

新概念英语第三册惯用语Lesson25~27 新概念英语第三册惯用语Lesson25

1.away adv.离开,远离;离…多远,有…距离;逐渐,消失

put away 收拾起来(put everything in its usual position)

例句:Can you help me put these things away?


A:You take a day to really clean.


B:You know. Put everything away and clean the desk and straighten the files.


get away with something 做…也不受处罚(尤指做坏事也不受惩罚)

A:Did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight? He isn't planning to take his final exams.


B:He can't get away with that.


2.dry adj.干的,干旱的 vi./vt.使干,晒干

dry out 使…很干燥

例句:The new soap I've been using lately, smells nice but it dries my skin out.


3.luck n.运气;幸运

better luck next time 下次好运

A:I really thought that I'd win the match.


B:Oh, well. Better luck next time, Henry.


down on one's luck 运气不佳

例句:He asked me to loan him lO bucks, because he was down on his luck.


push (crowd, press) one's luck 得寸进尺

A:If Prof.Thomason was willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project, maybe he'll give us a few more days.


B:Let's not push our luck, Mary, OK?


4.match n. 1.比赛,竞赛 2.对手,敌手 v.(和…)相配

to match/move/keep up with the times 跟上时代的潮流

例句:If we don't match with the times; we will certainly be laggad behind.


5.roll v.(使)滚动,转动;(使)摇晃;碾,轧;卷,绕,n. 卷,卷形物;名单

roll in the aisles 乐不可支

例句:He certainly has a sense of humor. Whenever he is with us, he will have us roll in the aisles.



1.programme vt. 为…编制程序;编排节目单

host a programme 主持一次节目(to be in charge of a live show)

例句:I once hosted a programme for the radio station. It's so exciting.


2.taste vt./vi.尝,品尝;尝起来 n. 味道,味觉;体验,感受

in bad taste 品味(格调)不高;俗(poor ability to judge beauty, style and art; vulgar) 例句:The furniture and pictures and ornaments were in very bad taste.



1.class n. 阶级;班级;门类,种类;等级 v. 分类,分班,分等级;归类

aerobics class 有氧健身操

例句:I feel so energetic since I started that aerobics class.

自从我开始上有氧健身操班以后我感觉精力非常充沛。class presentation 课堂发言

例句:It's all right to wear jeans for a class presentation, isn't it? 课堂发言穿牛仔裤,没关系吧?

classified ads 分类广告,经常在读报场景中出现

A:Would you pass me the sports section, please?


B:Sure, if you give me the classified ads and editorial section. B:当然,那你把分类广告版和社论版给我。

2.consequence n. 结果,后果,影响

as a consequence 因此(as a result, therefore, thus, hence)

例句:1.As a consequence, we tend to feel happy and usually continue doing the job.


2.Tourism is attracting more and more public attention. As a consequence, both arguments and counter arguments concerning its development have emerged as time goes by.


2.case vi./vt. 缓和,减轻 n. 容易;轻而易举;舒适,悠闲

ill at ease 手足无措,不自在(slightly nervous or worried, esp. in a social situation)

例句:1.Speaking in the presence of a large crowd, Barbara was a little ill at ease.


2.Next time you see your cousins, you won't feel ill ot ease any more.


3.fee n. 费用,报名费,会费,酬金

room and board fees 食宿费

例句:1.Room and board fees are due Friday.


2.Students must pay $2,685 for room and board fees every year.


4.meal n. 一餐(饭),膳食

a ljght meal 便餐

例句:A light meal will not sustain us through the day.


well-balanced meal(food) 营养搭配均衡的膳食(meal(food)with balanced nourishing elements in it)

例句:The doctor said there is no need for me to take any medicine if I eat well-balanced meals.


5.next adj. 下一个,紧接在后的,紧临的 adv. 接下去,然后 prep. 贴近in the next to no time 马上,立刻,很快(in no time)

A:Are you going to be using the copying machine long?


B:I'll be through in the next to no time.


6.rule n. 规章,条例 vt./vi.统治,控制

as a rule 一般来说,通常

例句:I don't care much horror movies as a rule.


rule out 排除,除掉(exclude, get rid of)

例句:l.That will rule out his chances of being engineer taking care of sound quality in recording.


2.Cancer cannot be ruled out in this case.


7.speak v. 说话,讲话

speak of 谈起;提到(mention, talk of)

例句:He has spoken of you, and asked me to say hello to you if I come.


speak out 大声说出来(to express one's inner thought directly and loudly)

例句:1.In the "Assertiveness Training" course, the students learn to speak out and feel good about doing so.


2.In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear.


8.sure adj.确信的,有把握的,必定的 adv.一定,当然

know for sure 肯定 (feel sure certain)

A:Do you know what kind of job they have?


B:I don't know for sure.


9.term n. 1.学期2.期限,期间

in terms of 就…而论,从…角度看,谈到(with regard to)

例句:1.In terms qualifications, ability and experience, you are well suited to the post we have in mind.


2.The trip was enjoyable but not fruitful in terms,business.


3.He thought of everyhing in terms of his own interests.


10.value n. 价值,益处,有用性 vt. 评价,尊重

face value 外表 (outward appearance)

例句:James tends to judge people from their action rather than on face value. 詹姆斯倾向于通过行为而不是通过外表判断人。


Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活 【Text】 §Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活 What was exceptional about the two men's stay on the desert island Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is wretched. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out. Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. 参考译文 我们许多人对于荒岛生活有一种不切实际的想法。我们有时想象荒岛是阳光终日普照的天堂。在那里,生活简单又美好。成熟的水果从树上掉下来,人们根本无需劳动。另一种想法恰恰相反,认为荒岛生活很可怕,要么饿死,要么像鲁滨孙那样,天天盼船来,却总没见船影。也许,这两种都像都有可信之处。但很少有人能有机会去弄个究竟。 最近有两个人在一座珊瑚岛上呆了5天,他们真希望在那儿再多呆一些日子。他们驾着一条严重损坏的小船从维尔京群岛阿密修理。途中,船开始下沉,他们迅速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒往一只救生筏上装。然后在加勒比海上划行了几英里,到了一座珊瑚岛上。岛上几乎没有一颗树,也没有淡水,但这不算什么问题。他们用像皮艇蓄积雨水。由于他们随身带了一支捕鱼枪,因此,吃饭不愁。他们天天捕捉龙虾和鱼,正如其中一位所说,吃得“像国王一样好”。5天后,一条油轮从那儿路过,搭救了他们。这二位不得不离开那个荒岛时,还真的感到遗憾呢! 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ◆desert island 荒岛 ◆unrealistic adj. 不真实的 ◆Paradise n. 天堂,乐土 ◆wretched adj. 可怜的,艰苦的 ◆Starve v. 挨饿 成分element n. ◆. ◆opportunity n. 机会 ◆coral n. 珊瑚 ◆Virgin Islands 维尔京群岛 ◆Miami n. 迈阿密(美国最南的城市) ◆dinghy n. 救生筏,小船 ◆Caribbean n. 加勒比海 ◆spear gun 捕鱼枪


新概念英语第一册113-144课语法点总结一.so / neither引导的简短回答 a.结构: 1.so / neither + be动词 + 主语 例:He is a dancer, so am I. 他是个舞蹈家,我也是。2.so / neither + 情态动词 + 主语 例:He can dance very well, so can I. 他跳舞跳得很好,我也是。 3.so / neither + 助动词 + 主语 例:He doesn’t like singing, neither do I. 他不喜欢唱歌,我不喜欢。 b.表示 某人也是,某人也会,某人也不是,某人也不会。 c.区别 如果前一句是肯定的,后一句用so开头; 如果前一句是否定的,后一句用neither开头。 二.not a (an) / any & no & none 1.no是个限定词,用在名词前,等同于not a或not any,用 来强调句子的否定含义。

例:I haven’t got any fingers. = I have got no fingers. 我没有手指。 I haven’t got a long tail. = I have got no long tail. 我没有一条长尾巴。 2.none : 没有人;一个也没有;一点儿也没有 例:He has got many interesting books. I have got none. 他有很多有趣的书,我一本也没有。 三.不定代词either; both; all; neither; none 注意:either表示两者任选其一。 例:Which one do you want, an apple or a pear? Either is Okay. 你想要苹果还是梨?都可以。 Either of my parents will come to see you. 我爸爸或者妈妈会来见你。 不定代词的词组: 1.both … and …两者都…… 例:Both Lily and Linda are right. Lily和Linda都是对


新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:定语从句 导读:本文新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:定语从句,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1. 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy. 2. 只能用that和who引导的定语从句 A.all, nothing, anything, a few, one做先行词指物时


New concept English Lesson 13 ‘It's only me' “是我,别怕” What did the man expect to find under the stairs? 那人在楼梯底下想找什么? expect to,期待 find,(经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,找出,求得 After her husband had gone to work. 她丈夫上班以后 go to work,上班 Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. 理查德夫人打法孩子去学校,上楼到她的卧室 sent her children to school,打发孩子去学校,不是送孩子去学校,否则她不能马上就上楼,送孩子去学校是take her children to school go upstairs,上楼(貌似s不能少) bedroom,卧室 She was too excited to do any housework that morning, 这个早上她太兴奋,以至于任何家务都不想做 too+形容词+to do,太……,以至于不…… excited,激动的;兴奋的;受刺激的;紧张不安的 excite,使激动;使兴奋 for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress party with her husband. 因为晚上她要和丈夫一起参加化妆舞会 fancy-dress party,化妆舞会 fancy,奇特的 She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, 她打算化妆成鬼,并且由于她前一天晚上做好了服装 intended to,打算 dress up as,化妆成 costume,服装 she was impatient to try it on. 她急于穿上试试 was impatient to,急于 Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, 尽管服装只是一张床单 sheet,床单 it was very effective. 效果非常好 effective,产生预期结果的;有效的;实际的;事实上的;生效的;起作用的 After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs. 穿上之后,理查德夫人走下楼 go downstairs,下楼


1. 关系副词eweek. 2. A. B which. C. D ? 3.as as A “as...as” 例如: B.as ??? as 例如: (二): . (三): 从句)gthecase. 就是that不做任 ,doubt,suggestion explanation truth,knowledge 或whether that不做 that做定

2 3 4 nity. VII. 1. 句话说) 2.括) 关系。 3. (四): 1. should might 2. er. 3. ? 4. ● 词原形,(建议) ??? ●(should oposal. arty. ●I wroteit) 通常用于动词: 属静态 被省 句子,seldom,等。

7 ???? oblem. ???? 注意:不用was 找他。 答案词, 不能说 8 ???( ????? ( 定义:特点等。 ● ● 所属等。 1 2 smell, remain 3 面) poorly(身 ) ,usually ,below 等 ,perfectly, 注意

式地)(以前) 10.free freely (九):前,an 如: I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 民 II 1. 2 3 4 5 (十): 1 “willyou”,如:

1 assroom. 2 3 ??? 别力。 (十三): 1.rise, ?“rise”提高”。 “arise”其语义为“义为“ https://www.360docs.net/doc/c97237054.html,y, “lay” “lie” “lie” 3.sit, “sit” “seat” 4. “affect” “effect”dy. 5.hang 当hang 而当hang 6. 7.take :? 8. 9.fit, “fit”指“ 10.搭配


Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found


新概念英语第一册语法点梳理 新概念一共144课,其中单课为课文,双课为语法和练习。整本书是以单数课为正课,并附带有插图而双数课则是针对单数课所讲的内容有针对性地进行练习,从此出展现出整个新概念一教材区别于其他教材的独特之处。 以下是对新概念一整本教材的理解和剖析,以供各位对整个课本的理解和把握上参考和借鉴。 首先根据课本中出现的时态来分析: 本册书的语法出现层次性和规律性是很强的,首先我们先来整本书中都出了哪些时态,这些时态的具体分布和讲解时我们大家需要注意的递进性。 Lesson 31—34现在进行时 Lesson 37—40第一次出现be going to的将来时 Lesson 51—56一般现在时 Lesson 67—76为一般过去式 Lesson 83—90为现在完成时 Lesson 91—96为一般将来时(will) Lesson 117—118过去进行时 Lesson 119—120过去完成时 除去前面所有时态和句型所占据的76课我们一起来看一下以下的68课,每一课小的语言点,语法点都是在什么地方,应该用什么样的方式来讲解。 在这里告诉学员新概念一的每一个单课的重点都是出现双课的标题和课后的练习题里面。 Lesson1—2

语言点:与陌生人说话或引起别人的注意。Excuse me. Yes? Pardon? Thank you very much.语法点:主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语1的一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答。Is thisyour handbag? Yes, it is. Lesson 5—6 语言点:如何介绍别人。This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Nice to meet you. 语法点:主语为第三人称单数的主系表结构。She is French. He is German. It’s a Volvo.(L6)a/an的使用。 Lesson 7—8 语言点:如何自我介绍和相互认识。 语法点:主语为第二人称的主系表结构。Are you French? What nationality are you? What’s your job?特殊疑问句。Lesson 9—10 语言点:朋友或熟识的人之间如何相互问候。How are you? 语法点:主系表结构形容词做表语。 介词短语表示位置near the window, on the televion, on the wallLesson 29—30 语言点:如何发号命令。 语法点:祈使句(肯定)。 动词与宾语的固定搭配。 Lesson 37—38 语言点:如何表达将要做的事情。 语法点:现在进行时态be going to do结构表达将要发生的事情。 There be句型的一般疑问句形式。 Lesson 41-42


新概念英语第三册语法解析:类比法、夸张法、排比法 类比法(Analogy)是一种词义修辞格,把两种本质上不相同的事物就其某方面的共同 点进行比较,通过比喻说明某种道理或描绘某种复杂情况。例如,Lesson 27的第一句, “It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.” 作者把人们生活工作的方式类比成销 售货物的方式,每个人都是一定意义上的推售员,抽象的为谋生而付出的努力被比喻成具体的可供售卖的货物。通过这样的类比,读者找到了联系的线索,加深对句子的理解并引起共鸣。假如我们要借助类比描绘英语的作用,我们就可以说,“What English means to a student is what weapons mean to the soldiers who fight in the battlefield.” 或“If we obtain English proficien cy, we obtain the key which leads us to more knowledge and opportunities.” 夸张法(hyperbole)也是词义修辞,刻意地夸大或缩小把事物的特征,在数量,形状和 程度上加以渲染,“言过其实”地使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来,给人强烈的印象。Lesson 49, 作者谈到阿姨家的仆人数量时提及”an army of servants (仆人大军)” and “the shifting population(流动人口)”, 把Bessie导致布丁砸在桌上的小意外说成“catastrophe (大 灾难)”, 不难看出这些都是夸张的例子。如果我们的朋友多不胜数,我们也可以自豪地说,“I have an army of friends.”, 但是如果他们都是“the shifting population who just come and go into my life without even a hello or goodbye (他们只是连招呼不打就来来去去的流动人口)”,那么这样的友情带来的只是一个“catastrophe”, 因为没有得到真正的知己。 排比法(Parallelism),属于结构修辞,以语法结构对称来突出意义,增添气势。Lesson 51,阐述Bagrid预测计算机的功能, 文中出现了连续四个排比,充分证明了Bagrid非凡的 眼光,“Bagrid foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, when they would be capable of providing information about traffic jams…, when they would be used in hospital…, when they would relieve office workers and accountants of dull, repetitive clerical work..”排比是最常用的修辞之一,排比项通常以三项为起点,控制于五项之内。 结合一个写大学教育的主题,以下的排比句跃然纸上, “University is the place where we absorb the most comprehensive knowledge, where we encounter friends of lifetime, where we cultivate our characters and personalities, where we create the most impressive part of our life.


新概念英语第一册语法点归纳 新概念一共144课,其中单课为课文,双课为语法和练习。整本书是以单数课为正课,并附带有插图而双数课则是针对单数课所讲的内容有针对性地进行练习,从此出展现出整个新概念一教材区别于其他教材的独特之处。以下是对新概念一整本教材的理解和剖析,以供各位对整个课本的理解和把握上参考和借鉴。 首先根据课本中出现的时态来分析: 本册书的语法出现层次性和规律性是很强的,首先我们先来整本书中都出了哪些时态,这些时态的具体分布和讲解时我们大家需要注意的递进性。 Lesson 31—34 现在进行时 Lesson 37—40 第一次出现be going to 的将来时 Lesson 51—56 一般现在时 Lesson 67—76 为一般过去式 Lesson 83—90 为现在完成时 Lesson 91—96 为一般将来时(will) Lesson 117—118 过去进行时 Lesson 119—120 过去完成时 除去前面所有时态和句型所占据的76课我们一起来看一下以下的68课,每一课小的语言点,语法点都是在什么地方,应该用什么样的方式来讲解。 在这里告诉学员新概念一的每一个单课的重点都是出现双课的标题和课后的练习题里面。 Lesson1—2 语言点:与陌生人说话或引起别人的注意。Excuse me. Yes? Pardon? Thank you very much. 语法点:主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语1的一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答。Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Lesson 5—6 语言点:如何介绍别人。This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Nice to meet you. 语法点:主语为第三人称单数的主系表结构。She is French. He is German. It’s a Volvo.(L6) a/an 的使用。


新概念英语第三册重点语法总结:名词性从句 王牌要点:通常由 that或疑问词导出。 1. How some mammals came to live in the sea is not know.(主语从句) 2. The attorney told his client that they had little chance of winning the case.(宾语从句) 3. The problem is what we'll do next.(表语从句) 4. We have no idea that he has come back.(同位语从句) 同位语(Appositive): 同位语是英语语法的重点内容,也是各类考试中的一个考点,同时,在写作中正确运用同位语可以使你的句型更加简洁得体。 《新概念英语》第三册第一课有这样一个句子: When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.

(当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没 有受到重视。) 在这里,a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London就是同位语从句,它本来应该放在“reports”后面,这里却被放在了谓语成分 came into London zoo的后面, 目的是让句型显得更为稳重。 I.简单记忆:同位语从句,就是对某些名词做进一步的解释的句子。 I was greatly shocked when I heard the news that his father died yesterday. (that 引导的句子解释了news的内容,注意:that不做任何成分) We have to face the fact that the weather is unexpectedly bad. (that 引导的句子解释了fact的内容) II.联想记忆: 能接同位词从句的名词有:belief(信仰),fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谣言), evidence(证据),conclusion(结论),suggestion(建议),problem,order,answer, discovery(发现)explanation(解释),principle(原则),possibility(可能性),truth,promise(承诺),report(报告),statement(声明),knowledge(知识),opinion(观点),likelihood(可能性) [大声朗读三遍,背下即可。]

新概念英语第三册答案 第13课

新概念英语第三册答案第13课 Multiple choice questions 多项选择 1.D She wanted to know whether that costume was comfortable to wear. 2.C take?sb in 使某人信以为真, 让某人上当 disguise n.伪装 v.假装, 伪装, 掩饰 3.C 4...C and前后连接时态要呼应, 表示并列关系。 5...B how修饰限定形容词 At that moment, she hadn‘t put on the costume. 6...B anxious形容词短语做原因状语 动词不定式的否定形式是在动词不定式符号之前直接加否定词not, never 7...B 强调过去的一个动作

8...C see?sb do?sth看见某人做某事(做宾语补足语时, 不定式符号to被省略) 9...A at?the?very?moment 就在此刻 as?long?as / so?long?as 用来引导条件句, 表示只要 -- You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 11 o‘clock. Only?when... 只有当…(引导时间状语从句) 10...D miss+动名词:表示错过做什么事情 -- I don‘t want to miss seeing that film on television tonight. forgot?to?do?sth 表示忘记去做某事 -- Yesterday, I forgot to lock the door. succeed?in?doing?sth 表示成功做了某事 if…happen?to... 表示某事偶然发生 brown n.褐色 adj.褐色的, 棕色的 loaf n.一条面包 brown loaf 黑面包 -- If you happen to pass the baker‘s, pick me up a brown loaf, would you? -- If you happen to finish the work early give me a ring.


新概念英语第1册第87-88课课重点语法 第87-88课的内容: 一、重要句型或语法 1、现在完成时 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,基本形式为have/has done。本课侧重的是标志性词语yet的用法和不规则的过去分词。如:Have your mechanics finished yet? 二、课文主要语言点 Is my car ready yet? 1)ready,准备好了的。 2)yet用于疑问句,起加强语气作用。 What's the number of your car? It's LFZ 312G. 1)What's the number of ...?,用来询问某物的号码,如:What's the number of your phone?,相当于What's your phone number? 2)汽车牌照的号码只要按顺序逐个读出即可。 When did you bring it to us? I brought it here three days ago. 1)此处动词采用一般过去时,是因为他们在讨论的是三天前发生的事情。 2)bring sth. to sb.,把某物带给某人。 3)可复习ago表示过去时间的用法。 Ah, I remember now. 注意remember的读音和拼写。 Have your mechanics finished yet? No, they're still working on it. 1)finish,完成,结束。如果后面再接动词,要用doing,如finish working。 2)此处yet用来加强语气。 3)still,仍然,用来加强语气。 4)work on sth.,忙于。 Let's go into the garage and have a look at it. 1)Let's用来引导祈使句,后面要接动词原形。 2)注意garage的发音:美 [ɡ?'rɑ??] ;英 ['ɡ?rɑ??]。 3)have a look at sth.,看一看某物。 Isn't that your car? Well, it was my car. 1)Isn't在此用来引导反问句。 2)此处的was用了斜体,起到强调作用,意思是这车子曾经是我的,但现在不是了。意思是:车子坏得已经认不出来了。 Didn't you have a crash? have a crash,表示出车祸了、撞车了。crash作为动


Lesson 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天 New words and expression 生词和短语 prelude['prelju?d]n. 序幕,前奏 prelude与介词to搭配表示“……的前奏”key/ way/ answer的所有格用to a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦事的前奏 omen ['??m?n] n. 预兆;征兆什么的征兆the omen of 用的是of introduction n. 导言,绪论(连to)introduction to the book preface [?pref.?s] n. 序,前言(连to)foreword n. 序(连to) preface 指作者或编者为说明全书的目的、范围、编辑方法等在序言之前写的一段简短的序文。introduction 普通用词,指任何作品开头对读者或听众说明或介绍该作品,起引导作用的结论部分,和全书内容是一致的。 Unforeseen [?nf??'si?n] a. 意料之外的 foresee v. 预见,预知(主语是人) foresee = see before hand / in advance I foresee a bright future for you. foreseeable a. 可预见的unforeseeable 不可预见的 expected 意料之中的(生活中常用) foretell v. (普通用词)预言(主语可用人和物) predict v. 预言,预示(1、语气比foretell强2、主语是人) He predicts that it would happen in ten years. forecast v. 预测,预报Timely snow foretells bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。 Fore前缀表示1、前部的(空间),前面的(时间)2、预先 1、forehead forearm前臂forefinger食指foreword前言(写在〔书〕前面的话→前言) Forerunner 先驱,先兆forefather祖先foresight 远见 2、foresee forecast foretell forestall阻止(预先制止) series ['s??ri?z; -r?z] n. 系列 series 单复数同型常见搭配a serie s of We’ve got a series of good harvest. 我们取得了一连串的大丰收。 chain n. 连串连锁 a chain of 一系列 a chain of reaction a series of reaction chain store 连锁店chain reaction 连锁反应 succession [s?k'se?(?)n] 一连串,一系列侧重指时间的顺序,强调时间的连续没有间隔开 a succession of failures 一系列的失败We’ve got a succession of successes. Sequence 一系列; 一连串 series 指按照性质类似或基本相同的关系而安排的一系列事物。 Chain指像链条一样连接在一起的一连串事物,有时彼此间含因果关系。 succession 侧重一些类似的东西或事件一个接一个连续不断。 sequence 多指时间、空间或事件等有规律、合乎逻辑的连续(衔接的次序)。可以是发生的先后顺序,也可以是逻辑顺序。 string (本意是细绳、串)连续不断相似的事件(类似chain) a string of cars 一连串的汽车 catastrophe [k?'t?str?f?] n.. 大祸,灾难 这个词强调严重,波及范围广的灾难


新概念第三册语法精粹 第一章英语从句 Subordination 英语从句主要有定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 一.定语从句 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 (下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!) 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.

新概念英语第一册: 129-130课 语法及单词解析

新概念英语第一册: 129-130课语法及单词解析 【篇一】 语法 Grammar in use 表示猜测和推断的情态助动词must和can't(2) must与can't不仅能表达对现在和将来的猜测和推断,而且能表达对过去的猜测和推断——这时可用 must have been表示肯定的推断,用can't have been(而不是mustn't have been)来表示否定的推断,如后面跟进行时则表示对过去正在进行的动作的猜测。请看例句: You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. 你当时肯定正以每小时70英里的速度行驶。 I didn't see it. I must have been dreaming. 我没看见。我当时一定是在胡思乱想吧。 She can't have been 29.She must have been 36. 她那时肯定不会是29岁,她一定36岁了。 He can't have been reading. He must have been sleeping. 他那时肯定不是在看书,他准是在睡觉。 【篇二】 词汇学习 Word study charge v. (1)罚款;使承受经济负担: He was charged by the policeman for speeding. 他因开车超速而被警察罚款。

(2)要(价);收(费): The hotel charged them £ 900 for one night. 饭店向他们索要900英镑作为住一晚的费用。(3)指控;指责: They charged him with murder. 他们指控他犯了谋杀罪。 【篇三】 dream v. (1)做梦;梦见: He dreamt about his grandmother last night. 他昨天夜里梦见他的祖母了。 Do you often dream at night? 你晚上经常做梦吗? (2)梦想;幻想: She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a bird 她幻想着有一天自己能像鸟儿那般自由。 I once dreamed of becoming a famous doctor. 我曾一度梦想着成为一位的医生。 (3)出神;心不在焉;空想: Don't dream away your life! 不要在想入非非中虚度你的人生。 Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I must have been dream ing.


2012年新概念英语第三册语法句型总结 根据语法要求,把谓语动词置于主语前,称为完全倒装,把助动词或情态动词置于主语前,称为部分倒装。1.副词如:in,out,down,there,here,off,over,away,etc.句子倒装。(完全倒装,但主语不能是代词)Down jumped the murderer from the tenth floor.In came Miss Green.特别注意:当主语是人称代词时不倒装。Away she went!(她走了!)Here you are!(你在这儿!)1.由关系代词who,whom,whose,that,which;关系副词when,where,why引导。 (下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!) e.g.1.The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week.2.The man (whom)you spoke to just now is my friend.3.The building whose lights are on is beautiful.4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in.5.The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg.6.He still remembers the day when he went to school.7.It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time.8.He has three sons, two of whom died in the war.9.Mr.Smith,whose wife is a clerk,teaches us English.10.In the Sunday paper there are comics,which children enjoy. 2.只能用that和who引导的定语从句 A.all,nothing,anything,a few,one做先行词指物时 B.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,后面常跟that而不是which C.先行词前有the only,the first,the last,the next,the very等词修饰时,引导词只能用that D.当先行词是anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,someone, somebody时,后面要用who或whome.g.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的并非都是金子。 3.as引导定语从句 A.引导限制性语从句。在此类定语从句中,as常与主语中作为其先行词的such,the same 或as联用构成,"such...as","the same...as"和"as...as"句型,可代替先行词。e.g.We hope to get such a tool as he is using.我们希望得到他正在用的那种工具。 B.as引导非限制性定语从句时,作用与which相同,as作为关系代词代替整个主句。(这是语法考试的一个考点。)注意区别:as引导的从句用于句首、句中或句后,而which引导的定语从句不能放在句首。e.g.As is reported,a foreign delegation will visit the city.据报道,一个外国代表团将访问这个城市。①原因:because,since,now that(既然)as,for,this reason... ②结果:so that,so,therefore,consequently,so as to,as a result... ③时间:after,before,when,while,as,until,as soon as,since,by the time,once,lately, presently,shortly after,currently,at present,nowadays... ④条件:if,only if,once,unless,in the event(that),in case(that),provided that,on the condition that... ⑤让步:though,although,even though(if),no matter what/how/when→whatever/ however/whenever... ⑥目的:in order that,in order to,to, 王牌要点:通常由that或疑问词导出。1.How some mammals came to live in the sea is not know.(主语从句)2.The attorney told his client that they had little chance of winning the case.(宾语从句)3.The problem is what we'll do next.(表语从句)4.We have no idea that he has come back.(同位语从句)同位语(Appositive):同位语是英语语法的重点内容,也是各类考试中的一个考点,同时,在写作中正确运用同位语可以使你的句型更加简洁得体。 《新概念英语》第三册第一课有这样一个句子:When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.(当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重
