My school深度学习教学设计

My school深度学习教学设计
My school深度学习教学设计

My school深度学习教学设计

【单元名称】人教版四年级下册Unit 1 My school,Main scene.



1、本节课的说课是依据深度学习理论进行设计的。深度学习是指在基于简单学习的基础上,教师能够批判性的学习新的思想和事实, 将原有认知结构经过多水平的分析或加工,并将它们结合起来;并能够将已有的知识迁移到新的情境中,让学生能以改变思想、控制力或行为的方式来应用这些内容和技能,作出决策和解决问题,最终获得有意义的学习过程。


3、选择“My school”这一主题是因为学生平日里都比较熟悉自己的学校,而且窍角沱小学因为是流动儿童指定接收学校,每年都有大量的转学生或者农村流向城市的流动儿童,这些流动儿童都面临熟悉环境、认识新朋友等问题。通过本课能让流动儿童更加了解新学校,从而获得环境适应能力,人际交往能力,并能在城市学习中获得幸福感。



学生知识的预评估: 课前已经了解到学生会使用询问方位的句型,如Where is the …? Do you have a …? 等句型,并已经知道学校各个教室名称表达。


(1)对方位词了解情况不够,特别是对next to和near的区别不够清楚。

(2)对let’s read a book, let’ s draw a picture, let’s sing a song有待理解。



本单元的主要内容是关于认识学校的各个地方以及它所在的位置,让学生能用英语语言表达和告知给他人,增进学生对校园的了解。学生之前已经掌握了一些关于Chen Jie’s school的重要句型,而本课则将内容主题落脚在本校—窍角沱小学,并与学生们熟悉的校本课程—“快乐融入”和





1、认识新单词和句子:next to 和near, let’s draw a picture, let’s sing a song。


3、能够熟悉运用Where is the …? Do we have a …? 等句型去询问学校的环境及各个教室所在的位置,能准确用方位词进行回答,并能告知在每个教师里可以做什么。








Look, that’s the playground. Where is the library?

It’s next to the art room.

Is this the teacher’s office?

No, it isn’t. It’s the computer room. Do you have an art room.

Yes, it’s on the second floor.--Welcome to our school! This is the playground. -- Wow, it’s so big! Where is the library?

-- It’s near the classrooms. Let's read a book!

-- Where is the art room?

-- It’s next to the computer room.

Let's draw a picture!

-- Do we have a music room?

-- Yes, we do. Let's sing a song.

-- Thank you, can we be good friends?

-- Sure.



教案 Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class. 一.教材内容分析 本模块以学校为话题,把焦点放在对学校的介绍上,话题贴近学生生活;新生对介绍学校也比较感兴趣。教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整),合理设置课时。适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野,进行理想、人生规划的教育。 二.学情分析 通过前面两个模块的学习,学生掌握了部分描述物品的词汇及介绍自己的句型。本单元则是在前两个模块的基础上引入到学校与班级这个话题上,这是学生很熟悉也是较感兴趣的话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。 三.教学目标 1.语言知识目标 语 音 掌握四个元音/?/ /a:/ /?/ /?:/ 词汇There, computer, furniture, map, wall, dictionary, library, picture, television, right, really, many, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, lot, a lot of, any, tree, dining hall, hall, library, playground, science, lab, in front of, behind, building, gate, office, between, middle, near, with, for, room 词组句型There ar e…, there is…how many a lot of dining hall in front of on the right 语法1.there be 句型 2.方位介词用法 功介绍学校的设施。


模块一unit 1 school life (Welcome + Reading部分的知识点) 1 time 表示“时间”不可数;表示“一段时期,时代,倍数或次数”是可数名词 e.g. High school is a time of discovery , learning and hard work. 2 偌大的校园huge campus 3 户外活动outdoor activity 4 理想的校园生活dream school life 5 你认为…怎么样?What do you think of sb / sth? 6 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. 去一所英国高中学习一年对我来讲是一个非常愉快的经历。 注意:这里动名词做主语, 一个动名词做主语,谓语用单数。 e.g. Having a walk after meals is good for health. 7. experience vt. 经历;体验 e.g. We have experienced happiness and sadness together in a same school. experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) e.g. The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his interesting experiences. 这水手有丰富的经验,他常常给我们讲他有趣的经历。 This is a real experience not a dream. 这是一次真实的经历并不是做梦。 experienced adj. 经验丰富的(be experienced in doing / sth 在…方面有经验) 8 be happy with sb/sth= be satisfied with sb/sth 对…感到满意 Be happy with the life you create. 满意你自己所创造的生活。 9 an hour later than usual 比平时晚一个小时 10 He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study. (1) the way to do sth= the way of doing sth 做…的方式, 但是通常都用the best way + to do) (2) 这句话中,was是系动词,后面的“to devote ourselves to study”做表语:又如My dream is to buy a big house and live with my parents. 6. devote sth to (doing) sth… 为…付出…(为工作付出很多时间:devote much time to the work; 为教学投入很大精力:devote energy to teaching) devote oneself to (doing) sth = be devoted to (doing) sth 献身于…/致力于… He intends to devote himself to curing the sick in India.他想把自己的一生奉献于医治印度的病人。 devoted adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的devotion n. 奉献,忠诚,挚爱

小学生英语作文范文:My School(三篇)

小学生英语作文范文:My School(三篇) 导读:本文小学生英语作文范文:My School(三篇),来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 【篇一】 Myschoolisverybeautiful.ItisinGuicheng,neartheQiandengLake.Doyoukn owit?ItisNanhaiExperimentalPrimarySchool.Ilikemyschoolverymuch. Thereisabigplaygroundinmyschool.WehaveP.E.classontheplaygroundand weoftenplaysportsonit,too.Ourteachingbuildinghasfivefloors.Myclassroo misonthefifthfloor.Itisbigandclean.Thecomputerroomsareonthethirdfloor .Thereisalibraryonthesecondfloor.Therearemanybooksinthelibrary.Ioftenr eadbookshere.Therearesomemusicroomsandartroomsintheteachingbuil ding,too.Theteachersinmyschoolareverykind.Thestudentsareverypolitea ndsmart.Iamhappyinmyschool. Schoolarestudentssecondhome.Everystuentlovestheirschool.Ilikemyscho olverymuch.Myschoolisverygreat.Ltisthebestschool.Myschooltaughtman gexcelletstudents.Fiveyearsago,myschoolissimpleandcrude.Thereisonlyf ewstudentsinourschool.Now,ourshoolisbeauiful.Therearemorethan5thou sandstudents.Equipementisveryabundant.WecansurftheInternetnow. Ilovemyschool.Myschoolwelcomesyou.


My school life 英语作文范文 I am a senior school student.I live in the school.I have a busy but happy school life.Everyday I get up at six o'clock.I brush my teeth and wash my face,then have breakfast before seven.I do some reading from seven to half past seven.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have five lessons in the morning,three in the afternoon and two at night.I have a break of ten minutes between classes.But our boys' dormitory is far from the classroom,It takes us quite a long time to walk there.We are often exposed in the sun and rain,with sweat all over. 我是一名高中生。我住在学校。我有一个忙碌但快乐的学校生活。每天我六点起床。我刷牙洗脸,然后在七点之前吃早餐。我做一些从七点到七点半的阅读。我从周一到周五去学校。我早上上五节课,下午三节课,晚上两节课。我课间休息十分钟。但是我们的男生宿舍离教室很远,步行到那里要花很长时间。我们经常暴露在阳光和雨水中,全身都是汗。

Unit 1 My school 教学设计新部编版

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

Unit 1 My school 教学设计 一、教学目标 1.使学生掌握新词:first floor, second floor, teacher’s office ,library。 2.使学生了解指令,并作相应的活动。如:Go to the library. Read a book。 教学重点:掌握有关楼层和学校设施的四个单词和词组,并了解它们的功能。 教学难点:单词library中辅音连缀的发音。 二、教具准备: 1.与教材内容相关的录音、图片等媒体素材。 2.教师准备一幅本单元的校园分布图。 3.教师准备本课时的四张单词卡。 三、教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.教师播放学过的歌谣(第三册第五页的“Work And Play”),让学生跟随声音说唱。 2.播放第三册第一单元录音Let’s learn A ,回顾句型:“What’s in the classroom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.”自然过度到学习学校各课室的名称。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.教师指着教室问学生:This is our new classroom. Do you

like our classroom? What’s in the classroom? 学生做出相应的回答。教师接着问:How many classrooms are there in our school? Do you like our school? What else can you see in the school? Look! This is a map of our school. 2.播放本课的录音Let’s learn A, 教读生词。教师可引入句型“It’s on the first floor.为下一课时进一步学习序数词做铺垫。通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时四个生词的正确读音。在练习library的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如ice-cream, brother, friend, hungry。(三)趣味操练(Practice) 1.小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如library,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其它单词,如:flowers,red,colour,trees 等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也为继续学习Let’s do打下基础。 2.看Let’s do的图片(没有文字),让学生仔细看动作,然后跟着声音做动作。播放声音,教师指导学生做出正确的动作。然后分组进行练习,采用组与组竞赛的方式,可以是做动作猜句子并说出单词,也可以是听声音,做动作。让其他的组的学生进行评价。评价包括动作是否准确、到位、优雅等。 (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities) 1.做本单元A Let’s learn 部分的活动手册配套练习。 2.和同桌一起玩“画画、想想”的游戏。一名学生在纸上画一


Unit 1单元测试题 一、Read and choose 从B中选择合适的答案回答A的问题,把序号填到前面的括号 中。 A B 1、( ) Let’s go the library. A、Yes, I do. 2、( ) Where is the teacher’s office ? B、Yes, it is. 3、( ) Do you have lunch at school ? C、Forty-six. 4、( ) How many desks are there in your class? D、OK. 5、( ) Is that your pencil ? E、It’s on the first floor. 二、Fill in the blanks 看图,根据上下文,在句子的空格处填上适当的词。(每格一词) Welcome to my . There are 28 s here. Look! This is the new .That is the . The is gray, and the is white. We have five s , a and eight s . There are fifty s and s 三、Read and write 连词成句。 1、This computer my is . _______________________________________________ 2 teacher’s Is desk this a ? _______________________________________________ 3、it Yes is , . ________________________________________________


Unit5 School life 一、Grammar and Gap Filler A. Grammar 1) I always/often…2) I like doing…/to do… 3) I enjoy doing... 4) I prefer doing… 5) I am going to…6) I did… 7) Comparative and superlative of adjective 形容词比较级和最高级 B. Gap Filler 表示正在思考: Let me see. How to say It is not easy to say It is hard to say 表示陈述事实: You know to be honest to be frank to tell you the truthin fact 表示要表达自己的看法: In my opinion I think 表示解释自己的句子: What I mean is that is to say what I want to say is

) E. Adverb (副词的比较级和最高级1 / 11 1)定义. 表示方式的副词,用来修饰动词和形容词的词,表示怎么做某事。副词大部分通过形容变化而来。 2)位置. 副词一般放在动词,形容词后 3)副词的构成. A. 一般情况下,在形容词后加-ly即可, e.g. quick-quickly The dog eats his dinner quickly。 slow-slowly Please drive slowly near the school. B. 若形容词以y结尾,变副词时,把y改成i 再加上ly, 即是以-ily结尾. e.g. happy-happily The children played happily in garden. easy-easily I did that homework easily. C. 特殊变化或者和形容词同形. e.g. good-well She speak English well. fast-fast The lion can run very fast. hard-hard We must study harder 4)副词的比较级和最高级. 副词和形容词一样有比较级和最高级之分,也分为规则变化和不规则变化.


课题:U n i t1M y s c h o o l 课时:总6课时分第1课时主备人:杨晓红集体备课组:四年级英语备课组 【教学目标】1.能听懂、会说:“Where is the teachers’ office Is this the teachers' office The teachers' office is next to the library.”并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2.了解英美国家关于楼层的不同表达方式。 【教学重点】本课对话及其在实际情景中的运用。 【教学难点】认读对话。 【教具准备】1.教材相配套的教学课件 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 【学法指导】情景教学法,小组合作法,图片展示法 【习惯培养】培养学生敢于交流的习惯 【教学过程】 一、复习热身(3-5分钟) 1.教师播放本单元歌曲“Our school”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。 2.对话练习:教师:Hello,A. 学生:Hello,teacher. 教师:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again. 学生:Nice to see you, too. 请一些学生做此对话练习,由教师和一名学生来做,过渡到由两名学生来做。3.教师慢慢出示teachers’ office等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。 二、新课呈现(5-8分钟) 1.教师和学生进行free talk,话题是Why do you like our school 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答,即使只能说出只言片语,教师也要给予表扬。 2.播放本课课件Let’s talk 部分。教师可以就对话内容提一些问题,如:How many American friends are there What do you do in the playground 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。 3.进行模仿或跟读练习,注意提醒学生this和that中“th”的发音要咬舌头 4.first 和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:T: What’s in the first/second picture Ss: It’s a library/ a teacher’s office. 也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:T: The first card, playground; the second card, …然后


Visitmyschool教案 Visityschool教案 七年级英语讲学稿 预备课程Unit5课时2Reading,graarandtas一、课前预习导学 学习目标: 正确、熟练地运用名词的单、复数。 掌握词组abeautifulgarden,onthegroundfloor,onthefirstfloor Dininghall,readingroo,ofcourse 正确运用Thereis/are的疑问句型 课前预习单项选择。 There‘s____oldpencilontheboo,and____pencilisine. A.a/an B.a/ ____picturesarethereontheall? A.Hoany B.Houch c.hose D.hat Thereare_____lightsintheroo. A.any B.noc.aD.notsoe ---hatcolourarethecats?---Ithin_____hiteandblac. A.they’re

B.the’ ----____arethey?---Theyareyfriends. A.ho B.hose c.hichD.hat 二、课堂合作探究根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 hoarethese________?Theyareourteachers. Pleasecolour_______bronandyello. Theyaretin_________. Hisfavourite________iscat. Let‘sopenitand_______. Thereareseven_______onthedes.. ---hatare__________? ---Theyarepears Hoany___________arethereinyourhouse? 三、课内练习巩固 从II栏中选出能与I栏句子正确匹配的答语。 III Hoareyou?A.Thisisybrother,ji. hat’sinyourschoolbag?B.yes,thereis. Isthereapearonthetable?c.Therearesoeboos.


Unit 1 My school 一、单元整体分析 本单元是人教版英语四年级下册的第一单元,单元话题是“My school.” 本单元重点学习学校、校舍;场馆的名称及相应的位置。共三个版块:A 部分,B部分和C 部分。A、B部分呈现新知识点,C部分是以讲故事形式巩固或延展知识面。共分四课时来学习。本单元A,B部分的Let’s learn 主要学习学校功能教室的名称。Let’s talk. 以对话的方式引出重点句型。read and write 部分呈现了本单元的四会单词及句型,从中学会了正确的书写格式。Let’s spell 部分,要求学生通过听音、跟读,理解字母组合“er”的正确发音。此外Look,ask and answer,Let’s do,Let’s play,Let’s sing,Let’s check和C部分的story time 则是通过多种多样的活动,与School 串联起来,让学生们在轻松愉快的情景中习得语言,运用语言。本单元所需要掌握的询问功能室的位置的句型“Where’s the …? It’s on the ….”在前面的教材中没有集中涉及,但是对于疑问代词“Where”同学们并不陌生。询问某人来自哪里的句型“Where are you from?”在三年级下册教材中已经学过。这个句型的表达对本单元的教学有一定的帮助。 二、单元教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)能听、说、读四会单词teachers’office;library;playground;computer room;art room;music room ;first floor;second floor。及四会句型“This is a library. That is the playground.”。 (2)能听懂、会说Part A、B 中Let’s talk与Let’s learn中的对话,并能在实际生活中得以运用。 (3)能够理解字母组合“er”在末尾时的发音规则。


My School英语作文带翻译 【导读】MySchool Welcometoourschool. 欢迎来到我们的学校。 Youcanseeateachingbuilding, 你可以看到一座..如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享~感谢你的阅读与支持!本文《MySchool英语作文带翻译》由 读后感大全 整理,仅供参考。 MySchool Welcometoourschool. 欢迎来到我们的学校。 Youcanseeateachingbuilding, 你可以看到一座教学楼, abigplayground, 一个大操场, acomprehensivebuilding 一座综合楼 andtwoprettygardens. 和两座美丽的花园。 Lookatthisteachingbuilding. 看这座教学楼。 It'ssohighwith5floor. 它有五层楼高。 Therearemanyclassrooms, 有许多教室, acomputerroom,

一个微机室amusicroom, 一个音乐教室,alotofteacher'soffice, 许多 教师 办公室,anaudiovisualroom 一个电教室andalecturetheater 和一个阶梯教室intheteachingbuiding. 在教学楼里。Thatisourgardens, 那是我们的花园,youcanseemanyplantsinits. 你能在里面看到许多植物。Inthegarden, 在花园里,therearefiveclovetrees, 有五棵丁香树,threeMagnoliatrees, 三颗玉兰树,somepeachtrees 一些桃树,


2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Schoollife Teaching aims: 1. Warm up for the topic of this unit. 2. Let Ss know each other and improve their spoken skills. 3. Encourage Ss to talk about their ideal school life for future changes. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greeting 1. Make a brief self-introduction to the Ss, include your experience, interest, your habit of teaching and your requirements of the class as well. 2. Ask Ss to make a self-introduction card: their names, interest, motto, ambition, promise or whatever they’d like others to know about themselves. Ask 2 or 3 students to make a brief introduction. 3. Ask Ss to form groups of 6 or 8, and introduce themselves to each other, meanwhile collect information about different tastes or interests in their groups and make notes. Step 2. Going through the tasks in textbook 1. Say “You’ve met each other and you’ll spend 3 years together here for your senior high school period. Before you graduate from junior middle school, what did you think high school is like?”Collect different ideas about what they thought of high school. And then sum up their ideas: “High school may be a time of discovery, learning and hard work for Ss all over the world.” 2. Go through the pictures on page 1 of our textbook with the whole class, while checking whether they’re the same with Chinese schcool life. Collect answers to the first 2 questions by asking Ss individually. 3. Allow Ss some minutes to discuss the third topic with each other in small groups or in pairs and list down the key points of their dream school life. To simplize the task, you can instruct them to discuss the topic in such aspects as time, subjects, homework, activities, teachers, classmates, rules and so on. Step 3. Free choices for different classes Read and explain half of the words and expressions in this unit if possible. Or give Ss some extra materials to read if possible. Step 4. Homework 1. Write a short passage to show what your dream school life is like. 2. Preview the new words & expressions and the text “School life in the UK”. 3. Finish some extra reading tasks for best class.


M y s c h o o l教学设计 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

《My school》教学设计(Lesson 1) 教学目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说有关学校设施的单词:classroom, library, toilet, playground, floor及序数词first,second,third。能够在四线三格中规范地描摩单词classroom, library, toilet, floor,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。 2. 能够用已经学习过的功能句:Where is …询问他人所处位置,并且能够用He/She is in the ... 回答他人的提问。学习新句子Where is…. 会回答 He/she is in the …… 教学重难点 教学重点: 能够听懂、会说有关学校设施的单词:classroom, library, toilet, playground, floor及序数词first, second, third。 教学难点: 能够用已经学习过的功能句:Where is …询问他人所处位置,并且能够用He/She is in the ... 回答他人的提问,以及Where is…. 回答 He/she is in the ……

教学工具:图片课件 教学步骤 1. 组织教学 (1)教师做动作,学生说一说是什么。 (2)教师描述自己所在的教室,学生做出相应的动作。 2. 学习新内容(看图说话) 教师引导学生看A部分情境图,并进行简单的交流:Whose school is it What’s in the school How many floors are there 教师可借助手势帮助学生理解。然后,教师用简单的英语解说一下图片。 3. 单词教学与操练 (1)教学floor ①教师在课件上呈现地板,边呈现边说,边做动作:This is the floor. I can jump on the floor.然后引导学生通过已学过的单词door来认读floor。 ②教师带领全班学生认读单词三到四遍。 ③请个别学生说出单词。 (2)教学first, second, third ①教师在课件上呈现A部分图片,说:There are three floors in Lily’s school. This is the first floor. This is the second


我的校园My School Before I came to middle school, I felt so excited about the new life, and I had prepared for it for the whole summer vacation. The moment I stepped in the school, it surprised me. The green trees and colorful flowers are around the school. Sometimes I felt like walking in the park. There is a big playground. When all the students get together, it is very lively. When the sports meeting comes, there will be all kinds of competitions, and all the students fight for their classes. The sound of cheering for the teams can be heard around the school. I like to walk around school after class, which makes me feel eased. 在我上中学之前,我对新生活感到非常兴奋,我整个暑假都在为之做准备。我一踏入学校,就感到很惊喜。学校中满了绿色的树和五颜六色的花,有时候我都感觉我是在公园里散步。有一个大操场,当所有的学生都聚在一起时,气氛非常活跃。开展运动会的时候,会有各种各样的比赛,所有的学生都会为他们的班级而战。学校周边可以听到为球队欢呼的声音。我喜欢在课后绕着学校走走,这让我感到放松。 1


Unit 1 My School 第一课时: A( Let’s learn. Let’s do.) 教学目标: 1、能够听、说、认读主要单词:first floor , second floor , teachers’ office, library, playground, garden. 2、听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Go to the garden . Water the Flower . 教学重点:本课时的五个有关学校功能室和设置的单词。 教学难点:Let’s do 中有关动作单词的发音和含义。 教学方法:1、在进行词汇教学时,尤其是通过实物或图片,让学生感知颜色与衣物名称连用的六个词组时,切忌一一呈现,而应当让学生在听过录音学习过一两个之后,自己体会并领悟到颜色与学校功能室名称连用的方法,自己说出其它几个词组,或者在原有基础上进行想象、发挥,运用学习过的颜色和学校功能室名称自行搭配,掌握这一知识点。 2、利用书中提供的情景让学生编对话、表演,也可以为学生提供一些其它的情景练习、表演,或者让有能力的同学自己设置情景、编对话、进行操练和表演,既为学生提供了更多的练习机会,又检验了学生实际运用语言的能力。 课前准备:本课时的五张单词卡、多媒体课件 教学步骤 一、课前练习(Review) 1. -- is the cat? --It is in the kitchen. 2. -- are the candies? --They are on the table. 3. —Where is your pencil box? -- . A. some pens. B. It’s on the desk. 二、热身(Warm-up) 教师播放上册My home中的Let’s do,让学生边说边做,come on ,let’s do it。回顾:What’s in my home? Living room,kitchen,study,bedroom,bathroom. 自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1、Let’s learn (1)、课件展示一个学校的立体图,老师扮演导游。 T: Today, I’m a school guide. Welcome to my school! Look, this is my school. It is a big and beautifull school! I like it very much. Do you like my school? S: Yes, I do. T: What can you see in the school?引出教学楼 (2)、新授library。


Unit 3 School Life Lesson 14 Jenny's School Life Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims ●Knowledge Section: (1)Master the following words:middle, grade, print, guitar, fair (2)Common phrases:on one’s own ●Skill Section Continue to build up the ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially enable the students to make sentences in English about Jenny’s school life. ●Affect Section Get students to know how to describe Jenny’s school life correctly. 2.Teaching Focus Vocabulary and patterns in this lesson 3. Difficult points make … from, on one’s own Teaching Aids Multimedia, PPT Teaching Procedures Step I Class Opening (1 minutes) 1. Greeting T: Good morning, class! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Dai! Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fi ne, too. 2. Free Talk T: What’s the date today? S1:It’s April 7th. T: What day is it today? S2: It’s Monday. T: Look out of the window. What’s the weather like today? S3: It’s sunny. [设计思路:使用亲切、贴近生活的问候语言拉近师生关系,带学生自然进入英语氛围。]

My school 教学设计.doc

《My school》教学设计(Lesson 1) 教学目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说有关学校设施的单词:classroom, library, toilet, playground, floor及序数词first,second,third。能够在四线三格中规范地描摩单词classroom, library, toilet, floor,并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。 2. 能够用已经学习过的功能句:Where is …? 询问他人所处位置,并且能够用He/She is in the ... 回答他人的提问。学习新句子Where is….? 会回答He/she is in the ……教学重难点 教学重点: 能够听懂、会说有关学校设施的单词:classroom, library, toilet, playground, floor及序数词first, second, third。 教学难点: 能够用已经学习过的功能句:Where is …? 询问他人所处位置,并且能够用He/She is in the ... 回答他人的提问,以及Where is….? 回答He/she is in the …… 教学工具:图片课件

教学步骤 1. 组织教学 (1)教师做动作,学生说一说是什么。 (2)教师描述自己所在的教室,学生做出相应的动作。 2. 学习新内容(看图说话) 教师引导学生看A部分情境图,并进行简单的交流:Whose school is it? What’s in the school? How many floors are there? 教师可借助手势帮助学生理解。然后,教师用简单的英语解说一下图片。 3. 单词教学与操练 (1)教学floor ①教师在课件上呈现地板,边呈现边说,边做动作:This is the floor. I can jump on the floor.然后引导学生通过已学过的单词door来认读floor。 ②教师带领全班学生认读单词三到四遍。 ③请个别学生说出单词。 (2)教学first, second, third ①教师在课件上呈现A部分图片,说:There are three floors in Lily’s school. This is the first floor. This is the second floor. This is the third floor.
