

中西方家庭教育差异的英语演讲 篇一:中西方家庭教育观念差异 (一)看重日常生活行为和习惯 ●西方家长:从小教起从日常教起 西方家长重视从日常行为与情感中对孩子进行“做人的教育”,注重从内心情感去尊重别人,看重的是日常生活的行为与习惯的培养。 ●中国家长:忽视了“做人的教育” 而我国家长和幼儿教师往往脱离孩子心理发展的实际,例如幼儿园时就提出爱国主义、革命英雄主义、伟大理想主义的教育,忽视基础的行为习惯、良好的人际交往等与孩子发展阶段相适应的“做人的教育”。 我们一直谈教育要循序渐进,这不仅适用于智力教育、知识教育,同样适合于做人做事的道德教育。现在我们的孩子道德观念淡漠,社会性发展差,这与家长忽视对孩子最基础的“做人教育”不无关系。 (二)让孩子学会独立 ●西方家长:让孩子自己动手学会独立 西方家长一般都相信孩子具有自我反省和教育的能力,

孩子要自己劳做,自己生活,从劳做中得到快乐,从动手中获得各种知识,学习各种技能。孩子能做到的,就让他自己做,这是对孩子的尊重。 比如在西方有很多这样的情形:父亲或母亲在前面走,刚刚学会走路的孩子跟在后面走。他们认为这对孩子独立性的培养十分重要。 ●中国家长:层层保护种种溺爱 中国的家长生怕孩子磕着碰着,往往要抱着或拉着孩子走。 (三)让孩子自然发展 ●西方家长:让孩子自由发展 西方人巴望孩子成名成家的观念相对比较淡薄,他们并不煞费苦心地设计孩子的未来,而是注重孩子的自由发展,努力把孩子培养成为能够适应各种环境,具备独立生存能力的社会人。 他们的家庭教育是以培养孩子富有开拓精神、能够成为一个自食其力的人为出发点的。 基于这种观念,西方国家的很多家庭都十分重视孩子从小的自身锻炼。他们普遍认为,孩子的成长必须靠自身的力


The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign countries.Just from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional research.The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher.In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to do.There isn't nearly as much homework for the students so they have time to spend on their hobbies and interests.


Chinese Education Versus American Education As we know, there are a great many differences between culture of the East and West. Because I can't list all of the different aspect, I will take the differences of teaching system in China and America for example. First of all, in China, in the same school, classes are divided to the key class and ordinary class. The purpose is to focus on students in key classes. The logic is that to maximize the use limited resources to improve their enrollment rate. In the United States, there is no distinction between classes. Those students who have strong ability can choose more difficult lesson; the ability inferior can choose more basic courses. The school regularly does a comprehensive summary to each student and takes remedial measures for the students who have poor performance. What's more, Chinese students always complain about their homework because too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax. They have to recite many things as to get a high mark. Homework comes the first to them. However, the study in America is more interesting. Teachers pay attention to training students' skills in thinking the realistic life rather than emphasis on the importance of memories. In addition, the rate of going to school, the tuition, and the job of graduates are quite different, too. From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that although two countries both attach great importance to education,


中西方教育差异英语 作文

精品文档 Chinese Education Versus American Education As we know, there are a great many differences between culture of the East and West. Because I can't list all of the different aspect, I will take the differences of teaching system in China and America for example. First of all, in China, in the same school, classes are divided to the key class and ordinary class. The purpose is to focus on students in key classes. The logic is that to maximize the use limited resources to improve their enrollment rate. In the United States, there is no distinction between classes. Those students who have strong ability can choose more difficult lesson; the ability inferior can choose more basic courses. The school regularly does a comprehensive summary to each student and takes remedial measures for the students who have poor performance. What's more, Chinese students always complain about their homework because too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax. They have to recite many things as to get a high mark. Homework comes the first to them. However, the study in America is more interesting. Teachers pay attention to training students' skills in thinking the realistic life rather than emphasis on the importance of memories. In addition, the rate of going to school, the tuition, and the job of graduates are quite different, too. From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that although two countries both attach great importance to education, 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

中西方节日文化差异比较 中英文版

OECD says Unemployment Will Continue to Rise OECD:工业化国家失业率持续攀升 Despite reports that many industrialized economies are beginning to emerge from their worst economic crisis in decades, unemployment is rising and will likely reach a historic peak of nearly 10 percent next year. The findings come from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. 经济合作与发展组织星期三报告说,工业化国家的失业率仍在增加,而且有可能在明年达到近10%的历史最高水平,尽管不断有报道说,很多工业化国家正在走出几十年来最严重的经济危机。 Indications that unemployment continues to rise is grim news for leaders heading to the G-20 summit in the United States next week. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in July. 对于下个星期到美国出席20国集团峰会的各国领导人来说,失业率继续上升真是个坏消息。总部设在巴黎的经合组织说,工业化国家的失业率已经在今年7月份达到8.5%的最高水平。 OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD's 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent. That translates into 57 million people out of work. 经合组织就业分析和政策部主任斯蒂芬.斯卡皮塔(Stephan Scarpetta)指出,经合组织30个成员国中的失业人数预计在明年将进一步攀升,达到接近10%的水平。也就是说,工业化国家总共会有5千7百万人失去工作。 "Unfortunately, despite the most recent indicators that suggest the [economic] recovery may be in sight somewhat earlier than we were expecting only a few months ago, it will take far [longer] for the recovery to materialize in terms of significant improvement in the labor market," he said. “不幸的是,尽管最近绝大多数指标都显示,经济复苏可能已经出现,比我们几个月前的预期有所提前,但是这次复苏可能需要更长的时间才能转化成劳工市场的显著改善。” The United States, Spain and Ireland are among those countries with the fastest rising unemployment. All three were affected by the collapse of high housing prices. The damage spread to other sectors of the economy. 美国、西班牙和爱尔兰是OECD成员中失业率上升最快的国家。这三个国家都受到高昂的房地产价格暴跌的影响。而且房地产市场崩溃所造成的破坏扩散到了经济的其他领域。 Scarpetta says young people are among the hardest hit. In Spain, for example, more than one in three young workers are unemployed. 斯卡皮塔指出,年轻人受到的冲击最大。比如在西班牙,三分之一以上的年轻人找不到工作。 So as world leaders discuss the financial and economic crisis during their meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scarpetta says it is important they also address the social dimensions of the crisis - like unemployment. 他说,当世界领袖们在宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡开会讨论金融和经济危机的时候,至关重要的是,他们需要关注这次危机对社会的影响,尤其是失业问题。 "The good news is that countries have already acted quite quickly and decisively, I would say," he said. "Part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies." “好消息是:各国已经迅速和果断地采取了行动。他们经济刺激计划的一部分就是在劳工市场和社会政策方面提供更多的资源。” But efforts by governments to extend and prolong unemployment benefits, and to offer more job counseling and training have not kept up with the rising numbers of jobless. Scarpetta says that means countries will need to target their resources more selectively and to ensure that the most vulnerable members of the labor force benefit. 可问题是,各国政府虽然扩大和延长了失业补贴的发放,并且提供了更多的就业咨询和


一Introduction The important position of family education 1. Family education is an important part of whole educational cause. 2. The family education, the school education and the social education are the three big props of education. They are indispensable. 3. Increasing attention has been paid to family education by the modern society, and it gets a hot spot of society, which is closely related to tens of thousands of families’ vital benefits and urgent need. Nowadays the develop situation of family education in China 1. Throughout the ages, many men of insight work delight in the field of home education, and accumulate quite substantial achievements. 2. In general, family education maintains a good momentum of growth; it has been brought into the focus of people. 3. Family education is still a weak link. 4. Nowadays, there are still a lot of problems emerging out in that family education is understood incorrectly. 二Transition Section With the development of educational cause, Western educational thoughts penetrate slowly through the East. When facing the traditional and modern thoughts, Chinese parents are at a loss as to what to choose. Therefore, directing at some bad phenomena, we regard it as necessary to make a comparison between Chinese family education and western family education. 三China and Western Countries’ social background Regime---socialist system (China) capitalist system (Western Countries) Historic Culture ---China traditional culture (Confucianism) Western traditional culture (Revival of Literature and Art, Advanced ideas) Family institution's position---in china's traditional family, parents' authoritative consciousness plays a leading role Western civilization mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy and human rights. 四family education commons between china and western countries emphasis is laid on family education family education should be started since childhood, perform the duty promptly parents’ unsuitable role division in education brings about some bad results pay attention to the training of the children’s longing for knowledge, value reading attach importance to teaching by personal example as well as verbal instruction 五the difference between China and Western Countries 1. the tendency of education is different 1 / 2


谈小学英语教学中西方文化差异 在实践中教师可以采取以下方式来营造英语氛围:在课堂上,教师教学用语尽可能说英语,模拟仿真英语环境;创造模拟英语情景的练习活动,给学生提供交际训练的机会;善用现代音像手段和网络资源,给学生呈现一个多姿多彩的英语世界;在墙上张贴一些配以中英文介绍的著名世界风光图,适时介绍给学生,或是贴上生活中常用的英语问候语,提醒学生注意使用;利用校园广播指导学生进行英语晨读有了这些浓厚的英语环境,学生一走进校园就能感受英语的无处不在,学生在这种英语环境中听英语、说英语、看英语或亲身体验英语,直接、自然地学习英语,有利于培养一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,使他们逐步获得用英语进行思维和日常交流的能力。 一、加强文化教学 教师在英语教学中要比较中西文化差异,这样不仅有利于学生增强对交际文化的敏感性,而且对更好地了解中华民族文化是有裨益的。因此,在教学中,可以采取比较的方法,把教材涉及的内容分为两类:一是衣、食、住、行方面的,包括购物、食品、交通、学校、家庭等;二是日常交际方面的,包括问候、称呼、道别、致谢、建议等。通过文化背景介绍,学生在头脑中形成一种潜在的反应能力,这种能力就是通过语言这一载体进而对语言所反映的文化内容的综合理解能力,也就是我们所说的“文

化悟力”。这就好像我们一见到或听到“black tea”,头脑中反映的不是“黑茶”,而是中国人常喝的“红茶”。这种能力的培养和提高,需要教师在教学过程中不断地采用中外文化比较的方法,让学生有意识地排除本族语及本族文化的干扰。 二、注重介绍英语词汇的文化意义 在小学英语教学过程中,不可避免地遇到一些具有文化背景意义的词汇,教师应随时给予简单介绍,使学生真正达到掌握英语的目的。又如:breakfast的词义是“早餐”,但不同文化背景的人对它会有不同的理解和产生不同的联想,对西方人来说,其内涵是牛奶、咖啡、面包;而对许多中国人来说,意味着稀饭、馒头、油条之类。此外,breakfast 本身是由“break”和“fast”构成的。“break”在英语中是“打破”的意思;“fast”是“禁食”的意思。所以西方人把“打破禁食”的第一餐,称之为“早餐”是有其文化背景的。 三、以课外活动作为文化教学的重要途径 课外是一个广阔而多彩的天地,它比课内更富有吸引力。课外氛围若是充满了英语气息,就能潜移默化地感染学生、熏陶学生。我们可以充分利用课外时空,创设有利于学生英语学习和文化感知的良好学习环境,使学生自由地学习英语国家的文化。 (一)通过学习园地渗透“文化意识”教学。 小学生对图文并茂的英文内容总是兴趣盎然,教师可根据学生的这一特点,在教室内设置“英语学习园地”,进行英语文化


跨文化商务沟通课程论文 The differences between Chinese and Western education system 论中西方教育体系的差异 姓名: 学号: 学院: 2014年5月

The differences between Chinese and Western education system Abstract As is known to all,the way of thinking and cultural differences between east and west caused the two different education system, extremely bright contrast reflects in two different cultural background of the different characteristics of the children. Say western education first, from the system to the policy implementation is almost complete, the main body of education is to cultivate children's ability and quality, from the time they are small children began to exercise their ability to live independently, in the international summer camp we can clearly to find their children are stronger than our children . The quality of Chinese education too much emphasis on the cultivation of the exam-oriented education, compared with western often ignore the cultivation of ability and the ability of self improvement. In this paper, first of all make the enlightenment education as an example to confirm this topic, and then analyze the distinction of Chinese and western education mode,At last issued the calling and the sigh of "China’s education system needs reform" . Key Woeds Education , Chinese and western , difference , Conservative , Innovation 1.Derivation of the topic There is such a news in America: A kid came home the first day from kindergarten, his mother asked him the circle pattern on cookie box what it is, The boy said it was 'o'. He looked at her confidently because he just learned 26 letters in kindergarten. You guess what? The mother put the kindergarten to court. The reason is that the kindergarten killed the imagination of the boy. Before the boy went to


The differences between Chinese and western learning Education is very significant for a country. It can not only help the children grow healthy, but also influent the country’s future. So lets make a comparison between Chinese and western learning ways. First, Chinese education is a examination-oriented education system., while western education pays more attention in practical, such as analyzing and innovating. In China, teachers will tell students some important rules directly, and then spend most of the time to teach and ask them work out problems. In this way, students can get good grades in exam, but they don’t really understand the principle. In western education, students may not do lots of practices, but their focus is on the derivation of the formula. In this way, they may not get very high grades, but their ability in analyzing and innovating will improve a lot. Second, Chinese education is so strict to students that make them hating study. Or we can say Chinese education is forcing students to learn. In western education, they will lead students to find the fun in learning. So Chinese students always learn in unwillingly. And western students are interested in their study. Third, Chinese education likes pay attention in the exam, while western education likes to evaluate a student in different ways. For example, in their evaluation system, class discipline and attendance rate accounted for 15%, after school work grade accounted for 15%, group interaction discussion accounted for 20%, thesis writing and reply accounted for 50%. So I think the evaluation system is better than just paying attention in exam. Chinese education has its advantages and disadvantages. In one hand, we need to develop our goodness, in other hand, we’d better learn the advantages in western education.


Course paper of Chongqing University A Comparative Study on Family Education Between China and America School of Foreign Languages and Cultures June. 2014

ABSTRACT In a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. Children are the hopes of a nation, and family education is the elementary ed ucation for children. In a sense, talent competition is the competition of the ability of family education. So family education is very important. In view of this, America gives more attention to family education. Along with the accelerating process of the development, the disadvantage of the Chinese tradition family education gradually reveals. So family education reform is urgently needed. There are great differences in the concepts of education, aim of education, methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education. This thesis will complete the comparative study from the importance, the definition, the differences and the reasons of family education between America and China. At the same time, the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly. Key : family education, definition, difference, cause
