writer said he liked the stories very much.

B. The writer said people hated the stories.

C. The writer said the stories were badly writte n.

D. The writer said it was good for people to read the stories.

34. Why did the writer ask the soldier to take him back to pris on?

A. Because he enjoyed liv ing in the pris on.

B. Because he didn ' t like the king at all.

C. Because the king didn ' t want to set him free.

D. Because he thought the king ' s new stories were still badly written.

35. What do you think of the famous writer?

A. He was an hon est man and n ever told a lie.

B. He was a stra nge man.

C. There was somethi ng wrong with him.

D. He was a little afraid of the ki ng.

Passage 2

There are some things about myself that I really like. First of all,

I always makean effort to do mybest. I never give up halfway without trying mybest. For example, I have practiced the piano for more than twelve years. And now I am lear ning En glish every day.

Secondly, I ' m good at making p eople laugh. I feel happy when people smile at the thing I do. I make frie nds with anyone easily and now I have a lot of frie nds.

Of course, I also have my weak points. I sometimes feel that I ' m a bit selfish or careless. I want to overcome these faults and I believe this will make a man of me and people will love me better.

36. What is NOT the author ' s character? _________ .

A. Always trying his best

B. Giving up halfway

C. Being good at making people laugh

D. Making frie nds easily

37. He has practiced the pia no for _______ .

A. less tha n twelve years

B. twelve years

C. almost twelve years

D. over twelve years

38. He is now trying to ________ every day.

A. play the pia no

B. lear n En glish

C. make friends

D. overcome his faults

39. He is now tryi ng to overcome the fault of _______ .

A. making people laugh

B. making too many frie nds being

C. being selfish or careless

D. being too proud or particular

40. He feel ________ when people smile at the things he does.

A. happy

B. angry

C. selfish

D. careless
