上海市上宝中学数学圆 几何综合章末训练(Word版 含解析)

上海市上宝中学数学圆 几何综合章末训练(Word版 含解析)
上海市上宝中学数学圆 几何综合章末训练(Word版 含解析)


2016学年第一学期初三英语期中复习卷(三) number_____________ name________________ sore _____________ 1.choices: 1.look! There is _________army in the square. They are standing _________line. A. a/in B an/in C a/on D an, on 2. Avatar is such _______wonderful science movie that I want to see it ______second time. A. a, a B a, the C /, the D. /,a 3. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ________? A did they B didn’t they C did it D didn’t it 4. It’s raining hard outside. Mary will have no choice but __________until it stops. A. waiting B waits C waited D to wait 5. That pile on the left are the ones that have been ______ for the library.

A. picked up B picked out C picked off D picked on 6. personally, I am extremely satisfied with his appearance. Which word has the closest meaning of the underline word? A. very B also C often D too 7. Reading some books _________good for all of us, ____________? A. are, aren’t they B is, isn’t it C have, don’t they D has, doesn’t it 8. Our classroom is made _____________every day. A. to clean B to cleaning C clean D cleaned 9. Mary had to explain it again ______________. A. making her understand B to make herself understand C. making herself understand D to make herself understood


2020-2021上海民办上宝中学小学数学小升初模拟试卷(含答案) 一、选择题 1.7.49亿这个数中的“4”表示() A. 4亿 B. 4000万 C. 400000 D. 400万2.口袋里有3个红球和5个白球,球除颜色外完全相同。从中任意摸出一个球,摸出红球的可能性是(). A. B. C. D. 3.要想描述六年级(3)班同学身高分组的分布情况,应选用()合适。 A. 条形统计图 B. 折线统计图 C. 扇形统计图 D. 以上都行 4.一个零件长4毫米,画在图上长12厘米。这幅图的比例尺是()。 A. 1:30 B. 1:3 C. 30:1 D. 3:1 5.一项工程,甲独立完成要30天,乙独立完成要20天,现两队合作,几天后完成了这项 工程的。如果按这样的效率,算式()可以表示求剩下的工程需要多少天完成。 A. ÷( + ) B. (1- )÷( + ) C. 1÷( + ) D. (1- )÷( - ) 6.一套科技读物原价90元,商场庆“五一”搞促销打七五折,算式()表示求现价。A. 90×75% B. 90×(1-75%) C. 90÷75% D. 90÷(1-75%)7.长沙地铁1号线和地铁2号线总里程约为50千米,2019年5月随着地铁4号线的开通,长沙地铁总里程增加了67%,地铁4号线开通后,长沙地铁总里程约为() A. 67千米 B. 117.1千米 C. 33.5千米 D. 83.5千米8.一块玉璧的形状是一个圆环,外圆半径是3cm,内圆半径是1cm,这个圆环的面积是()(π取3.14) A. 3.14cm2 B. 12.56cm2 C. 25.12cm2 D. 28.26cm2 9.甲车间的出勤率比乙车间高,以下说法正确的是() A. 甲车间的总人数一定比乙车间多 B. 甲车间的出勤人数一定比乙车间多 C. 甲车间的未出勤人数一定比乙车间少 D. 以上说法都不对 10.小明五次数学考试成绩如下表,第五次考试成绩是()分。 次别第一次第二次第三次第四次第五次平均分 成绩(分)8896939993 11.有一张方格纸,每个小方格的边长是1厘米,上面堆叠有棱长1厘米的小正方体(如左下图),小正方体A的位置用(1,1,1)表示,小正方体B的位置用(2,6,5)表示,那么小正方体 C的位置可以表示成()。

上海市上宝中学数学圆 几何综合章末训练(Word版 含解析)

上海市上宝中学数学圆几何综合章末训练(Word版含解析) 一、初三数学圆易错题压轴题(难) 1.如图所示,CD为⊙O的直径,点B在⊙O上,连接BC、BD,过点B的切线AE与CD 的延长线交于点A,OE//BD,交BC于点F,交AB于点E. (1)求证:∠E=∠C; (2)若⊙O的半径为3,AD=2,试求AE的长; (3)在(2)的条件下,求△ABC的面积. 【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2)10;(3)48 5 . 【解析】 试题分析:(1)连接OB,利用已知条件和切线的性质证明:OE∥BD,即可证明:∠E=∠C; (2)根据题意求出AB的长,然后根据平行线分线段定理,可求解; (3)根据相似三角形的面积比等于相似比的平方可求解. 试题解析:(1)如解图,连接OB, ∵CD为⊙O的直径, ∴∠CBD=∠CBO+∠OBD=90°, ∵AB是⊙O的切线, ∴∠ABO=∠ABD+∠OBD=90°, ∴∠ABD=∠CBO. ∵OB、OC是⊙O的半径, ∴OB=OC,∴∠C=∠CBO. ∵OE∥BD,∴∠E=∠ABD, ∴∠E=∠C; (2)∵⊙O的半径为3,AD=2, ∴AO=5,∴AB=4. ∵BD∥OE, ∴=, ∴=, ∴BE=6,AE=6+4=10 (3)S △AOE==15,然后根据相似三角形面积比等于相似比的平方可得

S △ABC = S △AOE == 2.已知: 图1 图2 图3 (1)初步思考: 如图1, 在PCB ?中,已知2PB =,BC=4,N 为BC 上一点且1BN =,试说明: 1 2 PN PC = (2)问题提出: 如图2,已知正方形ABCD 的边长为4,圆B 的半径为2,点P 是圆B 上的一个动点,求 1 2 PD PC +的最小值. (3)推广运用: 如图3,已知菱形ABCD 的边长为4,∠B ﹦60°,圆B 的半径为2,点P 是圆B 上的一个动点,求1 2 PD PC -的最大值. 【答案】(1)详见解析;(2)5;(3)最大值37DG =【解析】 【分析】 (1)利用两边成比例,夹角相等,证明BPN ?∽BCP ?,得到PN BN PC BP =,即可得到结论成立; (2)在BC 上取一点G ,使得BG=1,由△PBG ∽△CBP ,得到1 2 PG PC =,当D 、P 、G 共线时,1 2 PD PC + 的值最小,即可得到答案; (3)在BC 上取一点G ,使得BG=1,作DF ⊥BC 于F ,与(2)同理得到1 2 PG PC =,当点P 在DG 的延长线上时,1 2 PD PC -的值最大,即可得到答案. 【详解】 (1)证明:∵2,1,4PB BN BC ===,


上宝中学2017学年第一学期期中考试卷2017.11.7 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. The temperate dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /'men?s/ B. /'mi:n?s/ C. /'ma?n?s/ D. /'m?n?s/ 27. I’m feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I’m sure good times are just ______. A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner 28. The happiest are not those who _____ all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life ______. A. owns, on their own B. own, with their own hearts C. own, of their own D. own, by their own hearts 29. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. Which of the following can’t b e used to replace the underlined part? A. is interested in B. is fond of C. is in favor of D. goes in for 30. Products produced by Apple Co. are quite popular ____ young people. A. with B. about C. in D. of 31. A mistake ______ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today. A. should B. would C. must D. can 32. The basic design of the house is very _____ that of earlier models, but ___ than it. A. same as, twice bigger B. same as, bigger twice C. similar to, twice bigger D. similar to, bigger twice 33. The fact that the examiners had failed over half the candidates discouraged us, ____? A. didn’t it B. hadn’t they C. did it D. had they 34. He is unwilling to admit ____ the assignment. A. having trouble understanding B. having trouble with understanding C. to have trouble understanding D. to have trouble with understanding 35. I’m not prepared to _____ some private matter _____. A. discuss about, by telephone B. discuss, over the telephone C. talk, on the telephone D. talk about, by the telephone 36. If the fire _____, anybody should ______ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time. A. broke out, ring B. was broken out, phone C. broke out, dial D. was broken out, talk 37. Do not wait for good things to ______ you. You need walk towards happiness. A. happen on B. happen to C. take place on D. take place to 38. The three ______ assisted several ____ to find their hotel. A. boy volunteers, women tourists B. boy volunteers, woman tourists C. boys volunteers, women tourist D. boys volunteers, woman tourists 39. Wechat attracts ____ the people, they spend 80-90 _____ their spare time on it. A. a large percent of, percent of B. a high percent of, percentage of

上海民办上宝中学八年级上册生物 期末选择题试卷(带答案)-百度文库

上海民办上宝中学八年级上册生物期末选择题试卷(带答案)-百度文库 一、选择题 1.制作泡菜时要用特殊的坛子,坛子口必须加水密封,其目的是() A.隔绝空气,抑制细菌繁殖 B.阻止尘埃、细菌入坛,防止污染 C.造成缺氧的环境,利于乳酸菌发酵 D.阻止气体对流,利于醋酸菌无氧呼吸 2.同学们参观标本室时看到了图所示的动物头骨,请猜测该动物最可能是() A.野马B.羚羊C.野狼D.野兔 3.下列关于动物运动的叙述,正确的是( ) A.骨骼肌的两端固着在同一块骨上 B.只要运动系统完好,人体就能正常运动 C.伸肘时,肱二头肌收缩,肱三头肌舒张 D.人体运动系统由骨、骨骼肌和骨连结组成 4.上课了,老师推门进入教室,关于推门动作的分析正确的是() A.推门动作很简单,无需神经系统的协调 B.完成这个动作一定要消耗能量 C.推门伸肘时肱二头肌会收缩,肱三头肌会舒张 D.完成这个动作时,相关的骨和关节都起杠杆的作用 5.下列各项中,属于鲫鱼与水中生活相适应的特征是() ①卵生②用鳃呼吸③用鳍游泳④体表覆盖鳞片,有黏液 A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②④ 6.如果你去市场买鱼,可根据下列哪种情况判断其新鲜程度的标志() A.鱼鳞未脱落B.身体完好无损 C.鳃丝鲜红D.体表湿润 7.蝴蝶身体分为头、胸、腹三部分,有三对足,两对翅,这是昆虫的主要特征.下列不属于昆虫的是() A.蜻蜓B.蝗虫C.蜜蜂D.蜘蛛 8.有口无肛门,有刺细胞的动物是() A.水螅B.涡虫C.蛔虫D.蚯蚓 9.控制环境温度,降低食品自身的含水量,都能减缓微生物的繁殖速度,延长食品的保质期。下列食品保存的方法与原理不一致的是( ) A.牛奶盒装——加热灭菌并隔绝外界空气


2019-2020上海市上宝中学数学中考一模试题(含答案) 一、选择题 1.“厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费”势在必行,最新统计数据显示,中国每年浪费食物总量折合粮食大约是230000000人一年的口粮,将230000000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .2.3×109 B .0.23×109 C .2.3×108 D .23×107 2.地球与月球的平均距离为384 000km ,将384 000这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.84×103 B .3.84×104 C .3.84×105 D .3.84×106 3.将抛物线2 3y x =向上平移3个单位,再向左平移2个单位,那么得到的抛物线的解析式为( ) A .23(2)3y x =++ B .23(2)3y x =-+ C .23(2)3y x =+- D .23(2)3y x =-- 4.在“朗读者”节目的影响下,某中学开展了“好书伴我成长”读书活动.为了解5月份八年级300名学生读书情况,随机调查了八年级50名学生读书的册数,统计数据如下表所示: 册数 0 1 2 3 4 人数 4 12 16 17 1 关于这组数据,下列说法正确的是( ) A .中位数是2 B .众数是17 C .平均数是2 D .方差是2 5.如图,直线l 1∥l 2,将一直角三角尺按如图所示放置,使得直角顶点在直线l 1上,两直角边分别与直线l 1、l 2相交形成锐角∠1、∠2且∠1=25°,则∠2的度数为( ) A .25° B .75° C .65° D .55° 6.如图,将一个小球从斜坡的点O 处抛出,小球的抛出路线可以用二次函数y=4x ﹣12 x 2刻画,斜坡可以用一次函数y= 1 2 x 刻画,下列结论错误的是( )

上宝中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 上海市 英语试卷

上宝中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 Part2 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar 第二部分语音,词汇和语法 II.Choose the best answer.(20分) 26.He didn’t just command.He personally fought in several healthy battles.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word. A. [k?’ma:nd] B. [k?’m?:nd] C. [ki’m?nd] D.[k?’ma:nd] 27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.For the first few ye ars I didn’t draw any sal ary at all. B.I’d like a full-time position with more responsibility. C. Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion. D.He has served the farm faithfully for 20 years. 28.While he was investing ways to improve the telescope,Newton made _____discovery which completely changed_____man’s understanding of color. A.a;/ B. a;the C. /;the D.the;a 29.The students also take SAT and CAT_______mathematics and chemistry. A. except B. except for C. beside D.besides 30.It is not rare in______that people in_____fifties are going to university for future education. A. 90s;/ B. the 90’s;/ C.90s;their D.the 90’s;their 31.The hunter______the fox,took off its skin and_____it on the tree. A. hung;hanged B. hung;hung C. hanged;hanged D.hanged;hung 32.The room is used to____parties by the young man.He is used to_____parties here. A.holding;hold B. hold;holding C.holding;holding D.hold;hold 33.Tom must have played the guitar______if he has got one. A. Some times B. sometimes C. for some time D.sometime 34.When she was asked about the missing calculator,she_______ever seeing it. A. refused B.denied C.opposed D.pretended 35.______our country has plenty of oil,theirs has none. A. When B. While C.As D.Since 36.A library with five thousand books,______to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D.have offered 37.As soon as everyone taking the examination_______,the test paper were______. A. was seated;given up B.seated;given off C.sat;given in D.was seated;given out 38.The news came as no surprise to me. I_______for sometime that the factory was going to shut down. A. had known B. knew C.have known D.know 39.The taxi driver had no choice but_____help.

2018-2019学年上宝中学八上英语单元练习卷 上海市 英语试卷

上宝中学2018学年第一学期预初英语U1&U2试卷 Part 1 Listening Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar II. Phonetics A. Write the words according to the English sounds 26. Playing _________ [?b?dm?nt?n] is a good habit. 27. The couple has one son and three _________ [?gr?nd?:t?z] 28. Sam is __________ to become a soldier when he grows up. [d??t?:m?nd] 29. Students in our school are taught in a good and safe _________ [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 30. Tom has _________ never to lie to you from now on. [?pr?m?st] B. Choose the best answers 31. You have to complete the research before Sunday. A. [?k?mpli:t] B. [k?m?pli:t] C. [?k?mpli:t] D. [k?m?pli:t] 32. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. Don’t w o rry if you can’t finish it. B. Bitter words from you will only wound her. C. I love my motherland for good. D. He lives in southern part of China. III. Vocabulary and Grammar A. Choose the best answer 33. Yesterday is ________ unusual day, but today is ________ usual day. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an 34. ________ Frank’s birthday, we sang and danced _________ his birthday party. A. At, on B. On, at C. On, on D. At, at 35. ________ present, the international situation is quite complicated, but ________ the past, it’s much simpler. A. In, at B. At, in C. At, at D. In, in 36. The whole class _________ the instructions when the teacher came into the classroom. A. is reading B. are reading C. is watching D. are watching 37. How about ________ shopping this weekend? A. go B. goes C. to go D. going 38. About ________ people have been driven away by the noise. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. two hundred D. two hundreds 39. One of the cleverest ________ in our class. A. student is B. students is C. student are D. students are 40. Alice always shares food ________. A. among others B. among the others C. with others D. with the others 41. Kitty is a _________ girl and she often does some _________. A. hard-working, hard works B. hard-working, hard work C. work hard, hard works D. work hard, hard work 42. Friends of the Earth are discussing ________ the problem _________ each other.


上海上宝中学2017学年第一学期初二第一次阶段性测试英语卷 Part II Vocabulary and Grammar I. Choose the best answer:20’ 26. Which of the underline parts has the different pronunciation from the others? A business B luckily C assistant D simple 27. It’s _________honor for every guest to be involved to ________dinner. A. a, a B an,/ C an, the D /,/ 28. There are various kinds of _________in this river, and I have caught three ______so far. A. fish, fish B fishes, fishes C fish, fishes D fishes, fish 29. Mr. Bean as well as the other passengers ________quite angry ________the delay. A. are, with B are, about C is, with D is, at 30. ------You are always full of _________. Can you tell me the secret? ------ Taking plenty of exercise every day. A. energy B strength C force D power 31. The teacher who _______a class is a class teacher. A. is in charge of B is in the charge of C is responsibility for D in charge of 32. Since everyone is here, let’s get down to business. What does the underlined part mean? A. buying or selling goods B company C matters that need to be dealt with D trade 33. In the past few years, Dr. Sun __________great success in the field of science. A. has achieved B achieved C had achieved D achieves 34. I remember ________him 200 Yuan last week, but he forgets ______the money to me. A. lending, to return B. to lend, to return C. lending, returning D. to lend, returning 35. You are sure to learn the subject well ________ you find the right way. A. until B. through C.as long as D. unless 36. _______, you need to give all you have and try your best. A. Being a winner B. To be a winter C. Be a winner D. Having been a winner 37. He likes pop music, so he _______go to the corner tomorrow night, but I’m not sure. A. can B. may C. must D. should 38. Sorry, madam. This kind of laptops _______ out. Look! Laptops of that kind also _________well. A. have been sold, sell B. sells, have been sold C. have been sold, sold D. have been sold ,sell 39. Parents often expect their children ________all the things that they couldn’t do in the past. A. did B. doing C.to do D.do 40. It’s time to __________these foolish ideas and become serious. A. put away B. put up C. put up with D. put out 41. My brother is going to Japan ________next May and he will stay there for _______. A. some time, some times B. sometime, some time C. sometimes, some time D some times ,sometimes


2020-2021上海民办上宝中学七年级数学上期末模拟试卷(含答案) 一、选择题 1.若x 是3-的相反数,5y =,则x y +的值为( ) A .8- B .2 C .8或2- D .8-或2 2.将7760000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .57.7610? B .67.7610? C .677.610? D .77.7610? 3.实数a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如图所示,且a 与c 互为相反数,则下列式子中一定成立 的是( ) A .a+b+c>0 B .|a+b|


上宝中学2017学年第一学期期中考试卷 2017.11.7 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. The temperate dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /'men?s/ B. /'mi:n?s/ C. /'ma?n?s/ D. /'m?n?s/ 27. I’m feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I’m sure good times are just ______. A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner 28. The happiest are not those who _____ all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life ______. A. owns, on their own B. own, with their own hearts C. own, of their own D. own, by their own hearts 29. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. Which of the following can’t b e used to replace the underlined part? A. is interested in B. is fond of C. is in favor of D. goes in for 30. Products produced by Apple Co. are quite popular ____ young people. A. with B. about C. in D. of 31. A mistake ______ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today. A. should B. would C. must D. can 32. The basic design of the house is very _____ that of earlier models, but ___ than it. A. same as, twice bigger B. same as, bigger twice C. similar to, twice bigger D. similar to, bigger twice 33. The fact that the examiners had failed over half the candidates discouraged us, ____? A. didn’t it B. hadn’t they C. did it D. had they 34. He is unwilling to admit ____ the assignment. A. having trouble understanding B. having trouble with understanding C. to have trouble understanding D. to have trouble with understanding 35. I’m not prepared to _____ some private matter _____. A. discuss about, by telephone B. discuss, over the telephone C. talk, on the telephone D. talk about, by the telephone 36. If the fire _____, anybody should ______ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time. A. broke out, ring B. was broken out, phone C. broke out, dial D. was broken out, talk


初二(上)第二次月考数学试卷 一、填空题 1. 正比例函数图像上有两点与,则的值为____________ ()1,3-(),21a a +a 2. 若二次三项式在实数范围内不能分解因式,则m 的范围是____________ ()2132m x x +-+3. 已知反比例函数的图象经过点,则m 的值为____________2y x = (),1A m 4. 若点在反比例函数的图像上,则当函数值时,自变量(),2A m -4y x =2y ≥-x 的取值范围是____________ 5. 过反比例函数图象上一点A ,分别作轴、()0k y k x =≠x y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为B 、C ,如果的面积为3,则k 的值为____________ ABC 6. 已知点在双曲线上,且OA=4,过A 作AC 垂直(),A a b 6y x =x 轴于点C ,OA 的垂直平分线交线段OC 于B ,则ABC 的周长为____________ 7. 如图,ABC 中,∠B=22.5°,∠C=60°,边AB 的垂直平分线交BC 于D ,交AB 于E ,已知,则的面积为____________ BD =ABC 8. 如果要通过平移直线得到的图像,那么直线13y x =-53x y --=13 y x =-必须向____平移____个单位 9. 关于的一次函数x ()313 y m x m =--+的图像不过第四象限,则试求m 的取值范围____________ 10. 直线交轴、轴于A 、B 两点,P 是反比例函数6y x =-x y ()40y x x =>图象上位于直线下方的一点,过点P 作轴的垂线,垂足为点M ,交AB 于点E ,过点P 作x 轴的垂线,垂足为点N ,交AB 于点F 。则____________ y AF BE ?=11. 如图4,已知在ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠A=120°,AC 的垂直平分线分别交AC 、BC 于点D 、E ,若设,DE x =,求与之间的关系式____________ BC y =y x 12. 如图5,直线与双曲线交于A 、B 两点,其横坐标分别为1和5,则不等式1y k x b =+2k y x = 的解集是____________21k k x b x +≤
