美国 国家概况

美国 国家概况
美国 国家概况


















































Part One: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and People Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC~AD1066) Chapter 3 The Shape of the Nation (1066~1381) Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age (1455~1688) Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1688~1990) Chapter 6 The Economy Chapter 7 Government and Administration Chapter 8 Justice the Law Chapter 9 Social Affairs Chapter 10 Cultural Affairs Chapter 1 Land, People and Language ?1 Different Names for Britain and its Parts The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The geographical names are the British Isles, Great Britain and England. People just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. ?People England is the largest and most populous, almost a quarter of the people lives in England’s prosperous and fertile southeast, with over 7 million in the capital. The majority of the population are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries.These people settled in England and drove the native Celtic people to the mountainous areas of Wales and Scotland. Their language became the official language of the country. Most people in W ales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people who were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. The Irish people were also of Celtic origin. About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and a quarter of the world’s land area. ?Geographical Features There are 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with the North-W est slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; the east and south-east are mostly lowlands. There are 3 natural zones of Scotland: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.


Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The United Kingdom is located in northern Europe. F 2. The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions —England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. F 3. England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles. F 4. The British Isles are made up of three large islands and hundreds of small ones. F 5. Wales lies on the east coast of the island of Great Britain. F 6. The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that all used to be colonies of Britain. F 7. In Scotland, rugged mountains, green valleys, and deep, blue lakes provide some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe. T 8. The longest river in Britain is the Thames. F 9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in northwest England. F 10. Britain’s climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current that sweeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles. T Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts.F 2. London and England as a whole have great influence over the rest of the United Kingdom because of their large population. T 3. People of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin are the largest group of immigrants in Britain. T 4. Compared to the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of older people and a higher percentage of younger people. F 5. The Welsh language is the official language in Wales. T 6. Scottish Gaelic is the official language in Scotland. F 7. The English language is the predominant language in Northern Ireland. T 8. English people all strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people. F 9. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property. F 10. Britishness is associated with political, historical, technological, sporting, and cultural achievements in Britain. T Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The first Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar. F 2. The name “England”derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to England in the 5th and 6th centuries. T 3. The Magna Carta defined the King’s feudal rights, preventing him from arbitrarily collecting revenue. T 4. The Black Death once ravage England, carrying off three fourths of the population. F 5. During Edward III’ s reign, the war with France known as the Hundred Years’ War began. T 6. The Wars of the Roses were in the main a great contest for Crown between the rival houses of York and Lancaster. T


美国概况及风土人情 首先要想做好美国项目就要了解目的国家的历史,政治经济,文化背景,风土人情等。相对于中国具有上下5000年的古老历史文明,美国作为一个新兴的资本主义国家,拥有的历史并不算漫长。 美国历史 最早可以追溯到15世纪左右,那时的美国本土居住着大量的土著印第安人。并没有被近现代文明社会所发现,直至意大利人航海家哥伦布发现了北美洲大陆,在1492-1502,十年间,哥伦布在西班牙的资助下四次横渡大西洋,达到美洲大陆。可以说;是哥伦布把欧洲的现代文明带到了美洲大陆。自从哥伦布发现了现代文明后, 在1776年7月 4日,反对英国殖民者的军队在费城召开了第二次大陆会议,组成“大陆军”,由乔治。华盛顿任总司令,并通过了《独立宣言》,那么这一天就被成为美国历史上最著名的“独立日” 1783年9月3日,独立战争结束。美国成为美洲首个独立国家。” 1787年制定联邦宪法。 1788年乔治。华盛顿当选为第一任总统。

美国地图: 美国位于北美洲中部:东濒大西洋,西滨太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。除美国简称USA,US,是由50个州和华盛顿哥伦比亚特区组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。 面积与人口: 美国国土面积世界第四;第一俄罗斯,第二加拿大,第三中国,大约为962.9万平方公里陆地面积915万平方公里,内陆水域面积为20万平方公里,五大湖中美国主权部分约为17万平方公里。河口,港湾,内海等沿海水域面积约10万平方公里。 美国人口约3.1 亿人,数量为世界第三。第一是中国,第二是印度,以白人为主,但有大量的移民人口。 主要城市 华盛顿:纽约所担任的职能仅限于经济范围内,而美国的首都华盛顿是纯粹的政治中心。区别于中国的首都北京所具有的政治经济文化中心的职能所不同的,美国的很多城市都具有单一的职能性。举例来讲美国的首都华盛顿只是政治中心,全程华盛顿D.C。最著名的景点就是美国的国会大厦,白宫,以及白宫正对面的华盛顿纪念碑。 美国的纽约不仅具有金融中心这一特点,同时他也是灾难的中心。他的出名也许会因为股市的反弹一夜暴富,也许会因为911的撞击事件而失去生命。 纽约市The city of New York 金融,文化,艺术的中心 纽约市是美国最大及人口最多的城市,也是全世界最大的都会区之一。 纽约在商业和金融的方面发挥巨大的影响力。该市有曼哈顿区,皇后区,布鲁克林区,布朗克斯区,斯塔腾岛五个区。 纽约市是美国第一大港,同时也是世界第四大都会区,仅次于东京,首尔,墨西哥城。 历史事件:2001年9月11日,911事件,恐怖分子劫持四架飞机,两架分别撞向两座世界贸易中心,一架撞向五角大楼,造成3000人死亡。 洛杉矶City of Los Angeles 洛杉矶是美国第二大城市,仅次于纽约,拥有巨大影响力的国际化大都市。 洛杉矶人口是加州最多的,超过400万人口,仅次于纽约。 大学有;加州理工学院,加州大学洛杉矶分校,南加州大学,洛杉矶加利福尼亚州立大学 旧金山 San Francisco


英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 Chapter: 13 geography 地理位置 1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Can ada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州.阿拉斯加在加拿大的西北部,夏威夷位邻中太平洋.(本细节还有考“一句话简答”的可能) 2.The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres.It is the fourth largest co untry in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China. 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国. 3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smalles t.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country. 所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州. 4.The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is also known as the C ontinental Divide. 落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁,也被成为大陆分水岭. 5.The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains. The Appalachians run slightly from the northeast to southwest and the Rocky mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast. 阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座大山脉.(本细节有考“一句话简答题”的可能)


Unit1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 1.The flag of Britain : Union Jack (英国国旗中没有显示出Welsh旗) 2. The basic information of each country: Count ry Capital Area Memo Englan d London 最大 1.最不会把自己的 “英格兰文化区 别于其他文化” 2.一个高度城市化

3.The time joining the British parliament: However, in 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. 4.Difference between the British Isles ,UK, Great Britain , and England: British Isles: the island of Great Britain the island of Ireland

surrounding isles ●UK=Great Britain + Northern Ireland ●Great Britain =England +Scotland + Wales 5.The four major invasions in the history of Great Britain : At first, England was occupied by Celtic people. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire. Result: England and Wales became a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years. the Angle-Saxon invaded. Result: The land they lived became" Angle-land", later changed into England, the language they spoken became English. PS:One of the best-known English legends derives from this time. In 5 century AD, King Author(亚瑟王) united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur(被称为“王者之剑”的圣剑),


《英语国家概况》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编码:B170832223 课程类别:专业基础课 课程名称:英语国家概况 课程性质:必修 适用专业:翻译 开课学期:第三学期 总学分:2 总学时:32 先行课程:英语语法、英语口语、英语听力、英汉翻译 课程简介:本课程属于翻译专业教学课程体系中的专业基础课。该课程旨培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 推荐教材:王恩铭. 英语国家概况[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013 参考书目: [1] 来安方. 英美概况[M]. 河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007 [2] 余志远. 英语国家概况主编[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000 [3] 朱永涛. 英国社会与文化[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003 二、课程总目标 以《英语国家概况》(王恩铭著)为蓝本。本课程主要是为了使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他情况。本课程是一门实用性很强的文化知识课。一方面通过英语阅读主要英语国家的背景材料扩大知识面,另一方面通过学习文化知识进行语言基本功的训练,巩固和提高英语水平。 三、教学指南 课程重点:本课程教学的重点使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的 其他情况。 课程难点:在使学生了解英语国家主要的地理、历史、经济和政治等方面的概况同时,还要培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立 工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 教学方法和手段:讲授+讨论+练习


英语国家概况—美国部分测试题 姓名____________ 班级_______________ 分数______________ 1. America was named after(). A. Italian navigator Columbus B. navigator Amerigo Vespucci C. some Indian chieftain D. George Washington, founding father of the United States 2. Between 1860 and 1990, the United States witnessed()large-scale population movements. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3.At the beginning of the Berlin Blockade, President Truman turned down the option of(). A. sending supplies through the highways, protected by tanks and troops B. sending supplies through the waterways C. starting large-scale airlifting D. staring limited airlifting to test the Soviets 4.In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of(). A. coal B. electricity C. oil D. wheat 5.The Constitutional Convention in America was attended by(). A. all of the 13 states B. all of the states except Maryland C. all of the states except Rhode Island D. all of the states, but later Rhode Island withdrew from the convention 6.In the United States, Henry Ford became famous(). A. because of his wealth B. because he set up the Standard Oil Corporation C. because he was the first to invent cars D. because of his Model T automobile 7.The attitude of many Americans toward different political views after WWⅡcan be described as(). A. following the main trend of view B. intolerant C. indifferent D. tolerant 8.In the U.S., the Red Scare refers to(). A. a senseless hysteria about the danger of communism B. a fear of Soviet subversion C. a senseless hate of anything foreign D. an intolerance of any idea different from the mainstream idea 9.In the United States, the“winner-take-all”system applies to(). A. all the states B. a majority of the states C. all states except Maine D. only Maine 10.In “Old Man and Sea”, Hemingway praises the old man’s attitude towards(). A. defeat and failure B. the sea C. his work D. nature 11. Which of the following is NOT among the five biggest cities in the United States?( ) A. Chicago. B. New York. C. Miami. D. Los Angeles. 12.____, which banned slavery, was added to the American Constitution in December, 1865.( ) A. The Bill of Rights B. The Thirteenth Amendment C. The Civil Rights Act D. The Voting Rights Act 13.___ have made it possible for all sections of the American population to have higher education.


432AD St. Patrick’s arrival 700BC Celts (France, Belgium, Southern Germany) {600BC Gael 400BC Brython 150BC Belgae} 1066 10.14 Hasting Harold died 1066 William (first feudal king) Westminster Norman conquest 1086 Domesday book 1087 William died 1100 Red William died 1100-1135 Henry II’s reform 1170 Fighting with Ireland for more than 800 years 1170. Anglo-Saxon invaded Ireland 1215 the great charter (Magna Carta) 1215.6.19.John signed Windsor 1265 Simon de Montfort founder of parliament 1337-1453 hundred year’s war 1348-1349 Black Death 1381 Wat Tyler & jack straw Uprising 1420. Henry V admitted French throne 1455-1485 war of rose 1485 English renaissance north of Italy Da Vince early of 14th century 1492. Discovered America 1497. John Cabot discovered Canada


《英语国家概况》 一、课程性质、目的和要求 (一)课程性质 随着社会的进步和科技的高速发展,中外各种交流越来越密切,了解和掌握一些英语国家的文化传统也显得极为重要。英语国家概况是面向英语专业三年一期学生开设的专业必修课程。《英语国家概况》是介绍英语国家社会与文化背景的教科书,旨在帮助英语专业学生和英语自学者了解这些国家的社会与文化概貌,如地理,历史,政治,经济,社会生活和文化传统方面的基本知识。 (二)课程目的 该课程旨在提高英语水平为目的。该课程可以通过课文的学习和各种练习的实践,在教学过程中实行语言教学与文化知识课紧密相结合,以学生为中心,帮助学生能够理解课文,掌握英语,吸取知识,适当的补充对重大事件和人物的历史背景,典故,以提高学生的学习兴趣。课后可以适当布置一些思考题,指导学生进行有效的自学,拓宽他们的知识面。 (三)课程要求 该课程要求学生对英语国家的社会文化背景有一定的了解,能够对中西方社会和文化的差异有一定的理解和认识,正确看待中西方社会文化差异性与多元性。二、教学重点和难点 (一)教学重点 英国部分:英国历史、英国的经济制度和政策、英国的政治制度和政府机构、英国的福利制度。 美国部分:美国地理区域划分及人口结构、美国历史、美国经济特点、美国政治制度中的三权分立。 (二)教学难点 英国部分:英国的经济制度和政策、英国的政治制度和政府机构、英国的福利制度。 美国部分:美国地理区域划分及人口结构、美国经济特点、美国政治制度中的三权分立。

三、教学内容 第一章英国 第一课:英国的国土和人民 教学内容:英国的地理特征,四部分的山水河流,气候状况,英国的各个民族。这一部分主要从整体对大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国作一个综述。了解英国不同名称的含义,英国的地理特征、河流和湖泊、气候的特点以及影响气候的因素,了解英国的民族构成、人口结构及其特点;了解英国的语言构成及阶级状况。 第二课:英国历史 教学内容:英国的起源(1066年诺曼征服之前的历史,即英国早期遭受的三次外族入侵):诺曼王朝,金雀花王朝,兰开斯特王朝,约克王朝,都铎王朝,斯图亚特王朝,克伦威尔时期的共和国,复辟时期,光荣革命,工业革命,宪章运动,英帝国的殖民扩张,一战及二战中的英国,战后到八十年代末的英国。 第三课:英国的经济制度和政策 教学内容:了解第二次世界大战后英国经济地位衰落的原因,经济发展的三个阶段的特点以及英国工业、农业等发展的概况。二战后,英国的经济政策经历了一系列的调节。从五六十年代的稳步发展,七十年代的经济衰退,到八十年代的撒切尔夫人的经济政策,英国从战前的日不落帝国变成一个二流强国。英国的工业,农业,外贸政策也将予以详细的说明。 第四课:英国的政治制度和政府机构 教学内容:英国君主立宪政体,由上院与下院组成的英国议会,英国的政党制度,中央政府机构以及地方政府机构。英国君主立宪制的构成,运行,英国的政党制度,行政机构等将在这一章予以详细介绍。 第五课:英国的社会福利制度 教学内容:英国社会的医疗保健制度、社会保障、宗教和节假日的概况。英国是一个福利国家,这一章介绍英国国民保健制度,和各种社会保险。 第六课:英国的社会文化 教学内容:介绍英国的社会文化;了解英国的教育制度、传播媒介、体育、艺术的概况。介绍英国的宗教信仰,节日庆典,文化教育,广播媒体,体育,文艺及娱乐活动。 第二章美国


人物与历史文献 US Tea Act 茶税法 The Treaty of Paris 巴黎公约1783年美英两国于巴黎签订的条约同样成为《巴黎条约》,该条约的签订代表着英国承认美国独立,停止敌对行为,但仅承认美国占领密西西比河以东的土地。 第二次大陆会议(The Second Continental Congress) 费城(Philadelphia)召开George Washington 乔治·华盛顿: commander in Continental Army ?美利坚合众国宪法?(The Constitution of the United States),通称?美国联邦宪法?或?美国宪法?(U.S. Constitution)1787年宪法 Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊: The Declaration of Independence ?独立宣言? Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯: the Emancipation Proclamation ?解放黑人奴隶宣言? Homestead Act ?宅地法? Franklin D. Roosevelt富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福: The New Deal罗斯福新政1933年富兰克林·罗斯福就任美国总统后所实行的一系列经济政策,其核心是三个R:救济(Relief)、复兴(Recovery)和改革(Reform),因此有时也被称为三R新政。 Agricultural Adjustment Act ?农业调整法? National Industrial Recovery Act ?全国工业复兴法? ?社会保障法? 马丁.路德.金恩(Martin Luther King) Civil Rights Movement 民权运动 我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream) Harry Truman哈瑞.杜鲁门: 杜鲁门主义The Truman Doctrine 马歇尔计划(The Marshall Plan),也称为欧洲复兴计划European Recovery Program

英语国家概况精讲:第十三章 美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列

英语国家概况精讲:第十三章美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 英语国家概况精讲:第十三章美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 Chapter: 13 geography 地理位置 1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Canada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州。阿拉斯加在加拿大的西北部,夏威夷位邻中太平洋。(本细节还有考“一句话简答”的可能) 2。The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres.It is the fourth largest country in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China. 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国。 3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country. 所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州。 4。The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is


8级备考“英语国家概况”部分 地理 英国地理 国土由大不列颠Britain(其中包括南边的England, 最北的Scotland & 英格兰西侧的Wales)和西边的北爱尔兰组成。 英格兰和苏格兰之间以哈德良长城(Hadrain’s Wall)为界,当初罗马人为阻止凯尔特人南下而建。 英格兰首府是伦敦(London)。 苏格兰首府是爱丁堡(Edinburgh)。 威尔士首府是卡迪夫(Cardiff)。 北爱尔兰首府是贝尔法斯特(Belfast)。 Birmingham是英国第二大城市,仅次于伦敦,被称为“工业革命的发源地”(the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution)。 Manchester被誉为棉都(Cottonopolis),是英国的棉纺织业中心,也是英国的交通枢纽。 伦敦是英国的行政中心、金融中心、最重要的港口城市。 英国最长河流是塞文河(Severn River)。 英国的第二大河是泰晤士河(Thames River)。 英格兰人约占英国总人口的80%。 英格兰人口最为稠密,而苏格兰人口最为稀少。 不列颠群岛被天然分成两部分:高地和低地。高地地区包括北部和西部的高山和丘陵,低地地区位于南部和东部,大部分是起伏的平原。多数英国人生活在气候温和、土壤肥沃的低地地区(lowland zone)。 本宁山(The Pennine Chain)被称为“英格兰的屋脊”(the backbone of England)。 英国最高的山峰是本尼维斯山(Ben Nevis)。 美国地理 五大湖:Superior(苏必利尔湖), Huron(休伦湖), Erie(伊利湖), Ontario(安大略湖), Michigan (密歇根湖), 除Michigan外,其他四个为美加共享。 新英格兰(New England) 包括Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island。其中,马萨诸塞州是最重要,也是人口最多的州。 Pacific Coast States(太平洋沿岸诸州):Washington, Oregon, California。 首都Washington, D.C. 是为纪念华盛顿和哥伦布而命名。 New York 的别称:the Big Apple, the Capital of the World ,为美国最大城市。 Los Angeles被称为天使之城(The City of Angels),是“全球大众文化行业之都”(the capital of global popular culture industry)。 Boston是美国最古老的城市 Harvard为Massachusetts Institute of Technology所在地。 Detroit是Motor City。 Houston是美国南方第一大城,全国最大的石油中心。 最小的州是Rhode Island。 最大的州是Alaska。 落基山脉(The Rocky Mountains)被看成“北美洲的脊梁”(the backbone of the continent)。密西西比河(the Mississippi River)被称为美国的“河流之父”(the Father of Waters),是美国最长的河流。


第三大题 Chapter 8 1.How is the American population distributed? The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country、 The great plains have a comparatively small population 、the south also has a population of almost 57、5million、 the west is not densely populated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los A ngeles and san Francisco 、 it has about 20% of the nation’s population、 2.Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ? The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were wil ling to work for very low wages 、this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them 、 this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942、 Chapter 9 1.Why did American change its policy and enter world war II? Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countr ies were wining the war and it might threaten America’s security and interests 、 it began to provide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power 、 th e Japanese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the w ar、 2.What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency? a) brought the Vietnam war to a close b)reestablishing U、S、 relations with china c) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union 、 3.What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program? Reagan’s economic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in or der to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be el iminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of busine ss、 Chapter 10 1.What are the two characteristics of the U、S、 constitution? One is “checks and balances”, the other is that the power of the central government and the powers of state governments are specified、 2.What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively? A senator must be over 30 years old , a U、 S、 citizen for at least nine years, and a resident in the state which they represent 、 a repres entative should be at least 25 years old and a U、S、 citizen for no less than seven years、 3.What are the major powers of the supreme court? a)to interpret laws b) to hear appeals from any federal court cases; c)to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national laws
