


It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?


Book Knowledge vs Experience

Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.

Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.







托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1)Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and


图书管理员个人先进事迹材料 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 图书管理员个人先进事迹材料自担任图书管理员以来,坚持服从领导,认真完成上级交给的各项任务,积极配合学校开展各项活动,努力做好图书管理、借阅工作、以及各项读书活动,现总结如下。 一、认真做好图书的管理工作。增强自己的服务意识,使工作达到规范化、制度化,全心全意为全校师生服务。认真履行图书管理员职责,坚持按图书借阅制度进行借阅工作,努力做到全天开放,随时借阅,积极为教师的教学、学生的阅读服务,对归还的图书及时归架,完善各种手续。为了确保图书排架有序,符合规范,每天要对书整理几次,既要在学生还书后将书检查、整理好按序上架,又要在学生借书后整理好书架。对

于在流通中稍有破损、脱页的书及时修补。对不能按时归还的图书做到及时追还。及时做好新图书的登记、上架工作,让广大师生能尽快的读到新书。 二、积极开展各种读书活动。为了激发学生们爱书的情感,鼓励学生多读书,读好书,充分发挥图书室阵地作用,在征得学校同意后,积极争取各班主任及语文教师的支持,开展读书活动。如就新书开展新书推荐活动,一方面由她撰写一部分新书推荐材料,另外先向部分语文教师推荐,由语文教师撰写一部分推荐材料,更好的发挥语文教师的优势,把学生吸引到读书上来。还有就某一类图书开展读书交流活动,一个班一类,或几个班同读一类,然后写出读书心得进行班内交流,班与班之间的交流,这些交流,既深化了学生对内容的理解,同时也是对这些书的一种推荐。另外,还邀请部分语文教师进行一些读书方法指导的讲座,来提高学生的阅读水平。 三、加强业务学习,提高自身素质。


Environmental Protection 环境问题 环境类词汇: 1.Ecosystem 生态系统 2.Ecological balance/equilibrium 生态平衡 3.Biodiversity 生物多样性 4.Sustainable development 可持续发展 5.Conserve, preserve 节约使用,保护 6.Environmentally friendly, environmentalists 对环境无害的,环保主义者 7.Countries must join forces/make concerted efforts/unite to combat/tackle/solve/address environmental problems. 各个国家在应对环境问题上必须协同作战。 8.Raise/elevate public awareness of…增强公众意识 9.Renewable resources, non-renewable resources, fossil energy (petroleum, natural gas, coal) 可再生资源,不可再生资源,化石能源(石油,天然气,煤) 10.Consume, deplete, exhaust 消耗,耗光 11.Shortage/scarcity/lack of 短缺 12.Put a strain on the already stretched resources 是已经短缺的资源更加紧张 13.Deforestation, illegal logging 砍伐森林 14.Discharge/emit green house gases/carbon dioxide 排放温室气体,二氧化碳 15.Car exhaust 汽车尾气 16.Non-biodegradable/non-decomposable garbage 白色垃圾,不可降解垃圾 环境类特别关注话题: 为什么要保护濒危物种(biodiversity, balanced ecosystem) 保护化石能源,开发新能源(solar energy, nuclear power, wind, water) 保护环境和发展经济矛盾吗(sustainable development, financial and technological support) 环境类好句子: The earth’s ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate. In this day and age, the impact man exerts on the environment is massive in scale. 环境类范文: Topic: agree or disagree--the environment issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing about it on their own


初一上册(英语书)1-6单元总结知识点 .重点句型 Starter Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好下午好晚上好 How are you I’m fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks. What’s this in English这个用英语怎么说?It’s a map. 是地图Spell it please. 拼写它K-E-Y. What color is it/the key这个钥匙是什么颜色It’s blue. 蓝色The key is yellow.颜色是黄色Hello, Frank. Hello/Hi, Eric. Unit 1 My name is Gina. I.重点句型 问:What’s your name你叫什么名字?答:My name is Jenny. /I’m Jenny. /Jenny. 问:Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你答:Nice to meet you , too. 问:What’s his name 他叫什么名字?答:His name is Jenny. Jenny. 问:What’s her name 她叫什么名字答:Her name is Linda.. Linda. 问:What’s your first name 你的奶名叫什么?答:My first name is Jack. Jack. 问:What’s your last/family name 你姓什么?答:My last/family name is Green. 或者It’s Green. 问:What’s your/his/her phone number 他的电话号码是多少? 答:My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567. 或者It’s 281-9176. II.词组 1 name’s=name is 名字是 2 I’m=I am 我是 3 she’s=she is 她是 he’s=he is 他是 you’re =you are 你是(复数形式) they’re=they are 他(她;它)们是 that’s=that is 那是 isn’t=is not 不是(单数形式) he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是 what’s=what is 什么是 where’s=where is 在哪儿是 Let’s=Let us 让我们 4 Nice to meet/see you 见到你很高兴 5 last name=family name=surname 姓氏 6 first name = given name 名字 7 telephone number 电话号码 =phone number 电话号码 8 ID card 身份证 9 Good morning (to sb) 早上好 10 Good afternoon 下午好 11 Good night /evening . 晚上好 12 Sit down, please. =Have a seat, please. 请坐 13 That’s all right. 好;行;不用谢;没关系 That’s right . 对的、正确的 All right . 好的,行,好吧 14 Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK. =You’re welcome.=That’s all right. 不用谢


托福写作满分范例Revised on November 25, 2020

GOOD 29 When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation Though novel ideas can help better assignments, I prefer to work on the presentation as soon as I am assigned it. First, the presentation cannot be done just by creativity, but by proper arrangement. A job plan, manageable, precise and rational, is not only the bed rock of completing but also the guarantee of time-saving. For instance, preparing the material for the topic, researching some knowledge in the textbooks and discussing the task with the other students in group are the things that you can do even when you do not have any inspiration. So redistributing your plan can avoid wasting your time waiting. Second, good idea is always late for your deadline, a regret that can be eliminated by right-away action. The more time you waste on planning and considering your presentation, the less time you will have to revise and complete your assignment. Take my brother Jim for an example. He is a freshman in university and quite into the first presentation in the opening of semester. Spending the last 4 days engaging in assembling the ideas, he, with barely nothing innovative, has no time typing a practicing so that he needs to stay up late the last night to catch up in time. As a result, he can not hand in the presentation when the de adline comes and he is “booed” by audiences. Last but not the least, instant preparation is the embryo of creative ideas, which can not be born without practical exercises. What’s more, only by preparing the work bit by bit can you have high motivation to finish the task because you do not need to be hurry. If you had been in a rush, you would have reduced your impetus to a standard of “just finishing”. All in all, all the evidence confirms undoubted conclusion that when people are assigned an important presentation for work or school, we should choose to work on it right away in order to work on it a little bit every day.


图书管理员培训心得体会魏玉红图书管理员培训心得体会 新墩镇中心学校魏玉红 俗话说:“开卷有益”,打开书本就会有一定的收获。对于21世纪的小学生来说,仅靠千佛一面的课本根本不能满足他们对知识的渴望。他们需要的不仅仅是一碗水,也不仅仅是一桶水,他们需要的是源源不断的知识清泉。这就需要不断地挖掘图书室这一巨大的知识宝藏,让那些图书中取之不尽,用之不竭的知识渗透到每一个学生鲜活的灵魂之中,让素质教育真正落到实处,让孩子们能享受到优质教育资源,吮吸到知识的琼浆。 3月x日,我有幸参加了张掖市甘州区中小学图书管理人员的培训班。市教育局领导的动员报告鼓舞人心、河西学院的曹教授所做的关于当前我市中小学图书管理的现状分析以及我市图书管理工作发展前景构想的报告,以及西街小学、北街小学、梁家墩中学、党寨中学所作的图书管理经验介绍,立足现实,分析透彻,展望未来,信心百倍。 在这次培训中,市教育局特别邀请了河西学院的曹教授给我们讲课。听取了专家绘声绘色的演讲,让从事图书管理的我又有了新的收获。说实话,对这项工作我的热情很高,

很希望能把这项工作做好。但和我市大多数小学图书管理员一样,在这次培训之前,我对图书管理工作的流程、方法、作用和意义不是很了解,对图书的分类也是一知半解。在实际的管理中,遇到了很多问题,没有人指导、交流。只能自己去查找资料、自己去体会,也走了不少弯路,给图书管理工作造成了一些困难。因此迫切需要学习图书管理的理论知识,提高自己的业务能力。正在这个时候,市教育局组织了图书管理员培训班,得到培训通知时,我很激动。心想:一定要认真学习,回来把工作做好。 学校的发展,文化先行;学生的成材,知识和智力背景至关重要。因此,作为传播文化,向广大师生提供精神食粮的图书馆,责无旁贷地被推向了教育教学的前沿阵地。我们图书室的工作也受到了史无前例的高度重视。正是由于领导重视,广大师生积极配合,使图书室充分发挥了应有的作用。因此,图书管理不再是传统的简单的书籍分类,现代的图书管理形成了一套科学的、完整的体系。自己在图书管理工作中非常重视理论知识的学习,这次参加图书管理员的学习,收获很大,知道图书室的工作一部分是图书目录的xx整理工作,随着现代化科学 技术的发展,图书管理日趋规范化、合理化、科学化,越来越走向现代化。


托福写作之浅谈综合写作 托福综合写作是怎样的一种形式呢?今天给大家带来了托福写作之浅谈综合写作,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作之浅谈综合写作 根据托福OG有关综合写作的要求,评分标准主要为信息(information)和逻辑(organization)。这两点考察的就是我们对听力要点的把握能力,以及如何用简要的语言概括阅读稿和听力稿中的信息,并且层次清晰,要点明确。有的同学说,我听懂了,我直接写就好;有的说,我看懂了,但听懂了一部分,编下就行。其实不然。阅读稿看懂了,听力听懂了,只是一半。还需要将听力中的有效信息用自己的语言表达出来,并且也不能与阅读稿中的表达完全一致。 在这里我将综合听力需要锻炼的能力列为以下三点: 1. 阅读能力(快、准) 2. 听写和速记能力(不是简单词不记,是记重点名词、动词或短语)

3. 一定的改写能力(这个就是我们对于句型的运用,涉及句子表达准确性、语态、词的适当替换等)。 可能有的同学说听不懂,这里建议,如果练习听力,尽量用托福听力材料进行练习,因为托福听力材料内容信息量大,需要记的东西多,也能通过做题找到自己听力的盲区。如果托福听力能听懂了,托福综合写作的听力也没有问题了。 这里附上两篇学生写的综合写作范文。 TPO26 Inthe listening material, the professor made several points about the invasion ofthe zebra mussels can be stopped. Firstof all, the reading passage states that the human transportation will cause theinvasion of the zabra mussels, while the professor contradicts that people cannotcontrol it in the past because of the lack of the knowledge. On the other hand,the ocean water will be taken by the ship to replace the freshwater, which maykill the mussels. Moreover,the reading passage also mentions that if the mussels are taken to the newplace, they wont have predators, while the professor refutes that they candominate it just for a short


托福独立写作满分范文下载 托福独立写作可谓是托福考试中的一道拦路虎,在这里为大家整理一片托福独立写作的满分范文,供同学们参考。 Does technology make children less creative than in the past? Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highlyadvanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids tobecome more creative. First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal art resourceswhich is their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databasesthrough iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great worksare essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation.However, these wonderful equipments and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reachlimited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children tobe more creative. Second, technology has equipped children with professional apparatus which could finally realize theirimagination. This takes form particularly as computer softwares and applications, such as Photoshop for creativegraphic design, Overture for easily composing a piece of music, 3DMax for building up a virtual world, etc.. Allthe software were never as handy as they are at present, and this would absolutely provides our children aneffective tool for realizing their creativity. Third, technology itself is a market place where creative ideas are economically encouraged. Steve Jobsearned millions of dollars a year for his unparallel creation, and Mark Zuckberg gained his reputation for thegenius social network. Therefore, technology has provided children the internal motive to develop their creativity. However, it is undeniable that technology might make children become lazier and be comfortable with whatis already available because everything are so convenient nowadays and there seems to be no way to improve them.Children lost in


学校教学管理经验交流 教学管理是一项任重道远的工作,我校的教学工作在镇教办的直接领导下,在镇教研室的指导下,学校以全面推进素质教育为目标,突出实施新课程改革和提升教学质量为重点,扎扎实实开展工作,我们本着:求真、求实、灵活、创新的原则实施工作,我校教学管理水平得到了不断进步和提高。 一、常规管理 1、加强组织领导,明确工作责任。学校的教学管理工作由校长全面负责,分管副校长具体领导,教导处负责组织实施,全面计划、组织、指挥、调控、检查和总结学校的教学工作。每学年都从学校实际出发,确定学校教学指导思想,组织制定学校教学发展规划和目标以及实现目标的措施,并组织实施。每学年都根据县镇教研室教学会议精神,结合学校实际情况,制定学年度教学工作计划,安排学校日常教学工作,并做好指导、检查和总结。教导处以下又设立了中高语文、中高数学、低段语数、常识四个教研组,分学科具体负责相关工作。 2、建立健全教学管理制度,确保教学工作有序运行。为促进我校教学管理的科学化制度化,我们在参考借鉴先进经验的基础上,结合学校实际情况和新课程理念,学校全面订立并修改了大量保障教学工作有序运行的制度。包括:常规教学管理制度、教学过程管理制度、校本教

研制度、校本培训制度、听课评课制度、集体备课制度、教师课堂教学每日巡查制度、教学帮扶制度等。对教师备课、上课、作业布置与批改、辅导、检测等工作提出明确的行为指标和要求。完善了学校备、教、批、辅、考、评、研等各项制度,并严格执行。使学校教学常规管理更人性化、规范化,更好地为教学服务。 3、以组织教学月查为手段,抓好常规教学。常规教学管理是学校教育教学管理的日常工作,是教学过程管理和目标管理的结合点,为了切实抓好常规教学管理,我们在每月月底三天,由教导处牵头,中高语文、中高数学、低段语数、常识教研组组长对全校教师一个月内的备课、上课、作业批阅、培优辅差、章节过关等常规教学情况分学科进行一次全面检查,检查做到“一要三有”:要加盖教学章、有评语、有日期、有记载。检查完成后,结果迅速反馈给校长、分管副校长,由校领导对照检查记载随机抽查部分教师常规教学资料,杜绝月查中“送人情、卖面子”的现象。每月的检查结果由教导主任在下个月第一周的教师例会中宣布,表扬先进,批评后进,借鉴经验,弥补漏洞。 4、常规教学管理的一些做法: (1)备课:学校要求开学初教师根据本人所任教的学科按年级、分学科写好教学工作计划,学习教学大纲、新课标,通读全册教材,明确指导思想,分析学生现状,把握知识系统和结构,明确教学目标,突出“三维目标”,准确把握教学重难点显现教学方法和手段,通盘考虑解决重难点的策略,安排好学期教学进度,为上课做好各项准备。学校

托福写作模板 integrated writing(亲测 ..写作25)

The speaker, on the topic of ___________________, effectively casts doubt on the passage, providing the opposite evidence concerning/ about influences on/from ____________________. Firstly, _____听力结果______. Despite the content from passage that ____阅读结果____, the speaker provides an alternative explanation that ___听力内容_2句_. From this case, the speaker questions the validity of the passage. Secondly, ____听力结果_____. According to the lecture, ____听力内容2句__________. Such information directly challenges the position of the passage that ____阅读结果____. Thirdly, ____听力结果___. The passage states that ___阅读结果____. However, the speaker denies this point and gives the proof that ___听力内容2句______. This is another case where the content from the passage is totally groundless. Fourthly, 听力结果 . The passage states that 阅读结果, which is actually questioned by the speaker, who proposes the proof that 听力内容2句. Therefore, the side of the passage is overthrown by listening material.


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly


游仙区慈济实验学校 图书室管理经验交流材料 尊敬的各位领导、各位同事:上午好! 我受会议的安排,与各位领导、同事汇报我校图书室管理工作的一些情况,做的不够的地方敬请批评指正。 一、基本情况介绍: 游仙区慈济实验学校现有41个教学班、教师131人,学生2816人。校领导班子高度重视图书室的建设和管理工作,每学期都要召开图书室工作会议,制订图书室的发展规划,完善规章制度,落实发展经费。我校图书室规模不断扩大,管理水平不断提高,借阅功能日益增强。2012年12月7日我校图书室通过了四川省实验电教示范学校的验收。 图书室面积有480多平米。有书架18个、报刊架10个、期刊架20个,计算机图书管理系统1台、数字化图书系统1台,阅览室桌椅40套,图书可一次容纳300余人阅览。学校自建有计算机网站,能链接市、区网站,电子图书、数字图书资源可以共享。 学校每期都购进了适量的新图书,征订有期刊38余种,报刊20余种,不断扩充了藏书的数量。目前图书室有各类藏书4万余册,图书种类基本齐全,内容全面新颖,能适时确保广大师生寻有所求,满足需要。

二、图书室管理工作情况 学校领导多次强调,图书室是学校教育教学和科研的重要组成部分,是学生自主学习、研究、探索、实践的第二课堂,是实施素质教育,培养学生创新能力的重要场所,是学校的重要资源,必须要完善机制,实施科学管理。 1、管理机制完善 图书室实行校长领导下的专人负责制,学校设有专职图书管理员1人。制定了《图书管理员工作职责》、《图书借阅制度》、《图书赔偿制度》,师生发放了《电子借阅卡》,明确了工作任务、工作职责、借阅规则;学校领导每学期审阅图书室工作计划,听取图书室管理员的工作汇报,及时了解情况,解决存在的问题。满足了全校师生阅览的需要。 2、图书室管理的具体做法: 我校图书室建立了书刊总括登录和个别登记两种账目,账目清楚,书、账、卡相符。建立了书刊外借、阅览、丢失、损坏、赔偿等规章制度及图书管理人员职责。新书的购置严格按规范进行盖章、登记、分类;图书室保持清洁通风、防尘、防潮、防蛀等保护工作。学校定期对师生进行图书管理、使用规定的教育,图书管理员定期对书刊进行了清点整理、修补、统计、保管等工作,管理人员尽职尽责,一丝不苟,有条不紊,方便了师生借阅。 我校书刊的分类、编目、流通都实现了规范化计算机系统管理。


The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost. 1.Easier attaching to information 2.More convenient for citizens to communicate 3.Decrease burden for poor people Never do topics concerning internet fail to fascinate us under the ever-increasing development of internet nowadays in the modern society. A lot of people believe that internet is to citizens what water is to fish. From my perspective, I support that citizens accessing to internet should be free based on the following reasons. It is obvious that we are now in the new era of global information, so accessing the internet could be really important to us. If the government proposes that the citizens could use the internet for free, we will concerning about the cost no more so that we can check a lot of information posted online which means we are able to attach to information. Or else, citizens will have to choose cheaper but much slower ways to search for information such as going to the library or asking other people. For instance, I have homework to do every day and the teacher usually puts the materials I may need onto schoology—an online application that can store information. So when sometimes when I am outside home, I cannot use it because it will create cost, in this situation I feel it is necessary for the government to let us using the internet for free.
