




梯形逻辑编程法是主要的PLC编程方法。正如之前所说,梯形逻辑已发展到模仿继电器逻辑。通过选择简单的梯形逻辑编程法,培训工程师和商人所需要的金钱极大的减少。现代控制系统仍然包括继电器,但这些都是很少的逻辑使用。字母a继电器是一个简单的装置,它使用一个磁场来控制开关,如图图 1.1。当电压作用于输入线圈产生的磁场,产生电流领域。拉起磁场的金属开关,再实现它的接触和联系,关闭开关。

图1.1 简单的布局和继电器电路图

继电器的工作方式,让一个电源开关关闭另一(通常是高电流)电源,同时保持他们孤立。一个简单的例子,控制继电器应用,见图 1.2。在这方面,左边第一个接力是通常使得



图1.2中的例子没有显示整个控制系统,只有逻辑。当我们考虑一个PLC有输入,输出,和逻辑。图1.3显示的更全面。这里有两个按钮的输入。我们可以想像激活24V直流在PLC 继电器线圈的输入。反过来驱动器是一个输出继电器,开关115伏交流电,结果打开了一盏灯。请注意,在实际情况下PLC的输入继电器,常常又是输出继电器。PLC梯形图逻辑其实一种计算机程序,用户可以输入和更改它。注意,两个输入的推按钮常开,但里面的PLC梯形图逻辑有一个常开触点,和一个常闭触点。在PLC梯形逻辑图不需要匹配输入或输出。许多初学者会被抓住这点试图使阶梯逻辑匹配它的输入类型。






第一个是PLC的编程,一个基础技术的继电器逻辑接线示意图。虽然这就不需要教电工,技术员和工程师电脑编程 - 但是,这种方法一直是被认可的,这是现在最常见的PLC的编程技术。梯形逻辑的一个例子,图 1.5。为了解释这个图,想像左手垂直线方向,我们称之为热铁路。在右边是中立轨道。图中有两个人物,每个梯级有输入(2垂直线)和组合输出(圆圈)。如果输入是打开,或正确的组合可以关闭热流量通过铁路的输入,使得电力输出,最后中立铁路。输入来自于一个传感器,开关,或任何其他类型的传感器。输出会有是一些外围的PLC设备,开启或关闭则是如灯光或马达之类的。在发出指令后,有常开和常闭2种出点。这意味着,如果输入A和B是关闭,然后将输出并激活它。任何其他组合输入值将导致输入被关闭。



还有其他的PLC编程方法。最早的一个技术涉及的记忆指令。这些指令由阶梯逻辑图编写,并输入到PLC的编程,通过简单的终端。图1.6是一个记忆法的例子。在这个例子中,读取指令一次一行从上到下的时间。第一行00000的指令LDN(输入负载而不是输入答)这将检查输入到PLC,如果将它关闭记得1 1(或真),如果它会记住一个0(或假)。下一行使用一个(输入负载)语句看看输入。如果输入的是一个0,如果输入记得它是1(注意:这








2.1 PLC的连接



控制回路是临立会读的投入不断循环,解决了阶梯逻辑,然后更改输出。如同任何电脑不会发生即时。图2.2显示了PLC的基本操作周期。当电源开启最初的PLC做了快速完整性检查,以确保硬件正常工作。如果有问题,临立会停止,并说明有错误。例如,如果PLC的功率下降,即将引爆这将导致故障类型之一。如果临立会通过的完整性检查,然后将扫描(读取)所有的投入。输入值后,存储在内存中的阶梯逻辑将扫描(解决)使用存储的值 - 不是当前值。这样做是为了防止当输入逻辑问题期间更改梯子逻辑扫描。当梯子逻辑扫描完成的产出将扫描(输出值将被更改)。之后系统将可以追溯到做完整性检查,和循环继续下去。不同于一般的计算机,整个程序将被每次扫描运行。对每个阶段的典型是时代的毫秒秩序。

图2.2 PLC的扫描周期


PLC的输入很容易代表梯形逻辑。在图2.3有三个类型的显示的投入。前两个是常开和常闭投入,讨论以前。 IIT的(立即输入)函数允许后才能投入读输入扫描,而梯形逻辑被扫描。这使得梯形逻辑研究输入值往往超过一个周期。(注:本指令是不可用在ControlLogix 处理器,但仍然可以用旧型号的。)



在梯形逻辑有多种类型的产出,但这些都不是一贯可在所有的PLC。产出部分将外部连接的设备以外PLC的,但它也可以用在PLC内部存储器位置。 6种输出显示在图2.4。第一个是正常的输出,输出时活力会打开,和激励输出。用斜线通过圆是正常在输出。当通电输出将关闭。这种类型的输出上没有所有的PLC类型。当最初活力的OSR(一炮接力)指令将打开一个扫描,但后来被扫描后,就所有关闭,直到它关闭。的L(锁)和U(解锁)指令可以用来锁定输出。当一个L输出带旺输出会变成无限期,即使输出线圈deenergized。输出可只有关闭使用的U输出。最后一个指令是互操作性测试(立即输出)这将允许产出,而不必为梯形逻辑等待扫描更新为完成。



因此,大多数控件的应用程序(和PLC)和逻辑投入使用输出对于大多数应用。因此,我们将讨论逻辑I / O和休假连续的I / O后。对执行器输出使PLC在导致一些事情发生的过程。字母a执行器的流行短名单如下,以相对受欢迎。电磁阀 - 逻辑输出,可以切换液压或气动流。灯 - 这通常可以采用直接从PLC输出逻辑输出板。马达起动器 - 电机常常引起

人们的电流时,开始大量的,因此他们需要电动机起动器,基本上大的继电器。伺服电机 - 从PLC的连续输出可以命令变速或立场。从PLC的产出常常继电器,但它们也可以固体电子学例如DC输出或输出的双向交流晶体管。连续输出要求特别输出卡与数字到模拟转换器。输入来自传感器转化为电信号的物理现象。

传感器典型的例子是下面列出的普及相对顺序。接近开关 - 使用电感,电容或光线来检测对象的逻辑。开关 - 机械机制,将打开或关闭电接触的逻辑信号。电位器 - 不断措施角位置,使用性。LVDT(线性可变差动变压器) - 线性位移的措施不断用磁耦合。从PLC的产出常常继电器,但它们也可以固体电子学例如DC输出或输出的双向交流晶体管。连续输出要求特别输出卡与数字到模拟转换器。输入来自传感器转化为电信号的物理现象。传感器典型的例子是下面列出的普及相对顺序。接近开关 - 使用电感,电容或光线来检测对象的逻辑。开关 - 机械机制,将打开或关闭电接触的逻辑信号。电位器 - 不断措施角位置,使用性。LVDT(线性可变差动变压器) - 线性位移的措施不断用磁耦合。

3.1.1 PLC的输入


图3.1 AC输入卡和梯形逻辑

在这个例子中有两个输入,一个是常开按钮,和第二个是一个温度开关,或热继电器。(注意:这些符号是标准稍后将讨论在这一章。)的开关都采用了积极/炎热的输出器24VAC电源- 这就像在一个直流电源正端的。权力是提供给对两个开关的左侧。当开关打开有传递到输入卡没有电压。如果任一电源开关,将关闭提供给输入卡。在这种情况下投入1和3是使用 - 通知,开始投入在0。输入卡比较这些电压的共同。如果输入电压范围内一个给定的容差范围的投入,将开关。梯形逻辑图中显示为的投入。在这里它使用的ControlLogix艾伦布拉德利符号。在顶部的标签(变量名)为在机架上。输入卡('我')是在插槽3,因此该卡的地址是鲍勃:3.I.Data.x,其中,'x'是输入位的数字。这些地址也可以给定别名标签,使较少的阶梯逻辑混乱。



3.1.2 输出模块




一个独立的继电器,致力于每个输出。这使得混合电压(AC或DC和电压水平,直至最高),以及绝缘输出以保护其他产出和PLC。响应时间往往大于10毫秒。此方法是最不敏感的电压变化和尖峰。交换产出 - 电压提供给PLC的卡,卡切换到使用固态电路(晶体管,晶闸管等)双向不同的输出适合交流设备需要小于1A。晶体管输出NPN或使用PNP晶体管高达1A典型。它们的反应时间大大低于1毫秒。

Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs Control engineering has evolved over time. In the past humans were the mainmethod for controlling a system. More recently electricity has been used for control andearly electrical control was based on relays. These relays allow power to be switched on

and off without a mechanical switch. It is common to use relays to make simple logicalcontrol decisions. The development of low cost computer has brought the most recent revolution,the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The advent of the PLC began in the1970s, and has become the most common choice for manufacturing controls.PLCs have been gaining popularity on the factory floor and will probably remainpredominant for some time to come. Most of this is because of the advantages they offer.

1.1 Ladder logic

Ladder logic is the main programming method used for PLCs. As mentioned before, ladder logic has been developed to mimic relay logic. logic diagrams was a strategic one. By selecting ladder logic as the main programming method, the amount of retraining needed for engineers and tradespeople was greatly reduced.

Modern control systems still include relays, but these are rarely used for logic. A relay is a simple device that uses a magnetic field to control a switch, as pictured in Figure 1.1. When a voltage is applied to the input coil, the resulting current creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field pulls a metal switch (or reed) towards it and the contacts touch, closing the switch.

Figure 1.1 Simple Relay Layouts and Schematics Relays are used to let one power source close a switch for another (often high current) power source, while keeping them isolated. An example of a relay in a simple control application is shown in Figure 1.2. In this system the first relay on the left is used as normally closed, and will allow current to flow until a voltage is applied to the input A. The second relay is normally open and will not allow current to flow until a voltage is applied to the input B. If current is flowing through the first two relays then current will flow through the coil in the third relay, and close the switch for output C. This circuit would normally be drawn in the ladder logic form. This can be read

logically as C will be on if A is off and B is on.

Figure 1.2 A Simple Relay Controller

The example in Figure 1.2 does not show the entire control system, but only the logic. When we consider a PLC there are inputs, outputs, and the logic. Figure 1.3 shows a more complete representation of the PLC. Here there are two inputs from push buttons.We can imagine the inputs as activating 24V DC relay coils in the PLC. This in turn drives an output relay that switches 115V AC, that will turn on a light. Note, in actual PLCs inputs are never relays, but outputs are often relays. The ladder logic in the PLC is actually a computer program that the user can enter and change. Notice that both of the input push buttons are normally open, but the ladder logic inside the PLC has one normally open contact, and one normally closed contact. Do not think that the ladder logic in the PLC need so match the inputs or outputs. Many beginners will get caught trying to make the ladder logic match the input types


Figure 1.3 A PLC Illustrated With Relays

Many relays also have multiple outputs (throws) and this allows an output relay to also be an input simultaneously. The circuit shown in Figure 1.4 is an example of this, it is called a seal in circuit. In this circuit the current can flow through either branch of the circuit, through the contacts labelled A or B. The input B will only be on when the output B is on. If B is off, and A is energized, then B will turn on. If B turns on then the input B will turn on, and keep output B on even if input A goes off. After B is turned on the output B will not turn off.

Figure 1.4 A Seal-in Circuit

1.2 Programming

The first PLCs were programmed with a technique that was based on relay logic wiring schematics. This eliminated the need to teach the electricians, technicians and engineers how to program a computer - but, this method has stuck and it is the most common technique for programming PLCs today. An example of ladder logic can be seen in Figure 1.5. To interpret this diagram imagine that the power is on the vertical line on the left hand side, we call this the hot rail. On the right hand side is the neutral rail. In the figure there are two rungs, and on each rung there are combinations of inputs (two vertical lines) and outputs (circles). If the inputs are opened or closed in the right combination the power can flow from the hot rail, through the inputs, to power the outputs, and finally to the neutral rail. An input can come from a sensor, switch, or any other type of sensor. An output will be some device outside the PLC that is switched on or off, such as lights or motors. In the top rung the contacts are normally open and normally closed. Which means if input A is on and input B is off, then power will flow through the output and activate it. Any other combination of input values will result in the output X being off.

Figure 1.5 A Simple Ladder Logic Diagram

The second rung of Figure 1.5 is more complex, there are actually multiple combinations of inputs that will result in the output Y turning on. On the left most part of the rung, power could flow through the top if C is off and D is on. Power could also (and simultaneously) flow through the bottom if both E and F are true. This would get power half way across the rung, and then if G or H is true the power will be delivered to output Y. In later chapters we will examine how to interpret and construct these diagrams.

There are other methods for programming PLCs. One of the earliest techniques involved mnemonic instructions. These instructions can be derived directly from the ladder logic diagrams and entered into the PLC through a simple programming terminal. An example of mnemonics is shown in Figure 1.6. In this example the instructions are read one line at a time from top to bottom. The first line 00000 has the instruction LDN (input load and not) for input A. . This will examine the input to the PLC and if it is off it will remember a 1 (or true), if it is on it will remember a 0 (or false). The next line uses an LD (input load) statement to look at the input. If the input is off it remembers a 0, if the input is on it remembers a 1 (note: this is the reverse of the LD). The AND statement recalls the last two numbers remembered and if the are both true the result is a 1, otherwise the result is a 0. This result now replaces the two numbers that were recalled, and there is only one number remembered. The process is repeated for lines 00003 and 00004, but when these are done there are now three numbers remembered.

The oldest number is from the AND, the newer numbers are from the two LD instructions. The AND in line 00005 combines the results from the last LD instructions and now there are two numbers remembered. The OR instruction takes the two numbers now remaining and if either one is a 1 the result is a 1, otherwise the result is a 0. This result replaces the two numbers, and there is now a single number there. The last instruction is the ST (store output) that will look at the last value stored and if it is 1, the output will be turned on, if it is 0 the output will be turned off.

Figure 1.6 An Example of a Mnemonic Program and Equivalent Ladder Logic

The ladder logic program in Figure 1.6, is equivalent to the mnemonic program. Even if you have

programmed a PLC with ladder logic, it will be converted to mnemonic form before being used by the PLC. In the past mnemonic programming was the most common, but now it is uncommon for users to even see mnemonic programs.

Sequential Function Charts (SFCs) have been developed to accommodate the programming of more advanced systems. These are similar to flowcharts, but much more powerful. The example seen in Figure 1.7 is doing two different things. To read the chart, start at the top where is says start. Below this there is the double horizontal line that says follow both paths. As a result the PLC will start to follow the branch on the left and right hand sides separately and simultaneously. On the left there are two functions the first one is the power up function. This function will run until it decides it is done, and the power down function will come after. On the right hand side is the flash function, this will run until it is done. These functions look unexplained, but each function, such as power up will be a small ladder logic program. This method is much different from flowcharts because it does not have to follow a single path through the flowchart..

Figure 1.7 An Example of a Sequential Function Chart

Structured Text programming has been developed as a more modern programming language. It is quite similar to languages such as BASIC. A simple example is shown in Figure 1.8. This example uses a PLC memory location i. This memory location is for an integer, as will be explained later in the book. The first line of the program sets the value to 0. The next line begins a loop, and will be where the loop returns to. The next line recalls the value in location i, adds 1 to it and returns it to the same location. The next line checks to see if the loop should quit. If i is greater than or equal to 10, then the loop will quit, otherwise the computer will go back up to the REPEAT statement continue from there. Each time the program goes through this loop i will increase by 1 until the value reaches 10.

Figure 1.8 An Example of a Structured Text Program

2.1 PLC Connections

When a process is controlled by a PLC it uses inputs from sensors to make decisions and update outputs to drive actuators, as shown in Figure 2.1. The process is a real process that will change over time. Actuators will drive the system to new states (or modes of operation). This means that the controller is limited by the sensors available, if an input

is not available, the controller will have no way to detect a condition.

Figure 2.1 The Separation of Controller and Process

The control loop is a continuous cycle of the PLC reading inputs, solving the ladder logic, and then changing the outputs. Like any computer this does not happen instantly. Figure 2.2 shows the basic operation cycle of a PLC. When power is turned on initially the PLC does a quick sanity check to ensure that the hardware is working properly.If there is a problem the PLC will halt and indicate there is an error. For example, if the PLC power is dropping and about to go off this will result in one type of fault. If the PLC passes the sanity check it will then scan (read) all the inputs. After the inputs values are stored in memory the ladder logic will be scanned (solved) using the stored values not the current values. This is done to prevent logic problems when inputs change during the ladder logic scan. When the ladder logic scan is complete the outputs will be scanned (the output values will be changed). After this the system goes back to do a sanity check, and the loop continues indefinitely. Unlike normal computers, the entire program will be run every scan. Typical times for each of the stages is in the order of milliseconds.

Figure 2.2 The Scan Cycle of a PLC

2.2 Ladder Logic Inputs

PLC inputs are easily represented in ladder logic. In Figure 2.3 there are three types of inputs shown. The first two are normally open and normally closed inputs, discussed previously. The IIT (Immediate InpuT) function allows inputs to be read after the input scan, while the ladder logic is being scanned. This allows ladder logic to examine input values more often than once every cycle. (Note: This instruction is not available on the ControlLogix processors, but is still available on older models.)

Figure 2.3 Ladder Logic Inputs

2.3 Ladder Logic Outputs

In ladder logic there are multiple types of outputs, but these are not consistently available on all PLCs. Some of the outputs will be externally connected to devices outside the PLC, but it is also possible to use internal memory locations in the PLC. Six types of outputs are shown in Figure 2.4. The first is a normal output, when energized the output will turn on, and energize an output. The circle with a diagonal line through is a normally on output. When energized the output will turn off. This type of output is not available on all PLC types. When initially energized the OSR (One Shot Relay) instruction will turn on for one scan, but then be off for all scans after, until it is turned off. The L (latch) and U (unlatch) instructions can be used to lock outputs on. When an L output is energized the output will turn on indefinitely, even when the output coil is deenergized. The output can only be turned off using a U output. The last instruction is the IOT (Immediate OutpuT) The last instruction is the

IOT (Immediate OutpuT)that will allow outputs to be updated without having to wait for the ladder logic scan to be completed.


Inputs to, and outputs from, a PLC are necessary to monitor and control a process. Both inputs and outputs can be categorized into two basic types: logical or continuous. Consider the example of a light bulb. If it can only be turned on or off, it is logical control. If the light can be dimmed to different levels, it is continuous. Continuous values seem more intuitive, but logical values are preferred because they allow more certainty, and simplify control.

As a result most controls applications (and PLCs) use logical inputs and outputs for most applications. Hence, we will discuss logical I/O and leave continuous I/O for later. Outputs to actuators allow a PLC to cause something to happen in a process. A short list of popular actuators is given below in order of relative popularity. Solenoid Valves - logical outputs that can switch a hydraulic or pneumatic flow. Lights - logical outputs that can often be powered directly from PLC output boards.Motor Starters - motors often draw a large amount of current when started, so they require motor starters, which are basically large relays. Servo Motors - a continuous output from the PLC can command a variable speed or position. Outputs from PLCs are often relays, but they can also be solid state electronics such as transistors for DC outputs or Triacs for AC outputs. Continuous outputs require special output cards with digital to analog converters. Inputs come from sensors that translate physical phenomena into electrical signals.

Typical examples of sensors are listed below in relative order of popularity.Proximity Switches - use inductance, capacitance or light to detect an object logically. Switches - mechanical mechanisms will open or close electrical contacts for a logical signal. Potentiometer - measures angular positions continuously, using resistance. LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) - measures linear displacement continuously using magnetic coupling. Inputs for a PLC come in a few basic varieties, the simplest are AC and DC inputs. Sourcing and sinking inputs are also popular. This output method dictates that a device does not supply any power. Instead, the device only switches current on or off, like a simple switch. Sinking - When active the output allows current to flow to a common ground. This is best selected when different voltages are supplied. Sourcing - When active, current flows from a supply, through the output device and to ground. This method is best used when all devices use a single supply voltage. This is also referred to as NPN (sinking) and PNP (sourcing). PNP is more popular. This will be covered in detail in the chapter on sensors.

3.1.1 Inputs

In smaller PLCs the inputs are normally built in and are specified when purchasing the PLC. For larger PLCs the inputs are purchased as modules, or cards, with 8 or 16 inputs of the same type on each card. For discussion purposes we will discuss all inputs as if they have been purchased as cards. The list below shows typical ranges for input voltages, and is roughly in order of popularity. PLC input cards rarely supply power, this means that an external power supply is needed to supply power for the inputs and sensors. The example in Figure 3.1 shows how to connect an AC input card.

Figure 3.1 An AC Input Card and Ladder Logic

In the example there are two inputs, one is a normally open push button, and the second is a temperature switch, or thermal relay. (NOTE: These symbols are standard and will be discussed later in this chapter.) Both of the switches are powered by the positive/ hot output of the 24Vac power supply - this is like the positive terminal on a DC supply. Power is supplied to the left side of both of the switches. When the switches are open there is no voltage passed to the input card. If either of the switches are closed power will be supplied to the input card. In this case inputs 1 and 3 are used - notice that the inputs start at 0. The input card compares these voltages to the common. If the input voltage is within a given tolerance range the inputs will switch on. Ladder logic is shown in the figure for the inputs. Here it uses Allen Bradley notation for ControlLogix. At the top is the tag (variable name) for the rack. The input card (’I’) is in slot 3, so the address for the card is bob:3.I.Data.x, where ’x’ is the input bit number. These addresses can also be given alias tags to make the ladder logic less confusing.

Many beginners become confused about where connections are needed in the circuit above. The key word to remember is circuit, which means that there is a full loop that the voltage must be able to follow. In Figure 3.1 we can start following the circuit (loop) at the power supply. The path goes through the switches, through the input card, and back to the power supply where it flows back through to the start. In a full PLC implementation there will be many circuits that must each be complete. A second important concept is the common. Here the neutral on the power supply is the common, or reference voltage. In effect we have chosen this to be our 0V reference, and all other voltages are measured relative to it. If we had a second power supply, we would also need to connect the neutral so that both neutrals would be connected to the same common. Often common and ground will be confused. The common is a reference, or datum voltage that is used for 0V, but the ground is used to prevent shocks and damage to equipment. The ground is connected under a building to a metal pipe or grid in the ground.

This is connected to the electrical system of a building, to the power outlets, where the metal cases of electrical


景德镇陶瓷学院 毕业设计(论文)有关外文翻 译 院系:机械电子工程学院 专业:自动化 姓名:肖骞 学号: 201010320116 指导教师:万军 完成时间: 2014.5.8 说明

1、将与课题有关的专业外文翻译成中文是毕业设计(论文)中的一个不可缺少的环节。此环节是培养学生阅读专业外文和检验学生专业外文阅读能力的一个重要环节。通过此环节进一步提高学生阅读专业外文的能力以及使用外文资料为毕业设计服务,并为今后科研工作打下扎实的基础。 2、要求学生查阅与课题相关的外文文献3篇以上作为课题参考文献,并将其中1篇(不少于3000字)的外文翻译成中文。中文的排版按后面格式进行填写。外文内容是否与课题有关由指导教师把关,外文原文附在后面。 3、指导教师应将此外文翻译格式文件电子版拷给所指导的学生,统一按照此排版格式进行填写,完成后打印出来。 4、请将封面、译文与外文原文装订成册。 5、此环节在开题后毕业设计完成前完成。 6、指导教师应从查阅的外文文献与课题紧密相关性、翻译的准确性、是否通顺以及格式是否规范等方面去进行评价。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402 TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402 DSP CONTROLLERS The TMS320LF240x and TMS320LC240x devices, new members of the ‘24x family of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The ‘240x devices offer the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the ‘C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing ‘24x DSP controller devices, the ‘240x offers increased processing performance (30 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240x device summary section for device-specific features. The ‘240x family offers an array of memory sizes and different peripherals tailored to meet the specific price/performance points required by various applications. Flash-based devices of up to 32K words offer a reprogrammable solution useful for: ◆Applications requiring field programmability upgrades. ◆Development and initial prototyping of applications that migrate to ROM-based devices. Flash devices and corresponding ROM devices are fully pin-to-pin compatible. Note that flash-based devices contain a 256-word boot ROM to facilitate in-circuit programming. All ‘240x devices offer at least one event manager module which has been optimized for digital motor control and power conversion applications. Capabilities of this module include centered- and/or edge-aligned PWM generation, programmable deadband to prevent shoot-through faults, and synchronized analog-to-digital conversion. Devices with dual event managers enable multiple motor and/or converter


文献出处:Bedard J C, Hoitash R, et al. The development of the enterprise risk management theory [J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2014, 30(4): 64-95. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The development of the enterprise risk management theory Bedard J C, Hoitash R Abstract Enterprise risk management as an important field of risk management disciplines, in more than 50 years of development process of the implementation of dispersing from multiple areas of research to the integration of comprehensive risk management framework evolution, the theory of risk management and internal audit and control theory are two major theoretical sources of risk management theory has experienced from the traditional risk management, financial volatility to the development of the enterprise risk management, risk management and internal audit and control theory went through the internal accounting control and internal control integrated framework to the evolution of enterprise risk management, the development of the theory of the above two points to the direction of the enterprise risk management, finally realizes the integration development, enterprise risk management theory to become an important part of enterprise management is indispensable. Keywords: enterprise risk management, internal audit the internal control 1 The first theory source, evolution of the theory of risk management "Risk management" as a kind of operation and management idea, has a long history: thousands of years ago in the west have "don't put all eggs in one basket" the proverb, the ancient Chinese famous "product valley hunger" allusions and "yicang ("


第二部分 控制理论 第1章 1.1控制系统的引入 人类控制自然力量的设计促进人类历史的发展,我们已经广泛的能利用这种量进行在人类本身力量之外的物理进程?在充满活力的20世纪中,控制系统工程的发展已经使得很多梦想成为了现实?控制系统工程队我们取得的成就贡献巨大?回首过去,控制系统工程主要的贡献在机器人,航天驾驶系统包括成功的实现航天器的软着陆,航空飞机自动驾驶与自动控制,船舶与潜水艇控制系统,水翼船?气垫船?高速铁路自动控制系统,现代铁路控制系统? 以上这些类型的控制控制系统和日常生活联系紧密,控制系统是一系列相关的原件在系统运行的基础上相互关联的构成的,此外控制系统存在无人状态下的运行,如飞机自控驾驶,汽车的巡航控制系统?对于控制系统,特别是工业控制系统,我们通常面对的是一系列的器件,自动控制是一个复合型的学科?控制工程师的工作需要具有力学,电子学,机械电子,流体力学,结构学,无料的各方面的知识?计算机在控制策略的执行中具有广泛的应用,并且控制工程的需求带动了信息技术的与软件工程的发展? 通常控制系统的范畴包括开环控制系统与闭环控制系统,两种系统的区别在于是否在系统中加入了闭环反馈装置? 开环控制系统 开环控制系统控制硬件形式很简单,图2.1描述了一个单容液位控制系统, 图2.1单容液位控制系统 我们的控制目标是保持容器的液位h 在水流出流量V 1变化的情况下保持在一定 可接受的范围内,可以通过调节入口流量V 2实现?这个系统不是精确的系统,本系 统无法精确地检测输出流量V 2,输入流量V 1以及容器液位高度?图2.2描述了这 个系统存在的输入(期望的液位)与输出(实际液位)之间的简单关系, 图2.2液位控制系统框图 这种信号流之间的物理关系的描述称为框图?箭头用来描述输入进入系统,以及


自动化制造系统与PLC关系 控制工程随着时间的演变。过去的人们主要致力于控制方面研究。最近电力已被应用于控制,早期电气控制是基于继电器的。这些继电器使其可以在没有机械开关的情况下被开动和关闭。这是通常使用继电器进行简单的逻辑控制的方法。低成本计算机的发展带来了新的革命,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)出现于70年代,它已成为制造控制的最常见选择。PLC的功能受到越来越多的工厂欢迎并可能作为主要控制手段再今后的一段时间内。而这其中绝大部分原因是因为PLC 它的优点很多。 1.1梯形逻辑 梯形逻辑编程法是主要的PLC编程方法。正如之前所说,梯形逻辑已发展到模仿继电器逻辑。通过选择简单的梯形逻辑编程法,培训工程师和商人所需要的金钱极大的减少。现代控制系统仍然包括继电器,但这些都是很少的逻辑使用。字母a继电器是一个简单的装置,它使用一个磁场来控制开关,如图图1.1。当电压作用于输入线圈产生的磁场,产生电流领域。拉起磁场的金属开关,再实现它的接触和联系,关闭开关。 图1.1 简单的布局和继电器电路图 继电器的工作方式,让一个电源开关关闭另一(通常是高电流)电源,同时保持他们孤立。一个简单的例子,控制继电器应用,见图 1.2。在这方面,左边第一个接力是通常使得系统关闭,并允许电流流动,直到电压加到输入端甲,第二个中继器通常是开放的,不会允许目前的速度,目前的输入二是流经前两个继电器

然后电流流通过在第三继电器线圈,并关闭输出 C.此电路的开关会通常应用在制定阶梯逻辑形式。这可以被解释为将C逻辑作用,如果A关闭B合上的话。 图1.2一个简单的继电器控制器 图1.2中的例子没有显示整个控制系统,只有逻辑。当我们考虑一个PLC 有输入,输出,和逻辑。图1.3显示的更全面。这里有两个按钮的输入。我们可以想像激活24V直流在PLC继电器线圈的输入。反过来驱动器是一个输出继电器,开关115伏交流电,结果打开了一盏灯。请注意,在实际情况下PLC的输入继电器,常常又是输出继电器。PLC梯形图逻辑其实一种计算机程序,用户可以输入和更改它。注意,两个输入的推按钮常开,但里面的PLC梯形图逻辑有一个常开触点,和一个常闭触点。在PLC梯形逻辑图不需要匹配输入或输出。许多初学者会被抓住这点试图使阶梯逻辑匹配它的输入类型。 图1.3继电器PLC的简图 许多继电器也有多个输出(抛出),这允许输出继电器可以同时输入。图1.4所示的电路是一个例子,它是在电路里称为印章。此电路的电流流过两个电路的分支,通过接触标签A或B的输入端,B只相对乙输出。如果B是关闭的,而A 是通电,那么B将打开。如果B打开,然后输入,B将打开。打开后,乙在输出,乙将不会关闭。 图1.4电路 1.2编程


五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译 工具大全 建议收藏 在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:G oogle“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手"。 具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。 注: 1、Google翻译: google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用

吧 比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译, 首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在g oogle里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译: CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M): 翻译时的速度: 这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买清华


1、 外文原文 A: Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer Th e si ng le -c hi p m ic ro co mp ut er i s t he c ul mi na ti on of both t h e de ve lo pm en t o f t he d ig it al co m pu te r an d th e i n te gr at ed c i rc ui t a rg ua bl y t h e to w m os t s ig ni f ic an t i nv en ti on s o f t he 20th c e nt ur y [1]. Th es e t ow ty pe s of ar ch it ec tu re a re fo un d i n s in g le -ch i p m i cr oc om pu te r. So m e em pl oy t he spl i t pr og ra m/da ta m e mo ry o f th e H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re , sh ow n in Fi g.3-5A -1, o th ers fo ll ow t he p h il os op hy , wi del y a da pt ed f or ge n er al -p ur po se co m pu te rs a nd m i cr op ro ce ss o r s, o f ma ki ng n o log i ca l di st in ct ion be tw ee n p r og ra m an d d at a m e mo ry a s i n t he P r in ce to n ar ch ite c tu re , sh ow n i n F ig.3-5A-2. In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e -chi p m ic ro co mp ut er i s c h ar ac te ri ze d b y t h e i nc or po ra ti on o f a ll t he un it s of a co mp uter i n to a s in gl e d ev i ce , as s ho wn in Fi g3-5A -3. Fig.3-5A-1 A Harvard type Program memory Data memory CPU Input& Output unit memory CPU Input& Output unit


电厂蒸汽动力的基础和使用 1.1 为何需要了解蒸汽 对于目前为止最大的发电工业部门来说, 蒸汽动力是最为基础性的。 若没有蒸汽动力, 社会的样子将会变得和现在大为不同。我们将不得已的去依靠水力发电厂、风车、电池、太阳能蓄电池和燃料电池,这些方法只能为我们平日用电提供很小的一部分。 蒸汽是很重要的,产生和使用蒸汽的安全与效率取决于怎样控制和应用仪表,在术语中通常被简写成C&I(控制和仪表 。此书旨在在发电厂的工程规程和电子学、仪器仪表以 及控制工程之间架设一座桥梁。 作为开篇,我将在本章大体描述由水到蒸汽的形态变化,然后将叙述蒸汽产生和使用的基本原则的概述。这看似简单的课题实际上却极为复杂。这里, 我们有必要做一个概述:这本书不是内容详尽的论文,有的时候甚至会掩盖一些细节, 而这些细节将会使热力学家 和燃烧物理学家都为之一震。但我们应该了解,这本书的目的是为了使控制仪表工程师充 分理解这一课题,从而可以安全的处理实用控制系统设计、运作、维护等方面的问题。1.2沸腾:水到蒸汽的状态变化 当水被加热时,其温度变化能通过某种途径被察觉(例如用温度计 。通过这种方式 得到的热量因为在某时水开始沸腾时其效果可被察觉,因而被称为感热。 然而,我们还需要更深的了解。“沸腾”究竟是什么含义?在深入了解之前,我们必须考虑到物质的三种状态:固态,液态,气态。 (当气体中的原子被电离时所产生的等离子气体经常被认为是物质的第四种状态, 但在实际应用中, 只需考虑以上三种状态固态,

物质由分子通过分子间的吸引力紧紧地靠在一起。当物质吸收热量,分子的能量升级并且 使得分子之间的间隙增大。当越来越多的能量被吸收,这种效果就会加剧,粒子之间相互脱离。这种由固态到液态的状态变化通常被称之为熔化。 当液体吸收了更多的热量时,一些分子获得了足够多的能量而从表面脱离,这个过程 被称为蒸发(凭此洒在地面的水会逐渐的消失在蒸发的过程中,一些分子是在相当低的 温度下脱离的,然而随着温度的上升,分子更加迅速的脱离,并且在某一温度上液体内部 变得非常剧烈,大量的气泡向液体表面升起。在这时我们称液体开始沸腾。这个过程是变为蒸汽的过程,也就是液体处于汽化状态。 让我们试想大量的水装在一个敞开的容器内。液体表面的空气对液体施加了一定的压 力,随着液体温度的上升,便会有足够的能量使得表面的分子挣脱出去,水这时开始改变 自身的状态,变成蒸汽。在此条件下获得更多的热量将不会引起温度上的明显变化。所增 加的能量只是被用来改变液体的状态。它的效用不能用温度计测量出来,但是它仍然发生 着。正因为如此,它被称为是潜在的,而不是可认知的热量。使这一现象发生的温度被称为是沸点。在常温常压下,水的沸点为100摄氏度。 如果液体表面的压力上升, 需要更多的能量才可以使得水变为蒸汽的状态。 换句话说, 必须使得温度更高才可以使它沸腾。总而言之,如果大气压力比正常值升高百分之十,水必须被加热到一百零二度才可以使之沸腾。


电气工程与自动化学院 本科毕业设计专业翻译资料(中文读书报告) 学生姓名:王超杰 专业班级:自动化12-06班 学号:311208002219 2016 年 6 月11 日

原文: Design of Combustible Gas Detection system using Wireless Transmission Technology Shijiazhuang Universities of Economics, Hebei, China zkzhlp@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca13701232.html, Keywords:TGS813, AT89S52, DS18B20, nRF905, TC35i Abstract.The detection device of combustible gas are designed in the presented work,using wireless transceiver and GSM network.The system realize the wireless transmission of the gas concentration,and also can send alarm information to user’s mobile when an exception occurs. The system consists of two parts: a master and slave. The function of the slave is to collect data, process data and transffer the data to the master.The taskof the master is to receive data and display it by LED. The signal acquisition is completed by sensor TGS813 and A/D converter TLC2543. The wireless transmission is achieved through wireless transceiver nRF905. Since the accuracy of the sensor is affected by the environment,using DS18B20 to achieve temperature compensation. And with wireless communication module TC35i and GSM network platform, we can send the alarm information to user’s mobile promptly. Introduction Gas detection is widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, family, shopping malls, gas stations and other places. Currently, how to monitor the hazardous gas fast and accurately are the important issues. Although the gas detection technology is relatively mature, but most products has many shortcomings, such as single function, operating complex, bulky, expensive and low sensitivity. Wireless communication technology applied to the gas monitoring field, can resolve the problem of remote monitoring in special environment, such as high temperature, low temperature, toxic gas.and unable to wiring . In the presented work, the combustible gas detectoris fully functional (with wireless transceiver), simple, small size, low cost, and has high sensitivity. The equipment can greatly improve the system's detection capability and accuracy with temperature compensation algorithm, and also can send alarm information to the user's mobile phone promptly through the GSM network. System design The system consists of two parts as shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1 Overall system block diagram


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《自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文主编-全文翻译 PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3 B Three-phase Circuits UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5 B Transistors UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8 B Binary Number System UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11 B Power Electronic Converters UNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15 B Closed-loop Control of D C Drivers UNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19 B Induction Motor Drive UNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22 B Power System Automation PART 2Control Theory UNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27 B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30 B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32 B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38 B State Equations 40 UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability B Optimum Control Systems UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control B Artificial Neural Network PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42 B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43 UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44 B The Applications of Computers 46 UNIT 3 A PLC Overview B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control


(从Ph.D到现在工作半年,发了12 篇paper, 7 篇first author.)我现在每天还保持读至少2-3 篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献. 1. 每次读完文献(不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的take home message 是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion 里找, 并且从discuss 里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message 其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点. 2. 扩充知识面的读法, 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展类似的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review 也行, 但这样人容易懒惰. 3. 为了写文章的读法, 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion 的时候,看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿, 就不容易忘记. 科研牛人二告诉研究生怎么看文献,怎么写论文 一、先看综述 先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。对于国内文献一般批评的声音很多.但它是你迅速了解你的研究领域的入口,在此之后,你再 看外文文献会比一开始直接看外文文献理解的快得多。而国外的综述多为本学科的资深人士撰写,涉及范围广,可以让人事半功倍。 二、有针对地选择文献 针对你自己的方向,找相近的论文来读,从中理解文章中回答什么问题,通过哪些技术手段来 证明,有哪些结论?从这些文章中,了解研究思路,逻辑推论,学习技术方法. 1.关键词、主题词检索: 关键词、主题词一定要选好,这样,才能保证你所要的内容的全面。因为,换个主题词,可以有新的内容出现。 2. 检索某个学者: 查SCI,知道了某个在这个领域有建树的学者,找他近期发表的文章。 3. 参考综述检索: 如果有与自己课题相关或有切入点的综述,可以根据相应的参考文献找到那些原始的研究论文。 4. 注意文章的参考价值: 刊物的影响因子、文章的被引次数能反映文章的参考价值。但要注意引用这篇文章的其它文章是如何评价这篇文章的 三、如何阅读文献 1.注重摘要:摘要可以说是一个论文的窗口。多数文章看摘要,少数文章看全文。真正有用的全文并不多,过分追求全文是浪费,不可走极端。当然只看摘要也是不对的。多数文章题目、摘要简单浏览后,直接把几个Figure 及Title 与legend 一看,一般能掌握大部分。 2.通读全文:读第一遍的时候一定要认真,争取明白每句的大意,能不查字典最好先不查字典。因为读论文的目的并不是学英语,而是获取信息,查了字典以后思维会非常混乱,往往读完全文不知所谓。可以在读的过程中将生字标记,待通读全文后再查找其意思。

自动化专业英语 翻译

1.1 In recent years the performance requirements for process plant have become increasingly difficult to satisfy. Stronger competition, tougher (更加严苛的) environmental and safety regulations (法规), and rapidly changing economic conditions have been key factors in the tightening of plant product quality specifications (产品质量规范).A further complication (复杂) is that modern processes have become more difficult to operate because of the trend toward larger, more highly integrated plants with smaller surge capacities (谐振能力) between the various processing units. Such plants give the operators little opportunity to prevent upsets (扰乱) from propagating from one unit to other interconnected units. In view of (考虑到,由于) the increased emphasis placed on safe, efficient plant operation, it is only natural that the subject of process control has become increasingly important in recent years. In fact, without process control it would not be possible to operate most modern processes safely and profitably (有利的), while satisfying plant quality standards. 近年来,对过程系统的性能改善需求变得越来越困难.更为激烈的竞争,更加严格的环境和安全规范,以及快速变化的经济条件都是加强工厂产品质量规范的关键因素更为复杂的情况是,由于现代制造业朝着规模更大,集成度更高的方向发展,而使不同的加工环节之间的应变能力更低, 所以加工过程更难控制近年来,考虑到工业制造逐渐加强的安全、高效需求,过程控制这个课题变得越来越受重视. 实际上,对于大多数现代工业,要满足安全、高效,产品质量的要求,没有控制系统是不可能的. It is assumed that the inlet and outlet flow rates are identical (相同的) and that the liquid density ρ (rho) remains consant,that is, the temperature variations are small enough that the temperature dependence of ρ can be neglected. Under these conditions the volu me V of liquid in the tank remains constant. 假设输入和输出流量是相等的,并且液体密度保持恒定,也就是说温度变化足够小,密度对温度的影响可以忽略不计. 在这些条件下,槽内液体的体积保持恒定 Use a larger tank. If a larger tank is used, fluctuations (波动) in Ti will tend to be damped out (阻尼,衰减) due to the larger thermal capacitance of the tank contents. However, increased volume of tankage would be an expensive solution for an industrial plant due to the increased capital costs of the larger tank.Note that this approach is analogous to the use of water baths in chemistry laboratories where the large thermal capacitance of the bath serves as a heat sink (散热装置) and thus provides an isothermal (恒温的) environment for a small-scale research apparatus (仪器). 使用一个更大的槽. 如果使用更大的槽,因为更大的热容,Ti的波动会趋向于衰减. 然而,体积增加使得开支增加,会使工厂系统的解决方案变得更加昂贵.要指出的是这个方法类似于化学实验室中水缸的使用,水缸的大热容量可以看作散热装置,因此可以为小型研究仪器提供一个恒温环境. Note that in feedforward control, the controlled variable T is not measured. 在前馈控制中,被控变量T是没有被测量的. 1.2 The motivation of using feedback, illustrated (说明) by the examples in Section (1), is somewhat oversimplified.In these examples, the use of feedback is shown to be for the purpose of reducing the error between the reference input and the system output.However, the significance of the
