仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语阶段检测一(期末)考试试卷(II )卷

仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语阶段检测一(期末)考试试卷(II )卷
仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语阶段检测一(期末)考试试卷(II )卷

仁爱版2020届九年级上学期英语阶段检测一(期末)考试试卷(II )卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单选题 (共10题;共20分)

1. (2分)_______girl riding a bike is ________university student.

A . A, an

B . The, an

C . A, the

D . The, a

2. (2分)You'd better not your neighbors. You should be friendly to them.

A . get into a fight with

B . get along well with

C . come up with

D . catch up with

3. (2分)—Did you go to Amy's party last night?

—No,I .

A . wasn't inviting

B . wasn't invited

C . am not inviting

D . am not invited

4. (2分)— Do you think I should wear an orange shirt today?

— Yes. orange can bring you good luck, it is good for your interview.

A . Though

B . As

C . But

D . While

5. (2分)It is hard to imagine a student _______doesn't know how to skate in Harbin.

A . whom

B . which

C . what

D . who

6. (2分)—Excuse . Is this notebook?

—Yes, thanks.

A . me, your

B . me, my

C . I you

7. (2分)I often spend thirty minutes English words every night.

A . read

B . rending

C . to rend

8. (2分)Do the Smiths live next door to you?

No, but they _________.

A . used to

B . used to do

C . are used to

D . used to be

9. (2分)—What's this ____ English?

—It's____ apple.

A . with, an

B . in, an

C . in, a

10. (2分)—Thank you for the beautiful flowers.

— I thought they might cheer you up.

A . That's right.

B . All right.

C . I'm all right.

D . That's all right.

二、完形填空 (共2题;共25分)

11. (15分)通过下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给出的四个选项中选择最佳的一项,并将答


Is your schoolbag too heavy? The e-schoolbag will help you. It is said1 e-schoolbags are going to be brought into 2 in Chinese middle schools soon.

Heavy schoolbags have been a serious 3for a long time. But the e-schoolbag will4. 5 e-schoolbag is 6 lighter than a usual schoolbag. Perhaps, the e-schoolbag should be7an e-textbook. It is a small computer for students. It is as8 as a usual book, 9 it can still have all the things for study,10textbooks, exercise books and so on which can be made 11 chips(芯片) like stamps. The students can read the text page by page on the screen, 12 notes, or even send e-mails to their teachers. They only need to 13 the right chip into the e-schoolbag. Then they can use it.

Some people say 14 e-textbooks can be15broken, while others say it is not good for eyes. But only time will tell.


A . what

B . that

C . which

D . whose


A . use

B . useful

C . used

D . to use


A . idea

B . problem

C . question

D . thought


A . work it out

B . work out it

C . work out

D . work them out


A . An

B . The

C . /

D . A


A . very

B . much

C . too

D . so


A . call

B . calls

C . called

D . calling (8)

A . small

B . smaller

C . smallest

D . most small (9)

A . and

B . as

C . or

D . but


A . example

B . such as

C . such like

D . for example


A . into

B . from

C . up

D . of


A . take

B . make

C . to take

D . to make


A . bring

B . get

C . take

D . put


A . if

B . what

C . that

D . which


A . easy

B . easily

C . most easily

D . easier

12. (10分)完形填空

When you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国),the words of the invitation mean “come and eat rice”. In fact, nearly all Thai dish es are 1 with rice, which grows there very easily 2 the climate

is warm and there is much rain.

The food served is 3 cut into pieces, so there is no need to use knives and forks, but, instead, special spoons and forks are used. The Thais 4to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat this way. There is a special 5 of doing it. First they wash their 6 hands in a bowl of water—they only eat with their right hands. They are careful not to let the food 7the palms(手掌心)of their hands. After the meal, the 8are again carefully washed.

The meal usually has several different dishes. They are all hot. They are served in bowls, which everyone shares, 9each person has their own bowl of 10. As Thailand has a long coastline(海岸线), it is not surprising that fish and shellfish(贝类动物) play an important part in Thai cooking.


A . eaten

B . used

C . smelled

D . tasted


A . when

B . if

C . because

D . so


A . never

B . perhaps

C . hardly

D . always


A . went

B . had

C . wanted

D . used


A . reason

B . way

C . idea

D . result


A . dirty

B . right

C . left

D . big


A . touch

B . catch

C . feel

D . drop


A . forks

B . spoons

C . hands

D . bowls


A . because

B . though

C . since

D . until


A . fish

B . rice

C . water

D . shellfish

三、阅读理解 (共5题;共41分)

13. (6分)阅读理解

Playing with apps on smart phones is very common among young people. Let's try some special apps and enjoy them.

Butter Camera

In this app, there are many filters(滤镜) that can make your photos more beautiful.

But the coolest thing is that it can help you add pretty and artistic characters.

The characters can be anything you like. They can be your own words, famous sayings

or even a poem. You can make a photo diary that shows your feelings.

Once in a while, you may feel tired after a busy school day. Why not try this app?

This is a music app. But the sounds in it all come from nature. There are over

100 sounds of nature, such as birdcalls, wind and rain. You can hear all these

sounds. The best thing is that you can create your own music by recording other

sounds you like, for example, the sound of your own laughter.

TaoMix 2(自然之声)


Is chemistry your favorite subject? With this app, your smart phone turns into

a beaker. You "pour" chemical materials by touching the upper right-hand corner

of your smart phone. You "light" a match by swiping(刷) the screen quickly. You

can shake the "beaker" to make chemical reactions(反应) go faster. There are 300

chemical reactions in all.

(1)Jim is a photo-taking fan. He might be interested in _______.

B . TaoMix 2

C . Beaker

D . WeChat

(2)According to the passage, we can _______.

A . add sounds of nature to the Butter Camera.

B . record the voice of our friends into TaoMix2.

C . "pour" chemical materials by swiping the screen.

D . "light" a match to make chemical reactions faster.

(3)The passage is most probably taken from a _______.

A . novel

B . poem

C . story book

D . science magazine

14. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

Traveling to every part of the world gets easier, but how well do we know and understand each other. Here's a simple test. Imagine you are planning to hold a meeting at four o'clock. What time should you expect your foreign business friends to arrive? If they are Germans, they'll arrive on time. If they are Americans, they'll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are Englishmen, they'll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

The British seemed to think since the English language was widely used in the world, people would always understand what they do. However, they found they were completely wrong. For example, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters and have a drink during the meal. The Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know each other and they don't drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk business before dinner. The French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.

(1)What do the Germans prefer when they go to a meeting?

A . They prefer to be on time.

B . They prefer to arrive very early.

C . They prefer to arrive very late.

(2)According to the text, if a group of Englishmen, Americans and Italians hold a meeting, who will be the last to arrive?

A . The Englishmen.

C . The Italians.

(3)What do the Japanese like to do at lunchtime?

A . To drink.

B . To get to know each other.

C . To talk business.

(4)According to the writer, the British like to________.

A . arrive on time and talk business during the meal

B . arrive 15 minutes late and talk business after the meal

C . arrive a few minutes late and discuss business during the meal

(5)By giving us the two examples, the writer means to show us that_______.

A . different countries have different cultures in different parts of the world

B . the Germans are more serious and have good living habits

C . the Italians are careless people and they are never on time for everything

15. (10分)阅读理解

"Joe, you are a very old dog," said policeman Fred. "Today is your birthday again. I remember you were 14 years old last year. But you are still the best police dog in the world!"

"ARF! ARF!" barked Joe.

"You are welcome," said Fred." Now let's get your birthday dinner. Show me where you want to eat.

Joe led Fred down the street. Good smells came from all the eating places. But Joe wandered on 闲逛. At last he stopped at a small place. He smelled around the door. Then he pushed the door open.

"Is this where you want to eat?" asked Fred. But Joe did not bark an answer. He put his nose to the floor and ran across the room. Then he jumped on a man at a table!

"Good boy, Joe!" said Fred. Joe and Fred have looked for the robber for ten years. "And now you have found him!"

Joe and Fred took the robber to the police station. Then Fred said, "All right, Joe, you have done your work. Well done! Congratulations. Now do you want that birthday dinner?" "ARF!" barked Joe, "ARF! ARF!" "Let's go," said Fred. "I'm hungry, too."

(1)How old is Joe?

A . Fifteen.

B . Five.

C . Thirteen.

D . Fourteen.

(2)How many years have the police and Joe looked for the robber?

A . 13.

B . 10.

C . 6.

D . 7.

(3)In the story, Joe says "ARF! ARF!" twice. The first time he means "____".

A . Hello! How are you?

B . Thank you.

C . Oh. No. I'm not a good dog.

D . I'm sorry to hear that.

(4)Fred wants to give Joe a dinner because ____.

A . it's Joe's birthday

B . today is Fred's birthday

C . Fred found an eating place

D . Joe caught the robber

(5)Joe is great, isn't he?

A . Yes, he is.

B . No, he isn't.

C . Yes, he isn't.

D . No, he is.

16. (10分) When you are about to do something brave, a cheerful wish of "Good luck!" from

a friend can be helpful. But if you think you need lots of luck, what else might you do?

In the UK and US there are some strange traditions for bringing yourself a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much newer.

Have you heard the saying “when you wish upon a star”? If you a re looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesn't happen very often. The saying goes that if you see one you have been very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it will come true.

Maybe you have heard of the lucky rabbit's foot. Some people believe that rabbits are lucky animals,

so they carry a part of the rabbit, its foot, for good luck. There are all kinds of strange, unclear rules about which of the rabbit's feet is the luckiest. It is said that this good luck tradition is the oldest one of all. However, as the funny saying goes, "Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit!"

People in Britain love trees. If it is autumn and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall because they think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky month in the following year ,theywill need to catch 12 falling leaves to have a whole year of good luck!

(1)_______is mentioned in the oldest good luck tradition.

A . A rabbit's foot

B . A falling leaf

C . A cheerful wish from friends

D . A shooting star

(2)From Paragraph3, we know that _______ .

A . shooting stars can often be seen

B . people can see a shooting star on a rainy night

C . your wish may come true if you see a shooting star

D . people believe that it's unlucky to see a shooting star

(3)British people try to catch 12 falling leaves because .

A . the leaves fall in autumn

B . there are so many leaves to catch

C . the leaves can bring them a lucky month

D . they want to have a whole year of good luck

(4)In paragraph5, the underlined word "they" refers to"(指)

A . trees

B . people

C . leaves

D . years

(5)The passage is mainly about .

A . how to wish upon a star

B . things that bring good luck

C . British people love leaves

D . which of the rabbit's feet is the luckiest

17. (5分)请从右栏中为左栏的图片选择相应的文字描述


Picture Description(描述)

________A. Aren't they lovely? They walk on the ice and snow. They can also swim. Do you want to know more about them?

________B. Do you often watch him play basketball? If you do so, what do you think of him? Good or awesome(令人敬畏的)?

________C. — I can't find my keys.— Let me help you.

________D. — Where's your pen friend from?— Sydney. Oh, it's in Australia.

________E. Do you enjoy playing soccer? Look! They often play after school. How excited they are!

四、根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共5题;共9分)

18. (1分)China________ (许诺) to stick to Paris Agreement on climate change.

19. (1分)There are twenty-six ________(字母) in English.

20. (1分)—What's your f________ name?


21. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

(1)When I am on a trip. I'd like to live in a ________ (旅馆).

(2)Who ________ (开车送) you to the hotel just now(刚才)?

(3)Liu Huan is a ________ (著名的) singer.

(4)I often go to the ________ (剧院) with my cousin.

(5)The air is much ________ (新鲜) after the government has taken action.

22. (1分)He was s________ with his students, because they all did a good job in the exam.

五、短文填空 (共1题;共5分)

23. (5分)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空

(2)What would you like________for dinner?

(3)Mother has a lot of________ to do every day.

(4)I am going to ________ a movie this evening.

(5)Nobody________ in the classroom now.

六、口语运用 (共1题;共5分)

24. (5分)补全对话阅读对话,从每题ABCD四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。

A: Hello.________

B: This is Mike speaking.

A: Hi, Mike. This is Jack. Are you going to the school party tomorrow?

B: Yes, I am. ________

A: Me, too. And I will bring my cousin Dave with me. He arrived yesterday.

B: ________

A: What will happen if I do?

B: If you bring Dave, the teacher will ask him to leave ________

A: What a pity!

B: By the way, ________ If you don't have your ID card, you can't go to the party.

A: Thank you for reminding me. See you tomorrow.

B: See you.

A.May I speak to Mike? B.How are you?

C.What's your name? D.I want to talk to you.

A.What do you do? B.What about you?

C.Are you OK? D.How are you?

A.He is my best friend. B.What's your idea?

C.Maybe you can't do that. D.Can you come?

A.because he is friendly.

B.because you are welcomed.

C.because he is not a student.

D.because he isn't studying in our school.

A.Don't leave anything. B.Don't forget to take your ID card.

C.Remember to bring your cousin. D.Please wear your jeans.

七、短文改错 (共1题;共10分)

25. (10分)改错题

Should teenagers be asked to move out when they start working?

In many western countries, teenagers are allowed moving (________)out at eighteen.

Their parents believe that teenagers should be educate (________)to take care of them (________)from a young age. This way, when they start working they could (________)manage their own lives. However, in most Asian societies, it is not common of (________)teenagers to move out. Chinese parents believe that (________)is better for children to live with their parent (________)who can take care of them. And (________)the young should then look after their parents as they get old(________). That is because (________)many Chinese adults continue to live with their parents.

八、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

26. (5分)李明是一个善良的男孩。一天早晨,在上学的路上发生了一件事。请根据下面的图示写一篇作文。

提示词:fall跌倒 careless粗心的 pity遗憾


2).词数在 80-100词之间



一、单选题 (共10题;共20分)











二、完形填空 (共2题;共25分)



三、阅读理解 (共5题;共41分)





四、根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。 (共5题;共9分) 18-1、









五、短文填空 (共1题;共5分)






六、口语运用 (共1题;共5分)


七、短文改错 (共1题;共10分)


八、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



大一英语期末考试试题精选 又到一个学期的期末了,大家复习好大学英语了吗?为大家精心挑选了一份大学英语第一学期期末试卷,供大家复习使用,希望能够帮助到大家! 大学一年级英语试卷 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, w ho review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.”


《英语语音》考试试卷(A卷、闭卷) I. , (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B. C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . (15%) ()1. A. B. C. D. ()2. A. B. C. D. ()3. A. B. C. D. ()4. A. B. C. D. ()5. A. B. C. D. ()6. A. B. C. D. ()7. A. B. C. D. ()8. A. B. C. D. ()9. A. B.

C. D. ()10. A. B. C. D. . . (15%) ( ) 1. A . ( ) 2. . ( ) 3. / i: / / ? /. ( ) 4. / k / / g / . ( ) 5. , . ( ) 6. . ( ) 7. a . ( ) 8. , . ( ) 9. A a a a . A . ( )10. . . . ( 1 , 20%) 1. () , , , , . , , ; , , . 2. A . 3. : , . 4. , a a , .

5. , : 1) ; 2) . V. . (20%). 1. “” . A. B. C. 2. . , . A. B. C. a 3. . A. B. C. 4. “”, “”, “”“”, “c”“k” . A. B. C. 5. “ .” . A. ’s . B. ’s . C. . 6. I’ . A. B. a C. 7. a ? A. B. C. 8. ? A. B. C. 9. a . A. B. C. ? 10. :


2010级大学英语第一学期期末考试(A卷) Jan., 2011 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, who review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.” In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星) from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time. After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. Some concluded that the “evidence of life”was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock. Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted? No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings


试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期 酒店管理专业酒店英语期末考试试题 班级:学号:姓名: 2016年6月 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage.

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。



C) He will go when he feels better. D) He won’t go as he hasn’t finished his work. 4. A) Check the timetable.B) Go to the railway station earlier. C) Travel on a later train.D) Cancel the trip earlier. 5. A) In New York.B) In Boston. C) In Newport.D) In Washington. 6. A) A clerk at the airport information desk. B) A clerk at the railway station information desk. C) A policeman. D) A taxi-driver. 7. A) A guest and a receptionist. B) A passenger and an air hostess. C) A customer and a shop assistant. D) A guest and a waitress. 8. A) He’s better.B) He’s feeling worse. C) He’s sick in bed.D) He has recovered. 9. A) The man didn’t want the woman to have her hair cut. B) The woman followed the man’s advice. C) The woman is wearing long hair now. D) The man didn’t care if the woman had her hair cut or not.


大学英语预备阶段练习(一) (Unit 1~4) ⅠWord Building Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. 1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value) 2.His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development) 3.After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve) 4.Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining) 5.I don’t think it ____ to finish all the work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity) 6.It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly) 7.The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene) 8.Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience) 9.____, I don’t think it possible to finish the task in two days. (person) 10.The government must make sure that the economy is developed in the right ____.(direct) ⅡVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence. 11.The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies 12.The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad ____ on young players. A. meaning B. pain C. loss D. influence 13.The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others. A. real B. ready C. practical D. polite 14.The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so? A. therefore B. since C. rather D. otherwise 15.She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea. A. 3-story B. 3-stories C. 3-classed D. 3-classes 16.There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out. A. means B. mean C. meanings D. meaning 17.They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished. A. straightly B. specially C. completely D. fairly 18.The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers. A. required B. reviewed C. repeated D. replaced 19.Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading. A. worthy B. firm C. further D. worth 20.She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer. A. prepare B. produce C. protect D. provide 21.We all like her very much for her pleasant ____: kind, gentle and warm-hearted. A. character B. chance C. chairman D. skills 22.All the students enjoyed the wonderful ____ by the professor that afternoon. A. discussion B. lecture C. advice D. solution 23.If you have confidence in yourself first, you will not be _______ by others easily. A.won B. doubled C. defeated. D. delayed 24.The little girl developed a strong _______ on her new friends.


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A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.


01 Passage 1 Hypnotism (催眠术) is very old. Thousands of years ago people started to use it in Egypt. The use of hypnotism has grown very much since that time. Today, doctors and scientists are in almost every country hypnotize people to help them with their problems. What is hypnotism, and how does it work? Many people think that a hypnotist puts people to sleep. Then he makes the hypnotized people do strange things. This is not what a hypnotist does. Hypnotism is really just a way to relax the mind and body. What are some of the uses of hypnotism? We go to a hypnotist because w e have a problem. The problem makes us unhappy. The hypnotist asks us to think hard about something and relax. When we are relaxed, t he hypnotist gives us some ideas to help us with our problems. Hypnotism can help people to remember things. The police sometimes ask hypnotists to help them. For example, a man sees an accident. He forgets the license number of the car he sees. If he is hypnotized he may remember it. The police can then find the car and catch the driver. People who are hypnotized can also make mistakes or say something that isn't true. People remember what they think they saw. That may not be what really happened. The police don't hypnotize people who do something wrong. Why not? People who are hypnotized may say something that isn't true. A person who has done something bad has a good reason to say something that isn't true. 1. Hypnotist helps people by ____. [A] putting them to sleep [B] helping them to get relaxed [C] offering his ideas about their problems [D] making them forget their problems 2. When hypnotized, some people may say something that is not true, because ____. [A] they do not remember what has happened [B] they remember what they think has happened [C] they do not know what has happened [D] they are not interested in what has happened 3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?____ [A] Hypnotism is very different form what it used to be. [B] When a person is hypnotized, his body gets relaxed, while his mind works hard. [C] Hypnotism is much more widely used today than it was thousands of years ago. [D] When hypnotized, a person will do something strange. 4. The passage mainly talks about ____. [A] how hypnotism works [B] the development of hypnotism [C] the use of hypnotism [D] the wonder of hypnotism
