

Liaoning Normal University










The Comparison and Implication of Education Systems in

China and UK

A Thesis Submitted

In Partial fulfillment for the

Requirements of the Degree of


School of Foreign Languages


May, 2009


China has a long history in education. The education system is being consummated gradually,While The Great Britain is the typical representative of western educator, who owns more advanced education system. Accompanying with the large extent of going abroad, it is necessary to think about the reason why so many Chinese students want to study abroad. So in the article, it is essential to compare the two education system. The article analysis the Chinese education system, and gives some personal suggestions.

The most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. It is obvious that children in our country learn more in the childhood. But the western students learn slowly. Innovation and creativity are the most different point between the education systems. Sometimes, Chinese education limit students sense of innovation.

The whole article has four parts: in the first chapter, it is the comparison of education system in china and UK. It contains Chinese education system and education system in UK. The two have their own merits and defects. In the chapter two, it is the higher education. It is divided into the high education in china and the higher education system in UK, and the third chapter is suggestions about improving Chinese education system.

Keywords: Education System; Innovation; Independence; Suggestions





关键词:教育体制; 独立; 创新; 建议

Table of Contents



1.1Chinese Education System (3)

1.2 Education System in UK (5)


2.1The High Education in China (7)

2.2 The Higher Education System in UK (8)


3.1 Improving the Conception of Education (10)

3.2 Improving the System Structure (11)


Works Cited (14)

Acknowledgements (16)


In its broad sense, education refers to any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process by which society, through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage—its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills--from one generation to another.

The People's Republic of China has a nationwide system of public education, which includes primary schools, middle schools (lower and upper), and universities. Nine years of education is technically compulsory for all Chinese students. Education in China is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. The education system provides free primary education for six years (some provinces may have 5 years for primary school but 4 years for middle school) , starting at age seven or six, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. At this level, there are three years of middle school and three years of high school. The Ministry of Education reported a 99% attendance rate for primary school and an 80 percent rate for both primary and middle schools. Since free higher education was abolished in 1985, applicants to colleges and universities competed for scholarships based on academic ability. Private schools have been allowed since the early 1980s. The population has had on average only 6.2 years of schooling, but in 1986 the goal of nine years of compulsory education by 2000 was established.

To provide for its population, China has a vast and varied school system. There are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, key schools (similar to college preparatory schools), primary schools, secondary schools (comprising junior and senior middle schools, secondary agricultural and vocational schools, regular secondary schools, secondary teachers' schools, secondary technical schools, and secondary professional schools), and various institutions of higher learning (consisting of regular colleges and universities, professional colleges, and short-term vocational universities). In terms of access to education, China's system represented a pyramid; because of the scarcity of resources allotted to higher education, student numbers decreased sharply at the higher levels. Although there were dramatic advances in primary education after 1949, achievements in secondary and higher education were not as great. Although the government has authority over the education system, the Chinese Communist Party has played a role in managing education since 1949. The party

established broad education policies and under Deng Xiaoping, tied improvements in the quality of education to its modernization plan. The party also monitored the government's implementation of its policies at the local level and within educational institutions through its party committees. Party members within educational institutions, who often have a leading management role, are responsible for steering their schools in the direction mandated by party policy.

Education in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter with each of the countries of the United Kingdom having separate systems under separate governments. The UK Government is responsible for Education in England with the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills leading, though the day to day administration and funding of state schools is the responsibility of Local Education Authorities. The Scottish Government is responsible for Education in Scotland with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning leading. The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for Education in Wales and the Northern Ireland Executive responsible for education in Northern Ireland with the Minister for Education, currently Caitríona Ruane (Sinn Féin), leading though responsibility at a local level is administered by five Education and Library Boards.

In each country, education, though not school attendance is mandatory and attendance at primary and secondary is nearly universal. Though most pupils are educated in state schools, there is also an important private sector. Similarly, most universities in the United Kingdom are state funded, though there is one private university in England - the University of Buckingham - where students are required to pay all the costs without state support.

There are a lot of differences between the education systems, which caused by a lot of reasons, such as culture differences, economic reasons, and concepts, etc.

Chapter One


China has a long history in education. Education system has been evolved from generation to generation. But the most accomplished period is the one since 1960s, that is to say, after People's Republic of China establishing, especially for adapting to the economic modernization. The post-Mao Zedong Chinese Communist Party leadership viewed education as the foundation of the Four Modernizations.

1.1 Chinese Education System

Deng Xiaoping's far-ranging educational reform policy, which involved all levels of the education system, aimed to narrow the gap between China and other developing countries. Modernizing education was critical to modernizing China. Devolution of educational management from the central to the local level was the means chosen to improve the education system. Centralized authority was not abandoned, however, as evidenced by the creation of the State Education Commission. Academically, the goals of reform were to enhance and universalize elementary and junior middle school education; to increase the number of schools and qualified teachers; and to develop vocational and technical education.

A uniform standard for curricula, textbooks, examinations, and teacher qualifications was established, and considerable autonomy and variations in and among the autonomous regions, provinces, and special municipalities were allowed. Further, the system of enrollment and job assignment in higher education was changed, and excessive government control over colleges and universities was reduced.

Nowadays the quality education has already arrested people's attentions for its unique importance. The aim of quality education should be the dedication to improving three special qualities among the students, that is, quality of the laborer, of the country, and of the nation. Quality Education has four aspects ---Moral, Intellectual, Physical and Labor.

Moreover, it is necessary to realize three great changes in the long process, that is, to change from merely cultivating the minority students of topnotch to improving the quality of the collectivity, to change from merely emphasizing the intellectual education to the all-around one expanded to morality, phsique, aesthetics and labor, and to change from

education of examination to that for the socialist modernization. All this embodies the urgent adaptation to the challenging competitions in the current society. So Quality Education can be seen as “the biggest leap” in the reform of education system.

In China, education is always an important part of people’s life. The education is divided into three categories: basic education, higher education, and adult education. The Compulsory Education Law of stipulates that each child has nine years of formal education. Students enter a primary school, secondary school, college and university and then get degrees. Although, China has a great civilization from old to now, its education system is not as perfect as we expect .Students study English, Chinese, math as their major courses, and then study biology, geography, history, politic, physical, chemistry and PE. Pupil’s curriculum is not as interesting as the UK’s and the USA’s, because during school, they are taught music, art and so on .As Chinese students, they have too much stress. They must study hard; otherwise there is no ways to a splendid future.

The most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. It is obvious that children in our country learn more in the childhood. But the western students learn slowly.

Many schools manage the whole students strictly. Moreover, a large number of teachers are serious and responsible. Students are concentrated in the class and own strong knowledge, which has a close relationship with the success in Olympiad competition.

The defects are more in Chinese education system. Firstly, it lacks of cultivating students’sense of innovation. The reason is that China is adopting the form of the exam-oriented education. Creative thinking, such as feeler guess, adventurous hypothesis and ways of thinking like intuition and inspiration, is the significant term to breakthrough common thinking. The rapid development of technology requires encyclopedia knowledge and breaking through the routine way of thinking. So it can change knowledge to the foundation of creativity. It is important for students to have creativity in society after they graduate. It is common that teachers in schools emphasize book knowledge, promote rote, use a standard answer, do a lot of exercises and cause suppression in personality development. So many students feel tied when they are learning the knowledge, even boring. Therefore, the creativity is out of mind day by day. That is to say, it is not true that Chinese students do not be born with sense of innovation. But it is disappearing under the influence of environment impact.

Although it is better after the country adopt the Quality Education, it exists some dissatisfaction. According to survey, eighty percent of the students think Quality Education is

not effective. They still consider that the country education does not cultivate the students’ability. Students have some heavy burden as well. If there is an appropriate environment providing spaces for students to develop their thirst for knowledge, it will improve students’sense of innovation.

Another defect of Chinese education system is that it can not cultivate students’other abilities. Many students know about the knowledge, but they do not know how to practice in reality.

1.2 British Education System

In UK, the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills. They will need to become active members of society, and also socialize. In Britain, one’s courses decided his future. Where you are educated is still very important to your life. And practical decision was carried out by local Education Authorities, located at regional or city levels, which based their policies on local condition while the central government only set broad education policy guidelines and provided funds. Some children go to independent schools run by private organizations, for which their parents have to pay fees. A few go to public schools, such as Eton and Harrow. Younger children may attend a private preparatory school (or pre school) until the age of 13. Some parents may send their children to private schools, even if this is against their principles, because they think that their children will receive a better education. All children must study English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music art, PE and modern language. Now education in the UK is compulsory.

There are a lot of advantages in the system. Teachers in UK cultivate sense of innovation and make the students’ minds filled with questions instead of theorems. Students think about questions by their own, not follow the way of teachers. Teachers let students find the answers themselves. Sometimes, teachers give some appropriate advices, but not all. So if the students are at home, or somewhere, not at school, they can solve the problems independently. The system benefit students a lot, which helps students think like a scientist and achieve a thinking breakthrough. As an old saying goes, “Delegated person to fish, it is better to gr ant people to fish”. Western people use it efficiently in education.

In sum, students in UK live independently, think creatively and innovatively, and well-prepared to go into the society. (Wang Chengxu, 1982)

While the system has its own problems, Students show the lax discipline in the class,

because the schools do not have a serious attitude towards student, which leads that student is not as diligent as Chinese student. Accordingly, the rate of teenager crime is higher than that of Chinese.

Chapter Two


Higher education reflected the changes in political policies that have occurred in contemporary China. In general, when universities reopened in the early 1970s, enrollments were reduced from pre-Cultural Revolution levels, and admission was restricted to individuals who had been recommended by their work unit possessed good political credentials, and had distinguished them in manual labor. Deng Xiaoping reportedly wrote Mao Zedong in 1975 that university graduates were "not even capable of reading a book" in their own fields when they left the university. University faculty and administrators, moreover, were demoralized by what they faced.

2.1 The Higher Education in China

Efforts made in 1975 to improve educational quality were unsuccessful. By 1980 it appeared doubtful that the politically oriented admission criteria had accomplished even the purpose of increasing enrollment of worker and peasant children. Successful candidates for university entrance were usually children of cadres and officials who used personal connections that allowed them to "enter through the back door." Students from officials' families would accept the requisite minimum two year work assignment in the countryside, often in a suburban location that allowed them to remain close to their families. Village cadres, anxious to please the parent-official, gladly recommended these youths for university placement after the labor requirement had been met. The child of an official family was then on his or her way to a university without having academic ability, a record of political activism, or a distinguished work record.

The commitment to the Four Modernizations required great advances in science and technology. Under the modernization program, higher education was to be the cornerstone for training and research. Because modernization depended on a vastly increased and improved capability to train scientists and engineers for needed breakthroughs, the renewed concern for higher education and academic quality - and the central role that the sciences were expected to play in the Four Modernizations - highlighted the need for scientific research and training. This concern can be traced to the critical personnel shortages and qualitative deficiencies in the sciences resulting from the unproductive years of the Cultural Revolution, when higher

education was shut down. In response to the need for scientific training, the Sixth Plenum of the Twelfth National Party Congress Central Committee, held in September 1986, adopted a resolution on the guiding principles for building a socialist society that strongly emphasized the importance of education and science.

Reformers realized, however, that the higher education system was far from meeting modernization goals and that additional changes were needed. The Provisional Regulations Concerning the Management of Institutions of Higher Learning, promulgated by the State Council in 1986, initiated vast changes in administration and adjusted educational opportunity, direction, and content. With the increased independence accorded under the education reform, universities and colleges were able to choose their own teaching plans and curricula; to accept projects from or cooperate with other socialist establishments for scientific research and technical development in setting up "combines" involving teaching, scientific research, and production; to suggest appointments and removals of vice presidents and other staff members; to take charge of the distribution of capital construction investment and funds allocated by the state; and to be responsible for the development of international exchanges by using their own funds. (Liu Shaoxue,2007)

The changes also allowed the universities to accept financial aid from work units and decide how this money was to be used without asking for more money from departments in charge of education. Further, higher education institutions and work units could sign contracts for the training of students.

Higher education institutions also were assigned a greater role in running inter-regional and inter-departmental schools. Within their state-approved budgets, universities secured more freedom to allocate funds as they saw fit and to use income from tuition and technical and advisory services for their own development, including collective welfare and bonuses.

2.2 The Higher Education in UK

The higher education system in UK can be regarded as the kingdom of the whole world education. It is precise but flexible. So it has its own merits: ⑴ it is profession oriented. The universities realize that helping students to find jobs is one of the functions. So the couses in the college have a close relationship with the society. None of the courses is useless. The managers in the universities know that the rate of taking up an occupation influences the development and future of the universities. For instance, London University which is from an academy in such a few years is a super university because of the high rate of employment. ⑵

the universities are keeping the pace with the age. There are no fixed books for students. Instead, varieties of the books in the libraries are becoming the textbooks. All the contents which the students must learn are decided by the teachers. So the teachers will choose something novel, especially which increases the rate of employment. ⑶Great capacities. There are few examinations, but students must do lots of course works and presentations, which help them improve the abilities of expressing and creating. Sometimes, there are no standard answers for one question. Teachers encourage the students to think. That helps students master the knowledge well. ⑷The high quality of supervised systems. If the parents do not satisfy with the teachers, such as the evaluation system, or the content of the course, they can ask the schools to investigate the statement. If it is true, after five times, the teachers will lose his or her job. The teachers can not revenge the parents or the students as well. If not, they will notorious after that. No school would like to accept them. (Zhang Taijing, 1995)⑸The equality between the students and teachers. The status of teachers is not as high as Chinese teachers. Students always call the given names without the family names. What the teachers worried is students do not ask them questions. If that happens, the teachers will lose his or her job. British people think that the teacher should teach the students because students pay them. So the students need not appreciate that, for it is a kind of equivalent change. But the students can not take up the teacher’private times.⑹The courses are deeper but not spreader. They wonder that a person could do everything well. So strengthening the difficulties of the courses is the point. That will give them a good or high—paid job.

Just such education system attracts many Chinese students to go abroad to study, particularly the short period of master, and the quality can be promised.

Chapter Three


From the comparison of the two education systems in China and UK, It is obvious that there are a lot of differences in the systems because of the different cultures concepts and economic reasons. It is previous that we can use the system in UK for reference. Therefore, it could help China to improve our education system.

3.1 Improving the Conception of Education

According to the comparison of higher education management system in China and abroad, we could find that there are so many significant differences, in the distribution model of management powers. In the relationship between government and university, the university is the subject of management,otherwise, the government is it in our country; in the relationship between internal administrative power of university and academic power, the academic is the standard in western countries, and the administration is the standard in China. The reform purpose of higher education management system is: the subject of government is transformed into the subject of university and the standard of administration is shifted to the standard of academic, meanwhile, the core of transformation is the change of the idea of "management is service".

The officers should know about the purpose of education. The aim of the education is to help students adapt to the society and find a good job. The government should pay more attention on the system of auditing certificate. All kinds of certifications should connect the reality. It is not only a piece of paper, but it represents the ability. So the officers should set some policies to change the present system and give the students enough aims to study, not just for studying to study. There are other ways to improve the systems. The officers might change the management system and help the school to change the class management. The whole system should give the students more space to think, not to learn. It is the way to help students master the knowledgement. The effect will be clear.

The governor of The National Education Development says, the most important point today is to make people know the connection between the government and the universities. It is difficult to change the relationship between the two. The government should understand the relationship with the universities and learners.

It is positive that the universities change the style of management, especially the steps of management. The most significant point is to change the relationship between the students and universities, teachers and universities. The universities are the servant of the students and teachers. Offering the teachers the best facilities for researching and giving the students more chance to practice are the two important function of the universities.(professor Ding Gang, 2008)

3.2 Improving the System Structure

The main problems in development of Chinese higher education are: single academic education and appraising criterion,stiff education mode and standards products. As references of British education reform, we can strengthen our higher education development from three aspects: rich the views of higher education quality; delaminate universities and appraise universities with multi-criterion; delaminate education and cultivating object.

After the reformation of education system, the education departments are more and more complicated. The academic environment seems more important. That is to say, the scientific research of the teachers is the only criteria to weigh the ability of teachers. So if the teachers change the interest of researching to the instrument of making life. The basic aim of education is changed. It is urgent to change the system of education.

Improving the popularization of the education is another point. The teachers should not restrict the students’ sense of innovation. Teachers are ought to encourage the students to have their own ideas. We should break through the conventional way of learning. Usually, it is only one answer for the question. But it is the point we should improve, that is we should help the students to think more in the question and find more answers for the question. If any, the teacher should be with the community together to give the students more chances to study in practice. It will help them to learn more and put the theory into practice. If the condition is not allowed, it is possible connect the school and families. That is to say, the teachers tell the parents the importance to practice, and the parents help the students to do something in practice.The equality of education is the point. Teachers and students should obtain a harmonious relationship with each other. But now they are like the emperor and ministers. It is necessary to change the situation.

In sum, although Chinese education system is good enough, the system in UK is better, which gives the students enough space and allowance to learn by themselves. It is the point we should use for reference.


There are so many differences in length of schooling, method of teaching and emphasis of education between China and UK. Both of the two countries have their own advantages and disadvantages in their system of education. Therefore it is difficult to judge which one is better just by the rate of admission. Accordingly, estimate by the number of elite of a society that the system contributes to is much wiser. UK boasts the largest number of the Nobel Prize owner, and their education system was considered as one of the most important factor.

The differences which exist between the two languages are completely laid out once a Chinese student study in UK. So many Chinese students choose to study abroad in order to widen their visions.

Teachers in England are always considering Chinese students as assiduity and earnest students. If there in no language problem they will easily pass any examination. Even some students are really common in their daily study, but superiorly performances in the final exams. Chinese students have lest questions and reflections with their teacher in daily study. Whereas, they are the most curious students before the final exam.

In the eyes of the foreign students, Chinese students have an obvious difference comparing with the foreign students at the same age that Chinese students seem to be more naive and immature. In foreign students’ opinion, Chinese students are very boring and quiet and they can do nothing except studying and they are also not interested. Compared to that European students are not very diligent in studying but they spend a lot of time on sport, art, activity of a community, social practice and part time job. All these activities regarded as useless activities can train personal ability and comprehensive quality efficiently. All these differences just show the variations between exam-oriented education and ability-oriented education. Nonetheless unfortunately employers value personal ability much rather than the study results in the future job-hunting process. Through the comparison of advantages and disadvantages above, we return to the question when is the most suitable time to go abroad to study , in middle school,in high school or after the graduation in college? The writer's point of view is that if economic problems are not taken into consideration high school is the best period because high school students are becoming adults who have had the ability to study and live independently. Moreover the education system in China has laid a solid

foundation of basic knowledge, as a result of which students can accept the English education very fast especially for language acquisition. This kind of combination of oriental and occidental education is the best education mode.

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张文军. 波普尔的哲学对教育研究的启示.全球教育展望, 1996,(04).




一、中英小学教育体制比较 1.教育理念不同 中国的小学教育理念与英国相比截然不同,最大的不同是:中国重视输入式授课,当然,这也表现了我们的优点,我们的学生基础扎实;中国学生在接受新事物时总是有畏惧心理,与英国学生相比,创造能力较差,不管是课后作业答案,还是设计报告,期中、期末考试,中国教育更为重视答案的标准化,以及成绩的高低。而英国小学教育重视学生的动手能力以及实践中的创造性思维。这也是中西方教育的根本区别。 中国的小学生往往有很好的记忆能力和数学基础,这也是中国学生在应试教育的环境下磨练出来的,这使孩子们从小学起就有很多压力。但英国的小学教育更多是要求学生去参与、实践、合作,英国小学的很多课程都安排有案例学习和组合合作学习的教学活动,教师在课堂上往往同学生一起思考、动手,启发式的学习。因此,英国小学教育变被动学习为主动学习,学习情境、学习态度同中国有天壤之别。 此外,在英国小学课堂上,孩子们学习比较自由、轻松。这是由英国的历史和文化原因造成的,在这种文化的影响下,孩子们的学习具有自主性,学习是他们自己的事情,怎样学习?学习什么知识?教师与家长仅仅起引导作用,剩下的都是小学生自己的事情。因此,英国的小学教育体制更看重学生的全面发展,培养学生的合作精神,而中国学生更看重的是考试成绩和自我发展,团队意识不强。 2.办学特点不同 (1)中国小学办学特点 中国现在已经普及小学六年制义务教育,学生免费享受受教育权利,学校大都是公立学校,管理相对严格,家长在孩子小学期间就注重孩子的学习成绩,并且中国的中学差别较大,学生进入好的中学需要有好的小学成绩。因此,中国学生从小学开始就背负着学习成绩以及升学的压力。学生在学校中从小就要做一个“好学生” ,自由度不高。 (2)英国小学办学特点 ①开放性强。英国的小学分为私立、公立和教会小学三种,这三种学校在教育制度、生源等方面的差别和界限较小。以圣保罗小学为例,该小学是教会学校,但也招收无宗教背景和非基督教背景的学生,而且这些学生所占的比例在逐年增加。学校课程中的宗教内容比重也比较小,注重平等、宽容、守时、诚实等习惯和品德的培养。 英国小学的开放性还表现在对外交流上,特别是与其他学校的交流特别多,充满了多样性,他们每周都会与其他学校有交流活动,形式也多种多样,例如,相互参观校园,进行球类比赛、集体互动、野餐等。通过这种方式不仅培养了小学生的社交能力,同时也提前让学生有了接触社会的机会。另外,因为英国高等教育体制的完备,世界上每年都有很多留学生或学者到英国学习访问,他们的子女就在当地学校学习。通过这种便利条件,这些小学经常邀请留学生或者学者给孩子们进行讲座,内容包括其他国家的人文环境与地域文化等,通过这种方式,大大开阔了孩子们的视野,充实了他们的头脑,给他们营造了一个缤纷的世界,为提高学生的创造能力,打下了基础。 ②自由程度高。英国小学的自由程度很高,主要表现在两个方面:一是学校有很大的自主权,学校不受教学大纲条条框框的限制,每个学校的课程编排得都比较自由,因而不同的学校都有自己的教学特色,学校可以根据学期进展的情况、家长的建议、突发性事件等状况随时调整教学内容、教学安排和教学方法,因而具有很大的灵活性。二是学生有很大的自由度。英国小学生所得到的自由可以满足他们的好奇心,以此激发学习兴趣。学生可以带自己喜欢的玩具、宠物以及自己制作的小发明等到学校,然后和老师同学一起分享,这和中国小学不准带与学习无关的东西到学校是截然不同的。此外,英国的学生们可以随时离开学校,与父母


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 汉语语速性别对比研究 2 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中圣克莱尔一家的人物分析 3 On the Conceptual Blending of Business English Word Chunks and Their Translation 4 浅谈企业形象广告设计 5 对《宠儿》中黑奴母亲塞丝形象的探讨 6 论罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求 7 论简?奥斯丁《理智与情感》中两姐妹的成长 8 从后殖民主义看《贫民窟的百万富翁》的成功 9 中西方文化中的节日比较 10 浅析李尔王的陷落 11 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》分析当时美国黑人的命运选择 12 The Application of Task-based Approach to Improving Speaking Ability in Middle School 13 中式英语形成的原因以及在英语学习中克服中式英语的对策 14 从《喜福会》看中国女性在美国的职业倾向 15 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义 16 新闻翻译中“编译”的合理性分析 17 论海明威小说《老人与海》中对生活的反思 18 (英语系经贸英语)电子商务bc运营模式——以亚马逊为例 19 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究 20 从《河东狮吼》与《套礼服》的对比中分析中美婚礼的差异 21 《三国演义》不同译本中回目英译比较研究 22 An Analysis of Snobbery in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Mansfield Park 23 从《傲慢与偏见》两个汉译本看翻译策略的选择 24 国际贸易中的支付方式及其风险回避 25 On the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the Sea 26 林黛玉和简.爱不同命运的对比 27 杰克?伦敦《热爱生命》中天气描写的作用 28 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述 29 Mother Tongue Influence on the Learning of a Foreign Language 30 从电影名的翻译看直译与意译 31 英汉语言中颜色隐喻的认知差异研究 32 An Analysis of the Initiation Theme in The Child in Time 33 A Comparative Study of Female Consciousness between Wang Anyi’s Everlasting Regret and Virgina Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway 34 美国犹太文化与传统犹太文化的冲突——浅析《再见吧,哥伦布》 35 The Charm of Female Independence in Jane Eyre 36 浅析《喜福会》中母亲们悲惨遭遇的成因 37 在孤独中寻找自我——析《没有指针的钟》J.T.马龙的救赎 38 高中英语阅读词汇障碍突破技巧的研究 39 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in To the Lighthouse 40 浅论美国文化霸权的确立


中韩经济发展政策的对比 摘要:跨入21世纪,面临着经济知识化和经济全球化洪流的严重冲击,中国经济将进入大调整、大转折、大变化、大发展时期。世纪之交的中国经济已进入全面、快速工业化阶段;但也存在不少困难问题,集中表现为明显的、多侧面的二元现象。通过定性分析和定量计算进行超长期预测,到2050年,中国GDP总量可能达到15万亿左右,人均约为10万元,经济总规模居世界各国第二位(仅次于美国)。但是这一系列的发展与变化,我们不能固守原有的经济政策,也要学会去参考其他国家的经济发展政策,学会融合他国的国情与现实的发展。本文是以中韩两国进行对比。 进入二十一世纪以来,世界经济政治局势都发生了很大变化,中韩之间的经济关系也是如此。虽然没有形成正式的经济合作关系,但是各国民间交流却越来越多,表现在经济上,两国之间相互依赖性越来越强,关系越来越紧密。下面就两国之间的国情及政策来进一步对比中韩经济。参考韩国的政策,来发展我国的经济。 一、中韩两国的现有国情: 韩国5000万人口,半岛国家,基本无资源,农业自给率不到1/3,依靠美国保证国家安全以及国际资源供应生命线,依靠日本提供核心技术,依靠中国提供产品销售市场。 核心竞争力: 1。国民教育水平逐年提高,劳动力素质不断提高 2。产业链逐渐升级已形成一定规模 劣势: 1。国土狭小资源贫瘠 2。少子化影响逐步严重 对策: 1。继续提高教育科研水平,提升产业链高度 2。鼓励生育 中国:13.4亿人口,大陆型半沿海国家,人均资源水平不高,农业自给率95%,加入了以美国为首的WTO贸易框架,50%的石油天然气资源需要进口,依靠引进欧美日韩台的投资和技术,销售市场为欧美,但对日韩东南亚却为逆差。 核心竞争力: 1。廉价劳动力资源丰富,土地相对廉价,国内能源价格由国家控制在低水平以作出口补贴,劳动密集型产品出口能力强。 2。农业自给率高,受国际价格影响较小。 劣势: 1。国家太大被西方认定为终极竞争者,处处围堵


英美教育体系分析 英国教育体制 英国对所有五至十六岁的儿童实行强制性义务教育。就课程和学历资格而言,英国存在两种不同的体制,一种是英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰教育体制,另一种是苏格兰教育体制。 私立学校和公立学校 在私立学校体系,家长一般都要付学费;在公立学校体系,教育是免费的。公立学校通常不接收年龄十六岁以下的外国学生。 学龄前教育 私立学校和公立学校都提供学龄前教育。很多儿童在三岁或四岁时开始在幼儿园或小学的幼儿班接受教育。 预备教育 私立学校为五岁至十三岁儿童提供预备教育(或小学教育)。很多外国学生通常在七岁时以寄宿学生的形式入学。在十一岁或十三岁的时候升入私立中学学习。小学教育 这是公立教育体系的一部分,为绝大多数英国儿童提供教育。儿童五岁时上小学,一般在十一岁时升入中学或学院。 中学教育 英国所有中学为学生提供教育直至他们年满十六岁,学校帮助学生准备普通中等教育证书考试或者同等水平课程考试。相当数量的外国学生在十一岁或十三岁时来英国上中学,其中很多人上私立寄宿中学。 十六岁以后教育 中学生在十六岁完成强制性义务教育以后,就可以合法地离开学校,开始工作。不过,大多数学生会以预科学生的身份进入预科学院或者延续教育学院,在那里学习中学高级水平考试课程或者同等水平课程。外国学生一般在这个阶段来英国接受教育,如学习中学高级水平考试课程,为在英国学习延续课程或上大学做准备。 十八岁以后教育 预科生一般在十八岁时完成中学教育。然后,大部分学生继续攻读延续教育课程或攻读高等教育课程。 延续教育(FE) (包括职业课程和部分本科课程)延续教育是英国教育体系中最有特色也最精彩的部分,它是继小学(Primary)中学(Secondary)教育之后的“第三级教育”(Tertiary)。为进入高等教育或者就业打下基础。也是中国的高中学生留学英国的关键阶段。一般来说接受延续教育的学生介于16和18岁之间。它分为两种体系:学业路线和职业路线。学业路线着重于培养学术研究方面的人才,职业路线则结合社会各层面的职业需要,培养在各种行业中具有专门技能和知识的人才。这两种体系在英国受到同等的重视。 延续教育是指为年龄十六岁的中学毕业生继续提供的教育和培训。英国有六百多所公立和私立学院开设延续教育课程。这些学院开设的课程种类广泛,包括英语语言课程、某些普通中等教育证书课程、中学高级水平考试课程及其同等水平课程、职业课程、衔接课程以及部分本科生课程。 等教育(HE)

英汉委婉语对比研究 (3)

第22卷第1期 湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) N o.1V ol.22 Journal of Hubei Institute for Nationalities (2004年第1期) (Philosophy and Social Sciences) N o.12004 收稿日期:2003-06-23 作者简介:徐长扬(1945-),男,湖北宣恩人,教授,主要研究方向为外语教学法。 英汉委婉语对比研究 徐长扬 (湖北民族学院大外部,湖北恩施445000) 摘要:英汉两种语言均有大量的委婉语。它们既有相同之点,但更有不同之处。委婉语作为语言客观存在的一部分,折射出社会文化现象的一个侧面,反映出民族心理的历史沉淀和深层构建。研究英汉委婉语,对研究修辞学、跨文化交际和外语教学等都有启发意义。 关键词:英汉委婉语;对比;研究 中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-941(2004)01-0106-03 引言 在社会语言交际过程中,由于说话的环境不同,现实生活中的场景各异,人们在遇到难言之隐或令人难堪的场合时,往往不直截了当地道出个中真由,而用委婉、含蓄、模糊的方式把它烘托出来,以达到恰当、轻松自如、大方得体地表达感情和交流思想的目的。委婉语这一修辞手法就是在这种背景下产生、发展,并为社会语言交际服务的。英汉文化中都存在着委婉语这一语言现象,它们既有相同之处,但更有相异之特点。 英语中的委婉语(euphemism )源自希腊语,由 词头“eu ”(good )和词干“phemism ” (speech )构成,意为吉利之语(words of good omen )或优雅说法(good speech )。汉语中的委婉语解释为:语言婉转,态度诚恳,即用一种不能明说,即用使人感到愉快或含糊的说法代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方式。由于委婉语的特殊修辞风格和它作为现实生活中语言交际的组成部分,随着社会的发展与进步,也发生了重大的变化,在当今社会,人们,尤其是青年人喜欢直言不讳,他们讨厌装腔作势,特别是在口头交际过程中如此。但是,在较正式场合则尽量使用委婉语。从总体上而言,委婉语的使用越来越广泛,几乎渗透到政治、经济、军事、文学、心理学、社会 学等各个领域。本文仅从委婉语中最有代表性的政 治、人们的心理因素和生理现象三方面进行探讨。  一、政治及官方语言中的委婉语 1.汉语委婉语分讳饰和婉曲。讳饰指表达观点时,不直接说出犯忌讳的事情,而采用委婉修辞代替的方法。如在近期中央电视台播出的电视剧《云淡天高》中有这么一段夫妻谈话,一位即将退休的省人大副主任的妻子为了给刚从部队转业的女儿安置一个满意的工作,对其丈夫说:你革命一辈子,你这只蜡烛总是照别人,你这只蜡烛现在已经快耗尽了,能否让女儿也沾点光。其委婉意思是叫其丈夫凭借地位走走“后门”。婉曲指运用委婉曲折的说法表达本意的修辞方式。如:2003年6月,中国主席胡锦涛会见美国总统布什就台湾问题时指出:……中方希望美方恪守承诺,妥善处理台湾问题,不向“台独”势力发出错误信号。语言委婉曲折,令人深思。毛泽东同志是一名伟大的语言大师,他在《别了,司徒雷登》一文中写道:……总之是没有人去理他,使得他“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”,没有什么事做了,只好夹起皮包走路。此处毛泽东同志没有直说司徒雷登“处境孤立”和“灰溜溜滚回美国”,则说他“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”和“夹起皮包走路”。语言委婉,回味无穷。  6 01


成绩中韩文化比较 课程名称中韩文化比较研究 授课教师张国强 院系研究生部 年级专业 2010级亚非语言文学(韩语)姓名马嘉蔚 学号 0011014009 时间2011年10月25日

中韩文化比较 第一课韩国文化的构成及研究 一、中韩文化比较 1. 文化的定义 在欧洲和美国用culture或是kultur等来表示文化。这个单词源自自拉丁文,意为耕作,意思是以教育为目的,教育社会需要的人才。 启蒙主义时代以后,人们试图在哲学、教育学、心理学等诸多分科学问中给文化的概念定义。现在,各分科学问使用的文化定义大概有300种以上,学科领域的不同,中心论点或分析的框架也各不相同。 为了阐释文化这个用语在学科定义上引起混乱的理由,必须研究一下“文化”这一用语的历史。 德国从Herder开始将文化理解为生活或生存。Herder认为各民族适应环境形成独特的生活方式和思维方式。他将各民族的独特生活方式理解为文化,又将每个民族特有的思维方式用民族精神(Volksseele)来表示。他为了研究各个民族的文化和民族精神收集了各民族的民谣。 在英国对文化(culture)的研究,始自人类学成为一个分科学问后。(19世纪中期以后) 英国的人类学学者爱德华·伯内特·泰勒爵士(Sir Edward Burnett Tylor)为了形成人类学的一个分科学问,将文化定义为“生活的综合体系”,并分析了各民族的纪行和民族志。在其著作《原始文化Primitive Culture》(1871)的绪论中将文化规定为:“作为一个社会内共有的生活方式的总体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习惯,以及作为一个社会成员依靠人类得到的能力和习性的复合体。”这一定义在50余年里对人类学界产生了很大的影响。当时英国学者关心的对象是家庭、亲族或村落生活等社会组织。 相对于社会组织,美国的人类学学者更侧重于研究宗教生活、语言生活或物质生活等方面。 美国的人类学者克罗伯、阿尔弗雷德·路易斯(Kroeber, Alfred Louis )在他的著作《文化的性质The Nature of Culture》(1952)中以“习得行动”为基础,对“内心观念”、“逻辑结构”、“统计造成的物质”、“心理防御机制”等构成文化的164个要素下了定义。克罗伯认为如果将文化定义为行为的话,文化本身也会成为心理学的对象,所以他下结论说“文化是由具体行为来的抽象,但它本身不是行为。”


英美法系国家量刑指南制度的比较研究 日期:2006-12-18 点击:作者:杨志斌来源:《河北法学》2006年第8期 如何规范量刑,减少量刑偏差和量刑失衡问题,是一个世界性难题,世界各国都在积极探索规范量刑的新模式和新方法。英美法系国家,早在20世纪70 年代中叶就开始了量刑改革运动,在量刑理论上提倡均衡量刑论,在量刑方法上主张实施量刑统一标准,以限制法官的自由裁量权。经过近三十年的发展,英美法系国家逐渐形成了三种不同模式的量刑指南制度:美国模式、英国模式和澳大利亚模式。对这三种不同特点的量刑指南制度的比较和借鉴,无疑对中国的量刑理论和量刑实践具有较大参考和借鉴价值。 一、美国模式——数量化量刑指南 美国是最早实施量刑指南制度的国家。早在20世纪70年代中叶,为了限制法官的自由裁量权,防止量刑偏差,美国就开始了一系列量刑方法的改革运动。1977年,美国的加利福尼亚州制定了《统一确定量刑法》,明尼苏达州、华盛顿州和宾夕法尼亚州也相继制定了《量刑指南》,并建立了量刑委员会等专门机构指辗刑工作。1980年,美国律师协会制定了《量刑修正标准》。1984年,美国联邦政府制定了《犯罪控制综合法案》,在量刑改革方面主要有两点:一是设立联邦量刑委员会,统一指导量刑。二是规定了许多要求法官强制执行的量刑规则。1987年11月1日,《美国联邦量刑指南》正式生效,这是一部较具特色的量刑指南法。该《指南》将美国联邦规定的罪行分为43个等级并规定相应的刑罚,要求法官必须按照统一的标准判刑,如果法官认为某一罪行需要加重或者减轻处罚,必须有陈述其理由的书面报告,以避免各级法院对同一罪行予以不同的处罚。


中英教育差异初探 广西工学院 摘要:目前到英国留学已经成为许多中国学生的梦想之一,越来越多的学生和家长看到了英国教育的优势。为何中国人梦想去英国留学?中英教育存在哪些差异?本文将从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法、课外活动等四个方面探讨中英两国教育的差异,并总结各自的优势与劣势,为中国教育改革提供参考和帮助。 关键词:中英教育差异教育体制教学方法教育理念课外活动 中英两国教育制度都有着悠久的发展历史,形成了自己独具特色的教学体系。我国不断提倡教育改革,要达到真正的改革目的,中国教育制度必须放眼世界,参照西方教学模式,取长补短,彻底摆脱传统应试教育。中国教育与西方教育存在着很大的差异,现就英国教育与中国教育比较,主要从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法和课外活动方面来分析。 一、教育体制差异 教育体制是教育中非常关键的一部分,对整个教育系统起着非常重要的作用。中国教育体制从近现代以来,一直都分为小学、初中、高中、大学、研究生、博士几个阶段。在小学和初中实行义务教育,学习学校规定的科目,至高中才能自主选择自己以后继续学习的方向——文科或理科。学生在小学和高中阶段都是为高考做准备,承受很大的学习压力。 英国政府多年来为全国五至十六岁的学生提供强制教育。在十三岁到十六岁的时候,学生们进入独立学校(即类似于中国的初级中学),学生们在独立学校的任务基本上是准备GCSE的考试。GCSE是一个普通中学教育证书,学生们可以选择最多至十个不同的科目。拿到了GCSE的证书,也就标志着中学教育的结束。完成中学的课程并拿到GCSE后,学生就可以决定是要念高等学校还是为工作做准备。学生在这时候是不可以直接去大学的,GCSE的完成是相当于中国的高中一年级结束,而中国的高中二年级和三年级(年龄在约16至18岁)就是英国的延续教育(扩充教育)时期。延续教育是指中学教育以上,本科程度以下的教育,通常在延续教育学院而不是在大学修读。课程侧重职业训练方面,但亦照顾到不同年龄人士对一般学术课程的需求。 在高等教育概念上,中国高等教育分为专科生、本科生、硕士生和博士生四个层次,除此之外还有成人高等教育,学校类型分为大学和学院。在英国,高等教育


本科生课程论文 论文题目英汉的委婉语的对比 完成时间 课程名称 专业 年级

英汉的委婉语的对比 摘要:人们在交际和交流中希望找到一种合适的表达方式,即使双方能够顺利完成交际,又使双方感到此次交际是愉快的。完成了理想的交际任务,委婉用语就是实现这一理想交际的合适的表达方式。它是使用较含蓄的语言表达各种强烈的、难以启齿的话语。这种委婉用语是人们在一定的语境中选择语言文字的结果,以英汉两种语言均有大量的委婉语。它们既有相同之点,但更有不同之处。 关键词:委婉语;英汉;对比研究 一.引言 委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种普遍现象, 是人们谈论那些令人不快或尴尬的事情时, 所使用的较为礼貌的说法。人类使用委婉语的历史悠久, 英语的“euphemism”一词就是从古希腊语借用而来的。在古希腊语中, 词头“eu-”的意思是“well”或“sounding well”, 即“好”或“听起来好”,词语“phe- mism”的意思是“speech”, 即“说话, 言语”, 合起来意思便是“说话好听”。因而,“说话好听”就可以算是委婉语的最基本的定义。(李儒寿,1989:61) 二. 英汉委婉语的对比 2.1英语的委婉语 英语委婉语的构造方法是各式各样,丰富多彩的。一般可分为下面几种类型:构词手段、语音手段、拼写手段、词汇手段、语法手段和修辞手段等,熟悉这些手段,对于阅读理解、评析鉴赏和翻译写作都是大有裨益的。委婉语的构词大体上有两个原则:美好中听原则和若即若离原则。众所周知委婉的目的主要是向人们提及那些不愿或不宜直接提及的事物,所以言词应当尽量美好中听,这是自不待言的。所谓若即若离,是指委婉语的本义既要与婉指义有所联系,又要保持一定距离。“言”外之“意”是若隐若现,若暗若明,“即”的目的是要读者或听众能迅速明白婉指指义。(刘纯豹,2001:9-14)委婉语的产生有两个主要方面的原因: (1)由于人类潜意识的心理恐惧和社会伦理道德观念的约束,许多自然、生理现象与事物的名称成了语言忌讳(taboo) ,而由新的语言符号取而代之,如fall asleep(长眠) ,wash one’s hands (方便一下)等皆属于此类。(2) 为了


中国和韩国商务文化的比较分析及启示 1. 中国与韩国的概况对比 1.1 中国的概况 中国位于东南亚,面积960万平方公里,人口约13亿。为多民族国家,共有56个民族,国旗为红旗。通用普通话,货币为人民币。中国是个多宗教的国家。中国宗教徒信奉的主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。中国公民可以自由地选择、表达自己的信仰和表明宗教身份。中国现在是一个发展中国家,经济总量水平低。韩联社4月28日报道称,韩国银行和金融投资行业当日发布资料显示,去年韩国GDP为1.3万亿美元,为中国9.2万亿美元GDP的14.2%,即中国GDP规模约为韩国的7倍。而2003年,中国GDP规模是韩国的2.4倍。随着中国经济快速增长,中韩GDP差距进一步拉大。 中国人喜欢红色,红色代表喜庆,吉祥,成功和兴旺发达,在汉族中带有自己文化特有的意义和联想。 1.2 韩国的概况 韩国位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,面积 9.9万平方公里,人口4,000多万。全国人口均为单一朝鲜民族,通用朝鲜语。货币为韩元,100韩元折合0.7416人民币历史上受我唐代文化影响很大。国旗为太极旗,白地中央为红、蓝两色太极图案,周围有四组八卦符号。白色代表土地,太极图和八卦由我国传人,象征宇宙永恒运动、均衡和协调,反映我国“易经”代表的东方哲理。受我国佛学、儒学影响很深,居民多信奉佛教、基督教和儒教,首都汉城文庙每年春秋两季都要举行祭孔大典。韩国的经济增长速度居世界前列,经济发展水平居亚洲前列,外向型经济较发达。 韩国人喜欢白色,自誉为白衣民族,认为白色纯洁高尚,这种白色崇拜来自于北方阿尔泰民族对天神的崇拜。新娘在婚礼上往往身着白色礼服,现代房屋装修也多用白色。 1.3 启示 如果在韩国开展国际商务活动,要尊重当地的礼仪,饮食以及习俗。例如,可以身着白色衣服,这是韩国人比较喜欢的颜色。遇到长辈的话就用双手握手,公共场合让男士先行,因为在韩国的传统就是大男子主义,女人一般不与人握手。


#国际与比较高等教育# 英美高等教育分类政策比较 )))以英国高等教育/双重制0和美国加州/高等教育总体规划0为例 陈 厚 丰 (湖南大学教育科学研究院,长沙410082) 摘 要:英国高等教育/双重制0和美国加州/高等教育总体规划0都是在20世纪60年代 出现的政府干预高校分类的典型案例,但二者实施的结果、成效和最终命运却截然不同。以这两个政策作为典型案例进行比较研究,对世界高等教育特别是中国制定高等教育分类发展政策具有重要的启迪意义。 关键词:高等教育;分类政策;英国高等教育/双重制0;美国加州/高等教育总体规划0 中图分类号:G649.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100024203(2009)1220088206 Comparison of Anglo 2American classification of higher education policy )))To take Br itish binary higher education system and the master plan for higher education in California for an example CH EN H ou 2feng (I nstitution of E duca tion science ,H unan Univer sity ,Changsha 410082,China) Abstract:British binar y higher education system and the California H igher Education Master Plan are the typical cases of higher education classification with gover nment interven 2tion appeared in the 1960s,but both the results of the implementation,effectiveness and ul 2timate fate are very different.These two policies as typical cases for a comparative study of higher education,has an impor tant inspiration for the world higher education,especially for China developing the policy of higher education classification. Key words:higher education;classification policy;British binary higher education sys 2tem;the Califor nia H igher Education Master Plan 1966-1991年英国实施的高等教育/双重制0政策,是英国政府通过行政手段直接干预高校分层的典型案例;同一时期,美国加利福尼亚州实施了5高等教育总体规划(1960-1975)6,这是加州政府 通过法令形式、运用司法及行政力量对公立高校进行分层的经典案例。这两个政策开始实施的时间都是20世纪60年代,当时英美两国的高等教育都处于大发展、大转变时代;实施的途径和方式都是政府 # 88#2009年12月第30卷 第12期 高等教育研究Jour nal of H igher Education Dec.,2009 Vol.30 No.12 *收稿日期:2009210220 基金项目:全国教育科学/十一五0规划重点课题(DFA090214) 作者简介:陈厚丰(1963-),男,湖南攸县人,湖南大学党委宣传部部长,研究员,教育学博士,从事高等教育分类与评价研究。


中德小学教育比教 德国是世界上七大工业国之一,也是欧洲经济实力最强、人口仅次于俄罗斯的国家,在世界经济、政治舞台上扮演着举足轻重的作用。德国一贯重视教育事业,在社会、政治、经济、文化、教育、科技领域中造就出众多的杰出人物,其卓越贡献,令世界瞩目。德国的教育体制、教育状况和学校的教育教学管理等方面有其独有的特点 。下面我将对德国基础教育中的小学教育阶段与中国小学教育进行一些比较,希望有所启示。 1、 小学学制安排及教学特点 德国基础教育层级的学校为小学,凡是在当年6月30日前满七岁的儿童皆须进入小学就读,此为义务性教育不可拒绝。经过改革,合并后的德国形成了各州基本相同的学制。在大部份的邦里,小学为四年制,只有柏林与勃兰登堡为六年。在这个阶段的最大特色即是不给于孩子功利的分数成就导向,因此在小学的一、二年级并没有各科成绩单,而是以老师评论来作为学习成果的考量。所以对于需要学习能力或学习成效较差的学生则是采取加强措施而不是留级制度。 在基础教育阶段,一、二年级为第一教育单元,三、四年级为第二教育单元。两个单元的教育目的是使儿童获得感性知识和初步了解事物的能力,逐步学会读写算等最基本的知识,养成能够坐下来读书的习惯,初步培养独立思考和分析创造的能力。逐步把孩子们引向自然科学和社会科学知识的海洋。由于从幼儿园到基础学校,教育环境和教育内容发生很大的变化,如何使儿童适应这个变化,从游戏的方式过渡到学习的方式,就是基础学校所要完成的任务。德国小学教育充分考虑到了小学生接受转变的实际状况,给予了每个儿童缓冲适应的过程,根据儿童个人不同的条件和能力,向其传授基本知识和技能,帮助儿童逐步适应学校规章制度的要求,为其继续学习打好基础,并始终保持和促进学生的学习兴趣。 对于中国小学教育阶段在全国各地区实行六年一贯制的学制设置,儿童从幼儿园升入小学后立即接受相比幼儿教育系统性较强、较枯燥的知识。这对于儿童的求知欲和兴趣都有一定的挫伤,不利于儿童的身心全面发展。在这一点上,我国的小学教育必须在这一方面有所清醒认识,并在今后的教育发展中有所改进。 二、课程设置 正式列入德国基础学校的课程有:德语和常识、数学、宗教、自然常识、音乐、体育、艺术和劳作等。在1~2年级,一些学科进行合科教


中韩教育体制大对比 很多学生去了韩国留学之后,就会发现韩国的教育和中国教育有很大的不同。有的人喜欢韩国的教育环境,有的人则不然,那么每个国家的教育有其局限性,值得注意的是,很多国家的教育的优点都有参考价值。那么中国教育和韩国教育的差异有哪些呢?跟着小编来看看吧。 课外学习对比 令韩国留学生惊异的是,中国的大学在节假日里好多图书馆会关门。几位在学校读书的韩国留学生说,春节那几天,他们在学校甚至找不到学习的地方。在韩国,学校图书馆是通宵开放的,学生的学习时间很自由。在中国,大家都习惯四年完成大学学业,然后再找工作,考研,或是出国,进一步锻炼自己,完善自己。 而在韩国,大学生五、六年,甚至八、九年完成学业都很正常。除了正常的必须去服兵役的两年半之外,他们还经常休学、停学1--2个学期,在这段时间里,他们可以找工作、旅行、出国学语言。这一切使他们在大学里就接触了社会,具备了充足的实践技能。他们利用大学里的宝贵资源和这段黄金时间学习各方面知识技能,对自我进行了更深层次的完善,进一步增强了自身竞争力。 娱乐对比 韩国大学内部有很多的俱乐部,大一点的大学有近百来个,学生可以自由选择。这些俱乐部涉及到学习、体育、娱乐、还有社会服务等方面的。在这些俱乐部中,韩国学生可以得到很大的发挥。韩国学生还特喜欢狂欢,只要没事,就喜欢去酒吧喝酒或是卡拉OK厅K歌。因而学校的周围常被一些酒吧等包围,就如中国的大学被网吧所包围一样。 最值得注意的是:韩国的校园里很少看到情侣亲昵的身影。他们认为当街拥抱,或在校园里亲密是很不文明的行为,一般都选择去咖啡馆或酒吧之类的场所。近十年来,在韩国经济迅速发展的同时,也受到了西方文化的影响。然而,作为一个有着悠久历史和深厚文化底蕴的东方国家,它并不像很多人想象中的那么开放。甚至,在很多方面,韩国比中国更传统。课堂对比 “在中国学习,只是老师在上面讲,学生在下面记笔记,这样很容易睡觉。这只是韩国高中的授课方式。”韩国留学生金某这样说。在韩国的课堂上,老师比较重视和学生的互动,提倡学生的自主参与。”从韩国归来的一位留学生这样说道。她提到在韩国上的一门“国际交流技巧”课,班上是二十多个来自世界各地的留学生。


中西方政治制度的比较 中西方政治制度的不同在于三点。政党制度不同,政体制度不同以及选举制不同。而中西方经济最大的相同点在于都同为间接民主,西方的代议制与中方的代表制从本质上看都大同小异。 首先政党制度的不同导致政治制度的不同。在西方资本主义的政党制度大体可分为两种,一种为以英美为代表的两党制,另一种为以法德为代表的多党制。而中方的社会主义政党制度则为一党专政,即为一党制。政党制度的不同又可以分为经济基础不同、代表利益不同和原则不同。政党制度作为上层建筑的一部分,是建立在一定的经济基础之上的。西方资本主义国家的经济基础是私有制,社会生产资料主要掌握在资产阶级手中,资本主义国家的多党制和两党制是适应这种私有制而产生的。我国经济基础是公有制,生产资料为全民或集体所有,尽管目前非公有制经济有了较大发展,并成为社会主义市场经济重要组成部分。由于经济基础不同从而导致了代表利益的不同。资本主义国家政权的阶级实质是资产阶级对无产阶级和广大劳动人民的专政,而多党制、两党制则是为巩固资产阶级的。因此,西方政党制度所代表的是资产阶级的利益。中国是工人阶级领导的工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的国家,中国的政党体制则是从根本上有利于巩固人民民主专政。因此,我国政党制度所代表的是广大劳动人民的利益。西方是以主权在民为基本原则,而我国则是以人民当家作主为本质原则。 其次政体制度不同导致政治制度的不同。政体是一个国家的根本政治制度。中国是人民代表大会制,西方国家多为共和制。中国政体的运作方式、组织活动原则是民主集中制,西方有三权分立制、君主立宪制民主共和制等。人民代表大会制度对应的人民民主专政的社会主义国家,西方是资产阶级专政的资本主义国家。因为经济基础决定上层建筑,所以人大制与社会主义公有制的经济基础相适应西方则是建立在资本主义私有制上。 最后选举制不同导致政治制度的不同。选举制度是国家民主制度的一个重要组成部分。人民是国家的主人,国家的一切权力属于人民。在我国人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会。我国是社会主义国家,国家的一切权力属于人民,由人民选举出代表来组成代议机关和担任国家特定公职人员,代表人民行使权力。这种组织推荐候选人的作法,存在一定的有利之处,它能够集中各政党、各人民团体和广大选民的智能。但长期以来,由于我们在理论上简单地将选举权等同于投票权,将被选举权等同于当选权,使选举权和被选举权本应具备的一些基本权利形态被忽略,从而使选举活动失去其本来面目,让人感到,似乎选举本身是与选民或代表无关的事情,选民或代表除了被动地给他人投票之外,再无别的作为。西方的选举制度,从候选人的提名和酝酿、正式候选人的确定等等,有关法律都离不开了组织、管理的色彩;对选举制度的核心问题——选举权与被选举权的运作和保障,却缺乏具体的、可操作性的规定,在选举实践中,很多人甚至干脆将选举活动当成了人事安排活动。选举制度的人事制度化,也使选举往往只有举而没有选,当选者有职而无责,民主也因而失去其本来意义,并使国家面临政治民主虚化的风险。无论是资本主义社会的国家,还是社会主义制度的国家,选举在政治生活中都是举足轻重的。


浅谈中西方教育的差 异

浅谈中西方教育的差异 一、中西方教育的主要区别 中西方教育的差异.自古以来就存在。近代以来,随着“西学东渐”运动的兴起和国门被西方列强打开后.国人开始瞩目西方教育的另一种景观。中国近代著名启蒙思想家严复、学贯中西的大学者王国维等,对中西方文化、教育上的差异已有了较为深刻的认识。严复首先从宏观方面分析了两种文化体系的根本区别,指出:“尝谓中西事理,其最不同而断乎不可合者,莫大于中之人好古而忽今,西之人力今以胜古;中之人以一治一乱、一盛一衰为天行人事之自然,西之人以日进无疆。既盛不可复衰,既治不可复乱,为学术教化之极则。”其次在“为学”方面,严复也意识到,“中国夸多识.而西人尊新知。”的确,国人勤学苦读、博闻强记,可谓满腹经纶,但探索新知的勇气和精神却不足。他还进一步指出:“夫自由一言,真中国历古圣贤之所深畏,而从未尝立以为教者也。彼西人之言日:唯天生民,各具赋畀,得自由者乃为全受。故人人各得自由,国国各得自由,第务令毋相侵。”也就是说,自由的原则是西方教育中的一条重要准则,但在我国避讳很深,强调的是“顺从”。可以说,严复在中国近代教育思想发展史上的贡献.恰恰表现在他始终着眼于两种文化体系的宏观对比分

析上。清末学贯中西的大学者王国维,则站在思想的更高处。在具体分析了西方教育学的发展与西方哲学演变的关系后,得出结论道:“近世教育变迁之次第,无不本于哲学的思想之影响者。”进而提出了“夫哲学者,教育学之母也”的命题。国学大师梁漱溟也谈到东西方教育侧重点的不同,“大约可以说,中国人的教育偏重情意一边,例如“孝弟”之教;西洋人的教育偏重知的一边,例如诸自然科学之教。”将中西方教育内容方面各有倚重的情况看得非常真切。 进入改革开放的新时期后,对中西方教育差别的讨论更为深刻。著名美藉华裔科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁教授也指出,中国传统的教法是,一步步地教、一步步地学,这与中国的整个社会都强调“守规矩”有关。这种教学方法有好处也有坏处,最大的一点好处是,比较有耐心,比较了解要学好一样东西,需要努力,有个过程,不能一下子学到手。传统教育方法训练出来的小孩,可以深入地学到许多东西,这对于他进大学、考试有许多帮助。但是,对做研究工作来说则有妨碍。由于过去的学习方法是由人家指出来的路你去走,做研究所需的方法则要自己去找。这里有个习惯问题,忽然一下于要自己去找路.就有点觉得茫然。曾任中国复旦大学和英国诺丁汉大学校长的杨福家教授,也在其讲学、著作中多次提到中西方教育的种种差异。他认为,“中国传统的基础教育有几千年的历史。它有一个好处就是能比较系统地给学生以知识。遗憾的


英汉委婉语对比研究 摘要:委婉语的创造和使用是人类语言中的一种普遍现象,也是一种社会现象和文化现象,是特定社会和文化的一面镜子。英汉委婉语具有很多相似处,但由于不同的文化传统、历史背景等因素,它们之间在表现形式及文化内涵等方面有着明显的差别。本文从英汉委婉语的词源、表现手法、表现形式、表现内容及文化意义等几个方面对英汉两种委婉语进行了对比研究。 关键词:英语;汉语;委婉语;对比研究 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms Abstract: Euphemism is not only a widespread linguistic phenomenon, but also a social and cultural phenomenon. It is a mirror of a particular society. English and Chinese euphemisms have many similarities but more differences on forms and connotations because of different cultural tradition and historic background. This paper makes a comparative study of the cultural differences between English and Chinese euphemism from its origin, the way of its formation, its forms, contents and cultural significances. Key Words: English; Chinese; euphemisms; contrastive study 0. 引言 到目前为止,有关委婉语的研究已有许多,现有的研究主要是从语义学、社会语言学和语用学等角度进行的,。综观委婉语的研究历史,我们发现国内外委婉语研究者们的注意力主要集中在个别语言上,缺乏深入的多语间的对比研究。而关于英汉委婉语之间的对比研究,国内外著作较少,要揭示委婉语的普遍特征,或更好地理解某一语言委婉的特殊性,还须通过对比的方法。本文将从英汉委婉语的词源、表现手法、表现形式、表现内容及文化意义等几个方面来对比分析英、汉委婉语的异同。 1. 英汉委婉语的词源 英语中的euphemism(委婉语)一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(好)和词根pheme(说话)意为good speak(说好听的或善词令)。因此,euphemism 就是“说好听的话”或“讨人喜欢的话”。《牛津高级英汉双解词典》所给的定义是用比较模糊但更温和或比较委婉的单词或短语代替直言直语。王德春等认为,汉语辞


中德政治制度之比较 行管0902班吕静1091390224 内容摘要:中德两国关系稳定长远发展,文章对中德两国的政治制度一些方面进行分析,并具体分析两国政党制度,选举制度,行政制度,司法制度等方面对两国的政治制度进行比较并详细分析论述。 关键词:共和、民主、多党制、法治。 一、两国制度的必然性 德国政治制度的基础是于1949年5月生效的《德意志联邦共和国基本法》。《基本法》规定,德国是联邦制国家,外交、国防、货币、海关、航空、邮电属联邦管辖。国家政体为议会共和制。联邦总统为国家元首。联邦总理为政府首脑。《基本法》第20条规定了国家政治制度的五项基本原则:共和制、民主制、联邦制、法治国家和福利国家。 中国近现代政治发展的历史和实践证明:中国的民主政治建设,必须从中国的基本国情出发,盲目照搬别国政治制度和政党制度模式,是不可能成功的;实行专制独裁统治,违背历史发展规律和人民意志,也必然要归于失败。中国多党合作制度的形成和发展,是中国近现代历史发展的必然选择,是马克思列宁主义与中国实际相结合的产物,是中国共产党和各民主党派智慧的结晶,符合中国国情和中国革命、建设、改革的实际,符合社会主义民主政治的本质要求,体现了中华民族和而不同、兼容并蓄的优秀文化传统,具有鲜明的中国特色。这项制度,既合乎时代发展潮流,又体现了中国社会发展的内在要求。 二、政党制度 联邦德国政党的法律地位:《基本法》认识到,在议会民主制之中,要形成国家的政治意志,政党是国家与人民之间不可或缺的“居间者”,公开承认政党的基本功能和作用,第一次使政党宪法化、合法化。 联邦德国的主要政党:联邦议院中的政党:基督教民主联盟简称基民盟或CDU、基督教社会联盟简称基社盟或CSU、德国社会民主党简称社民党或SPD、自由民主党简称自由党或FDP、绿党-联盟90简称绿党、右翼党简称LNK。 联邦议院外的政党:德国民族民主党(NPD)、共和党(REP)、德国人民联盟(DVU)德国实行的是多党制,由获得议会多数席位的一个或多个政党单独或者联合执政,而1949年至1998年,德国历届政府均为联合政府。 中国宪法规定:中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。与这种国体相适应的政权组织形式是人民代表大会制度,与这种国体相适应的政党制度是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度。人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度以及基层群众自治制度,构成了中国政治制度的核心内容和基本框架,是社会主义民主政治的集中体现。 作为国家的一项基本政治制度,中国多党合作制度规定了中国共产党和各民主党派在国家政治生活中的地位、作用和相互关系。 中国多党合作制度创立了一种新型的政党制度形式,在世界政党制度中独具特色。中国共产党同各民主党派既亲密合作又互相监督,而不是互相反对。中国共产党依法执政,各民主党派依法参政,而不是轮流执政。这一制度与人民代表大会制度相适应,实现人民当家作主,而不是少数人的民主。 三、关于选举 德国的选举制度为三级选举制。 德国实行的三级选举制即地方选举、州议会选举和联邦议会选举。按《基本法》39条
