


She said, life is like a movie, but you are the director, the difference is you don’t know the director plays result; while the movie is like a dream, you can meet once a dream life.

She likes a man quietly in the corner alone, the idea of a novel role on-and-off, you always see her again carry travel bag, stubborn chasing her identifying the target, but do not know whether there is a road in front of. Familiar with her friend said: she always do something that makes you beat all things, like she loves movies make people difficult to calm. In the summer of 1991, she was born in Fujian Province, a small town in the northern part, like all grow in fairy tale girl, she also dreamed of owning a house belonging to his own castle. Later in life she is still pursuing her dream fairy, and she fell in love with movies, picked up the DV, starting with a step in the world of films explore the life

She is the queen of all who knew her, and says she is from the 70’s.

Movie and life

Yesterday, a friend saw my manuscript and asked why I choose the movie and the theme of life to speech. I think I have a question, please follow me to go have a look my lens” movie and life”.

When I was a child, in order to support the family, father often go out to work. The mother of a person can not take care of my brother and me, my mother in my grandmother’s house, at that time, feel that life is like a piece of pa-pe-r and a pen -- like empty shell of the pen without core pen. But because of the film, I became a can from the movie in the ink absorbing pen, in the life of the white pa-pe-r draw a clear sky. Remember that an early spring morning, hall bench was father’s suitcase, I know he was that far, so a person feel depressed to turn on the TV to watch the film be absent-minded. “ You say that a person is like a father?” Daddy finger a television in a middle-aged general, and learn to issue orders left and right. He asked me. I pretended not to see, eyes staring at the screen. “ Then you can go i n the movie to see Dad, remember this dressed in green, who is the father.” So this joke has accompanied me to grow up, a person

like him, always can’t help to turn on the TV and movies, as if that person is my father. Perhaps this is the first film to my life influence.

Love Iran children’s movie, not only because it is the picture that emerged was so familiar and warm, but it ‘s the only belongs to the childhood grief can make you resonate. Remember Iran film called” shoes”, is about a family is very poor cousins, day brother sister only shoe was lost, in order not to make no money father embarrassed, they decided to take turns two wearing a pair of shoes. Finally, after brother not to write to, two siblings have got one’s wish to wear shoes on. At the end of the film like a picture, the boy sitting at the edge of the water, off the running crack small shoes, red and swollen feet slowly into the pool, then the dramatic pool goldfish swim over, stays on his feet like the comfort him. But when their father is on his way back home with his sister ‘s shoes.

I remember such a plot moved me most, two people together brush shoes, suddenly, one after another, than a large bubble in their birth small hands, gently blowing, flew away, with their sorrow and fly away. Some

people say our dream just like the colorful bubbles, touch on the broken, but I want to say that the shoe is our goal, is the heart of constant envy has dreams. When we imperceptibly like film children on a pair of shoes, have an idea suddenly came into my chest: we do not have in different circumstances lost” shoes”? We are so eager to have? We like to get it worked? As Pang Zuming starring in a movie a line in said: others are for the dream alive, but I just live. After reading many movies I always ask yourself: what for? If such a life is not what you want, why not brave to pursue their dream home, is afraid of failure, will have nothing? So what we came to this world when we have?

Each reading” The Shawshank Redemption” are particularly comfortable, feel life is full of sunshine at the end of the film, Xiao Shenke and his prison friends meeting on the beach, appeared in the last all pain, all the dark tranquility return to nature, their hearts are free


关于电影的英文演讲稿 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell


电影《勇敢的心》华莱士战前励志英语演讲 稿 华莱士:Sons of Scotland... 苏格兰的子民们 I am William Wallace. 我是威廉华莱士 士兵乙:William Wallace is 7 feet tall. 威廉华莱士有七英尺高 华莱士:Yeah, I’ve heard. 哟西,我也听说了。 He kills men by the hundreds, 他杀人数以百计 and if he were here, he’d consume the English 他若在此 with fireballs from his eyes 他眼睛可以冒火球 and bolts of lightning from his arse. 屁股会放雷电消灭英格兰军的 I am William Wallace 我是威廉华莱士 and I see a whole army of my countrymen 我看到我民族组成的军队 here in defiance of tyranny. 向暴政宣战 You’ve come to fight as free men. 你们作战是为解放人民 And free men you are. 你们自己也将自由 What will you do with that freedom? 若没有自由你会怎么办? Will you fight? 你们愿意作战吗? 1 / 2

众士兵:- No! - No! - 不! 不! - No! - No! - 不! 不! 士兵丙:Against that?No! 对抗那?不! We will run, and we will live. 我们会逃开我们会活华莱士:Aye? 嗬 Fight, and you may die. 作战可能会战死 Run, and you’ll live... 逃开能活着 at least awhile. 至少一阵子 And dying in your beds many years from now, 几年后在床上老死 would you be willing to trade 你们是否愿意 all the days from this day to that 用这一切来换今天 for one chance just one chance 为一个机会就这么一个机会 to come back here and tell our enemies 回到这告诉我们的敌人 that they may take our lives, 他们或许会杀死我们but they’ll never take our freedom! 但他们夺不去我们的自由! 华莱士:Albagu bra! 自由! 众士兵:Albagu bra! 2 / 2


20世纪世界经典电影100部 1、《教父》The Godfather 1972年8.9 分 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天他那种含糊沙哑的声音与神秘莫测的表情都依然叫人着迷。 2、《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 1994年8.9 分 这部被称为《刺激1995》的影片在中国影迷间也有极好的口碑,可见电影超越国界的神奇之处。 3、《辛德勒的名单》Schindler[]s List 1993年8.8 斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《夺宝奇兵》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。 4、《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane 1941年8.8 无需多言的电影里程碑,神童奥逊·威尔斯可一不可再的惊世之作。 5、《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 1942年8.7 永远的《北非谍影》,永远的英格丽·褒曼。 6、《教父续集》The Godfather Part II 1974年8.7 《教父续集》中科里昂尼家族兴起的历史与麦克血腥的奋斗形成了完美的对仗,这种平行蒙太奇的运用深得评论界的赏识,此片的成功也巩固了艾尔·帕西诺和罗伯特·德尼罗两位意裔影帝的地位。 7、《七武士》Shichinin no samurai 1954年8.7 这可能不是大师黑泽明最出色的作品,但确实是他最好看的作品,它对世界电影的影响早已不是一个简单的东方武侠故事。 8、《星球大战》Star Wars 1977年8.7 对每个出生于50到70年代的美国人而言,他们几乎都喜欢被人被称作“Star Wars Generation”(《星球大战》的一代),星战系列应该是拥有影迷人数最多的系列电影了,还记得99年推出《星战前传》时掀起的狂潮么? 9、《美国美人》American Beauty 1999年8.6 这部电影能入选到TOP10有点叫人惊讶,美国特有的中产阶级影片。 10、《飞跃疯人院》One Flew Over the Cuckoo[]s Nest 1975年8.6 米洛斯·福尔曼和杰克·尼克尔森两人共同的颠峰,一堂影视表演的必修课。 11、《奇爱博士》Dr. Strangelove 1964年8.6 库布里克讽刺冷战的黑色幽默经典,“未来三部曲”的首部,对一个没有那段历史经历的中国观众而言,此片未必会得到这样的高分。 12、《卧虎藏龙》Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon 2000年8.6 李安真的拍了部了不起的电影。 13、《后窗》Rear Window 1954年8.6 希区柯克的经典,詹姆斯·斯图尔特和格蕾丝·凯莉的搭配就如同现今布拉德·彼特和朱丽娅·罗伯茨合作一样抢眼。 14、《夺宝奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981年8.6


英语演讲稿电影 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest and


英语演讲稿介绍电影 save the victims on their own way. However, the strength of a person is always small. Maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people. As for the victims, they can’t protect their property, dignity and even life. However, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again. Next winner is Cate Shortland. She got Best Director with the film LORE. Cate Shortland was born in Australia in 1968. Since directing the film called Bad Cop, Bad Cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including Somersault in 2004 and The Silence in 2006. In addition, Best Actor is Terence Stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film Song for Marion. Chinese actress Yan Bingyan gets Best Actress with the film Wanjianchuanxin. Sorry I don’t know how to translate. That is all I want to say. Thanks for listening. 英语演讲稿介绍电影【二】Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie


一口气英语演讲-极力推荐的电影 一口气英语演讲:极力推荐的电影 ele everone!it's great to see ou.i'm so glad ou ould make it. m name is pat.i am a big movie fun.i reall love to see movies. i just sa a great one.ou must go and see it.let me tell ou a little about it. firat,it'a a great stor.the plot is fantasti.i've never seen a movie like this. there's no sex.there's little violene.it'a a safe famil movie. i loved the beginning.it as ver exiting.it had me on the edge of m seat. seond,there'a a lot of ation.the fast pae ill amaze ou.then,it's over before ou kno it. it's not too serious.it's not hard to follo.there are some funn parts,too. it has ed.it gets a little sill.it ill make ou laugh. third,the ators are aesome.the did a good job.the are perfet for their roles. the stor line is fresh.the dialogue is original.it's a ver reative film. the movie has some great shots.the sener is beautiful.it as shot on loation. fourth,the direting is great.it is ell produed.the movie is a top ten for sure. the ating is exellent.the speial effets are neat.the movie has it all. the ending is fantasti.please don't ask me.i don't ant to spoil it for ou. in onlusion,it's a must-see.it's orth the mone.i promise ou on't regret it. don't miss it.don't


关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节) hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival. beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi. next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest and


肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 20世纪40年代末,小有成就的青年银行家安迪(蒂姆·罗宾斯Tim Robbins 饰)因涉嫌杀害妻子及她的情人而锒铛入狱。在这座名为肖申克的监狱内,希望似乎虚无缥缈,终身监禁的惩罚无疑注定了安迪接下来灰暗绝望的人生。未过多久,安迪尝试接近囚犯中颇有声望的瑞德(摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman 饰),请求对方帮自己搞来小锤子。以此为契机,二人逐渐熟稔,安迪也仿佛在鱼龙混杂、罪恶横生、黑白混淆的牢狱中找到属于自己的求生之道。他利用自身的专业知识,帮助监狱管理层逃税、洗黑钱,同时凭借与瑞德的交往在犯人中间也渐渐受到礼遇。表面看来,他已如瑞德那样对那堵高墙从憎恨转变为处之泰然,但是对自由的渴望仍促使他朝着心中的希望和目标前进。而关于其罪行的真相,似乎更使这一切朝前推进了一步…… 控方证人Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 伦敦著名邢案辩护律师韦菲爵士(查尔斯?劳顿Charles Laughton 饰)接受了心脏病治疗,但是身体依旧虚弱,第一天回家休养,护士一直严厉监督他服药,并杜绝烟酒。管家为了便于上楼,还专门为他修了电梯。但是,种种关心照顾,对于这位桀骜不驯、牙尖嘴利的大律师根本不起作用,反倒是一纸诉状令他倍感兴奋。律师梅休和当事人沃尔(泰隆?鲍华Tyrone Power饰)登门拜访,请他出山打官司。原来,沃尔结识了富婆,两人相见甚欢,虽然仆人对他发明的打蛋器充满鄙夷,但是富婆却对他充满爱意,甚至为他修改了遗嘱,把8万英镑留给了他。然而,富婆却惨遭毒手。于是,沃尔成为警方的头号嫌疑犯。他的唯一证人是妻子克里斯汀(玛琳?黛德丽Marlene Dietrich饰),然而后者登门时的冷漠与淡定,令韦菲爵士怀疑这其中另有隐情。在扑朔迷离的案件背后,隐藏着一个个环环相扣、不可告人的秘密…… 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) 里昂(让·雷诺饰)是名孤独的职业杀手,受人雇佣。一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达(纳塔丽·波特曼饰)敲开他的房门,要求在他那里暂避杀身之祸。原来邻居家的主人是警方缉毒组的眼线,只因贪污了一小包毒品而遭恶警(加里·奥德曼饰)杀害全家的惩罚。马蒂尔达得到里昂的留救,幸免于难,并留在里昂那里。里昂教小女孩使枪,她教里昂法文,两人关系日趋亲密,相处融洽。女孩想着去报仇,反倒被抓,里昂及时赶到,将女孩救回。混杂着哀怨情仇的正邪之战渐次升级,更大的冲突在所难免…… 阿甘正传Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘(汤姆·汉克斯饰)于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”,要他自强不息。阿甘像普通孩子一样上学,并且认识了一生的朋友和至爱珍妮(罗宾·莱特·潘饰),在珍妮和妈妈的爱护下,阿甘凭着上帝赐予的“飞毛腿”开始了一生不停的奔跑。阿甘成为橄榄球巨星、越战英雄、乒乓球外交使者、亿万富翁,但


有关电影的英语演讲稿 电影:天使爱美丽 there are so many movies i’ve loved that the entire list would be nearly book-length. it’s tough to pick just a few, but i’ll give it a try. before i start any kind of numbered list, i have to include one film that ... we ll, it’d be unfair to call it (them, really) my favorite film(s), as they float in the stratosphere above anything like a numerical favorites list. it isn’t fair to list it with others. while i’ll still refer to #1 on the list below as my favorite as follow. movie:d’amélie poulain, directed by :jean-pierre jeunet. jean-pierre jeunet has created montages of insignificance and triviality only to bring out in an euphemistic way the biggest support one can get in life; single character,including amelie herself,has some kind of peculiarity in their characteristics(which often resemble the eccentricity of dickensian characters)but the one thing binds them together is their agony of being lonely,unnoticed and search for


国外14部经典励志电影推荐 海上钢琴师La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano 《海上钢琴师》,意大利电影,导演是意大利导演朱塞佩·托纳 托雷,此片是他的“三部曲”之一。电影是由亚历山卓·巴利科的《1900:独白》改编而成。影片的配乐出自大师颜尼欧·莫里克奈之手,他以深情飘逸的典雅曲风,掳获观众与乐迷的心。 本片使用的是两条线,一条线是麦克斯自己的回忆,一条线是麦 克斯要去船上救人。所以此片的带入感并不像好莱坞那样强烈,而是 带有一些欧洲电影的痕迹。因为整片有很多部分是麦克斯用解说词的 方式来解说的,更多的像是观众在听一个人讲述一个故事,而不是与 主角亲自经历每一件事。多纳托雷在这两条线的叙事上表现得非常清 楚和流畅。 影片的主题中,包含了一个人的成长,包含了爱情、友情,包含 了寂寞与漂泊,包含了命运,包含了一种强烈的归属感,包含了人的 纯性,包含了人生观、世界观,包含了哲学。 治愈你的:在生命和美学面前,我们绝大部分人宁可选择生命, 因为我们认为生命的延续就是美学的延续。不过美学本身是笼统的学科,没有人会在生命过程中去在乎我们的生命是否存有着美学意义, 制造终极意义的人或许不会懂得什么是意义,不过并非刻意制造又懂 得自身的奥秘的人,似乎只有在电影中才能寻得到。 《海上钢琴师》是关于钢琴的,大海的,还有人生的,1900能够 选择自己的生活,而我们则背负了大多,他能够永远不戴上面具,而 我们却不能,为自己而活,我们却很难。生命的开始就意味着终结, 生命的终结就意味着开始,所以人活一生便无所谓终结,无所谓开始,关键是活得精彩。阿甘正传 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》是一部根据同名小说改编的美国电影,电影荣获 1995年奥斯卡影片奖、男主角奖、导演奖等6项大奖。《阿甘正传》


一口气英语演讲:极力推荐的电影一口气英语演讲:极力推荐的电影 Welcome everyone! It’s great to see you. I’m so glad you could make it. My name is Pat. I am a big movie fun. I really love to see movies. I just saw a great one. You must go and see it. Let me tell you a little about it. Firat,it’a a great story. The plot is fantastic. I’ve never seen a movie like this. There’s no sex. There’s little violence. It’a a safe family movie. I loved the beginning. It was very exciting. It had me on the edge of my seat.

Second,there’a a lot of action. The fast pace will amaze you. Then,It’s over before you know it. It’s not too serious. It’s not hard to follow. There are some funny parts,too. It has comedy. It gets a little silly. It will make you laugh. Third,the actors are awesome. They did a good job. They are perfect for their roles. The story line is fresh. The dialogue is original. It’s a very creative film. The movie has some great shots. The scenery is beautiful. It was shot on location. Fourth,the directing is great. It is well produced. The movie is a top ten for sure.


推荐四十部法国经典电影 2008-01-30 23:36 值得推荐的法国电影太多了,现在从80年代以后的法国电影中选择了40部自己认为值得推荐的电影,诚意向大家推荐,每一部片子后都加了一句话的推荐理由,当然那只能代表个人的观点。还有很多精彩的法国电影,限于篇幅,不能一一列举,欢迎大家跟帖推荐自己看过的优秀法国影片,希望大家在看过这些电影后,能对当代的法国电影有一个初步的了解和认识。 排名不分先后 1.印度支那Indochine (1992) 导演:雷吉斯瓦格涅Régis Wargnier 一段爱情掩盖下的殖民地历史,凯瑟琳德纳芙的表演尤其出色。 2.情人L'Amant (1992) 导演: 让-雅克阿诺Jean-Jacques Annaud 文学名著和电影的一次完美结合,那些幽暗的房间、湿湿的街道,晚霞中金黄色的渡口,让人久久难以忘怀。 3.最后一班地铁Le Dernier métro (1980) 导演:弗郎索瓦特吕弗Fran?ois Truffaut 一部没有正面描写二战的二战电影,特吕弗艺术和现实结合的最好的电影。 4.碧海蓝天Le Grand bleu (1988) 导演:吕克贝松Luc Besson 吕克贝松的光影梦幻,一部大海的童话 5.浪迹天涯/流浪者Sans toit ni loi (1985) 导演:艾格妮丝瓦尔达Agnès Varda 1985年威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖,新浪潮之母瓦尔达最重要作品,描写了一个拒绝任何社会规则的年轻流浪女惨死在荒郊野外的发人深省的悲惨遭遇。影片一个突出点是它的纪录片风格。 6.冬天里的一颗心/今生情未了Un coeur en hiver (1992)导演:克劳德索泰(claude sautet) 这是一部令人难忘的法国电影,一部充满了幽雅含蓄、自始至终沉浸在拉威尔略带哀伤的奏


《功夫熊猫》 1. On e meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. .往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。 2. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。 3. Quit!d on't quit! Noodles!don't noodles! You are too concerned with at once and what will be .Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift: That's why we call it----the Present. 放弃,不放弃。做面条,不做面条。你太在乎过去是怎样,将来会怎样了。有句谚语说得好,昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。这就是为什么叫做"现金"了。 4. Yesterday is h istory Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it?s called the present (the gift)昨天是历史了,明天还是未知,但今天是礼物,所以今天才叫present (有“现在”和“礼物”的意思)。 5. There are no accidents 存在即合理 6.(1) but there are things we can control I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。 (2). Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree, You may wish for an Apple or an orange , But you will get a peach. 乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。 7. you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却


国内外最受欢迎的120部电影排行榜 史上最受欢迎的120部电影排行榜十佳剧情片: 1) 肖申克的救赎(刺激1995):男人必看的励志影片。 2) 教父(1、2):经典黑帮片,有此作品,其他同类一概低头。 3)美国往事:整个人生都在里面。 4)天堂电影院:每个男人的童年回忆,太经典了。 5)无主之城:人家怎么能拍出这么牛的电影! 6)活着:也许是中国目前最伟大的电影。 7)阿甘正传:教导所有的人要去宽容别人,傻就是福气。 8) 勇敢的心:民族自尊的好教材,希望大家要爱中国。 9) 楚门的世界:探讨人的价值和人性根本的奇思怪作。 10) 音乐之声:音乐的力量、音乐的快乐! 11)辛德勒的名单:震撼人心的历史、充满感染力的摄影和杰出的演员。十佳科幻片 1) 星球大战系列:开创了一个电影神话。 2) 异次元骇客(第十三层):应该说它比黑客帝国的构思更精妙。 3) 超人:所有漫画类科幻电影的代表。 4) 终结者(1、2):科幻电影经典中的经典。 5) 12猴子:如此引人深思的科幻电影真不多见。

6) 黑客帝国系列:引发了对现实和未来网络发展的思考,形成了一种黑客文化。 7) 移魂都市(黑暗城市):风格另类的科幻片,结尾出人意表。 8) 超时空接触:比较严肃地探讨外星文明问题的力作。 9) 千钧一发:描写未来社会人的基因问题的惊险影片,内容和主题俱佳。 10) 2001漫游太空:经典作品,以严肃的科学性和预见性著称。十佳战争片: 1) 拯救大兵瑞恩:最真实反映战争和人性的超级巨作。 2) 猎杀红色十月:节奏和人物拿捏准确的潜艇影片代表作。 3) 兵临城下:从独特的视角描写二战的巨片,演员表演到位。 4) 大逃杀:归入战争片只因其太震撼、太残酷。 5) 巴顿将军:全景式展示战争的代表作,演员表演出色。 6) u-571:效果出众的新型海战片,拍得很有特点。 7) 全金属外壳:库布里克对战争的深刻反思,看过后使人对战争产生恐惧。 8) 星际舰队:科幻性质的战争片,士兵的训练和战斗的描写很有煽动性和争议性。 9) 瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝:随时看起来都心潮澎湃的好电影! 10) 野战排:反思越战的经典影片。十佳动作片 1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。


关于电影的英语演讲 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 opinion, this is the most wonderful film I have ever seen .The next thing I want to share with you is a story ,I guess you will like it. 法兰、拉杜与兰乔是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰乔是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”,质疑他的教学方法。他不仅鼓动法兰与拉杜去勇敢追寻理想,还劝说校长的二女儿碧雅离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。兰乔的特立独行引起了模范学生“消音器”的不满,他约定十年后再与兰乔一决高下,看哪种生活方式更能取得成功。十年后他拥有100多项专利,拥有数百万资产,而兰乔只成为了其中一项专利的合作伙伴,兰乔认

输了。Rancho, Raju and Farhan are students in the royal college of engineering. In the same room, three people make friends. In the school, where is famous for its strict, Rancho is a very different student, he is not learning by rote, and evenopenly against the principal called virus, and questions his teaching method. Not only did he courage Farhan and Raju to catch their dreams bravely, but also persuades the principal’s second daughter of leaving her fiance who cares more about money. Rancho’s maverick makes the model student unhappy who was calledthe silencer decides to compete with Rancho after ten years to compare what kind of way of life is more successful. Ten years later,silencer acknowledge defeatwhen he knows Rancho owns more than 400 patents and millions of assets. 该电影告诉我们,学习不只是一味


1、《教父》The Godfather 1972年8.9 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天他那种含糊沙哑的声音与神秘莫测的表情都依然叫人着迷。 2、《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 1994年8.9 这部被称为《刺1995》的影片在中国影迷间也有极好的口碑,可见电影超越国界的神奇之处。 3、《辛德勒的名单》Schindler's List 1993年8.8 斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《夺宝奇兵》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。 4、《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane 1941年8.8 无需多言的电影里程碑,神童奥逊·威尔斯可一不可再的惊世之作。 5、《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 1942年8.7 永远的《北非谍影》,永远的英格丽·褒曼 6、《教父续集》The Godfather: Part II 1974年8.7 《教父续集》中科里昂尼家族兴起的历史与麦克血腥的奋斗形成了完美的对仗,这种平行蒙太奇的运用深得评论界的赏识,此片的成功也巩固了艾尔·帕西诺和罗伯特·德尼罗两位意裔影帝的地位。 7、《七武士》Shichinin no samurai 1954年8.7 这可能不是大师黑泽明最出色的作品,但确实是他最好看的作品,它对世界电影的影响早已不是一个简单的东方武侠故事。 8、《星球大战》Star Wars 1977年8.7 对每个出生于50到70年代的美国人而言,他们几乎都喜欢被人被称作"Star Wars Generation"(《星球大战》的一代),星战系列应该是拥有影迷人数最多的系列电影了,还记得99年推出《星战前传》时掀起的狂潮么? 9、《美国美人》American Beauty 1999年8.6 这部电影能入选到TOP10有点叫人惊讶,美国特有的中产阶级影片。 10、《飞跃疯人院》One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975年8.6 米洛斯·福尔曼和杰克·尼克尔森两人共同的颠峰,一堂影视表演的必修课。 11、《奇爱博士》r.Strangelove 1964年8.6 库布里克讽刺冷战的黑色幽默经典,“未来三部曲”的首部,对一个没有那段历史经历的中国观众而言,此片未必会得到这样的高分。 12、《卧虎藏龙》Wo hu zang long 2000年8.6 李安真的拍了部了不起的电影。 13、《后窗》Rear Window 1954年8.6 希区柯克的经典,詹姆斯·斯图尔特和格蕾丝·凯莉的搭配就如同现今布拉德·彼特和朱丽娅·罗伯茨合作一样抢眼。 14、《夺宝奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981年8.6 在英国《完全电影》(Total Film)杂志评选的最伟大的50个银幕英雄(又是个TOP一族)中,哈里森·福特饰演的印第安纳·琼斯雄居榜首,斯皮尔伯格还是拍这样的东 西比较划算。 15、《非常嫌疑犯》The Usual Suspects 1995年8.5


关于电影英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:film review 英语电影演讲稿hello everybody, today ,my presentation is about film review. the graduate is an attractive and affecting film.it has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the people’s life at that time,1960s.it also a ground-breaking film,had taken a new film type in american film market. mike nichols,is the the director. he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director . the graduate is a comedy film,theme is about love,premiered in 1967.after that,the film got many awards,such as:best director,best picture,best actor,best actress,and so on. the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and others.dustin hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about his future,his eyes are confused.anne bancroft,plays mrs. robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she dose’t like her husband.katharine ross plays elaine,she is mrs. robinson daughter.ben is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate gift.but he had no interested it.at the
