




Speaking Part:

Task 1


Task 2


Task 3




理由二排队的人可以通过inter library loan的方式跨校际图书馆借阅不必死等

Task 4

animal use their existing feature for new purpose


举例非洲一种鸟类用翅膀作为canopy 遮挡阳光这样容易看清水里的食物就这一个例子Task 5



方案二:从图书馆借来公民凯恩的DVD COPY 缺点是屏幕会比较小大家得靠前坐气氛稍差Task 6

经营者使用ecofriendly practice不仅道德上优越而且可以获得实际利益





Speaking Part:

Task 1

Describe an activity that you enjoy to do together with your family. Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your response.

Task 2

Some people prefer to do shopping in large grocery stores or department stores. Others prefer to do shopping in small grocery stores. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 3

【学校通知】:大学计划cut off教学楼旁边的parking area。好处:1、学校可省出更多空间,并把这些空间绿化。2、可减少校内车辆的数量,学生骑自行车或走路去上课更加安全。


Task 4

【名词解释】:最佳觅食理论(Optimal foraging theory)是一种捕食方法。用此法,动物可在捕食时消耗更少energy并从食物中获得更多能量。


Task 5

【学生困难】:男生明天就要放假了。原计划要参加家庭聚会family union,但他的生物报告laboratory report没写好,拿了个低grade。教授要他重写rewrite。

【解决方案】:女生给了他两个解决方案:方案1、回去参加family union,并把作业带回家,利用一周的假期时间写好report,下周带回来上交。男生担心万一要查资料……。方案2、等到下学期重修这门课。

Task 6

【讲课要点】:关于 advertiser做广告吸引顾客,有两种方法:方法1、有一类消费者喜欢看产品或者服务的image,所以要把产品画得好看。例如:要在beach那里加个sunset,这类消费者就特有意境,会被吸引。方法2、另一类消费者喜欢看产品的words,对于这类消费者,要将使用后的效果描述出来discription,以获得这类消费者的信任。




Speaking Part:

Task 1

Describe a special friend in your childhood,why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree the statemen that being a member of the team is better than being a leader

Task 3



女生买吃的有助于concentrate on class.

Task 4


术语是 false signal, spider release a chemical to mimic the female moth.

male moth follows the scent released by spider, and then trapped on the spider's net

Task 5



Task 6

【名词解释】:老师讲很多farmers讨厌在他们的crops 旁边长weeds,但是其实它有助于crops成长。

【教授举例】:用咖啡举例子,帮助protect fertilized soil wont be flushed away by water. Prevent coffee's leaves from being eaten by insects

weeds protect coffee的原因是 insects prefer weeds than coffee


1.Describe a present you want to give to your friend, why?

2.People say being a teacher is easier than being a student. Do you agree?

3.学生来信建议theater department pay assistents and give them specific trainings,以提高效率。听力很奇怪,是反对前者,同意后者。

4.学术名称我忘了,是说鼓励儿童反复做他们害怕的事,然后建立自信,最终克服恐惧。听力中叫兽用它自己儿子Tommy的例子,说他们家搬到LA,Tommy原来不敢和新小朋友玩,只敢趴窗上看,后来叫兽借买冰淇凌之机鼓励他向小朋友们问好,回来又问一次(两次间儿子表现已有所不同),回来后儿子甚至主动要求出去和他们一起骑车,最终,Tommy 和其他小朋友过上了幸福的日子。

5.一女子上陶艺课,结果作业在deadline两天前被她摔成3瓣了,她觉得(1)粘起来,但怕老师发现,因为她不想得普通的分数(也可能是ask for an extension, pardon moi)(2)重做。但是她怕来不及,而且别的课要期末考试。

6.蝙蝠倒吊的原因:(1)方便随时起飞抓虫虫,因为它们无法像鸟类一样take-off (2)躲避predators,因为倒着易被惊醒,且挂着predator也够不着 (3)消费者物价指数(CPI)不断上涨,不得已以脑溢血骗保


1.if you can send a gift, what you want to choose, who will you send to

2.同不同意:being a teacher is easier than being students

3.学生写信说要pay assistant,对话里男的说同意:1,因为如果不给钱,学生还要做别的工作赚钱 2.现在的assistant job越来越复杂,而且train对equipment有好处

4.说exposure behavior,人们不敢做某些事因为怕负面结果,但是如果鼓励他去做他认识到没有害处后就敢去做了。lecture,举的他孩子,刚搬到洛杉矶,不敢和邻居家的小孩讲话。于是他鼓励他去打招呼,打了招呼后relax,又鼓励说别的小孩的自行车beautiful,说了就gain confidence,要求要出去和别的小孩玩。最后交了好多朋友。

5.女学生做了一个花瓶作文艺术课的作业,但是摔坏了 1.glue the pieces 但是老师会发现,拿不了高分 2.make a new one 接近期末考试了,时间不够

6.说有一种叫rooting system的东西有利于bats的生存 1.gather food 可以捕捉inscet flying in the air 2.avoid predator,说rooting 可以帮他们upside and down,所以predator不能接近


1. Describe a special event or occasion that you have participate with your family or friends.

2. Do you like travel to somewhere you have never been to or the place you have ever been?

3. 通知:computer lab print 10张之内免费,多余的每张5分钱对话:女人同意,这样可以让学生有选择的打印,之前见到很多学生连title都打印;lab赚的钱可以用于增添一些新设备(打印机)

4. 文章:information overload 的原理





5. MM找到了一个summer job,并且在town找到了住房,不知道自





6. 植物如何适应alpine环境?第一,这些植物长的很矮,有的只有





这里发表一下无限怨念的心情。本来以为是北美机井的题目呢,谁知道考场上听别人说的时候怎么听都不像,一个女生左一个刘翔有一个赵雅芝的,听得我无限崩溃,当然也逐渐意识到了不是北美机井的题目,于是毅然放弃之前准备的好好的a new acitivity will do in the futher。唉,结果口语部分就做得比较局促,tmd ETS~~~~

Task 1:

describe your first time to go to school when you were young, you like it or not之类的云云。

Task 2:


Task 3:

Reading: a new cafe near the library.

Listening: 男的说好。(1)有了cafe which is just 20 minute's walk,他就可以去图书馆学习,然后花很短的时间吃个饭,再返回去学习了。(2)it is good for "group project"(原话).图书馆里学习都不能讨论,需要安静,但是在cafe就可以大家讨论。他说有了cafe就可以大家现在图书馆学习,然后meet in the cafe讨论一会儿,然后再back to the lib学习。

Task 4:

Reading: tragedy of commons. 给了定义和解释

Lecture:教授举了两个例子说明什么是tragedy of commons. 其一是fishing.说当然捕的鱼多,挣的钱多。能accee to oceant的人自然愿意去多fishing。但是一旦overfishing,大家就都finished out with no fish. 其二是grazin. 说一个属于整个viliage的草坪,大家都喜欢把自己的动物带来grazing,草吃完了长起来,大家就带更多的动物来,当然草会被吃光了,然后就overgrazing了。

男生本来约好一个group discussing,是关于一个due on Monday的paper。但是男的父亲周末五十大寿,他想回去celebrate。另一个人就给了个suggestion: 说向group member 解释一下,让他们帮着help out。难得觉得说不好吧。男的自己有说要么就Sunday早点回来,然后还能赶上回来discuss。但是又不知道会不会让他家里人disappointment。

Task 5:

说有时候动物吃的东西不是我们想象中的东西,有时候会吃点乱七八糟的东西,比如说earth or soil.他们吃这些东西是有作用的。然后举两个鸟的例子。一个是R鸟,吃soil是为了磨碎食物,这样help digestion, 说因为鸟没有牙吖,所以吃soil可以帮助把大的食物,esp large seeds, 磨成small pieces.

另一个是鹦鹉Parrot,吃soil可以nutralize失误中的poison,这样就不会get sick


1. 大意是说It is known that the teaching quality is very important for an university, there are also some other signifant factors, which one would you choose and why? 1. size

2. price

3. location


2. Some people think that modern technology has impacted our life negatively, while others think that it has improved our life. Which one do you agree and why? 我说的是improve . 给了两点: 1. internet 2. communication tools such as cell phone

3. a student's letter to a newspaper suggesting a location for a temorary parking lots. 听力是两个同学的discussion against this suggestion by three reasons.

5. the woman has a problem with her current job since she wants to be the research assisstant of the professor rather than being an office assistent (such as copy etc) The man offers two suggestions 1. quit the job and find another one 2. talk to the professor and tell her what kind of job she wants to do in detail.

I prefer the 2...



来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年09月23日

1 One of the advantages of living abroad and explain the advantages with details.

2 空闲时候是愿意做reading, thinking and studing alone 还是参加集体活动和朋友们在一起。

3 Reading: Editor 要取消Campus Newspaper的international section,这样可以用来写更多其他的新闻。 Listening: 女学生认为这是个好主意,因为很少有人会看这部分新闻,因为他们在看学校报纸前已经看过了,通过网络和报纸。另外,这部分空间可以用来刊登更多的关于学校的新闻。虽然这些新闻在其他地方也可以得到,但太零散了。而且学生们可以剪下这部分新闻随身携带,这样他们就会知道What is going on in the campus and when and where.

4 Reading: reference group 人们会受他人的影响而改变自己的想法和行为 Listening: Professor offers an example about himself. 他在大学的时候,有一群艺术学院的好朋友,他们总是穿casualty, like T-shirt, jeans. 所以他也一直穿这些Casual clothings. 后来他到芝加哥工作,那里有一群出色的年轻人。在周末他们经常聚会,打扮自己,比如女生会穿时髦的dress and fashional shoes. 后来他也开始打扮自己,并觉得casual clothing不好看了。

5 男生要搭公交从学校去工作的地方,但是bus schedule changes,时间提早了,他赶不上因为有化学课。两个方案:一是他和老板商量了一下,可以把工作时间延后,但这样他就要mid-night下班,他累了。而且他第二天还有课。二是他可以骑车去,并不远,大概要花15分钟的时间在路上。但这样一来,天气不好的时候会很不舒服。

6 有种植物要通过捕食昆虫来给自身提供营养。因为泥土中的营养不够。然后介绍了两类捕食方法。一是active:是fly..(忘了), 有sweet nectar to attract insect 然后leaves close to predate the insect 二是passive:是。。。,也有sweet nectar,但它是通过hair 释放的green glued substance to stick the insect 来捕食的。


来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年10月10日

1. what is the important technique that change the life:1. computer

2. tv

3. can't remember....

2. should children grown up in cities or small time?

3.文章:说要把一个on compus 剧院关掉,移到外面的一个地方,这样的好处有:1. 外面的剧院更大,就有更多的人去。2. 外面的light 和sound 系统更好。

听力:男生不同意,说1. 太远了,不方面,同学们不想去2. 我们不是PROFETIONAL 的,所以没有受训练,去用更好SYSTEM也许还更差。

4. adaptive reuse: 文章:介绍再利用,说是把没有用的但是有很好历史价值房子重新装修再来使用。听力:老师介绍说原来他们要建一个CONCERT 还是city hall ,use a chocolate factory来改造,说这个地方足够大,很漂亮啊什么的。

5. children的socialskills是怎么培养的。1. 3-4岁的时候虽然在一起玩,但是是做不同的事。比如用block玩的时候,有一个可能拼车,有的可能干其他的什么(忘了)。

2. 5-6岁的时候,孩子一起玩就是corporation了,比如玩block 的时候,很多人交谈,然后一起决定要怎么建这个房子。

6. 一个女生说她好不容易进到篮球队了,在上6节课的同时,好像发现有点难,于是就想要QUIT,说太累了。男生说TOO ASHAME TO QUIT SINCE YOU HAVE TRIED SO HARD FOR IT。于是建议DROP SOME CLASS因为没有必要。女生说可是她想读研,现在竞争太大,所以上课很有竞争力。


来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年10月10日

第1题、Describe your favorite subject you studied. Explain why it is your favorite subject. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

第2题、 Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so.

第3题、一个学生给校报写信,说应该取消期末时在dorm外放电影。因为太吵了,还有因为放这个电影,bus service也没了。对话中,女生反对,给了两个原因。原因一是那人可以去图书馆学习,那里安静;还有是校园not large,走走也行,何况放这个电影也就一天,困难可以克服。

第4题、关于一种吸引顾客和会员的商业技巧。听力中,教授举例子解释了这个技巧。比如,一个gym对新会员提供一个月free personal training。就是教你怎么用器械,科学的健身方式等。一月后,优惠没了。有人退出了,不交钱了;但是大多数人已经被吸引来了,就会继续交钱留下来。就是说,这种技巧成功的motivate人进行消费了。

第5题、 MM请了一个speaker来她组织的business club做报告/演讲。可是以前找好的地方突然不能住了。解决方法一,住MM家,但她认为自个儿家太乱了massive,没时间收拾,不想给speaker坏印象。解决方法二,住hotel。但太贵了,本来club钱就不多。问题:陈述MM的问题和解决方式,你倾向哪个,为什么?




来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年10月10日

1 . liked activity when you were child

2. when on a trip, you prefer just look or keep a journal and take picture, why

3. policy about fine arts, 学校要求必修3个艺术课,音乐舞蹈表演雕塑,学生不喜欢,觉得选择太少,被局限了,选了必修,自己想选得就选不到了;他学banking, 要上finance 的课,




5.Animal behavior, sending signal when danger, a alarm signal, birds cry B chemical substance release from skin, fish


来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年11月05日

1 介绍你的一位Role model.

2 孩子们是否应该学习draw & paint

3 reading里说学校的食堂应该只提供healthy food.因为一方面有利于学生的身体健康;另一方面可以save学生的 cost。对话里男生不同意,认为说偶尔吃吃junk food不会对身体健康造成伤害的,有些场合比如学期结束之类的是需要吃这些food的;另一方面,学校的这种做法可能导致学生被迫只能去off campus stores买东西吃了,这样反而会导致cost more.

4 reading里谈到动物的无私行为。并认为这种行为可以使其他的动物远离危险,而the animal who sets the arlarm call可能有更多的risks被抓到。listening里面prof 通过一个例子来说明的。squarrows的敌人是lions(不确定),然后通过alarm call其他的动物可以逃脱,然而报警的动物自己很危险。

5 男生没有足够的room来放his furniture,女生给了两个方案:一,store,但是可能cost money;二,sell,但是可能买一个replacement会花更多的money

6 A business network的作用:一,里面的members可以建立relationship & friendship,它们可以share资源。例子:一个餐馆的owner可能遇到了财政问题,而一个会计可以帮他解决这个问题;二,network里面的人可以recommend network外面的人进来。例子:还是餐馆的owner的例子,就是说如果会计需要人(具体职业忘了),餐馆的owner可以帮他提供.


来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年11月06日


二、喜欢prepared food还是自己做

三、学校要开设一个新项目叫”table talk”,就是心理学系的教授可以跟学生每周共进午饭,一来可以增加学生与教授交流的机会,二来增进同专业学生间的友谊. 女生同意此观点

四、opportunity cost, 就是people spend money on giving up benefits when they choose another option.一个例子: 去年学校争论是开新泳馆,还是建图书馆. 游泳馆好处是:学校此前没有, 跳水队还得去外面的泳池训练; 图书馆的好处: 扩大同学和研究的空间,多些书的.

五、女学生要申请一个工作,但德在明早上之前送到申请表:男的给两个建议:一个开车送过去;一个express mail

六、动物怎么样在EXTREME 环境里生存? 如: 骆驼在沙漠中. 1. 骆峰帮忙收太阳光的热; 2. 多半都躺下,且群体待在一起. 互相利用SHADE,以遮阳; 减少身体的能量消耗.


来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年11月09日

1. Describe a place where people in your town like to gather.你镇上的人常去的集散地。

2. Some people think that students will benefit more from a large class than

a small class, do you agree or not?大班授课是小班授课

3. Student's proposal on the school newspaper.

Reading part: The coffeehouse should be closed because it wastes too much place. And the food there is not good.

Listening part: The woman thinks that the coffeehouse should not be closed.Because she likes to study there and to do her work, paper, etc.Meanwhile the coffeehouse has a new manager, she is focus on improving the quality of food. And she introduces in some healthy food.


4. Narrators taken by fiction authors.


Objective narrator

(readers should interpret the story by themselves. they don't know what the characters are thinking about.)

Omniscient narrator

(The narrator knows all.)

eg. a story about a man & a woman


5. Problem of the woman: She moved into a new apartment yesterday, but there wasn't any Internet access there, so she could do nothing.(research for study, email someone, etc.)

Suggestions from the man:

Pay for a Internet install service. (The woman considers it cost a lot)

Go to the computer center on campus(the woman says she doesn't have courses everyday, so it isn't convenient, moreover, the center sometimes is crowded.) 一个学生搬了新宿舍,但没有网络,有两个方法。一,找人来装,但贵。二、去学校的电脑中心,但是不方便,而且挤。


举例是关于SOUTH AMERICA的一种鸟。住在热带雨林,那边的树被大量砍伐,于是人们以这种鸟为引,印刷册子发给别人宣传环保的重要性,于是人们就划定自然保护区,然后在那儿物种就逐渐恢复啦。



来源: 太傻网考试频道整理时间: 2009年11月11日

Task 1

Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends,family members or teachers). Explain why you’d li ke to talk with this person and what you talk about? [2007.6.24/2008.10.12] Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussions makes students learn more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. [2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

Task 3

【公开信】:学校规定大一新生first year students不能在校内用车keep their cars on campus。一个学生给校报信说学校应允许大一新生在校内用车。理由1、大一学生到校外find part-time jobs要用车,没车找工作不方便。理由2、大一学生想家get homesick 的时候,周末要开车drive回很远的家探亲。没车回家不方便。

【学生议论】:女生反对此提议。理由1、大一新生课业负担重have a lot of school work to to do,没有额外时间do part-time jobs。如果开车就容易找到工作,if they do part-time jobs,they might not do well in school。理由2、如果大一新生一想家get homesick,they might go home every weekend,他们就没有足够时间与新同学相处,很难适应大学生活learn how to tosocialize with other people。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12] Task 4

【课文要点】:sensory memory感官记忆。人类主要通过sights, smell, hear等多种感官感受外界stimulation。即便外界stimulus消失了,stimulation仍然会在脑海中形成short time memory,保持几秒。


母flashing letters on the screen,看几秒。然后拿走。要他们回忆recall并说出看

到的字母。有些人说出了大部分字母,因为sensory memory帮助人们记住那些字母images。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

Task 5

【学生困难】:女生要组织一场舞会organize a school dance,请了个著名乐队band 在舞会上演出。但该乐队因当晚有另一场演出show,他们忙不过来they can't play for the dance show,取消canceled了这次演出。

【解决方案】:女生自己说出两个方案:1、请另外一个乐队来表演find another band。但女生说其它乐队没这个乐队受欢迎enjoy。怕观众可能会不喜欢。2、还是请这个乐队,但延期举办舞会reschedule the dance to next week。但如推迟一周的话,就临近期末

考试final exam了。到那时,学生已在忙着准备期末考试了,同学可能没时间来参加舞会了。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

Task 6

【讲课要点】:教授讲商品product要有utility [ju?tiliti],顾客才会购买。two types utilities:1、utility of form形态效用:意思是产品要满足人们的特殊需求have features customers need,人们才会买。例:人们要买防寒服winter coats made of fabric material and feather是因为冬天要保暖keep worm、防雨be waterproof。2、utility of place地点效用:意思是要在正确的地点销售产品the product should be at the place where customers need it。例:防寒服winter coats,如果在Alaska where is very cold 一定好卖,因为那里的人非常需要防寒服。如果在热带岛屿tropic island就没人买,那里的人根本用不着防寒服。


Task 1

In your opinion, what is the most important invention in your life? Computer, television or telephone? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lessons can not be learned in classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Task 3

【学校通知】:学校调整change住宿方案housing policy:大一新生和老生不再混寝mixed type dormitory。大一新生都将统一住在一个宿舍楼里。好处:1、可提供给新生更多互相交流的机会。2、可吸引更多学生报考这个学校。

【学生议论】:女生觉得没必要改。理由1、新生已经有很多机会互相交流了,比方说他们可以一起上课很多课attend the same lecture,没有必要搞到一起。理由2、新老生混住,新生new students可以从老生那里分享到经验experiences和建议advices。因此,新老生混住能吸引更多的学生。

Task 4

【课文要点】:product positioning(产品定位)。文章介绍了商家promote宣传商品的一个途径:advertiser need to知道目标客户target customers最需要的what they exactly they need。

【教授举例】:教授举了一个例子。他曾worked in an advertisement agency as a consultant。为一个car business market一款专为在郊区生活的人设计的car。一开始销售状况不好。后来商家做研究。研究表明消费者最看gas mileage。Commuters(住在郊区要开车进城上班的群体)need cars which can save more gas。所以广告公司就这样设计广告:让一个人一路微笑地with a big smile on face开着这个牌子的车从suburban到city,驶过一个个加油站gas station旁呼啸而过。路过的每个station里都有很多人排队等待加油。广告末尾:your spend money on gas。这则广告说明开这种车很省油。结果,这种car成功地在两年里销量tripled了。

Task 5

【学生困难】:女生导演的音乐剧将于明晚首演。票已卖光were sold out,但主唱leading singer临时得了重感冒caught a bad cold,喉咙不好,甚至不能讲话voice。故不能参加演出performance。要下周才能好。

【解决方案】:男生给女生方案1、找个新演员代替find a understudy to replace him。女生说那人刚开始学歌词lines,还没怎么练习过,没有充分准备,怕明晚的首演opening night太紧张nervous,把音乐剧搞砸了。女生自己说出方案2、把音乐剧推迟到下周末postpone to next weekend举行。给买了票的观众退票return money。让他们下次演出时买票。女生担心这样做会让观众失望disappointed。

Task 6

【讲课要点】:教授讲可以研究动物化石animal fossil里的mineral proportion推测古代气候ancient climate。因为不同的气候会对形成化石的生物organisms产生不同影响。举例:shellfish的shell化石里的镁magnesium quantity随着海水温度temperature的变化而变化。magnesium含量level越高,temperature越高。magnesium含量level越低,temperature越低。所以,通过把古代化石里的magnesium含量和现在在同一个地方的shellfish壳里的含量加以比照,我们就可以推测古代海水是colder还是warmer了。


Task 1:Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old people to receive high education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Task 3:有学生写信给computer lab,学校出了新规定:限定每个学生每个月只能打印100张。理由1、学生们浪费纸张太多。理由2、打印机经常卡纸。



Task 4:advancing crediting:a method that teacher help children to learn social appropriate behavior。小孩对praise的不同反映,你要是事先表扬他们,再让他们做什么,他们就不太听话。你要是等做完事情后在表扬他们呢,他们就能够表现的好。Lecture:教育学的教授讲一组实验:研究人员到一个小学去,给孩子们发糖,看他们能不能keep classroom neat.第一次,把小朋友放一个房间里,给他们糖吃,看他们在老师不提醒的情况下有多少人把糖纸扔到地上,有多少人扔到垃圾桶里,大部分小孩子们都把糖纸扔地上DRORP ON THE GROUND,只有少数几个人扔到垃圾桶里。研究人员让老师一直表扬那些做的对的小朋友。还表扬那些表现好(behavior proper),保持环境的小朋友,说他们是干净的小孩。过了一段时间,再做这个试验,大部分小朋友就都把糖纸仍在垃圾桶里。

Task 5:女生在图书馆看书,忽然想起要赶去教室做她的presentation,路程是10分钟,时间很紧了。男生告诉他下大雨了。没带伞。Lecture:有两个解决方案:男生说出方案1、男生借给女生雨伞,但是雨伞在不远的另一个地方,去取的话要几分钟,然后女生会迟到。女生自己说出方案2、冒雨跑去教室不会迟到,但全身湿淋淋,书和笔记本也全湿掉。描述女生遇到的难题,男生给的两个建议,你的建议,为什么。

Task 6:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defense的两种方法behavior:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、1)fool predator。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite, and move suddenly to scare the predator, predator就给吓跑了。




Task 1

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study,what would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details. 描述一项想学的技能

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone should be forbidden in some places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 手机该不该在一些地方禁止

task 3

art class of sculpture , the school is planning to downsize the class size from 30 to 15, due to two reasons, the first one is that too many students may not get the attention from teacher as when it was of a smaller size, and 交流 is crutial to art class. the second reason is that it is too expensive to buy the materials(不记得啥了) for so many studerts.

女生观点:完全不同意,sculpture is so important for students of arts that they would like to choose the class even if not paid so much attention from the teacher, the new regulation will 剥夺很多art student's previlige to choose the class they want. Secondly, the art students would pay for the materials themself, just to get the chance to attend the class.

学校要减少一个art 什么的课的人数,理由是人太多造成教授的attentive受到影响,

另一个就是费用比较高。一男一女两个同学讨论,男问女的看法,女同学说很不开心,这个课很重要,less attentive is better than do not have any class at all,对于花费高她说这个也不是个好理由,这课真的很重要,所以即使要掏钱学,很多人会pay for it. 复述女孩的态度

task 4、

【passage】:Progress explanation means somebody tells sb else how to do some work. Progress explanation有两类:1、directive explanation。teach people how to carry out a project step by step. with instruction 2、informational explanation。just tell people a general idea about it ,without instruction, people are not told how to finish the task themselves.

【lecture】:the professor use two examples to illustrate two types: 1、he bought a cell phone recently,但不会put the telephone number into cell phone. His friend taught him how to enter the name and phone number step by step,for example, first input a number then a name . but one night the prof saw on Tv a program , says how signal is transmitted from one cellphone to another when dialed, by atenas and satellites, but it didn't tell how to use the phone, so the prof didn't know how to use the phone even after watching the program

question: how does the prof illustrate the definition of progress explanation using examples?


task 5

女生语速超快!向男生抱怨 she's tutoring a high school girl physics, twice a week, and the girl's grade is already 提高, but she's got mid-term exam and several papers coming ,and it will be her last semester, she's afraid she can't manage anymore 男生建议 why don't you go less often ,like twice a month or so, or probably ask your roomate to do the tutoring for you

女生:针对twice a month的回应我不记得鸟:(用roommate代替的话她提出high school girl is too shy.

question: describe the problem the girl encountered and the two solutions , which one do you approve?

女孩说自己在给一个女孩做tutoring,但是她最近有mid-term还有很多paper,家教一周两次,所以忙不过来。她不能推辞,因为这个女孩成绩已经有进步了,而且depending on her.男生提议说要不less often吧,女生说想过一个月两次,但是这对女孩来说不够。男孩又说要不找个人代替,女孩说她室友在做tutoring,但是那个女孩很shy,不太容易接受someone new. 复述问题和解决方法,你赞同哪种

paitings were not perspective which means flat lacking dimensions before the renaissance,

but after the renaissance, several methods were used that helped the paintings look more perspective and realistic, 但是只是作者推测

1.artists began using optical devices such as camera or mirrors, for example, to draw a bow of fruit, they can use mirror to reflect the image on canvas, then trace the lines,最后一句不记得了

2.artists began using special paint oils, which takes more time to dry, the artist could pay more attention to details, which also makes the painting more perspective question: 文艺复兴后画家们用了哪些办法让油画更立体?

一个艺术史的讲座,基本没听懂,看到题才知道是讲的从文艺复兴到现实主义过渡中的两个理论,一个是用反射什么的,camera什么的,说了一堆我没听懂。还有一个是油画oil painting。画的可以很慢,所以可以有时间描绘细节,什么时候觉得画好了什么时候停。


⑴Describe a special job you had or would like to have.


⑶reading部分是一学生的proposal letter ,建议成立student committee ,让学生来决定给校内社团拨银子的事。对话中man 反对这个,一是学生的感情倾向会影响,使得他们不如university administrators 那么objective ;二是学生时间少,不会有多少人去加入这个。

⑷ 关于operant conditioning ,教授举了两个例子,提问题不举手,扰乱课堂的,是rude 的行文;提问题要举手啥的,你表扬他,他就继续这么干。没太明白啥意思是(我觉得不是这样的,这个概念是说可以使用鼓励的方式教导孩子做正确的,否则则像反,然后说了一个离子,说有个小孩叫J什么的,现在忘记了,老是在课堂瞎举手当他有问题的时候,但这破坏了课堂,然后有一次,别的小孩都在外面玩,只有他在教室,中间有一点没听明白,总之是你为了教导他,然后鼓励他说,你举手的行为很好,你问题很棒,然后他很开心,以后就懂得了先举手在问问题)

⑸一女生说她有了个新室友,但她们俩在time schedule 上有冲突,女生经常学习到深夜,而室友睡得比较早。女生有意调整自己的schedule ,早上起来学习,但她说自己不是一个morning person 。还有一个solution 是去library ,而女生认为自己更习惯在宿舍里学习。

⑹ 对不同市场采取不同的策略, 分为consumer market和industrial market。教授首先讲企业需要决定自己的营销对象,然后采用相应的打广告的方法。然后讲了两种形式:一种是针对广大消费者,那么企业就要广泛做广告。另一种是针对特定组织或者商人的。举了一个例子是office furniture ,这种情况下直接和人家的领导谈就好了


What quality do you think is the mostimportant to be a university student? Highly motivated, hard working, orintelegent?


Do you prefer to work at home or attraditional offices or workplaces?




majority influence从众心理,分为informative influence和normative influence。两个例子,前一个是说一群人开车去饭店,司机认为应该左转,但是其余人都认为应该笔直走,司机很可能会改变主意因为他觉得大多数人的意见很可能是对的。后一个例子说一个人和几个朋友去看电影,看完后其他人都说好好看,尽管他觉得很awful,他也会说好看,因为如果只有他有不同意见,他会感觉不是Part of the group.


Releasers就是说动物本能的作用对象可能会在非该作用的物体上。一个例子是toad 吃虫子,toad还会吃像虫子一样的东西,比如动的铅笔,它还会swallow;另一个例子是goose护蛋,goose会护像蛋一样的东西。


女生要完成一个studentfilm project,今天要拍最后一个镜头,要求室外阳光明媚,但是今天是雨天。男生提两个建议,一个是改剧本,改成在室内的场景。另外一个是明天再拍,因为明天天气很好。不过女生说明天时间很紧,还要编片子,而且后天就要交,不想交上去不完美的作业。


1:describe a book you have not read but are interested in

2: do you prefer to take your cellphone always with you or not


有 2:如果取消了,advisor的schedul就不会那么满了,所以可以讨论其他事

猛男登场:不同意 1:advisor 可以提供更多信息 2,只要预约地够早,就不存在问题


5:一个人要演奏,但学校的礼堂在周末都被预约了。解决方法1在周三晚上演奏,但观众可能不多: 2和另一个乐队一起演奏,但时间紧张





3、2个人讨论~报纸上说~要取消一个座谈会~大概就是advisor和学生交流~关于选什么课的~原因是很难定时间来满足双方~然后男的说~这做法不好因为网上信息不全~人们很难交流哪个课很好该选哪个~还有就是~上网报名人太多了~到了那天~大家都上去~校园网受不了~ 最后问男生看法

4、男生有个乐队准备开歌唱女生就觉得这个主意很好但男的说有2个方案要不就是自己开但只有周三有场子怕人少~要不就是和另一个乐队一起在周末搞~你一半我一半这样~~~ 然后题目问你是赞成哪一种方案~~

5、说到了销售~开头就是我们卖的不仅仅是产品`````讲2种做法~能attract消费者~比如包装用玻璃~看得清楚~或者加些小玩意~这个拿cookies举例```` 问的是教授介绍了哪2


6、是词汇很难的植物题先给文章说一种植物在雨林怎么生存然后是lecture 说的另一植物有同样的特点比如~get suport from the trees~这样可以长高~(所以肯定是藤蔓类的)阳光就可以照到~还有一个就是他们的shape~可以储存rain water~这样有需要的时候就能够用```最后问通过对第二种的描述~说说第一种在雨林生存有哪些特点



1.Talk about a time when someone (your friends, family or teachers) gave you advice to solve the problem.

2. Do you agree or disagree? The most important influence that young adults have are from their families.

3. match student with roommate share the same interests ,女生说不好。1. 不是说兴趣不同就不能交朋友,她和她室友在不同的MAJOR,爱好也不同,但却相处很好。2. 人们搬出宿舍的原因有多种,不一定就是相处不来。比如大家时间表不同,为了不互相影响,或者有人找到了更好的住处。




(1). sub什么什么的,就是从材料上cut 掉东西,直到想要的形状,可是一旦cut坏了就不能该,little changes



35个新托福口语高频真题加答案模板→(作者:秋姐) 特点: 1. 高频 2. 代表性 3. 话题丰富---TASK1包括人物类、物品类、地方类、事件类和其他类话题,TASK2包括教育类、科技类、媒体类、文化类、生活类和工作类话题。 4. 8句无敌模板标准 优势: 1. 语言地道 2. 精准用词 3. 漂亮句型 4. 实用模板 5. 高分必备 适合人群: 1.正在备战新托福的同学。 2.对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3.想获得高分的同学。 使用方法: 1. 认真研读。 2. 总结出地道表达和模板。 3. 根据自己的情况相应减量。 4. 适当更改,避免重复。 学之所得: 1. 拿到经典之作。 2. 熟悉各种题材。 3. 得到原始库存。 4. 开始储备未来。 Task 1 【人物类】about people 1. What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have?(06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题)

Sample answer: In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向)and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge ‘cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession. 2. What are important characteristics you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题) Sample answer: I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who's honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. It is a well known saying that "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED." Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend won't leave me if I'm in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great. Also, I'd love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. 3. Describe a person that influenced you most.(06. 5.26; 06. 3. 17;06.10.22考题;与06.5.26类似) Sample answer: The person that really influenced me most was Ms. Xing---my college teacher who taught us English literature. Her class was quite different from the other teachers. In her class we were not expected to sit there and listen. We had to get more involved in the class activities, like discussions, comments or debates sometimes. Our creativity and imagination were developed enormously through the active participation. On the other hand, she let us think more about life by sharing her experiences and more importantly, she taught me how to live on my own. So that's why I was greatly influenced. Not only did she give me knowledge, but also she gave me courage and confidence as well.


托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a simple account of the book. Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death.


选择agree or disagree, prefer or not 1.Q:“Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. 2.Q:Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? 3.Q:Some people gather a lot of information before traveling. Others prefer to go straight to the place they plan to. Which do you think is better and why? 4.Q:Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 5.Q:Which do you prefer to communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? 6.Q:you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 7.Q:Some people think universities should spend money on academic programs. Other people disagree and think that universities should use their funds to provide more entertainment activities like building musical or camera center? Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 托福口语一共有6个task,分为独立口语和综合口语两大部分,独立口语主要是根据题目表达自己的观点,综合口语是对听力内容的概述和总结,下面就和大家分享托福口语要点解析及答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 一. 托福口语要点解析 托福口语的6个task答题都有各自的要点,大家一定要注意。 在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量具体。Task2要用主题句表明倾向,然后叙述两点理由,最后可以做一个总结句。Task3可以使用三段式模板,但是要注意把握时间,阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2。Task4先概括*段落大意,听力段落重点描述,如果阅读段落中有提到的内容,但在听力段落中没有提到,可以不说。Task5对于前半部分的问题描述可以使用模板快速回答,描述个人意见时可以选择一条或两条理由,只要描述足够充分就可以。Task6答题时最为重要的是描述清楚事情的起因和结果以及主要特征,描述过程中不要遗漏重点信息,也不要出现描述错误的情况。

二. 托福口语答题技巧 1. 语调轻松,不要像背书 托福口语考试是模仿交流的考试,所以一定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。答题时要当成普通聊天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。这样的口头词语可以在你突然卡顿的时候,给你短暂的思考时间,也会让你的回答听起来更加流利和顺畅。回答期间尽量不要突然停住不说话,流利度很重要。 2. 内容丰满,自圆其说 口语答题时,一定要注意答案的丰满度,比如,举例论证的时候,一定要将例子表达完整。逻辑关系明确,如果分点回答,可以用“first,second,third”等词汇过渡,让自己的回答听起来条理清晰。答题时分论据一定要和自己的主题论据一致,能够自圆其说,切忌前后互不照应。 3. 平时多练习 托福口语的平时需要多练习,如果平时没有打好基础,那么考试中的技巧再好也是没有用的。另外,口语的练习离不开老师的指导,要及时根据老师的建议强化自己的薄弱环节。另外,平时多去用英语交流的场合练习口语。 托福口语素材之为什么我们爱看爱乐之城


新托福口语T a s k3解析之题目中的“不变” -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景 场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 — hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 — sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house


实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 托福独立口语虽然时间很短,答题时间只有短短45秒,但是如果大家想要拿到高分,也需要尽可能将内容说的充实。下面就和大家分享实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 口语高分攻略丨实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 一.托福独立口语需要积累答题素材 一般学生讲口语的大脑活动是先用中文思考,其次是根据中文所想的意思翻译成英文单词,再把这些单词根据主谓宾等语法知识组装成句,最后考虑单词的发音、语音语调等连词成句。而口语比较好的同学往往直接想到的是英文表达,然后是chunks,就是我们常说的语块,因为已经是积累好的句子,不需要再考虑语法等因素,所以可以直接脱口而出。这就像电脑开机一样,程序越少,速度越快。在考试之前多积累地道的语料而不是一味的选择网上的模版,才能更加从容的面对考试来取得高分。 比如官方真题Official21 Task 1: Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.很多学生看见“news event”就 大脑一片空白,不知从何说起,或者脑海里只有中文意思,对于

新闻类的话题难以在短时间内直接用英文表述出来。以中国首架自制民用飞机C919举例: China’s first home-made large passenger jet was scheduled to take off in Shanghai, the narrow-body passenger plane made by state-run Comac as a triumph of indigenous innovation. 也可以说“一带一路”政策,One Belt and One Road initiative. 二.实例讲解托福独立口语细节叙述方法 这种方法通常当作第二个supporting details,相当于“for example”,可以并列两个同类或异类的事物,描述其种类繁多。以“Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out”为例:As for me, I prefer to eat out in various of restaurants, cuz it has wide section of food, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food, from savory dishes to bland snacks, hence loads of mouth-watering food can meet my appetite and leave lasting impression on me. 这里“authentic Chinese cuisine”指的是地道的中国菜,一般学生只会想到traditional Chinese food, 而好吃第一个想到的词就是“delicious”, 需要注意替换词的积累。而对于某事使我留下深刻印象会表述为“sth. leaves deep impression on me” 而对于native speaker来讲,”lasting”才是更加地道的表达方法。 再以20XX.08.27 Task 1一个经典三选一题型为例。


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实 例讲解 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解 托福独立口语快速构造观点实例讲解 实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer? 要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢? Time - watch the movie at home. 在家看电影是最省时间的方式了。如果去电影院看电影,家住得远的还要大老远跑到市中心去看。为了看热门电影,还要排

长队买票,买完票后还要等好久才能看到电影。从这些经历来看,确实,在家看电影也不错。 I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie. Money - helps to save money. 在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。 Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way. 通过以上两个段落,把时间和金钱两个观点整合起来,那我们就可以得到一个完整的独立题的逻辑表达了。

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变”

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变” 朗阁海外考试研究中心吴微微 新托福口语中的Task 3,这是很多同学既喜欢又害怕做的一个题。经过2个独立题,大家终于不用再纠结15秒钟要快速想话题的环节了。在Task 3 中,大家不需要构思自己的观点,只需根据阅读和听力材料进行话题的概述。但又让大家害怕的是,Task 3 是一个综合题,需要大家结合阅读和听力进行作答。这就涉及到大家的综合听力、阅读和口语能力。阅读材料仅有45秒钟的时间进行阅读。读完很容易出现的情况是忘记阅读内容,或者就是45秒钟的时间内很多同学根本抓不住阅读重点。此外,对于听力内容有些同学也会很紧张。 阅读和听力的内容一直在变,应该如何备考第三题,去抓住那些变化的点呢?带着这些疑问,笔者将通过归纳Task 3 的场景,让大家能够提高一个高度,从更本质的方面去看待问题,了解第三题中的不变之处。 一、不变之处:考点之话题形式 话题介绍 首先给大家介绍一下整个话题涉及几个主要部分以及内容,如下表: Task 3话题介绍 阅读听力准备回答 时间:45s 时间:60s 时间:30s 时间:60s 形式: 1.校园通知 2.学生信件形式: 1.男女学生对话: 反对或者同意阅读内 容 整合阅读和听力笔记 1.总结阅读部分 2.概括主要说话人观 点 注: 校园通知通常有以下形式:announcement / policy / notice / decision / plan 学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景

场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 —hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 —sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house 4. 时间、费用的增加或减少 TPO 4 — evening computer classes being added TPO 6 — history seminar should be shorter TPO 19 — fee increase for recreation center use 5. 学习或校园生活环境的改善 TPO 8 — music coming into cafeterias


托福独立和综合口语应该如何记笔 记 托福口语技巧解析,独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记?下面 就和大家分享托福口语技巧解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。 托福口语技巧解析丨独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记? 托福口语技巧解析一口语考试总览 新托福的写作分为independent writing和integrated writing 一样,其实托福口语部分也可以分为independent task和integrated task。因为task1和task2基本属于personal reference,而task3-task6都不同程度上结合了listening, reading, speaking这三个方面,所以把这四道题归为integrated task. 因为新托福口语笔记是允许的,所以能否在自己的笔记中最大限度且全面地记录listening中的关键信息,就直接地关系到托友们的得分,因此托友们都十分头疼这个环节,我将在这里和大家分享一些相关的经验。 托福口语技巧解析二口语笔记误区解读 综合口语阅读部分笔记误区:

(1) 盲目地记录一些*细节,而忽略了对*整体架构和主要信息的把握。 (2) 缺乏对*内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住*的重点。 (3) 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。 综合口语听力部分笔记误区: (1) 在这部分中,大家好走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的陈述,二是对*举例部分描述太多,没有把这两个部分的比例合理安排好。 (2) 速记的能力有待提高,而且本身考试的时间也很有限。 (3) 考前没有做充足的准备,没有有计划地进行相关针对性练习,所以导致对题型不了解或者是做题速度上不去。 (4) 有的托友本身的听力、语法、词汇的基础就比较弱,缺乏听力的技巧,譬如对signal words所透露的关键信息的把握。 托福口语技巧解析三口语笔记怎么做 1.独立口语笔记


16.01.9 S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. 16.01.23 S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer and why? 16.01.24 S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs would you li ke to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane. S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are successf ul because they hire experienced professors? 16.02.27 S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? natural tal ent or hard work 16.02.28


新托福口语考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 考试日期:2015.03.28 题号内容 Question 1 If you were making a donation, which of the following organizations will you donate to? 1) city library; 2) animal shelter; 3) environmental protection group; Question 2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should have some work experience such as part time jobs before entering the university? Question 3 Reading part Listening part 【学生倡议】: A student suggests that the psychology department should create a students' magazine for two reasons. 1. It can show the students that their hard work is put into papers and study; 2. It will honor the students whose papers are selected. 【学生态度】:The woman holds a positive idea. 1. Having papers published will show their outstanding academic background and will be good for their future career; 2. It can also provide a model of paper writing for new students studying psychology. Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion. Question 4 Reading part Listening part 【名词解释】:Consistency bias: People incorrectly remember their past attitudes and behavior. 【教授举例】: The professor's brother teaches math at a university. He didn't like the new principle at first. Then the principle made some changes such as equipping the classrooms with computers, which made him think positively about the principle. And when he was told that he didn't like the principle before, he was surprised and said he didn't remember ever saying it. Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。 Question 5 【学生困难】:The girl's problem is that it's raining outside and she doesn't have an umbrella, but she has to go back to the dorm to get the book for her history paper due tomorrow.


新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 新托福口语难不难?难!很多托福考生整体成绩不高的一大 原因就是口语成绩拖了后腿。下面就和大家分享新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析,希望能帮助大家,来欣赏一下吧。 新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 一. 新托福口语难点解析 新托福口语考试中不仅需要大家口语表达流利,还需要准备一些答题的素材,避免答案空洞无物。接下来,我们来具体分析一下新托福口语的难点。 1. 思考时间短,答题时间长 托福独立口语的思考时间仅有15秒,综合口语思考时间仅30秒。这么短的时间内组织出完整的答案非常困难。托福独立口语的答题时间为45秒,综合口语的答题时间为60秒,看似时间不长,但其实要45秒钟或60秒钟不停顿不磕巴地答完题并非易事。我们可以试着用中文回答托福考试中的问题,你会发现,即便是用中文,也会偶会停顿不连贯。所以不要小看45秒的答题时间,平时要做大量练习才能答好题目 2. 听力和速记能力

托福口语考试中综合口语考题需要大家听懂听力材料并且 能够记下要点。托福口语试题中不仅考察大家的口语表达能力,还要考察大家的英语听力能力和速记能力。这两点也是托福口语中的难点,大家只要把托福听力练好,做口语速记应该问题不大,归纳和复述能力则需要平时多加练习。另外,速记的时候一定要记下听力中的细节确保复述时不遗漏。 二. 新托福口语练习技巧 我们对托福口语的难点进行分析后,接下来我们要讨论一下,平时练习中如何练好托福口语。托福口语的练习应该首先从基础上做提升,把握英语答题时的节奏感,让自己的英语表达听起来很地道,然后要针对考试来练习,做对应的习题,适应考试的答题节奏和时间。 1. 如何练就地道口语表达 想要练就地道的表达,不仅要练好发音,还要练习英语表达的逻辑思维。我们生活学习的环境中讲英语的人很少,建议大家多听英语广播,多看英语电影,模仿播音主持和电影演员的发音和表达,让自己的口语听起来更地道,不会很生硬。模仿发音能够帮我们矫正发音,同时建议大家背一些经典台词和经典演讲,学习英文表达习惯。 2. 如何针对托福考试练口语


2019年5月22日托福独立口语预测及思路解析 2019年5月22日托福独立口语预测及思路解析 G类----Class: 1-3. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class will you choose to take: a financial course to help you manage money, car maintenance and repair, or review of Latin-American music? In terms of those choices, I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music. Firstly, the music may help me to relieve my pressure. The rhythms of Latin-American are fast and happy, the melodies are usually euphonious and exciting, Shakira, for example, she is my favorite singer, listening to her music, I may forget many troubles in my life. And also, this course is beneficial to my study. Actually my major is the music education, by attending this course, I may better review the features of this music, its history, its styles, its representatives and so on. All these may help me better understand this type of music. That’s why I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music. 2-3. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose, an art class or a science class? In terms of these two kinds of classes, I prefer the art class.
